Belonging Series

By Boreas

Published on Apr 24, 2023


This story is fiction. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. Feedback is welcomed and encouraged at

I can also be reached at Boreus on Recon if you prefer that.

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Thank you to everyone who has reached out. It blows my mind and I'm glad you all are enjoying Dane's story. Your emails keep me writing!

And now for our feature presentation...

Belonging - CHAPTER 5

Mike's dad pulled his spent cock from the confines of my throat and I greedily sucked in air, my face covered in a multitude of fluids from the both of us. He slumped back into his recliner and shoved my face under his balls. His musk immediately filled my senses, having built up from the extertion of his rut.

"Lick, faggot. For the next few minutes all I want to hear is the sound of your tongue lapping up my crotch stink," he snarled.

I went straight to work running my tongue over every nook and cranny. His scent was divine. Strong but clean. It was an earthier, more condensed version of his son's. As I worked, he simply flipped through television channels, never settling on anything in particular. I laved him with my tongue, using broad strokes to cover as much of him as I could. I kept my eyes on him, studying his strong features as my tongue memorized his crotch. Eventually he picked up his phone and pressed a few buttons. I was still a little out of it and was shaken from my task by his voice.

"Smile pretty for the camera, homo. I want to capture this moment for you," he sneered.

I focused on the lens and moaned, trying my best to smile with a mouth full of his nuts. The flash went off and I was temporarily blinded. He gently pulled my head from his lap, his balls leaving my mouth with a soft pop. He stood me up, gave my ass a strong slap, then reached into my jock and grabbed my leaking prick. He led me through the house using it as a rudder, his hand getting slick with my mess. We reached Mike's room and he led me inside. Mike was still moving things around and getting situated, looking up as we approached. He pointed at the bed, saying nothing. His dad pulled me over and pushed me down on my back, my feet planted on the floor. Next to me on his marron comforter were various bondage accessories. I could identify leather ankle and wrist cuffs, clamps, clothespins, a flogger, blindfold, ballgag, and the rope he had purchased earlier. There were also some other items I couldn't immediately place. His dad snapped his fingers in my vision, drawing my attention back to him.

"Eyes on the ceiling pussyboy. You will get acquainted soon enough."

He turned and began helping Mike with whatever preparations he still needed to finish. I heard some heavy thumps and jangles, followed by something being dragged across the floor towards me. His father exhaled a soft expletive at Mike, flabbergasted by whatever he was witnessing. Finally in my peripheral I saw Mike lean over me for something on the bed. He moved directly into my line of sight, smiled down, and then quickly spit before lifting my head to place the blindfold. I tried to track his movement with my ears but found myself quickly outpaced. The cuffs were attached snugly to my ankles, cool against my flushed skin, and then secured together with a carabiner.

"Stand up, slut. Feet as wide apart as you can. Hands interlocked on the back of your collar, elbows up." Mike barked.

I quickly moved to follow his command, a hand coming to rest on my stomach as I almost teetered forward in my haste. I planted my feet, making the binding as taught as I could. My fingers came to rest on my new collar, tracing its edges briefly. My elbows stuck out at 45 degrees, exposing my armpits. I felt rough hands run their way across my body before slowly coming to rest on my nipples, teasing them. I moaned softly and stuck my chest out, using my body to signal I wanted more. The treatment became rougher, causing my mewling to rise an octave.

"Hands behind your back," Mike said.

I did as he requested, giving my tormentor even better access to my nipples as my chest was pushed further forward. I heard Mike pick something up, the clinking of metal ringing out through the otherwise quiet room. I felt leather as he positioned my arms the way he needed them. Several minutes passed as he belted and laced the contraption around my arms. During the process the fingers left my nipples, only to be replaced by the clothespins I had spotted previously. I squealed as they bit into my flesh.

"Shut him up for me, would you Dad?" Mike chuckled.

His dad moved around the other side of me and I felt the ballgag meet my lips a few seconds later. He commanded me to open, and I was soon drooling onto my protruding chest as my ability to swallow was taken from me. His dad proceeded to keep the pins on my nipples moving, sending shocks of exquisite pain straight to my dick, which was soaking my jock. This kept up for a few more minutes until Mike was satisfied with the job he had done securing my arms.

"Kneel faggot," Mike said curtly.

I carefully lowered myself until my knees came into contact with his hardwood floor. He shuffled me around and then removed the blindfold. After adjusting to the new brightness, I was met with the sight of myself in the floorlength mirror attached to his closet door. My eyes were hooded with lust. Drool was running out of my mouth in a continuous stream that pooled on my thighs. My nipples were red and angry, the pain now a dull throb. He had my arms secured in an armbinder, the black leather standing out against my skin. Finally my eyes settled on the pink collar and the tag hanging from it, my new name glinting in the light. Mike stepped in front of me, blocking my vision with his crotch. I could see the outline of his cock in his athletic shorts. He pulled my head forward and buried my face there.

"That's the new you pussyboy. We are going to take you to places you never imagined. Your body will be used, your will broken. It won't be easy, but by the end of this you will get everything you ever wanted and we will have the perfect toy. Everybody wins," Mike finished.

I was moaning into his cloth covered cock, losing myself in his words. I had never been happier. His dad moved up behind me and grabbed a handful of my hair. He shoved my face even deeper into his son's body, rubbing my face back and forth. It was over just as quickly as it started, with both of them releasing me at the same time. As Mike moved to collect another piece of equipment, my reflection was looking back at me again. I heard a whooshing sound and then saw the flogger make contact with my torso. I grunted in surprise, but the pain was manageable. He continued to deliver blows, moving up and down the left side of my body at an even pace. I saw my skin begin pinking up in the mirror, my fascination overtaking the pain. The flogger exchanged hands and then his dad repeated the process on the right side.

"Forehead to the floor, faggot. Present your ass. Keep that neck straight," Mike commanded.

I moved into position, my ass now exposed to the open air in front of them. They alternated cheeks, each blow a little harder than the last. My grunts soon turned to squeals as my sensitive ass recieved its first flogging. I began to wiggle and move my ass from the line of fire out of instinct.

"Do. Not. Move. I know it hurts, but this is something you need to learn to endure, puppy," Mike said. "Five more on each cheek, boy. Count 'em."


"One!" I hissed, the ballgag muffling my words.


"Two!" My drool causing a wet squelch as I sucked in air.


"Three!" I screamed.

He was increasing his force with each blow, sending shockwaves of pain through my body. Swoosh.

"Four Daddy!" I grunted loudly, tears in the corner of my eyes.


"Five Daddy!" My voice caught in my throat, choking back sobs.

There was a brief pause as the flogger was passed, and then my right cheek was given its first taste.

"One Daddy!" I blubbered around the gag.

"Uh uh, your Daddy is over there," Mike's dad said coldly. "You call me Sir. Got it pussyboy?"

"Yes Sir!" I cried out.

He began again, increasing his force with each strike just as Mike had. I counted each one. When it was over, I was a blubbering mess. My forehead was pressed into a puddle of my drool. I felt palms softly rub each cheek, cool against my heated skin. Mike leaned down, unhooked my gag and started unlacing the armbinder. His dad rubbed my head and began cooing into my ear as he removed the pins from my nipples. I cried out as the blood flow returned, causing a surge of pain that went straight to my dick. I was hard and leaking through the whole ordeal, I realized. Once my arms were free, Mike carefully rubbed the feeling back into them and returned them to a more comfortable position. The carabiner was removed from the cuffs around my ankles, and I was gently returned to a standing position. They both led me from the room and across the hall to his dad's room. His dad climbed into bed and Mike passed me off to him, then climbed in behind us. I was sandwiched between them under the covers, my breathing still slightly labored.

"Why here? I want to keep serving, Daddy," I said weakly.

"You are puppy. You belonging to us means you do whatever we want. Right now we want you in bed with us. This will happen sometimes. Enjoy it." he said ruffling my hair.

Their hands caressed my body and I began to relax, spooned between them. The fabric of Mike's shorts felt good against my sensitive ass, causing me to grind into him ever so slightly. His dad's fingers began to gently tweak my nipples again, which caused me to grind harder. This continued for a few minutes longer, no words being exchanged between us. Their sole focus was experimenting with their new property, and I relished in it. I began to softly moan. His dad brought one hand up to my face and stuck two fingers into my mouth. Immediately I started suckling.

"He really is hot for it, huh son?" his dad asked over my shoulder, a wide grin on his face as he probed my throat.

"Yup. It's going to be hard keeping my cock away from him once he is fully broken in. Then again, he probably would prefer it if I didn't," he chuckled quietly. "Let's take a nap. We are all going to need our energy for tonight. We are going to celebrate this little faggot's birthday the right way."

With that they removed their hands from my body. Mike reached behind him and turned out the light, then pulled me close so that my back came to rest on his chest. His dad shimmied forward and entwined his legs through mine. He planted a light kiss on my mouth, his bushy moustache tickling my lips. As horny as I was, the warmth of our bodies quickly exposed the soreness in my muscles. As three of us drifted off to sleep, my thoughts were consumed by visions of what my new owners had in store for me.

Next: Chapter 6: Belonging 6

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