Belonging Series

By Boreas

Published on May 27, 2023


This story is fiction. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. Feedback is welcomed and encouraged at I want to hear from you!

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I cannot stress enough how thankful I am to all the readers who have reached out to me. It is incredibly humbling as a first time author to receive such amazing responses. Keep 'em coming. Thank you all!

And now for our feature presentation...

Belonging- CHAPTER 11

I carefully stuffed my leaking dick back into my briefs and zipped up, wincing at the pain in my knee. The knocking grew faster and louder as I made myself presentable, causing Melvin to come barreling back into the room to open the door. He looked through the peephole and then back over his shoulder to wink at me. When the door opened I immediately heard Mike's voice rise above Melvin's greeting, cutting him off.

"Where is he?!" Mike barked.

"Well aren't you just a peach," Melvin said coolly. "He's on the couch, resting his knee. Please, do come in," sweeping his arm dramatically as he pulled the door open and stepped aside.

Mike huffed and stepped inside, with Howard close on his heels. He spotted me and rushed over, taking a seat next to me and looking me up and down. His hand found my face, cupping my chin and pulling it to force me to look at him. I saw worry etched across his strong features.

"Are you okay?" he asked, swallowing.

"I'm okay. Mel took me to the doctor. I just have to stay off of it for a little bit. I'm good," I finished.

"I was worried," he said softly.

I stared back at him, unsure of what to say. Suddenly I realized nobody had said anything to Melvin, despite being in his living room.

"Oh! I'm sorry. Mel this is Mike. And that's Howard, his dad," I said as I pointed to each one in turn. "This is Melvin. He's my manager at work."

Everyone mumbled greetings, Mike never taking his eyes off of me. I sighed heavily.

"Normal people shake hands when they meet someone new," I chuckled.

Taking the hint, the three of them greeted each other properly before Mike spoke again.

"Thank you for taking him to the doctor," Mike said, taking the time to size Melvin up.

"No sweat, man. I'm just glad it wasn't more serious," Melvin said smiling.

The two of them started chatting about how they knew me which helped dissolve the tension that had built up in the room. Howard took the opportunity to come check on me, wanting to be discreet in front of my coworker.

"Hey piggy," he whispered, kneeling and examining my knee. "You had Mike fuckin' worked up with that phone call. He's gotten really protective of ya."

"Sorry," I said, lowering my head.

At that moment Mike turned back to me and said that it was time to go. He thanked Melvin for everything he had done to look after me, but that he could take it from here. Melvin, to his credit, didn't ask any questions and shook Mike's hand. He winked at me again as Mike and Howard moved to help me stand up. Melvin then left to retrieve my bag from his bedroom and handed it to Mike, who looked from the bag to him before taking it. He and Howard then began to practically carry my from the apartment, barely letting even my good leg touch the ground. I craned my neck to get one last look at Melvin over my shoulder while they maneuvered me down the stairs. He was standing in his doorway watching, waving quickly when he caught me looking. I weakly waved my left hand as best I could, after which he retreated and closed his door. Despite my predicament, the previous events with Melvin and the feeling of Mike and Howard's strong bodies pressed against me kept me leaking into briefs through it all.

The ride to Mike's house was uneventful and few words were exchanged. Howard decided to drive my car so that I wouldn't have to return for it later. When we arrived, they helped me into the house and put me in Mike's bed with my knee propped up. They left once I was situated, leaving me alone for a few minutes. I gazed over to Mike's closet and saw my cage. The events of the previous week flooded back to me, making me realize I probably wouldn't be seeing the inside of the cage for a while. Part of me was relieved, giving the situation, but the rest of me longed for the feeling of safety that came with being kept in it. I knew my place there.

Mike returned carrying a glass of water and one of my pain pills. He handed them to me and told me to take my meds so that I would be able to rest. I placed the pill on my tongue and dutifully downed the water. As I swallowed, he moved to his side of the bed and climbed in. His arm snaked across my chest and he pressed himself into me gently, breathing deeply.

"Are you okay with staying here? Didn't seem like a good idea to leave you at your place all by yourself, what with you being unable to walk and all," he chuckled.

"Of course I'm okay with that Daddy. I don't have any other clothes though," I offered.

He looked up at me with a sly smirk on his face.

"Guess you'll be staying naked then, puppy," he said, bursting in laughter.

I laughed along with him, my caged dick pulsing at the thought. Thinking briefly, I reached up and took my shirt off before laying back and getting comfortable. Following my lead, Mike brought his hands to the button of my pants and undid it. He then gently pulled them off of my body, leaving me next to him in nothing but my briefs. There was a wet spot in the front of them from the precum I had leaked previously. He brought his finger to it and rubbed small circles in it before bringing it up to my lips. I greedily sucked on his finger to clean it, reminding me of the earlier incident with Melvin. I moaned around Mike's finger, which he took as a sign to continue. Soon the fingers on his other hand found my nipples and began toying with them. The sensation caused my dick to begin leaking all over again, waves of pleasure cascading through my body. A sobering shot of pain suddenly ran through my body as I writhed and bent my knee. I cried out, causing Mike to jump up and gently move me back into position.

"Shit! I'm sorry Dane, I shouldn't have done that. You need to rest. Lay back and I'll run and get an ice pack," he said sadly.

He ran from the room and returned with an ice pack in his hand, wrapped in a towel.

"Here, this'll help until the meds kick in. Just relax. I'm not going anywhere."

Mike placed the ice pack and then wrapped it to keep it in position. When he was finished he returned to his spot next to me, kissed me on the forehead, and then turned on the television in front of us. He remained pressed up against me as he flipped channels, the meds beginning to work around the time he settled on something. With the pain in my knee gone I surrendered to the meds and drifted off, feeling the warmth of Mike next to me.

I spent the rest of the week at Mike's place. True to his promise I was kept naked. He pampered me when he was home, rebuffing every protest I made and ignoring me each time I insisted I could take care of myself. Howard was able to take off the days Mike wasn't home, allowing us to get some quality cuddle time as well. Melvin called me a couple of times to check on me, which was sweet. He told me to take as much time as I could afford, because getting back in the kitchen too early would only make it worse. Mike didn't initiate any more playtime, afraid that he was going to stunt my healing. I was slightly disappointed, and after a couple of days just being near them caused me to start leaking.

By the fifth day my knee was feeling better, allowing me some limited mobility. Mike was home and was in the kitchen making us lunch when I hobbled into the dining room. Hearing the movement, he glanced up and immediately started telling me to get off my feet.

"Sit your ass down, faggot. You are supposed to be resting god damnit," he bellowed.

"I needed to get out of bed on my Daddy, I was going crazy," I whimpered.

He sighed heavily, "I understand that but you gotta let yourself heal. Now shut up and eat your lunch, then you are getting back in bed. Understand me boy?" he said forcefully.

"Yes Daddy," I squeaked.

He walked over and placed a grilled cheese sandwich in front of me, then took a seat at the table. We ate in casual silence, me not wanting to anger him further. We finished around the same time, and he stood up to clear our dishes. Once that was done, he walked back over to me in order to help me to my feet. My face was level with his crotch, and in my advanced state of horniness I leaned forward and pressed my nose into his bulge. Since we hadn't left the house, he was just in a pair of camo boxer briefs. Immediately my senses were flooded with his exquisite smell. I quickly began huffing his stink, bring my hands around his thighs to pull him closer to me.

Mike let me root around for a while before I felt his strong hand land on the back of my head. He applied downward pressure to force my nose under his balls and into his taint. His smell was even stronger there, sending my brain into overdrive. I took lungfuls of his crotch sweat, not realizing until that moment how much I had missed his musk. I heard him chuckle above me.

"Jesus Christ faggot, you sound like you're in heat. Miss my crotch that much did ya?" he asked rhetorically. "That's it puppy, put that nose to work."

I increased my efforts, desperately trying to get my nose into every nook and cranny of him. He began to rub my head and lighten his hold, allowing me to come up for some fresh air. Without missing a beat I dove back down onto his camo covered cock, running my nose back and forth across it's length. Soon after I opened my mouth and began lightly mouthing it, tasting him for the first time in almost two weeks. I slobbered and whimpered, completely soaking the front of his underwear through. My eyes travelled up his torso until they found the blue of his and locked on. Slowly, I came off of his dick and begged him to give it to me.

"Please Daddy. I need your cock. May I have it? Please? I need to taste it, to feel it stretching my throat. Please Daddy, I need to serve you. Please feed your faggot."

I babbled on and on, trying to come up with new ways to debase myself in front of him. His face gave nothing away as he stood there and listened, his signature smirk plastered on his lips. After several minutes of my pleas, he finally spoke.

"Awww. I almost forgot how good you looked begging for my cock puppy. Those sounds you make, the look in your eyes, the desperation in your voice. Fuckin' music to my ears faggot. How can I refuse that?" he mocked.

With that his strong fingers reached for the waistband of his underwear and pulled it down below his balls, exposing himself to me. Instantly my mouth began to salivate in anticipation, as if preparing itself to become his cunt. Mike brought the head of his cock to rest on my forhead, dwarfing my face with his thick tube of flesh. My tongue shot out and laved his balls, a guttural moan escaping my throat at the contact. Our eyes were still locked on each other, his cock resting against the bridge of my nose. Finally he retreated and placed the tip at my lips, smearing them with his precum. I planted multiple kisses on it, swallowing any precum that I came into contact with. He told me to open, titled me head down, and then slid his cock home in one powerful thrust.

Mike's hand gripped my hair as he forced his way into my throat which prevented me from running from him. The suddenness of his intrusion caused me to sputter and choke around him, sending throat slime to spatter his crotch. He held me there for several seconds while he relished the way my throat spasmed around his cock. He brought his other hand to rest opposite the first on my skull, then began to methodically force my head up and down the length of him. His hips remained completely motionless as he used my face to jack himself off. There was no regard for my comfort, leaving it up to me to match his pace in order to effectively breathe. Other than an occasional moan from him at my throat spasms, he remained silent as he used me. This was decidedly different than our previous encounters where he rained down insults and profanity. While I was pondering this, his pace quickened and his breathing became shallow. Slurping sounds filled the room in time with his thrusts as he neared climax. With one final thrust he buried himself as deep in my gullet as he could manage, mashing my nose into his pubes. His cock flexed and thickened, then pumped its hefty load straight into my stomach.

Mike grunted with each shot. My breath was becoming short, but I dared not push against him while he was finally giving me what I craved. Once he was finished he told me to look up at him and clean his cock. When I brought my eyes back up to him, I paled when I saw that my phone was in his hand recording me. I whimpered around his girth, frozen on his cock.

"Get to work faggot, don't make me repeat myself. You're the one that wanted this," he said coldly.

I nodded and began cleaning, making sure to keep my eyes focused on him. When he was satisfied, he told me to stay where I was and left the room. He came back moments later accompanied by a soft jingling sound. Returning to his spot in front of me, he brought the collar in front of my face to look at. Without thinking I leaned foward and kissed the spot where the 'pussyboy' tag was connected. Mike smirked down at me and chuckled softly before bringing the collar to my neck and securing it.

"Welcome home puppy."

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