Belonging Series

By Boreas

Published on May 22, 2023


This story is fiction. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. Feedback is welcomed and encouraged at I want to hear from you!

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I cannot stress enough how thankful I am to all the readers who have reached out to me. It is incredibly humbling as a first time author to receive such amazing responses. Keep 'em coming. Thank you all!

NOTE: This is another chapter that is light on the sex, as I went places I wasn't expecting to go with Melvin. I apologize if that is disappointing. Now that all the major players are introduced, however, the following chapters will include plenty of sexy times.

And now for our feature presentation...

Belonging- CHAPTER 11

The rest of the night with Melvin progressed wihtout much incident, the two of us eventually finishing off his beer reserves. We continued to chat about various things, from his being recently single to my current predicament with Mike and Howard. I was sparse on the details, not wanting to divulge too much and change his opinion of me. The last thing I wanted was to feel uncomfortable at work. By the time we decided to call it a night, it was around four in the morning and we were both varying degrees of hammered. After multiple failed attempts to pull out the sofa bed due to lack of balance on our parts, we were overcome with giggles.

"Dude, jus' come sleep in the bed. It's a king and I don' care about the gay thing. We ain't gettin' this couch pulled out like this," he slurred.

Adrenaline spiked through my body, sobering me every so slightly as I looked up into his hooded blue eyes. This was not a good idea.

"Nah man, it's okay. I can just sleep on the couch. I don't want to put you out or make anything weird," I blurted quickly, trying to deflect.

"Dane, really. My bed is huge, it's not a big deal. Come on ya big dork," he slurred again, grabbing my shoulder and steering me out of the living room.

He leaned on me for support as he clumsily led me to his bedroom. There was a soft amber glow emanating from a standing light in one corner, painting the room in sepia tones. His room was the typical fare. Dirty clothes were strewen across the floor, with a few managing to make it into the hamper by the bathroom. Blackout curtains covered the only window, contrasted by white walls. He had a large television opposite his bed, with various personal effects strewn across the stand it was sitting on. His bed was indeed large, plenty big enough to hold both of us. It was wreathed in blue sheets, with a navy comforter sitting in a mound in the middle. His scent permeated the whole space, presumably from the clothes strewn about. It was strong, musky, and carried a hint of tobacco. I reflexively took a few deep breaths.

"Sorry 'bout the mess," he said sadly. "I gotta piss. If you need to there is a half bath in the hall," he said, stumbling over to his bathroom and turning the light on.

He left the door ajar, seemingly unfazed by my presence. I heard his zipper, quickly followed by a strong flow hitting the water. My dick strained in it's cage at the sound, my mind imagining what he must look like on the other side of the wall. My own full bladder made itself known, so I hurriedly made my way to the hall bathroom to relieve the pressure. As I relieved myself, the cage forcing me to sit, I sighed heavily and tried to control my thoughts. I didn't want to do something that would jeopardize my friendship with Melvin, so I needed to tread carefully. I was hoping he would be knocked out by the time I returned to his room. After finishing and carefully tucking my cage back into my underwear, I went to find my backpack so that I could brush my teeth before conking out.

"Daaaaaaane, where are ya? I swear if I come out there and you are on the couch I'm gonna wrestle you back in here!" Melvin yelled from his room.

"I'm brushing my teeth, Mel. Calm down," I chuckled back.

After taking care of my teeth, I gently made my way back toward his room. He was already under the covers and had the television on low, but his eyes were closed. Lifting the comforter to climb in, I was stopped dead in my tracks when I saw that he had taken off his shirt and pants. He was before me on his back in nothing but boxer briefs. His chest and stomach were covered in thick dark hair.

"Jeez buddy, want a picture? Climb in already, you're makin' me cold," Melvin said suddenly, shattering my reverie. He was gazing sideways at me, his eyelids barely open.

"S-sorry," I mumbled quietly.

Remaining clothed, I climbed into the bed, taking care to leave an adequate distance between us to prevent any contact after being discovered checking him out.

"S'okay buddy. Really. I'm flattered," he slurred, settling back as the mattress shifted.

My heart was pounding in my chest as I tried to calm myself. The soft light of the television allowed me to see his masculine features when I glanced over at him again. His breathing had become slow and even, his mouth slightly ajar. After a few minutes of staring, I decided to stop torturing myself and try to sleep. I rolled over onto my stomach and let the alcohol send me off to a fitful sleep.

A loud buzzing woke me with a start. After a few seconds of confusion, a pounding in my head caused me to scrunch my face and move to bury my head deeper in the pillow to block out the noise. When I made to shift position, I realized that I was wrapped up in someone's arms. As I shifted, they tightened around my chest to keep me still. Somehow Melvin and I had begun to spoon while we were sleeping. The buzzing had yet to cease, causing me to groan and try to shift once more. Melvin breathed in and stretched himself, rolling over to finally silence his alarm clock. Seeing an opening I tried to free myself and get out of bed, but he quickly rolled back over and pulled me back against him.

"Uhh, Mel? What are you doing?" I said carefully, not sure if he was fully awake yet.

"Mornin'," he said simply. "You were fidgeting around in your sleep. Like a lot. This was the only thing that seemed to keep you from moving," he finished.

"Oh. Sorry. But we're awake now. Wanna let me go?" I asked.

"I guess. I was just enjoying the warmth," he said.

He released me and I quickly moved to the opposite side of the mattress. He lazily rolled out of bed and made his way to the bathroom without another word. I watched him walk, his ass flexing in the red boxer briefs he was wearing. The sound of his morning piss reverberated off the walls, followed by him flushing and starting the water for a shower.

"Feel free to take a shower after I'm done, Dane," he called over the cacophony of the spray.

I sat and listened to him, my mind a jumble of pain and confusion. Deciding that I needed to be out of the room when he was done, I went to the hall bath and took care of my morning business. When I was finished, the shower in his room was silent. I made my way to the kitchen, hunted down a clean glass and got some water in the vain hope of easing the throbbing in my head. As I drank at the sink, Melvin sauntered down the hall already dressed for work.

"There's Advil in my bathroom if you need it," he said casually. "We have to be at work in an hour, so take a shower and get dressed. We don't wanna be late buddy."

"'Kay," I said simply.

I made my way back to his shower, still in a daze. I took him up on the Advil before stripping down and sliding back the textured glass door to hop in the shower. Taking my time, I relished in the warmth and washed away the previous night. The hot water soothed my muscles and beat back the hangover brewing in my head. After a few minutes there was a knock at the door.

"Hey Dane, you mind if I brush my teeth while you are in there? Promise I won't look or anything," Melvin said chuckling to himself.

"Uhh, sure," I said, not wanting to seem rude.

"Thanks buddy. I always get a morning cig in before I brush," he explained.

As he stepped in I suddenly remembered two things: the bright pink cage that was encasing my dick, and the words Howard had scrawled all over my body in peramnent marker. In a panic I quickly turned my body to hide everything from view, hoping he wouldn't find it weird that I was standing sideways under the spray. I looked down, the bright pink cage like a beacon standing out against my fair skin, and cursed myself for agreeing to come over. He said nothing as he brushed, with me trying to remain conscious of my position as I continued to wash myself. I heard him spit and rinse, then leave the bathroom. Sighing in relief, I turned around and shut off the shower in hopes of making a quick escape. In that moment he returned, entering through the door with a fluffy white towel in his hand. I scrambled to turn back around to prevent any awkward questions. In my haste, my feet tripped over each other and I fell, falling to my knees with a loud thud before bracing myself on the shower wall. An involuntary cry escaped my throat when my knees made contact with the tiled shower floor, causing Melvin to rush to the door and slide it open.

"Dane! Are you alright?" he asked, worry in his voice.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine man, just slipped. Mind closing the door? I'm kinda naked here," I said over my shoulder, hunching over in an effort to hide the evidence of my true identity.

My right knee was pusling, having taken most of the landing.

"Dude, seriously, I don't care. Are you sure you're not hurt? That sounded pretty brutal," he said, not moving from the doorway.

"I'm good, really. Can I get a towel, please? Feelin' a little exposed here," I asked, chuckling in an effort to mask the pain in my voice.

He turned and grabbed the towel, offering it to me. I grabbed it from my place on the floor, wrapping it around my waist before moving to stand. As I shifted my weight, the pain in my knee exploded, forcing me back to the floor with a bark of frustration and pain. Melvin was behind me in an instant.

"Dude, you are not fine. Let me help you," he pleaded.

"No! Really, I'm good. Please just let me do this on my own," I snapped, starting to truly panic.

He stepped back and I tried again, crashing back down to the floor the second I put pressure on my knee. Landing on my ass, he stepped into the shower again and bent down next to me.

"Stop being so stubborn you asshole. Let. Me. Help," he said forcefully.

Fear gripped me as I looked up. My torso was exposed, and I expected to see disgust and hatred on his face. Instead there was nothing but worry as he gave me a once over. Unshed tears were burning in my eyes as I slowly nodded my head. He said nothing as he bent down and slung my arm over his shoulder. He hauled me out into his room and gently placed me on the edge of his bed, then took a seat next to me. I kept my eyes on the floor, shame flooding my body. He cleared his throat twice, then turned to look at me.

"We need to get you to urgent care or something. Your knee is already swelling up Dane," he said softly. "I'm gonna call Amanda and tell her to cover my shift this afternoon. Think you can you dress yourself?" he asked warily.

I nodded silently, worried that if I tried to speak I would be unable to contain the sobs threatening to burst forth from my throat. He placed my backpack next to me, then stood up and left the room to make his call. My mind was consumed by shame and panic. Melvin had seen the words. He knew what I was. I could never look him in the eyes again. Scenarios of losing my job and friends flashed through my mind, paralyzing me at the end of his bed. After several minutes I had still made no attempt to get dressed, convinced the downward spiral of my life had begun. There was a light knock at the door.

"Dane, you dressed yet?" Melvin asked.

I couldn't answer, the words caught on the lump in my throat.

"Dane?" he asked again. "I'm coming in, okay?"

He slowly opened the door, making no move to enter the room. He stood and stared at me as I tried to keep the dam from breaking. More minutes passed, the two of us caught in a holding pattern. Finally he made his way over to me and knelt down to look me in the eyes. I lowered my head, unable to meet his gaze. He brought his hand to rest under my chin and lifted my face, forcing me to look at him.

"Dane, look at me. I was serious when I told you I don't care about the gay thing. Your business is your business. As long you're doing it willingly, I don't give a fuck what gets you off. Now, we need to get your knee checked out, so I need you to get dressed for me. Can you do that?" he asked.

I choked back a sob, "I can't."

"Okay," he said gently. "May I help you?"

I nodded quickly, taking a deep breath in another effort to prevent an outburst. He moved next to me, emptied my bag and laid out my clothes. He held up my underwear and said to stand up and lean on him. Following his directions, I kept the pressure off my right knee as he slid my underwear up my legs. My towel dropped when I took over for him, briefly exposing my cage. His face betrayed nothing as he continued to help dress me. Once I was clothed, he helped me down the stairs of his complex and into his car. We headed for an urgent care the was in the area, arriving in a few minutes. We hobbled into the lobby, checking in at the desk. One of the attendants gave me an ice pack to help control the swelling while we waited. I could feel the puffiness of my eyes from the crying, which had thankfully stopped. My name was called quickly, and Melvin helped the nurse escort me back to the room.

"Are you family, Sir?" she asked, giving Melvin a once over as she began getting my chart ready.

"No ma'am, just a friend. He was using my shower when he fell," he said.

"Well then I'm going to need you to wait in the lobby," she said bluntly.

"No! Please. Can he stay?" I interjected. "I would prefer if he stayed."

She glanced between us several times before saying okay, telling Melvin to sit in the vacant chair as she checked my vitals. Once she was done she said the doctor would be in shortly, leaving Melvin and I alone in the room to wait. I looked at the floor, unsure if it was the time to say something. He spoke up while I was contemplating how to start.

"So are you? Doing all that stuff willingly, I mean," he said, looking over at me.

"Yes," I squeaked, my voice raw.

"Okay then, that's all I needed to know. Is this with the guy you were telling me about?" he added.

I nodded silently.

"Well, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. Promise me something, though," he said. I looked up at him. "If at any point it stops being consensual, you tell me. Deal?"

"Deal," I said, smiling wryly.

He chuckled to himself quickly.

"You must be one kinky little fucker, huh?" he said, bursting into full on laughter.

His joking lightened my mood considerably, allowing me the chance to relax. The doctor came in a few mintues later. After taking several scans, he diagnosed me with a minor bone bruise. He prescribed some pain meds and a schedule for icing my knee several times a day. He wrote me a note for work for the next week, saying that I should stay off it as long as I could afford so that it could heal. By the time we left the office, it was mid afternoon. We stopped for food on the way back to his place, in much better moods now that the air had been cleared. Once he had me safely back in his apartment, he set up a footrest in front of his couch and we plopped down to eat our late lunch. While I was taking a bite of my caesar salad, he spoke up.

"So, my curiosity's getting the better of me. What's going on with your dick, buddy? Why was it hot pink this morning?" he asked, putting his empty takeout container on the table.

My cheeks immediately went flush. I wasn't expecting him to bring it up again today. Seeing my discomfort, he immediately started backpedaling.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I don't know when to shut up sometimes. We don't have to talk about it," he said, worried he had overstepped.

"No, it's okay. You already saw it, not much worse than that," I sighed. "It's a chastity cage. The guy I told you about wants me to wear it. Stops me from getting hard," I finsished bluntly.

"Oh. And that turns you on?" he asked curiously.

I finished the last few bites of my salad while I worked out how to explain it to him.

"Yea, pretty much. It's a power thing. I don't get to jack off unless he lets me. He gets to walk around knowing that he is in total control of another guy's dick. It's an exchange," I said, watching for his reaction.

"Huh, that makes sense I guess," he said, shifting. "Can I uh...can I see it?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

I stared at him for a few seconds.

"Why would you wanna see it?" I asked incredulously.

"I don't know, man. I'm curious. Never really seen anything like that in person, ya know? You can say no. I know today hasn't been great for you. Actually that makes me realize that asking you right now is probably really fucked up, with you being injured and all. I'm sorry, man. Forget I said anything," he said finally.

He got off the couch and disposed of our lunch containers, returning with an ice pack from the freezer. He wrapped it in a towel and handed it to me before turning on the television. I placed the pack on my knee, sucking in a sharp breath as it made contact with the swollen flesh. After several attempts I was able to take my hands away, resting them behind my head. Melvin had chosen some generic war movie from the previous decade in the meantime. As we watched military troops battle their way through enemy lines, I felt his leg bump against mine as he spread out in an effort to get comfortable. There was a familiar stirring in my cage at the contact, and I felt my dick pulse and release a drop of precum into my briefs. A series of explosions on the screen brought my focus back to the movie. Melvin shifted into me again, causing me to lose another drop into my briefs.

"So tell me more about this guy," Melvin said.

"Ah, fuck!" I exclaimed suddenly.

"What's wrong?" he said, concern entering his voice.

"I just realized I need to tell him what happened. We had plans. Can I have a few minutes alone so I can call him?" I asked.

"Of course buddy. I'll be in my room. Holler if you need me," he said as he ruffled my hair.

As Melvin's footsteps retreated to the back of the apartment, I shakily pulled up Mike's contact in my phone. I hit the call button and brought the receiver to my ear, my heart rate increasing with each second as I waited for him to pick up.

"Ugh, hello?" a groggy voice on the other end said.

Shit, he was on his night shift rotation. I had woken him up.

"Um, hi Daddy," I squeaked.

"That you faggot? What's wrong, you have a question about the instructions I left?" he asked grunting with the exertion of getting out of bed.

Hearing Mike's voice triggered my need for him. Last night I had been ready to give everything to him. This morning I became as useless as a horse with a broken leg, and I wasn't prepared to tell him that.

"No Daddy. Something's happened. I don't think I am going to be able to see you any time soon," I said sadly.

"What?" he raised his voice. "What happened? Where are you?"

"I'm at a friend's apartment. I stayed the night last night. We were going to drive into work together today. When I was taking a shower I fell and hurt my knee. It's just a bone bruise, but I'm supposed to stay off of it for a while, which means I can't serve you Daddy. I had made my decision last night. I want you Daddy, but now I've gone and ruined everything."

"Tell me where you are puppy. We're coming to get you," he said.

"But what about work Daddy? I don't want you to get in trouble," I replied.

"You let us worry about work, puppy. We're coming to get you. Now, tell me where you are faggot. I don't like repeating myself," he barked.

I quickly gave him Melvin's address and he hung up. I called Melvin back into the living room.

"He's coming to get me. I tried to talk him out of it, but he is really stubborn," I told him. "I'll be out of your hair in no time."

A weak chuckle escaped his lips before he sat back down next to me on the couch. His leg brushed up against mine again as he splayed out, but he didn't remove it this time. I looked over at him, and he just looked back and gave me a goofy smile. The events of the morning played over in my mind. My breakdown at being discovered. His gentle nature and offer of safety. Melvin had not only taken care of me in my time of need, he had accepted the darkest part of me in stride. All he cared about was my safety. I had the sudden urge to repay him for all he had done today, and I had an idea how.

Keeping my eyes on his, I lowered my hands to my pants and released the button. His eyes followed my hands down, watching as I unzipped and lowered them along with my briefs to expose my hot pink cage. Nothing was said or done for several minutes, as he just stared at my caged dick. My 'clitty' as Howard had labeled it. He swallowed hard, then broke the silence.

"Can I get a closer look?" he asked in a whisper.

"Yes," I said simply.

He leaned over and examined the cage. I could feel his warm breath on the plastic, making me leak a small drop of precum from my full balls. The contraction and shifting of the cage startled him, causing him to back up and marvel at the spectacle.

"Sorry. Got excited," I breathed.

"That's okay," he said softly. "Can...can I touch it Dane?"

"If you want to, Mel," I answered.

His hand trembled as he moved it forward toward me. When it was halfway he retracted it slightly, paused, and then resumed reaching for my cage. Finally he wrapped his hand around it, dwarfing the pink plastic with his warm flesh. I whimpered and pumped several drops of precum into the cage, which dribbled into Melvin's palm. He chuckled and moved his hand away, a thick strand of my drippings connecting us. He wiped it off on my pants and resumed his exploration. Next he dipped his index finger into the slit of the cage, collecting a heap of precum on his finger. He toyed with me, seeing how far he could get the strand to stretch before it broke. Our eyes stayed locked on each other, no words needing to be exchanged. My breathing had become heavy, his finger expertly manipulating the wetness that had collected inside the cage on the head of my dick. Small whimpers began streaming from my mouth at his assault, my hips beginnging to gyrate in an effort to get more of the feeling he was giving me. When he was adequately amused, he dipped his finger into my cage one last time then brought it to my face. Needing no instruction I sucked his finger into my mouth, cleaning it of my mess.

"I thought you were straight Mel," I said breathlessly, his finger leaving my mouth with a slight pop.

"Well I don't remember ever tellin' you that, Dane. I've had relationships with men and women. Whoever you got comin' over here is a lucky guy. Hope he knows that," he said. "Speaking of which you better put yourself away so you are presentable."

With that he ruffled my hair, stood up, and went back to his room. As I was processing what had just transpired, there was a desperate knock on the door. Fuck.

Next: Chapter 12: Belonging 12

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