Bellus Cinaedus

Published on Jul 20, 2022


Bellus Cinaedus Chapter 6

Please send feedback. Authors live for feedback from their readers, and I try to respond to all feedback within 24 hours.

I use an anonymous name and an alternate email because some of the themes and situations in this story could easily be misconstrued if the reader didn't understand that this is a fantasy. I welcome suggestions from readers, but I am usually a few chapters ahead of what's been published.

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What This Story Is About

This is a story about a teen living in Eburacum Britannia in the year 100 AD. His father's family died out with him, leaving Quintus Curtius Bellus without a patron other than his poor mother. To survive she married a wealthy freedman in town and the teen Bellus fell under his power.

I have kept the historical details of the story as close as possible to reality without sacrificing the narrative. There is a list of characters and a Latin glossary at the end of the story for those who want or need it.

Author's Notes

·        I've created a google email group for those who want to get information that way. No one can see the member list but me. I post the same new story announcements on that group as on the email notification list, but I also post answers to reader questions after removing identifying information.

·        This story is loosely patterned on the story of Verginia and Appius Claudius from 451 BC.

·        I am two chapters ahead of publication on each of the stories in the College Magic Cycle, so I will be posting 1 chapter per week in this cycle until I can pull 3+ chapters ahead again.

·        I will be posting some standalone stories that I've been working on as I revise them. They will appear in different subcategories, so I will try to put links in this section of all my stories until such time as NIFTY sees fit to add me to the author pages.

·        This is the last chapter of this story, at least for now. If I think of something worth writing for a second part, I will take up the story again.

·        Before anyone calls me out on including the Renaissance "J" in my carefully silver age Latin, I know it doesn't belong there, but my preferred font makes the initial capital "i" look like a lower case "L". I want people to see Jovianus (yo-vee-AH-nuss) not Iovianus, which looks like (Lo-vee-AH-nuss).

My Stories

· Small Town Slave Boys

· Jack and the Giant

· Sacred Submissives

· Bellus Cinaedus

· Guardian Angel

· Eros in Arcadia

· Nivean and the Dvergar

· Desert Heat

If you want to be put a list for notification when new stories/chapters come out, send me an email, and ask.

Bellus Cinaedus Chapter 6

The next week passed quickly. Bellus and Eburnus were back in pleasure slave training, which they enjoyed much more than the hard work of common slaves. They spent their days learning dancing and improving their flexibility. For an hour a day, they worked on suppressing their gag reflexes and learning to control the muscles in their sphincters and their rectums.

Their hair had lightened as promised. Eburnus's was now so blond that it was almost white, and Bellus's had turned a light golden brown. Secundus was happy with the result. Now they matched the requirements of Roman law that prostitutes have light hair. And that made him think about his own pale blond hair. Roman prejudice meant that he would be taken less seriously than if his hair were darker. So, he made a trip to the ornatrix himself and had her dye his hair. She had a secret blend of her own that made his hair a few shades darker than Bellus's with a reddish-brown hue.

The day before the party, Bellus returned to the ornatrix as well for another Egyptian sugar treatment, but Eburnus had so little hair on his body that his hadn't regrown yet. He was surprised when he was joined by Flosculus. Aras had saved some money, but Secundus authorized it out of the family funds so long as Flosculus could serve at the party. He had experience. Really Aras had no choice since he and Flosculus were still slaves, but he was honored to have been asked no matter how false the choice may be.

On the day of the party, Bellus and Eburnus got up early and headed down to the kitchen to get breakfast for their dominus. He allowed them to put on their short tunics, but not their subligaria so they were flashing their butts and their penises when they walked. Cook was busy beginning the preparations for the party tonight, so they had to deal with the two assistant cooks Dolius and Linus. Dolius was named after the wide-bodied earthenware cask he resembled, and Linus was named after his flaxen hair.

Neither of them had a history of being nice to the boys, so there was no chance of any special puls for them this morning. They'd be taking their porridge plain like the common slaves and drinking posca. They did take special care to make sure that Secundus was given large portions of food, including eggs and smoked fish cooked in oil, stewed apricots with cardamum, fresh cheese with herbs and onions and flat bread. He got mulsum, wine redolent with honey and herbs.

Dolinus and Linus groped them but didn't go any further than that. They seemed restrained today. The other slaves seemed to give them a wide berth as well as they made their way back to Secundus's room. The dominus was still lying on the bed naked, although it looked like he had gotten up to urinate in the chamber pot before lying back down.

The boys fed him breakfast. He burped loudly to show his appreciation, then he announced, "This morning you're going to work together to suck my cock. Then we're going to get you cleaned up and put training plugs in your pretty little butts. We want you both ready for tonight. Since this is a party, and it's the dies veneris, you will be allowed to cum as many times as you can – but no one is going to touch those little sticks you call phalloi, and that includes you."

"Thank you dominus," both boys replied earnestly.

"If you touch them, I'm going to beath them myself with a small flagellum until they are red and you are crying, and then you won't be allowed to cum for a full month," he said. "I'm not trying to scare you, just convince you of the seriousness of my commands."

Both boys looked fearful, their eyes wide and their faces pale. "Yes dominus," they replied.

Then Bellus said, "Thank you for explaining the consequences to us, dominus."

Secundus lay back down on the bed and spread his legs. "Now climb up here and suck my phallos, little cinaedi."

The boys climbed up and began kissing the mighty club their dominus had between his legs. Both kissed the shaft and worked their way up towards the head slowly. They knew that dominus would be displeased if they went too quickly. Being true cinaedi in their hearts, the boys became painfully aroused whenever they were given an opportunity to touch the phallos of a real man, whether with lips, hands of sphincter, but Secundus's phallos was their favorite. They preferred its taste to that of any other man, and both thought that it was the most beautiful. It was long, nearly twice as long as Bellus's and easily twice the length of Eburnus's. And it was nearly three inches in width. Neither boy could easily wrap one hand completely around it. It was a fat cylinder with very little taper to its length, ending in broad and powerful head that peeked out of its foreskin when it was fully hard.

When their lips met at the tip, the boys kissed and then went back to worshipping dominus's phallos. This time, Eburnus was the lucky boy who earned the first chance at the head. He skinned back the foreskin revealing that broad head in its entirety. There was a drop of white precum at the tip and he licked it off gently with his pink tongue, savoring the flavor. He thought that he could give up the expensive and delicious liquamen provided at dinner, if only he could have dominus's seed as a sauce on all his food.

Dominus never cleaned his cock. His two slave boys did that for him when they sucked it, and one or the other would suck it after he'd fucked them, whenever he went to the bath, when he got up in the morning and when he was getting ready for bed. Over the last week he had begun having them suck it clean after he pissed. Both boys had taken to carrying fennel seeds around to freshen their breath throughout the day because they didn't want their mouths to be unpleasant when their dominus kissed them. Of course, dominus didn't spill his seeds every time they sucked him. Most of the time, he just wanted to feel their mouths on him for a little bit.

Bellus had the privilege of licking his dominus's heavy balls. They were covered in salty sweat from the night's sleep, and they tasted of his masculine muskiness. Dominus had very little hair on his scrotum, and what was there was still a light blond color. He didn't dye his pubic hair like he did the hair on his head now.

Bellus loved the heavy feeling of dominus's balls. He could barely hold both in hand as once as he fondled them gently. He and Eburnus were grateful for those balls because they produced the delicious white semen that they both loved so well. He held them up out of the way and licked the sweat from beneath the sack and then down along his perineum, which was already beginning to clench from their tender ministrations. He couldn't quite reach dominus's ass, but if he could have, he would have licked it as well. There was no part of dominus that the boys didn't love.

Dominus didn't like to reach orgasm quickly. He liked his boys to anticipate his urgency and to slow down so that he didn't shoot his seed before he was ready. Since his cock was so big, the boys had to switch off from time to time so that neither of them choked or gagged too much to continue.

It was Eburnus who was lucky enough to have dominus's phallos in his mouth when he placed his strong hands on the slave boy's head and said, "Take my seed down your throat, pusio eburneus."

Pusio was another word for boy, but it was seldom used except for cinaedi, and eburneus meant ivory. Eburnus had been given this name because of the extreme paleness of his skin. Dominus liked to use this phrase because it sounded musical when he said it in poetic meter, "pus yo `bur neh us". He did the same thing to Bellus's name when he added his nickname to it, pronouncing it "bell e ci nae de".

Eburnus clenched his throat muscles to please dominus even more and he felt that massive phallos contract and expand as it shot dominus's seed directly down his throat. Of course, Eburnus would have preferred to taste the seed, but he knew better than to ask dominus for favors. He would take what he was given and thank him for it.

"Now it's time to get us all cleaned up," Secundus announced.

The three teens went to the latrine and the baths. The slaves who were in attendance grew silent and stood ready when they entered the bath. Bellus noticed that they seemed nervous and fearful. They said nothing but jumped to attend to Dominus's every command without hesitation. He had them set the fire so they could use the sudatorium to sweat themselves clean. Then the three stayed inside until they were heated thoroughly and covered in sweat.

Afterwards the boys oiled their dominus and scraped his body with bronze strigils before toweling him off so that he could sit in the tepidarium. Then they oiled each other and cleaned themselves quickly so they could join him.

Secundus sat with Bellus under his left arm and Eburnus under his right. At moments like this, the boys felt nothing but love for him. They could forget how he had killed a slave with his bare hands by bashing his head against the wall while they lay their heads against his strong chest. They assumed correctly that this was the reason all the slaves were so cautious around him.

The final part of their cleansing was to make sure they were clean inside as well. Secundus sat on one of the toilets and watched while the boys took turns cleaning out their rectums with the cleaning device called a clyster that consisted of a bronze nozzle attached to bladder. They had to use it three times each to get completely clean, then they used another, smaller one with scented oil so they would be well lubricated and smelling fresh.

Secundus pulled out two butt plugs with narrow necks. "These are going inside you until the party tonight, so that you'll be stretched enough for the festivities tonight," he said.

He bent Bellus over and pushed the large plug against his anus. The little pucker clenched and tried to resist it entering. With a chuckle, Secundus slapped the boy's butt hard enough to leave a red mark.

"This plug is going inside you," Bellus. "I can go in easily, or it can go in painfully. You must decide what you want, boy."

Bellus took a deep breath and concentrated on relaxing his sphincter. It wasn't working today. He broke down and cried, "Please dominus, I can't relax. Can you please help me?"

Secundus laughed again. "I guess I'm expecting too much today," he said. "Are you asking me to play with your butt until you relax?"

Bellus nodded and said, "Please dominus. Your touch always makes me ready."

Secundus stroked the head of his young concubinus and ordered him to kneel on all fours and spread his legs. When he was in position, Secundus gently stroked the boy's little rosebud with oiled fingers, playing with it until it began to relax.

"Is this what you needed, boy?" he asked. "You're opening for me now, aren't you? I think your boy hole knows its master and craves a gentle touch. I forget how soft and gentle you are, little cinaedus."

When Bellus's hole opened, Secundus pushed the plug inside and patted his butt. "After tonight, I will make sure that you're treated with a gentle hand so long as you follow orders and remain a good slave."

"I will dominus," Bellus replied. "Thank you. I think my body craves your touch."

Then he stood up carefully and moved aside so that Eburnus could take his place. Secundus repeated the same procedure. His fingers toyed with his delicatus until he too opened for him. Although he was two years younger, Eburnus had more experience taking plugs and phalloi inside him because he'd been raised a slave. Soon he was standing next to Bellus smiling at his dominus.


When the party rolled around, Eburnus and the other pleasure slaves were dressed in short, sleeveless tunics of diaphanous blue silk so thin that they clung to their bodies. They wore the pleasure slave subligaria that left their buttocks uncovered. Their long hair was delicately curled, and henna had been applied to their lips and to their anuses to make them more appealing. They had also been rubbed with floral scented oil.

Bellus was surprised that he was dressed in a knee length tunic with long sleeves and a purple stripe. Although his hair was too long for a proper Roman boy, it was styled and drawn back into a lose tail at the back to give him the appearance of freeborn boy from the front. He was even given his old golden bulla to wear. Finally, sandals were laced around his feet and lower legs. When he looked down, he realized that he once again looked like a Roman boy entering the final year of his boyhood before assuming his manly toga.

A tear came to his eye as he remembered everything that he'd lost. There were so many things he liked about his new life. He loved being best friends with Eburnus. He loved getting fucked by his dominus daily, and he even loved the attention the other men gave him when he didn't think too much about it. But he'd lost his dad, then his mom and finally is freedom so rapidly that he barely had time to process it. Dressing like this again brought everything back and gave him some hope that his former life could be restored. If only he could go back to being a free boy and still have Secundus fuck him, he would be completely happy.

Bellus was surprised that he was to be served as a guest in the interior dining room with the youths who had come to the party with their fathers. Secundus's party was held under the portico in the garden, with dining couches set up around braziers and musicians playing under the stars. Eburnus would be serving in the garden along with the other pleasure slaves. Common slaves served at Bellus's smaller party.

Bellus was given the position of host at the smaller party, and he was pleased to see almost all the sons of the leading families with whom he once shared classes before his mother had run out of money to pay for the private instructors. Among the attendees were Lucius Lollius, the son of the slave dealer, Septimus Petronius, the son of the judge, Titus Gellius, the son of his father's best friend, and Sextus Nonius who had been Bellus's best friend. Nonius and Gellius had both assumed the toga of manhood. The others were still wearing the long sleeve tunic of boyhood, although they were all in their fourteenth or fifteen years.

The boys were served the same rich food that the adults were enjoying in the garden, although their wine had been diluted with water to a much greater extent than that served to the adults. It was still potent enough to go right to Bellus's head and make him feel dizzy and reckless.

Bellus was overjoyed to be reconnecting with old friends, and he was sharing a couch with Nonius and Gellius, although somehow he had ended up in the middle despite being the host. He didn't mind. He'd long fantasized about both of his closest friends. Gellius especially had a many smell that was making Bellus's little penis hard.

"Trebonius has asked me to be the adult in charge," Gellius said as he slid his hand up the back of Bellus's thigh and under his tunic.

The boy was going to complain, but then he felt Nonius's hand move up the back of his other thigh. Both older boys had grins on their faces. Bellus didn't know if they were trying to be friendly, but those smiles heightened his anxiety rather than reassuring him. Their touch sent a thrill of pleasure through his body, but he worried the other guests would see it.

"Trebonius said that you would be a very accommodating host at this party," Nonius whispered.


In the garden, the pleasure boys were moving among the men and refilling their wine. There were six of them: Eburnus, Crispus, Flosculus, Glabrius and Rosarius had been joined by two of the new boys. Basius was a small boy of thirteen years with short red-brown hair, fair skin, and light-colored skin, while Fuscus was fourteen with black hair and bronze skin tone that he inherited from his Mauritian mother. The latter two had just begun their training as pleasure slaves, but they showed promise and had already been taken by Trebonius and his new son Secundus.

As they moved around the room, the men groped them freely. Even the new boys knew not to flinch or to try and avoid their touch. They just followed the orders they were given and smiled, allowing the guests to touch their bodies as they willed. As slaves, it was their lot in life. As pleasure slaves they had only one function, to please the men around them.

When the final course had been served, and the guests had all celebrated Secundus's adoption, the real fun began. While the men had felt free to grab the boys during dinner, when the party entered the entertainment phase Secundus seized Eburnus and pulled him down onto his dinner couch.

"I'm not letting any of the guests get their hands on you," he said in a low sexy voice. "You're mine tonight. Do you like that idea, mi pusio delicate?"

"I love it, dominus," Eburnus replied, "but it won't be the same without Bellus."

Secundus smiled and said, "It won't, but Bellus has his own guests to entertain and can't be with us tonight. And if I had both of you here, I'd probably be obliged to share one of you with the guests since there are so many."

Then Secundus rolled onto his back and pulled Eburnus close and started kissing his soft lips. His hands went under the short tunic and exposed the boy's bare butt. His fingers found their way into the crack and rubbed up and down, pressing on his little pink boy hole.

"Oh dominus, that feels good. You know how to touch me just right," Eburnus said excitedly. Then he used his fingers to stroke Secundus's face. "And you had a slave shave your face today."

"Do you like it when I'm shaved or stubbly?" Secundus asked.

"I think you look very handsome when you're shaved, dominus, but Bellus and I both like it better when your face is rough and stubbly. It makes you look manly," Eburnus replied.

Secundus gave a look of pretend shock and anger, then he smacked Eburnus's pale white butt and said, "So I don't look manly with a smooth Roman chin? Is that what you're saying, impertinent slave!"

The young dominus's laughing eyes betrayed his playfulness. He started tickling Eburnus mercilessly, sending the boy into laughing fits. "I'll show you how manly I am, when I thrust my phallos inside your pretty anus and fuck you until you cry. You don't have a partner tonight, so you'll have to try and satisfy me without any help!"

Eburnus was still giggling wildly. He put on a fake look of terror and begged, "Please no, not that. You're Phallos is so big and powerful that I don't think I can take it, dominus. I beg you not to thrust that mighty spear into my tender bottom."

The boy reached his hand behind him and grasped his dominus's large phallos and stroked it through his subligaria. Secundus was ready to show his delicatus just how potent he could be. Eburnus was as eager as his dominus, so he untied Secundus's subligaria and freed his hard rod. He held it upright and rubbed it in his crack, gently pressing the head against his hole.

"Can I sit on your cock, dominus? I really want to feel you inside me," Dominus.

Secundus ran his finger against the boy's spintria and teased, "Are you sure you don't want one of these men to open you up with his smaller phallos, maybe three or four of them, to get you ready for me?"

Eburnus smiled and said, "If that's what you want, Dominus, but I like your phallos better than anyone else's."

"I'm too soft-hearted a dominus, mi pusio delicate," Secundus replied. "I shouldn't be giving in to your wishes; you should be giving in to mine. Even so, I'm going to give you what you want. I'll hold my phallos. You take it inside you to the root."

As his dominus held his cock erect for him, the slender young slave boy used his fingers to spread his cheeks and pressed his anus against the large cock. Eburnus had considerable experience pleasing men with his butt despite his young age, but a phallos the size of Secundus's always took some effort to get inside him. He pressed down gently using every technique he knew to relax.

There was pain, despite the lubrication as his slid his anus down over the broad head of his dominus's phallos. But once he felt the head inside him, he knew that the rest would be easier. He paused mid-squat and allowed his anus to grown accustomed to the intruder. He always found it easier when he lay down and let his master force entry at his own pace. Whenever he was left in control he always found himself flinching and resisting from the anticipation. Secundus wasn't always so gentle and accommodating, but tonight he seemed especially tender. Eburnus wondered what could be on his dominus's mind, but it was a passing thought.

Secund waited until the boy began to lower himself down again. He felt lucky to own a boy as beautiful as Eburnus. Many wealthy men settled for a delicatus with features far less pretty. He looked to his left and saw his father lying on his back next to him while his new concubinus was pleasuring him. This was the boy who had replaced him in Trebonius's bed, and he would have been jealous except that his former master had given him an even greater gift by adopting him.

Secundus mused that even his father's Rosarius wasn't as pretty as Eburnus, with his sweet little mouth that always seems to be puckered for kissing and his white-blond curls. Unlike most boys with skin that fair, he had very few freckles to mar his smooth skin.

Eburnus pushed himself down on his dominus's phallos with slow but inexorable force. Secundus felt a strange flutter in his stomach as he watched the boy bite his lip and grimace slightly as he determinedly took Secundus's entire length inside him. He'd had this feeling often over the last week when he watched both his boys. He himself had never felt anything close to love or true affection in his life, so he didn't recognize it for what it was.

Once the boy was seated firmly Secundus let his hands play along the boy's thin thighs. Then he gave a single stroke to Eburnus's hard little phallos, making the boy give a little squeal of delight. He used his hands to help steady the boy while he rose on his knees and then slid back down, gripping his dominus's rod with each stroke.

"You're talented for a boy so young, Eburnus," Secundus said. "Your little anus holds many talents."

"Thank you, Dominus, but it's not half as talented as your mighty phallos. It makes me feel so full," Eburnus replied.

"You little hole is always hungry for my phallos, isn't it, mi pusio delicate?" the older teen asked.

Eburnus nodded his head and smiled. "I love feeling you inside me, dominus," he said. "I wish I could bounce on your phallos all day."

"You don't want to share me with Bellus?" Secundus teased.

He ran his hands over his delicatus's smooth body. Both their skin was radiating warmth from their arousal. Secundus's muscles were beginning to tense, making his body resemble a statue of a god with well defined muscles as hard as marble. Eburnus's breathing was growing shallow.

He licked his lips and said, "I love Bellus, and I don't mind sharing you with him, but I do get jealous when you take another slave who isn't him or me, Dominus. I know it's not my place to question you, but I think I love you."

Secundus's heart was beating fast. He felt a pressure beginning to grow in his phallos like it was going to erupt at any moment. Suddenly everything made sense to him, the feelings that had plagued him, the growing uneasiness he felt at their distress. It was right that slaves should love their dominus but was it right for the dominus to love them in return. He didn't know.

"You and Bellus are a set," Secundus said, "and I think that I may love the two of you as much as you claim to love me."

Hearing the tender words from the lips of his dominus sent a powerful jolt running through Eburnus's body. His legs grew weak and shaky; he sank down, taking the entirety of Secundus's phallos inside him. He felt his anus twitch then clamp down hard as he spewed his seed all over his dominus's chest. Secundus felt the boy's anus grab his cock and squeeze.

"That's it! Take my seed inside you. If you were a girl, I'd be planting a baby inside your sweet little body right now," the dominus yelled.

Then Secundus came with great force, shooting deep inside his boy. He gripped Eburnus's thighs with such force that he left red prints in the shape of his hands. A clapping and shouting arose from the men who'd gathered around to watch while waiting their turn with one of the other boys, and Secundus felt pride. These men saw how potent he was, and he basked in their acclamation.

"Now that's how a true Roman seeds a boy!"

"Hail Albus Trebonius Felix Secundus!"

"A worthy Roman indeed!"

"What a gladiator he is! I thought he was going to split that delicatus in half with the huge sword between his legs!"

Without being asked, Eburnus slid down and began cleaning his dominus's phallos. Some of the men couldn't restrain themselves from touching the slave boy. They stroked his back and his buttocks. One older man with a receding hair line shoved his finger roughly inside Eburnus's ass, then he lifted it to his lips and sucked it clean, giving Secundus a lascivious look as he tasted the seed he's left in the boy's bottom.

Secundus remained polite but inwardly he was laughing at the idea that he'd let some old cinaedus like Eugenius suck his phallos when he owned two beautiful slave boys to do it for him. He'd never insult an important trade partner like this man, but Secundus was no longer a slave, and he wasn't going to use his body for business ever again. It did make him think that he might need to buy and train a sexy stud to round out his selection of pleasure slaves, just for the use of business partners like Eugenius.

On the same couch as Secundus, Rosarius was straddling Trebonius Felix and riding him gently. It was more difficult for him than it was for Eburnus because his dominus has a small gut to get in the way and his phallos was smaller. But the beautiful fair-skinned boy knew his business and never once did he let Trebonius slide out of his butt.

No one could tell what the boy was thinking because he was too skilled in hiding his feelings, but he crooned encouraging words. "O my virile dominus, I love the feeling of your powerful phallos inside me, touching me like no man has ever touched me before."

Trebonius was smiling at the young man and idly fondling his hard slave phallos. He didn't believe a word of Rosarius's flattery. He knew what he looked like lying next to his son on the same couch. Nevertheless, he was touched by the words. His new concubinus was a pretty boy combining the best features of his Celtic and German heritage and he thought him the most attractive slave in the household, even including young Bellus and Eburnus.

Crispus was riding one guest, his plump buttocks jiggling with every movement. Another man was using his mouth. Since he'd been castrated, his little phallos didn't get hard anymore, but he was moaning around the cock in his mouth to show his enjoyment. The boy was soft with long reddish curls which had made him seem girlish even before he was cut. He was the most effeminate of the boys in the room, and before Tessius had plugged his throat his high-pitched laughter had been echoing around the room.

Little Glabrius, the smallest of the pleasure boys, looked ready to cry, but those who knew him were aware that this was the face he made when he experienced pleasure. The boy had started spilling his seed when fucked a month ago, and he cried every time he did. Eburnus had been concerned for him and had asked about it. The boy had told him that he always cried when he was happy. Sometimes it brought the worst out in the men who used him, but just as often it made them more tender and gentler with him and that was the case today. Jovianus, a man who looked Saturn with his bushy gray beard and barrel chest, was holding the boy on his lap while he impaled him with his surprisingly large phallos, second only to Secundus in the room tonight. He gently kissed the boy's tears while he cuddled him. Glabrius looked tiny on the big man's lap.

"You're a sweet little thing, Glabrius," Jovianus said. "Your salty tears are delicious, and your lips are sweeter than Falernian wine. If I had the time, I would taste your precious anus to see if it could rival your mouth."

Glabrius was smiling as the tears streamed down his face. He wished that someone as nice as Jovianus would buy him. He would love to be the delicatus of such a man. "I'm crying because you make me happy, honestus," he said. "Can I please cum? I can't hold it back."

The heavy man stroked the boy's hair and kissed his face. "Of course, you can cum, delicatus," he said. "I want to taste your boy cream to see if it is as delicious as the rest of you."

Flosculus was lying on his back with his smooth and hairless legs spread. One man was brutally pounding his anus while another who looked exactly like him was thrusting into his phallos into his mouth. As his body hair had come in and thickened, Flosculus had found himself desired less by the men who came to the house, but he'd been given the same Egyptian treatment as Bellus and Eburnus for tonight and his lean and now hairless body was very much in demand at the symposium. The two brothers who were using him were known for the brutality with which they used boys and they preferred someone who wasn't so delicate that they had to restrain themselves.

Unbeknownst to the boy, the brothers Decius Geminus Castor and Decius Geminus Pollux (the twins were named after the famous Dioscuri of mythology) planned to approach Trebonius senior about purchasing him for their own use. Flosculus was beginning to show signs of the powerful build that would be his when he matured, and that was what the two brothers preferred.

Basius and Fuscus were on a couch kissing one another gently while two men entered them from behind, two other guests were watching, waiting their turns.

The only guest who wasn't using one of the boys was the duumvir Marcus Petronius. At a signal from his host, he left the room and went to the triclinium to join the other party. Trebonius soon joined him, sending Rosarius to his room and leaving Secundus in charge of the symposium.


Meanwhile, inside the house, Bellus was entertaining his guests on his birthday. He was in the middle on the high couch and both his companions had one hand under his tunic resting on his buttocks. He could feel their fingers stroking his butt and the hand of the other at the same time. He was growing uncomfortable with their attentions, not that he didn't enjoy it (he was much too much a cinaedus to not enjoy it) but this night was the first time since his enslavement that he'd felt like his was living his old life. And the fact that Gellius and Nonius, the two boys he'd been closest to in his former life were touching him in a sexual way made it seem that Bellus's the two lives were crashing into one another.

Nonius was a year older than him, and Gellius was two years older. He'd always hoped that his relationship with them would grow into something more, like Nisus and Euryalus from the Aeneid Achilles and Paris from Homer. Nonius had been his best friend, but he thought Gellius was the more attractive. At seventeen, he had begun to grow the shadow of a beard and his shoulders had broadened. He also had the dark good looks of his Sicilian ancestors, many of whom were Carthaginians centuries ago. Nonius was only sixteen, but he was taller and even broader through the chest. His face was plainer, but Bellus knew from glimpses he'd seen at the baths that he had a larger phallos.

The other boys he knew but not well. Lucius Lollius had turned fifteen just a few months before Bellus had lost everything in that courtroom. Although younger than both Gellius and Nonus, he had always made Bellus uncomfortable. Even when he was still a free born boy, Lollius had joked that a boy as handsome as Bellus should have been born a slave. Of all his acquaintances, it had been Lollius who had come closest to taking his virginity. They had kissed once in the bath and Lollius had even touched his penis once, but they'd been interrupted by an older man who had seen them and sat down to watch.

Bellus hardly knew the other guests. Septimus Petronius was the son of the duumvir who has ruled that Bellus had never been a Roman citizen but had been a slave all his life. Septimus himself was almost two years younger than Bellus and they'd had very few classes together. He wasn't bad looking even if he did have his father's beaklike Roman nose, but he was a little officious and self-important.

The other two guests were about a year younger than Bellus. Ennius Varro was the son of a horse merchant and Rutilius Fronto was the son of a mine owner. He barely knew them, but they were friends of Lollius and they were sons of the kind of families his father had always wanted him to associate with, good plebeian families with successful businesses.

The musicians had just begun another song when Petronius the elder entered the room with two burly slaves. He was followed closely by Trebonius. The look on Petronius's face was severe and Trebonius's face was unreadable.

"Get up from that couch!" the duumvir yelled at Bellus.

The two burly slaves moved quickly and yanked him to his feet before he could react. They dragged him to the middle of the room and held him before Petronius. The duumvir took his chin in his hand and turned his face upwards.

"Did you tell the young men the truth, Bellus, or have you been pretending to be a free born Roman boy all evening?" he asked.

The young guests were sitting up and paying attention now. Bellus was blushing and he felt tears come to his eyes. This evening had felt normal, but now it was like the earth was moving beneath his feet and everything was about to tumble down around him.

"Tell them, Bellus," he said. "Tell them who and what you are."

"I'm a slave," Bellus whispered.

"Louder," Petronius ordered.

"I'm a slave," Bellus repeated in a loud voice.

"And why are you a slave, Bellus," he demanded. "Don't hide the details. These young men are Romans, and you are an imposter who tried to steal that identity for yourself. Tell them why you are a slave."

Bellus gave a tearful look to Petronius and replied, "The duumvir determined that I wasn't the child of Curtius Bellus, but that I was the child of a slave."

Petronius gave the boy a sharp look. "Are you claiming that the duumvir made a mistake? Are you saying that the witnesses lied?"

"No honorable Petronius, I'm not," Bellus said quickly. He remembered the beating he'd received the last time he'd made such a claim.

"Who was it who first made the claim that you were not the son of Quintus Curtius Bellus?" Petronius asked, obviously unsatisfied with the boy's responses.

"My father," the boy whispered.

"You said, your father, but what was the name of the man who claimed in writing that you were not the son of Quintus Curtius Bellus?" Petronius insisted. "And speak loudly."

"It was Quintus Curtius Bellus," the boy replied, louder this time.

He heard some of the guests gasp at the revelation, including Gellius and Nonius. He'd just admitted that the man he'd called father had denounced him in a written document. While the power of the Roman paterfamilias had declined somewhat over the years, the right to determine who was and wasn't his child and heir was still nearly absolute. He could have appealed to a court in Rome, but there was no way that one of them would reverse the decision of a respected duumvir.

"It was the man who you claimed as a father, was it not?" Petronius demanded.

"Yes. It was the man I thought to be my father," Bellus replied tearfully.

"But who were your parents?" the duumvir asked.

"My mother was Sabellia and my father was a slave in the household of Trebonius," Bellus answered.

Petronius smiled and said, "And the law allows a Roman man to claim his child by a slave woman as his own, but the progeny of a Roman woman and a slave is still a slave by law."

Bellus didn't know why Trebonius and the duumvir were determined to humiliate him this way. He stood in the center of the room and felt the eyes of all his former peers boring into him. He hoped that this night would soon be over, but he feared that it was just beginning. He was right.

Trebonius strode up and put a fatherly hand on Bellus's shoulder. "Now that the deception has been revealed and the truth is known to these young men, there's no reason the party can't continue. And there's no reason that young Bellus here can't continue to entertain these fine young Romans."

Then Trebonius looked at the burly slaves and said, "This pretense is over. Bellus shouldn't be dressed as a freeborn boy. Strip these clothes off him and let him entertain these young men as the trained pleasure slave he is."

He turned to the expectant young men. "Bellus will be your entertainment for the evening. He's been trained to service all your needs. Make use of him as you will."

Petronius added, "Don't forget that you are Romans. Don't be shy and hesitate. Show us all what virile young Romans you are."

The slaves forcibly pulled the clothes off Bellus, exposing his naked and hairless body to the crowd. He was shamed to be naked in front of his former peers, but even more shamed when he realized that his small penis was hard and aching for release. He hadn't been allowed to cum for a week, but it was more than that. Some part of him enjoyed the humiliation, enjoyed being naked in front of his former friends. He could see the lust in their eyes, and it excited him even more.

Everyone was sitting around, unsure what to do until Lollius stood up and said, "I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not going to just stare at this beautiful naked slave boy in front of us. I figured out that Bellus was a cinaedus a couple of years ago. It was only respect for his father – the man I thought was his father – that kept me from taking him at that time."

Lollius strutted over in the way that only a Roman, secure in his own superiority, could strut. Trebonius pushed Bellus into his arms and Lollius wasted no time. He pulled the boy in and kissed him, not in a sweet and gentle way, but in the way of a Roman conqueror taking possession of a conquest. He bruised the boy's lips and grabbed his buttocks with his right hand, his finger moving directly to the crack and rubbing on Bellus's rosebud. Lollius had been fucking boys since he'd gotten his first erection. His father, the slave merchant had made sure of that.

Lollius guided Bellus over to the couch where he'd been reclining with Ennius Varro and positioned him on his back so he could look into his eyes while he fucked him. "I'm first for his anus, but if someone wants to use his mouth while I fuck him, he's free."

There was a moment of hesitation before Varro moved over and said, "I'll take him mouth first. The line starts behind us!"

Gellius and Nonius looked at each other in hesitation and then both jumped up and took their place behind Lollius. Fronto stepped behind Nonius. After a nod of encouragement from his father, Petronius the Younger took the last place in line. He'd hesitated, not because he was unwilling to use the slave boy, but because he didn't want anyone to know that he would give anything to take his place beside Bellus on that couch. He wanted these young men to take him like a slave boy, but he knew he would never get his wish. He was a Roman. It was his place to penetrate others, never to be penetrated himself.

"What no one else wants his mouth?" Varro asked. "It's warm and wet and he's doing things with his tongue that my vestiarius doesn't even begin to know how to do."

Fronto replied, "Keep his mouth filled so we don't have to listen to him, Varro," he said. "We'll let him clean us off after we seed his ass."

Bellus heard them talking. He felt himself slipping into his slave mindset where he just gave himself over to servicing me and didn't think about it. He allowed his inner cinaedus to take over so he could enjoy it as much as the men using him did. He especially needed it now. These young men were the closest things he had to friends, and they were lining up to use him like the slave he was. He needed to be able to turn off his thinking. He used his tongue and anus like he's been trained. He used his tongue to tease the bottom of Varro's cock and his hands to gently stroke his balls. He used his anus to clamp down on Lollius's phallos and squeeze it as it thrust in and out of his body. His own need was building inside him, a need to be used and a need for release long denied.

Lollius thrust inside Bellus, his speed increasing slightly as his own orgasm approached. While he was more experience fucking boys than most of the men present tonight in the Trebonius house, he had never cared much for any of the boys' pleasure. The increasing excitement Bellus was feeling was more de to his own need to serve than to any special skill of Lollius.

Fronto came first, spilling his seed inside Bellus's mouth. He thrust forward and lodged his cock in the boy's throat, gagging him with the head while he shot his seed deep inside him. "You were born for this, Bellus," he said. "All those years you pretended to be a freeborn Roman, this is the part of yourself you were denying."

Bellus couldn't argue with Fronto, not only because his mouth was full of phallos, but because he knew it was true. He was born for this. Even if he had been born free, a fact he was careful never to speak aloud, he had always been a cinaedus, a boy who craved the taste of phallos and the feel of a phallos inside him.

When Lollius moved to his mouth, Bellus eagerly took the phallos that had just been inside his anus and swallowed it, licking it clean of scented oil and anal mucus. Gellius was next to take Bellus's ass. If the boy had not already learned to take Albus's large phallos, he would have cried out from the size of Gellius's rod.

Lollius said, in a low voice, "I've wanted you from the moment I saw you, Bellus. If you had remained a freeborn boy, I would still be here where I am right now, enjoying your mouth after seeding your ass. You're a cinaedus and I'm a virile young Roman; you were born to be penetrated and I was born to penetrate. Even as a freeborn Roman I would have taken you and made you my concubinus. Don't fight your destiny."

Bellus didn't want to fight it. This evening he'd been tricked into believing that he could go back to pretending to be someone he wasn't. But all that hope had been shown to be hollow. The person he was now, this boy taking a phallos in both his mouth and his anus, that's who he was inside. It's who he was meant to be.

Maybe it was because Gellius's phallos was bigger than Lollius's rod, or maybe it was because he cared more, but Bellus felt that pressure growing that told him was about to cum. He tried to hold it back because he hadn't been given permission to spill his seed, and he couldn't ask because his mouth was full of Lollius's phallos. He had no chance. Gellius was hitting that special spot inside him with every thrust now. He was crying when he came, fearful of punishment for disobeying the rules.

"It's okay, Bellus," Gellius grunted. "When I fuck a boy, I want to see him cum. I haven't failed yet, and I didn't even have to touch your small penis."

Then Gellius came and seeded the boy. By the time that Nonius was sliding inside, Bellus's anus was feeling a little worn but the semen of the first two men was providing more lubrication, making him slippery and easing the passage. And Gellius had moved around to the boy's mouth. He put the head inside and let Bellus take it at his own pace.

Bellus was extraordinarily attractive, with his olive skin tone, his hairless body, and his bleached hair. Gellius had always thought that the boy was pretty. When the two of them were young children and their fathers had been best friends, Gellius had dreamed of kissing Bellus. As he'd gotten older those dreams had moved from kissing to more adult desires. But he'd never acted as his feelings because he didn't want to spoil the friendship between their families. Now it was too late.

"If things had gone as they should have, your father would have left you in my father's care, and he would have taken you in. You would have been like a brother to me, and once you were under my roof, I would have made love to you every night," he said. "But now ... maybe I can afford to buy you and then you can be mine."

Bellus wasn't sure how he felt about that. He loved his dominus, but he'd loved Gellius for longer. His features were classic Roman, strong features, medium olive skin tone, dark brown hair, and full lips. He was as handsome as Albus in a darker, more Mediterranean, way, and Gellius was his equal when it came to the size of their phalloi. In the end, Bellus decided that, if it were up to him, he would prefer to stay with Eburnus. The two of them were partners and they served Albus together. Gellius had been his friend before, but that could never be true now. A Roman could not be friends with a slave.

Nonius was amost as good a lover as Gellius had been. He showed as much talent, but his phallos was only average size. They had lived next door to one another and had often played together as boys. He wasn't as handsome as Albus or Gellius, but he was tender and caring. He took it slowly and fucked Bellus until he was moaning around Gellius's phallos.

And then Bellus came again. He felt the second orgasm inside him but didn't shoot like he had the first time. His body convulsed, but he only oozed a little from his small rod. But waves of pleasure shot through him from the crown of his head to the tips of his toes.

When Nonius moved to his mouth, he swallowed him happily. How many times had he imagined being with Nonius this same way when he was younger? He hadn't even realized what he'd wanted at the time. He just knew that he had wanted something more than friendship with him.

"I wish things were different, Bellus," Nonius whispered. "Gellius and I won't be staying in this chilly wilderness all our lives. We're saving money to go to one of the great cities of the empire to start our lives over again in civilization, Rome, Masilia, Nova Carthago or Alexandria. I wish we could take you with us. Gellius and I would be partners in every sense of the word, and you could be concubinus for us both."

Bellus was beginning to lose himself in the words around him as the fourth Roman youth took his place and thrust inside him. His anus was beginning to ache and to burn. Lollius, Gellius and Nonius had all told him the same thing using different words, that he was born to serve real men. And he knew that it was true. This was who he was. Despite the pain, he felt useful and fulfilled.

In the end, all six of the Roman youths had taken Bellus at least once, both in his anus an in his mouth. He was weak in the knees and barely able to walk with the assistance of the two burly slaves when they returned him to Secundus's room. The party was still going on, so they risked the young dominus's anger and they took their own pleasure in the boy's holes while he lay there insensate on the bed. Between the wine and the intense fucking, Bellus wasn't sure what was real and what was not.

After the symposium, when Secundus and Eburnus came back to the room, they found Bellus sleeping on his stomach. His anus was leaking the seed that had been pumped into him, and he was moaning in his sleep. Secundus was overwhelmed with a sense of possessiveness and a need to comfort the exhausted boy who lay before him. He sent Eburnus to get fresh water and several cloths. Then the dominus cleaned his concubinus gently with his own hands. He rubbed sweet smelling medicinal oil into his enflamed anus, and he held him in his arms while he slept. Eburnus wrapped his body around Bellus from behind so that boy was encircled by the arms of those who loved him.

Bellus was still sleeping in the morning when Secundus sent Eburnus to retrieve breakfast for the three of them. He sent instructions that all three would be eating the same this morning and Cook cheerfully supplied enough eggs, stewed apples, white bread, and cheese for the three of them. Secundus woke Bellus up and held him on his lap, while Eburnus fed him small bites of food.

"I'm sorry, Bellus," the young dominus said. "That cruel surprise for your birthday wasn't my idea. I didn't know what my father had planned for you. I knew he had a plan, and I suspected it would be some sort of lesson, but I didn't know."

"I learned something," Bellus croaked. His voice was sore from taking so many phalloi down his throat last night.

"What did you learn," Secundus asked, stroking the hair back away from the boy's forehead.

"I learned that this life of mine is not a dream, and that I will never wake up to find myself back in my old life," he said weakly. "I learned that this is the life the gods intended for me and that I should just accept it. And I learned that I want, more than anything else, to be a good concubinus to you and to continue to share you with my slave brother Eburnus."

Secundus kissed Bellus's lips gently and replied, "Then I'm going to have to learn to be the best and most loving dominus I can be, so that the gods will know that I appreciate this great gift they've given me. I'm going to clear a few things up with my father. The two of you are mine now, and I won't allow you to be used and mistreated again. A good dominus should act as protector for his special slaves."

He hugged Bellus close with one arm and then pulled Eburnus close with the other. "I love both of you and I don't want anything bad to happen to you again."

Fabulum Est Scriptum

This tale of Bellus Cinaedus has come to an end. If another story involving the same character comes to mind and I think it's worth telling, I will continue his story. I have some ideas, but I need to make sure they have a beginning and an ending. This tale was the story of how Bellus became a true concubinus for his dominus, not just according to the law, but also in his own heart and mind.


·        Albus. A Celtic slave belonging to Trebonius. He's four years older than Quintus Curtius Bellus and becomes his mentor in the arts of gay sex. Once he's been adopted by Trebonius his name becomes Albus Trebonius Felix Secundus. Informally he is known as Felix Secundus or just Secundus.

·        Aras. A Syrian slave belonging to Trebonius. He is 30 years old, with black hair, dark brown eyes and olive skin tone. He keeps his black beard trimmed neatly. He is the chief of the male slaves who work in the gardens and who repair the house. As one of the supervisors, he has access to the pleasure slaves.

·        Battius. The overseer of Trebonius's house. He is in his fifties and is trained as an accountant. He is a brutal taskmaster. He has accumulated enough money to buy his freedom but is hoping that Trebonius will free him as a reward, and he will be able to keep his money.

·        Crispus. An eleven-year-old Celtic slave. He has long curly red hair and fair skin with a few freckles scattered across his face and back. He still has a lot of baby fat. He has a soft appearance and large, round butt. He has a high-pitched voice, and he moves his butt in a sexy way. His name means curly hair. He was made into a eunuch.

·        Eburnus. A slight and pretty Celtic slave also owned by Trebonius. He is two years younger than Curtius Bellus. Like Bellus, he is a cinaedus, but he has more experience despite his youth.

·        Flosculus. A fourteen-year-old pleasure boy in the House of Trebonius. He's of Greek and Iberian ancestry. His hair is almost black, and his skin is very light olive. He has eyes that are dark gray in color. His pubic hair has come in and the master keeps it trimmed. He's sprouted a few hairs under his arms and his calves have already grown hair. His name means little flower. He was given to the gardener Aras.

·        Glabrius. A twelve-year-old pleasure boy in the House of Trebonius. He's the smallest and one of the two youngest of the boys. His name means bald, and it refers to his hairless body. He has a penis that's even smaller than the other pleasure boys.

·        Gnaeus Lollius. An equestrian slave dealer in Eburacum and a friend of Trebonius. He is also a decurion in town.

·        Maddox. A towering six-foot-tall Celt who was captured in battle as a teenager and trained to be a guard. He's a freedman. He's brutal in battle, and even more brutal in sex. He prefers very young boys.

·        Marcus Petronius. A decurion in Eboracum and the duumvir (magistrate) in charge of the courts. He's from an old Equestrian family.

·        Quintus Curtius Bellus. The child of Aulus Curtius Bellus and his wife Sabellia. He was the last of his family line and had been appointed a decurion in Eburacum in northern Britannia.

·        Rosarius. The prettiest of the pleasure boys, Rosarius has Greek, North African and Celtic ancestry. His hair is dark brown, his skin is light brown, and his lips are full. He's 14 years old and about five foot six (making him the same height as the average Roman man). His penis is on the larger side of average. He has a naturally hairless body, with only a few curly pubic hairs. He was named Rosarius (Rosebud) by Trebonius because he thought that the boy had the prettiest anus he'd ever seen.

·        Sabellia**.** The wife of Trebonius, the widow of Aulus Curtius Bellus and the mother of Quintus Curtius Bellus. She died giving birth to Trebonius's child. The child did not survive either.

·        Titus Trebonius Felix. A Celtic freedman of the legate Marcus Trebonius who freed him and set him up in business as a manufacturer of pottery for the military. He is one of the wealthiest men in Eburacum despite remitting half his profits to Marcus Trebonius, now a senator in Rome. He is Sabellia's second husband and acts as mentor to you Quintus Curtius Rufus. As a freedman he can't hold political office.

Latin Vocabulary

·        Baculum. A rod or stick. Although the word had many meanings, in this story it refers to the rod an overseer or tutor carried to show that he had the master's authority over the slaves.

·        Cinaedus. The closest latin word to faggot. Refers to a man lacking masculine qualities. Bellus Cineadus is a phrase that can mean "Bellus, the faggot" or "pretty faggot".

·        Concubinus. A male slave who shares his master's bed on a regular basis, usually a iuvenis (youth) instead of a boy. A man will often cut the hair of his concubinus and give him other assignments when he gets marries as a symbol of his new devotion to his wife.

·        Decurion. An appointed member of the local legislature (like being a senator in Rome).

·        Delicatus (Puer Delicatus). A slave boy who is kept for his beauty. They are pampered favorites. If their master doesn't have them castrated, they may eventually find themselves as a concubinus.

·        Dominus. The Latin word for master.

·        Equestrian (Equites). Roman was officially divided into social orders. The two highest orders were the senators (senatores) and equestrians (equites). Roman citizens whose head of the family (paterfamilias) were members of the senate were part of the senatorial order. Roman citizens whose head of the family (paterfamilias) were members of the equestrian order were part of the equestrian order. In the empire, the emperor could appoint new senators. Families with a certain minimum wealth were members of the equestrian order. Members of the senatorial and equestrian orders were considered to be nobility, and everyone else was a commoner.

·        Fellator. A cocksucker.

·        Freedman. The lowest social order in Rome were freedmen, those formerly enslaved. They could be wealthy, but they had low social prestige (below proletarians, musicians, and actors).

·        Honestus**.** Literally "honorable". In Late Latin, this word would become a form of address like "sir" in English. I've included it here because I really feel constrained by the lack of the word "sir" in Latin.

·        Mi Pusio Delicate. This is a direct address form for meus pusio delicatus or "my sweet boy". In this form it is poetic (for those who know their ancient poetry, a spondee followed by dactyl followed by a trochee). Pusio technically just means boy but is almost always used in a sexual sense.

·        Nomen**.** The Roman word for name. In the case of Quintus Curtius Bellus, Quintus is his first name, the name used by family and the closest of friends; Curtius is the name he inherited from his equestrian family, much like a modern last name; and Bellus is the cognomen, the name that specifies that he is from the Bellus branch of the gens Curtia (or Curtius clan).

·        Ornatrix**.** Hairdresser. Ornatrices (pl) cut hair, dyed hair, styled hair, trimmed, plucked or sugared body hair and performed other services.

·        Puer Delicatus. A slave boy who was distinguished by his beauty and was used by the master sexual gratitification.

·        Spintria**.** A male slave used for anal sex. Also, a male prostitute and the vulgar term for the anus.

·        Subligaria. Roman word for underwear.

·        Tepidarium. A room temperature pool in a Roman bath. Bathrooma at home often had only one pool, usually a tepidarium.

·        Toga Virilis. The toga of manhood. A Roman male citizen could wear a toga, a long rectangular cloth that wrapped in a specific manner around his body, usually worn over a tunic. Freeborn boys could wear togas that were specific for them, but the adulthood ceremony involved changing the boyish toga for the adult male toga. It was also time for a Roman boy's first shave.

·        Tutor. Latin word for guardian. Usually, only children and women had tutores. The word can also be used to mean the same thing as in English.

·        Vestiarius**.** Latin word for someone who deals in clothing and for the slave who dresses and attends his master (valet). I can only find the word in Late Latin and beyond, but I can't find the classical word at all.

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