Bellus Cinaedus

Published on Apr 6, 2022


Bellus Cinaedus Chapter 1

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I use an anonymous name and an alternate email because some of the themes and situations in this story could easily be misconstrued if the reader didn't understand that this is a fantasy. I welcome suggestions from readers, but I am usually a few chapters ahead of what's been published.

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What This Story Is About

This is a new story about a teen living in Eburacum Britannia in the final years of the 1st century AD. His father's family died out with him, leaving Quintus Curtius Bellus without a patron other than his poor mother. To survive she married a wealthy freedman in town and the teen Bellus falls under his power.

I have kept the historical details of the story as close as possible to reality without sacrificing the narrative. There is a list of characters and a Latin glossary at the end of the story for those who want or need it.

It is my intention to publish a chapter of this story every 3-4 weeks. I needed to add diversity to my writing as most of what I've written has been in the College Magic Cycle (which is ongoing and gets a new published chapter every week).

Author's Notes

·        I am only 2 chapters ahead of publication on each of the stories in the College Magic Cycle, so I will be posting 1 chapter per week in this cycle until I can pull 3+ chapters ahead again. I will be posting some standalone stories that I've been working on as I revise them. They will appear in different subcategories, so I will try to put links in this section of all my stories until such time as NIFTY sees fit to add me to the author pages.

·        My darker story Elf Master has started. If you aren't into heavier BDSM, you may want to skip that story. Other than sharing some background characters, that story does not intertwine with My Roomate the Alchemist and Wishcraft_._

·        The Pack storyline has begun appearing. This storyline involved the werewolves on campus.

·        My Stories

o   College Magic

o   Jack and the Giant

o   Sacred Submissives

Bellus Cinaedus chapter 1

Quintus Curtius Bellus sat on the bench in the fancy oecus watching his mother Sabellia marry the wealthy freedman Trebonius Felix. He wasn't happy about the marriage because she was marrying beneath her station, but she'd confessed to him earlier that week that they were nearly broke. His father (Aulus Curtius Bellus), despite his efforts over the years had failed to provide enough to support Quintus and his mother until the boy could enter manhood. And his father's branch of the gens curtia had been extinguished with him. There were distant cousins, but there had been no real relationship between them and the Curtius Bellus branch of the family. Trebonius the freedman had promised to provide for them.

After the wedding, they moved into Trebonius's impressive domus in town. Their standard of living improved dramatically, but Curtius Bellus found himself feeling like an intruder. His father's house had always been a model of Roman restraint and probity, but Trebonius lived a wealthy and extravagant lifestyle for the provinces, being the major supplier of pottery for the miliary in northern Britannia. He seemed happy and Sabellia seemed content. And Curtius Bellus determined to tolerate his mother's new husband.

For the first six months of the marriage, all three seemed happy enough with the arrangement, but by the seventh month, Sabellia was heavy with child. That's when things changed. It began with Trebonius honoring Curtius Bellus by inviting him to share his couch during dinner. It was an honor, since Trebonius was the host and there would be locally important guests present, but it was that night when Trebonius began once again to take undue familiarity with Curtius's body.

Trebonius's guests included several decurions of the town of Eburacum. These important men were the local equivalent of senators back in Rome, but they were appointed by the governor of the province instead of inheriting their position. Quintus's own father had been one of the 60 decurions in town. Eburacum had begun as a military outpost, the headquarters for the 2nd legion, but a sizable town for the provinces had grown up around it. The majority of the population were engaged in business that supported the military mission. Many of them were veterans and the descendants of veterans who owned shops and manufacturing businesses.

Trebonius owned a major pottery factory which employed dozens of slaves to make terra cotta pots, jugs, plates, bowls and cups for the military, mostly functional items for storing wine, oil, grain, salt, and spices, but also making some finished products with a Celtic knotwork pattern in black and white. It was popular locally and as far south as Armorica. With his profits, he'd purchased other businesses, such as a factory for salting and smoking fish which also produced a passable garum for use in Britannia. He'd been gifted money by his old master Marcus Trebonius who was now a senator in Rome, having been elected quaestor upon his return. Even after sending his patron his regular share of the profits, Trebonius was one of the wealthier men in Eburacum. People called him Felix (lucky) because of his gift for making money.

Another guest was Gnaeus Lollius, also a decurion, and the most important importer and exporter of slaves in the city. He supplied slaves from the south, mostly from North Africa and the Greek speaking eastern provinces of the empire for use as field slaves in Britannia. He also exported British slaves to the southern lands, slaves purchased at low price from soldiers who captured them on raids. It was considered safer to employ strong outdoor slaves in areas far from home, so they have nowhere to run if they escaped. He also owned a brothel in town with some of the most attractive maidens and youths in the region. Rumor had it that his agents scoured the countryside looking for poor British parents who were willing to part with a child for enough cash to see them through the winter. It was illegal to enslave Roman citizens in this way, but not so for the native non-citizens of the province.

Other guests included the owner of the largest mill in town, the man who processed wool purchased from local farmers into cloth, the man who dominated the salt making trade, the owner of the largest fishing fleet and the man who held the contract for importing wine from Hispania and Italia. More business was said to be conducted at Trebonius's dinners than in the tiny forum in town.

Quintus found himself sharing the low couch with his mother and her husband. He was at the far end of the couch, the least place, but he was still on the low couch which was the best. Sabellia wasn't feeling well, being so advanced in her pregnancy that she got indigestion early in any meal. And pregnancy had never been easy for her. So, she rose to excuse herself, shortly after the guests had settled into their meal. Quintus, being a very dutiful son, started to rise and help her to her room where she would continue the meal sitting upright at a table, but Sabellia knew an opportunity for her only son when she saw one.

"You are always so dutiful, Curtius Bellus, that we should have given you the agnomen Pius," she said, singing his praises to the guests, "but please stay with Trebonius Felix so that you can learn from his hand. Follow his lead and learn from him what you will need to be successful here in Eburacum."

In private she called him Quintus, but in public she always used his nomen and cognomen to impress upon listeners that he was from a distinguished equestrian family and that he was almost an adult. She summoned two of her female slaves over to help her to her room. And once Sabellia had left the room, Trebonius tried to include Quintus by having him by his side.

"Scoot closer to me now, Bellus," Trebonius said. "There's no need for you to be so far away from the conversation."

Quintus hated that Trebonius always called him Bellus instead of Quintus Bellus. It was very familiar, but perhaps he had that right as the husband of Quintus's mother, but the young man (or boy, since by Roman law he was still a few months and a year shy of his adulthood) always felt that Trebonius was denying him as son of his father or trying to demean him by excluding the name of his father's family. And the way Trebonius said Bellus, he made it sound like an adjective, meaning "handsome, charming or pretty", instead of a proper noun, the name of an equestrian family from Rome with a strong lineage.

Quintus had felt Trebonius's eyes upon him ever since he and his mother had moved into his house. Even earlier than that, on the few occasions when Trebonius had been a guest at Quintus's father's much more meager home Quintus had felt like the man's gaze was somehow inappropriate. But his father had never seemed to notice. Once, when he was only twelve, his father had allowed Trebonius to pull him next to him on the much smaller couches surrounding their table. Quintus had tried to get his father's attention during the meal, especially when Trebonius had allowed his hand to rest on Quintus's butt after Sabellia had retired to her room.

All during the dinner, Trebonius's hand had stroked the boy's bottom. And the thin linen tunic Quintus had worn had felt almost non-existent. His father had insisted that he wear that one because it was his nicest, and it had been a gift from Trebonius. Thinking back on it, his father had made him wear it whenever Trebonius was going to be there. After dinner, Aulus Quintus Bellus, the father, had praised his son for being so quiet and unobtrusive. He'd even given him a silver denarius as a reward and told him that he'd struck a good deal with Trebonius.

Now, he was similarly attired, except he was wearing a tunic of thin silk that had also been a gift from Trebonius to celebrate his wedding to Quintus's mother. It was several inches shorter than the typical boy's tunic, which normally came down to the knees, but Quintus hadn't really complained because it was shorter, like a man's tunic, despite the long sleeves.

When Quintus heard the request to move closer, his ears turned a bit red. He remembered those times in his father's house when Trebonius had used the opportunity to rub his hand on his butt. There was no polite way to refuse the offer, so he scooted over, but left some distance between them. But that wasn't good enough for Trebonius. He wrapped his arm around Quintus's narrow waist and pulled him right next to him on the couch, so that they were touching.

The men continued to talk about business, a topic Quintus new little about, but was eager to learn. His family were equestrians, and unlike those of the senatorial order, there was no prohibition against him engaging in business and that seemed a more likely path to success in Eburacum than a military career, especially since Quintus had no patron to buy him a commission as an officer.

At one point the decurion Lollius spoke up and said, "That's a fine-looking youth you have lying with you, Trebonius."

"He's really still a boy, you know," he said, running his hands down the long sleeves of Quintus's tunic. "He still has two birthdays to go before he qualifies as a youth."

"Have you adopted him," Lollius asked, popping an imported olive in his mouth.

Trebonius ran his hand down Quintus's back and across his butt, making him squirm a little, but the couches angled upward so it was hard for anyone at another couch to see exactly where the man's hand was. And then Quintus realized the reason short tunics were considered inappropriate on a free born boy. Trebonius moved his hand under the tunic and slid it back onto Quintus's butt. Trebonius's strong hand was rubbing against Quintus's cheeks, separated only by his thin subligaria.

Quintus's body was burning from embarrassment, but to his horror, his cock was growing hard. It was like all the times when he was younger. Whenever Trebonius had touched him, he'd grown hard. After that he'd started to become hard whenever his father had touched him.

"No, it wouldn't be proper really," Trebonius said. "It's a matter of social class. The man who acknowledged him as his own was my beautiful Sabellia's first husband. He was an equestrian, and I am a freedman. If I adopted him, he'd lose his social class and become a commoner. If circumstances were different, I would consider it. But it's all very messy right now."

Trebonius reached over and grabbed an olive stuffed with smoked fish and pressed it against Quintus's lips. His other hand had forced its way beneath the prone boy and began to work on the knot holding his subligaria closed. Quintus didn't want to eat anything more. He knew he should remove Trebonius's hand, but a part of him didn't want to. Part of him wanted Trebonius to expose him under his tunic. He opened his mouth and took the olive. Then he lifted his hips, just far enough to give his mother's husband more access.

The conversation turned back to business, while Trebonius worked the knot loose. Then he unwrapped the boy's subligaria and pulled it out from the tunic, leaving him naked underneath it. He put the subligaria beneath him. Then he went back to rubbing the boy's butt underneath the tunic, and he continued until the conversation wore down. Trebonius pulled his hand and out and announced, "I suppose it's time for us to end the festivities. Bring in the spiced wine."

Two young slaves, a boy and a girl, both wearing nothing more than scant subligaria, came into the room carrying small ceramic pitchers full of steaming, aromatic wine. Trebonius ordered large cups of wine poured for all remaining diners. Quintus was curious because his mother had never allowed him to have wine unless it was properly watered. There was enough for each diner to have two cups, and Trebonius made sure that Quintus finished both his cups. In no time, his head was swimming.

After the guests had all left except for Lollius, Trebonius rolled the drunk Quintus over on his back and lay beside him. "You're a very pretty boy, Quintus," he said, bending down to kiss the boy on his lips. He'd used bellus to mean pretty.

The boy had never been kissed on the lips and it felt good to him. He opened his lips and let Trebonius invade his mouth. He was drunk enough that it didn't register that he was taking a passive role in sex, the worst thing a freeborn Roman could do, nor that he was doing it with his mother's husband, a freedman no less.

Trebonius smiled at the boy. He had plenty of slave boys to use for his pleasure, and they were the prettiest he could find in the far northern reaches of the empire. Quintus was prettier than any of them. Maybe it was the darker olive skin tone of his Italian and Greek ancestry; maybe it was the dark hair, almost black instead of the blond that was so common hereabouts in northern Britannia; or maybe it was the fact that as a freeborn boy he was the proverbial forbidden fruit. He was short, even shorter than most Roman boys his age.

Lollius walked over and looked down at the boy, licking his lips. "I see how hard he is under his pretty tunic."

"That's because I took his subligaria during dinner and I've been stroking his butt all night," he laughed.

The boy was so out of it, he hardly knew what was going on around him. Trebonius lifted him into a seated position and then pulled his tunic over his head, leaving him naked, exposing his small penis. Maybe it would grow in time, and maybe it wouldn't. The boy would be celebrating his 15th birthday in four months. There was time to wait and see.

He reached out and felt the boy's small cock. Although Quintus was experiencing his first bout of drunkenness, his cock was still hard. Trebonius bent down and kissed the boy's lips. He was still stroking his cock with his thumb and two fingers. The boy shuddered and moaned. Trebonius crushed his lips with his own.

Lollius helped the boy lie back on the couch and started to pinch his nipples. The boy's small cock was throbbing and leaking precum.

"You like that, don't you boy," Trebonius said in a low voice. "Tell me how much you like it."

Quintus thrust his hips up into Trebonius's hand and moaned, "Yes, Trebonius, I love it. Please don't stop."

"Do you hear that, Lollius," Trebonius asked with a smirk.

"I hear him, Trebonius," Lollius laughed. "I hear the boy begging you for your touch."

"Are you ready to cum, little Quintus?" Trebonius asked.

The boy was writhing on the couch and mumbling incoherently, "Please make me cum. I need it."

Trebonius stroked the small cock a couple more times and the boy spewed his seed all over himself. Then he lay back down and started kissing him to block any noise he might make. He scooped up the boys cum with his index finger and rubbed it around his hole.

Quintus's body stiffened, and he tried to suck in his breath, but just ended up pulling Trebonius's tongue farther into his mouth. He knew that it was wrong to allow any part of a man's body inside him, but that finger on his butt felt so good. Trebonius gathered more cum and spread it on the boy's tight hole. Then he pulled away from those sweet lips and said, "Does that feel good?"

He applied some pressure on the hole and Quintus cried out, "Gods yes! Trebonius, it feels so good."

Lollius leaned in and said, "That's because you're a little cineadus my boy. I can always spot one. Didn't I tell you, Trebonius?"

"You did Lollius," Trebonius replied. Then he pressed his finger inside the boy's warm hole and asked, "Are you a cinaedus?"

Quintus had heard that word whispered in the baths. He knew that referred to men who let other men use them for sex. He knew it was the worst thing a Roman could be. "No, I'm not," he gasped.

"Do you like my finger in your hole?" Trebonius demanded.

"Immortal gods! Yes, I do," he said, not realizing the contradiction.

Trebonius moved his finger around and found the hard little nut of the boy's prostate and stroked it gently. The boy started crying out, and Trebonius said, "Do you want me to take it out, or do you want me to keep playing with your ass?"

"Don't take it out," Quintus cried. "I want it inside me."

"Do you want me inside you?" Trebonius asked.

"Yes!" the boy screamed, "I want you inside me."

There were tears streaming down his cheeks. He wanted it, but he was ashamed to admit it. Both Trebonius and Lollius had removed their subligaria and were pulling their tunics over their heads. Then Trebonius slipped his finger back inside the boy.

"If you want this finger to continue making you feel so good, boy, you'll have to take our cocks in your hands and stroke us off," Trebonius ordered.

Quintus didn't want the good feeling to stop. He reached out tentatively and took both larger cocks in his hands and started to stroke them. Trebonius's finger continued to play with his ass, and he was moaning and moving his hips like the cinaedus he claimed not to be.

Both men were getting close to cumming. "Take our seed on your face, little Cinaedus."

Quintus pointed both cocks on his face. When they unloaded, their seed shot across his face. He opened his mouth to gasp and some of it landed on his tongue. The taste surprised him. It wasn't bad. He thought it was strangely enticing.

Lollius and Trebonius were laughing at him. "Eat our seed, Cinaedus," Lollius said, rubbing his cock against the boy's cheek. "Take your finger and scoop into your mouth."

While he scooped their cum into his mouth, Trebonius went back to fingering Quintus's butt and stroking his hard little cock. It took just a couple of strokes to bring him to orgasm again. Cum shot out of his cock, landing all over his belly. Lollius scooped it up on his fingers and thrust them in the boy's mouth. Quintus sucked the fingers until they were clean.

Then Trebonius took the fingers that had been in the boy's ass and stuck them in his mouth as well. "Clean these too, boy," he said. "A cinaedus like you should get used to this taste if he can't keep himself clean."

"Do you like it boy?" Lollius asked.

Quintus gagged and shook his head no. He could taste his own waste on his fingers, and it disgusted him.

Trebonius said, "I'll have to have your body slave show you how to keep clean down there. That means that you'll have to do what your body slave tells you to do. Can you do that, little Cinaedus?"

Quintus mumbled, "Yes, Trebonius, I can."

"Good," he said. "Let's get you to bed now."

A tall Celtic slave with powerful muscles came into the room. "This is Albus," Trebonius said. "He's your new body slave and your tutor in many ways. I'm giving him permission to beat you if you fail to learn or disobey."

"You can't," Quintus said. "Mother won't allow it."

"Your mother isn't doing very well in this pregnancy," Trebonius said. "You don't want her to get upset, do you? She could start bleeding again. Tonight was the last night she planned to get out of bed unless necessary. I don't think you want to cause her any distress. Are you going to be a good boy?"

"Yes, Trebonius," Quintus said. He didn't want to make his mother sicker. She'd been like this three years ago when she lost the baby. He didn't remember that she'd been like this ten years ago as well, and he had no way of knowing how she'd suffered when he was born.

"Good little cinaedus," he said. Then he turned to Albus and said, "I want you to beat him lightly tomorrow for challenging my authority. Then give me a report."

Albus helped Quintus to his feet and then carried him to his room. Trebonius and Lollius put their own subligaria and tunics back on.

Trebonius said, "the boy's story is quite sad. He has no remaining relatives on his father's side close enough to care about him, and his mother's family has no interest even they did have a claim on him. If Sabellia survives this pregnancy, I'm going to see about convincing her to allow me to adopt him, even though it means a reduction in his social class. He's small and looks less mature than he is, so I can justify delaying his coming-of-age ceremony until he's 18 at least."

"And if she doesn't?" Lollius asked. "From what you've said the doctor thinks she may not make it."

"I married her to get to the boy," Trebonius said. "I won't allow anything to stand in my way, no matter what happens."

"If he weren't Aulus Curtius's son, it would be easy," Lollius said.

Trebonius smiled a predatory grin. "You're right of course," he said. "I have a plan for that. Did you know that the boy's father almost sold him to me? He would have if Sabellia had died. He needed money and he had a plan to pass the boy off as the child of a slave, the product of a shameful affair."

"Whatever happened?" Lollius asked.

"Sabellia survived and he changed his mind," Trebonius said. "It didn't stop the father from letting me take advantage of the boy from time to time, nothing more than a good fondling to whet my appetite, but it was worth a few denarii in easy loans. I got my money back and I had access to the boy."

"Do you think that you can make anyone believe that story?" Lollius asked. "It's three years old and he treated the boy as his son every year thereafter."

"What if I told you that the father had written a letter telling the whole sordid fabrication," Trebonius said. "All it lacked was a seal and the signature of three witnesses. And imagine my surprise when I found the letter hidden among his affects after I married Sabellia. If I could count on a few friends who could pretend to have witnessed the document. We can date it to just before the father died."

"You're a clever man, Trebonius," Lollius said. "The signatures shouldn't be too hard to come by. I'm assuming you have the father's seal."

Lollius smiled broadly and shook his closest friend's hand, walked him to the door and said his goodbyes.

Albus helped Quintus to his room and looked around. It was too small and too close to his mother's bedroom for the training he would need. He put the boy into his bed and pulled a sheet over him. After finding an appropriate room, Albus woke another slave and had him help prepare for the next day. Then he bent the slave over the bed in Quintus's new room and took his pleasure. It was good to be one of the master's chosen slaves. Everyone knew he was a favorite. He'd been the master's puer delicatus when a boy and then his concubinus until the master's marriage. And everyone in the household knew that he had the master's ear. Only the overseer ranked higher among the slaves.

When Quintus awakened the following day, his head was pounding from the strong wine of the previous night. An attractive young slave named Eburnus was seated on the chair in the room. He jumped up and ran to the table and poured a cup of water. "Here master, drink this, and I'll go fetch you the medicine the master ordered for you," he said.

Quintus barely had time to mutter "thank you" before the boy turned and ran out of the room. Like many of Trebonius's slaves, Eburnus wore a scandalously short tunic over subligaria that was little more than a pouch and thin straps. When he ran out of the room, Quintus could see the boy's creamy white buttocks flashing beneath the tunic, and he understood why the boy had been named "Ivory".

He drank the water, which soothed the aching dryness of his mouth, but did nothing to alleviate his headache. He moved to his wardrobe to find his clothes and was surprised to find that it was empty. He didn't even have a simple undertunic or subligaria to put on. He poured himself another cup of water and waited.

Albus returned before Eburnus. He was carrying a baculum or rod of authority, but it was smaller and thinner than the one carried by the overseer. Quintus knew that it was a tutor's baculum.

"Finish your water, Bellus," Albus said. Then you'll want to take a piss before I deliver the punishment ordered by the master.

"My name is Quintus Bellus," Quintus said, "and you should remember that you're a slave and I'm freeborn."

Albus smiled at the adolescent in front of him and said, "Don't say I didn't warn you."

Albus was twenty years old and stood nearly six feet tall. He had the broad shoulder and muscular build common to many of the Celtic natives of the region. When Quintus had first seen him, just before his mother's marriage to Trebonius, Albus had worn long golden hair that he kept neatly fixed with hair ribbons. By the day of the wedding, his hair had been cut in a shorter, masculine style. He towered over Quintus who was small even for a Roman, standing more than half a foot taller than him and nearly twice as broad.

Albus grabbed Quintus in a wrestling hold and forced his baculum into the boy's mouth like a bit. "The master told me to deliver your punishment this morning, and I'm going to do it," he said. If you make a fuss, other slaves in the household will hear you and come see you getting beaten like a child. If you want that, yell and attract their attention."

Quintus knew that he was two years shy of his majority. Most Romans assumed their toga virilis at age sixteen. It was uncommon for boys his age to be beaten by a slave, but it was permitted by Roman custom. And it would be embarrassing if it became widely known throughout the household.

When Quintus stopped struggling, Albus released him. "The master has given me instructions. One of those instructions is that I am to be tutor to you. So, you will call me tutor or Albus, and I will call you whatever I want. For now, the master wants me to call you Bellus when we are in public, although in private I'm free to use the nickname he's given you, Cinaedus. Now bend over the bed unless you want me to bring a couple of burly slaves in here to witness it."

Quintus sighed and leaned over the bed. Albus moved behind him and ran a hand down his butt, allowing one finger to tease his hole for a moment, causing Quintus's small cock to grow hard. Albus could see it stiffening against the side of the bed.

"The master was right," Albus said. "You are a cinaedus. You may think this funny coming from me, given that I have used my body to provide pleasure to men since I was a child, but we're different, you and me. I can enjoy it when my body was used, but I've never craved it like you do. You're special, Cinaedus."

Quintus said nothing in return. He knew there was something wrong with him. He'd always gotten aroused when men touched him. He'd had his first wet dream about his own father. Every time his father or one of the other men in the baths had made a joke about cinaedi, his ears had burned, and he'd felt shame. He'd never wanted to admit to himself what Trebonius had seen in him even as child.

"You probably should have taken my advice and pissed before your beating," Albus said. "If you piss while I'm beating you, you'll have to lick it up off the floor."

"Please Albus," Quintus cried, "Let me do it now."

"You had your chance," Albus said, stroking the bottom of the boy's penis. "One of the things the master wants me to teach you is obedience. You disobeyed and now you face the consequences."

"I'll do anything, Albus," the boy pleaded. The pressure in his bladder was growing. It had gotten worse from being pressed against the side of the bed.

"What will you do for me, Cinaedus?" he asked. "What do you mean by anything?"

Quintus wasn't sure what Albus wanted, but he figured there was one thing all men wanted, so he said, "I'll suck your cock."

The truth was that Quintus was curious to see the older youth's penis. And he did want to see what it felt like to take one in his mouth.

"To be clear, Cinaedus, are you asking me to allow you to suck my cock?" he asked.

"Yes, I am," Quintus said, his ears burning with shame.

"Are you a cinaedus then?" Albus asked.

"Yes. I'm a cinaedus," Albus cried. "Please let me piss before I can't hold it anymore."

Albus took his hand off the crying teen's back and said, "Go ahead and piss Cinaedus."

Quintus scrambled to get to the chamber pot in time. He'd been holding hold bladder so long that it was painful when he got started, but then it felt good. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the boy Eburnus putting a steaming cup of liquid on the table and spreading a tunic on the bed. He wondered how long the boy had been in the room. Had he heard him begging to suck Albus's cock? Had he heard him admit to being a cinaedus?

When he'd finished, Albus said, "Drink your medicine first, then you'll get your discipline."

Eburnus brought him a warm mug that was fragrant with honey, mint, and other herbs. Quintus took it and sipped. There was a bitter taste he didn't recognize under the sweet herbiness. He drank it down and shuddered.

Albus said, "First your discipline. Lean over the bed."

Quintus wasn't tall enough to rest his cock on the bed while his feet were on the floor, so he adjusted it to hang between his legs, pressed against the side again. He braced himself for the caning he was about to receive. He felt Albus's hand against his back. Then he felt the baculum brush his buttocks gently.

"I'm only giving you ten strokes today because I was told to take it easy on you. But if you don't count them, neither will I. Do you understand me, Bellus?" he asked.

"Yes, Albus, I understand," Quintus replied.

The first blow surprised Quintus. He'd never been beaten before because he's always been a well-behaved boy. "Unus!" he said.

The second blow was a little harder than the first. "Duo!" the boy cried out.

Albus was good at this. His third blow landed near the first two, still on the buttocks. "Tres!" he cried.

"Quattuor!" he yelped as the fourth blow landed atop the first three. Albus was avoiding the thighs where the marks would show.

"Quinque!" Quintus sobbed. His butt felt like it was on fire, and he had only reached the halfway point.

"Sextus! Septem! Octo!" he cried, as the next three fell in rapid succession. He was crying now, tears streaming down his face.

Albus rubbed his hand over Quintus's red butt. It felt like sandpaper on his tender skin. Then he ran finger along the stiff shaft of his penis. "Your little penis is still hard, Cinaedus," he said. "You must enjoy getting your butt beaten."

He smacked Quintus's butt hard with his open palm. "Do you like it when I beat your butt with my baculum?"

"No. I mean maybe. I don't know why my dick is hard," Quintus blubbered.

Albus just laughed and said, "It's because you're a little cinaedus whose tiny little penis loves it when you're being beaten."

Without warning, another hard blow landed across Quintus's buttocks. "Novem!" he yelled.

Albus rubbed the baculum along the teen's red cheeks. Then he pressed gently against the hole with the blunt tip. Quintus held his breath. To this shame, his penis oozed precum. Then the tip was withdrawn, and the hardest blow yet fell on his ass. He cried out in pain, barely managing to speak intelligibly, "Decem!"

Albus allowed Quintus to rest for a moment. He lay there crying softly against the mattress. He could hear Eburnus in the background saying, "The young master's cock is still hard."

"That's because Bellus is a little cinaedus like you," Albus responded. "He can't help himself. Whenever he's touched by a man, his little penis gets hard, even if he's getting beaten. But it's different with him. You're a slave and no one thinks it odd if you're a cinaedus whose asshole quivers whenever a man is near, but Bellus is supposedly a freeborn Roman, and it's considered shameful for a Roman citizen to be a cinaedus."

Quintus got up from the bed and looked at the clothes that had been laid out for him. There was a simple, unadorned tunic, sleeveless and short. It was fitting for a common laborer or the slave of a wealthy man, but it wasn't the knee length tunic with long arms common for well-born boys. And there was no subligaria to be seen.

"Albus," he said timidly, "There's only a tunic here, nothing else."

"Good," he said. "Put it on"

Quintus pulled on the tunic. His hard penis made it stick out in the front and he knew that if he ran, or bent over, his red buttocks would be showing. He tried to will his cock to go down, but it stubbornly refused. It had a mind of its own, and it seemed to like the humiliation he was experiencing.

"Come now, Bellus," Albus said. Eburnus and I are going to show you to your new room."

It was the first that the teen had heard of a new room assignment, but he wasn't going to risk further discipline at the hands of Albus. He meekly followed, being careful not to expose himself as he walked. They went out the back doors and into the garden. His new room was located on the second floor, overlooking the garden. It was in the corner, and the only room adjoining it was a guest room that was seldom used. It was like he was being put out of the way.

The room was much larger than his old room, and the furniture was nicer. It had two beds pushed together to make a single bed against the far wall. It also contained a wardrobe and a desk with a chair. Two benches were also in the room, as was a longer bench that could just barely be called another bed. Albus strolled over to the chair behind the desk and sat down. He spread his legs and smiled in Quintus's direction.

"Take your tunic off, Bellus," Albus demanded. With fearful hands, the teen did so, leaving himself naked once more. His cock was still hard and dripping.

Albus snapped his fingers and pointed to the ground between his legs. Quintus hurried over and dropped to his knees. "You begged me to be allowed to suck my cock, didn't you?" he demanded.

"Yes," Quintus said, lowering his eyes in shame.

"Then beg me again," Albus demanded.

"Please let me suck your cock, Albus," Quintus mumbled.

"Look at me when you talk to me, Bellus," Albus said. "And speak up. If someone were outside the door to this room, I would want them to be able to hear you."

Quintus looked up into the demanding eyes of the man who was supposed to be his slave, and he spoke loudly and distinctly. "Please let me suck your cock, Albus."

The young, blond Celt smiled at him and said, "Why do you want to suck my cock, Bellus?"

Quintus thought about that question for a moment. He knew that Albus wanted him to debase himself. The question was, did he want it. Did he want to totally debase himself before this young slave? The tingling in his cock told him that he did.

"Please Albus, let me suck your cock. I'm a cinaedus and I need to feel your cock inside my mouth. It's so big and manly compared to my cock," Quintus said.

"I'm convinced, Bellus," the powerfully built Celt said. "Your cock really is tiny compared to mine, isn't it?"

"Yes, Albus, it is," Quintus replied.

"From now on, whenever you speak about your cock, you must always use an adjective to describe how small it is, or you can use the diminutive."

"Please, Albus, let me suck your manly cock; my own little cock is nothing compared to yours and I want to know what a man's cock feels like," Quintus said.

"Since you asked so politely, the answer is yes," Albus said. "I'll let you suck my cock."

With that, he leaned back and spread his legs further apart. Quintus moved forward and worked Albus's cock out of his subligaria. It was large, nearly twice the length of Quintus's smaller member. It looked powerful, and it was erect. Like all the pleasure slaves in the house, his pubes were trimmed very short, even shorter than Quintus's own and his had barely begun to grow last year.

Quintus peeled back the foreskin and exposed the pink tip. He flicked his tongue against it gently and tasted the precum that was flowing. He liked the taste.

"Give it a kiss, little cinaedus," Albus said in a low tone of voice. "Make love to my cock."

Quintus wasted no time. The thick, hard shaft felt soft and firm in his hands, and ever so warm. It was like the softest leather. And there was no unpleasant odor. As a rule, Trebonius punished a slave severely if he smelled dirty. Quintus kissed the shaft, from the head down to the balls, and then began to work his way up the other side. He used his tongue to rub the head of the cock and then opened wide enough to take just the tip in his mouth. He sucked and licked until he felt Albus tense.

"When I cum in your mouth, you will drink it all," Albus gasped. "A cinaedus needs his daily dose of man seed, and I intend to see that you get plenty every day."

Then he came with explosive force, his seed shooting in large streams down Quintus's throat. And Quintus never ceased to suck and to lick with his tongue until he had swallowed every savory drop. Then he licked his lips.

"Was it really that good, Cinaedus," Albus asked with a smile.

Quintus nodded his head, his eyes still a little glazed and said, "Yes. Yes it was."

He didn't know why he asked, but it just felt right kneeling before Albus this way. "Can I masturbate, Albus?"

He didn't expect the answer. "No, Bellus," Albus replied. "The master says that you are not to masturbate. He said that you can cum, but only if someone is playing with your ass. Eburnus and I have been tasked with making sure that you never have the opportunity to break the rule."

"Would you please, play with my ass, Albus?" Quintus asked plaintively. He was feeling a need to cum.

"It's too dirty right now," Albus responded, "but don't worry. Our next task this morning is to get you cleaned up properly."

Quintus was forced to put his scandalous tunic back on and follow Albus and Eburnus down to the small bath in the house. Eburnus was set to keep watch and Albus led Quintus into the side room where bathers went to clean themselves before getting into the bath. He opened a case on the wall and pulled out a bag like a small wineskin with a removable spout. He filled it with warm water, drawn from the reserve for the bath. Then he had Quintus bend over a bench, and he used the bag to force warm water into his rectum. He did this a few times until the water came out clean.

"After you're clean," Albus said, "use this unguent to moisturize your hole and get it ready for use."

Quintus found it a little degrading to prepare himself as if he were a prostitute primping for a customer, but last night he'd been forced to taste Trebonius's finger when it has been in his unwashed butt, and he didn't want to experience that again.

"Remember, Bellus," Albus said, "Anything that goes into your butt will go into your mouth afterwards. It's in your own interest to keep yourself clean inside."

After the cleaning, Quintus and the two slaves cleaned each other's skin with oil and then climbed into the bath for a warm soak. Once they were relaxed, they went back upstairs to Quintus's new room, where the freeborn Quintus was stripped and made to lay supine on the bed. Albus and Eburnus took turns sliding their fingers into his butt. Like last night, they found that special spot and worked the teen over until he was hard and dripping. They kept him on edge for an hour, not touching his hard little cock, until finally Albus touched it lightly, tapping it until it oozed cum. Quintus was moaning, and his cock was twitching, but it didn't bring the relief that he was used to getting after masturbating.

As Quintus's inner cinaedus was brought out slowly and more wantonly every day, he still felt shame. As a Roman citizen, he knew that it was wrong for him to enjoy sucking cocks and having men play with his ass, but it felt so good that he couldn't resist. Either Albus or Eburnus was always with him, and he was never given time alone. His cock was always hard and the only time he came was when he was excited by one of his minders playing with butt and then his cock was gently tapped until the cum oozed out. After a few days, they allowed him to wear subligaria, but they gave him some like the boy slaves of the house wore, consisting of a pouch to hold his penis and thin straps to hold it on. He was also allowed to wear tunics over his under tunic, but he no longer wore the modest tunics of a freeborn boy, but tunics that came midway down his thighs like a male adult.

One month before his fifteenth birthday, Sabellia gave Trebonius a son and heir, they named him after Trebonius's patron, Marcus Trebonius, but they kept the cognomen Felix because the boy was born nearly a month early yet seemed in perfect health. Two days after the birth, Sabellia closed her eyes and breathed no more. And young Quintus's life would never be the same.


·        Albus. A Celtic slave belonging to Trebonius. He's four years older than Quintus Curtius Bellus and becomes his mentor in the arts of gay sex.

·        Eburnus**.** A slight and pretty Celtic slave also owned by Trebonius. He is two years younger than Curtius Bellus. Like Bellus, he is a cinaedus, but he has more experience despite his youth.

·        Gnaeus Lollius. An equestrian slave dealer in Eburacum and a friend of Trebonius. He is also a decurion in town.

·        Quintus Curtius Bellus. The child of Aulus Curtius Bellus and his wife Sabellia. He was the last of his family line and had been appointed a decurion in Eburacum in northern Britannia.

·        Sabellia**.** The wife of Trebonius, the widow of Aulus Curtius Bellus and the mother of Quintus Curtius Bellus. She died giving birth to Trebonius's heir Marcus Trebonius Felix, also called Felix Secundus.

·        Titus Trebonius Felix. A Celtic freedman of the legate Marcus Trebonius who freed him and set him up in business as a manufacturer of pottery for the military. He is one of the wealthiest men in Eburacum despite remitting half his profits to Marcus Trebonius, now a senator in Rome. He is Sabellia's second husband and acts as mentor to you Quintus Curtius Rufus. As a freedman he can't hold political office.

Latin Vocabulary

·        Baculum. A rod or stick. Although the word had many meanings, in this story it refers to the rod an overseer or tutor carried to show that he had the master's authority over the slaves.

·        Cinaedus. The closest latin word to faggot. Refers to a man lacking masculine qualities.

·        Concubinus**.** A male slave who shares his master's bed on a regular basis, usually a iuvenis (youth) instead of a boy.

·        Decurion. An appointed member of the local legislature (like being a senator in Rome).

·        Fellator. A cocksucker.

·        Nomen**.** The Roman word for name. In the case of Quintus Curtius Bellus, Quintus is his first name, the name used by family and the closest of friends; Curtius is the name he inherited from his equestrian family, much like a modern last name; and Bellus is the cognomen, the name that specifies that he is from the Bellus branch of the gens Curtia (or Curtius clan).

·        Puer Delicatus. A slave boy who was distinguished by his beauty and was used by the master sexual gratitification.

·        Subligaria. Roman word for underwear.

·        Toga Virilis. The toga of manhood. A Roman male citizen could wear a toga, a long rectangular cloth that wrapped in a specific manner around his body, usually worn over a tunic. Freeborn boys could wear togas that were specific for them, but the adulthood ceremony involved changing the boyish toga for the adult male toga. It was also time for a Roman boy's first shave.

·        Tutor. Latin word for guardian. Usually, only children and women had tutores. The word can also be used to mean the same thing as in English.

Next: Chapter 2

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