Belle Air House

Published on Oct 30, 2021


The Belle Air House 4 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

Not everyone is into bears and gorillas. It turned out that everyone could make do with bears and gorillas in a pinch. I think most of the men visiting Belle Air felt the pinch and made do. Sammy liked pleasant affable men. Looking like a bear and acting like a bear are rarely combined.

Many of his bears were just beefy guys into weigh lifting. Sammy was bear-like in weight, hairiness, but not in musculature. He was socially inept and shy. He couldn't make a pass at a man, and he was not the type to say, "I'm really rich, let me fuck you."

He really liked some of our guys. Most of our crew had one distinctive trait. If a guy had a cock and an asshole, they were willing to suck or fuck him. In general, that would be an unattractive trait. For Sammy it was a sexual gold mine. Our men were attractive enough, willing, and able. They were polite and asked if he wanted to be fucked and then if he would like them to shoot off in his ass.

Semen trading was new to Sammy, and he loved it. Titan was the first to breed him. I knew he shot off fire hose style, tickling the deeper recesses of the ass. The B & G men liked it too. It turned out that Bruno's boys usually shot of into the air, not into the warm, intimate, parts of their pals.

Titan had another endearing quality. He was into computers and high-tech big time. He could have an intelligent conversation on the subject. He knew and appreciated Sammy's technical skills. During the three-day weekend at Belle Air, Sammy and his pals were comfortable and at ease being naked and having sex with men. They left Belle Air House happy men.

We made some quick and dirty video's during the next couple of weeks. Each video featured our actors talking about their best sexual experiences, while demonstrating their skills. The were informal and became popular.

Titan had many friends and acquaintances accumulated over years. He had one secret friend, who he never named. The friend wasn't in the closet. He was in a vault. Something dramatically changed and the friend wanted to visit us and meet persons he described as "like spirits." Titan emphasized these were personal friends who valued their privacy. They would visit Belle Air Home for a week. The arrived in a private plane.

As soon as they disembarked, I knew who they were. I knew who they were even though I didn't know any of them personally. They were all former military or retired were police or law enforcement. Titan's friend was called Chief. The other men were Tom, Dick, Harry, Larry, and Bill. All had recently retired and moved away from their former hometowns. They wanted a free gay life without the threat of exposure. Officially it is acceptable to be a gay policeman. If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you.

They were all in their late fifties or early sixties. They were all in either good shape or great shape. All had short hair or were bald.

I was with some of our men doing one of our "Best Sexual Experience" videos. We were in the studio, all of us were naked. Tony was describing the first time he fucked a man. Tony was middle-aged and Eddie was playing the young guy taking a cock for the first time.

One of Titian's guests, Harry was watching intently. I suspected Harry was a self-confident man in a situation he had never encountered before.

When the scene was over, the men left except for Harry. He came over to me. "Is this the normal dress code here?" he asked.

"It varies some. There is naked with a soft cock and naked with a hard cock," I explained. "The hard cock is for formal occasions."

"Are jockstraps, okay?" he asked.

"Some guys like them. There are some elaborate leather accessories that are popular," I said. "For me that too much to take off, but it's up to your own personal tastes."

He leaned closer to me, "What if you aren't into a guy?"

"Nothing is required, it's up to you," I said. "Sadism is not much admired. If you want to fuck a guy on the front steps, which is fine, but it's also okay to go to a bedroom and have a more intimate experience."

"I'm a more private man," he whispered.

"We were all more private men at one time. Most of us were in the closet and were terrified of being outed. Everyone here is gay, and you may have guessed; we are normally horny as shit," I explained. "You can play it by ear, but I have discovered that I have been letting my cock taking the lead recently."

Harry laughed. "You mean you will not be arrested or beaten up if you make a pass?" he asked.

"As a matter of fact, if you make enough passes you may be in the running for the Mr. Congeniality award," I said.

"I'm a bit old for that," he said.

"I wouldn't bet the farm in that. You're an in-shape Daddy type. Let me assure you that you are marketable!" I explained. He smiled and thanked me for being helpful. He then went off to rejoin the Chief and the other men.

We had a fancy dinner that night with the new guests. It was festive and cheerful. No alcohol was served. That usually meant that some of our guest had a problem. Tony and Eddie did a recap of their scene earlier that day, but Tony was playing the sex crazed philanderer and Eddie was the innocent virgin in a Victorian morality play. Both men went way over the top. Eddie did a speech bemoaning his loss of virginity while he sat on a self-illuminated dildo. The skit was a total success.

Titan and Trevor took the guests around introducing them to the actors and crew. A little later the men paired off and the official entertainment for the night was over. I noted that Eddie went with Titan and the Chief. The Chief must have like younger men. After Eddie's dildo display, he obviously had no problem with oversized cocks.

A little later Harry came over to me with Larry, another one of the Chief's men. Larry was older but in good shape. They were both naked and well equipped. I was talking with Tony, and they complimented him on the skit.

"Thank you, but Eddie is the good comedian," Tony said. "He thought up the dildo stuff himself. It's hard to believe that after all the dildo action his ass was still tight."

"Nothing was faked?" Harry asked.

"All the sex in our videos is real. As for the plots, they are not so real," Tony said. "The day-to-day sex is real too. It keeps you in practice. The guys here are open to sex. We have a doctor here who makes sure we are all safe, pure, and edible. We tend to share the special sauce."

"Do you get tired of it sometimes?" Larry asked.

"Some men are Johnny-one-notes, but for most guys, every time you connect it's different," Tony said. "Now playing with Gill here is always an adventure." Tony looked at me, but he dropped to his knees and sucked Larry. He gestured to Harry to get closer so he could suck both.

A group of five guys walked by. "There is a thunderstorm minutes away, we're going the Sweet Dreams Lounge, come along," Greg Newland called. He was the porn actor with the Hot-to-Trot stage name. He was with Charlemagne, Billy, Buster and Cornell. With Eddie, Tony, Larry, Harry, and we made an intimate group of ten men. Since we were all hard, no one claimed to be uninterested. Harry remembered Greg from an old porn video and Sam recognized Buster as Rough Stuffing from a once popular video.

The Sweet Dreams Lounge had been an earlier effort to revitalize the motel as pick-up place for traveling salesman looking for women. That was a few steps next to overt prostitution, but it had a reputation. Unfortunately, when bills from the Sweet Dream's Lounge began to appear in corporate expense accounts, the place had to close. It had been decorated in the later nineties but was still in good condition.

Harry and Larry were handsome men, and our men noticed they were uneasy. Harry and Larry were rock hard so there was no question that they wanted sex. I went over to them.

"I've never been in a scene like this before," Harry said. "Everything is so open."

"It's hard for a naked, sexually excited man to hide his interests," I said. "You aren't alone. We're all in the same state. Most men try to hide their feelings, but you need to be wearing clothes. When you suck a guy, you can taste it when he gets excited and when he gets close. There is no way you can hide your excitement. I know all our guys here. If anything, they want you more than you want them. They share your interests."

Greg and Cornell came over to us. "We're the welcome wagon," Greg announced as he dropped to his knees and swallowed Harry's cock. Cornell did the same to Larry's organ.

Let's just say that "free and easy" and "let it all hang out," were not the mottoes of our guest. Some might have admitted they were into sex with men, but a few were not into the "know thyself" approach to life. These men tended to calculate and plan things before they acted.

As a member of the animal kingdom, our reproductive system has its own agenda. Most animals don't have a choice about that. The upper tiers of the animal kingdom can be selective. Men can plan and be selective, but you can't deselect sexual urges. Cocks do not have a brain, but they have a clear objective and a drive to achieve the objective.

It took ten to fifteen minutes for all the guests and our staff to surrender to our cocks' needs and join in the festivities. It is lucky that uneasy and rock hard can co-exist. You can try to hang back, but your cock oozing a drip of precum advertises your interest.

Our guest were handsome, muscular big men. Big men are not synonymous with big cocks. Our guests were equipped with large cocks. Some were long, some were meaty, some were thick and meaty. Their cocks did not disappoint.

I should make a confession. While cocks are nice, a cock hanging from the groin of a good man is better. I was surprised that my cock was in Harry's warm mouth. I immediately knew that Harry was not new to the scene and that my cock met Harry's standards. I also knew my ass would soon be intimately connected to Harry's cock.

"Damn, you're good," I moaned.

He looked up and said, "It's been a long time. I'm horny as hell." During the next few minutes, I found out he hadn't been with a new man in months; he was a top, and he only like it bareback. He also told me his cock was too big and most guys couldn't take it.

I told him that if he didn't demand that an ass be virgin, I could help him out. A few minutes later I was on an oversized ottoman with my legs over my head and Harry's cock was probing my ass. My ass was as willing to take his cock as much as he wanted to fuck.

We were in the Sweet Dream's Lounge for an hour or so. Initially it was slightly tense, and men were on guard. I know that when I have sex with a man I just met, I seem to slip between thinking that I am horny as hell and how bad can it be. I guess seventy to eighty percent of the time it is good. Once you relax it gets a lot better. Rarely you or your playmate's cocks aren't into it.

I like group play because you can gracefully break apart and look for another guy. No one had a problem and Harry and I no problems once our genitals connected. Harry was naturally aggressive, but he didn't expect to find an ass that made no effort to keep him out

Harry thought of an ass as a storage place for sperm. My ass is tight, and I like to massage a cock as it pushed in deeper and worked up to a climax. He later told me my ass was better than any cunt he had fucked. He took a few rest periods so he could have more time fucking before the inevitable orgasm. He left his cock in my ass so my sphincter could squeeze it and milk the last drops from it. His orgasm was worth the wait. I think he would have shot some internal organs into me if that were possible.

He was embarrassed after he pulled out. He had felt intense pleasure and emotion. I suspected most of his life was spent suppressing those emotions. Showing emotion was unthinkable.

"If fucking was an Olympic sport, you would have won a gold medal!" I said. Showing emotion was a problem but getting praise for his sexual performance was fine.

"You liked it?" he asked.

"Some places in my ass are more responsive than others," I said. "You hit them all."

Larry and Cornell came over to us. "You boys put on quite a show. Was it as good as it looked," Cornell asked? "By the way, Larry is a good sport too."

"I'm afraid I made a mess," Harry said. "I'm afraid it will drool out."

"Does anyone want to push it back in?" I asked.

Cornell whispered something to Larry. Larry hesitated briefly. His cock was fully erect. He nudged his knob into my ass and pushed deep. He moaned. Larry's cock was thick.

"He has a nice ass, doesn't he?" Harry asked.

"Harry, he likes the lubricant too. You don't get to use a pal's cock cream as lube often," I said.

It seemed to me that our little group of men decided to make a sperm smoothy in my ass. That might sound important, but everyone was relaxed and feeling good. It wasn't at all like a gangbang. Everyone was happy, relaxed, and mellow. It just happened that they all wanted to shoot off and my ass was open and accepting.

They all returned to their bedrooms except for Harry. He was on the floor gently caressing my asshole with his tongue. I was relaxed too and cum was drooling from my ass. I thought he would leave when the first globs of sperm touched his tongue. I was wrong about that.

The next day everyone seemed to get along. The Chief and his friends seemed at ease and comfortable with our people. They were clearly more comfortable with our free approach to sex.

We were doing well financially. Our videos were popular. I am not a pessimist, but I am realistic. There is a joke rule, that if it can go wrong, it will. Titian got a phone message that Malcomb had died of a heart attack. No one had ever mentioned the word, will. No one had any idea what the future would be.

If there was a will, he might have left his money to his true love of the moment. He could have left it to the ASPCA or to a distant cousin. I spoke to Titian. He knew the name of Malcomb's lawyer. That was a start. Titan called the lawyer, Gerald Lawson & Associates. Gerald knew of Titan and was a fan.

In an unexpected and stunning outbreak of common sense, Gerald had updated his will before he went to Europe. A year earlier Malcomb had created a Belle Air Foundation to serve as home for retired actors. Half of the estate went to the Foundation. The rest was distributed to former lovers and relatives. Titan was designated as the head of the foundation.

We were not going to be on the streets the day after the funeral. Titan and I met with Gerald Lawson. He was a local boy. His dad had been the county sheriff for years, and his uncle was the judge of the probate court. He assures us that every T had been crossed and I dotted. He had seen some of Titan's earlier porn efforts and was a fan. It was clear that Titan had not lost his allure.

Older men, Daddies are lucky. I assume there is a market for grannies in the porn world, but it is limited. I assume that gay men who like young men are the majority in the gay world, but Daddies have a following. Titan was more macho, and completely comfortable with himself.

I wondered if Titan noticed Gerald's admiring glances. I almost burst out laughing as soon I had that thought. Of course, Titan noticed that, and he would take advantage of it. he had a good line. "I'm not a lovey-dovey man, but I like sex a lot." That worked with ninety percent of the men he met. He promised nothing but hot sex. his playmates got that, and many got a lot more.

Malcomb had torrid love affairs that ended in dislike and recriminations. Titan offered a night of hot sex and had scores of close friends. Some men had known him for decades and were still close. I had a feeling Gerald would soon be a friend.

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