Belle Air House

Published on Sep 19, 2021


The Belle Air House 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

Malcomb Justice was not a firm and steady leader. He believed that his freewheeling style encouraged imagination in his productions and in the staff. He announced he was going to Paris to work on "some ideas." He told us this as a car arrived to take him to the airport.

We were stunned. He had made Titan the president of the company that was making the videos. Titan also had the right to hire and fire staff and authorize payments to employees. I was relieved it wouldn't have to look for another job. Malcomb had one major redeeming characteristic. He was made of money.

Titan had a plan for best-selling video. Trevor was known as a 100% top. Titan wanted a video featuring Trevor as a bottom in a gangbang. This was to be revenge for a lifetime on non-reciprocity. Somehow Trevor was willing. The title of the epic was Best Served Cold.

I am a suspicious man, and I had a suspicion that Titan's deeply imbedded tool in Trevor's ass played a role in this changed of character. Both men had big tools with box office appeal.

I smiled to myself. Whatever you might say about porn videos, the phrase meaningful and thought provoking never pops up in reviews or comments. Superficial, cheep, and tawdry are mentioned. The purpose for porn is clear. It is to get men to get off. Deep thoughts about the meaning of life and introspection are counterproductive. This was true in Greek and Roman porn, and it is just as true now.

Trevor was the perfect man for porn. He was superficial and shallow. I had a suspicion his partner's death had been a shock to him. I wondered if his partner was a favorite toy and Trevor hadn't realized there was more to the relationship. Trevor was alone and I wondered is his visit to see Malcomb was an effort to feel close to a guy. Selfish and self-centered was Malcomb's basic personality trait.

Titan thought a video of Trevor being the guest of honor at a gang bang would be a hit. He was a confirmed top seeing him as a bottom would be a novelty. I assumed that there was no chance in hell that Trevor would do that.

I misjudged the importance that fame plays in the mind of a faded porn star. Trevor wanted to reclaim his role as a popular star. He was willing to let his asshole be the co-star. In his prime he had fucked A-list stars. He figured there were many aging men who would love to see him taking ordinary cocks attached to ordinary men.

When he agreed to the proposed new video, every B, C, and D list actor living at Belle Air house was willing to take a poke. There was enthusiasm in the air again. Dr. Willy gave Trevor a medical exam to make sure he, and his ass were up to it. Trevor was in good health, and both the doctor and his nurse Jake gave him a rigorous fucking to make sure. Trevor, who usually played the Prima Donna, told me it was enjoyable.

Trevor turned out to be unexpectedly pleasant and affable. He told me when Jake climaxed in him, and he felt Jake's sperm tickling his ass he found a new source of pleasure he hadn't known before.

"It wasn't as exciting as shooting off myself, but it came a lot closer than I thought. Doc fucked me next and boy, was it smooth!" he explained.

Over the next few days Trevor got to know the actors and much of the crew much better. Titan explained to all of us, that while penetrating and ejaculating were good, it was important that Trevor was undamaged. "In our next video he might be fucking you. Make sure he has fond memories of your anal visit."

The "training" session had unexpected benefits. Everyone got to like Trevor. Trevor could be stuck up, but he was a trooper. "Take a licking and keep on ticking," was the phrase I heard as Trevor took the fifth cock up his ass.

When I had my turn, I was the last man of the afternoon. I was either the sixth or seventh of the day. His ass was still tight, but with multiple loads in him, he couldn't resist my entry. His ass molded to my cock. If there was a deluxe cock massage, this was it. Fucking is intimate, but plowing through five or six, loads was exciting.

Titan, Charlemagne, and Merrill had preceded me as had Billy. Billy rarely participated in public sex, but Trevor had been the first porn star than attracted him. Trevor's ass was all but overflowing with sperm. I was thinking it was interesting, but after a few strokes it was much more than interesting. My cock realized it was snowplowing through the remains of multiple orgasms. All of them had been ball draining blowouts.

The cum stew in his ass welcomed each additional cock and anticipated the orgasm. It was warm and slippery. I knew the men had shot deep, but the bloated edge of the cock heads and lubricate the entire anal cavity as they pulled out. I thought of Titan's oversized knob shooting his balls' contents into Trevor and then spreading the quivering goo.

I was lost in thought, when my cock made an executive decision and added my sperm to the cum stew. Trevor and I moaned as I unloaded. It was beautiful. Trevor told me he felt me shooting. Billy was filming this "rehearsal." This was my cock's first brush with stardom as a co-star.

Trevor liked the focus on him. He, or more correctly, his ass was the center of attention. Billy discovered that the sperm drooling from his hole was photogenic. It looked like a cream waterfall. In his earlier movies the focus was on his cock. I think if the focus was on him, Trevor didn't care what was being filmed.

In the video, Trevor played a selfish, over-the-hill porn star, who had specialized in fucking un-suspected virgins. He didn't exactly rape them; it was more of a rape lite. Decades later, they returned to do the same to him. I noticed the plot didn't rival War & Peace, but plot is secondary to penetration in porn.

It was fifteen men shooting their loads into his behind. Billy and I caught every cock's entry into his ass and the exit. As the sperm load built up in him, the sperm drool increased as cock pulled out.

The only break in fucking flow was when someone fletched his ass to clean up the drooling sperm. We had a new man, Tony, who was into that. He was a hairy, brick shaped man who had a tongue that looked like a spoon as he collected the dribble. Somehow the sperm flow looked like liquid love, or at least liquid lust.

That night, Tony bunked with me. He had an outlandish Brooklyn accent, and a nice cock hidden in his furry bush. I think he might have pizza flavored cum, but that may have been my imagination. He was a cameraman who was hired to help Billy, but he was unexpectedly photogenic, if you were into animal photography.

While in the filming he specialized in fletching, he was into anything that involved a cock. He was a good fucker if you were into marathons. It took three or four orgasms for him to lose his erection. I fell asleep after the first two. He could sleep fuck. That might seem to be impossible, but when woke the next morning, he was still pumping.

To no one's surprise, Titan's directing skills were superb, and the filming of Trevor's comeback movie was easy and almost effortless. Titan had good organizational skills and knew how to deal with people. No one missed Malcomb. When the video was released three weeks later, it was an immediate best seller. It was a new day for the studio.

Malcomb was a flighty man, but in his defense, when he realized the size of the profits from Trevor's comeback video, he decided to stay in Europe longer. He told Titan that he had found Mr. Right. Titan knew that there had been somewhere between seventy-five and a hundred Mr. Rights in Malcomb's life.

Trevor was a new man. He discovered his new role as an insatiable bottom was attractive. It was less strenuous and more relaxing than fucking. He also liked the variety of cocks and the ultra-smoothness of the penetrations after the first few men shot off in him. I didn't know if that was true, but Trevor could rationalize anything that would keep him a star. After his partner died, he wanted fame again.

The success of the video had a good impact on the entire staff. The gangbang gave them all some screen time. Not only were they on screen; they were naked, erect, and fucking a famous porn star. Some got fan male. Some men regarded the video as collection of cocks. We got letters and e-mails addressed to fucker number seven, or to the uncut guy near the end of the video.

We had dozens of men who wanted to know if they could be the bottom in our next gangbang. Titan was interesting in making money. He had been through some tough times financially, and as he was getting older. While many of the men who contacted us were Trevor's fans, a number were Titan's groupies. He knew several wealthy men who had invited him to party of select friends. The parties featured his videos, and he was to give the guests the back story.

Titan told me that some time he gave demonstrations of his skills to select guests. I asked how many took part in the demonstrations.

"Rounding off and averaging the parties, I would say it was all of them," he said. I laughed.

"Were there any double dippers?" I asked.

Titan smiled. "You know me. I'm a generous man, and I attract sex crazed men like flies," he said.

We were in a lull in the video production and Titan had a group meeting. "Men, you all know our last video was a success. An old friend of mine, Manfred contacted me who said he would like to come here and share the ambience.

"What does ambience mean," Juan, one of our Latino actors asked.

"For our purposes, it means he wants to get fucked," Titan replied. The men burst out in laughter. "Manfred is coming with some close friends. Of course, if you would like to help, you are more than welcome to join in. If you aren't interested, you have more common sense than me." There was another outbreak of laughter. Somewhere between everyone and all the men decided to help Titan with his friends. On Wednesday, Manfred arrived in two Mercedes' Vans. Manfred was tall, imposing man. Most of his guests were older. There were two, very fit bodyguard types and one boy-toy. The boy-toy was approaching his sell-by date. I wonder if he was here to audition for position here. It was an oddly matched group of men.

I realize now that it is unwise to underestimate the sexual drive of gay men. Where there's cock there is a way. I was surprised when I found out the men wanted to be photographed. They all wanted proof they had been here.

While there have been many odd days at Belle Air House, this day was near the top. To say Manfred and his pals were open minded understates the case. There were also flexible. While Trevor and Titan were the big stars, Manfred's group liked us all.

After the day's shoot, we had a nice dinner and things settled down in the evening. I was surprised to find the boy-toy waiting at my bedroom door. He introduced himself as Troy and asked if I was number seven. Manfred's guys had a game to identify the cocks of the men who had topped. He knew I was number seven.

I asked if his real name was Troy. He said he was Eddie; Troy was the name he picked when he ran away from home. He found out I was a photographer and asked of it was hard to do it. He thought it would be interesting.

"It's easy to take photographs, but it's more difficult to be a professional, and even harder to become a well-known photographer. The top-of-the-line guys are wealthy; the average guys do weddings." I said.

We talked for a while. "You remind me of Mr. Bullard. He was the first guy I sucked, and he was the first man to suck me," he said.

"Is that good or bad?" I asked.

"It was really good," Troy replied. "I knew that cocks could spurt. I didn't know that a guy would eat the cock scum."

"I bet you liked that a lot," I said.

"I sure did. He said he would let me fuck him too," he continued. "He died before he got to fuck me. Your cock looks a lot like his."

"You are wondering what it would have felt like?" I asked. He nodded.

"I'm Rudolph's boy. He's fucks me a lot, but I still think of Mr. Bullard," Troy said. Rudolph was the oldest of Manfred's pals. Troy looked younger than twenty-one. I later found out that Manfred's normal cut off age for a house boy was nineteen.

Ten minutes later my cock was exploring Troy's ass with considerable success. I wasn't sure if that was due to my cock or to the fond memories of Mr. Bullard. Later Troy fucked me. His cock felt bigger in my ass than it looked. Troy was nice enough to let my roommates fuck him too. The next day we were to make a souvenir video of the visit.

Troy asked if he could help me. I said that would be fine. He was smaller than I am and could get the camera closer to the action. While he was poorly educated, he was smart, and I only needed to tell him how to do things once, and all was well. He took some up-close-and-personal shots that were both intimate and focused. A century ago, fuzzy photos evoked a dream-like state. Troy seemed to make the first blast of an orgasm look like Niagara Falls. After a substantial donation from Rudolph, Troy stayed at Belle Air to study photography.

Much to my surprise Billy, the chief photographer took Troy under his wing. Billy required that he resume using his real name, Eddie, and ditch the Troy persona. Eddie did not object. You win some and you lose some. Eddie turned into a good camera man. He had a good eye and could record intimate moments. They looked good, not messy.

Manfred's visit was a success. It was enjoyable and profitable. Titan soon found other opportunities. The next group was from the B & G Gym. It was owned by a reclusive millionaire, Samuel Rhoads III. Sammy inherited a lot of money which he invested in computer start-ups in the 1970s. That was a good choice. He was little known. His cash was hidden in front companies.

The B & G stood for bears and gorillas. That gave a slight clue to his sexual interest. He was an old fan of Titan and loved the older stars. He wanted the bears and gorillas from his gym to all fuck and breed him. He had been greatly impressed by the waterfall of sperm from Trevor's ass at the end of our video. A week later a fancy excursion bus arrived at Belle Air House. It was the sort of bus that would take wealthy people to visit historic sites. It had a bar and kitchen as well as a full-sized handicapped toilet room.

Sammy was a slightly overweight man in his seventies. The bears and gorillas were beefy and hairy. They would terrify you if you encountered them in a dark alley. Some would give Brian Blessed a run for his money in a bellowing contest.

They were all quite mellow, nice, pleasant men. The were friendly and since they had all seen Titan and Trevor's video they recognized our staff, who were to co-stars. We were to make the video the next day. Sammy, Titan, and Trevor went off to develop a script. Of course, there was no need for a script since no one cared about in a porn video. However, porn did have some traditions, and a poorly conceived plot was a part of the tradition.

That left the bears, gorillas, and our staff alone to do whatever. Whatever was a synonym for suck and fuck. Sammy's guys were a tested to protect him, and we were all tested too.

I was talking with Bruno, the manager of the Gym. He looked like the love child a bear with a hot gorilla bimbo. I asked him if the guys would have a problem shooting off the next day if the used up their ammunition.

Bruno smiled. "The boys' got balls' that refill in fifteen minutes. If they are excited, they can do it in five minutes. I don't know if that is part two of the first orgasm or if it's a new one. Whatever it is, it's impressive," He explained. "By the way, do your boy take the cock drool?"

I nodded. "They like it fresh, aged or drooling from the ass," I said. "If you like to taste your own after you've shot off, some guys will shove in the ass and them let you lick your used scum like off their cock like a popsicle." Bruno smiled.

Next: Chapter 4

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