
By Emile Ochoa

Published on Jan 15, 2018


The following story is a work of ficton and an erotic tale with all male characters. Please consider making a financial contribution to Nifty. Every donation helps! Thank you!

Bel Ami 3 Copyright © Emile Ochoa 2017.

I silently watched them drive off. I stayed until the car disappeared from sight, not even bothering to blink. I was a in a trance. I felt a lot of things, but the feelings that were strongest were shame, anxiety, and guilt like I; we, had just done something wrong. I'd pleasured myself hundreds of times before and always felt a little awkward afterward, but I got over it fast enough and it never kept me from doing it again, sometimes in the same day and I did it every day.

The way I felt about what happened with Dash was like it, but more intense. My stomach felt knotted and my heart raced. I got a head rush replaying it all in my mind. There was no way to deny I liked it; I liked everything about it beyond curiosity. I was more than curious, I was interested in what we did. Dash made it so easy to get into it even if I felt weird about it, but I still did it and it felt good.

I went back to my room before my mom could say anything about Dash. Normally she was pretty nosy about stuff with me, but I wasn't about to say anything about Dash or about what we were really doing in my room. I went back to playing the video game like nothing happened. Then I heard the knock on the door and looked over as it crept open. My mom looked at me. I stared fir a moment before going back to the game.

"So how did it go?" She asked from the doorway.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her like I didn't already know. I momentarily looked away from the game to her.

"With Dash. You two get along okay?"

"Yeah, it was fine. He's okay," I said flatly.

"That's good. You know he doesn't have a lot of friends. I don't think he ever has. Stef was worried you two wouldn't get along."

"We got along."


"Yeah, we're friends," I looked at her briefly. "Can I stay at his house after the game?"

"Did Stef say you could stay?"

"Dash invited me. He said his mom don't mind," I kind of lied. I actually didn't know if his mom would say I could stay.

"Okay. Just make sure."

"I will."

"You okay, you look a little flushed," she walked over and touched my forehead. "You're a little warm and clammy, I hope you're not getting sick."

"I'm fine," I told her. "Do you know where the oil is for my glove?"

"It's under the bathroom sink or in the garage."

"Thanks," I stared for a minute. She looked like she wanted to keep talking, but didn't. She went out my room instead.

I closed the door most of the way behind her. The t shirt I gave Dash to clean up with was crumbled up on the bed. I took it, stared at it, and sniffed it. It smelled pungent and was covered in his ejaculate smear. My thoughts flashed back to Dash jerking off in front of me, eating his come, and offering it to me. I went into a trance. Dash didn't seem off about anything afterward and I remembered he was worried about me saying something, especially to his mom. It made me realize if he was worried I would tell, then he must've not wanted anyone to know and it helped me get over whatever shame and worry I was feeling.

I pressed the shirt against my face and breathed in deep. It was weird, but interesting. I put it under my pillow instead of the dirty clothes basket, and went on with the game. It stayed on my mind though. I thought about Dash too. The way he was so perversely interested in sexual stuff was striking. I thought nobody else was as perverted as I was, but Dash was and more. He took control. He knew how to do things and what felt good and it did feel good; all of it. He wasn't handicapped by his dyslexia when it came to doing stuff.

Dash called. I wasn't expecting him to, but I took the call. The cordless phone was in the upstairs hallway. I used that one instead of going downstairs where my mom could hear me.


"Hi," Dash said. "What are you doing?"

"Playing the video game, you?"

"Nothing," he huffed. "I might do something though."

"Like what?"

"I don't know."

"You could play video games or go on the computer," I suggested.

"Yeah. So, did you like sucking?" He asked out of nowhere.

"I guess. I never did it before."

"I know. So would you do it again?"

"Yeah, probably."

"Okay. Can you sleep over after the game?"


"We could do something, like after my mom goes to sleep. You want to?"

"If you want to. If you're okay, we can mess around."

"I'm okay with it. You didn't tell anybody right?" He wanted to be sure.

"No. Did you?"

"Nah ah, nobody."

"Are you? Because then I don't want to do anything. I don't want to get in trouble or anything, you know?"

"I know and I'm not going to say anything; but you want to do something again right?"


"Okay, me too."


"Hang on for a minute," he told me. He must've put the phone down because I heard a door closing in the background, but away from the phone. "Okay," he was back. "Are you in your room?"

"Yeah. The door is closed."

"Me too. So do you jerk off a lot?"


"You ever do it some place weird, like outside?"

"Not really. I did it in the school bathroom a few times, but not anywhere where people could see me."

"I did it in my school, in the back of the classroom once and I used to be a busboy at a restaurant where we used to live and I did it there too."

"In the restaurant?"

"In the back room; the store room and somebody caught me, but I kept doing it because it felt good."

"Wow. When did that happen?"

"Last year. Is that weird?"

"Not for me. Guys do it everywhere. I've thought about doing it in different places."

"Like where?" He asked.

"In the library or like the school bathroom. I've thought about if somebody saw my dick; you know what it would be like," I told him.

"Cool me too. Do you like weird stuff?"

"Yeah. Do you?" I told him the truth.


"What else have you done?" I asked curiously and listened quietly.

Dash was even more into trying stuff than I thought. Us messing around was just part of what he'd tried before. When he was alone, he was just as experienced in sexual play as he was when be was with me. I listened to every word and couldn't help unzipping and touching myself. I had a hard on again. The more I listened, the more I felt it. I slowly played with it. It didn't matter that my mom was home. She was home before and was oblivious to Dash's persistence in getting what he wanted. He wanted to mess around and we did.

"A lot of stuff," I said when he asked what I would do with him.

"Okay. See you on Saturday. Bye."


We hung up. I got up from the bed, took the t shirt from under my pillow, pulled my jeans and underwear down, and jerked off holding the already come soaked shirt in my hand. The fact it was Dash's ejaculate made it that much weirder and more pleasurable. I ejaculated almost as much as I did when I was inside of Dash, balled the shirt up and tossed it aside.


The team was on the field for a quick warm up before we played. Dash was there on the field with the rest of us. We didn't talk; we just looked at each other from time to time. I probably looked more then than any other time the team was together. We both had on the navy blue and orange uniform and although I was used to seeing us in them, it was the first time I really paid that much attention to Dash or even looked at any of the other guys in the same way.

I looked at them before in the way guys usually did to see how we measured up to one another. The curiosity was normal from what I read. Even experimenting sexually with another boy was normal and didn't mean I was going to grow up to like other guys sexually all the time. After messing around with Dash and wanting to do it again, I thought I could be bisexual or at the least, bi-curious. Dash never said he was gay. I wasn't sure if he was or not, I only knew we messed around and we both liked it.

"Lyle, get your head in the game; quit day dreaming," my dad said from the dugout.

I'd been staring at Dash. I looked around to see if anyone from the team noticed, but they were all into practicing in their own player positions to really notice anything out of the ordinary. Dash looked over though. He stared for a few seconds before my dad called us in to the dugout so the game could start. He gave us the usual talk and that was it. We played the game. We bat first.

"Hey Dash, try to suck today," Toby smiled.

"Don't say that stupid," Cole told him. "We want to win idiot."

"Yeah I know idiot. His brain is retarded, so if we tell him to suck, his brain will tell him the opposite and he won't suck like he usually does," Toby and Cole laughed. A couple of the other guys did too.

"Leave him alone Toby," I told him.

"What's your problem Lyle. We all know he's retarded. He's only on the team because his mom is friends with your mom."

"That's not true. Don't listen to him Dash."

"Don't listen to him Dash," Toby mocked me. "Whatever losers."

Dash didn't say anything. He just looked at me. I looked at him and then away to the game. Toby was one of the guys who liked to make fun of Dash. I would normally stay quiet when it happened, but me and Dash were kind of friends now and it didn't seem right to keep quiet. My dad was too busy focusing on the game to hear anything in the dugout. Even if he had, there wasn't a whole lot he could do about it since Toby was one of the star players. Dash was like me; just a part of the team. He went up to bat eventually though and the game went on.

We lost in the end. Dash took his time getting his stuff together. So did I. It was on purpose. We kept watching each other to make sure we were done around the same time and most of the team players were leaving or gone. I told my dad I was going over to Dash's house instead of home. He was a little thrown off, but he let me go. I told him I'd see him later and walked off with Dash. Stef waved to us from the minivan.

Dash was quiet still. He just walked on toward his mom with a sort of vacant expression on his face. He looked over at me suddenly.

"Thanks," he said.

"For what?"

"For sticking up for me with Toby."

"Yeah, sure," I glanced at him. He went quiet again. We got to his mom, got in, and left.

Their house was like a normal looking house with a mowed lawn and dark shingles on the roof. I went in with Dash ahead of Stef. He dropped his stuff down by the door and stopped. Stef closed the front door once she was inside and looked at us for a moment. Dash looked to the stairs and back at me.

"Want to see my room?"

"Okay," I followed him upstairs to his room.

"The bathroom is over there," he pointed to another door before he opened his room door.

We went in. He closed the door back and went to his bed. I stood to the side watching him. He was reaching under the mattress.

"You want to see something?"

"Okay," I shrugged and went closer to him. He found it; a magazine. He held it up.

"Sit down," he scooted over and handed me the magazine. "Look," he leaned in toward me. "You ever see it before?"

"I have a couple, but not like this. Isn't it supposed to be Playboy, not Playguy?"

"I have another one. You want to see it?"


He got the other one from underneath a stack of paper and game magazines on the floor near the bed.

"You like it?"

"Stroke? Yeah it's okay."

"It's all guys," he glanced at my face.

I flipped through a few of the pages before he snatched it away and tossed it and the Playguy under his pillow just as Stef knocked and opened the door.

"Hi," he got up from the bed.

"You guys okay?" She smiled.

"Yeah, we were talking about the game, right Lyle?" He looked over at me. I nodded.

"Okay, Lyle it's good to have you over. If you guys need anything, let me know."

"Okay," Dash nodded. Stef walked away.

Dash came back to the bed, took the magazines out again, and sat. We looked at them together, especially the Stroke since it was the one with actual sex stuff. None of the magazines I had were like it. Mine had just girls posing alone; sometimes together, but that was all. He breathed anxiously and didn't say anything before he reached over and squeezed my crotch. He rubbed it over the uniform pants as we gazed at page after page of half dressed and naked guys.

"They have big dicks and muscles," Dash stared.

"Look at this guy in the white cowboy hat. Look at his balls, they're huge."

"You like that?" I asked him.

"I don't know, he's kind of older, but still," he glanced at me. "I would let him do stuff to me if I knew him; you know, to see what it would be like with somebody older."

"I thought about what it would be like to be a girl once and get fucked in the pussy," I told him.

"You want to be a girl, why?" Dash had a confused look on his face.

"I don't want to be a girl. I like being a boy."

"So you just thought about getting fucked before?" He asked.

"Yeah, but as a girl."

I got a hard on the more he played with me. I didn't stop him. Dash squeezed around my shaft and looked over towards the door, then at me.

"Do you think I suck on the softball team?" He asked as he rubbed and squeezed my crotch.

"No, but I bet you could suck off the softball team," I teased him.

"Shut up," he smiled. "You would do it too."

"No I wouldn't."

"Yeah right," he stopped rubbing my hard on. "You're turn."

Dash opened his legs a little further. I leaned in and put my hand between his legs and gently groped him. His balls and dick were cradled in my hand. His dick got harder with every squeeze until he was fully hard. I rubbed him vigorously. A small wet spot formed on the front of his pants from it. I stopped and took my hand off of him.

"Lay on your back," he got up. "Move up some."

I adjusted on his bed as Dash moved around over me. He pushed his body against mine and squirmed around. His crotch was tightly smushed and rubbing against mine. He grind into me. His hard on was rigid and very friendly with mine. I felt and heard his hard breathing as if we were having sex.

"Does it feel good?" He asked almost in a whisper. I nodded. He grind and humped deeper. "Mhmm," he moaned in my ear. "Touch me."

I slipped my hands behind and touched his butt. I massaged it. Dash squirmed around under my grip. His uniform made it feel silky because of the nylon pants fabric. The more we rubbed our bodies together, the more I squeezed his butt, and the more I did, the harder, deeper, and more he squirmed.

He stopped suddenly and looked at me. He brushed my hair gently. We stared at each other. He moved his face closer and kissed me. I closed my eyes. Our lips pressed together tightly. We were completely still. His body weight meshed with mine like we were one person. We stayed that way for a while, until a sudden noise scared us apart. Dash rushed to the door and opened it really quickly. He went into the hallway. I sat up on his bed, my heart racing. He came back in with a slightly panicked expression. He left the door open.

"Is it your mom? Did she see us?"

"No, it was downstairs. She dropped something," he huffed.

"Maybe we should stop."

"Do you know sixty nine?" He asked me. He had the look on his face, the same one he had when he asked if I ever jerked off.

"I've heard of it."

"You want to do that?" He asked me.

"We can. Not now though," I said.

"Later," he stared.

"Yeah, after your mom goes to sleep like you said."

"Okay. Then we can really have fun, right?"


Dash smiled. I sat next to him again and stared for a moment. He was like me; not the most social boy, awkward, quiet, and mostly a loner boy, but it didn't matter because he knew stuff; sex stuff, and he was willing to share it. He already showed me once what he knew. He told me a bunch of other stuff that he was into too and it really did interest me. He was a little weird after all. I was a little weird. Weird was good.

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