Being the Blowjob Girl

By Felicia Trans

Published on Nov 11, 2011


Being the Blowjob Girl (TG)

Part III - Beginnings - The Girl Scout

by Felicia Trans

I was only 5 years old when I started having dreams in which I was a girl. I didn't know what it meant and never told anyone about the dreams. But by age 7 I became fascinated by the makeup women wore and started putting on my mothers lipstick in the bathroom during bath time.

By the time I was 9 I was stealing makeup from the drugstore and had acquired a fairly complete collection from lipstick to eyeshadow to blush and during my bath times I'd bring in my mother's magazines and try to copy the makeup from the ads on myself... and then wash it off.

But otherwise I was a normal boy, I'd play ball with the kids and do all the boy stuff, including cub scouts. And at that point sex was not even a concept in my mind. But I asked my mother (I didn't have a father, or at least didn't know him and he was never mentioned) if I could stop getting my hair cut and she agreed... but there were a few other kids my age with long hair.

My mother worked and I was kept in an after school program but at age 10 she started letting me come home after school and I had a lot of time alone till she got home at 6PM. And on most days I'd get home from school and put on my makeup and some of her lingerie and sit around for awhile before washing it off before she got home.

My hair started getting longer, and by age 12 it was halfway down my back. And I began to start stealing girl clothes from stores. I'd pretend to be shopping for boy clothes and take girl clothes (panties, bra's, pantyhose, and dresses) and put them under the boy clothes I was trying on and take them into the changing room. And then I'd put them on under my boys clothes, and then put the boy clothes back and leave the store. But I couldn't steal shoes so I saved my lunch money and got up the courage to go into a department store and buy a pair of pumps with medium heels - and stared straight ahead as I paid for them.

Then puberty hit and all the boys talked about was sex. Kissing, fucking, etc., but the thing that fascinated me the most was hearing about blowjobs. And when one of the boys showed up with a magazine filled with pictures of girls blowing guys, on their knees with cocks in their mouth I could barely stand it. But none of the girls were doing anything except maybe a little dry kissing.

I was by now in the boy scouts and since my mom was working she'd send me to scout camp for the entire summer... and I hated it. I couldn't dress in my girl clothes at all, and since my troop only went for 2 weeks I ended up as the odd kid out in other troops where I didn't know anyone. And all the boys talked about was sex, especially blowjobs, and I began to hear that there were boys and men who liked sucking cocks as well... but they were queers, and were shunned by all. And all I kept thinking was how dirty that was, to take someone's cock in your mouth till their sperm shot out.

It was in the beginning of 8th grade that it happened. I'd come home from school and immediately went into the bathroom and shaved, though there wasn't much to shave. I went and got my makeup kit from the closet where I hid it and standing at the bathroom mirror I started putting on makeup. I'd gotten pretty good at it by that time and I put on some liquid makeup and powder and the started on my eyes. Eyeliner first, then eyeshadow in several shades, mascara, eyebrow pencil over my fairly thin natural eyebrows, blush, and red lipstick.

I dressed in a bra, panties, and pantyhose, stuffed my bra with a pair of rolled socks, and stepped into a dress I had, a flowered sundress. I combed out my long hair, clipped on some cheap earrings I'd stolen, and then sat down and painted my nails with red polish. I went into the kitchen and sat at the table waiting for them to dry - and all of a sudden the back door flew open and the kid next door flew into the kitchen. He opened his mouth to say something, paused, and then said 'Holy Shit!'

I was in shock, I'd never forgot to lock the door before, and here I was dressed as a girl with the kid next door, a few years older, staring at me. I'm sure I turned bright red but didn't know what to say. 'I knew you were a geek but I didn't know you were a fag' he said. 'I'm not a fag, I like girls' 'Sure' he said 'that's why you're dressed in girls clothes' 'Please don't tell anyone!' I pleaded.

He thought for a minute and said 'I won't if you suck my cock' 'I can't' I said 'I'm not a fag' 'Your choice' he said, and started to leave. 'Wait' I said, and he replied 'Lets go into the living room' I walked first and as he followed me he said 'You do look just like a chick'

When we got into the living room and he told me to get on my knees, and when I did he walked over and dropped his pants and boxers to the floor and put his cock against my lips. 'Suck it' he said, and knowing I had no choice I opened my mouth and he pushed his cock in. His cock was still somewhat soft and tasted like piss, and I gagged immediately, but he held my head in place and his cock got hard in my mouth and I stopped gagging.

Then he told me to suck on it, and I started to, but he said 'Ouch... not so hard. And cover your teeth' So I did what he said, and then he began sliding his cock in and out of my mouth slowly, and I gagged again, he stopped, and then started again a minute later. And the next thing I knew I felt my mouth get wet and a strong weird taste filled my mouth, and I could feel his sperm spurting on my tongue. But when I tasted his sperm, and felt it spurting into my mouth, I really liked it... and without even a thought I swallowed it down, and savored the taste.

He stepped away as soon as he was done... and as he left he said 'I'll be back tomorrow, be ready'

From then on, through most of the school year he was over my house every day for a blowjob, and I liked it... a lot. I loved the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of my mouth, the moans he made as I blew him, and every time he came in my mouth I got hard, and swallowed his sperm down greedily. And he never told anyone.

At the end of the school year, just before graduation, my mom told me that we were going to be moving from New Jersey to California. That she'd gotten a much better job and we would be leaving at the end of the summer. And right after school ended I was going to be sent to Boy Scout camp for the last time.

I begged my mother to not go. I hated being away from my girl stuff (and the cock next door). And that year my troop wasn't even going, not enough scouts had shown interest, so I would be spending the whole summer in camp with various troops where I wouldn't know anyone.

She insisted though, she wouldn't have to worry about me being home alone, but she also probably wanted some time to herself in the evenings. So I said OK, and then the next day I asked her if I could get my ears pierced... and though she gave me an odd look, she agreed, so the day after school ended I went to a piercing place at the mall and got both ears pierced with studs - which I replaced the next day with small hoops. And I also got some hair bleach and dye, and one day when she was out I lightened my hair and dyed it a light blonde... and when she saw that she again gave me a look but kept quiet. And when I packed for camp I put all my makeup and most of my girl clothes and a few nightgowns into the bottom of my duffel bag... though I didn't expect I'd get to use them.

I got to camp and was assigned to a troop that was from several towns away... our council covered a large geographic area. Our site was the old assembly hall, which they now called the Mohican cabin...a large building with cots lined up down each side, 48 cots in all. Plus a small separate room down the end where the leaders slept.

I tried being friendly to the other kids, who were from a blue collar town, but none were very friendly... they all had their own groups. And the kids themselves were a very mixed group, mostly white but about 8 of the kids were black. There were also three other kids like myself who weren't from the troop either, but they didn't know each other. But while having really long hair was pretty common in my neighborhood, and even pierced ears weren't uncommon, none of these kids had either... so I really felt like odd kid out.

The first night there, after lights out, I laid there in bed, wide awake. After awhile I got up and opened my duffel and pulled out my makeup and brought it back into bed where I tented my bedcovers and using a small mirror and flashlight put on my makeup, barely even thinking about what I was doing. Then in the dark I changed into a bra, panties, pantyhose, and short chemise and sat there on the bed.

My mind was racing, and I was really nervous, but the thought passed through my mind that not a single kid here knew me. And that at the end of summer camp I'd be moving across the country and would never see any of them again. So after I was dressed and made up I turned off the flashlight and came out from under the covers and laid there in the dark. And then out of nowhere there was a flashlight in my face, and I covered it, and the flashlight went off again.

Then in the dim light I saw that the kid in the next bed was sitting up facing me, and then he whispered 'Are you gay?'. I didn't say anything back, but then he whispered 'Do you like sucking dicks?' I sat up, facing him, and he whispered 'Want to suck mine?'. I stayed silent for a minute, listening, and when I didn't hear anything I whispered back 'Yes' And I saw him lay back on the bed so I moved over to his bed and sat on the side of it, and leaned over and took his cock in my mouth.

I began to blow him softly, my tongue licking at his cockhead, and when I started moving up and down his cock with my lips he moaned. I lifted up my head and whispered 'Shhh' and then went back to sucking him off. His cock was about 6 inches long, and felt really nice in my mouth, and in just a few minutes he arced upwards toward my mouth and moaned again, fairly loudly, and his cum began streaming into my mouth. I swallowed it as it spurted, and loved the taste which was so different than my neighbors had been. And when he stopped I lifted my head off his cock and sat up, and then moved over to my bed.

But apparently, I hadn't been that quiet because I heard someone whisper 'Over Here', and I went in that direction and there was another kid waiting with his cock out and I sat on his bed and began sucking him off. And he soon ejaculated and my mouth filled again, and I gulped down my second load of cum.

From that point on, as soon as I finished blowing someone, another kid called me over, and I went from bed to bed and gave blowjobs to whoever wanted them. Load after load of cum filled my mouth, with always another cock waiting, and I got lost in it, it was wonderful, and except for 2 Mormon kids I ended up sucking off every scout in the cabin... and by the time I was done it was the middle of the night and I realized I'd swallowed 45 different loads... and my belly felt almost full. So I took of my girl clothes under the covers and gut up and quietly went to the bathroom where I washed the makeup off... and then went back to my bunk and fell asleep.

The next morning at bugle call I was so tired, but I got out of bed anyway. In the bathroom taking a shower everyone avoided my eyes, and it was the same at breakfast Even the leaders were givng me odd looks, so I knew someone had told them. This went on all day, and finally the day was over and it was time for bed. But this time, I went into the bathroom just before lights out and put on makeup in the mirror, and stayed there till lights went out and walked back to my cot in the dark. And once there I changed in the dark into my bra, panties, pantyhose, and chemise and waited a few minutes before getting up and going to the first bed in line, where the kid was waiting, and I sat on his bed and blew him till he ejaculated in my mouth... then swallowing his cum I went to the next bed, and the next, and the next, till I'd again blown all 45 kids who'd let me the night before.

When everyone had cum in my mouth I went down to the bathroom but as I was starting to walk in the leaders door opened, and the scoutmaster was looking at me. 'You'd better come in here, we need to talk' he said, so I followed him into his room. There 4 four men in the room, parents of some of the kids I'd guessed, and I was very nervous as I stood there. And then one of the men said 'We know what you've been doing with the other boys' I quickly said 'I'll stop, please don't call my mother and throw me out' And then another guy said 'We won't do that... but we'd like you to blow us also'

It was a little weird, these guys were old... but when one of them pulled out his cock, and I saw how large it was, I said OK. And he stood there as I walked over and kneeled before him, and with the other men watching I took his cock into my mouth and began sucking him softly, and moving my mouth in and out over his cock shaft. His cock filled my mouth completely, and he began to fuck my mouth slowly, and within a few minutes he groaned and my mouth filled with his cum. After swallowing it down I stayed there, and one after another the three other leaders came over and used my mouth as well, and when they were done I got up to leave... but then one of them said 'There's a small private bathroom behind our room that you can use whenever you want.' He took me there, then left as I started taking off my makeup and clothes, and I then washed and went back to my cot and fell asleep.

This went on every day during the first quarter I was at the camp. I was ignored completely by the other kids during the day, and mostly stayed to myself. But I didn't mind that much, it was worth it to blow all the scouts every night.

And after dinner everyone sat around the campfire and I sat towards the back by myself - and finally it was time for bed so when the lights went out I went to the private bathroom with my girls clothes, put on makeup and lingerie. And usually as I was leaving the bathroom one of the scout leaders waved me into their room and I sat on a chair and sucked off the four men, and then left to go to my bunk. And like on previous evenings, I went from bed to bed sucking off all the scouts, one after another, and swallowed down every load of cum that landed in my mouth. And when everyone had cum I went in the bathroom and changed and washed and then went to bed in my bunk. And then the first 2 weeks was over and it was a Saturday morning and that troop was leaving. (And years later I ran into some of the boys from that first week and they had no idea I'd been the one blowing them every night)

The camp leader came up to me as everyone was packing and asked me if I wanted a job in the camp store. It was attached to the side of the mess hall, and he told me they had a small room in the back with a bathroom I could use, and I wouldn't need to wear a uniform while working there. And that he'd bring in a cot and I could stay there for the rest of the summer instead of moving in with one of the new troops.

So after breakfast I went over to the camp store with the camp leader, and there was a kid expecting me. The camp leader told me what the job involved (not much) and that we worked from 9 AM till 4 PM every day and got paid minimum wage for it. I asked him if I could stay dressed as a girl there, and he said 'Sure, it doesn't matter in the store, you'll just be a camp employee' 'And you don't have to eat meals in the mess hall if you don't want - I can arrange to have food brought down to you' 'That would be great' I replied.

The store was just a small 2 room cabin with a window that the kids came to, and the main room had shelves of stuff the kids could buy. Mostly craft supplies and carving kits but also some fishing and camping necessities and after lunch they sold candy. And there was a door kept locked that went through into the mess hall kitchen. There was also a back room that had shelves along the walls where they kept a little inventory but it was mostly empty, and there were a few chairs and a ceiling light, and a small bathroom in one corner, as well as a back door, which was the only outside way into the store.

The first day I just stayed in the main room and sold things to the kids who came to the window, and talked to the other kid but he seemed slightly weirded out by me. And at 4PM he left and I went in the bathroom and shaved what little beard I had and put on full makeup, and then dressed in one of my summer dresses and wore a pair of medium heeled sandals, and painted my nails, fingers and toes. And not too long after that there was a knock on the inside door and I peeked through the curtain and saw one of the kids holding a tray of dinner food. I opened the doro to let him in, and he put the food down and asked me if it was true that I liked to suck cocks. 'Sure' I said 'Do you want me to blow you?' And he said yes so I sat on the cot and he dropped his pants and stood in front of me and I took his cock in my mouth and sucked it softly - and when he came he groaned loudly as he filled my mouth. And then he left. And later that evening the camp leader stopped by for a blowjob, but except for him I stayed alone all night, I had no campsite to go to.

The next morning I woke up in the camp store and washed in the bathroom sink and put on my makeup and dressed up in my lingerie, one of my summer dresses, and a pair of flats. And around 7 one of the kids from the mess hall brought me my food, but didn't say much, he just avoided my eyes and left quickly. And just before 8 the other kid showed up, and saw me for the first time totally as a girl... and he just stared at me. I said hi but he just mumbled back, and I opened the store window.

Kids started showing up soon after, but not big crowds... and most didn't know what to make of me. Then, a little later, 3 kids came to the window and one of the kids said 'I heard rumors about you - they said you were blowing all the kids in the Mohican campsite last quarter' I just said 'Yes, I did' And the kid said 'My troop is up at Seneca this quarter, how about coming up some night?' 'Are you sure it'll be OK?' I asked, and the kid said 'Sure, we have 8 man tents in our campsite, and I'm in the one closest to the trail. Why don't you come up right after lights out?' 'Why don't you come get me' I said, and the kid said he would. And then I asked how many kids were in his troop and he said 'We have 8 tents so that would be 64 kids... I'll see you later' and he left.

Then it was lunch, and one of the kids from the mess hall brought the food down but we didn't get a regular lunch, so I just ate a sandwich standing at the counter. The kid who was working with me had heard me talking, and he asked me why I liked sucking cock. 'I don't know' I said 'I just do. Have you ever gotten a blowjob before?' 'No' he said, and I asked 'Do you want one?' He said 'Sure - but where?' and I said 'In the back right after we close'

The rest of the afternoon was OK, all the kids stared at me, but no one said anything. And at 4 PM I closed the window and took the other kid in the back where I gave him his first blowjob... and after he exploded in my mouth and I swallowed it down he said 'Thanks' 'No problem' I said 'Anytime' And from then on I was sucking his cock several times every day, before we opened and again after we closed.

After he left I laid down and took a nap for awhile till the dinner came. It was the same guy as the night before and I let him in and sucked his cock in the back room. And then I read for awhile and then I fixed my makeup and brushed my hair and not long after the kid who'd asked me to come to his campsite showed up. And the two of us walked down a trail to his campsite in the dark and when we got there the campsite was dark but I could see a bunch of large tents on platforms and he took me in the first one.

All the kids were sitting on their cots waiting, and I sat on one of the cots and the kid who'd walked me stood in front of me and dropped his pants and I took his cock in my mouth and started sucking him off. The other kids were making comments, they'd probably never seen anyone like me before, or anyone giving a blowjob period. And after a few minutes of sliding my mouth over his cock with suction he groaned, my mouth filled with cum, and I swallowed it down. And immediately the next kid was in front of me. I sat there on the cot and sucked off one kid after another, swallowing every load of cum, and I could hear other kids in the background, and soon other kids started coming in the tent. There seemed to always be a cock in front of me and I licked, sucked, and stroked them with my lips, and when that one came there was another. At one point I had to pee and they told me to pee in the bushes outside, which I did, but then I was back in the tent servicing someone else. And then I heard a loud voice say 'What's going on here' and some of the kids ran out the back of the tent, and one of the leaders of that troop came in. When he saw me he said 'You'd better come with me' I followed him to a tent in the back, and when we went in I saw that there were again 4 leaders including him. I asked him not to get me thrown out and the first leader said 'I won't if you want to blow us also' And without a word I fell to my knees as the leaders, one by one, stepped in front of me for a blowjob. And afterwards they said 'You can come here any night you want, but please do it after dark. And then I went back to the original tent and gave blowjobs to whatever scouts I hadn't gotten to, and when I'd blown everyone I left and walked back to the camp store in the dark.

The next day I got up, dressed, and opened the store and the first people there were two older guys, who were obviously troop leaders. It turned out that they were from the Mohican camp and were friends with the leaders from Seneca, and they told me they knoew about what had happened there. And then they asked me if I'd stop by Mohican after I went to the Seneca. And I said I would. So from that night on, for the rest of the quarter, I would go to the Seneca camp right after dark and blow all the kids and the leaders, one after another. And when I was done there I'd walk over to the Mohican cabin and do what I'd done my first quarter there, I'd go from bed to bed sucking off all the scouts, and when I was done i'd give blowjobs to the leaders.

Since I was now starting earlier I was usually done by midnight, but I woke up with a stomachache and skipped breakfast, and from then on I'd skip breakfast and sleep till 8, and have enough time to dress and wash before the store opened.

I knew my mother was going to come visit the Saturday after the second quarter, so that morning I removed my nail polish and made sure I had no makeup showing, and I dressed in my normal scout uniform. All meetings with parents took place in the mess hall so where I was staying wasn't a problem, and my mom asked me how I was doing. 'I'm fine mom' I said, and she asked if I was OK staying there the rest of the summer. 'Sure, mom, I like it here' Sowe talked for a few hours and she left to go home. And I was again alone in the store,and except for a few other scouts, including the kid working with me, I was starting over again.

The third quarter was similar to the second, except this time 4 different troops heard about me. There was no way I could suck off that many kids in a single night so I alternated nights, going to 2 of the campsites and sucking off most of the kids one night, and going to the other 2 campsites the next night. And each night I was blowing over a hundred kids.

And the last quarter was similar as well, except by the second night all 8 of the campsites knew about me, and I'd go to 2 different ones each night and blow most of the kids, in a four day rotation. But pretty soon it was Saturday, and I woke up early and removed all my nail polish. I cleaned up carefully and put all my girls clothes away in the bottom of my duffel bag. The camp master came to see me and gave me a check for the hours I'd worked in the camp store, which was a considerable sum for me. I'd gotten paid $5 an hour for 35 hours a week, for 8 weeks, so I now had $1400 - which I planned on using to but girls clothes when I got back home. And then I gave him a soft blowjob, as a boy, and he said goodbye... and a few hours later my mother picked me up and a few days later we moved to California. And that was it for the girl stuff for awhile.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 4

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