Being Swallowed Alive

By t h

Published on Feb 4, 2004


"Being Swallowed Alive" Written by: Uncollaredslavect Part Two (c) 2004

Part I: Completed Jan 16, 2004 Part II: Completed Jan 30, 2004 Part III:

This story is my fantasy of how I want to be greated by a master, as well as be treated for a first time experience. Although some aspects of this story may or may not be an activity that can be preformed in the manner in which I describe here. They are none the less as close to an experience that I wish to have.

After reading stories on this web sight for years, I felt that it was time for me to become creative, and share a story to the readers, and those who wrote and shared so many stories.

Although this is my first story, I would enjoy hearing from those who read this story, especially any MASTER .. you may contact me at the following Email Address:

Disclaimers: All people in this story are fictional, all are over the age of 21, this story does not contain any subject matter which is inconsistant with the guidelines of, this is story is purely the imagination of its author, if you are offended by such material please do not read

I was once again, hosed down with warm water, and dried off.

"Boy, you will be in this position for a while longer. I want you to be here too look at yourself and get use to who and what you are while in my possesion. This will give you time to adjust to your new position."

I could not say a word.

"I will leave you now. Not to fret, I will be back"

I hung there as I saw Master clean put away the tools, and the tray, and heard his footsteps climb the stairs to the upper part of the house. I hung there, not being able to say anything. I could not protest, I could not move. All I could do was look at my naked shaved body.

I thought to myself what would be next. What was it that he was planning to do. Only time would tell.

I could feel my body begining to relax. My heart rate, breathing, pulse, and stomach knots were all going back to NORMAL, what ever normal was at this point. I began to feel relaxed while hanging like a dead pig from the rafters of this semi dark cellar. I could hear the Master walking around up stairs. I am not sure what he was doing, but I soon focused in in on myself, my mind my body.

I closed my eyes to listen to the silence, and allow the semi darkness of the basement envolope me. Letting it wrap itself around my body, intertwining with my mind, feeling its grip around my innerself. My eyes closed upon the world I was in now. I felt more in touch with my own self being for the first time in a long time. I could hear my heart beat with in my chest. I could feel my lungs fill and expand with air with every breath. I could feel my pulsing arteries forcing blood around my body. I relaxed even deeper, going into a state of complete and total relaxation. Time passed by like the sound of a grandfather clock ticking in the background.

In a quiet steps that failed to echo off the hard cement walls, master aproached his new boy. Gazing down at him, admiring his smooth body, shaven by his own hands, looking at his chest move up and down as it breathed. He could tell, that this boy was relaxed. Things were going to plan. He was happy to see that this new boy was for the most part, cooperating with every request he gave this new boy.

Master, pulled up a chair, next to the hanging boy, and watched him. He knew that this boy was for him. But Master knew that this new boy would have to meet with the approval of his friends. All the plans had been made for dinner that night for his new boy to be introduced to them.

It was a group formed several years ago with other Masters that he had met. All of them had become great friends, and had decided to form a pact, that they would help each other find the right boys to serve each and everyone of them. It was interview process that was designed to weed out the undesirables, the game players, those seeking just a weekend scene. To date it had worked well, three well slaves had already been matched up with some Masters in the group.

Master leaned in closer to to feel the boy's heat radiating off the boy, and to soak in the beauty of this boy, hanging there, helpless. His mind went back to thought.

This had been his fourth time finding a slave that would suite him and his home. The previous three were week minded, and failed to obey requests as given. Master knew that there was something special about this one. This one new slave who had just been given a taste of what it was like to be given the chance to serve a Master. He knew this boy was special. But there was the group. It would be up to the others that would view this boy as a potential match up. Their feedback to him would be just as important as his own feelings towards this young man.

He stood up, and quietly moved the chair out of the way. He reached out to the boy with his hand, and layed it down upon the boys chest, leaned in to the boys ear, and quietly began to wake the boy.

"boy, open your eyes.", "open your eyes boy."

The boy responded, and slowly opened his eyes to see his new found Master above him. I could feel his breath upon my ear as he woke me with his soft spoken words. He began to stand erect again over me, and his eyes gazed down upon my naked flesh.

I saw the Master reach out, and grab the ropes that suspended me from the ceiling. He walked behind me and removed the ball gag that was in my mouth. He hung it up over in the corner where the other instruments that were used upon me already.

He walked back with something in his hand, I could not make it out. He returned to his position behind me and attached a leash to the collar that I had put on when I first entered his home. He secured it the other end to a nail located on the post near my head, and tied the end of the leash.

"Boy, I am going to lower you down now. But you wont be able to move far."

Master than unlooped the main rope and lowered me down to the ground. My back touched the basement floor which was cold, and still wet from the hose down that he had given me. He proceeded to unbind my hands and feet. I could feel fresh, warm, oxygenated blood flood my appendages that had been tied up for some time now. Not having a watch, I really could not say for how long. An hour? Fifteen minutes? One day? Its odd how I had lost all track of time.

Master took the ropes and was carefully wrapping them up. And walked over to the far post that had orginally suspended my body. I had found it difficult to stand, as the leash had just enough length on it to keep my from being tugged hard upon, yet as I went to position myself to get up, it added pressure on the collar that I was wearing. But I had managed to roll my body on the floor and begin to stand up.

"Did I tell you to move or stand up boy?

"No Sir."

"Then why are you doing something that I did not give you permission to do boy?"

"Sir, I do not know Sir."

"Get back down where you were. On your back"

"Sir, yes sir."

I moved in the opposite direction that I had used to stand up, and got back down on the cement floor and put myself into the position I was before.

Master walked over to the boy laying on the floor. " Boy, you have been fairly good at obeying commands, the few that I have given to you at this point, however, I can not allow such disregard of any other infractions to continue. Do you, know what you did that was so improper?"

"Sir, I moved, and stood up with out permission, or being told to?"

"Very good boy. But you see the fact still remains that you did try to stand up. Rules are to be followed. therefore this can not go unpunished."

My heart began to race, what was he going to do to me. I was so entranced by his looks, and his power over me thus far that I was afraid, but not afraid. Being punished was something that had not been done to me since I was a young lad.

"Boy, I want you to open your mouth wide. It will reamin until I am done. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir."

My master did not move from his place. He stood there, watching me keeping my mouth gaped wide open. I could not help but to think that this was a very odd request. I saw the masters hand move down to the fly, on his leather pants. I could hear the zipper being opened slowly. He moved his hand in to grab his soft cock. The head of the cock appeared before me. The master came down and straddled my chest, both legs placed on either side of my body. Muscular legs they were, thick, and powerful. He inched closer, so the head of his cock was just inches from my mouth.

"Now boy, since you are new I am just going to ask you to keep your mouth open, while I piss in it. Do not swallow, but hold as much in your mouth as possible, so that I can hear my golden juice bubble inside of your mouth."

I had no time to react, he just started to let go, his urine splashed me in the face at first as he fine tuned his aim. I could feel the warmth of the fluid hitting my pallet, my tounge the back of my throat as he emptied his bladder into my mouth. I could feel the fluid filling my cavity, and began to taste the salty fluid. It soon began to overfill my mouth. I had the urge to swallow, but was afraid to. The warm, golden fluid began to spill over, and wash down my cheeks, and then down the sides of my neck. The Master above me must of had a huge bladder, or had drank a lot of fluid prior to my arrival. It seemed as if it would never end. But it did. The last few gushes of his pee splashed in my mouth. He shook his soft cock in my face letting the last few drops rain down upon my face. He stood up, and placed his cock back into his pants. He suddenly with out warning grabbed both my hands and pulled me up into a standing postion. The last of the remaining urine drained from my mouth, and I almost collapsed back down due to the head rush of standing up to fast. He supported my body with his arms until I regained my balance.

The head rush soon passed, and I was feeling normal again.

"Now boy, listen to me."

"Tonite I have asked my little group to come here for dinner. YOU will cook dinner, you will serve and obey any command given to you. Tonite you will be shown to my friends, other Masters like myself. I explained to them that you are new, that your training has just begun. They will be easy on you, but in order to serve with me, they must approve of you first. We take pride in weeding out those that are not ready to become a slave to a Master. We have been succesful in the way we weed out the week, keep the strong, and those that show potential in performing their assigned duties as a slave. Any questions boy?"

"Sir, I am not sure that I would want to be doing this full time."

"Boy, you have not commited to anything yet. I have just given you a small sample of what life is like for a slave. Gone easy on you. An introduction as they say. My guests will decide and have some input on whether or not you are ready for any further training."

"Sir, I ... I don't know about all this"

"Boy, you are not a slave yet. You yourself are not sure. You came to me remember? I am gave you a taste, of what you wanted. There is no turning back, remember the note? There is nothing you need to fear."

"Sir, I am scared"

"Relax my boy. Nothing to fear, for I am here to see to it that no harm comes to you. Besides, you said it yourself you wanted to know what it was like. I am offering you that chance, for now anyway."

The Master looked me down. What had I gotten myself into? Was this really what I wanted? So many questions running through my head, along with the feelings of happiness, and comfort that I had never felt before.

"Boy, the menu is planned, in the kitchen. You will prepare it to the recipe set out for you on the counter. There are somethings I want you to keep in mind.

1: You will wear no clothing , you will wear what I have given you so far

your collar, your wrist bands, and ankle bands.

2: You will address all my quests as SIR.

3: You will be polite.

4: You will not allow your cock to get hard. If you do you will be shown proper respect.

Do you understand boy?"

I looked at my master,. eye to eye, I knew I was not to stare to long, so I moved my eyes down, and

told him that I understood. And that I knew what he expected of me.

End Part III

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