Being Swallowed Alive

By t h

Published on Jan 30, 2004


"Being Swallowed Alive" Written by: Uncollaredslavect Part Two (c) 2004

Part I: Completed Jan 16, 2004 Part II: Coming approx Jan 30, 2004

This story is my fantasy of how I want to be greated by a master, as well as be treated for a first time experience. Although some aspects of this story may or may not be an activity that can be preformed in the manner in which I describe here, they are none the less as close to an experience that I wish to have.

After reading stories on this web sight for years, I felt that it was time for me to become creative, and share a story to the readers, and those who wrote and shared so many stories.

Although this is my first story, I would enjoy hearing from those who read this story, especially any MASTER .. you may contact me at the following Email Address:

disclaimers: All people in this story are fictional, all are over the age of 21, this story does not contain any subject matter which is inconsistant with the guidelines of, this is story is purely the imagination of its author, if you are offended by such material please do not read

I placed both messages in my back pants pocket, not wanting to litter.

I opened the door and did as I was told. I carried out each instruction as stated in the letter. I finally got to the matt, placed the mask on, and relaxed on the matt. Soft music started playing in the back ground. As the music played on, and as I relaxed on the soft mat, I began to feel sleepy. At first I could feel my muscles just going limp, as if I had no control of them. Darkness started to swallow me up. What was going on? I fell deeper and deeper into a sleep state, and then.....

Before I knew it I was out, like a light. Dead to the world, sleeping, it was the strangest feeling that had ever overcome my body. I was as if I was aware of everything going on around me, but not really remembering anything and just accepting it as a dream.

What ever had overtaken my body, and my ability to keep awake was now wearing away very quickly. I awake to be find myself suspended from the ceiling. How was this possible? I hung there from the rafters of my new found Master's basement like a peice of meat. Much like you would see if you were at a pig roast.

The lighting was minimal. Not dark, but not to bright. There were candles glowing softly on the ledges near the windows. The windows themselves were cracked open, letting in the fresh air of spring. The scent of Lilacs hung lightly on the air. Breating in deeply, relaxing.

I turned my head from side to side to get a sense of where I was in relatinship to the space I was hanging from. It was impossible to know exactly how I got here, or how this guy who over took my body with out me realzing that he had drugged me, got me hanging at least five feet above the floor.

I tried to relax, and breathed in deep. This is what I wanted right? This is why I agreed to come here in the first place. I closed my eyes, and listened to see if I could hear my captor walking around or breathing or something.

I had no sense of time. I mean, the whole event that just occured could not have been more than 15min or so. Or could it have been longer? I heard a door close behind me. And because of the way I was hanging I could not turn my head and see who was coming.

"You did well boy. You were ontime and carried out my instructions just as I asked. You will be rewarded for this behavior."

Thank you

"Thank you what?"

Thank you sir!

"Thats better. It pleases me to see that you remembered how I wanted you to address me."

I heard my new Master, walking up beside me, and then I got to see him. Looked him in the eye, and just stared at him. He was handsome. I was pleased to see that he also liked what he saw hanging from his rafters. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw his hand come down to meet my head and he turned it down towards the ground.

"BOY! you will not stare at me, do you understand?"

in a meak voice, I replied, "yes sir."

Master had begun to walk up closer to my side, I noticed that in his hand was a hose. I had a puzzled feeling inside of me, wonder what was going to happen. Of course there was nothing that I could do being in the position I was, hanging from the rafters.

"Boy, its time for you to be cleaned up. Oh I am sure that you are clean, but you see I really want to make sure you are clean. It is my duty to make sure you are kept clean, and in good healthy while in my possesion.

The hose had one of those trigger nozzles on it, and I could see that he was begining to point it towards me. I braced myself against the cold water that was about to be sprayed onto me. Of couse this could not be the worst thing that he had planned for me. Right?

"Relax boy, this won't hurt a bit."

He pulled the trigger, and warm water started to splash across my body. I was hosed down like a animal caretaker taking care of one of the wild animals being displayed at a local zoo. The water stopped, and a chill came across my body. Master had a bucket and a sponge, and started to wash me down from head to toe with soapy water. It was an interesting feeling to be washed down by a person that was so much in control.

Once he was done he then raised the hose again and rinsed me off. Taking a towel that was wrapped around his waist, he proceded to dry off my body, then my hair. He stepped out of my line of sight, and must of placed everything back in its place.

I heard his footsteps against the concrete floor as he approached me, to face me again.

"Boy, you are now clean. I expect you to keep yourself clean."

"Yes sir"

"So boy, how do you feel being in your position now"

"Sir, it feels fine"

"Do you still trust me?"

"Sir it still trusts you."

"Boy, I will ask you one more time. Do you fully submit your self to me, to accept anything that I say or do to you, with out any questions?"

"Sir, yes sir"

"Thats a good boy. Now we must move on to the next step."

Master walked away, and returned to my side in no time with a step stool, and a small table tray, like one used for watching tv and eating. Next he walked out of my line of sight, and I began to be lowered from the rafters to be just a bit lower than the top of the step stool. Once again I heard the return of his footsteps. He took a steat ontop of the step stool, reached his hand across the tray, and removed the towel that covered the contents. I watched him do this, and saw, implements for the hair removal. I began thinking that this can not be. He can not do this to me.

"Now boy, if you are to be a boy, you should look like a boy. In this present state of having pubic hair makes you equal with me. A man, but you are not a man, you are a thing, an it, a boy, a slave. And to be a slave you must appear to be a slave."

"Sir please no, do not do this, do not do this to me!"

"Boy, you said you would not question me. Are you begining to feel remorse for what you are getting yourself into?"

"Sir, no sir, I wish to serve."

"Hmmm, if you are to serve me you must not question what I do. And since you already agreed to that I will have to take care of this matter. I can not have you questioning every little thing I do."

Master got up from his stool, and walked over to the corner where there was a rack of shelves and pulled out something that I was not familiar with. It was a strap with a ball in the middle.

"Now, boy, I am going to place this on you so that you can not question me anymore. Do you understand me?"


"Good.", Master walked behind me and told me to open my mouth, he then placed the ball into my moth and buckled the strap behind my head. My mouth was open, but I could not talk. My hands were tied so I could not remove it. I could not say a word, except for the occasional grunt that.

"There, that should keep you quiet while I do my work"

I realized then and there that I was about to loose my hair.

Master worked carefully with scissors to remove the hair. Letting it pile up on the floor and on my body, I had not realized how much had actually grown over the years. He then lathered up my hardning cock and balls and public area with shaving creame. He carefully took his time to shave off any hair that was there. Then moved up to my chest and underarms and shaved me clean. Then, he took the clippers, and cut my hair on the top of my head short, military style.

There was no way that I could resist. Being immobolized, and gagged, the Master had his way with me in anyway he chose. I was just there, a thing, to be used as he saw fit. it was odd to look down upon my own body, and see its fleshy nakedness. I could not remember when it looked so smooth. Except when I was a child. But that was so long ago. Now here I was hairless, bound, gagged and in the presence of a person who chose to make me look like a boy again.

I was once again, hosed down with warm water, and dried off.

"Boy, you will be in this position for a while longer. I want you to be here too look at yourself and get use to who and what you are while in my possesion. This will give you time to adjust to your new position."

I could not say a word.

"I will leave you now. Not to fret, I will be back"

I hung there as I saw Master clean put away the tools, and the tray, and heard his footsteps climb the stairs to the upper part of the house. I hung there, not being able to say anything. I could not protest, I could not move. All I could do was look at my naked shaved body.

I thought to myself what would be next. What was it that he was planning to do. Only time would tell.

END Part II __________________________________________

Part II is a short chapter. Due to work and other aspects that happen in life, I wanted to keep the story going...part III is in the works as I write this, ...any ideas as to what you would like to see happen please share, perhaps I can work them into the story line.

I am not sure where this is going just yet, but I am keeping it in a logical step by step process. I am also keeping in mind that this is also my fantasy.

To all those who wrote me...thank you, I was glad to see the positive feedback!

Next: Chapter 3

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