Being Swallowed Alive

By t h

Published on Jan 16, 2004


"Being Swallowed Alive" Written by: Uncollaredslavect Part One (c) 2004

Part I: Completed Jan 16, 2004 Part II: Coming approx Jan 30, 2004

This story is my fantasy of how I want to be greated by a master, as well as be treated for a first time experience. Although some aspects of this story may or may not be an activity that can be preformed in the manner in which I describe here, they are none the less as close to an experience that I wish to have.

After reading stories on this web sight for years, I felt that it was time for me to become creative, and share a story to the readers, and those who wrote and shared so many stories.

Although this is my first story, I would enjoy hearing from those who read this story, especially any MASTER .. you may contact me at the following Email Address:

disclaimers: All people in this story are fictional, all are over the age of 21, this story does not contain any subject matter which is inconsistant with the guidelines of, this is story is purely the imagination of its author, if you are offended by such material please do not read

What was it that I was searching for? Here I was at home, bored out of my mind, looking for something to do. I had turned down an offer to head out to the local bar. I was tired of the scene. Same faces over and over. I knew that I was seeking something different. Something that would change me forever. There was nothing on TV, got tired of watching those reality shows, American Idol, Real World, Big Brother.

What kind of people are these that display their lives on TV? After several seasons of watching the same old stuff, was just showing that Television Producers were running out of steam in their creative thinking.

So I turned to the internet. What else was new. Logged on, and entered a chat room that had caught my attention, Slaves for Masters. What was this all about, slaves for masters? What was going on here. Not one to really talk, I usually would sit back and watch the conversations unfold in front of me.

I started to wonder what it must be like to live a life where you had to always be respectful, and do what you are told, when you are told with out asking any questions. I thought perhaps that some of these so called subs that were online had some issue with themselves being not strong enough to deal with life. Masters, that would carry on conversations seemed to have a Superior View about themselves.

What surprised me was that I had started to wonder what it would be like to be in the presence of a Master. I had started to daydream about actually experiencing something like this. Ah but how could I get someone to really want to take me on, someone that had no experience in this area.

I continued to read the lines of conversation popping up on the screen, and it just seemed like any other chat room, games being played, people wanting but not really wanting to ... same old same game as in any chat room.

I got up from my computer to get something to drink, when a CHIME came across the computer to notify me of a Instant Message. I looked at the name, MASTER IN LEATHER.

"What is your name boy?"


"Show some respect boy!"

Not being ignorant of some of the protocol required

I corrected myself, Sir my name is Jay.

"NO, you will not address yourself in that manner boy. You will address yourself as boy Jay"

I was begining to think what is this guy doing? I decided to play "the game"

"What brings you here boy? Never seen you online before"

Sir, I am online to amuse myself since there was nothing better to do this evening.

"Listen BOY, and listen good, you will NOT refer to yourself as I, you are a boy,

or an it, do you understand?"

Sir, yes sir, boy appologizes sir

"Good, your a fast learner, I like that in a slave."

Sir, thank you Sir.

"So boy, have you had thoughts about being a slave"

Sir, no Sir, just ended up in this room to see what this room

was about, and what was going on"

"What is your fantasy boy?"

Well, Sir, boy has never been in a situation before

where it was to be in a slave position.

"Have you viewed my profile boy?

Sir, no Sir boy has not.

"Go look at it boy, NOW!"

Sir yes sir.

I went and looked up his name, and pulled up his profile.

I was amazed to find that this guy was into training new boys, the thoughts that started to race across my mind about actually participating in this type of activity was really begining to turn me on. I read down the list of his interests, his picture was in his profile too.

Age: 45 Height: 6' Weight: 175lbs Cock: Cut 7" Medium Hair: Short, Brown

Bondage Electro Suspension Pumping Forced Miling Knotting Hoods Cuffs Slings Training New Boys

Seeks Boy to join him in a loving but stern home: Will be well cared for, used as I see fit, and enjoy a life that will be fullfilling for both of us.

Wow, training new boys, now this was getting to be interesting, My mind started to race, perhaps this is something that I really wanted to try.

"So boy, what did you think?"

Sir, it is interesting to say the least

"What do you mean by that boy?"

Sir, since it has not had any experience, the thought of doing some

of the items that you have listed in your profile, even though it does

not understand all of it, sounds interesting

"What is that you seek boy?"

it seeks an understanding of itself sir

"So, Boy what do you want to do about it?"

Sir, it is scared, nervous, not sure.

It wants to but there are some things that bother me sir.

"Boy, the first thing you must do is to trust a Master. Now I know that you have no

experience in this, and I am aware that you may have come across stories of

strange things and happenings out there. But you see I am not one of them.

I am a Master that will protect you while in my care. So slave, do you wish to see where

you can go with this. To explore your new found feelings?"

Sir, boy is still nervous Sir, but it wishes to see what its all about

"Good to hear boy. I will Email you the directions to where I live.

There are three things you must do

1: BE ON TIME - I will not tolerate you being late

2: Follow the Directions that I post on my front door

3: When you are in my presence you will call me SIR at all times

4: You will have showered before coming here Do you understand my conditions?"

Sir, boy understands

"You will now log off, and to bed with you, I want you well rested before I meet you."

I said good night sir, and logged off, my heart racing, and for some reason I was followinghis instructions, but I had found it easy to fall asleep fast.

I do not remember what I had dreamed, but I did wake up early and eagerly logged on to the computer to check my Email message. There was the message that my new found Master had said he would send to me.

In the Email were detailed instructions on how to get to his residence, and the 4 rules that he requested that I follow, and reminded me that they should be followed to the letter. The directions also said that I should be at his front door at 9am sharp, and to read the message that was on the door.

I got into my car. Heart pounding in my chest, and an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. What was I doing, why did I say I was going to meet Master? Oh yea, I kept telling myself that it was to explore this new found feeling within myself. My mind raced, I did not know what to expect, or how things were going to be once I got there. But I guess I was about to find out.

The drive to his house took my just over 25min. It was a big white ranch, nicely landscaped and one would never have known what was about to happen inside this house. I pulled into the drive way, and parked the car, got out and walked up to the door. There as stated was a message taped to the door. The envolpe was labled BOY on it. I reached up, removed the envolope from the door and opened it.

There inside were two papers, one was labled 1, the other labled 2.

Opening the first message it said

Boy, this is your chance to back out.

If you wish not to join me, than turn around now and return home.

If you are still wanting to explore yourself, than go on and read message 2.

Do not feel week if you turn back, but remember, once you start reading

the second message that I have prepared for you, there is NO TURNING BACK.

I had come this far, I was not about to turn back. I opened the second letter

.... unfolding the paper, I began to feel more and more anxious about what it was that I was planning on doing...

Boy, welcome to my home. I want to remind you that you are to do all that I say. No questions, just do. You must now begin to trust me, as I begin to transform you into the person you seek that is buried with in you. Read this entire message first, than proceed with all the instructions that are layed out here.

First boy, you will find the front door open, you are to walk in and close the door behind you, and lock it. You will than see in front of you a chair, you are to remove all your clothing, fold it and place it on the chair.

Second, there is a beverage set up for you, drink it, for it may be the last bit you get.

Third, you will place on yourself the four leather straps, one on each wrist, and ankle, make sure that they are fitted tight, but comfortably so.

Fourth, place the color around your neck, making sure that the D ring is facing out, attach the leash

Fifth, lay down on the matt, and place the mask over your eyes, and relax. Do not move from that space do not talk, just breath in deeply, and relax.

I placed both messages in my back pants pocket, not wanting to litter. I opened the door and did as I was told. I carried out each instruction as stated in the letter. I finally got to the matt, placed the mask on, and relaxed on the matt. Soft music started playing in the back ground. As the music played on, and as I relaxed on the soft mat, I began to feel sleepy. At first I could feel my muscles just going limp, as if I had no control of them. Darkness started to swallow me up. What was going on? I fell deeper and deeper into a sleep state, and then....

Chapter II to follow soon!

Next: Chapter 2

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