Being Richard's Gurl

By al blanc

Published on Jan 5, 2017



If you're like me, your most potent sexual organ lives between our ears. Comments and thoughts for all my stories (Being Bob's 1 & 2) and this one can be sent to cuz like a fool I have locked myself out of previously posted email addresses. Where as Being Bob's was gay/urination with a pinch of CD, Being Richard's Gurl delves farther into exploring the feminine side in many of us. Hope you like it. If it makes you hard, I win!

It had been a horrible year. I lost my job. Shortly after that I lost my girlfriend to another guy. Along with the blow to my ego, it put me totally responsible for all the rent which I was in no position to absorb. It was plain to see Alberta wasn't being good to me. Where to go now was the big question.

My initial thought was to move further west. I'd grown up in Quebec and found that my lack of french really hampered my ability to secure work there. Besides, 'back home' was now a depressed economy. I knew there'd be no work there.

It was during a phone call to my best buddy in Montreal he suggested I come and stay there with him - no charge. I'd known him since high school. We have similar senses of humour and could always chat for hours on the phone. Then, I was a scrawny little pretty-boy trying ever so hard to be tough. My buddy was exactly opposite. He was bigger than many full grown men. He took me under his wing and protected me from getting beat up. It got to be known that to touch me was signing your own death warrant. Richard was a gorilla, but he was MY gorilla as I always told him. That would make him smile.

To me, my long blond hair was a social statement. I was angrily raging against the machine. To others, it was attractive in a way I didn't realize. Looking back at photos of myself, I can plainly see how un-tough I really was! Paired with tight jeans I selected to fit my ass well, it would probably explain why I got honked at by passing cars. I always wondered how the guy felt as they checked me out in the rear view mirror and saw I was a boy, not a girl. Did they even care? It would explain why I was so successful at hitchhiking. I sure got hit on a lot by older guys!

My soft looks attracted many girls too. I wasn't overly popular, but had enough to share with my buddy. It was a perfect relationship for a slight 15 year old boy.

My buddy, Richard was a lucky one. He had started off early with knowing what he wanted to do. He spun a one car autobody garage where he would ply his illustrations and custom paint jobs into a terrific career job that paid quite well. His name today is a local industry benchmark. He has properties scattered over the province, bought at 50 cents on the dollar deals offered by people moving west for better opportunities. The only thing Richard claimed he didn't have was company. He had divorced several years ago and was lonely kicking around his large house all by himself.

As far as I was concerned, my back was to the wall. I really had no prospects going on one way or the other. Again, Richard was proving to be my protector all these years later. Anybody else I'd feel like I'm using them shamelessly, but somehow we had an intagible understanding. His offer seemed like the way to go. So I sold all my stuff, packed whatever I couldn't part with in the car and took the 4 day trip back to Montreal.

One has a lot of time to think during a 4 day, lonely car trip. Mostly, I reflected back on our phone conversations. Richard explained that he considered himself an alpha dog kind of guy. Funny. I knew him to be a most agreeable gentleman. He always had trouble with the ladies because he came off as beta. We'd talk about all kinds of things. I let him know that I passed no judgements on his particular fetishes. I even told him some of mine. Some how our unspoken rule became 'nothing off the table' . We'd share things that no guy would share. For instance, Richard loves to go down on pussy. He prefers anal sex to vaginal, but most women don't share that preferance. But when pussy isn't available he likes a gurl with something extra. As soon as I heard that I gushed about 5 tablespoons of precum into my shorts! My most secret desire, the one that lights my sexual flame the most, is being a gurl for my man! There's just something so hot about submitting to a man. It's not that I've gone to all that trouble to dress in something sexy for's how much he would appreciate it! I was probably visualy shaken. I felt flushed and was glad we were on the phone. Hopefully I recovered enough to tell him that he was spicey and that's a good thing without my voice quivering! We'd talk about sex toys. The conversation of course led to our own favourite sex toys. I told him my ass is very sensitive so I have a prostate massager which feels like a finger rubbing my gspot. This one I can walk around with. It makes vacuuming and mowing the lawn fun. When I really feel like being invaded I a larger version of it. It's about 5 inches and realistical width. Richard would say Oh yeah?" like he was piqued. He would further tell me how nothing goes up his ass! I laughed and told him he should try it. He seemed quite adament about his position though. If anything, he'd remind me that he's an alpha man. We'd even compare penis sizes. His is 5 inches soft to mine hard. When Richard gets hard, he says he's about 7 inches and quite thicker than mine. I never make macho, big cock jokes because I know mine is about the size of a thick thumb when soft. My size has always been a shame issue with me. When soft, few men have smaller. I was thankful I am a 'grower' who's penis would more than double in size when excited. I would subserviantly tell him between you and me, you're the man! This would make Richard positvely glow on the phone. My little parts, soft and nestled in my shorts would be swimming in prelube by now. I never told him that though. I'd just act feminine for a bit to see where he'd take the conversation. He never took it over the edge. He'd laugh it off as a joke and we'd resume our conversation about something less revealing.

No matter how hard I tried to shake it off though, once in a while he dynamic would change between Richard and myself. The more demure I got, the more flirtatious he got. The more I accepted a beta role with him, the more he'd assume an alpha role. This drove me crazy with lust for some reason! I've never felt that way before or trusted any guy enough to let down my masculine guard. Richard was a gentleman in every sense of he word, always.

I had to laugh to myself; If anyone was more of an alpha in my mind, it was me! I was quite handy with letting the ladies know what I wanted. I was much better at reading their signals than Richard was. Richard was clumsy with the ladies. He wanted sex with them, but felt getting physical would insult them somehow. What I knew and he didn't understand was the most they could say was no and my hit/miss ratio was not too bad even now, so many years after hgh school. In fact it has improved drastically! My gentle features translated well into middle age. My pretty boy attributes now keep me younger looking than my years. While others were losing ther hair and teeth, my teeth were white. My blond hair was my pride. It was a terrific shade of blond that, in the sun, looked like gold. Now I have streaks of pure silver in there too. I wear it long enough to show it off, but still masculine.

By the time I reached the a motel for the night, my underwear were soaking with precum lube. Yes, I tend to get very wet. I don't even have to be hard. I cracked one off in my hand. It took no time at all. Then I licked it up and savoured the taste and fantasized about tasting somebody else's. I took a shower and texted Richard to let him know where I was. By the time I reached Montreal I was a frustrated mess, but masculine protocol suggested I behave myself just in case I read Richard wrong. I wouldn't want to go and spoil a good friendship and a secure place to stay.

I Finally found Richard's house. It was on the outskirts of town. The area was charming! Houses were built on treed acreages, hundreds of yards apart from each other. They all seemed very private. Richard had done well for himself! I smiled to myself thinking how much I was going to enjoy my new life here.

Richard's house wasn't visible from the road. There was a sign post with his address on it and a long winding driveway. When I saw his house I understood why he was lonely all by himself. It was, what I estimated as about 3000 square feet. A 2 storey craftsman deal with a beautiful front porch; Perfect for sitting on during a rainstorm. I parked my car in the back as instructed and stretched after a long ride. I knocked on the back door and I guess Richard heard me coming because it swung open immediately.

After not seeing Richard for so many years I scanned him over in a millisecond. He was still taller than me by an inch or so and still much stockier than my more wispish build. He smiled a huge smile and roared out "Ha, ha! There he is!" and wrapped his arms about me and crushed me to his chest. I was holding bags so I could't hug him back, but I noted he hugged me just a little too long, which I knew with the way I was feeling would make my shorts all gooey. "What the hell", I thought. Nobody's watching so I melted into him and made it seem like he pulled me off balance. He smelled clean and fresh. That made me think I probably needed a shower, but Richard had other plans.

Richard offered me a cold beer and we sat at his kitchen table for a few hours catching up on old times. During our conversation he made sure to mention how he was my protector back in high school. I thanked him for that and told him that under the circumstances, not much has changed. "I'm under your roof, eating your food and pretty well totally beholding to you. I can't thank you enough". Richard smiled at me and patted my knee, "My pleasure." he magnanimously responded. We unpacked the car and Richard showed me my room. It was large enough to stretch out in, had a queen sized bed and a vast amount of closet space that was half filled up with clothes already. Still, the empty half would be more than I needed.

I took a shower and went downstairs to chat with Richard. We ate and chatted. He told me he had to work in the morning, but to make myself comfortable, look around and explore the place. I smiled my warmest smile at him and told him I would.

The next morning I woke to birdsong and sunshine. Crawling downstairs I looked for a caffeine fix. A warm pot was on the counter with a note from Richard saying "See you at 5 - Explore your new home!"

I went back upstairs to my bedroom to unpack my clothes and settle in a bit. It was while I was hanging up shirts I looked at the other half of the closet. All the clothes looked new. They had tags on them. Curiosity got the better of me and I grabbed a folded item off the shelf. It was a pair stretchy, black capri pants. For some reason I held them up to my body to see if they were my size. What do you know?! It looks like they'd fit. Okay...I was a bit bored, maybe a little horny, so I slipped my pants and shorts down and over my feet. I stood there in my closet, half naked and slipped the capri pants on. They hugged my form like a glove! I checked myself out in the mirror and was astounded how nice they made my ass look. It stood up pertly and was rounded beautifully. Hell! I wanted to touch me! The only problem was they made my legs itch. They pulled hair everytime I moved. It was then I spotted the dipilatory cream and fact in the back of the closet was a hexagonal window. Next to that was a small vanity table with a mirror. All about the table were shelves filled with every kind of feminine product there was. Part of me thought this was left over from a previous romance of Richard's. The reality of it was none of the bottles or make up kits were opened yet. It was starting to add up. I drew in a deep breath as I stood in my closet in itchy, black capri pants...a few dots of shiney wetness forming in front, ruining the look. I knew what I had to do now. I felt very grateful to my, my dear friend. I felt an overwhelming desire to make him smile like he does when I flirt back with him.

Wow! I knew I had had entertained ideas about cross dressing in fantasies, but never went through with it. I guess I had hesitation over the next step: Removing all body hair! I was definitely stepping out of the closet in a way that would preclude me from attracting women. With my charming ways and dazzling smile, conversation and clever flirting with women were my strength. I couldn't present to a woman when I am all baby smooth, feminine and hairless! I knew I was temporarily closing a door, but the signs pointed towards Richard just protecting me more as opposed to getting angry or telling me I sorely misread him.

I took the next few hours removing body hair. Even though I'm blond and what I thought sparsley hairy, the tub filled up with fur and there was no way I could wash that mess down the drain. It would clog for sure! I scooped it all up and threw it in the garbage. As I was moving about the bathroom I noticed my skin felt differently. Yes it was a little burny after using dipilitory cream, but I also felt remarkably cool and fresh simutaneously. And so smooth!

Afterwards I sat at the vanity table buried in the back of my closet and googled how to put on make up. After some reading and a few tries I got to the point where I could put it on thick enough to hide the imperfections, but thinly enough to look fresh and hardly enhanced at all. A bit of eyeliner, some mascara made my eyes look huge! I looked gentle before. Now I looked positively feminine! I tried a few lipsticks and settled on a lightly pink moisturing product. It made my lips shine. I scoured the shelves to see what Richard had loaded there for me (?) to wear. He did say "explore" after all!

I found boxes of disposable enemas. I used one and felt much, much fresher. I thought about slipping in my greased prostate massager. That idea was vetoed as I thought it may be too much expectations to place on my friend. I placed a panty liner (thanks Richard) to protect the pair of panties from well....lubricants or secretions. I found next to the drawer of feminine under garments. The panties were a small, white cotton bikini type. They held my little package, but barely. If I got hard, I'd pop out. I tucked it under me to keep it out of the way and to capture my gushing prelube in the pantyliner. Imagine getting dressed and ruining the look with something as crass as a wet spot! I really liked the flat look of pubic area straight to thighs pressed together. I grabbed a light blue pair of capri pants this time and white ankle socks. I could still see my cock mound in my panties though. It was going to take the look I was trying to achieve away. I found what looked like a tube of stretchy fabric with loops on it. The package it was in explained what it was - 'Flattens the tummy and tapers waist'. I slipped into this and it was tight, a bit restrictive and would take some getting used to, but it did what was advertised! My hips were suddenly curvier! My waist tapered in and my little cock was safely hidden away! Now for the top ..what to wear? Inside the garment drawer were several bras and breast padding forms to fake bigger boobs. I found myself wiggling my hips involutarily as I slipped my arms into the bra. It was difficult to do up the hooks, but I persisted and succeeded. Slipping the pads underneath my soft, pliable, manboobs I looked in the mirror. I was amazed! My skin looked so soft and I actually had some respectable cleavage going on! Although I wasn't quite 'stacked' I did have an attractive display of feminine curves now. My smallish teen-sized breasts thrust out far past my tummy. I touched my chest lightly, tracing my fingers over my new form. So soft without hair! So pretty! I had always promised myself if I got boobs, I'd only leave the house to get food! Now...although not really boobs...they looked great and filled out the chest. I found a cotton teeshirt which hugged in all the right places, yet loose enough on my shoulders to expose one. When standing up and looking down, I couldn't even see my little cock even if it was sticking out due to my new boobies blocking the view. I lifted my gaze to the mirror. I saw a shapely woman with a somewhat masculine haircut looking back. The thin fabric of the shirt pressed up on my chest revealing a bra cups through it.

As I stood in front of the full length mirror in the hallway outside my bedroom I felt the need to act subtley feminine and be hot enough to have Richard seduce me. For some reason, when dressed like this all my most homoerotic leanings come out. Although, it's not really gay because I'm a girl right now.

My phone buzzed. I answered it and it was Richard. "Hello Sunshine", he boomed out! "Hey Sweetie" came my answer. "I'm just at the store buying dinner for us. I'll be home in 10 minutes!" Richard's voice sounded happy...even excited. I knew there was sexual tension in the air between us. He knew I probably found his cache of clothes by now. I knew I wanted to please Richard, my protector!

Wow! I had only minutes now to make this decision. Do I go through with this?! My hands were sweaty, my chest was thumping and my mouth went dry! This was it! Do I expose myself like this to Richard? Do I step off that precipice with no chance for beating my way back to respectful masculinity if he doesn't like it?! Well... go big or go home, I guess. I grabbed 2 beers rolled a joint on the back porch when Richard drove up I watched him get out of his car with a bag in his hand. As he walked towards the house I was scanning his face nervously. All I saw was a huge smile break out on his face as he saw me in my new outfit. " found stuff I see! I likey!" and he walked right up to me, dropped his bag and wrapped his arms about me again. I returned the favour, but this time I melted into him on purpose. I laid my head on his shoulder and his hand strayed to my ass where he had himself a little grope as he pulled me against his stiffening member. We parted and Richard's smile was apparent. I felt so relieved! I was really stepping out here and didn't want to offend my best buddy. He really liked me like this though. He couldn't stop flirting with me during dinner. Any chance he got, he 'accidently' groped me or pushed up against me.

After dinner and much pats, carresses and yes, even some grinding on my ass as I delivered the dishes to the dishwasher and cleaned up a bit, we went to watch tv. He sat on the couch and I sat right next to him, tucked my legs up beside me and leaned on his shoulder. He put is large arm around me and held me. We tried to watch tv, but all I could watch was the lump in his pants. I guess he was distracted too and this made me happy. Somehow Richard's hand had found my ass where he rubbed gentle circular motions right over my anus. I could feel the heat from his hand through the thin fabrics I was wearing. Nobody has ever touched me there. I felt like surrendering. He looked at me and I up to him. "I'm not really gay, y'know." he said to me softly. "I don't like men, but I really, really like to be able to control a man so much so that's he gives up his manhood to be mine. I've always thought you had a feminine streak in you which I found so attractive. You just needed it teased out. Just know that I'm the man here". Richard grabbed his package to drive his point home. "You know I'll always look after you if you want to play or not. If you get tired of it, I know we can still be friends. If you want, you can do this 24/7 or just weekends. Obviously I like 24/7 . I must warn you, I have a voracious appetite! My wife couldn't keep up with me. Here's the deal; When you are dressed for me, you are open for business or at least you will be my 'girlfriend' with all rights and priviledges granted. When you wear your regular clothes, you need a rest. Deal?" It sounded great to me! I He leaned in and kissed me on the lips, his finger pressed onto the cleavage between my butt cheeks. I wiggled back on his hand as best as I could without breaking the kiss. Finally, the kiss ended and I was complete mush in his arms. I let my hand drop from around his neck to his lap. I furtively brushed against his lap..that bulge that was going to be mine! Richard's other hand took my roaming, teasing hand and pressed it down onto his lap. Okay! I got the message! I filled my hand with Richard's bulge. It was more than my hand could hold! I gave him a couple of squeezes. I had to see this monster! I grabbed his belt and undid it, quickly undid his jeans button and slowly unzipped Richard for the first time. Due to the angle of my hips precum was missing the panty liner and dripping in btween my ass cheeks. It tickled! I squirmed my ass harder to get rid of the feeling. Richard took it as a sign to slip his hand down the back of my skimpy capri pants and into my panties. I gasped when his finger pressed on my rosebud for the first time. We kissed again, but this time with a bit more purpose. I left on his lap where his stiffening cock was pressing against his underwear. It felt hot in my hand and quite large compared to mine. I couldn't help myself, I had to have that beautiful thing in my mouth! I broke the kiss and my fingers snaked under the elastic waist band of Richard's shorts. I fought to pull it over his cock. I didn't want to nip it or pull hair. Out his cock flopped. It was about 6 inches and semi hard. Richard was cut like me. The mons was dark pink and the shaft was free of discolourations. In short, it was a beautiful piece of equipment! Richard groomed himself so pleasuring him would be easier. He lifted his ass and cranked his pants down a bit to give me better access. I reached between his legs and retrieved his scrotum which was stuck to his legs. His balls were huge! They danced in my hand as I tried to hold them both. Leaning over, I kissed one, then the other. I licked them and loved them. They were full of 'my man's' seed and my job was to get that juice in me! I kissed the underside of his semi-stiff rod. Richard just moaned and encouraged me. Instinctively, my mouth opened to engulf Richard's cock. At 6 inches I could get it all the way to the back of my throat and then some.

I felt Richard harden in my mouth and as advertised, he was over 7 inches and the same way I grow in length, Richard grows in width! While I loved him in my mouth, I found my jaw started to ache after 5 minutes. It didn't matter though because Richard's hand, still in the back of my panties has found the tide of precum lube all over my thighs and between my cheeks. I felt his fingers passing over my rosebud and every touch felt like lightening! I had no idea to ever think somebody would want to do that, but at this moment, I was very appreciative. I squirmed back on his hand. He my juices on his finger and stuffing it into me. Richard told me he was getting my pussy wet. I loved that kind of talk. Richard took his time and opened me up slowly. Such gentleman! Soon I felt a big, thick fingertip push into me. I gasped as I felt so violated. Oh god, but I loved it. He took it out only to scoop more of my own lube and push it into me. I love having anything that comes out of a cock on my "pussy". I felt Richard enter me again. This time I was ready. I pushed out like I was pooping and his finger slid in again, but this time I pushed back on it until he had totally impaled me in his digit. I felt him wiggle it about. I moaned and put my lips over the head of his cock as I stroked him off. Soon Richard's hips were bucking on the couch cusions as he came hard in multiple pumps of hot cum. He filled my mouth several times as I tried to swallow everything he gave me. It tasted a bit different my own cum. It smelled like clean laundry and was thick! That put me over the edge. I clenched down on Richard's finger with my pussy lips and came hard in my panties. As soon as I stopped breathing hard, Richard took out his finger and scooped my own cum into me. Richard told me that my pussy should get used to being filled with cum. I moaned in agreement and kissed a bead of cum off the tip of the softening dick in my hand.

We were both panting! We did it! We finally crossed the barrier that was between us on the phone. All I had to do was give up my manhood. When I did, I had an instant boyfriend! I noted how I had never got hard. I just came through my limp, useless cock. Nobody touched it. I had cum from being fingered.

Richard rolled another joint and got us a beer. I needed to wash the taste of cum out of my mouth. As delicious as it was at the moment, it got very sticky in my throat. I needed a rinse. I was reminded I was sitting in a pair of panties full of my own cum and just as much lube juice as well. My ass was floating in male juices if only my own. I looked at Richard and asked him if he liked that. He told me it was the hottest thing he's ever done! He mentioned how pretty I'd look with my legs over his shoulders. I laughed and winked at him. We arose from the couch and went upstairs to shower.

In Richard's spacious bathroom we peeled off our clothes. Richard loved my hairless look! He carressed my waist, then helped me with my girdle thing and when I peeled off my capris, my panties went with them. My ass was a mess. I could feel cum stuck between my cheeks. Richard spun me around and looked at my ass. He did a slow wolf whistle when he saw my best side. He put a hand on either cheek and separated them to reveal my sloppy 'pussy'. I heard him sigh...."So beautiful....". I was entirely flattered and so happy Richard loved what I had to offer him. The he did something I wasn't expecting; He got down on his knees and pressed his face in btween my ass cheeks and kissed my 'pussy'. He licked the cum off of me and pushed cum into me with his toungue. I gasped. I sighed. Oh, but this man knew my buttons! I didn't even know THAT button yet. He cupped my entire package in one hand and squoze me a bit while his toungue works its magic. All I could do is fill his hand with more lubrication. My knees went wobbly. I had to put my hands on the wall to hold me up. My brain was on overload! Where I have always been a bit embarrassed about the amount I lubricate, Richard seemed to love it. The more, the better! Where I was always painfully aware of smallish manhood, it didn't matter anymore. Richard's cock was king.

We stepped into the shower. Richard quickly washed and I scrubbed his back. Then it was my turn. Richard used a facecloth on me. but he took extra care with my 'pussy'. It was washed inside and out. At one point I was standing tip-toe with my arms around Richard's neck while we kissed. Richard meanwhile had a finger stuffed to the limit in me. He was almost lifting me off my feet! He wiggled it inside of me. I almost collapsed in his arms! I then washed Richard with the same enthusiasm. We got out of the shower and patted each other off. Richard's hands were all over my skin. He really enjoyed the extra lengths I went to today. The globes of my ass have never been massaged and fondled quite so often in my life! And of course, my drooling cock pressed against his much larger, firmer and thicker equipment. I loved my diminuative position next to him.

Richard nodded his head towards the bed. I smiled and nodded affirmatively back to him. He took my hand and led me to his bed. We crawled into bed and pulled the blankets up over us. Immediately we gravitated towards the middle of the bed. I felt hungry hands devouring my waist, my thighs and ass as he pulled me towards him. I slid across the sheets and pressed up against him. Richard was already hard for me. I couldnt believe it! I had just drained his beautiful nuts into my mouth not half an hour ago! But here he was, poking me in the tummy. I put one of his legs between mine and I found myself grinding myself on him. Richard's hands were on my ass and looking for access to my puckered pussy. I felt something slippery being rubbed onto me. He must have had a bottle of lube under his pillow, I thought. A large finger was probing my pussy now. Every digital thrust pushed in just a little bit farther into me. I was pinned between Richard's leg and hand. No where to squirm to, but just accept my new role; I am the hole...the receptacle. It's only right Richard opens me up to receive his manhood and make me his. Our mouths met in another searing kiss. I involuntarily grunted into his mouth while he pressed on my prostate. After five minutes of this Richard's hips started to hump on me. I loved this man's eagerness! He slipped his finger out of me. The absence inside of me was shocking! I needed to be filled! Richard roled me onto my back. I smiled up at him and spread my legs. He lay in between them and carressed my hair. I felt his big cock searching for a place to be. He was bumping it between my legs - trying to reach it's destination...I lefted my legs to give him access to me. I was totally exposed to him, almost begging him to take me. It occured to me the only manhood left in me would be Richard's soon. The contrast between his hard body and my soft, feminine form underneath him seemed to intensify our lust. Richard took a moment to fill his hand with more lubrucant and smeared it on his rather thick looking cock. There was no doubt that Richard was ready for me! With what was left in his hand he rubbed it into my 'pussy' and stuffed some inside with his thumb. Then, still on his knees with my slender, hairless legs perched on his shoulders he made me his. I felt the head, so soft, yet so hard push on my rosebud. I relaxed as best as I could and pushed out. I felt the head slip in and I drew in a huge gasp of air. Richard stopped pushing to let me get used to his girth. I moaned in frustration! I needed him in me! I grabbed his thighs and pulled him towards me. He reponded my slowly, ever so slowly pushing into me, parting my flesh to accect him within my warmth. I swear I felt every inch, every vein pass through that tight ring. I felt him fill me to the hilt. All the way into me. He stayed inside of me for a moment and then he gently pulled out - almost completely out only to thrust in a little quicker. It felt so good to be stretched around his thickness! When he pumped into me again he sighed in my ear. Richard told me how good I felt. I purred back to him something or another. Our tummies were coated in my lubracant and I think I was drooling too. I groaned as he pushed into me again...a little faster now. Richard grabbed my ass with his hands and started to pump in earnest now. There was no where to go, but take his assault. At first I tried to clamp down on his cock when he pulled out, but at the speed Richard was pummeling me now I had no choice but to just let go and let him do whatever he wanted. My pussy relaxed and became a soft and squishy place for a jack hammering cock. Richard would push hmself all the way in and then grind in me. He hit every place inside of me when he did this! After about 10 minutes of being 'broken in' Richard's pace became frenzied. He grabbed my waist and pushed hard into me. He came hard into me. I held the backs of his thighs to get all the cum into me. I didn't want to lose one drop! I could imagine his big balls contracting as he filled me with his seed. It was just too much for me! I came like I've never come before! It felt like it lasted 5 minutes! I shot ropes of cum onto both our stomachs, chests and even my chin! I was almost wimpering under Richard. He just lay on me and drained his juice into me. I felt his cock getting smaller. I hugged it with my pussy and felt my legs getting kind of tired, wrapped as they were over my lover's shoulders. Richard reared up and withdrew from me. He reached into his night table drawer and took out a box of wetwipes and cleaned himself off. He gave me a few and I got the extra lube off my ass. I licked my cum off of Richard and he licked my tummy and chest clean.

I told Richard I needed to clean up. He just handed me a pair of panties and told me to wear them to bed to catch his cum which was driping out of me. My ass cheeks were definitely greasy with his seed. He said he liked me sleeping in his sperm. "Besides", Richard laughed at me, "The entire bed was covered in my nasty prelube anyways. We'd have to wash the sheets so I may as well just get used to his cum as I'd be seeing a lot of it from now on. As I thought that, I felt my 'pussy' twich a bit and release a glob of Richard's seed into my panties. I went to sleep, smiling.

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