Being Georges Assistant

By moc.liamg@lcsumpma

Published on Aug 12, 2022


This story was not written by me but inspired by me to the author Kyle. I hope I can reconnect with Kyle. Thanks for all your comments. I am glad to inspire a new generation of "assistants".

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Being George's Assistant - 6

It was a pretty boring afternoon at the office. I had to finish up Friday's workload that George had so graciously left for me to do. It was quite a mountain of paperwork. At about 1:00 the phone rang. It was George calling to remind me to stock the fridge with beer. "We should only need a 12 pack. Tony is the only one coming back to the office for a few. Also, my feet are killing me, I am going to need you to work your magic on them when I get back." I heard some laughter in the background when he said that. He must have told all of his golf buddies about his bitch. Tony of course already knew about me from walking in on me giving George a foot rub the previous day. I must have turned red from embarrassment at my predicament.

All I could say was "Yes, George. I won't let you down." He just hung up without saying goodbye. When I got off the phone I suddenly wondered how I was going to buy the beer. George had not left any money and I did not have access to a company charge. I guess that was coming out of my wallet. I assumed they were about halfway through so I decided to go grab the beer and a bite to eat for lunch. I had forgotten to eat yesterday while trying to complete George's impossibly long list of tasks. Today I just went to the gas station down the road grabbed a sandwich and a 12 pack of Killians. It ended up being around $25. It was highway robbery. This must be one of those places that jacks up their prices because they don't have much competition. I payed it but I would need reimbursed. I had not had a paycheck in a couple of months and probably would not get my first paycheck at my new job until next Friday. I would just ask George about it later.

When I got back I put the beer into the mini fridge by the couch in his office and returned to his desk so I could scarf down my sandwich and try to finish the mountain of work that was still left to do. The whole time I was hoping George wouldn't make me rub his feet in front of Tony. The guy was sort of a cocky bastard like George and he seemed to really get a kick out of watching me at George's tired smelly feet. Even worse, I might have to rub his feet too. He did make some snide comment about me being sent down to his office sometime.

I was finishing up the final touches on all the work when they waltzed through the door. George was in a similar outfit as yesterday with a Polo shirt, khakis, and of course his golf shoes. Tony however was decked out in full old school golf regalia. He had a white shirt with a nice green sweater with an argyle pattern and the long socks to match, a pair of green knickers, black golf shoes, and a green cap. He looked like he was ready to go to a St. Patrick's day party. They came in and crashed, George on the couch and Tony in the love seat. Without prompting I grabbed a pair of beers and served them. They took them while barely acknowledging me and began drinking.

It was a good five minutes before George looked over and asked "Did you get all of my workload done?"

"Yes sir, we should start with a clean slate Monday." I said humbly. George smiled a wicked grin and Tony gave a similar one. They probably had talked about me that afternoon while they lived it up at the country club.

After about five minutes I went over and started unlacing George's golf shoes. I couldn't believe it either. He had not said a thing but here I was taking them off. He just looked down and gave me another wicked grin. I pulled them off and released that beautiful manly scent. I looked over and Tony was flashing a similar grin. After getting the shoes off I decided to ask George about reimbursing me for the beer. That is not what came out of my mouth. "Would you like me to massage your feet sir?" Why the hell did I just say that?

"Of course. I thought I was going to have to ask you." George said as Tony chuckled.

"George, I swear you have him well trained and he has only been on the job for a week. I would love to have an assistant like yours." Tony jealously said.

"All right. I can give him up for a few minutes. Kyle go remove Tony's shoes and massage his feet for a while."

"Yes, this what I am talking about. This is the kind of respect I deserve." Tony smiled as I crawled over to his feet which were resting on the coffee table in front of his chair. I unlaced his shoes and pulled both off. His feet gave off an immediate acrid smell and my eyes even watered a little. My dick of course couldn't control itself and I readjusted myself to be a little less conspicuous. I began rubbing Tony's feet, my face just inches away from his smelly soles. George and Tony talked about their round of golf as I kneaded George's soles. Unfortunately the conversation turned back to my predicament. "Boy I could go for one of these every day." Tony was really starting to get into it.

"I'm not giving him up. I know somebody that might have an interest in the position though." George said and they both started laughing. I wondered who they possibly could be talking about. Probably another sucker like me that worked there. After about twenty minutes of working over Tony's feet George demanded that I started working on his since I was his assistant. I crawled back over on my knees. Why I didn't get up and walk I'll never know. Perhaps I belonged on my knees. Most would agree with that when you have been reduced to rubbing feet. George's feet gave a more pleasant aroma. His feet smelled like shoe leather mixed with a very sweet smelling perspiration. For some reason I wondered what it tasted like. After about five minutes I removed his socks and began rubbing his bare feet. They smelled even better. Of course no one took notice and I had to make a couple of runs to get beers the whole time which was the only time my existence was acknowledged. After about an hour of this humiliation Tony got up and bid his farewell. He actually patted me on the head and thanked me for the foot rub. As if things were not degrading enough as it was. George flipped on the television and watched Sportscenter while I continued to rub his feet. After about fifteen minutes I looked up and saw that he had dozed off. Now was my chance. I had to taste those feet. I cautiously leaned in and stuck out my tongue and licked his big toe. It was heavenly. All that I had imagined and more. You would have thought it was some kind of ambrosia. I decide to be more courageous and I leaned in and licked the sole of his right foot. I can't even describe how good it tasted or how right the whole situation felt. Then I heard his voice "I thought you were never going to do that." George had been awake the whole time. I looked up and he just started laughing at me. "Go ahead bitch. Lick your boss's feet. Lick all the sweat off of them." George laughed heartily at this development. " I use to have dog that would lick my feet when I was growing up but this is even better. Girls have sucked my toes before and that was cool too, but this even better than that. Your tongue feels like it was meant to caress the soles of my feet. Clean them up bitch." He laughed again and I just continued lapping at his soles. I was past embarrassment and only hoped i could contain the excitement going on in my pants. It was too late, as I had already shot some precum. Never could I have imagined that a week ago that I would be turned on by George's feet yet here I was with the most throbbing erection of my life and finally I let lose. The front of my pants were stained. I wondered if I could escape the situation. It probably did not matter at this point.

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