Being Georges Assistant

By moc.liamg@lcsumpma

Published on Jun 18, 2022


This story was not written by me but inspired by me to the author Kyle. I hope I can reconnect with Kyle. Thanks for all your comments. I am glad to inspire a new generation of "assistants".

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Being George's Assistant - 3

That night I tossed and turned. I had no idea what had just happened that day and I was a little bit unsettled. I had actually cleaned George's golf shoes and sort of enjoyed the experience. I had buried my nose in his golf shoes and taken deep breaths. The worse thing about it was that I even got a little hard from the experience. The pungent bouquet of his feet did not seem to leave my nose even if it was just a memory. I had to experience it again and was pretty sure I would based on how well I attended to his golf shoes.

When I arrived at the office George was already there at his desk. I brought his coffee and he greeted me with a list of things to do. "All of these items need done before you leave today. I have a 9:00 A.M. tee time so you will pretty much be carrying my workload for the day. In addition to your own work you may be here awhile. I should be back around three or four. Hopefully you will have most of this list knocked out by then. By the way my bathroom really needs a good cleaning. I took a huge shit when I got here this morning and that toilet needs some attention. I also need you to clean the urinal, scrub the floors, the sinks, and the tile on the walls. Put that at the top of your list. The cleaning crew does such a horrible job, let's see what you can do. You will find everything you need underneath the cabinet under the sink."

I had not even been there five minutes and George was already barking out orders. Now I was in charge of taking care of his personal bathroom. What I had dreaded was becoming a reality. I was now more like his lackey than his assistant. I put up no fight and went in and started cleaning his bathroom. It was obvious he had just used it recently because the smell was pretty intense I started by scrubbing the toilet. It did not look all that dirty but I spent a good 45 minutes on it. I decided to clean the urinal next. It was extremely degrading cleaning the toilet George shitted in and the urinal he pissed in but I did what I could. As I was putting the finishing touches on the urinal George walked in. I was on my knees doing a last minute wipe down of the urinal. "This urinal looks pretty good and it actually smells good. Let me give it a try." With that he unzipped his pants and whipped out his dick right in front of me and began taking a piss. Just as you might have imagined he had a nice size penis. In fact very enviable to most guys as I watched him shoot a dark yellow stream into the urinal. It seemed like he stood there for a good minute before he finally wrapped up. At the end he shook the last drops. Some landed on the porcelain surface of the urinal while other drops fell inches away onto the floor. He then zipped up and left me by saying "Looks like you will have to clean that again. Sometimes even I can't control this beast." He sort of laughed at his joke. I may have been paranoid but it seemed like a jab that I had checked out his dick. How would he have noticed?

I dutifully began cleaning the urinal again. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see George taking off his wingtips. He then took of his tan socks and stuffed them inside. He put on a pair of white socks and then his golf shoes. He then strutted back into the restroom. "Well I have to be going. I might as well piss again before I go. That coffee goes right through me." Once again he whipped out his huge dick and a long stream came flowing. This time I was absolutely sure he was messy on purpose because once again he shook it and this time piss went all over the urinal, the tile back splash, and right onto the floor. He looked down and smiled " I guess you will be cleaning this again." No apology, just washed his hands and left me to clean up his disgusting piss soaked urinal for a third time this morning. It was probably an amusing game to him but I was a starting to get angry. Especially since some of his splatter had hit me in the face. I immediately got up and began washing my face in the sink. Then it was back to the urinal again. After that I scrubbed the floor since there was no mop handy. George had very poor aim since I saw yellow splotches and dots all around the urinal area. I used a little elbow grease and removed every single one of them. After that I finished up with the tile and the sink. I stepped back and looked at my work. The restroom was spotless, for now. I made my way out to his desk and saw a note. It simple read " My wingtips need touched up. If you see Ryan have him do it, or just do it yourself if you want to." Wow, if I wanted too? George really had no boundaries to his hubris. He now assumed that cleaning his shoes was something I wanted to do. Unfortunately he was right. I needed some polish and some other supplies to do the job properly. I felt my cell go off. It was from George. "If you are going to clean my wingtips you will find everything you need in the bottom drawer of your desk." He knew I was going to do it. How did he know? I looked in the bottom drawer and sure enough there was the Kiwi shining kit. It was a real nice one. Had everything you would need to do any type of shoe. I got out what I needed and went to work. I calmed down as I began my work. I removed George's tan socks from the inside and took a quick whiff of them. They already were remarkably powerful for just having been worn for a couple of hours. Pretty damp too. The wingtips were not in too bad of shape. They just needed a touch up and I sprayed the inside with a little bit of spray from the Kiwi kit to freshen them up. I sat them down beside his desk, took one more whiff of the tan socks, and stuffed them inside. My cell phone went off again. " I think I showed you that washer and dryer right next to my office. Go ahead and wash those socks and the other things in the hamper in my closet. Mainly just clothes from the gym." The hamper was practically full of shorts t-shirts and dirty white socks. It would take me a least two loads to do all of this laundry. I was able to get a lot of work done while George's laundry was in the washer. Unfortunately it looked like another late night for me. At about 3:30 I heard some noise in the hallway. It sounded like George was back. He walked into the office with two of his golf buddies. I was not introduced as they just came in and sat down on the couch and chairs in the corner. "Kyle, get us a couple of beers. We are thirsty." I ran over to the fridge in the bar area and grabbed three beers and handed each of them one. It was not long before they all headed into use the restroom. I was pretty sure that none of these guys worked at our building but it was obvious they were alpha gods much like George. They sat and bullshitted while I ran and got them beers. I noticed they had dragged some mud onto the floor. I guess I would be cleaning that up later. After about an hour his friends left. George walked over to his desk. "Did you get all of my work done?"

"I got a lot of it done. Probably will have a few things to finish up Monday."

"Nah, why don't you just come in on Saturday and get those things done. I would like to start with a fresh slate for the new week. Besides it looks like we tracked in some dirt and mud. You are going to have to clean the floor in here and hit the my restroom again. It is overtime, you probably could use it."

"Ok, but if would help me I am sure we could get the paperwork knocked out today."

"I'd like to, but I am completely whipped after 18 holes of golf. The worst part is that we decided to walk the course. My feet are killing me. I think I will just take a little nap on the couch. Hold all of my calls."

He sat down on the couch and hesitated. "Come over here and take off my golf shoes. I feel like I can't even move." More degrading work but I needed this job and I wanted to get a close up whiff of those manly feet. I got up out of my chair and went over to George. I dropped to my knees and began unlacing them. I pulled each shoe off and each time I was struck in the face by the pungent aroma of George's feet. He swung his feet around and rested them on the corner of the couch. "I could really use a nice long massage. Especially on my feet. You are pretty busy though."

I felt conflicted. I did not want to seem to eager but this might be my only chance. "No problem boss, I can give you a foot massage. After all I am coming in tomorrow anyway."

George smiled obviously pleased with my answer.

Next: Chapter 4

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