Being Frank With Frank About Sex

By Kevinmjo (Kevin Kelly)

Published on Feb 23, 2005


All rights reserved by Author. Do not post on another site without permission. sell or copy for sale. You must be of legal age to read. Contains Male on Male unprotected sex if this offends You then move on.

Cast of Characters

Mike Wilson 30 yrs. Black hair 6 foot 185 pounds V shaped. 8 semi cut

Ted Hughes 19 yrs. blonde 6 foot 175 pounds built. 7 1/2 cut

Kevin 30 yrs. Blonde 6 foot 190 pounds 7 1/2 semi cut

The rain was pouring down so hard it made driving difficult so I had slowed the Police patrol car down to a crawl of just like 5 miles and hour. My partner was Mike Wilson that fateful night. Mike was one of those guys who always kept his uniform in perfect condition at all times looking always smart. With His handsome looks and that perfect V shape of His He sure made a handsome figure as a cop. I trusted him 100% as my back up. He was tough rough and ready 24/7. This night I just made a turn onto Atlantic Avenue when Mike called out for me to stop, He had seen something. Sure enough I looked where mike was looking and saw a figure breaking into one of the closed stores. right by the book Mike was getting out of the car on the passenger side. I used the Patrol car radio to inform the dispatcher and got out to follow and back up Mike. We both had our guns drawn and then the figure turned I heard Mike call out "Police, Drop the gun" I saw the gun in the figures hand then a blast from the figures gun in the wet night. a sharp pain in my left arm sent me spinning and falling to the ground. As I lay there My own gun still pointed at the figure I saw another blast from the figure's gun and I fired in the figures direction. I heard the figure yell out "Oh fuck" it was a male voice. Slowly getting up I saw the figure now laying on the wet pavement. Mike was up to the fallen figure now and knelt to it. I came up and Mike turned to me saying "Kevin he's dead man you killed him. good work buddy good work."

I felt a rush a kind of natural high like what You might get standing over a deer kill. Not thinking at all that this was a person only a bad figure that had intended to kill my partner and myself. Mike then saw that I was hit and he was putting a cloth around my upper arm to stop the bleeding. Paramedics were there and mike was with me in the ambulance and at the hospital. The bullet was removed (evidence) and I was patched up feeling kind of good about myself. In comes the chief of Police and none other then the mayor of Our City. They inform me that the suspect was wanted for several rapes and armed robberies. He'd had a record long as your arm and the mayor said he was glad I was a good shot and saved the government the cost of a long expensive trail? The Chief said that of course there would still have to be an investigation and that Mike and I would be assigned to desk duty until that was over. I could see the Mayor was thinking and sure enough He said "Look Chief I have two officers who are assigned to guard my house on the lake which I never use this time of year. I'd like You to assign these two guys to that duty for the next few weeks. They can relax enjoy the run of the place and eat and drink up all my food and booze with my blessing"

The Chief was thinking then a smile came to his face and he said. " Now Mr. Mayor that may just have gotten You my vote. you guys are assigned to the mayor's summer house for two weeks. The investigators can contact you both there when they need a statement the case is kind of cut and dry. now pick some lucky Son of a Bitch to go with You as your kind of aide de camp"

I looked at Mike and said "Well Partner why don't You pick who ever you want to go with Us?

Mike smiled and said "well being as this person will be kind of our helper and all I guess I should pick Ted Hughes then?

Seated on the hospital bed I said looking at Mike "Ted Hughes?

Mike gave me one of those looks that Police Partners share when they mean to say "I'll explain later just go along with me" Mike nodded at the Chief.

The Chief smiled and said. Well, then if he agrees you have Ted Hughes going with You" He went on to explain that Ted was working in the Police dispatchers office and was the one on duty when all this went down. That Ted was a 19 year old employee who was just waiting until he was old enough to join the force.

Soon the three of us were on our way to the Mayors cabin on the lake in none other then the Police Chiefs Car with a police driver. We had each stopped by our apartments to pick up some things. Ted was in the back seat with me and talking a mile a minute about how He was so thankful we had picked him and about His getting on the force and how now that the chief knew him and the mayor knew him he was sure to make it. Ted I was thinking was a good enough guy, young handsome with his blonde hair and kept himself in perfect shape but the word around the force was that Ted was gay? This made Mike's picking him all the more so strange to me? Then again on the radio Ted did great in getting Us the back up and all so I suppose He was the best choice after all? I looked forward to the two weeks on the lake with my best friend and partner Mike and getting paid for it all.

Ted was saying after our police driver left Us three alone in the cabin "Look guys I know I am here to wait on You two and cook and all that so lean on me guys"

Mike put his arm around the handsome young blonde and said "First things first my man. The Mayor says he keeps the place stocked so find the beers and bring out three for us and let's just chill for the night and maybe tie on a load Fuck know we deserve it"

I was now seated on the sofa and making myself at home in the plush lake cabin, just like at home my boots came off and I was taking off my uniform shirt. Mike sat down next to me smiled and did the same. in came Ted with the beers. he sat on a chair facing us and off came his shirt and his boots too with a smile that said "I am one of the guys now"

I cleared me throat and said "Ah guys we do have a little problem here I think?

Mike looked at me with wonder on his handsome face saying "Problem kev." What kind of problem buddy?

I smiled and nodded to Ted across from us and said "Here we are two cops in the Mayor's summer cabin on the lake and serving beer to a minor"

Mike laughed and was running a hand through his thick black hair showing some arm pit as he did I noticed he said "Well Kevin if You promise not to arrest me I promise not to arrest you" we laughed and Mike said "I am one of those men who believes that is a a man is old enough to die for this America then he should be old enough in a controlled situation to have a few beers?

I said "Your right Partner"

Ted lifted his beer to us in a toast and said "I love You guys and there is nothing I wouldn't do for you two, Nothing at all"

Joking as guys will do with each other Mike held his hand to his crotch and said smiling at Ted "MM nothing now that sounds hot"

I was looking at Ted and to my surprise He was really looking at Mike's crotch and then he looked at both of us and said "I mean what I said guys. There is nothing I wouldn't do for You both Nothing"

Mike looked at me and said "mm Kevin we could be in for a very interesting couple of weeks here? Now is that sort of thing illegal?

I laughed holding up my finished beer can to Ted and said "Nope perfectly legal in this state. Ted here is over 18 and if that is his bag then it is legal as hell"

Let me say here that while at this time I did not consider myself to be a gay man. I had had sex with men over the years and I knew and loved the male body. My choice in life until now had been to put those feelings on the back burner. I would once in a while sneak out and have a fling with another man and then always feel so guilty about it and break it off. I knew that I had those feeling for my Partner Mike from the first day We meet each other but Mike was all male a man's man. Now with this situation even if Ted was between us the thought of even seeing Mike get it on with another man was getting me so hard. I knew I had to act right keep in mind the big picture not expose myself here.

While Ted was away in the kitchen getting a few more beers Mike put his foot on mine to get my attention which He sure as hell did along with goose bumps all over He said 'Just follow my lead here buddy and if we play our cards right we can be getting blow jobs for the whole two weeks? you in partner?

I lifted my foot from under Mike's and put it now on top of his and looking in His handsome face said "Fuck Yea, why not count me in. but he has to want to do it OK?

Mike laughed and pressed his foot more into mine saying "Dude the man is gay and spending two weeks with two studs like You and I. Will he want to? fuck can we even stop him?

The beers were rolling for the next two hours and I was getting kind of silly as was Mike and Ted too. Ted had fixed up some light snacks and then we sat and then Mike said. " You know guys We are getting along so great here I feel like we have the start of a really close Friendship between the three of Us?

We toasted that and Mike went on "So as close buddies I think we should be able to say anything to each other and maybe even know each others deepest darkest secrets. Things that only really close buddies would ever trust with their closest Buddy?

I knew Mike, Knew Him well enough to know where he was going with this and the ulterior motive behind it all. That is a blow job. I also being a policemen knew how to string along a suspect to get the most out of him. take the suspects part make friendly with him and all that so I said. " OK Mike suppose as this is Your idea You start first what is the secret You would share with us two?

Mike leaned back on the sofa and lifted first his left foot ehn his right taking off his white socks then he patted me leg and said " OK now remember I am trusting You guys here. So here goes. A few times growing up I would have friends sleep over and we would kind of get into messing around with each other. I mean we would actually do gay things to each other like rubbing together and feeling each others bare cocks and even get into putting each others bare dicks in each others mouths"

I was not as sharp as I may have been without the many beers we had had. I wasn't sure if this story from Mike was just to win Ted over so Ted would confess and blow us or if it were true? Mike was now rubbing his bare foot agains mine with my socks on. Was this part of the act?

Before I could say anything Ted looked at the foot of Mike's so sexily rubbing against mine. Then smiled and said as he was puling off his own socks "I've heard rumors all year about you two guys and how You two were kind of into male on male stuff I don't think there is one cop on the whole force that hasn't told me to watch out for You two?

Mike's foot flew off mine and he sat up. I was laughing so hard I had pains in my stomach and for the first time all night I felt my arm wound throb. Still I laughed. Ted at 19 had turned the tables on my Partner.

Mike was now standing beer in hand saying "No fucking way buddy. Kevin and I have never done anything on duty off duty with each other who told you that?

Mike is a big strong powerful man and hell anyone would be afraid of him out of control. I saw the look on Ted's face, pure fright. I knew I had to play the roll of a peace officer here so I pulled on Mike's pant leg and said "Mike the Kid is just being honest here and we don't have to shoot the messenger here let's hear what he has heard"

Mike turned and looked at me. I could see as I've seen so many times on patrol that he was regaining his composure. He smiled at me and sat down

Ted gave me a look that said thanks and then went on. " Well the guys claim that you two mess around not only in the patrol car on duty but that while you do have two apartments you really live with each other in Kevin's one bed room place. Then there is the story that Kevin has been seen going into the gay bar in Sellersville from time to time and that on different nights You Mike have been seen to go into the Sellersville bar too? Your lockers are together next to each other. You both go to the same gym which everybody knows is the towns only gay gym. Hey guys no problem with me on any of this. I've made it with men too"

I looked at Mike and he was looking at me. In a low voice I said "I have to admit Mike I do sometimes go into Uncle's gay bar in Sellersville, I had no idea you did too? It is amazing we never ran into each other?

Mike my handsome stud of a partner now had his head in his two hands and I could tell he was crying. he said. " fuck I guess I should know when I am busted ? He looked up and at Ted and said "you say its all over the force about me and Kevin here?

Ted nodded and I saw that Ted now moved his bare foot to touch against Mike's bare foot not in a sexual way but in a way to reassure him and I liked that. I put my arm around Mike's shoulder at the same time We both needed to assure Mike now.

"Mike" I said "You and I know that We have never done anything like that but looks like the guys caught us both going to a gay bar and figured we had.

I noticed and liked that now all three of us had our feet touching each others on the floor mine still in socks and them two naked. With our feet we were giving each other reassurance. It felt both sexy and good to do this.

Ted said now holding Mike around his other side while I held him from my side. " Mike fuck what guys say buddy We are who we are and its not any of them guys business if the three of us like men or women or fucking jerking off alone. You both better cops then any of the others on the whole force and now after tonight the Mayor and the Chief and all them guys got to know that.

Mike looked now from the two of our faces in turn and smiled through his tear stained face and said. " Ted I have to say I am sorry to You buddy. I meant to use you these two weeks to bring you here and have You mess around with Kevin and I and then I could see Kevin getting his cock sucked and I guess I was hoping that maybe all three of us would somehow get into it? Kevin I have to admit now that I've had a crush on You all this time that being next to you in the Patrol car and in the locker room was driving me nuts I wanted You so bad. Oh shit were the fuck are we now?

Our feet I knew and loved now were pressing against each other so much giving more reassurance to each other and feeling so sexy at the same time. It was Ted the youngest of Us who came up with. " look guys We can not change what people think about Us even if we wanted to. i think now that we three all know what we are and are willing to accept what we are we can still go on and work as cops and make a difference in others lives, make a big difference. maybe with these two weeks together we can get our heads together and leave here with a new plan and out look?

I to show them where I stood pulled off my own socks and returned my bare foot to full contact with my two buddies. I said 'Ted, Alone I would never have the strength to stand up like that but if you two are there and behind me or I should say beside me then together We can sure make a difference"

Mike pressed his bare foot tighter against mine and said "We will be like the three musketeers then. One for all and all for one'

Ted God love him said "Only one problem we do face for the next two weeks"

I pressed me foot more tightly on Ted's now feeling how masculine his foot was just then and said "what is that Ted?

Ted "we are going to need lots of KY for two weeks here I think?

Mike my handsome Partner laughed and said "Being prepared for the job is part of a cops job. I've got like two tubes of KY in my things and we have the use of the mayors car to get more"

Let me know how you like the story so far? feel free to let me know how you may feel it should go from this point on?

write Kevin Kelly NJ Philadelphia and Montreal

pardon the typos and all I am not a profeesional writer as you can tell if they bother you do not read. make life easy on yourself.

Next: Chapter 2

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