Being Dylan Obriens Assistant

By A B

Published on Apr 19, 2016


The following story is purely fiction. I have no knowledge of any person`s sexual orientation except my own and make no claim otherwise, whatsoever. If you're not old enough to be reading this for WHATEVER reason, please leave now. If you are plenty old enough, please continue on and let me know what you think of my second submission to the Nifty Archives. As I'm sure you've seen many other Nifty authors say, if you'd like to continue seeing our creations, please donate to them.

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Being Dylan O'Brien's Assistant Chapter 10

We made our way to Tyler's apartment and he went upstairs to get a change of clothes.

Dylan asked, "I'm curious, what ARE you doing?"

"Exactly what I said I'm doing. I'm worried about him and I don't want him to be alone. I'm afraid he might attempt to hurt himself. His attitude changed so quickly, I don't like it."

"You are so sweet," Dylan said. "You know what he's done to me and yet you're willing to put that aside because you're worried about his well being. I don't deserve you."

"I'm just being a decent human being. I'm furious for what he's done to you. But on the other hand, I can see how much he regrets his actions and I can't keep my distaste for him if he's hurting."

That's when I saw Tyler exit his building and there was a slight smile on his face. He entered the car and said, "I'm all set. I still don't understand what you're doing. But know that even though it may not seem like it, I really appreciate it," he said.

"I know you do Tyler. And that's all we need to say about it," I said as I started the car and started driving towards my apartment.


Once we arrived I showed Tyler to the guest room. "You'll be sleeping here, tonight. The bathroom is through that door, there."

"Thanks Jason," Tyler said, setting his bag down.

"Where's my stuff?" Dylan asked.

"I had Rosita move it into our room," I said.

Dylan blushed as the smile grew on his face. "OUR room. I like that," he said, giving me a quick side hug. He turned around and walked away, towards the kitchen. "Should I start something for lunch?" He asked.

I turned to watch him go. A smile on my face. "If you want to. There should be stuff for sandwiches in the fridge and you know where the bread is," I replied.

"Got it. I'm on it."

"You're good for him," Tyler said, drawing my attention back to him.

I turned back to him and smiled. "I like to think he's good for me," I said.

"That's probably also true. I don't deserve something as special as the two of you have."

"Why do you say that," I asked.

"Because, I'm an asshole. I let my ego get in the way and tried to force myself on Dylan. And others," he said.

"Others? That's not good Tyler. Why did you feel you had to force yourself on someone when they said `no' to you?"

"I don't really know. I guess I was thinking that I was the shit or something and the ones that said `no' were just fooling themselves and really did want me. So I just kind of did my thing. Afterwards, there were never any hard feelings. At least not that I've been made aware of," he said.

"Well, I'm not a professional, but I think you may need some help, Tyler. I know some doctors that would be willing and able to help, if you'd like their contact info. I can tell that today's confrontation has touched you and you want to be better, so let me help as much as I can," I said. Then added with a smile on my face and in my voice, "But stay the hell away from my Dylan."

He looked up at me, saw the smile on my face, smiled himself and said, "Deal. I can see how happy he is. I don't want to ruin that."

With that, I touched his shoulder and said, "I'm going to let you get settled. I'll be in the kitchen with Dylan." He smiled and nodded his head. I turned and left the room, closing the door until it was open a crack.

I entered the kitchen and Dylan had some music playing and was slowly swaying to the tune. He was facing away from me, so I kind of snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around his middle and kissed the side of his neck. "How's my little chef doing?" I asked.

"He's doing well. A little startled. It's a good thing I'm only holding a butter knife. It might have been dangerous for one or both of us," he said.

I laughed. And brushed the comment aside. "I think Tyler's going to be ok," I whispered in his ear.

"Good, I'm glad. Anything I should be worried about?" He asked.

"No. Not yet. I will tell you if anything comes up. You'll do the same for me, right?" I asked in return.

"Of course. Hey, could you take the finished sandwiches and cut them in half for me? I set plates next to the cutting board."

"Your wish is my command," I said with a squeeze around his middle and another kiss to his neck. I felt him shiver and heard a deep sigh before I released him.

"God," he said. "You know exactly how to treat me. I'm on fire right now."

"That wasn't my intent," I replied.

"I know it wasn't. I'm just saying, I've NEVER felt this way before. Like ever." He then turned towards where I was standing and smiled.

"What?" I asked when he didn't say anything further and continued to stare at me with that glorious smile of his that made his dark eyes shine.

"Nothing. Just thinking about how happy I am and how coming out to the cast and crew felt today. I'm kind of floating."

"OH! Baby! I'm so sorry! With Tyler and everything, I completely forgot what you did today. Are you doing alright?" I asked, a sudden panic going through me. I dropped the knife I was holding and was across the room in an instant, taking him into my arms and holding him tight.

"Yes, of course I'm alright. It was a little scary at first, but feeling your hand on my back as I was doing it, reassurance flooded through me that you weren't going anywhere. That was all I needed to not completely lose it. And I thank you for that support."

I pulled back and looked into his eyes. The words were sincere. But I still felt awful about forgetting about his well being. To be honest, I had kind of pushed it to the back of my mind, because I knew I'd be there for him. The priority was the depression and cloud of uncertainty I had seen coming from Tyler. I kissed Dylan deeply. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I pulled him to me. It was a passionate kiss and I hope he could feel the sincerity of my guilt radiating from me.

I was just about out of breath when we heard Tyler clear his throat. We quickly pulled apart, my hands remaining on Dylan's hips and his hands clasped themselves together behind my neck.

Tyler said, "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I thought I should announce my presence before I got a show."

Dylan laughed, his cheeks slightly flushed from the intensity of the kiss and embarrassment of being caught. "It's ok. Jason was just apologizing for not asking me how I was doing after today's events, until just now. He was so preoccupied with your state of mind, that he totally ignored me," Dylan said with a lopsided grin aimed at Tyler.

"That's not true," Tyler said. A little forcefully. "I...I mean, that's not how I meant it to sound. I just mean that I could tell that he was incredibly concerned about you. But, he recognized you were fine. I saw it on his face. He watched you intently until we went into the manager's office. And he was relieved when he saw you again afterwards. It wasn't until he saw me that his focus changed. I'm sorry I caused that kind of doubt to be there Dylan. It wasn't my intent to pull your boyfriend from you." He looked down to his feet when he finished.

Dylan glanced into my eyes when I looked into his and then released me and rushed to Tyler, taking him up into a hug. "Tyler, I was only kidding. I knew that Jason was concerned for me. I knew he wasn't ignoring me. He was concerned about you more at that moment. He knew what it would mean to me if something happened to you. Please don't apologize. He didn't do anything wrong. He did exactly what I would have done if the tables had been reversed."

Tyler hugged Dylan back and I saw tears forming in his eyes. It was touching to see that their friendship wasn't totally destroyed by these events. I just hoped that Tyler would get the professional help he knew he needed. "Why don't you two go to the dining room table and talk. I'll finish up lunch. Is water ok to drink? I don't think alcohol would be a good idea today."

Dylan pulled back from Tyler and looked to me with a smile, saying, "Thank you Jason. Water will be just fine." And with that, they headed for the table.


This is my second attempt at fictional writing, please let me know what you think of it by emailing me redmondgayguy at yahoo dot com.

Next: Chapter 11

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