Being Big by 'Studs Manly

By if.tenep.nona@018641na

Published on Dec 1, 1995



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(C) 1989 'Studs Manly'

Being Big

Okay, be honest. Most guys wish they had a big middle leg. And most, if not all of us, like to look at them, or hold them and stroke them and kiss them and lick them and . . . Uh, a big cock can be fascinating and distracting.

I found out early in life that what I carried between my legs was more than just something to piss through that gave me good tingles when I rubbed it. When I took showers after gym class, other guys would stare and hide their own cocks and everyone got quiet. The guys would be laughing and talking real loud, but when I walked in and hung my towel on a hook, the noise level dropped considerably. Just like a redneck bar gets quiet when a black guy walks in. Or a guy in jeans walks into a formal party. I was definitely not welcome.

Just hanging long and limp was bad enough, but somehow it excited me having all eyes on me. I'd stand under the spray of the shower and the blood would pump into my prick. Soon I was there trying to hide a boner as big as my forearm, a next-to- impossible task. Even then, the guys wouldn't say anything. Oh, outside the locker room they'd call me "Big Dave" or "Killer" or "Queer Bait," but in the sanctuary of the shower, I only sensed admiration and jealousy.

My stiffening cock was an attention getter, all right, in the shower and out of the locker room. Word got around school to the girls and the teachers. The girls stared at me in awe and giggled to each other. Even one or two of the female teachers tried coming onto me. But it was a handsome social studies teacher who first sampled what I packed.

I stayed after school one day to work on a history paper. Mr. Humphries, my teacher, was about 24 and had shown an interest in me and that afternoon he was especially attentive. And I didn't mind at all. Particularly when he asked me point blank if the tales about me were true. I didn't sham ignorance. I knew exactly what he was about. So I admitted that the stories were true.

"Prove it," was his challenge. No problem. I stepped away from the desk as he turned the lock on the door. I hauled out my already-stiffening cock and the look on Mr. Humphries's face spoke volumes, affirming that his interest was more than idle curiosity. The man was an A-1 cockhound. His eyes bugged at the sight of my joint. His breathing got rapid. He smiled hungrily and his nostrils flared and he actually drooled just a little. He definitely liked what he saw and I certainly enjoyed his appreciative attention.

"Don't tell," was all he said as he fell to his knees and put his lips on my cock. Shit, but that felt good. Since I made absolutely no move to resist, Mr. Humphries grabbed hold of my ass cheeks while he kissed and nuzzled my prick. His finger massaged and squeezed while his lips and tongue went all over my cock and balls. When he finally opened his mouth for my meat, I was ready to pop. Just as his lips tightened around the base of the shaft, I let go, shooting my stuff right down his throat. He swallowed every thick drop like he was dying of thirst, gulping and snorting, all the time trying to get more and more of me into her mouth. If he'd been able to, I honestly think he would have taken my balls into his mouth along with my dick.

He moaned, letting his tongue roam around my cock, keeping me hard and wired. He took his mouth away and held my hard tool as he looked at me. "Dave, that's the best tasting cock and cum I've ever had," he said. He seemed genuinely enthralled with my meat and I liked being the object of his attention. I also wanted more of his mouth action.

"Let me see yours," I said to Mr. Humphries, curious about what he had. He stood up, reluctantly releasing my cock, and unzipped his pants. His cock was a thin, red gristle, five inches long at best. I think he was sort of hoping I'd suck him off, but no way was I going to do that. He began whacking off, though, and I thought that was neat, watching him grip his prick and his face get redder as he got closer to shooting.

When he came, I was amazed at the contortions his face and body made. I was amazed, too, when the first wad of jizz rocketed out of his cock and flew about five feet away, splatting on top of a desk. Mr. Humphries caught the rest in the palm of his other hand and let some of it drip onto his dick and his fist rubbed it into the raw flesh. The rest he licked from his hand. Yep, the man loved cum, all right.

He convinced me to strip and lie down on a table and he proceed to give me an all-over tongue bath, licking under my arms, sucking my nipples and kissing his way down my belly. The entire time his hand never left my jewels. He seemed to be worshipping my body with his mouth. He kissed my short 'n' curlies, washed my hefty sac with his wet tongue, then turned me over. He licked at my ass crack and I gasped when his mouth attached itself to my asshole.

Mr. Humphries's tongue twirled around my sensitive anus then pushed its way inside. I gasped as his warm, wet oral muscle wiggled into and up my chute. It was a brand new sensation that I loved and I knew I'd always want it.

My cock was bent downward, sticking between my legs. Mr. Humphries had been holding and squeezing it and as his tongue made its way into my bowels, a powerful shudder went through my body, like a mini-orgasm, and I felt my cock shoot a healthy dollop of fluid into Mr. Humphries's palm, which he used as a lube to let his fist glide smoothly up and down my rod. To tell the truth, his tongue kept pressing against my prostate, giving me a succession of those little orgasms. I loved it.

Even before he asked, I knew what Mr. Humphries wanted. But I wasn't ready for that yet. I wasn't ready to be fucked. "Cornholed." "Buggered." "Routed 'n' Rooted." Call it what you will, I was willing, even eager, for a suck job or a tonguing, but getting my butt reamed by Mr. Humphries's uncut cock just wasn't something I wanted that evening, and I told him so.

"Eat me again," I told him. I'd quickly realized the thrill of being the object of Mr. Humphries's attention. The feeling of power added to the physical pleasure of his mouth and hands on my cock. As his lips again encircled my rigid prick, I felt a definite surge of conquest, of superiority. I also felt Mr. Humphries's fingers probing my asshole and as my dick slid into his wet mouth, one of his thick digits slid up my ass. Ah, I was in heaven. Mr. Humphries bobbed his head, my spit-slick prick pistoning in and out, for quite some time before I let go another hot, thick load which he gulped with as much eagerness and joy as he had earlier. Before I left, he mentioned again that I not tell anyone what he/we had done. He had only been teaching for two years and a scandal would ruin him.

I wasn't going to tell. In fact, I wanted more and Mr. Humphries seemed just the one to help me discover more thrills. I'd also decided I wanted to fuck his ass. I didn't tell him that then, but I sensed it would please him. Mr. Humphries gave my crotch a parting squeeze as I left his class, smiling about what had just happened and knowing that things were going to really be different for me in the future.

Actually, things began falling into place rather quickly. The next day was Saturday and I went with my folks to visit my aunt and uncle who live on a big farm. My cousin Malcolm and I are the same age and we always had good times together, riding horses, camping, swimming in the creek that ran at one side of their property. My cousin Laura, Malcolm's sister, was a year older than #us and pretty much let us alone.

I hadn't seen Malcolm in about a year and he sure had changed. He was about five inches taller and about 40 pounds heavier, all solid muscle. I'd grown, too, but he'd done alot of working out and we got away from the family early and headed to the barn, I thought to ride horses. But that's when I found out he'd changed in other ways, too.

"I do alot of fucking these days," he said. "How about you?" I said no and I wasn't about to tell him about getting sucked off by Mr. Humphries. "Shit, you mean with that bat you've got you ain't been pumping pussy?" He'd seen my cock when we went skinny dipping and he'd often mentioned how big it was. Everyone did. "C'mon," Malcolm said and we ran past the barn through a field of shoulder-high corn stalks, over a drainage ditch, through another field until we came to the creek. Malcolm had built a little shack there and inside he had stashed some cigarettes and fuck books.

Once we were inside the small hut, we stripped and lit some cigarettes and started looking through the magazines. I had grabbed one with lots of pictures of guys getting blowjobs. Just the memory of Mr. Humphries's tongue and lips was all it took to get me stiff. Malcolm was already beating his meat. In the past, while we had looked at magazines and gotten stiff, we'd never jerked off. But it felt natural to do, so I wrapped my hand around my joint and slowly stroked away.

"Who you been screwin'?"

"Thought you'd never ask." He paused for effect. "Laura," he said.

"Fuckin' your own sister?" I asked, not really believing him. Malcolm told me the whole story of how he started screwing Laura, or rather, how she seduced him, and how they fuck regularly. "She likes to get fucked in the ass," he said. "I started fuckin' her ass when she got her period, but it's tighter and hotter than her pussy and I think I like bangin' her buns better than porkin' her puss."

Talking about ass fucking was really getting to me. "Hmm, I'd sure like to try some ass," I said, thinking about Mr. Humphries.

"How 'bout mine?" Malcolm asked. Did I hear right? "Laura says it feels good and she's played around with my asshole some. Wanna try?"

Did I? My cock throbbed at the thought of screwing my cousin's fine, muscular ass.

"Yeah," I said, standing and walking toward him, prick pointing at his rosebud. Malcolm just leaned back, spread his legs and held them up, letting his pucker show pink there between the solid swell of his cheeks. His prick, a thick six and a half inches, throbbed against his stomach.

"Hand me that tube," he said. He told me to grease my dick with the lube while he put some on and in his asshole. I was almost panting with excitement. I was about to have my first fuck, with my Adonis cousin no less. Malcolm held his legs and I wedged my ramrod at his hole, poised to slip inside.

"Go easy," Malcolm said, his eyes almost glassy with desire. "Just go slow." Malcolm said he'd had stuff in his ass but nothing as big as my cock. But he wanted it and his round sphincter nibbled at my knob, seeming to be urging my shaft to cornhole the muscular ass. I grabbed his calves, holding him like a wishbone, as I pushed against the resistant muscle.

"C'mon, Cuz," Malcolm said breathily. "Dick me with that ass-stretcher." I pressed harder and suddenly my knob and a couple of inches of my prong slid into his channel. "God damn!" Malcolm yelled as his body tensed. I didn't move, afraid I had split him apart.

"Wait, wait, oh shit, that's good! Go slow, ease it in, oh damn, damn that's good. Ah, fuck!"

Malcolm had grabbed my hips and pulled me in, then pushed, then pulled again as he got stretched by my dick. Soon I was buried balls deep in his asshole, his stiff prick throbbing between us.

"Shit, Dave, feels so fuckin' good," Malcolm said. I grinned then, because I pictured one of the supermarket tabloids with the headline: "SIAMESE COUSINS CONNECTED REAR-TO-ROD!" (Okay, I know I can be crazy, but I swear that when I had sunk my dick into my first tight ass, that is the thought that went through my mind. I was really enjoying the tight squeeze of his channel and the way his anal muscles made my cock feel right at home.

I fucked Malcolm alright. It was my first fuck but I was a natural. I just followed my instinct, pistoning my cock in and out of my cousin's clinging ass like a veteran ass fucker. In no time I was fucking that tight chute like a pro. When I withdrew, only the head of my cock was lodged in his turd tunnel. A second and eight inches later, my brown curls were mashed against his sweaty butt. Malcolm's eyelids were half-closed and only the whites of his eyes showed and he just groaned and mumbled how goddamn good it felt. His dick drizzled a steady flow of fluid onto his belly and I figured he was going to come soon. I knew I would.

Malcolm shouted, "Fuck, I'm shooting!" and his cock erupted, spitting thick gobs of cum between us, hitting me on the chest, but mostly covering Malcolm's hairy chest with a network of white criss-crossed streamers.

At the same time, the muscles of his ass clamped hard around my cock and seemed to suck my cum right out of my balls. I'd never felt such pressure on my entire cock before, like dozens of fingers squeezing and milking me. I yelled something and pounded my cock as deep as I could as I sent a huge amount of jism up his ass. I collapsed across his sweaty chest, both of us breathless and drained.

We took a dip in the creek to clean up and cool off and Malcolm kept telling me how great it felt getting butt-fucked. Within a half hour, he'd convinced me to let him do me, so we went back into the hut and Malcolm greased his dick while I spread lube on my hole. I got on my hands and knees, my butt waving in the air.

"Relax," he said, pressing his cock against my closed pore. I shut my eyes and eventually, slowly, the knob slipped inside. Malcolm was patient and slow, letting me adjust to the sensation as I needed. In an inch, stop; wait. In another inch, stop, pull back, back in. I never felt the slightest hint of pain, only new sensation that felt fantastic.

"There!" He was in all the way. His loins were flush with my ass. My cock was ramrod stiff and already leaking pre-cum. Malcolm slowly withdrew until he almost slipped out, then slid all the way home. Then out again. Then in, all the time getting faster and faster. Oh, man, getting ass fucked was great! I liked it and was already thinking about letting Mr. Humphries fuck me and then nailing his butt.

A hand gripped my prick and deftly pulled me off. I felt Malcolm's spunk flooding my insides and then I collapsed, my cousin on my back, his cock twitching in my ass. Christ, what a good feeling!

"Hmm, yummy!" I opened my eyes. Beside us was my cousin Laura. It had been her hand that jerked me off and she was licking my sperm from her fingers. I won't dwell on the subsequent threeway activity because that's for a different book. I'll just say that got a lot closer to my cousins that weekend.

It was Tuesday after school when I got Mr. Humphries. He locked the door and I quickly stripped, proud of my stiff cock. Mr. Humphries again fell to his knees and immediately began sucking on it. When it was good and wet, I stopped him.

"I want to fuck you, Mr. Humphries," I told him. He smiled, glanced at my prick with a twinge of fear in his eyes, then looked up at me.

"George," he said. "Call me George. Yes," he whispered. "Do my ass." In a minute he was leaning over his desk holding his ass open for me. I let a long dribble of spit fall, hitting his crack and running into his wide (and evidently well-used) hole. I aimed my cock at that gaping entry and as soon as I lodged the head inside, he said, "Shove that fucker in me, Dave! Do me hard!"

With a powerful thrust of my hips, I plunged the entire length of my cock up his rectum, driving the air out of George's lungs with a whoosh. Like an animal impaled on a spike, George thrashed and twisted and whimpered, but all the time he kept telling me how great it felt and he urged me to fuck him. I pistoned my cock in and out of that tight, gritty hole, enjoying the sense of supremacy I felt as I screwed my teacher in the ass.

I fucked him deep and hard for about twenty minutes until I felt the tell-tale tug in my gut and I shoved hard. My cum shot out hard and washed out his bowels, sort of a sperm enema. I pulled out, my wilting dong covered with cum and butt butter, and I told George to lick me clean. I didn't think he would, but he did.

It was George who subsequently introduced me to some of the aspects of the gay life and he brought me into a club of men who worship big cocks. But that's another story.

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