Being a Rentboy

By walter naised

Published on Apr 5, 2021


Now remember boys, porn isn't real so don't expect your sex life to be anything like it.

This is a gay erotic story set in a world that blends elements of magic and heavy scifi. always practice safe sex in the real world.

Sorry about the hiatus guys, the real world keeps getting in the way. please email me with comments/questions at

nifty could use some support with donations. please help if you can.

Chapter 5

I woke up what felt like instantaneously yet I was no longer in Daddy's garden I seemed to be in some small circular wooden hut. Sunlight was streaming through the open windows and doorway.

I got up and found my bag along with my socks and shoes tucked away next to a small wooden desk. I put them on and stepped out of the room which I noticed had neither door nor hinges.

I stepped into the harsh light of midday and found myself in a bizzare forest grove that looked like it was painted by someone on copious amounts of LSD. I tentatively wandered into a thicket of trees of every bizarre twisting shape imaginable. Trees with leaves of every color, shape and size surrounded me. The sun pierced the canopy in dazzling rays and the air was filled with multicolored butterflies flitting around. In order to get a better look around my surroundings I stepped up onto a pair of tree trunks that instead of growing vertically were twisting themselves around each other horizontally along the ground.

One tree near me had some weird purplish growths all over it's trunk that I assumed were a sort of fungus until I realized they were actually fruits growing from the trunk of the tree rather from it's branches like others. I looked back from the doorway I came from and I realized I had not been in a wooden house but actually the hollow in the trunk of an enormous camphor tree. It dwarfed all the other trees surrounding it, with it's twisting branches spiraling around between the surrounding flora.

I almost got lost for a time looking in awe of all the weird and alien plants and fungi around me. Everywhere I looked something I'd never seen before was happening. A purple and yellow worm with a human-looking face squirmed across the star shaped yellow leaves of a bush.

~ I turned back and saw I had wandered a ways away from the camphor tree along a narrow soft dirt path through the foliage. I had no idea where I was or how I had got here yet I was unafraid. I knew I had never been here before, or even outside of the city limits of Schrettzer for that matter, yet this place had some sort of familiarity to it that I couldn't explain.

The path I was on was made of soft loamy dirt covered in sticks and leaves. As I was contemplating which direction to go I realized that the ground was not level and that I was on a hill of sorts. Since I had no idea where I was or how to get back to the brothel I realized my choice of direction was either uphill or down. I chose uphill arbitrarily and set out in that direction.

Something was clearly weird about this place because I had been wandering around for the past half hour according to my watch yet I could have sworn it had only been a minute or so

I wandered, my head constantly turning in every direction at the weird shaped plants. As I passed the side of a cliff I found a tree that had grown with it's trunk seemingly set flush within the side of the stone face off the cliff. It's spindly branches twisted outward every few feet and they all ended in large fruits that I recognized from the illustrations in my picture book. They were much larger than I imagined. Since they look like weird lopsided pears I assumed them to be a similar size yet these were longer than my forearm and had bright neon yellow stripes across it's dark purple skin.

I reached out and squeezed one of them. It was surprisingly soft and pliable, obviously very ripe. My stomach growled. With daddy's brand I can survive off a client's cum alone but it had been a while since I had sucked a cock and was feeling the effects of hunger affecting me. I found myself pulling apart the rubbery skin of the weird fruit, tearing it open revealing it's stringy pale yellow flesh. It's sweet citrusy scent hit my nostrils and without thinking I was shoving handfuls of it in my mouth. The juices dripping down my chin and sticking in my beard. The fruit had a sharp citrus taste with an almost chocolate-like sweetness to it. I ate until I came to the long solid core of the fruit bearing dark round seeds. I tried biting one but found it to be as solid as a peach stone. I tossed the remains of the fruit I had eaten off the side of the path, wiping my hands on my shirt feeling re-energized. There must have been some caffeine in that fruit. the spring in my step was palpable.


I wandered for hours.

And hours

The winding trail passing through continuous growth. I had missed them before but noticed them more and more; clusters of oddly spaced rectangular stones placed beneath trees and under bushes. Upon closer inspection they even superficially resembled little houses. I realized what they were from my picture book. Little shrines or houses for faeries. I pushed back a branch and saw what looked like a little park made from discarded human litter. Tables made from old bottle caps and spools next to a set of swings made from old coffee stirrers and string next to a little pool that looked like a stainless steel mixing bowl set into the ground with tiny lily pads and some miniature shrimps flitting around. Despite how immaculate everything was put together I never saw a single faerie flitting about.

I continued to follow the thicket of the woods admiring the creative recycled craftsmanship of the fae while taking care to avoid accidentally stepping on anything. The light got darker and darker as I pressed on with the thick canopy blocking out the sunlight save for small rays that broke through sporadically like small pillars of light within the darkness. A faint almost ringing sound as I passed through them.

My foot caught on a root and I found myself falling forward and suddenly splashing as I had thrown my hands forward in an attempt to catch myself down into a pond I hadn't seen. I scrambled back from the bank landing on my butt. It wasn't just a pond but a full blown small lake that was almost indistinguishable from the surrounding forest, the surface of the water almost like a perfect clear glass except for the ripples from where I had fallen in. I watched as they slowly expanded outwards across the lake and faded leaving the water in it's perfect undisturbed form. Even now as I looked at it knowing full well where and what it was it was hard to tell that it was there except for the scattering of lily pads and lotus flowers lying motionless on its surface. I realized had I not tripped I might have stepped and fallen completely in like an idiot.

It hit me just how bizarre it was what I was doing wandering aimlessly in some unknown faerie realm just poking around without any caution. I knew I should head back. Try and get back the way I came. Perhaps that old camphor tree had a way back home. I bent to pick up my bag from the ground and the glass ball slipped from it and rolled. I grabbed for it but it rolled away from me before falling inevitably into the lake with a plop. I plunged my hand into the water and grabbed it back. I pulled it out of the water, flicking my hand to get the water of.

Mushrooms lining the trees all simultaneously began to glow and that eerie faint ringing sound began again. My heart began to race "oh shit.... Fuck" I began to back away from the lake.

Without warning then in the middle of the lake the water rose up in a twisting column. I stared in awe of the spontaneously generating waterspout as it swirled faster and faster tearing up the canopy of trees above and the water around. Then just as suddenly the water abruptly stopped swirling and fell with a crash back down to the lake

The canopy had been torn open enough to where a large spot of the lake was exposed to the sky and the sunlight filtered in highlighting a spot in the center of the lake where now a figure stood. The ringing from the trees now an eerie din around me.

I could only stare in awe.

After what felt like minutes the figure spoke

"hello, chuck"

The man thrashed, but the chair on which he sat was bound to the chain link fence behind it by thick steel cables and did not move and as he was also bound by the same steel cables, neither did he from his position. Castor moved his fingers on his right hand, his face expressionless. The cables twisted themselves harder onto the man, cutting into his flesh and binding him harder. We were in Daddy's dungeon yet this was no BDSM scene. There was no art to the knots that held this prisoner. "No mind probes! That'd be the same as snitching!" Daddy laughed "we don't need to mind probe you. The process is expensive, and to be honest you're not worth the effort when so much of you is available on public record" The man stayed silent, his teeth gritted, giving us the dirtiest look he could muster. Daddy pulled out his reading glasses and began to read from his tablet. The glow of the screen in the dark room illuminating the lenses of his glasses to a menacingly eerie effect. "Albert Lee Stark. 47 years old, son of Gilbert and Agatha Stark. Known heroin dealer and user. Attended 2 years at the University of Hagany majoring in Sigil magic and Chemistry before dropping out followed by several incomplete apprenticeships with several witches and wizards. No current spouse but fathered a son named 'chuck' with the Faerie witch Selena who's existence he failed to report to the government and subsequently sold to the known Mob boss Malik Schuer to settle a drug debt.." Daddy Zasamel read aloud from the tablet Albert continued to glare but remained silent Daddy set the tablet down "we know all about you, Albert. Your spellwork might be mediocre but your personal digital security is severely lacking" "Human trafficking, arson, burglary, grand larceny, alleged kidnapping of an elderly witch and burning runes into her skin with acid and then selling strips of her skin as charms against evil spirits and then using the rest of her body to make into meat pies to sell at the local farmers market -What the fuck am I reading?!" I said staring bug eyed as I scrolled through the research report on the tablet. "Thank you, Adler. That's enough" Daddy Zasamel said I smirked and sat back on one of the 55gallon drums of lube stored at the back of the dungeon. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way. The easy way involves you telling me everything you know about Malik and his operations. The Hard way involves you telling me everything you know about Malik and his operations while hurting the entire time you do so" Daddy Zasamel said casually arranging the many menacing looking instruments on the metal tray next to him. "Please! I don't know anything!" Daddy smiled: "we don't want to hurt you. But we will. We know you're not a bad guy, just got caught up in some shit way over your head." "I didn't know he was running a ring I just thought he might let me off if I gave him something" It was unbelievably easy to get him to talk. Daddy had no need to result to torture information out of him. Just using basic psychological manipulation he was able to get him to reveal far more information than he realized. Telling him he's not a bad guy, that the shit he did wasn't that bad, all subtle ways to soften his defenses, luring him into a more comfortable mindset.


A gorgeous man stood atop the water in the center of the lake, his body illuminated by the pillar of light shining through the hole torn open in the forest canopy. Other than a small loincloth he wore wrapped around his waist his entire muscled body covered in intricate black spiraling tattoos was on full display.

He walked along the surface of the water barely making a ripple as his feet made contact with the surface. I was frozen in place as he approached stopping less than a foot away from where I was kneeling on the ground. I could see the outline of his thick cock and balls through the translucent white fabric that covered his manhood. I looked up and saw him staring down at me with his dark lavender eyes. Without a word I knew what I had to do. I reached out and touched his junk, feeling his cock thickening through the thin fabric. I rubbed his cock bringing him to full mast. His thick cock sticking straight out. He reached down and undid the cloth knot, letting the loincloth fall to the ground revealing his fat 7inch cock, the head glistening with precum.

"You know what to do boy" he said to me.

And I did.

I cupped his hairless balls in my hand took his cock into my mouth and began to suck his cock slowly moving up and down his shaft making sure to take all of his cock down my throat. I moaned as I gagged on the enormous girth of his cock. He laughed as he noticed my struggle but then grabbed my head and began aggressively fucking my face grunting things like "take that cock boy" and "swallow my fuckin' dick". It was all I could do to just hold on an endure this intense face fucking by a stranger I met in the woods. I slid my hands upwards feeling his solid muscley chest, feeling each thrust of his cock in my mouth get harder and harder. "That's it boy, play with those nipples" he ordered and I obeyed. Soon I was feeling his cock swelling as he pounded my mouth. He grunted and suddenly pulled out. With a grunt he started shooting his load blasting my face with his shining silvery cum with five, six, seven thick rivulets of his jizz. After his intense orgasm finally subsided he used his still hard cock to smear his cum all over my face. "That's a good cocksucker boy. I knew you'd be good at it" he told me finally stepping back to admire his handiwork.

I slowly got to my feet and looked up at this handsome stranger and asked? "Who are you?"


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