Being a Rentboy

By walter naised

Published on Feb 2, 2019


Now remember boys, porn isn't real so don't expect your sex life to be anything like it.

This is a gay sex/love story set in a world that blends elements of magic and heavy scifi. always practice safe sex in the real world. sorry about the hiatus guys, the real world keeps getting in the way. please email me with comments/questions at

Nifty could use some support with donations. please help if you can.



We stepped out of the dark alley across the street from the library. My head still reeling from the jarring disorientating sensation of having the entirety of the scenery around change so instantly and dramatically. "I don't know how you can deal with just suddenly zapping somewhere like that" I gasped at adler.

He squeezed my shoulder "been doing it a long time, I'm used to it I guess"

He had warped the three of us, him, Zerashi, and myself directly to the nearest dark spot to the library from the brothel. After months we were finally actually going to retrieve my old book. >From what I gathered, since the library had very little information on the actual book besides suspecting that it was potentially rare and valuable it was lost in the "uncategorized" section of the library not open to the general public which made tracking it down difficult. Zerashi and Daddy used their connections to pull strings and get access permissions which took a long while and even longer still to coordinate a date to for Adler and Zerashi to schedule time off from their busy schedules to go on this side mission. Before setting out adler had apologized for it taking so long to get to this point to which I reassured him profusely that it was ok and that I had no idea it would have been this much trouble.

We walked into the library large circular lobby and zerashi spoke to the woman at the front desk while I slowly revolved on the spot taking in the grandeur of the place. The ceiling of just this lobby was incredibly high with an immense crystal chandelier hanging in the center. The floors were a polished marble black and white checkerboard pattern that oddly made the room seem to stretch oddly at weird angles wherever I looked. At the center of the floor in the middle of the circular reception and checkout desk was an enormous 12 foot tall white marble statue of the twin goddesses Sophitia and Galateah depicted as they often are standing back to back with their hands clasped in front of them in mirror-image prayer.

We waited for a few minutes as I watched the different types of people bustled by all with their own agendas and places to be. I smiled as I saw a boy that looked a lot like a several years younger version of me pull a small wagon full of books up to the front desk for checkout. Eventually I heard Adler mutter over my shoulder that he thought the librarian was coming up now. I turned and indeed a tall gruff looking man in a green cloak with a staff, the uniform that identified him as a librarian, was striding towards us.


The librarian eyed me up and down, obviously intrigued by my unusual lack of attire, his eyes lingered a second longer on the sigil branded on my leg which seemed to answer his curiosity for he said nothing and led us on past the low shelves and common people reading and working at desks towards the large archway with a sign that read "The Stacks".

He then turned around suddenly and extended his open hand towards Adler "your cigarettes"

Adler blinked "I'm aware smoking isn't allowed in here"

The librarian's expression didn't change "we don't take chances. Those are the rules"

Adler shrugged and handed over the crumpled pack of cigarettes and lighter from his pocket. The librarian's expression remained impassive but he seemed satisfied as he turned and walked into the archway beckoning us to follow.

Here we walking along a much more expansive floors with rows of shelves on either side extending outwards. I leaned over the railing of the center walkway and gazed into the abyss of the many floors of bookshelves continued downwards as much as they did up, to the extent where I could not discern an end to the collection if there was one.

I gazed around at the labyrinth of books we made our way through. I couldn't see an end to any of the rows we passed, nor looking up could I see tops of the bookcases, much less a ceiling. The shelves just extending high upwards into blackness. It didn't help that there was almost no lighting in this area of the library besides the red LED lighting that appeared a few dozen feet around us as sensors detected our movement.

"why do they keep it so dark?" I asked

Zerashi chuckled "the amount of energy this building consumes is colossal enough. Could you imagine how much electricity it would take to run lights across this whole place?"

"uh I see... but what about magical light sources? Those can cast light for centuries"

"smart kid" the librarian said "but the amount of lamps needed would be staggering and take thousands of man hours as the runic writing on the metals and glass cannot be automated without compromising it's magical properties and that those skilled enough to make them are often preoccupied with more stimulating employment. But the main reason it's not kept well lit, even partially during the day is that the constant light can be damaging to the books. many of which are quite old"


I shivered as we walked.

Over the past several months I had grown used to being naked 24/7. A year ago I would have felt severely embarrassed or at least way too casually adorned to be in a place as formal and sophisticated as the great library, but now I was comfortable enough to not even think about it much anymore. Except for times like now as we wandered further into the expansive depths of this dark library, I became much more conscious of the very controlled cool temperature of the building.

The librarian led the way through the stacks with deliberate movements, I glanced back and forth at the tomes on every row, books on every subject from ancient wars, pottery enameling, runic demon summoning, xenobiology, and countless others I didn't even have time to properly read the titles of as we whipped past the shelves in a seemingly arbitrarily meandering path.


Finally we came to the room with the glass doors and the librarian tapped the blank glass keypad in the series of taps to unlock the door.

The room was enormous, mostly filled with row upon row of boxes filled with various books and knicknacks. Each box was labeled with something vague like "misc. spell books" or "unidentified artifacts". Along the walls there were a row of cases made of thick heavy glass filled with various books and objects whose properties were apparently deemed too dangerous to just leave laying about.

"here you are" said the librarian "search as you like, though be advised that not everything here has been thoroughly decontaminated so you are at your own risk for encountering potential curses or unknown effects from the objects"

With that Zerashi got that eerie almost maniacal grin

We began the search, as there seemed to be no real system to where things were I picked a row of boxes at random. A few times I became absorbed in examining the weird contents of the boxes and completely forgot that we were actively looking for my book.

"what kind of weapon is this?" I said pulling out some long bladed object "It's like a half sword half axe"

"a swaxe" adler called out

"it's a Halberd" Zerashi said rolling his eyes.

After what seemed like hours out of the corner of my eye in a beat up looking box labeled "misc. (fae)?" tucked away in the corner of one of the endless rows of tables I saw what I immediately recognized: the familiar worn leathery cover of secondari*

I reached down and yanked the old carboard box out excitedly. Feeling the old familiar sensation of my old picture book.

That's when I glanced into the box and saw among the assortment of other small handbound books, rings, wands, was what appeared to be a glass ball. Without thinking I reached into the box and picked it up

I suddenly started as Adler was all of a sudden behind me shaking my shoulder "you alright buddy?" he was saying

"what happened?"

"you were all glassy eyed holding that ball for like a minute or two"

I shook my head and looked at the glass ball I was holding. I turned it over in my hand but it just looked like an ordinary decorative clear glass ball the size of my fist. But I remembered that the sole reason it was even here was that it's properties were unknown. Perhaps that was why I felt this nagging curiosity towards it in the back of my mind.

"is that it?" adler asked pointing at the book in my lap

"oh yes!" I realized "I just caught it by chance but this is my book!" I hugged the thick book I hadn't realized I'd missed as much as I did.

"hey Zer! We found it!" adler called out and zerashi came running

The doctor picked up the book and flipped through it curiously. "So this is the special tome... he muttered suddenly dropping his usual aloof sarcastic demeanor and going silent as he peered into the book.

After a few few minutes I asked "Um, can I get that back?"

He jerked out of his trance "oh yes" he said handing it back to me. "do you think I could study that sometime in the lab? It's intriguing"

"oh... sure" I said

Zerashi checked his watch "plenty of time to spare" he said as we exited the restricted room.

But rather than walk back the way we came he took a sharp right between two random bookcases and hurried along the path as I struggled to keep up. After a few minutes of wandering around we came to a small little reading corner area with a couch and several small recliners and tables.

Zerashi turned suddenly had turned me around and had his arms wrapped around me, his good right hand rubbing up and down my bare torso as his metal prosthetic arm came and grabbed my chin. "I think now is good to cash in my payment" he purred as his hand started stroking my now hardening cock.

"o-okay" I wimpered. I knew this was coming I just didn't expect it to happen immediately, especially right here in the library. I didn't want to imagine what would happen if we got caught.

Suddenly his metal arm began to whir and the metallic tentacles that formed his prosthetic limb twisted and unraveled from each other independently until it resembled several distinct metal snakes protruding from his shoulder. I gasped as they slowly began to snake their way around my body from the legs up

"don't worry" they wont hurt you zerashi said as he unbuttoned his shirt

"well that's a new one" adler said from the shadows

The tentacles had wrapped themselves around my legs and arms, crisscrossing across my torso. I tried moving against them but they had me completely immobilized, suddenly I felt my knees bending and I ended up on all fours on the ground as Zerashi stepped in front of me, his shirt open and fishing his cock out of his fly.

"suck this cock" he said pulling out his 8inch thick dick. I obeyed opening my mouth and licking up the precum that was forming at the head of his cock before he grabbed me by the hair and shoved his entire cock in my mouth without warning. "mmmpphh" I gagged on his cock but he didn't relent as he grabbed me by my head and began to aggressively fuck my throat. I moaned as I could feel his cock getting thicker and thicker. At a noise I glanced over and saw that adler had taken his dick out and was slowly jacking off as he watched me as I was helplessly skull fucked.

"I want that ass" Zerashi said suddenly pushing me off his cock, I fell back, the tentacles suddenly going slack and releasing me from their hold but before I could catch my breath again they were writhing around me again this time lifting me clear up off the ground. I gasped as I was turned over in midair on my back and my legs pulled back exposing my hole.

Zerashi looked at Adler and jerked his head towards me, he apparently got the hint as he got up and came around and slapped me in the face with his dick a few times before I opened my mouth and took his cock down my throat. As adler was slowly fucking my mouth I could feel Zerashi playing with my hole with his fingers and then his tongue. Gently at first and slowly he tongued my tight hole. I gasped as he suddenly buried his face fully in my ass and began to eat my hole fastidiously.

I moaned involuntarily which was muffled by adler's cock which was slowly sliding in and out of my throat.

After what seemed like ages the doctor relented his furious tonguing of my hole and came up for air. "niiiice" he muttered and stood up and began slapping his fully hard cock against my hole

"I think he's ready for it" I heard adler say

"you think so?"

"mmmmhmnn" I moaned on adler's cock

Then I felt the thick steel cables that bound me move, adler's dick slipped from my mouth and I gasped as for a second I felt as if I was going to fall but the cables merely adjusted my position slightly to angle me more towards the Doctor's hard cock. Without my control I felt my legs bend back farther, my feet reaching towards my face and I felt my arms stretch out far above my head and then just as suddenly the metal tentacles went rigid once more locking me into place where I could not move an inch.

"that makes things easier" Zerashi said as he lined up his cock to my hole and slowly pressed. I let out a soft involuntary moan as he slid his dick all the way inside me. He grunted and pulled out just leaving his cockhead inside me before slamming all the way into me. He began to pound me like this, slowly at first and then harder and harder. I must have been making a lot of noise without realizing it because suddenly I felt his hand clamp around my mouth.

"ssshh we're in a library" he sneered at me without breaking the pace of his thrusting into me. He let go out my mouth and picked up the pace fucking me.

It took all I had to keep my mouth shut but I knew some involuntary noises were still coming from me especially when adler reached around me and was playing with my nipples and nibbling/licking my ear and whispering various dirty talk to me as he watched the doctor impale me with his hard dick.

Soon Zerashi was grunting on his own, I tried my best to tighten my hole as his thrusting became more fast paced. "fuuuuuckk boy here it comes!" he grunted and I felt his cock pulsate as he shot his thick load deep inside my hole. I could feel my own cock rock hard dripping precum all over my stomach. He grunted once more and gave my ass a few more thrusts of his cock before he slowly pulled his cock from my hole.

Zerashi looked down at me still bound in the tangle of metal tentacles with my cum filled hole still exposed "good job boy"

He looked up at Adler "I think he's earned it, don't you?"

"I think so" adler grinned

The cables that had bound my arms slowly loosened and then released my arms while the rest of me was still immobilized in midair.

"cum for me boy" zerashi said his fingers trailing from my hole up along my taint and balls

I reached down and began to tug on my cock like I hadn't cum in days. I felt my head being pulled back and Adler's cock was once again filling my mouth. I began to suck his cock as I slowly jacked my dick. I felt some of the metal tentacles move across my body. One large metal tentacle slid down my stomach and then down my crack. I knew what was going to happen just before it did. I didn't know what to do but the metal tentacle entered my hole and began to fuck me like the doctor had just done. I groaned on adler's dick as I started jacking myself faster and faster.

Adler grabbed the sides of my head and began to furiously fuck my throat as he watched me continue to get fucked by the metal tentacles. "Fuuuuck that's hot" I heard him mutter and soon he was pounding my mouth and I stopped jacking as I knew he was close. "uuurggghh" he grunted as he shot his thick load deep in my mouth. I swallowed his cum and he withdrew from my mouth. I began pumping my hard dick as I now had two hot loads inside of me as well as getting continuously fucked by a machine. Adler rubbed his still semi hard dick on my face and soon I was moaning and shooting my load all over myself. Seven thick spurts of shining silver cum spattered all over my belly and chest, some of it pooling in my belly button even.

Slowly I caught my breath and the tentacle that was inside my ass slowly withdrew and the ones that bound my legs up in the air slowly lowered.

"this is interesting" the doctor said running his fingertips through the puddles of cum that covered me. In the dim library light the silvery cum seemed even more noticeable, almost seeming like a light source of its own.

"we assume it's the fairy blood in him" adler said zipping up his jeans.

The tentacles gently set me upright on my feet and unwound themselves from my body. I oddly missed the metallic smell on my body as I watched the cables wind into themselves into the interlocking parts that made up the humanoid prosthetic arm.

"shouldn't you clean up? Adler asked

"Oh!" I said "right" I normally just let cum dry on me until it comes time to hit the baths but I realized that this is one place I couldn't be both naked and covered in cum. Adler strode forward and scooped up the cum in his hand, even poking a finger in my belly button to get the residual cum out and then brought his hand up to my face. I understood what he meant and opened my mouth to lick his hand clean. After a minute or so I had eaten all the cum off his hand. Once we checked and made sure there was no other mess around we made for the exit.

I stowed the book into my messenger bag and when I was sure zerashi and adler weren't looking I also stowed the glass ball in my bag as well. For some reason I knew it couldn't be coincidence that the two things were sorted into the same box. There were plenty of other things sorted with them of course but I couldn't help feeling they were far less important if not just junk in comparison. I didn't know what I'd do with it.

Next: Chapter 4

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