Being a Rentboy

By walter naised

Published on Dec 12, 2017


Now remember boys, porn isn't real so don't expect your sex life to be anything like it. this is a gay sex/love story set in a world that blends elements of magic and heavy scifi. always practice safe sex. please email me with comments/questions at

nifty could use some support with donations. please help if you can.


the stone slipped from my fingers and clattered on the floor.

I grunted "why's this so hard?"

"it takes practice" said adler leaning back as the stone rose from the floor back into my hand.

"oh yeah?" I stared daggers into him "can you even do it?"

"now that just seems tedious" he chuckled.

We played a few games in a row, I could tell Adler was taking it easy on me, but I was so unused to the game I ended up making obvious mistakes and getting more and more frustrated, he never let me give up halfway through a game though.

"you're just too good at this" I muttered after he beat me the 3rd time in a row

He chuckled "I'm ok, but I'm nothing compared to that weirdo" he said gesturing at Zerashi hacking away at the computer, his face eerily illuminated by the glow of the multiple screens surrounding him.

we had to wait for zerashi to dig up substantial information on the book's whereabouts in the library. finding out the book had ended up there was easy but knowing where it ended up inside the vast library was something else especially since while the book was deemed a rarity it was not categorized very well beyond that at this time without a serious study of it.

in the meantime adler was teaching me go in the board he and zerashi were playing on before. I had only really the barest grasp of the game's rules as I had never really played myself but had just witnessed Malik and some of the other members of his gang play.

"work on making eyes in your groups of stones" he said gesturing over a cluster of my stones

"eyes?" I said ignorantly

"holes in the group that prevent me from making a capture" he said.

he clearly sensed my skill level and was being more patient than I'd ever have imagined.

We finished counting the stones and began clearing them away

Wanting to break the silence I grasped at the first random question I thought of to start a conversation

"so.... Why a scythe?"

I realized that it may not be as a casual conversational topic as I thought once I said it aloud

"aaaah" he said looking off into the distance "well I was a teenager. I met cain and through some bargaining and a lot of teasing his sexual frustrations he agreed to make me a blade. I was about 16 or so and inexperienced so I asked for what seemed like the most badass bladed weapon I could think of off the top of my head that wasn't a sword since those seemed so played out. I was some punk kid living on the street who needed a weapon to defend myself and rep to build so I asked for a scythe so I could build on my "grim reaper" persona.

Tragically I soon realized that as cool as they look, scythes were indeed made for harvesting rather than combat. True any sharp edge can be used as a weapon but as far as direct combat goes, it's far from being particularly practical. But by the time teenage me realized this I had already commissioned a near priceless weapon and had begun to build a reputation based around it so I didn't have much choice but to stick with it."

I was silent for a moment "but you kill people with it..."

He looked at me and I immediately looked away "I mean, some of the other boys say things, spread rumors"

I saw his smirk out of the corner of my eye "well, you know what they say. All rumors have a basis in fact..."

He laughed again at my reaction "I'm mostly retired now but still, some people deserve to die, chuck. I could have gone all rogue and just become a hit man for money, but I only took contracts I felt are justified. People like that sack of shit malik who runs a human trafficking rig for example is on my list or your father for putting you through it. Once we find them they'll feel my scythe. Or more likely the receiving end of a more practical weapon like a gun"

"please don't kill my father" I said

He cocked an eyebrow at me

"from what I gathered he's the one who let malik take you."

"it was...." I started

"tell me" adler said meeting my eyes.

I started, not understanding what about that was making me so uncomfortable until I realized he seemed to be genuinely listening to me. I hadn't realized how alien the sensation was to me after a lifetime of being regarded as part of the furniture most of the time and only as some plaything others.

"ok" I said

"my father was a junkie. On heroin specifically.

I always lived with him when I was a young kid. I remember we had a bit of a small place, I was really young so I didn't think a lot of it was weird at the time. There was a lot of spellbooks and vials strewn around along with lots of shoelaces and rubber tubing and other random junk he had hoarded. We had a 1 bedroom place shoved in a basement unit below some restaurant but it was ok. My bedroom was really just the walk-in closet in my father's bedroom with a small bed shoved in it. It took up the whole "room" but it was mine.

Never remembered having a mom around, just me and dad. He seemed to like me well enough but seemed burdened by me other times. I'd get left with the next door neighbor lady a lot, some woman in her 50's who seemed to take pity on me.

I'd go to school during the day and dad would "work" though now that I look back it was more or less just him dabbling in spells to sell under the table for cash to pay rent and most likely supply his heroin addiction.

He'd sometimes lock himself in the bedroom to "take a quick vacation" which could take several hours. I'd busy myself watching cartoons on the one tablet we had in the house or flip through the books stacked up randomly in all the corners. I could read early on but I had no idea what the concepts being talked about in the books but I liked the pictures of the spells being performed and the geometric symmetry of all the symbols and ritual circles. Now I know they were guides for faerie and demon magics that he could exploit. He'd sometimes have baggies full of odd mushrooms or flowers or tree-bark laying around that I'm guessing he sold for their magic properties, though I have no idea where he got them"

Adler was uncharacteristically silent, his eyes watching me intently and genuinely listening.

"I remember coming home from school one day, I think I was maybe in the third grade or something and all the furniture in the house was gone. So naturally I asked my dad why and he just told me he had to sell it to settle some debts with some mean bad guys. I didn't understand of course and cried when I realized my bed was gone too and had to sleep on the floor of my room with just some blankets and a pillow

The tablet he sold as well apparently so I didn't even have that to distract myself with the games I'd play online.

I remember him being sweaty all the time and he'd sometimes strip down to his boxers and pick at his skin while carving runes into things and flipping frantically through the thick spellbooks. Sometimes he'd be super alert and focused drawing wards and sigils that he'd nail to doors and walls all over the place, or dabble in his lab, or hack away at his laptop and then shortly after would be distant with his eyes glazed over...

...Then One day though I was sitting in the livingroom. I remember I had made a small fort with some blankets and stacks of books and was flipping through my book... secondari. It was my favorite despite having so much of it stained, I liked looking at the strange pictures and I especially liked the pages that unfolded out to the extra large diagrams and maps and such.

My dad was pacing the house, shivering a lot but at that point I had gotten used to it so I was lost in my own little world until we heard a knock at the door.

It was a man in an expensive business suit with two large bodyguards. Despite their towering height compared to the man in the suit it was still clear who they answered to. The man scanned the room with a pretty indifferent to all the strewn mess and cobwebs covering all the walls.

I remember curling up and trying to make myself seem as small as possible while my dad pleaded with him and they argued. I don't remember all that they said, I was too scared to listen.

Then my father called me over and I reluctantly padded over holding my book, looking at the ground instead of up and at anyone.

"you've got to be shitting me, Albert" the man said

"please... just take him" my dad whimpered gesturing at me

The seconds stretched out for what felt like centuries until the man stepped closer to me and then surprisingly squatted down until he was at eye level with me

"what's your name boy?" he asked me with a smile that seemed reassuring

"chuck" I answered obediently

"you like to read chuck?" he said nodding towards my book and gesturing at my fort

I nodded

He smiled at me and patted my head "that's good. I have many things I think you will like to read about. You're gonna come stay with me for a while."

Being a shy kid as I always was my response was to clam up anytime I was uncomfortable, especially around adults I didn't know so I just stayed silent when I didn't know what to say.

Sensing my shyness he just smiled warmly at me again and stood up and gestured towards his bodyguards that they were to make to leave, he placed a hand on my back and gently pushed me along with him.

I remember my dad calling through the door "...we're cool now right? I'm square?"

The man didn't turn around but called back "for now albert, I suggest you not gain any more debts in the future though"

I remember getting into the back of an expensive looking limousine and never seeing my father again after that..."

I snapped my head up and realized how much I had spilled out and also that I had never told anyone about that before.

Adler was silent for a while, his eyes unreadable and stone-like until finally he said " that's where you got your book from. Him"

Zerashi gave an exaggerated groan and the both of us looked up

He turned towards us and sighed "I never was much of a biblio-detective, and diving deep into this library you get to the point where the lines between library, museum and holy tombs becomes very blurred and annoying. Wouldn't be so bad if I had more than just a vague description or at least a title in a known language. But even so it's probably still in the 'uncategorized' section"

I looked down at the scattered pieces on the board and flicked away some of the ashes that had fallen onto the table "I'm sorry, I wish I could do more to help"

"well... perhaps we could probe your mind just a bit to help us find a bit more information" zerashi said

I looked at adler and then at zerashi and stared blankly

"he has no idea what you're talking about" adler said finally

"hmn let me simplify" zerashi said stroking his whiskery chin "like the popular dream psychotherapy machines that are used by psychologists (and some so-called psychic dream-interpreters) to study mental processes and better understand the individual's needs for their unique therapies, we can use similar methods to record memories and raw data from the brain onto a computer to make for easier analysis and interpretation. Getting an image from your memories should help the search"

Soon after I found myself flat on my back on a table with my shoes and socks being removed. being talked into putting this large inhalation mask on. It all happened so fast I almost didn't register all what was happening. As the mask was being clamped over my face I was told to count back from ten. I don't remember even getting to the word ten.

What felt like seconds later I woke up disoriented and freezing cold. I was underwater with a breathing mask strapped to my face. I thrashed around in the liquid for a few seconds before I was able to calm myself down and take assessment of my situation. I felt around a bit and discovered I was in a large cylindrical glass tank filled with what appeared to be extremely cold water that was glowing yellowish green due to the light below me in the tank, yet still completely naked. Feeling the mask secured to my face I also discovered what felt like large thick steel cables seemingly attached to either side of my head. I thrashed a bit more trying to pull them off but they seemed as fixed as any other body part.

The glass of the mask began to fog up as I started to hyperventilate. With the lighting of the tank I was able to see vague figures walking around on the floor below me. I tried to shout but quickly gave up when I didn't see how I could be heard outside of the water.

"Chuck! Calm down, we are almost done. Sorry we didn't expect you to wake up from the anesthesia so quickly." the voice in my head scared the shit out of me but I eventually calmed down as it all came back to me.

"I'm speaking to you through the probes mounted on your head. Don't worry we can't do anything to your head, though don't mess with the cables as it can interfere with the data."

It went on for another frustrating half hour but with adler's coaxing I was able to calm down enough to endure it and eventually I was pulled to the surface and able to grab the hand of a young looking black woman with thick square glasses who wrapped a large heated towel around me and gave me a cup of hot chocolate.

"hey, I'm Dakota, one of Dr. Zerashi's assistants. Sorry the conditions have to be what they are, but for some reason the process is less efficient unless the subject is heavily drugged with a minimal core body temperature."

I shivered and tried to sip the chocolate but it was too hot for my current state.

She led me into a waiting room of sorts and sat me on a couch so I could recover.

A few minutes later Adler walked in looking a bit sheepish

"sorry about you having to go through all that. I would have given you a heads up if I had known that's what would have been necessary to find it" he said as he sat next to me "though part of me wonders if zerashi does all these things so he can have a reason to play with all his toys."

I was too out of it to say anything so I simply took a sip of the chocolate and let my head slump against his shoulder.

From what I gathered from Dakota they were able to record a lot of information about me and the book from my head. I was astonished to see they were able to generate photo-realistic images of the book on the computer. It genuinely looked like someone had merely taken a photograph of the real book, it even had the bloodstains that covered the title.

According to them it might take them a few days to find the book by cross referencing the images and then work out how to get it out with security since even his authority wouldn't just let him take important objects when he wanted though he did have some sway.

We stayed for a bit longer. I was starting to understand go fairly ok until zerashi decided to show me 3D go. Basically a 19x19x19 "board" played on a holographic projection, essentially playing many interlocking games of go at once with each move affecting many boards and I felt like I was having a brain aneurism and gave up entirely.

Adler and I stepped outside onto the fire escape landing where I sighed.

"I thought we'd be a little closer to finding the book"

Adler looked at me "ah we'll find it. All in due time" he said reassuringly "the library is a big place and there's a lot of things in there besides books"

I shivered as I went to go lower the ladder and felt adler come up behind me, the fabric of his jeans and t shirt rubbing up against my bare skin. It had been long enough to where I had forgotten what wearing clothes felt like. His arms wrapped around me and he pulled me in close to him

"cold?" he whispered into my ear

I shivered again which he definitely felt against his body.

"lets get you home" he said to me and licked me behind the ear as the street lamps slowly winked out one by one.

A different set of lights came on and we were suddenly in front of the brothel.

"go on in" adler said to me turning away "I've got some business to take care of. I'll see you in a bit" and turned into the darkness without waiting for a reply.

I stood there a moment and then simply walked inside to the lobby.


I had welcomed my side trip to Zerashi's as it was a busy night for me at the brothel and I needed a break. I almost lost count of the amounts of guys who had me swallow their loads. Two of the guys had fucked me as well but had yet to take a guy's raw load in my ass and frankly I was a little disappointed. It was nearing midnight and I hadn't been bred yet but the night was still just getting started for a rentboy on a Friday night.

I emerged from the shadows from the alleyway behind the brothel. I lit up a cigarette, admiring how the glow of the cherry glowed like a star in the darkness. This was my unofficially designated smoking spot. I could smoke in most of the rooms indoors if I wanted since we allow it for our clients but sometimes I just needed to have a few minutes alone to gather myself before taking another round. I pulled out my phone and switched my brothel-profile status back on to "available" and leaned against the wall

Within minutes my phone chimed with a silly girly pop song alerting me to a text message

Client available. Requesting two hours.

"like clockwork" I muttered as I exhaled the smoke

I texted back: available in 10 mins

I got a reply less than a minute later:

Client wishes to meet at alternate location: Der betrunkene Bär. Client name is arcturas

I smiled at the phone. "I could always go for a drink" happy with myself for always being prepared and I silently walked into the shadows of the alley

I then stepped out of the shadowy corner of the Bar.

Der betrunkene Bär was always dimly lit, more than most bars, it's owner a big fan of the grungy and sleazy leather scene. It's ambiance made it quite easy for me to seamlessly blend in without drawing attention to teleporting in.

For a Friday night it was fairly slow. Just the regulars that I recognized drinking and playing pool and darts. Though the bar was not hosting any events on this particular Friday. I casually walked past two men and their friends placing bets on their game of pool. I smiled as I remembered I had been given a lifelong ban on playing such betting games. I used to hustle frequently when I was younger but my naïve younger self didn't think anyone would figure out that hitting the bullseye every single time probably had to do with telekinetic abilities.

I sauntered over to the bar and stubbed my cigarette out in the ashtray.

The bartender Patrocolus looked up and saw me

"hey Adler" he said raising a hand "The usual?"

"nah" I said smiling "I've got a date tonight"

Patrocolus knew exactly what I meant and nodded.

Before I could say anything else

"Adler" spoken softly but clearly behind me

I casually turned on my stool to look over my shoulder

"hey" I said with a flirtatious wink "arcturas?"

He was an usually handsome man for the type of client who I usually encounter. Tall bald man, Clean-shaven, very broad frame in a rather expensive business suit. He must be a corporate figurehead of some kind who just got out of a meeting. He would have been almost invisible in the stock market trades or in a movie involving some dramatic corporate takeover. The only thing that seemed out of place was the strange metal eye patch he wore over his right eye. But it was not my job to judge people on their appearance.

I turned around fully on my stool and stood up and extended a hand "nice to meet you"

He gripped my whole hand with his own huge hand that seems to engulf my own. I subtly glanced down at his left hand, but didn't see a ring. Or curiously even any hair on his knuckles, strange for a man his large size.

He looks down at me, his good eye seemingly scanning me up and down.

"you seem adequate" he said oddly formally

He sat down on the stool next to me

He signaled the bartender "two please"

Patrocolus raised an eyebrow at me

"whiskey and coke" I said and the guy nodded

Our drinks showed up and the guy paid for them with a card and we clinked drinks.

"so what do you do mister?" I inquired.

While I was in professional flirt mode, I was genuinely interested.

"I work for a private corporation, involved in acquiring private properties" he said sipping directly from the glass

I sipped from the straw. He was being vague, not unusual since many businessmen, especially didn't want to reveal too much of themselves at least at first. Much of their jobs did involve secrets after all.

He turned to me. His functional eye seemingly bearing into me. He drank deeply from his glass without breaking his eye contact with me.

"please stand up" he ordered emotionlessly over his glass

I complied without question setting my drink on the bar.

I made a big show of pulling my shirt off like some ridiculous model before throwing it behind my stool but I notice that his expression didn't change. I internally thought, hey well maybe some guys just aren't into foreplay.

I kicked off my shoes and pulled off my socks before pulling off my shorts revealing just my jock strap baring my ass to the bar.

I hooked my thumbs under the waistband of my jock before he stopped me "that will be enough" he said, his face still strangely neutral yet with a hint of curiosity.

"yes sir" I said smiling obediently as I casually rubbed my hands over my muscular chest.

He leaned forward and grabbed me by the arm pulling me into him, he was surprisingly warm. His body generating quite a bit of body heat I felt even through his heavy business suit. His grip strong like iron. I knew I would never be able to overpower this man by strength alone. I had to be careful.

Then again, I had sucked off several guys yet had yet to get off today. I was horny as fuck. It was part of the curse of having the sex drive of a 15 year old boy. I needed to fuck and shoot my load. Zasamel's mark increased the libido, which occasionally felt like a curse.

I knew almost nothing about this man, even the name seemed like an alias. But I did know he was hot and hopefully was a bottom. I liked to bottom just fine but it had been a while since I had been able to top someone. I was often surprised how often the "masculine" guys, always intent on proving their manhood wanted to get fucked.

He drew me in and planted a firm kiss on me. The heat from his body radiating off him

My cock was stiffening and beginning to strain against the thin fabric of my jockstrap. I didn't care who this guy was. I wanted to fuck. I hadn't gotten off all day and this huge broad shouldered man was here in front of me. Our tongues wrestled as he clamped my firm asscheeks with his huge solid hands

When he broke off the kiss I opened my eyes and met his own functional left eye staring into me, it seemed to judge me almost calculating, I almost swore I saw his iris rotating as he seemed to scan me.

He gently pushed me back to where I was no longer straddling him which I hadn't realized I was doing.

He stood up and adjusted his tie and flattened out the minor wrinkles that had formed in his suit. He reached down and picked up his briefcase and extended his other hand to me.

"I am ready to employ your full services. Would you please teleport us to the third room at this address, boy adler" he said rummaging in his coat pocket and pulling out a scrap of paper with an address for a downtown hotel on it.

I hid my curiosity on my face. It seemed this man had actually looked into me, rather than the common practice of simply picking the hot boy that suited his interest in a particular night. What really struck me was my teleportation abilities were not commonly known, but at this I did not question.

I smiled. "of course mister"

I slipped my hand into his and pulled him along playfully as we wove between the various bar patrons to slip away into the back corner and into the shadows that consumed us .

We appeared in the room. It had been prepared for the night with its plain bed and various other equipment set up for us. He had requested "only" an hour but I knew that quite a lot could happen in an hour.

The instant we appeared in the room I felt his arms clamp around me, his mouth nuzzling my neck, and then his tongue licking behind my ear. He gave a low growl and carried me to the bed and pushed me roughly onto it. I shuffled forward and grabbed a pillow and looked over my shoulder and watched him undress.

He slowly and methodically undid his tie, with his gaze still meeting mine unblinking. I watched as he carefully took off his jacket and shoes, taking care not to cause any creases. He undid his gold cufflinks which I noticed matched his earrings and began unbuttoning his shirt revealing a heavily muscled chest wearing a leather harness crossing over himself held at the center by a large steel ring. Goddamn, it was hard for me to imagine this guy was for real, I felt my rock hard cock pressing uncomfortably into the mattress.

Within a few seconds he was naked, his legs just as thick as the rest of him, his thick cock wearing a cockring intimidating with it's bulbous head and thick veins noticeable as he was already half hard approaching me. It was hard to imagine this guy being a successful CEO or whatever and spending as much time working out as he obviously did and getting much action, I braced myself to get roughly manhandled by a man who probably hadn't cum in weeks.

He walked over and I felt the bed sag as he climbed on top of me, pinning me to the mattress, completely immobilizing me. I tried to move, testing his control but it was as if I had been shackled down rather than being pressed into the mattress by his hands and hips.

I heard him grunt as he grabbed his now fully hard cock and began rubbing it roughly against my spread hole.

Oh fuck I hoped he didn't try and fuck me dry but I didn't say anything but moaned as he enjoyed dry humping me, feeling his cock get harder pressed between my muscular asscheeks.

He reached down and rubbed my cockhead smearing his fingers with the copious amount of precum that had been leaking out of my hard cock as it strained against the mattress and leaned forward shoving his fingers into my mouth forcing me to taste the sticky secretions I had leaked. "taste yourself boy" he growled

I moaned as I sucked his thick fingers clean as he pressed his cock directly against my hole. He clamped his hands down on my wrists again, pinning me down.

"get the lube, boy adler. "

I moaned again my cock throbbing, but I raised my head as best I could and the light shone from my eyes as the bottle of lube lazily floated from the top of the nightstand and he snatched one out of the air squirting liberal amounts on my hole and taint. I heard the squishing sound of him lubing up his thick cock and then felt his head suddenly press hard against my hole. I gasped again, stifling it by biting into the pillow

"you're about to get bred by a bull, boy" he said matter of factly and pressed his hard dick inside me, stretching my hole wide as he slid in me without slowing down. I gasped at the thick size of his cock and its sudden entry and bucked upwards but he seized my shoulders and slammed me down into the bed as he rammed the rest of the length of his cock all the way in me as I cried out in pain.

He held me there for a few seconds his strong arms and thick cock pinning me down into the mattress until he bent down and wrapped his arms underneath me to grab my wrists again as he now held me down with his full body weight, rendering me unable to move an inch with his cock fully impaled in my hole.

He began fucking me hard in deep deliberate strokes, lifting his hips to pull his cock out of me leaving the head inside before slamming back into me again.

I grunted with each time his cock slammed into me "oh god fuck me, fuck me"

I pulled my hand up and bit down on my finger to keep from making noise but I still involuntarily grunted and moaned as this thick sir of a man violated my hole.

"fuckin' take it boy" he snarled as he twisted his body differently to thrust harder into me in a different angle causing me to cry out.

He pounded me hard, clamping a hand over my mouth as he said in a low growl "you're gonna take my raw load..."

"give it to me..." I whispered knowing that he wouldn't be able to hear me but he began fucking me like a piston as he came close "here it comes bitch boy.... OHHH FUCK!" he bellowed as he slammed his cock all the way inside me and I felt his cock swell even bigger, pulsating as he shot six or seven ropes of cum inside of me, I lost count in my lust filled ecstacy.

His body slowly deflated and he came down to rest on top of me, relaxing yet still holding me down underneath him. I opened my eyes, feeling his hands gently caress my face.

Curiosity overtook me and I subtly took his hand which was significantly larger than mine and brought it up to my face and I noticed his palms and fingers had no lines in them at all, the skin smooth entirely. I had thought this man strange with his lack of body hair, perhaps one who spent the extra care in shaving his body entirely, even his pubes. But perhaps there was more to him than I initially thought. I've encounted many strange people in the supernatural world but this was still a first.

He grunted again after he had rested and I felt his cock throb in me again, he was still quite hard.

He rolled us over onto our sides and spooned me but taking care to make sure his cock was still inside me, my own dick sticking straight out in front of me.

He reached down and grabbed my cock in his hand and slowly pumped my turgid cock

I gasped and my eyes glowed slightly as a squirt of lube worked its way from one of the nearby bottles and slathered itself over my cock and the hand working it's way over it.

He whispered I my ear "give me that load boy. Give me what I pay for"

He then hooked two of his fingers into my mouth as he rhythmically thrust his cock in and out of me as he stroked my cock.

Within seconds I was gasping involuntarily squirting my load out of my dick "ohhhh fuckk" I gasped out shooting all over his hand and the bed

He whispered "yeaaah boy... " as he reached up to wipe the cum off his hand onto my face

He held me there, holding me close against him without saying a word for the remainder of our time together. He did not pull out of me the whole time, letting my cum dry on my face.

Eventually he breathed out heavily and slowly pulled his softening cock from me. We had lain there for what seemed like hours but was probably less than 10 minutes. When I felt his cockhead pop out of my hole, I felt strangely emply, though I knew I still had his load in me and my own smeared on my face.

Eventually though he checked his watch and grunted and pulled his softened cock from my ass, letting a considerable amount of his jizz slip out of me.

I laid back on the bed naked watching as this specimen of a man slowly got dressed. Not taking off the harness or acknowledging me in any way he pulled on his business suit resuming the persona of the professional, completely hiding the animalistic man who had just fucked me raw filling me with his seed.

Once he was dressed he was completely unrecognizable from the man that had just bred me.

He opened his briefcase and pulled out a white rag. "why don't you clean off your face?" he said but before I could say anything he moved toward me and began to wipe the cum off my face and then my stomach.

"thank you sir" I said grinning

He said nothing and placed the cloth back in the briefcase and snapped it shut and placed a number of bills on the table of the suite we were in. I slowly sat up and stretched and then came up to him as he neared the door. I wrapped my arms around him and planted a kiss on his lips which he returned without hesitation. So clearly he was out to himself at the very least.

"come see me again sometime?" I asked

"yes" he said surprisingly businesslike. I am In town for business for the next four weeks and I would like to book you for the upcoming thursdays therein. You will find I have paid for your services in advance and expect to see you in exactly one weeks time"

"oh, well happy to take your load soon mister" I said, doing my best to hide my curiosity.

"thank you boy adler. I enjoyed fucking you. Please remain here until after I leave the building"

And without a goodbye he left without looking back shutting the door behind him.

was still disappointed that I didn't get to fuck but I did get to nut pretty hard which was nice. I was going to enjoy this mystery bear arcturas.

I stepped outside curious as to where exactly I was and I seemed to be at some mid-range priced hotel deep in downtown Shrettzer. I couldn't remember if I've had sex In this hotel before or not. It's a common game with rentboys to try and fuck in as many hotels as possible or else as many unconventional places as possible.

I did notice across the street on the wooden fence surrounding a construction site next to a sign with a stick figure riding a triceratops In a circle with a slash through it someone had spray-painted a crude version of Daddy's rent boy sigil along with a crooked cross. I smirked as I realized that's probably what picked the location.

Many guys who want to be discreet for whatever reason have developed ingenious ways of communicating in ways to leave a minimal digital trace. One common one I've noticed was to use symbols in graffiti.

The sigil meant gay prostitute and the cross, rather than being a religious symbol merely meant "across" thus identifying the hotel across the street as one tolerant of it's guests bringing their sex worker.

"I should just print out some business cards and be done with it" I muttered to myself and stepped into the shadowy alleyway to disappear back home.


Adler came home later didn't say anything as he merely stripped naked, throwing the clothes on the floor and crashed out hard on top of the bed.

I gathered up his clothes and threw them in the laundry shoot. He never complained about it but I still tried to make sure I wasn't annoying by staying in his room by whatever means I could which usually just had me tidying up after him.

At least he didn't make fun of me for not wanting to be alone at night. Even if he was just tolerating me sleeping in his bed at night I still appreciated that much.

I was wide awake however, too much on my mind thinking about things I had done my best to not think about for years not to mention really wondering what that old picture book really meant. When I was little it was just an entertaining picture book full of strange yet pretty looking plants and flowers as well as figures and animals that looked like nothing I had ever seen before, but now I realize someone must have drawn them with their diagrams for a reason.

Absentmindedly I let the fingers of my hand brush over adler's firm chest. When he wasn't working he seemed to spend all his time at the gym lifting weights or doing bodyweight exercises. "gotta maintain that job-security" he'd always be joking.

I traced the spiky spiraling tattoos that twisting all along his torso down his groin and legs. Almost unaware of what I was doing I didn't stop as I continued to lightly run my finger over his dick and balls following the twisting tribal tattoo pattern wondering how much it would have hurt to have that done.

"he's a little tuckered out right now" adler muttered and I jumped having not even heard him stirring and he chuckled

"I'm sorry" I said blushing "I didn't mean to wake you..."

"its ok" he said still groggy "is something up?"

"no... just thinking"

"come here" he pulled me down and wrapped his arms around me spooning himself against my back.

"you're safe here" he muttered sleepily in my ear and soon I felt his breathing slow and I knew he was asleep again. I lay there pressed against him and I felt safe and warm and eventually drifted off too.

Next: Chapter 3

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