Being a Rentboy

By walter naised

Published on Mar 29, 2017


Now remember boys, porn isn't real so don't expect your sex life to be anything like it. this is a gay sex/love story set in a world that blends elements of magic and heavy scifi. always practice safe sex. please email me with comments/questions at

nifty could use some support with donations. please help if you can.

My name is adler zosimos. I am 25 years old and the most sought after rentboy in the male-only brothel/pastry shop called Der Junge mit Tentakeln ln in the coastal city of Shrettzer.

Our city was highly unusual in that we were one of the only three cities in the country that openly rented out prostitutes and whose citizens openly regarded them as ordinary as a butcher, bartender, blacksmith, or any other tradesman.

Der Junge mit Tentakeln was unique in being the only brothel that was entirely operated by men and catered only to male clients. Many other brothels also employed some boys and or other gendered people in their lineup and all of them would cater to any gender who was willing to pay for it. Der Junge mit Tentakeln was unique among them. Us boys did have our many friends outside of course. Also our cupcakes were talked about all over town and many people came just to purchase the baked goods.

All brothels of course had experience servicing supernatural clients, and it often took a person of supernatural talents to keep up with such types. Myself: I was unusual in possessing multiple talents. I am able to "phantom warp". Essentially a form of teleportation over relatively short distances in a cloud of smoke or enveloped in shadows. The effect was subtle and seldom noticed. The exact maximum distance has yet to be verified as my knowledge of my destination seems to be a factor in the ability, yet my attempts to warp to the other side of the planet have been unsuccessful.

I also possess a form of telekinesis which honestly is relatively weak compared to some others I have encountered, though in times of crisis is has proven to be extraordinary even surpassing the above average levels when I was riding on adrenaline or under the influence of certain drugs.

I also possess several knacks though these are of a subtler class than full blown abilities.

I was young, cute, 5'9 and well muscled with thick arms and legs and had spiraling tribal tattoos that covered most of my body. My clients loved me for my short trimmed neat beard and striking blue eyes. Perfect bait for horny men who liked to fuck boys.

Then I also possess the certain... "privileges" imbibed by Sir Zasamel

Sir Zasamel ran Der Junge mit Tentakeln. All the boys who worked there belonged to him.

Unlike many of the pimps of other establishments though, all his boys came willingly, and were also allowed to leave at any time. Almost none ever did. We loved Zasamel and he loved us back. He took care of and protected us against those who would abuse us or those who existed in our past who would try and come after us against our will. His reputation did carry far and wide and most all feared his wrath should it be aimed at him. While his business was legit he did have strong connections to the underworld. All his boys were branded with his sigil which marked us as both fuckboys for hire and belonging to Zasamel. The intricate circular mark most wore on their arm or ankle also carried it's form of permanent magic, imbibing his boys with certain properties. Some subtle some less so. It worked to increase our sperm production as well as increase the sex drive, so his boys were always horny and ready for dick. I chose to bear mine on my left shoulder where it was clearly visible to anyone passing by thus ensuring regular work.

Our work was hard (figuratively and literally) but we all loved what we did. Most of us boys gave Sir 60% of our earnings and taking the remaining 40% for ourselves. It seemed fair since we had our room and board taken care of by Sir.

Most of Sir's boys shared rooms, 2 to 4 boys in a room. He owned about 20 of us not counting the ones who contracted with him part time. Though since I was his most sought after one (as well as helping with side jobs) I could afford to demand my own room. Though our resident total-sub boy Chuck stayed with me in my room. This boy could not for the life of him be left alone for more than a few minutes. Especially at night he needed to be held anytime he slept.

After the third night of him sneaking into bed with me I finally allowed him to push our beds together so we could have enough room.

He was a sub boy 100%

Slightly pudgy but wore it perfectly well. Total bottom who loved to please men, his entire existence hindered on being taken care of by a strong controlling man. Part of this was taken care of by his clientele who fucked him constantly every day but it seemed that I took care of his needs of male acknowledgements in the times between. He was a cutie, more so than I think he realized. He had features that made him unusual, even in our world. He had very pronounced heterochromia in his eyes with his left being a very bright sky blue and the other a dark shade of lavender.

Most of us who developed supernatural abilities also possess some form of intricate birthmark that can often be mistaken for a tattoo. Colloquially called demon marks, Chuck's was larger than average, taking up a large proportion of his right side starting from his calf and winding up his side and back and trailing out over his right arm and below his clavicle. It resembled winding vines and sets of black and shiny gold that resembled leaves or dragon scales. He did possess one small tattoo of a butterfly on his wrist that I witnessed him getting but as much as he whined and complained about the pain, I could tell that these would be his only skin adornments. My own mark was a small vine of multicolored leaves on my left ear that didn't stand out too much from my other tattoos.

Almost all of Sir Zasamel's boys where slutty gay boys who liked sex but did indeed need the money for their own personal reasons, thus why they came to him. Chuck was the only one to refuse payment for his services.

Upon learning that his rent and food would be included in the payment for selling his ass to men he specifically requested to give 100% of the money clients paid to use and abuse his ass go to the house. He loves cock and especially cum inside of his ass and will take anyone's load inside of him, especially If they're forceful enough. He loves being ordered around and used. Sir Zasamel mark branded on his boys allows them to live off of cum alone without food so long as we take loads from strangers in our ass or mouth. For some reason the spell doesn't work when we're aware of the person's name. Something that Chuck has taken to exploit as often as possible.

Most of rentboys came from broken homes or bad backgrounds. But some came from good backgrounds and just got off on being used. Where Chuck was from originally, I don't know. I know he would tell me someday, since I clearly was his closest friend and whom he felt most comfortable with. Though his greatest way to feel validated was to be fucked and I've only ever fucked him on special occasions and definitely nothing regular. He never asked for it though I could see it in his eyes and one drunken night at a bar waiting for a client who flaked on us he did admit that he wished I would breed his ass with my raw load every night and sleep inside of him.

He was a cutie, but he had a lot to learn about being a rentboy.

Though part of the reason I was so prolific was my phatom warp abilities which came in handy for meeting spontaneous clients. Many of my regulars would send me a message through various means with just a place requesting my services.

I usually woke up around 9 or 10am, showered in the open communal shower in the back secret courtyard, and got ready for my day. A lot of it was spent with clients or working out in the training grounds . Today though was Friday, the start of the weekend and the real working week for us boys. We were of course technically available 24/7 but business really was big on the weekends.

Though today I seemed to be having a slow day until sometime around 5:30 a large black and white rat appeared on the outside of my windowsill carrying a piece of folded paper in it's mouth. We see a lot of unusual rats in this part of the city especially since Chuck has an affinity for them, this one however wasn't too out of the ordinary except for it's second set of eyes below the first. He scratched at the window which I slid open and the rat placed the note in my hand.

"thank you, reginald" I said to the rat which looked at me before turning around and scampering down the ledge towards the edge of the building and around the corner and out of sight

The note was short:

Alleyway 6m

Wear tshirt, briefs and jeans.


Ah cain. I liked him, even if he did get pretty rough.

Cain was a blacksmith with a wife. I suspected there was some marital issues between them but I never asked and he didn't hire me to talk. He knew what he wanted and it was not any semblance to romance. It was pure animalistic fucking. I took a shower and donned the clothes he requested.

Getting close to 6pm Chuck walked in wearing a pair of small blue and pink briefs which was somewhat unusual as Sir Zasamel had ordered his mandatory nudity unless requested by a client. I assumed he had just returned from a client who liked them. I had not seen them before and It wasn't unusual for a client to gift us underwear.

He had a rat riding on his shoulder

"I sent walter to deliver the note given to me. I take it you got it?" he said

"oh I thought that was reginald" I said

He giggled "no silly, reginald has more black in his coat and the end of his tail is forked"

I smiled "well maybe that's why they don't talk to me"

We both laughed. I knew Chuck loved anything that made him feel special, so I had taken to slipping them in when possible into conversations with him. Conversing with a non-human species was a talent one was born with the predisposition for rather than something one could learn from study. The rats in this part of the country weren't as prolific in their reproduction as ordinary rats. They preferred to rely on their intelligence and strategy to survive rather than make tons of offspring. I feel like Chuck has befriended nearly every rat in the city though he denies this. I try and keep up with their names but even with some of them having distinct differing physical traits I often find it exhausting.

I heard a chime from my bedside table and checked my silver pocketwatch that lay on it. It was an ancient piece and one of my oldest possessions as I inherited it from my father.

"showtime" I said to chuck with a wink

"ok" he said and gave me a kiss on the cheek as the lights in the room dimmed as a black fog seemed to slowly creep in and envelop me and behind it I vanished

My sneakers found themselves on rough cobblestone walkways. Most of the world was modern enough to use blacktop but this city was very old and people hated to improve on anything that had endured for a while. "vintage" my ass. But this is what happens when you live in the second oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. The bizzarely justaposed ancient buildings alongside the futuristic glass and metal skyscrapers.

I pointed my sneakers down the street and walked towards the shop. I could have warped straight to the alley, but few people knew of that ability and it was something I tried to avoid spreading to just anyone.

Cain's forge was a large house on the outskirts of town with his forge out in front next to the road leading into the edge of the forest. The world had moved on to bigger and badder weaponry but high quality kaziden steel blades imbibed with magic were always needed and it was still a marketable skill for Cain.

The alley between his blacksmithing shop and the abandoned dilapidated building next door was dark save for what minimal light filtered in over the wall from the street. I arrived and glanced around and made sure no one was around on this dimly lit street though I doubt no one would have noticed me much in my dark cloak I wore and I slipped down the alleyway and over the piles of wood and stone that blocked a good portion of the entrance and ducked behind the old abandoned dumpster that was no longer used.

Cain had acquired an old twin mattress somewhere and thrown it back here behind the dumpster for our meetings. I shucked the cloak and lit up a cigarette and waited for him. A lot of guys want me to be naked and waiting ass up for them but Cain liked to take what he wanted when he was ready for it.

Within a few minutes I heard shuffling and I looked up and saw him coming out of the darkness. A large bear of a man with thick arms from hard daily labor still covered in soot and grease from work. He was a hardened man with a shaved head and a thick short cropped beard. He wore his blacksmith's overalls and thick heavy boots and I knew he was wearing nothing else underneath.

Without warning he grabbed me and slammed me hard but not enough to hurt against the brick wall behind me. With his hands pinning my biceps to the wall he stared into my eyes for a moment before slowly leaning forward to kiss me with surprising gentleness. He was a man I could tell was hungry for intimacy as well as being dominant.

After a few minutes of passionate kissing he roughly pulled me and pushed me hard onto the bare stained mattress where he yanked my jeans off as well as shoes in the process leaving me in just my white briefs and t-shirt. I am grateful that cain's talents lie with metalworking and not supernatural strength as I am sure my body as well as most boys' wouldn't be able to handle his aggression beyond a normal man's strength.

He grabbed me by my shirt front and pulled me up to him and planted a much more aggressive kiss on my mouth for a few seconds before slamming me back down on the mattress and ripping my shirt apart starting at the collar. It was a cheap flimsy white Tshirt and it was no match for Cain's brute strength and was soon in tatters thrown against some forgotten alley wall.

With an animalistic snarl he grabbed the waistband of my white briefs and soon they were ripped up into shreds too and I was completely naked and helplessly exposed my 7inch cock hard as a rock from being manhandled so hard.

He stood up suddenly and undid the clasps that held the straps of his overalls and with a quick motion shucked the entirety of the overalls down and off leaving him in just his boots. His thick body exposed, muscled hard from a lifetime of manual labor. His thick 8inch cut thickly veined cock already half hard swung free.

He reached down and grabbed my legs and forced my ass up in the air. I gasped in surprise as he spread my legs apart exposing my hole and to my shock he buried his face into my ass, fiercely plunging his tongue into my hole. He never has done this before. He always just uses me for his own pleasure and seems indifferent to me getting off. I gasped with genuine surprised pleasure as he ate my ass, tonging my hole fiercely. My cock hard and dripping precum all over my chin and face. I couldn't help but squirm a little.

He opened his eyes and locked them onto mine while tonguing my ass.

He pulled away and said: "you ready for it?" it was all I could do to nod and say "yes. Fuck me please"

With my abilities, some people wondered why I chose to be a rentboy when there were plenty of more lucrative careers available. And to be honest I did take those jobs occasionally as sometimes I needed the money, but I chose being a rentboy because I loved fucking, and especially getting fucked. I loved being with men.

Cain lowered me down and I could feel his hard cockhead pressing against my hole. He spat on his dick and with one steady unrelenting motion his penetrated my ass and slid his whole length inside of me without slowing down. He made it clear it was all about his own enjoyment. With my legs bent back over my head he pushed me into the mattress with his hips and his cock slid all the way inside my ass which he owned.

He closed his eyes and let his head fall back before taking a deep breath and slowly began thrusting his way into me over and over "fuckin' take my raw cock boy!" he grunted slamming his cock deep in my tight ass. His strong hands pinning my ankles behind my head

Like I said, Cain wasn't interested in anything romantic, or prolonged sessions. He wanted the raw fucking of men and nothing else. His browed furrowed as his eyes bore into mine as he thrust his cock into me harder and harder

"get ready to get bred, boy" he grunted and began slamming his cock in me as he yelled out grabbing my cock in his hand

His hips began slamming into me harder and harder as he bellowed out in feral pleasure. I could feel his cock thicken as he began filling me with the thick ropes of his jizz shooting inside my ass. My cock still rock solid at being used by this thick strong man.

After a minute or so his pumping slowed down and he slumped down on top of me but without pulling out of my ass while he caught his breath. For a man who worked manual labor all day, my ass sure wore him out quickly.

He then opened his eyes and locked t hem with mine as he slowly pulled his slowly softening cock from my abused hole. A small amount of his cum dribbled out of me but I tightened my hole to keep it inside. He grabbed the tattered remains of fabric of my white briefs and stuffed them into my mouth before he then stood up over me with his cock still pointed out over me. "cum for me boy" he ordered as I obediently reached down to stroke my already hard dripping cock. Within a second he grunted and crouched down and let out a hot stream of his thick piss that hit me in the face without warning coating my face and over my mouth that were filled with the thick cotton briefs and then moved to coat the entirety of my body. I could feel the piss washing over me and soaking into the bare mattress that I lay on. I wondered as to how many countless people had fucked on this mattress and I could only guess at how many hundreds of boys had been used and abused on it and within a few moments I was choking involuntary cries of pleasure through the piss-soaked underwear in my mouth and shot my thick load all over my belly and chest and even managed to get some on my neck and chin. My cock kept spasming for a few moments before all of me settled down so I could revel in being covered and filled with piss and cum of a man I barely knew.

He took a few moments to catch his breath and then reached down to pull the ripped up underwear from my mouth and use to mop cup the piss and cum that covered my face and torso. He reached down and squeezed the last drops of cum from my cock into the pair of briefs.

Without a word he pulled on his overalls and boots before pulling me up, naked to my feet.

He then kissed me hard and rough like the manner in which he had fucked me. He then slipped the folded bills into my hand and said "see you next week" and turned and strode away briskly without looking back, still carrying the ripped briefs with him.

I laid back down onto the piss soaked mattress and reveled in the reality of what I was.

A boy for rent. A boy that men used to fuck and discard when they were done and I loved what I was.

Considering that Cain had an above average dick and tipped really well helped too.

It was a fairly warm summer night. We weren't quite yet into fall. I actually ended up dozing off right there still soaked in piss. I was naked and exposed to the world but didn't care who came by and saw me or decided to have fun with me. I was tired and loved being used.

A while later I woke with a start, not sure if I heard something. With my telekenisis I felt around but saw nothing out of the ordinary in this dirty alleyway. I located my cloak in the back corner behind some rubbish and floated it towards me. My only clothing besides my jeans and shoes I had worn that remained intact. Rather than bother with slipping it on I allowed the ample amount of shadows in this dim corridor envelop me and disappeared into the night.

One of My favorite parts of der Junge mit Tentakeln was the baths. It was a secluded, old part of the place. Reserved mostly for the boys who worked it and some of the more higher paying clients, though the latter was rare. It was mostly a place for the boys to clean off and bond with each other. It was as much a recreational area for us as well as utilitarian. In the small hidden courtyard it held multiple outdoor showerheads that we used to clean off as well as a large communal bathtub and steam room. All forms of clothing were forbidden and non-rentboys had to have permission from Sir Zasamel as well as be accompanied by one of his boys.

I had appeared in a subtle way of darkness and steam from the shower. The black smoke boiled in from one of the drains and blended in almost imperceptibly with the steam and night sky.

Teleportation was a rare ability to begin with and mine differed from most I had heard of as it was completely noiseless and if I didn't want to be noticed, I wouldn't be. Most teleporters, would make some dramatic sound and flash of light when they transported or else would have some form of creating portals to physically step through but I was almost unheard of in my ability to slip by almost unnoticed in the shadows or in this case, steam

One of Sir Zasamel's boys was there, naked and soaping himself up when I materialized and when he finally turned an saw me laying on the tile floor of the showers he started hard and slipped and almost fell before catching himself.

"goddamn, adler. I told you not to do that" he growled at me before reaching down to offer his hand to pull me up off the floor which I lay. It was Montagne, one of our few resident straight boys who lived here. He was the only one with a girlfriend. He said she knew all that he was and what he did and was cool with it. I never understood it, but then I never really had much to do with girls so I didn't feel the need to really pry. He was a giant, easily our tallest boy on call, about 6'9 at least and built like a tank with massive shoulders and arms and legs. . He knew he was hot, and part of why he wanted to be a rentboy to put the skills to use.

From what he told me he didn't mind fucking guys but didn't really like getting fucked so he only ever bottomed for clients maybe once or twice a week if they were a good regular. Most of the other boys here worked full time but montagne only took guys when he was in the mood to put on the show so didn't turn tricks like the rest of us all day everyday. But he did hang with us in the showers everyday and I could tell he enjoyed the closeness of it genuinely even if he didn't want to fuck boys when he wasn't being paid.

I noticed he was sporting the beginnings of a black eye on his left side as well as some purpling around his pecs and side a bit.

"did your girl punch you again?" I said smirking

"har har" he said grabbing a cloth. He turned me around and began scrubbing my back "I moved up to the next match" he said

Since he doesn't like to fuck as often as the gay boys do he got special permission from Sir to also participate in the underground fight rings. He was a popular fighter to bet on and usually referred to as "the iron bear" as his holds and punches were often described as hard as iron. He was being gentle while washing my back yet I could still see why he got his nickname.

I had also seen him in action when he and I had to take care of certain special jobs. After seeing him unleash his full set of skills I am glad to call him a partner rather than an enemy.

"that's good" I said "when is your next match? I'll come support you"

"next Saturday at midnight" he said taking the shower hose and rinsing off my back with hot water

"I'll be there"

He returned the showerhead and wrapped his massive arms around me suddenly and leaned down to whisper in my ear "if I pull strings to get you into the club, try to finish getting fucked in the bathroom before my matches start"

My cock jumped in surprise and he laughed and reached down and gave my half hard cock a few slow tugs before releasing me and turning back to rinse the suds off his own body.

I must have visibly blushed because he laughed again. Bastard. For a straight guy he did seem to love teasing the fuck out of other boys who were obviously attracted to him. Almost everyone would casually fuck when the mood hit except him. Tease.

rescuing chuck

We didn't so much as rescue Chuck as we obtained him from the smoldering ashes of the wreck of a life he came from. He was found by one of our boys, Castor who said he heard him from inside one of the big shipping containers near the pier to be loaded onto one of the big cargo ships before it sailed off to cross the sea. I know Castor has a knack for finding hidden things (my hidden stashes around my room for example) but I still doubt he would have heard Chucks whimpering cries from inside that metal crate if he weren't alerted by a large black two tailed rat who alerted his attention to it.

He told us how he was able to quickly pick the lock under the clouded night sky and pry open the large metal door of the container to find it completely empty save for a huddled up lump laying fetal position on the other side.

Fearing a trap he fled and immediately found me, with his guidance I was able to warp us back to the container where he stood watch to make sure no one locked the door behind me.

As I slowly approached his cries had long since dissolved into barely audible snivels and even in the dim light I could tell he had been crying for quite some time with the layers of dried tears on his face. He was filthy dirty, with his reddish dark brown hair long and matted to his face and covered in what smelled like dried cum and especially piss. He was naked except for a pair of small white briefs that were clearly old and ripped in many places especially the ass and covered in old piss stains.

Very slowly as to not to spook him I reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. He spooked at my touch and rolled onto his back asking who I was. I could tell this boy had some heavy supernatural blood in him, possibly faerie with his vibrantly colored but mismatched eyes that almost seemed to glow brightly in the dark of the container, as well as the larger than average demon mark. The black and gold vine pattern suggested a closer connection to nature than most humans possessed but this was not the time for those type of questions.

"my name is Adler" I said coming down on one knee to talk to him closer "my friend and I heard you locked up in here. What are you doing in here? And who did this to you?" I asked gently.

At that his eyes welled up again but rather than the cartoonish bawling of a child I expected the tears rolled silently down his cheeks and he whimpered "My owner abandoned me. Said I got too old for business and sent me away. He locked me in this crate to be shipped away so I'd stop coming back"

My eyes narrowed "Malik?"

His eyes flew open with misty surprise: "yeah... are you one of his boys?"

Malik was an underground pimp from the neighboring city. Often clashed with Sir Zasamel for his policies of hiring kids that Sir Zasamel deemed too young for sex work, and while Zasamel truly loved his boys that he rented off to other men, Malik regarded his girls and especially his boys as nothing more than product to be sold. Rumors have long hinted that he often kept them in horrible conditions and doing little more than keeping them fed, watered, and exercised to keep them marketable. Some of those stories gave even poorer accounts of the conditions they were kept in, though these have been yet to be verified.

Until now.

I gripped his shoulder "no. I am not. I serve a better master. May I ask how old you are?" I asked as gently as I could

He sniffled "I just turned 17"

We had heard rumors that Malik was having certain... troubles with ties to the various underground networks as well as with money and debts and was downsizing certain businesses he ran. It seems one of them, as we suspected was his rentboys and rentgirls. From what I deduced, this boy was one of his boys he deemed "too old" for his business. Little did he know this "too old" boy would be the final nail in his coffin.

I didn't particularly enjoy assassination per se, but for contracts such as these... well there would be a bit of satisfaction. The idea of anyone abandoning their boy like this was unforgivable.

I took an knee and gripped his shoulder gently and spoke to him as soft and warmly as I could:

"how would you like a hot bath, something to eat and a warm bed to sleep in?"

His face tightened and I could tell he was trying not to cry again, but I could tell this was out of happiness at being found and taken care of. "yes please, sir" he said sitting up and hugging me tightly.

Five to ten minutes of comforting encouragement later we emerged for the musky and ammonia smelling old shipping crate. From the smell and the subtle nail scratches along the walls and door of the container I could tell this probably wasn't Malik's first time dumping out his "retired" whores out to fend for themselves in some other part of the world.

"do you have any belongings stashed somewhere?"

He hesitated a moment but then shook his head no. so literally all he had were those ripped up, piss soaked briefs that left most of his ass crack exposed. I could see why, he was cute and had a nice round butt, so undoubtedly a top or eight had had their way with his ass and the flimsy cotton wasn't going to get in their way.

He didn't seem to be injured beyond a few nasty bruises on his side and one forming shiner underneath his right eye but otherwise he seemed able to walk okay, though he still draped his arm across his shoulder and seemed to be encouraged with me supporting him with my arm around him too. This boy clearly needed the support emotionally as well as physically. He didn't seem phased by being exposed and all but naked save for the torn cloth covering his genitals. Even in contrast to me who was in my street garb of leather shoes, jeans, belt, and a black t-shirt featuring a blue box on it. I was not normally dressed as heavily but the situation seemed to warrant it when Castor came to fetch me with such urgency.

Castor was waiting for us a few feet away leaning against the next shipping container smoking a cigarette with the black two tailed rat sitting on his shoulder. He was dressed in a similar garb to be except for wearing a heavy leather jacket and combat boots. Totally unnecessary but he liked the punky style.

I had a pair of similar boots but I seldom wore them as they were clunky and not ideal for stealth, but they did come in handy for certain situations.

Chuck spotted the rat on Castor's shoulder and his face instantly lit up. His dual-colored eyes seemed to shine a little bit brighter at the sight of the rat which began to crawl down Castor's arm who then bent down and allowed the rat to gently hop out of his hand onto the ground and towards Chuck who scooped him up to cuddle.

I took Castor aside a few feet away and quickly whispered the situation to his ear while Chuck was distracted with the Rat.

"tell Daddy the situation" I finished. "you'll know where to find me"

He nodded and turned without a word and sprinted away swiftly but silently into the shadows down the dock.

Castor didn't possess any teleportation talents like me but he was very fast.

I turned around and chuck was now holding the rat in his left hand while petting his head with his right fingers. Upon my approach he turned to me, smiled and then gently bent down and set the rat on the ground where it immediately scurried off into a storm drain and out of sight.

"your familiar?" I asked

He smiled "familiars share a contract of servitude to their binders. And it's usually on the individual level. The rats of this land and I... well we're friends" he said wistfully

I paused a moment but smiled "well I assume they won't mind you getting cleaned up, how'd you say? You look like you haven't eaten in days" I said taking his hand in mine

He faltered for a moment but looked down at his feet while squeezing my hand which I took as a yes.

I chuckled.

I heard his sharp intake of breath as the already dim streetlamps around us one by one blinked out enshrouding us into darkness. His grip on my hand clamped down even harder but a moment later a new set of street lights flickered on and we appeared in the alleyway behind der Junge mit Tentakeln where he gasped in surprise.

I laughed leading him down the old broken cobblestone road. "I will have to ask that you not tell anyone about that trick" I said feeling along the high wall that surrounded the back of the house for the hidden door. Upon finding the right brick I pressed it and the panel of bricks slid down to reveal the back door to the back garden behind the courtyard.

Chuck was gripping my hand like a vice "the void... please don't do that again without warning" he whispered

I wasn't sure what he meant but I squeeze his hand back. "hey you will be okay. You're safe now" which seemed to calm him down.

I could have transported us directly into the courtyard/bathing area, but I figured a lead in could make him feel more at ease. The whole time though that we walked from the alley, to the long flower gardens, to the baths/shower area, Chuck refused to let go of my hand until we finally arrived to the small roofed area that held the large communal bathtub that all of us boys shared.

We detoured over to the large open shower area and the benches surrounding it that were supplied with towels and I slowly began to undress, unbuckling my belt and shucking my jeans down and the t-shirt over my head. Chuck immediately got the idea and didn't hesitate to hook his thumbs into the waistband of the tattered remains of his stained ripped briefs and pull them down off his firm round bubble butt, to reveal a nice 6inch cut cock. He wasn't hard but I could still tell he would make a nice size at full mast. Despite the briefs being barely more than piss stained rags he made a big motion about folding them up nicely and tucking them away in the far corner where they would be out of the way of everything.

As I was I was barely out of my clothes while he was totally naked in front of be with not an ounce of shyness as to being fully exposed and vulnerable in front of a stranger he barely just met. He was a cutie. Definitely a bigger boy with thick legs and arms and a slight belly but he wore it well. I could seem him fetching top dollar in Malik's whoring circles.

I told him "you need to shower off before we go to the bath"

He nodded and immediately turned to the nearest shower and turned it on and began washing himself

I finished taking off my socks and hat and piling them up on the bench while I watch him soap up his naked body. His large mark that started from his right asscheek resembled a large vine with jet black and shiny gold leaves that covered most of his right side and shoulder. I could tell it wasn't a tattoo as the gold shined in a metallic way that no normal tattoo ink could. It greatly accentuated his tight round ass and thick body.

He was turned away from me rinsing the shampoo from his hair when I finally came in to the shower with him taking the showerhead directly next to his. He looked up his hair slick down across his face. His hair was long and in need of a trim.

Rather than say anything I took the nearby bucket and helped him rinse off and then took him by the hand and led him into the bath. Castor must have spread the word by now, as the bathtub was unusually empty. I stepped into the extra hot water up to my knees and led Chuck in with me to the bench. I could tell hot water baths were a luxury to him as he gasped in a way that led me to believe he hadn't experienced one in a long time if at all.

Along the far wall of the tub was a bench specifically designed to where a boy could sit and lean back and have a boy or two cuddle up comfortably against him. My intuition led me to believe that that was exactly what Chuck needed. He sat down between my spread legs and leaned back against me without hesitation, our naked bodies pressed against each other, I naturally wrapped my arms around him , holding him close against me and I could feel all his tense muscles relax as he surrendered to the embrace of another man.

"how long were you in the container?" I asked rubbing him behind an ear

He closed his eyes "I don't know. Maybe a day or two. It felt like a week"

Days. I couldn't imagine spending days locked away covered in piss and cum in a dark cold container. I grew up in darkness, embraced it, and it felt natural to me yet the thought of having it forced upon me was horrifying for me even. I couldn't imagine what kind of toll it took on this sensitive boy.

We talked some but I could tell he wasn't ready to recount the whole thing and what he seemed to be taking comfort in was my kind words and gentle but solid and encompassing physical embrace. Most Sub boys needed a strong man to take care of them and this boy was one who seemed to need someone watching out for him most.

We eventually got out after we started pruning up a bit and dried off. I put my clothes back on, put on my cap backwards and then bent down and laced up my sneakers and straightened up. Chuck had hung up his towel and was staring wistfully up at the night sky.

"never seen so many stars" he said turning his eyes back to me

The corner of my mouth turned up as I gave a half chuckle as I would constantly while I inevitably looked out for this boy for who knows how long.

I didn't have any spare clothes available that would fit him so I led him to the kitchen naked. Halfway there he reached out and grabbed my hand. I was intrigued but not very surprised.

We had a long wooden table with benches and I laid down a dishtowel so he would avoid splinters in his bare ass.

A while later he had eaten a plate of pasta and soy sausages in sauce and clearly it was the best meal he'd eaten in a long time.

I brewed us a pot of tea and said nothing as I poured us each a mug of earl grey.

"So..." I said sitting down "now where do we go from here" I said

Chuck looked down at his steaming mug of tea, his fingers fidgeted with the handle. "what is this place?"

I sipped my tea and stirred more sugar into it. "this is a whorehouse for rentboys. No women are allowed here. Though we do not operate on the same standards as sex-slave traders"

"and" he said looking up

"I'm one of the top rentboys" I said tilting my head at him, I wanted to gauge his reaction about being taken in by yet another sex based operation

After I moment I continued "we can find you some fitting clothes, shoes, and with a bit of time we can buy you an apprenticeship with a tradesman and set you for work and able to sustain yourself. We run a business here but we find those who run the similar trade with abuse to be absolutely deplorable so... we will help you in any way that we can."

Chuck stared into his tea which was warming his hands before looking up back at me

"I want to be one of your rent boys" he said in his shaky voice

I cocked an eyebrow "the work is hard here. This is one of the most visited brothels around. Are you sure another life wouldn't be easier for you?"

Chuck swallowed "please. You and your friend were so nice to me. I'd like to work here. Despite where I come from I still like getting ....fucked, and most comfortable around men and not women. Please. I enjoy serving. I want to be a rentboy"

I smiled inwardly. Chuck was a cutie with a nice butt, he could make it work around here.

"I see. Well unfortunately, I don't run this place" I said gesturing "we will have to talk to Sir. But he may take you will take you."

With that chuck's eyes grew wide with excitement and he couldn't help but smile. I knew that it wasn't from the thought of being fucked everyday but from being accepted and not passed on to someone else.

"you have choice here. This is a job but you can always walk away. No matter what" I said

Chuck blinked.

obviously it was a new concept but he nodded anyway.

"please take me"

Daddy and the rest of the boys prepared him a futon in the empty room. Most boys were already paired off 2-3 to a room based on how closely they minded sleeping together in close quarters but this room had been recently vacated and was mostly used for storage of boxes and other miscellaneous stuff that we managed to pile over to one side.

Daddy Zasamel ordered some food for him to be brought up to the room and clapped a large paw of a hand on chuck's shoulder as he gently told him to get some sleep and they would discuss the future arrangements tomorrow to which chuck's eyes welled up yet again but managed to keep from crying as he managed to get out a "thank you so much sir" as he clutched his balled up old briefs.

He was still naked, with his nice 6inch cut cock in full view of everyone. After the bath he did not seem to have any desire to put on his stained soiled briefs back on or to wash them yet he still refused to throw them away. His bed had been prepared with a twin futon as well as pillows and blankets for the cold winter nights. Daddy had not offered him any clothes however but chuck did also did not ask for any and by all accounts he seemed more comfortable naked and talking to him he did not seem to act any differently than any normal clothed person would on the street.

However he did ask me to stay a little longer with him when everyone else departed to their chambers

"I just don't want to be alone in a dark room again" he said fixing me with his large mismatched puppydog eyes "please just stay with me a little bit until I fall asleep"

And being the big ol softie that I am I spooned up next to him to comfort him. I never expected to fall asleep next to him myself or that he'd end up sneaking into bed with me for the next few nights, or that he'd slowly take up permanent residence in my room and bed since this boy apparently can't handle being left alone.

I did know that this sweet pure boy had been damaged and that the sack of shit that did this to him would pay for exploiting this young boys and girls for his profit only to abuse them and throw them away arbitrarily. I did go by other names in the shadows, none of them inaccurate. My favorite being simply as "the scythe". The ones who did this to him would soon understand why.

Chuck's initiation

He stood in front of Daddy Zasamel, obviously nervous but not because of his nakedness.

Daddy Zasamel bore down on him. He was a huge bear-daddy of a man in every sense of the word. Over 6.5 feet tall, broad shouldered and barrel chested from working out for hours daily. He was 45 years old with a shaved head and dark red beard and ran one of the three most prolific brothels in the country and the only known all male brothel. His arms were massive from heavy lifting and marked with intricate spikey tribal tattoos as were his legs. I could tell why Chuck would be nervous being stared down by such a man. Zasamel also had the largest penis I have ever seen (which is saying a lot). More than 10inches long and 6.5 inches around his thick cock was legendary in our line of work. Indeed unlike most pimps, Sir Zasamel had been a rentboy himself too. He loved sex and the business of it, but understood it's potential to be corrupt and abused so made it his life's work to make sure that his boys were taken care of to a code.

One of his requirements to be a rentboy under his roof though was to be able to take his thick cock in their ass. If he was able to successfully breed a boy, the boy was offered the job. There were a few exceptions to the rule of course, but it was a fair standard.

Thankfully for Chuck's state, Daddy Zasamel was wearing clothes that hid his massive ass destroying cock from view for the moment. He was wearing loose fitting jeans held up by a thick leather belt and thick heavy combat boots. He rarely ever wore a shirt as he loved showing off his muscled tattooed torso but today he was wearing a cut black muscle shirt that left his arms and sides exposed but still eased the overt masculinity that naturally radiated from him.

Despite how manly he was, he cared deeply for all his boys and has been known to hunt down those who would attempt to do his boys harm or rip them off. He has never had any interest in women which is why he barres them from the premises and forbids his boys from working for them though some of his straight boys may have one or two girlfriends if they wish, but they must be free.

He got up out of his throne-like chair and began to circle chuck. The room was enormous and open, a huge colosseum , the ceiling was so high it was not visible. It was the room he liked to use for auditions as it was the one most suited for an audience. He wasn't shy about theatrics.

There were about 15 of his other boys there watching though Chuck was clearly not nervous about being the only naked one in the room. Most of us were dressed casually in things like shorts and a-shirts. We all knew this was part of the ritual of initiation, that every rentboy would go through. I could sense chuck knew what was to happen as well.

Sir Zasamel was inspecting chuck like a piece of meat he was contemplating buying. He was remarkably talented at reading men's desires and he knew how to work his boys in the way they wanted to be worked. He could tell that ultimately this boy liked being used by men and wanted to serve.

"what's your name?" sir asked

"chuck" said the boy obediently

"chuck what?"

"just chuck. I never had a last name"

"I see." said sir Zasamel regarding Chucks cute round butt trying not to seem obvious how much he wanted to bury his cock in it. "well for the sack of shit known as Malik that may fly but for me it will not. From now on your new surname is to be..." he pondered for a moment "Unterseite"

Chucked looked up at him "thank you, sir"

Daddy smiled and reached out to stroke his hair "you seem nervous?"

Chuck looked around curiously at the vastness of the room with it's wide centered area style stage and it's hundreds of rows of seating

"you have access to the gate"

My eyes flew open wide. It was true that the room was comically too huge for the building that contained it. Indeed the only entrance from the brothel was a small closet sized door in Daddy's office. It wasn't unusual for visitors to comment on the room being far too big on the inside but in a world where magic was commonplace it was seldom questioned. The rarity was someone recognizing the mechanics behind such a portal, and that Chuck was able to make the connection at a glance was rare indeed.

If Daddy Zasamel held as much astonishment as me, he was far better at concealing it than I was

"you're quite observant, young Chuck Unterseite"

Montagne appeared from the hallway behind Zasamel carrying a huge king sized futon mattress roll. For any of us boys it would be too much to drag let alone carry on our own but then they didn't call him the iron bear for nothing. With a loud grunt that became a shout of sheer masculinity he twisted his body, throwing the mattress onto the floor where it unfurled beside Daddy Zasamel and Chuck.

"thank you, mister 'iron bear'" said Daddy turning to Montagne who swept into an overdramatic bow "why of course Sir Zasamel" but before Montagne stood up to his full towering height Daddy caught him under his chin to stop his ascent and planted a kiss on his lips that Montagne returned full force before standing up and trudging off into the darkness

Daddy then turned to Chuck and drew him close in his arms in a gentle hugging embrace. Chucks hands were soon grasping handfuls of the back of daddy's muscle shirt and chuck was burying his face into daddy's chest inhaling the raw sweaty smell of the older man holding him close. I could see his legs trembling, something that daddy undoubtedly could sense in this boy pressed against him. Some might see this as nerves or someone's lack of desire for the scene but I and daddy both knew that this boy was nervous about being manhandled by someone who saw him as something other than just a humanoid sex toy to cum in. the boy was starved for real human intimacy.

Daddy Zasamel always had a soft spot for such boys and I knew upon Daddy first laying eyes upon chuck that he'd be one of the family.

Daddy Zasamel gripped a hand under Chuck's chin and pulled him into a full kiss with his tongue aggressively wrestling chuck's. his thick red bearded face contrasting chuck's youthful boyish looks. Chuck's entire body noticeably relaxed against Daddy who wrapped one of his thick muscled arms around to steady him. All of chucks muscles completely relaxed, his body submitting to Daddy's embrace until after a minute daddy pulled away

"on your knees boy" he ordered and chuck immediately sank to his knees, his large mismatched eyes wide with lust and longing. Daddy wasted no time unzipping his jeans and fishing his thick cock from his fly. Daddy Zasamel never wore underwear as he said he found it impeded his ability to spontaneously fuck a boy. Indeed daddy zasamel refused to ever jack off and would only ever cum inside of a boy, not that he ever had trouble finding one even outside of his harem of more than willing boys. even montagne would willingly take daddy's load in his ass out of sheer loyalty.

Daddy zasamel whipped out his thick 10inch cock from his fly along with his balls without unbuckling his belt. He loved to fuck boys fully clothed even as much as he did naked. It depended on his mood, he felt fucking a boy without removing any of his clothes helped establish his authority as a sir and his boys were inclined to agree. He was half hard and grabbed chuck by the back of his head and shoved his cock into chuck's willing mouth. Chuck happily sucked his thick cock, grunting in pleasure, chuck's dick instantly stiffened up to it's full 6inches pointing straight up against his belly which Daddy certainly noticed.

Daddy gripped both sides of chuck's head and slowly began pumping his cock in and out of chuck's mouth, getting harder and harder with each thrust.

"fuuuck yeah boy, take Daddy's thick cock" Sir Zasamel grunted "you're my boy now. You belong to me"

Chuck let out an involuntary moan over daddy's cock, his fingers gripped the back of Daddy's thigh's harder as though desperate to not let go

Daddy grunted and pushed chuck away who fell over without resisting onto his back onto the mattress.

"flip over boy" he ordered

I was surprised, Sir was a man of many kinks, fucking was usually the final thing to happen but it seemed this boy commanded his dick's attention and he didn't want to waste any time getting his cock into this cute boy's firm round ass.

Chuck obediently complied turning over submissively and Sir immediately shoved his shoulders down pressing him into the mattress with his ass up in the air, Daddy began grinding his hips and turgid cock up against chuck's exposed round ass. With a grunt he reached down and pulled chuck's ass cheeks apart exposing his pink hairless hole. He grunted a smile and let his fingers lazily drift over his tight asshole which tightened up at the sensation.

"such a tight hole" Sir said "if I didn't know better it would seem like you'd be a virgin"

Chuck moaned in involuntary pleasure "please fuck me sir. I'm not a virgin. You don't have to be gentle on my hole"

Sir smirked "I see boy. How many men have shot their load in this tight hole?"

Chuck gasped "I don't know sir, I've been getting fucked for as long as I can remember. At least 3000 men"

Daddy was rubbing his thick cock up and down his spread and exposed crack. "so this should feel routine then"

Chuck gasped "no. I love it. I want your cock daddy, please fuck me. I want to feel you shoot your load inside me"

Daddy grinned: "so you still love being bottom boy and letting men use your hole?"

Chuck was practically crying now "yes sir, please fuck me. I want to belong to you and let you use me however you want. I don't want any money, I just want to get fucked and take cum inside my ass as payment."

With that daddy could hold back no longer he then pressed his thick cockhead against chuck's tight hole and slid his way in all the way to the base. Chuck gasped out in surprise and discomfort but daddy did not slow down at his whining. His cock slid in slowly but without stopping all the way to the base and daddy held him down and slowly began to pump his thick cock in and out of the young boy slowly but with great deliberate thrust of his cock deep inside chuck's round pale ass.

This was Daddy's test and it was obvious from when they both entered the room that chuck would pass. Daddy fucked all his boys and Chuck was a boy who lived to get fucked

Chuck was gasping unintelligible moans into the mattress when he wasn't biting into it. Occasionally gasps of "oh yeah. Fuck me fuck me" could be heard. Daddy's cock was huge and chuck was taking it all like a champ

Sir growled and pulled his muscle shirt off over his head without breaking his rhythm of pumping the young boy with his cock, throwing it away into some forgotten corner

He bent down and wrapped his thick arms around the soft young boy and completely pinned him down crushing him into the mattress slamming his cock in and out of the boy's abused hole. His beard rubbing hard against chuck's cheek as he brought his mouth to chuck's ear and began licking his earlobe and behind his ear

He then bit down firmly but not enough to cause pain on chuck's ear and began thrusting his thick cock harder and harder into chuck's ass

He released chucks ear and whispered gently into it. "I'm gonna seed your ass boy"

Chuck gasped "please breed me. I want it. I want your load inside me" he begged

"means you're my boy now. You taking my load makes you mine" Sir growled slamming his cock into him

"yes" chuck moaned "I want it. Give it to me. Make me your boy"

And with that Zasamel gave out an animalistic roar and reared up pinning chuck to the mattress with his cock alone shooting his thick load deep inside chuck sealing the pact. Sir let out a roar before biting down on chuck's ear his body completely impaling the boy beneath him to mattress, planting his load deep inside the boy's hole. After what seemed like ages sir zasamel's body spasming began to subside, his breathing heavy, his hard muscled body glistening with sweat. He slowly pulled his now softening cock from chuck's hole which immediately tightened up again but still some heavy dribbles of cum leaked from his hole dribbling down his taint coating his balls

Chuck's breathing was also heavy and he slowly turned over, his cock still rock hard coated in precum. His hand slid over his thighs but he hesitated before touching his cock

"sir?" he inquired timidly

Zasamel looked back at him

"am I allowed to jack off?" Chuck asked.

Whatever Zasamel ordered chuck would follow

"cum on my boot"

Chuck immediately straightened up on his knees and aimed his cock over Sir's outstretched size 13 steel toed combat boots as he furiously stroked his hard cock letting out involuntary grunts over biting his lower lip gazing at Zasamel's hard authoritarian face. Sir made no move to assist Chuck in getting off but he knew how to read a boy, especially a sub boy like chuck and indeed within a few seconds chuck let out high squeals of pleasure as he shot forceful ropes of shining silvery cum all over Sir's massive boot. I counted six, seven, eight and nine shots of shining cum dripping all over Zasamel's right boot.

"damn boy. That was a big load" Zasamel noted

"sorry sir. I haven't been allowed to cum in more than 2 weeks" chuck gasped

"I see" observed the sir assessing his new boy who had clearly never been allowed to cum in his life without permission.

He reached out a huge paw of hand and gripped a handful of chuck's sandy blonde hair and shoved his face down onto his cum covered boot smearing the young boy's face with his own cum.

Chuck understood the situation and immediately began to lick up his own cum off his Sir's boot swallowing his own load and continuing to lap up his cum until the boot shone clean.

Chuck looked up his face still smeared with the remains of his own cum "I'm sorry sir. I tried to get all the cum but some got stuck in the space between the heel and the boot"

Zasamel stood up to his full height "that's okay boy, I'll have you scrub and polish them normally later. As it is now you have the notice of so many other men to take care of"

Chuck looked around and seemed to just notice all the other men who had been watching him be bred by Sir Zasamel

"yes sir" he panted sinking back down to his knees

Now I will leave you here. Any of my boys who want to fuck you will do what they want to you now. You will take all of their loads without question and as my new boy you must take any top who wants to fuck you. Is that clear?

"yes sir. I will take anyone's load. I love getting fucked"

"that's my boy" sir said "and planted a gentle kiss on the young boy's lips before leaving through the corridor in front of him without looking back at the boy he now owned.

I stood back as the other boys in Daddy's harem descended upon his naked ass

Chuck was forbidden to wear clothes ever again. A rule that he enthusiastically embraced. There were exceptions, being that a client had to specifically request it, but that was rare. Chuck was allowed to wear shoes and socks outdoors but seldom did unless was on a journey to somewhere far off on foot. He was often met with weird stares but hardly anyone commented. Public nudity was legalized >10 years ago but people were still apprehensive about it but understood intellectually that it existed. Indeed it was not unusual to see the occasional naked citizen especially here on the coastline, but most people were creatures of habit and stuck to wearing their usual garb when going out. Public sex was still illegal however so any amorous encounters were obligated to find suitable cover.

This particular rule was highly unusual, even for one of Zasamel's boys, but I could tell that chuck (not so) secretly loved the enforced nudity as he was often groped by passing men which always garnered a giggle from him. I suspected it also had to do with the band that appeared on his left ankle after his initiation with the sir. It was unlike the usual marks the boys possessed, we all bore sir's brand but this was a black mark, more like a tattoo with it's twin bands containing a set of runes surrounding the brand. I learned later that this mark was a customization from Daddy that meant if he wore clothes, even at a client's request, they would crumble into rust and sand within an hour without exception.

After all of the boys who wanted to load him did so we restrained him to the bed using thick leather straps, and blindfolded him. Sir took his time heating up the branding iron. He did his best to make it at simplistic and therefore minimize the pain but the nature of this magic involved the permanency of searing the skin to take the mark. Heating the iron took some time which was why he allowed his other boys their fill of Chuck. He knew Chuck knew he had the option to turn away anyone he wanted but in the end enjoyed it when other men took the lead in doing what they wanted to his body.

When the circular iron glowed a red hue, Sir Zasamel pulled it from the fire with his thick leather gloved hand and bent down to whisper into Chuck's ear. Chuck knew the ritual and what was to happen. He himself had requested to be blindfolded.

As iron burned fayen folk to an excruciating degree, Sir Zasamel had utilized a brand made of steel. The pain would still be great but Chuck would be able to retain both the mark and the use of his leg.

"you ready for this boy?" he grunted into Chuck's ear

Chuck sniffled "yes sir"

"you will serve me and never wear clothes again unless I find reason to permit for the rest of your life?"

"yes sir"

"three times binds the contract, even for faerie. You will be my boy, now and forever?"

Chuck sniffed again but gulped and said with his voice unshaking "yes sir. Brand me and I will be yours for you and any men to use forever. I am your property"

With that Sir smiled and pulled a stick with the girth of his thumb from his pocket and placed it horizontally in chuck's mouth.

With that he pressed the red-hot branding iron into the flesh of Chuck's leg above his left ankle, searing his skin with the round sigil of the Zasamel mark. Chuck shrieked, eyes clenched, biting down on the stick in his mouth and thrashed his body in pain but the leg being branded he held immobile. The boy had remarkable control of his ability to feel pain. After a few seconds Sir drew the iron away and tossed it into a barrel of cold water where it sizzled.

Zasamel unbucked his belt and jeans and fished out his already fully hard cock and began to pump it in full deliberate strokes.

His eyes began to glow, runes of an ancient language unknown began to appear trailing down Daddy Zasamel's arms and knuckles before appearing over his pelvic region and down his cock which reached it's full mast dripping glowing pecum

And Zasamel began to speak in a voice that echoed eerily in an unnaturally penetrating way


cum penis

Et nota vobis

bona mea!"

He howled, the runes shining brightly as his thick cock erupted cum all over the scorched brand he had inflicted on the young boy

Chuck rather than writhe in pain instead writhed in pleasure "ohmygodz it-" he gasped. All his limbs were completely immobilized for the ritual but his rock hard cock still spasmed and shook until he shot another thick jet of cum out of him onto his own face and another and another that landed on the wall behind him as well as over his chest

Chuck's eyes were completely rolled back into his head shining brightly even through the blindfold "Ego sum bonorum" he muttered out

Chuck's jizz rolled unnaturally over his body and merged with Sir Zasamel's swirling over the scarred sigil burnt into chuck's lower leg where it glowed brightly for a few moment before fading away

Sir stood up. The ritual was complete and Chuck was now one of us. "untie him" he ordered all of us standing around in a circle wearing our ceremonial black hooded robes. Chuck had stopped glowing and his muscles unseized and he fell limp, asleep and dead to the world. He would sleep perhaps the next day or two as his body absorbed the magic of the seal.

Four of the robed boys came forward to untie him and carry him to bed and care for him.

"Adler. Montagne. Castor." Daddy Zasamel said quietly turning away down the corridor "My office."

The three of us watched him disappear down the hall for a moment as the other boys dispersed back to their rooms and waiting clients.

Without a word I reached out and took hold of the other boys' arms and let the darkness overtake us.

The light of Sir Zasamel's office buzzed and flickered back on. I let go of the boys' arms. We stood sentinel for a few moments without a word before the heavy oak door of Zasamel's door swung open and he stepped hard but slowly into the room. He sat down at his desk before placing his fingertips together and looking up at us.

"I have never been particularly fond of Malik and his ways but then, I was not quite aware of the extent of how extreme he would go until conversing with Young Chuck."

He focused on me for a moment "You were right to bring him to me Adler. That boy has no real world skills, and would not survive having been abandoned by Malik and his crew. Especially after what they have done to him."

Zasamel shook his head "You don't know all the horrible things he told me. Malik 'adopted' him when he was 10 and had been selling him to get fucked by men since then, who would often beat him after. He was forced into it all, Malik lording over him and using him as his own favorite fucktoy to make him feel like a useless piece of shit. The psychological scars clearly run deep as Malik would mix in kindness in between letting him get raped by strangers. The control of his mind made him truly a slave"

Zasamel covered his face with his hands

"then he would extract vials of his blood to sell even if it made the boy pass out. And even then after all that he has the balls to throw the kid out on the street for being 'too old'. And even then the fact that the kid kept trying to come back shows how fucked up he became because of him."

My face was stone cold but my teeth were gritted in rage. My fingers clenched, itching to summon my blade to tear the throats out of Malik and his goons who ran this organization

Castor spoke up "are you sure you did the right thing by branding him as one of us, after all he's been through?"

Again, Zasamel shook his head "I tried to get him to go elsewhere. Offered him an apprenticeship with a tradesman of his choice. But he wouldn't hear any of it. Kept insisting to stay here. We were the first ones who have shown him kindness in a long time and I couldn't force him to go through that abandonment again."

"I Know his type. Too much freedom will put him into too much shock. He'd go crazy. He needs someone to give him direction and slowly introduce him to the world of choice" montagne said

Zasamel nodded "indeed. I started by laying down my rules. Emphasizing his ability to say no. he seems to understand it but would like you boys to keep an eye on him at all times and make sure nothing happens to him"

"not like he'll leave us alone anyway" castor muttered chuckling

"so where do we go from here?" said montagne, his voice cold

"apparently malik is well connected to his own extensions of outlaws, as well as connections to the beings inside the gate. I must consult my own connections including Patrocolus But..." he looked up suddenly, his eyes flashing "I want that motherfucker taken down" he said baring his teeth.


My name is Chuck Unterseite

I have been living as one of Daddy Zasamel's boys for two months now.

I've had a hard time getting used to it. Both getting fucked every day and treated as a member in a group. Most of my time I spent as Malik's boy I would get fucked and discarded sometimes beaten. Working for Daddy I felt like I was wanted. I would get fucked AND be allowed to jack off after. Often times with malik I was forbidden to even touch my cock after taking loads.

I came here having only the rags that remained of the briefs I owned covering me to feeling like I actually belonged. I wasn't allowed to cover my body ever again but it was more than a fair trade in my opinion, and in fact I loved that I wasn't allowed to wear clothes. Considering I had spent most of my existence without wearing clothes, I felt that it was daddy Zasamel's way of making it easier for me to adjust to my new life under him. And the fact that everyone could see the sigil on my leg that marked me for the property that I was an added bonus.

Malik never acknowledged me or cared about me beyond serving him. Though unfortunately he was the closest thing to a parent I could remember having. But considering

I hesitated a moment before I gathered my composure and raised my fist to rap three tentative knocks on the heavy dark oak wood door of Daddy's office.

"come in" his deep voiced command reverberated through the thick wooded door

It was a small 15x15 foot room with a large desk on one end of the room with a bookshelf behind it and a black leather couch on the other.

"chuck" said Daddy Zasamel removing his reading glasses and standing up from his computer. "you requested a meeting with me. What seems to be the trouble?"

I looked down at the floor, observing his massive booted feet thumping across the floor before planting themselves in front of me while I fidgeted with my fingers.

"look up at me boy" he commanded.

I froze for a moment before looking up at the man that owned me towering above me.

"yes daddy?"

"you don't have to be nervous" he said pulling me close in his arms.

He hugged me close and I felt my shoulders relax. Daddy always inevitably made me feel safe.

He pulled away and reclined on the couch, his legs spread wide and I sat between them laying my cheek against his chest

"what is it, boy?" he said stroking my head behind my ear. "I know I don't ask for anything..." I started

"but?" he responded

"I had something once. And... it was taken from me. I'd like some help getting it back... please" I blurted out

Sir held his hand on my shoulder, after a second I realized he was waiting for explanation before I continued "I had an old picture book. It was the only thing I remember owning. When malik abandoned me some street thugs beat me and took it and sold it to some shop. It was the only thing I had besides the clothes on my back"

Sir then reached down and with his massive hand casually cupped my right asscheek.

"so you want help retrieving this book of yours" daddy said, his voice unchanging

I swallowed "yessir please it's the only thing I want. I don't make requests much but... " I trailed off

Daddy zasamel smiled

"Adler!" he barked out "you were listening?"

A subtle voice purred from the darkness in the rafters above us "heh. Naturally"

And the single bulb of the lamp that illuminated daddy Zasamel's office dimmed down sharply before a shadowy fog descended from the rafters above and I was startled to see Adler standing besides where sir Zasamel and I lay

"those high beams are always the best spots to curl up with a book or just brood" Adler said casually lighting up a cigarette "so what is this book that I'm supposed to be finding?" the corner of his mouth turned up in his trademark smirky grin with the smoke curling up from the corners

I sat up and then walked over to the desk and wrote out the strange letters that appeared on the book's thick leather-bound cover. I knew the symbols by heart even if I didn't know what they meant. Unfortunately the last few letters of the title had been obscured.

I handed the piece of paper to Adler who took it in his fingerless gloved hard and squinted down at the mysterious letters of the title.

" the faerie language." he said, his voice flat and suddenly emotionless "Should have guessed"

"...The Faen Language is grammatically correct" I said glancing down at my feet and back again

"can you read this?" he said eyeing me while taking a drag on his cig "you're good with languages"

"No, I'm only half faerie, and the Faen languages work with magic as well as mere words. I've never been able to actually read the book"

He looked down at the paper again for a moment

Daddy stood up, his thick boots clunking on the floor behind me, he clapped his thick hand upon my shoulder

"what shop was the book sold to?" daddy said looking down at me.

I stared down "the xxxxxx bookshop. I tried to get it back but the crazy old lady running the shop told me I had no proof that it was mine and that I had to buy it. She also told me I was a filthy street whore and to get the fuck out of her store unless I came back with some decent clothes on and some money." I said bitterly, closing my eyes trying to avoid reliving the memory.

Adler looked up again from his seemingly encompassing trance at my note. He folded up the paper and slipped it into his back pocket.

"I know her. She was always a bitch to everyone and not afraid to buy stolen shit besides books. Her magic may be good but-" he twirled his fingers of the hand not holding the cigarette and the dark fog swirled around his hand revealing a hand scythe with a dark red wood handle and a wicked sharp curved blade at the end. The small runes etched into the blade glowed blue for an instant before winking out again. "They don't call me 'The Scythe' for being easily beaten. I'll find out where this book is." he grinned with a scary glint in his eyes as he dashed out the cigarette in the ashtray on daddy's desk before vanishing into the darkness that stole across him.

The lamps in the room glowed to their full brightness again, making the room feel warmer once again. I shivered.

Daddy Zasamel wrapped his strong arms around me from behind to hold me close, and it was only then that I realized I had been clenched up and so then relaxed.

"he's... almost kind of scary when he gets like that" I muttered

"he isn't someone whom you would want to cross, but I have had few of my boys be more loyal than him." Zasamel said

I sighed "And he did rescue me and bring me here"

Zasamel then bent down and whispered in my ear "that he did boy. You are safe here, with Daddy and his boys to protect you."

I shivered involuntarily. It was almost more than I could do to start crying. I was unused to someone comforting me, it was almost alien.

I squeaked out "thank you daddy" reaching up and gripping his hands clasped against me.

He grunted in my ear "we'll find your book, boy. And in a few days when I'm not so busy running this place and other errands, you'll get some one on one time with Daddy. No painful brandings then"

I was trembling "I'd like that, Daddy."

He gave another animalistic grunt and licked behind my ear

"it's late. Time for bed, boy." he said rubbing my belly

Daddy assigned me to work in the pastry shop.

Despite being attached to a brothel it was a cute shop with dozens of designer cupcakes, rolls, and other goods.

I actually liked working there serving coffee and cakes to people, occasionally getting whistles from those who caught a glimpse of my butt when I turned around since my apron only covered my front.

In between customers I heard a ding and looked down at my wrist.

Since I didn't have pockets to keep a cell phone, Daddy had instead gotten me a smartwatch to receive alerts.

It was from a guy who had come in earlier. A shorter slimmer guy with black hair and thick glasses who had ordered a triple latte.

"hey man. Thanks for the coffee. Can I book some time with you? Possibly on your lunchbreak?"

I immediately texted back "yes! I go on break at 1pm"

When the time rolled around I clocked out and hung my apron on the hook and entered the brothel through the inconspicuous plain wooden door in the café that led to the main lobby of the brothel. Most clients needed a password but the rentboys had a sensor in our phones or watches that was read by the door when we approached that automatically unlocked it for us.

I tapped the screen on my smartwatch. I texted the guy, "hey. Password to the lobby today is 'netheryayah'. Check in and I am in room 4"

Within a minute I got a response. "cool. Will arrive soon"

One of Zasamel's boys was working the front desk, It was one whom I hadn't been introduced to yet. We all worked around the place when we weren't entertaining a client. Since I was new and assigned to the pastry shop and haven't built up a regular client base yet I haven't had as much interaction with the boys who ran the inner workings of the house besides Daddy, Adler, and Castor.

Most of the men who came in looking for services came into the lobby and flipped through the book kept by the front desk which contained pictures of all the boys available for rent and descriptions about them, their age, height, preferred position, etc.

It took a bit to book a professional photographer to come in and take shots of me and my naked body posed In seductive positions but eventually we got a few shots of me bent over and legs up in the air and my profile was added to the book of rentboys available for men to browse through. Most boys gave pseudonyms for themselves but I just went by my real name. I wasn't ashamed of what I was and had no intentions to run for office. I knew I wasn't cut out for any of that.

I let the boy at the front desk that I would be taking my room and that the client would be there shortly.

Each of the rooms was actually a pretty nice suite with a single queen sized bed and it's own small bathroom. Other styles of room were available of course but this was the standard.

Since all I was wearing was my shoes and socks I shucked them off in no time and tucked them away under the bed and lay on my stomach on the bed to wait for the client who was renting me.

After about two minutes I heard the door creak open and the guy peeked his head in to see my naked ass up in the air

"ah nice" he muttered before stepping in. he was carrying a large pizza box. The smell of parmesan and marinara wafted in and over my nostrils. "thought you might be hungry, since you're working on your lunch break and all"

He came over and set the pizza box next to me where I could clearly smell the onion and bell pepper. He bent town and grabbed each of my ass cheeks in each hand and pulled them apart exposing my pink hairless hole

"nice" he muttered and in one quick motion licked my exposed butthole and started plunging his tongue into my tight hole. I grunted and gripped the sheets and bit down on the pillow my face rested on as he furiously rimmed me.

"damn, boy your ass tastes good" he gasped out coming up for air "get up on your hands and knees" gripping my hips and tugging me up. I shifted my weight so I was up on all fours . After some shuffling noises I realized he was getting out of his clothes and climbing up on the bed with me. after a moment I felt his bobbing hard uncut dick rubbing against my hole.

"I'm pressed for time too man. Got to make this a quickie as well" he said squirting a bottle of lube down my spread crack and over his cock. He speared the lube along my hole with his cock and I felt his thick fingers penetrate my hole shoving the lube in deeper. I grunted at the sudden entry.

"c'mon I know you can take it" He said lining up his cockhead against my sphincter.

I gasped again "I'm ready"

"hmn?" he asked softly

"fuck me please" I moaned rubbing my ass against him

I heard the sharp inhalation as he grinned and Pressed his hard cock against my hole which opened to let his hard cock slide all the way inside of me.

"aaaaahhhh" he groaned gripping my hips with his hands. For a moment he held me there with his cock inside me, unmoving.

He breathed heavy again and still inside me he reached down and picked up the pizza box and placed it on my back and opened it up to take out a slice of pizza and began eating it. His hips retracted and I felt his cock slowly slide out of my hole before pounding back inside of me pounding my prostate in pleasure.

He grunted in pleasure with his mouth full of pizza as he fucked me. After a minute he realized he needed to be able to balance himself so wrapped a greasy hand around my hip while he continued to fuck me and eat the slice of pizza with his other hand.

Apparently he was so into eating the pizza and fucking me he didn't notice when one of the slices in the box floated up and around me to start poking me in the face. At first I was confused but then I realized and opened my mouth and the slice filled my mouth until I bit down and moaned involuntarily over the mouthful of pizza.

"oh fuck yeah man" he said after swallowing a bite of pizza and continuing to slam his cock in me

I grunted "mmmrf" over the pizza slice that seemed to be feeding itself to me in midair

"flip over" he said and I fell forward taking hold of the pizza floating in front of my face

I turned over and he grasped my legs and pushed them back over my head placing the box of pizza on my belly

He began slamming his hips against my ass, fucking me deeper and deeper as I moaned biting down on another slice of pizza.

"yeah boy. Filling both your holes" he grunted as he took a bite and began slamming me harder and harder.

"Oooohhh FUUUUCKK!!!" he stuffed his mouth with the last bit of his slice of pizza as he pulled out of me suddenly and jacked his dick and spurt his load all over my chest covering the last slices of pizza, covering my face and the slice I was eating. He huffed air through his nose for a few seconds before slowly winding down. He slowly chewed and swallowed the bite of pizza still in his mouth.

He sighed "thanks buddy" playfully slapping my inner thigh

He took another slice and said "the rest is for you" and slowly began to get dressed, the slice of pizza hanging from his mouth.

I laid there a few moments savoring the moment and then I slowly ate the rest of the cum-covered pizza savoring the tastes.

Eventually I got up and collected the cash he left on the nightstand. I didn't care about the money from getting fucked. Cum was the only payment I needed. Or in this case, cum and pizza, So I whistled. It was in tones too high for ordinary humans to hear unless they possessed some sort of supra-normal hearing.

I heard the scratching beneath the floorboards and out of the corner of my eye I saw one of the tiles in the bathroom swing out like a door and three rats scampered out onto the bathroom counter and leapt onto the floor and scurry their way towards me. Two were all black and one was white with a third eye in the middle of his forehead.

I sat down on the floor, trying my best to avoid carpet burn on my bare ass.

"hello boys" I said enthusiastically "can you please take this to daddy please?" handing the three eyed rat, Jeffrey the wad of bills the pizza guy had paid me. He grabbed the wad of bills with his mouth and scampered off to the bathroom where he jumped up and climbed the towels back onto the counter and out of sight down the tunnel behind the tile. The other two black rats remained and squeaked at me for a moment.

"don't you worry" I smiled and ripped the a remaining bit of pizza crust in two and gave it to them. they both squeaked and scurried away to find their friend and closed the tile behind them.

naked covered in cum and pizza grease I relaxed back on the bed when I heard a voice behind me "well that seemed like a fun trick. Never had anyone bring me pizza"

I whipped around and adler had appeared behind me bearing his trademark grin.

I startled but he placed a hand on my shoulder "don't you worry, you're safe. I had channeled my inner (not kaspar hauser) and was watching you from a hole in the ceiling above" he gestured hiking his thumb upwards. I squinted at the ceiling. It was high and dark and I couldn't see what he meant.

"don't bother" he said "we designed it so it'd be almost impossible to see from below. But I watched him have his way with you. I didn't think you should go hungry so I helped you get your fair share of pizza while he was fucking you" he said.

With a smirk he flicked out a folded piece of paper from his pocket between his fingers.

"took a while but seems like I may have found someone who is the best bet at finding that book of yours"

I tentatively took the piece of paper

"come to the address once your shift is over" he said giving me a wink as he vanished behind the fog before I could press him with any further question.

The last three hours of my shift were a blur. Some customers whistled or catcalled me or even slapped my bare ass but I barely noticed.

Finally at 5pm I clocked out and bent down to pull the slip of paper from my sock that adler had given me earlier.

It was actually a ways away. I didn't have a vehicle and traveling to the neighborhoods this close to the gate required them. Sometimes I sincerely wondered if adler forgot how to travel normally or even if he had a driver's license.

I knocked on the door to one of the boy dorms and found Montagne laying around on his bed wearing just his boxers reading a magazine.

"Yes? He said looking up from his magazine without moving his head

"you're not working tonight?" I tentatively asked

"Thursdays are usually slow, so no one booked tonight. What's up?"

"I was wondering if I could get a ride. Adler gave me this address but it's a ways away. Near the z district"

He sat up "if you wanted to take a ride on it you could have just said so" he said with a smirk

Five minutes later I was seated behind him tightly grasping him around the middle.

"you couldn't just get a motorcycle or a car?" I whispered

He revved the engine of his overlarge motorized monowheel which we were seated in the middle of

He gave a sharp laugh. "like everybody else? That's boring"

He revved the engine again and the massive wheel that vertically encircled us began to rotate and we took off down the road at high speed.

His monowheel was a bit more high tech than the standard model in addition to montagne adding his own custom modifications such as him being able to see straight ahead without leaning far out to the side by use of a screen in front of him. He had told me if we ever got caught in a turn at too high of a speed we'd be safe due to it's built in automatic gyroscoping mechanism and use to antigrav tech. When he described how it worked I decided I'd rather not have it demonstrated for me in action.

We rode hard and fast, weaving in and out of traffic, up between the lanes of cars he apparently deemed too slow. I gripped him tighter, digging my fingers into his jacket

I felt him chuckle "don't worry kid, I've been riding this bad boy for years"

About half an excruciating hour later, the screen dinged and the gps announced that we were getting close. This area was way different than Shrettzer. Way more modern with it's high skyscrapers and excessive amounts of chrome, glass and airborne advertisements. The city was abuzz with life, neon and people teeming everywhere. We wove through the heavy traffic and he abruptly turned off the main road into some winding side streets until we came to some semi secluded alleyway where he slowed his enormous wheel to a halt.

"well... this here seems to be the address" he said leaning his head out the side to glance around.

No visible signs or addresses seemed to be around until he finally spoke up "ah there it is" he gestured upward to a lone door up on the next level accessible by fire escape on a small run down looking building. It bore the address on the paper.

"...can you reach the ladder?" I asked eyeing the folded up means to the level above a good 10 feet above the ground

"I can-" montagne started but before he could finish the crank began to move on it's own and the squealing ladder unfolded itself to rest on the ground.

"...well that answers your question" he said blowing air out of his nose. "guess they know you're here"

I stepped out of the wheel and walked towards the ladder and tentatively grasped the nearest rung before turning back to montagne "thank you for driving me" I said to him.

"no problem. Let me know how it goes" he tossed me my bag which I caught with both hands. He waved a hand at me before lowering the goggles on his helmet and speeding off into the night.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and turned to climb the ladder.

Once I reached the top I stood before the steel door in front of me. It bore no markings or even seemed to have a handle. I reached out a fist and knocked three times in quick succession.

After a few seconds I heard a ding on my smartwatch: it was a text from Adler: It's open. Just push to come in"

I pushed inside and when the door behind me latched shut it vanished and I was somehow was not surprised to find myself standing in the middle of another massive room far too large than it should logically be. Some kind of laboratory as there were large rows and rows of huge machinery who's purpose was beyond me, that I could only guess as their function with their massive tangles of tubing and wiring and flashing LED lights surrounding circular tanks of liquid, and shelves and shelves of books all under a seemingly endlessly high ceiling of wires and cables crisscrossing all over the place. I turned around slowly in awe of the vast lab, I couldn't even see any actual walls or ceiling of the place, the rows and rows of machinery and bookcases seemingly stretching on for miles. Before I made a full rotation in my wonder I finally noticed the people seated at a table some ways away by some precariously stacked books and notebooks.

One of them was Adler, the other was a man I didn't know. He seemed to be in his mid 30's with some thick black spikey hair, 5'oclock shadow, wearing a simple black T-shirt and ripped jeans. He wore beat up sneakers too and from the looks of it he wasn't even wearing socks. But the most notable feature was that he had no left arm and it clearly had been replaced with a high tech mechanical prosthetic.

I stood there a moment before cautiously stepping forward to them where I observed they were engaged in an intense game of Go. The side of Adler's mouth twisted upwards as a single white stone rose from the bowl on his side of the board and placed itself on the 19x19 grid. the smoke from the cigarette dangling from his mouth twisting high upwards.

The stranger took a drag on his own cigarette which he held with his normal right hand and blew the smoke from his nostrils before pushing his thick glasses back onto his face.. The index and middle fingers of his metallic prosthetic hand detached from the hand and extended on thick cables like snakes plucking a black stone from his own bowl and slapping it down onto the grid.

"goddamn it" said Adler wrinkling his nose and narrowing his eyes at the board

"I've had quite some time to study this 'ancient' game" laughed the stranger

"oh yeah?" Adler snorted after a second or two and another of his white stones flew from the wooden bowl in front of him and clacked onto the board and a significant number of captured black stones rose off the board into Adler's outstretched hand. His taunting smirk broke into a laugh as he let the stones fall from his palm into his tray of prisoners

"fucking hell..." the man gritted through his teeth as he then stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray beside the board before finally turning to me and giving a predatory smile "So this is the boy you were telling me about? You didn't tell me he was cute"

I flushed "hi, I'm Chuck" I said sheepishly as I waved my hand

The metal tendrils snapped back into his prosthetic arm as he stood up and approached me

His face softened a bit, less predatory as he extended his good right hand to me "Doctor Zerashi" he introduced himself

I shook his hand "nice to meet you"

"'doctor' my ass" I thought I heard Adler mutter under his breath

His eyes scanned me head to toe for a few moments before meeting mine again "it turns out that book of yours was rarer than we thought" he said finally

I sighed "so you couldn't find it?" my shoulders sagged

He gave a snort "oh no, I love a challenge. Especially when it comes to books.

It turns out that silly little picture book you're nostalgic for isn't one of mass print. In fact, that shop those street thugs hocked it to did their own investigation and saw it's potential for value and in turn hocked it themselves. Changing quite a few hands for a while we seem to have finally located it's hopefully not final resting place"

I blinked "...where is it?"

"The library of kadvalaer"

Few people were alive nowadays who remember when it happened. As I am teenager, It was long before my time. A rip in space and time itself appeared along the earth. A rip between dimensions. The proponents of the multiverse theory never expected to be proven right in such a magnitude. The rip tore the country apart for hundreds of miles connecting to an unknown universe. Elite scientists and politicians from around the world were flown in to study the rip and what was seen on the other side. The exact date of the incident can fluctuate depending on the news source since virtually every media outlet was reporting on it during the time of the incident, it is nearly impossible to differentiate between pure sensationalism and reality, for a fixed hole between two dimensions is truly stranger than fiction. The conclusions drawn between the scientists and the elite officials: this is a dangerous phenomenon. Their solution: build a wall and restrict access to solely scientists and other government approved surveyors. All beings encountered within the rift were to be considered hostile and not engaged with at all costs.

The wall stretched along the horizon dividing the country entirely. Indeed the wall rose higher than most commercial aircraft were permitted to fly. Such a wall would take centuries of human manual laborers to construct, but with the advent of builder bots that were easily programed, self replicating and able to work continuously without stopping the wall was constructed within less than 10 years.

It was in even less time that the colloquial term for the area became known as "the Gates of Hell" later shortened to "the Gate"

The cause of the calamity between dimensions was still unknown and it was theorized that it may take decades or more likely centuries of research to understand. This of course didn't stop the advent of many technologies apparently being derived from studying the area. Be it from simply studying the alien world or else trading technologies between the beings from the alleged alternate universe, the general populace was still largely ignorant of the majority of their existence. This of course did not stop many conspiracy theories from circulating as well as the formation of various fanatic religions based upon the area of the gate.

Many of the underground crime syndicates employed their own scientists to artificially construct their own non-government approved access points to the gate. Among the many technologies stolen from the gate was the advent of pseudo-space. I.e. creating a space larger than it's container. Such gate related technologies were also heavily government regulated and the black market for such tech rivaled that of drugs, slaves, and prostitutes.

One of the largest government buildings in this side of the country was the Library of Kadvalaer. Originally a 120 story tall skyscraper that was then incorporated into the wall of the Gate. Already an enormous building it was further expanded both outwardly and it's interior expanded even further still. Containing millions of books, and other forms of media several of the base levels were accessible to the public and it's upper levels having more and more restricted access as many of the books and other artifacts contained in the building were considered unique and irreplaceable as well as certain areas containing books and scrolls of deadly magical knowledge unsuited for the general public. Lesser known was the fact that so much of the library was restricted was because the labyrinth of books was so vast that it wasn't unheard of for people to simply get lost and need to be rescued later. The high shelves of a single floor could exceed over 30 feet high and formed a natural maze to those who didn't know how to navigate it. The library bots were always able to guide one out but weren't always easy to find and were often high in the shelves reshelving books and clearing dust. Their spider-like design also could be intimidating for the average citizen.

Many rumors and urban legends surrounded the Library including people disappearing while wandering the tomes, that the library existed in both this dimension and the one beyond the gate and that access to certain rooms and other areas were only held by the president herself, as well as endless conspiracy theories on various mythical tomes or other enchanted artifacts allegedly hidden away in the library.

Indeed many old artifacts and books were on display throughout the library behind reinforced glass, it was estimated that countless more were hidden away in storage somewhere since the exact amount of rooms, or even floors was unknown. With the government approval for implementing pseudo-space it was impossible to even guess. It was not terribly uncommon to see doors to hidden rooms in seemingly random and unconventional places like centered in the middle of a bookshelf 10 feet off the ground, free standing in the middle of rooms or even on some ceilings. The results of countless architects and engineers working on a single project over many decades along with use of relatively new and only partially understood technology.

How we were to find a single book in all of that madness was beyond me, even if Zerashi had some kind of VIP access which I had serious doubts on.

Next: Chapter 2

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