Being a Girl Really Sucks

By Sniperious Nocturnai

Published on Apr 15, 2002


This is my first attempt at TG fiction and it also has an Interracial flavour to it.All characters are fictional,any resemblance to persons alive or dead is purely co-incidental etc,etc,etc.No dis-respect is intended to Chloe Jones,i picked her face as it look great (this is a complement..) Remember folks,this is a work of fiction and should not be taken literally. I wrote this in homage to Deane Christophers storey 'Being a Girl Sucks', which gave me the basic idea for the storey.Hat's off to you Deane,and a few more installments of the series would not go ammis.

This is the second installment of the series.

I spent that whole day after haiving sucked off Latrell on a high,the Jinn had been absolutely right,i was now completely addicted to drinking semen.I was now actively trying to figure out where my next drink would come from. This thought process seemed completely natural to me and when i stopped to try to rationalise it all out it was no good.I just knew that i wanted big,black cocks in my mouth and i that i wanted to drink the cum i could suck out of them.Now looking like i did and with the money i now had it should have been no problem to satisfy my new need,but still i was trying to logically work out a plan so that every 24hrs i would get my hit of black man juice.

I could allways just go out at night and frequent clubs and bars where i could just pick up black guys,i'm sure that none of them would object to a blowjob from me in either the toilets or their car.In fact i'm sure they would love it!! But that seemed a little haphazard to me,oh sure i knew that i would pursue this route.In fact the more i thought about it the more turned on i became.I was imagining going in to a club or bar,all done up to the nines, getting checked out by all the men.Then flirtting with them and finnally picking one (or 2 or 3) to suck off.Whow...i had to calm myself down...where were those thoughts coming from.Being taken by 2 or 3 black guys at the same time? christ i am becoming a slut.No,actually i am a slut allready, so i'd better get used to thinking this way.

The next day i spent relaxing by the pool and taking thing easy (and hoping that Tony the pool guy would pop by). I had a good root around the house and liked it more and know i could get used to this type of Luxury. It turned out that part of what i had set up with Latrell was to have a maid and chef service to look after me in the house. The maid and the chef arrived at around noon and went about their chores. They were nothing special,the maid was a dumpy hispanic woman and the chef a small italian-american. They would both be in the house every monday to saturday 11-7 except saturday which was 11-2. The chef would look after ordering all the food to stcok the kitchen and would prepare me a lunch and dinner every monday to friday.Looks like i would not have to lift a finger around the house...fine by me..i was never into housework. The chef was a great cook and i really enjoyed the lunch and dinner he cooked me. Just as he was leaving the chef mentioned that he had ordered a deliver for the house that had been delayed and it would not arrive until after 8 tonight. He apologised and said that he would cancel the delivery if i had made any plans to go out. I told him to relax and said that i'd accept the order as i had no plans to go out.

I was dressed in a pair of cut off jeans and a simple white strap top which showed off my flat tummey and my excellent tits. I ammumsed my self by checking myself out in a miiror,looking at my body from all angles. I notuiced that my waist was really small, probably only about 18/19 inches around. It flared into my shapely hips nicely and my ass looked great in the tiny pair of cut off jeans i was wearing. The white top showed loads of cleavage (how liked it as a man....i saw no reason to change that now that i was a woman),and my nipples were very obvious under the thin materail of the top. I was daydreaming thinking that i liked these belly tops so much that i must get my belly button peirced when the intercom rang and snapped me out of my daydreaming.

'Hello' i said into the intercom.

'Hi,this is Amal from Lambs supplies.I have an order for this address'

'OK,ill buzz you through,drive around to the back of the house'

I went to the kitchen and opened the door as the van pulled up. Out stepped Amal, all muscular and very black.My stomach was full of butterflies as he walked up and said 'Hi i have some stuff to deliver,can you show me where to put it and can you sign for it as well,miss?

'Ercia' i squeaked, 'i'll show you where to put your stuff'

Amal started to unload the van and i directed him where to put the various boxes and was a load of groceries and meat which chef had ordered.It was a cool night but by the time he was finished Amal was sweating heavily.The combination of Amal sweatting and the cool night air had my nipples standing painfully erect.I saw that Amal could not take his eyes off my tits while he was unloading and i liked that, i liked the fact that this guy could not take his eyes off me.My body was reacting to his presence in a big way,i felt hot and flushed and my breathing was becoming shallow,my heart was fluttering and i could not think straight. Amals presence was overwhelming me,i could not body wanted him,and it had to have him. All i could think about was sucking him off and drinking his hot cum,nothing else mattered, i was no longer in control of myself.

Amal had just finished with the last carton and walked up to me with his clipboard in his hand. I was leaning against the breakfast bar in the kitchen as my legs were unsteady because i was so horney. 'I'm finished with my deliveries miss,will you sign for it?' Barely knowing what i was doing i signed the clipboard and just as Amal was about to turn away i growled,

"You've forgot one delivery Amal". He looked at me a bit shocked,was it my tone of voice or did he think he had forgotten something? he looked down at the list on the clipboard and said "nope i think everything is here". I took the clipboard from his hand and put it on the counter behind me and turning back to him said "You have forgotten a delivery of black man meat for me,to be put in my mouth".

Amal's eyes widened in shock as i said this and he got an even bigger shock as i sank to my knees in front of him. I reached out and rubbed his cock through the fabric of his overalls,feeling it begining to swell. I unzipped his fly and reached in and took out his dick. It was rapidly hardening,indeed it semed to be pulsing,and with every pulse grow bigger and harder. He was uncircumcised so his foreskin was pulling back from the head of his cock as he hardened. Amal was about 9 inches long and 3 inches thick with big balls swinging down from the root of his cock in their wrinkely sack. I grasped his cock just behind the head and gently pulled back the foreskin to reveal the head.Leaning forward i opened my mouth and put the head in,closing my lips and letting out a contented 'MMMmmmm'. Swirlling my tounge over the head of Amals cock i started to bob my head up and down the first couple of inches,sucking in hard to make sure my lips kept in contact with the shaft at all times,to increse Amals pleasure.I kept this up at a steady pace for a few minutes,taking his cock out of my mouth every now and then to run my tounge along its length and to suck on his balls. Now time for my party trick,i thought. I placed just the head in my mouth and looking up into Amals face i slid my mouth along his cock until my nose was being tickeled by the pubes at the base of his cock."Damm,you are one fine cocksucker baby!" Amal exclaimed as i just smiled,or smiled as best i could with a cock in my mouth and down my throat.

I pulled back until just the first 3 inched were in my mouth and then i pushed forward again to deepthroat him. I picked up my pace and bobbed my head up and down,up and down on his cock,taking all of it in my mouth every time i pushed forward.I used my hands to cup Amal's balls,fondling and playing with them. He started moaning and grunting and put his hands on either side of my face and began pulling my face towards his groin faster and faster."Oh yeah baby,you like that don't you? you like it when i fuck your face like that? Seeing as how my mouth and throat were stuffed with his cock my only reply was "Glummmphhh...Gulp..Gulp...Gurgle...Mmmmmmppphhhh! Amal took that as a yes and continued pounding my face and throat.I loved this,down on my knees infront of a powerfull black man,his hands grabbing my head and fucking my face,,,yeah i loved it! It seemed so right that i should do this,submitting to black cocks and worshiping them. My nipples were tingling they were so erect and my pussey was sopping wet,with my clitoris rubbing against the fabric of my panties.Amal took one of his hands from the side of my face and placed it on top of my head,to hold my head still and put his other hand on his cock.He pulled out until only his cock head was in my mouth and jercking off his cock shouted, "Oh yeah bitch i'm cumming now......Yeeeaaaaahhhh". Amals cock bucked and twitched and shot a huge stream of cum into my mouth. My cheaks bulged trying to contain it put even gulping as fast as i could i could not keep all of it in my mouth. Streams of cum shot from the sides of my mouth and still Amals first blast was was like he was pissing sprem into my mouth.His first wad must have lasted at least 10 seconds and he just kept shooting massive wad after wad into my mouth. I was doing my best to swallow all of it but it was a losing battle,there was just too much cum. Every blast Amal shoot would cause spurts of cum to jet from the sides of my mouth.After about 9 wads Amal stopped cumming. I had lost count of the number of orgasms i had,in truth i was more concerned about not spilling too much of Amals hot tasty sprem.

"Goddammit baby,that was the best blowjob i ever got" Amal grunted as i licked his cock clean of his cum. "Baby you're covered in my cum,here let me help you". I looked down and my tits were splattered with cum, i could feel ropes of cum on my face and tummey aswell. Amal opened a drawer and took out a spoon. He began scooping up his cum off me and feeding it too me. I did'nt care,in fact i enjoyed it.

"I hope you enjoyed your delivery of man meat slut"

"oh yes...mmmmm,that was lovely" i purrred.

"Gotta go baby,i'll see you next time i have a delivery"

"Count on it big boy"

After Amal left i thew my clothes into the laundry basket and treated myself to a long shower. Despite having just taken a load of black sperm i was still horney as hell. I could'nt understand it..the Jinn had said that after each load my craving and desires would subside for at least 24 hours. But now i was so horney i knew i would have to have black cock again soon or i'd go out of my mind with lust. Now that fucker of a Jinn had forgot to tell me several important things about my 'condition',just to spite me i'm sure. One was that though i could not get pregnant,i still had a monthly 'cycle'. Now my 'baseline' desire level was set at the time in a womans cycle just before she is about to ovulate (when she is at her most horney). But my desire levels would follow a normal womans and would peak at ovulation. Now i did not ovulate but once a month for about 3 days my levels of desire would litterally expolode through the roof...i would go into 'heat'. For those 3 days i'd be an uncontrolable slut....i would not be able to get enough black cock...i'd be insatiable. I did not know this at the time and only conformimed this when the same thing happened next month (but thats another story).

I threw on a short skirt and a plain white shirt and decided to try and relive some of my tension by having a good 'surf' fo the net. I went to the PC room and logged on-line.I went surfing through all the interracial sites that were bookmarked.This was making me even more horney,all those pictures of black cocks was really turning me on...maybe this was'nt such a good idea after all. Then i had an idea while i was in '', use the chat room provided by the site to get myself some black man meat to suck on.Good girl,i thought,use modern technology to solve your thirst. I browsed the chat room for a while to get the 'feel' of the place.Then i decided to post under my user name of 'Blonde_suck_slut' (go figure..all the usernames for the sites i was a member of where along the same ilk).My post went something like this..."Young beautifull blonde requires big black cocks to suck on and swallow cum in the LA area.If interested will swap time wasters please..only +8 inches or over need apply".That should generate some interest i thought.I exited '' and had a look at ''.

Now for those of you that don't know blacksonblondes is the no.1 interracial site on the net,loads of nasty interracial action...and just up my (new) street.With my high speed internet connection i was able to download loads of mpeg's from the site plus several whole 'Dogfart' vid captures.All these images of hung black men having sex with white women was pushing me over the edge so i decided to retire to my bedroom with my trusty dildo and releive some of the sexual frustration i was feeling...looking at interracial porn was not good for got me going too easily! Just before i shut down the computer i noticed that my e-mail icon was blinking, 'i wonder who that could be?' i thought as i opened the e-mail.

Well,well,well,that was qiuck,someone had replied to my post on ''.It was from '' and it said 'Blonde_suck_slut,i have attached a picture of my cock which you will soon be sucking.Send me a pic of yourself and lets meet up.I'm LA based so i can meet you soon.'I opened the attachment and there was a picture of a naked black guy. The picture was cropped so you could not see his face,but boy could you see his cock. It was massive, absolutely massive...he was hard and it was standing to attention and it reached up nearly to his chest,with a pendulous set of balls hanging down between his legs. The shaft incredibly thick,at least 4 inches thick and covered in bulging veins with the large vein which ran up the underside being very prominant. 'This guy could suck him self off no problem' i mused, 'does'nt need little ole me to do that'! But that said lookind at the picture he had sent me was getting me all horney,i was thinking about wrapping my lips around his shaft and deepthroating him so that his balls would slap against my chin.'I bet no woman has ever deepthroated him before', and i set myself the challenge to be the first.

Now that i deceied that this was where i was going to go next for my 'fix',i'd need to send this guy a JPEG of make sure he was interested. There was a web cam attached to my PC so i took a few photos of myself and sent him the one i liked best. I resumed my surfing and a few minutes later my inbox 'pinged' with a incoming e-mail. It was mr King_Kock again this is what his e-mail said:

'Blonde_suck_slut, you look like one hottie babe. I can't wait for your sweet lips to be suckin' on my meat.'

'P.S you sure you can handle my cock?'

I repilied

Dear King_Kock,

I'm sure i can handle youe cock and i can't wait to get my sweet lips onto your meat.

P.S ever been deepthroated before? because i gaurantee i can deepthroat you,in fact i gaurantee i can take all your cock into my throat.

Lets make a date.

That should get his attention...and sure enough it did,2 minutes later i got a reply

'Blonde_suck_slut, i'm going to hold you to your gaurantee. Come over to my place as soon as you can to prove it'.

His address was at the bottom of the e-mail and was about a 1 hour 30 minute drive from my place. Well why not i thought, i was so horney i'd kill for a black cock right now,so i e-mailed back:

'See you in 2hrs King_Kock!'

I went back to my closet and changed into a black mini-skirt,black tong panites and a pink lycra top which was cropped and showed off my tits and flat stomach. I was really getting into showing off my body. I picked out a pair of stilletto sandals and spent 25 minutes doing my make-up. I chose a lipstick which matched the color of my top and appilied a light coat of eye-liner of the same pink to be co-ordinated you know!! Down in the garage i picked the Merc coupe and set off to meet mr King_Kock.My desire was affecting me badly and my driving was erratic to say the least and it was a miracle that i was not pulled over by the cops.I eventually arrived at the address King_Kock had given me and it was a block of new condos.I parked and went up to the door and pressed the buzzer for the appartment number i'd been given.


"Hello mr King_Kock,its Blonde_suck_slut here to suck your cock"

"Well i'll buzz you in so as not to keep you waiting,my appartment is on the fourth floor, sixth door down on your right when you exit the elavator".

"i'll see you in a few minutes"

I followed his instructions and arrived outside his appartment door a few minutes later.I was very nervous as this was the first time i was doing thsi outside my own home..somehow i felt safer doing it in my own home.I nearly turned back then and there but my desire seemed to take charge of my body,welling up and overwhelming any rational thought. My body was on fire with desire,aching for black nippled were sticking out,clearly visable through my top and my pussy was dripping wet.I felt my hand reach up and knock on the door,like it was not my own hand,like somebody else was moving it.The door opened and there stood mr King_Kock.

"Well now baby you look better in the flesh than your picture....come in and lets get it on"

I followed him into the appartment and it was a furnished in a modern style,all off white walls and sofas..looked nich though...not tatty....if this was mr King_Kock's place he obviously had some money.Not that that mattered to me..i was only interested in sucking him off,but it did show how my new female brain was working.

"lets try and get this off on a basis of trust" i said,"my name is Erica,whats yours?"

"I'm Jack,would you like something to drink Erica?"

"Wine if you have any"

"Wine it is"

Jack returned with 2 large glasses of red wine and we sat down on the sofa opposite each other.I used this time to look at Jack closely (i'd gotten a picture from him and i was really hoping that it was of him and not either a fake or of somebody else...i wanted his huge cock badly).While we drank the wine we chatted about this and that...nothing important or leading as i evaluated Jack.Remembering the jpeg he had sent me i casually looked around the room,yes over there was where that jpeg was taken. I returned my gaze to Jack and studied him closely. He was a good looking man,with high almost asiatic features and light brown eyes.He was wearing just a robe...he msut have been expecting action soon, i thought.Well he was right because i was having difficulty concentarting on what he was saying,my mind was filled with visions of his huge cock.Jack noticed that i was staring at him and he asked,

"What is it Erica?"

"I was just wondering about that jpeg you sent me"

"Oh yes?"

"Yeah i was wondering if your cock i really that big"

"You think i faked that picture,or got somebody else's cock?"

"Well i've been here 30 minutes and i have'nt seen any evidence"

"Well Erica,you show me yours and then i'll show you mine"

"You want me to strip off and then you'll show me your cock?"

"I'll do better than that,you strip off nice and slow and come over and kneel in front of me and i'll let you suck my cock," Jack said as he stood up.

I stood up and slowley removed my top,letting my breasts swing free.I grabbed them and rubbed them and squeezing then together purring "You like my tits King_Kock?"

"Yeah i love your big tits Blonde_suck_slut"

I unziped my skirt and pulled it down over my hips,letting it fall to the floor. Running my hands along my sides i hooked my thumbs into the sides of the tong i was wearing and slid it down my legs,revealing my msist pussey.With one hand i began to play with my pussey rubbing it and sliding a finger into my wet cunt."Ohhhhhhh" i moaned as i dropped to my knees "Now will you show me your cock?"

Jack took one step forward until he was right in front of me and opened his robe.His cock sprung free and struck me on my chin.It was huge and erect,hard like it was carved from ebony.The picture did not do it justice,it was incredible.The shaft had to at least 18 inches long if not more and nearly 4 inches thick and his balls...whow,they were gigantic at least the size of apples hanging down in a heavy sack.I was in awe of this cock,it humbled me and i realised there was no way i was going to be able to suck this cock.I remembered my boast about deepthroating him and panicked,he was going to force that massive black cock down my throat,christ i'd choke to death on it!Eventhough i was kneeling in front of a black cock and my body was screaming at me to take the cock in my mouth i could not..i was in shock.I barely noticed the rest of his body,lean and muscular with every muscle in perfect definition but not bulked out,so fixated was i by his massive meat.

"Ever seen a cock this big?" jack smugly asked,knowing by the look on my face that i was in awe of his cock.

I shook my head from side to side to say no,never taking my eyes off his cock,frigthened to do so in case anything happened.Jack grabbed his shaft and waved his cock under my face, unknowingly giving me a good sniff of his pheromones "Well come on now,you boasted that you could handle my cock...." as he grabbed my head with his other hand a shoved the head of his cock into my mouth.

"Umpttthhh....glurppp....mmmhhhhhh" was all i could say as he shoved his cock into my mouth.My mouth and jaws felt stretched to the limit by just the head of his cock but instinct soon took over.I started licking the head and sucking in hard with my lips to get good friction against the side of his head."Yeah baby thats it,suck my black cock" I needed no more encouragement and set about draining those mighty balls of his. I reached up and with one hand cupped his balls and fondeled them and with the other grasped the shaft and in time with my head bobbing up and down on the first few inches,jercked off the rest of the shaft.My fingers did not meet when gripping the shaft,there was a good inch or so between my thumb and forefinger,so thick was his cock.I was getting into my stride now bobbing my head up and down,licking the head,jercking the shaft and fondeling the balls.I began to go a little deeper and twisted my head from side to side as i did it. Jacks response was a few grunts of pleasure.He had taken his hand off his shaft and both of his hands rested on the top of my head and everytime i bobbed my head down he tried to push my head deeper.I let him do this until i could fit about 6 inches into my mouth. That does not sound like much but he was so thick that this ammount had my mouth bulging obscenely and drooling spittle out of my lips.

"Now are you going to deepthroat me or do i have to force you?" Jack asked me.

I looked up at him and in response closed my eyes and forced my head forwards.His cock head was so massive that it nearly did'nt fit into my throat.I kept on pushing forward, inch by inch his member sliding down my spasaming throat until i felt my nose tip against his pubic hair and his balls gently bump up against the underside of my face.

"Aaaahhhhhhh....that's it baby.....whhooooo,you DO know how to deepthroat".

I looked up at him and said "MMMMmmmhhhhhhh".

Jack placed his two hands on the back of my head and pulled me off his cock until only his head was in my mouth,then suddenly thrust forward all the way down my throat, mashing his hips into my face. "UUHHH....AAaaaccchhhkkk....Glluummmppphhh" i cried out as he began to vigouresy fuck my face.In and out he thrust,pounding my mouth and throat with his cock,his heavy balls slapping againt my chin every time he hilted his cock in my throat.I could not keep up with the swift thrusts and stopped using my tounge,i just clamped my lips as tightly as i could to his pistoning shaft.I was nearing orgasm and it overtook me in a wave of pleasure from which i nearly fainted.While i was cumming i had not noticed that Jack's cock had started to swell ominously in my mouth and that his breathing had gotten ragged.The first thing i knew about his orgasm was when he pulled his cock from my mouth and jercked it off into my face.I opened my eyes in shock at the sudden removal of his meat from my mouth just in time to see his pee slit widen and spit out his first wad."Ohhhhhhhh shit....i'm cumming" Jack roared as his cock erupted.

His first blast utterly destroyed my face,covering my mouth,checks,eyes,hair and chin with a coating of cum.I lunged forward so as not to miss the next blast but was just a fraction too late with a good half of the wad hitting the side of my face.Even with my lips clamped around the tip of his cock it was no good,he was cumming too much.Sperm was leaking out between my lips with every spurt.Each wad filled my mouth to overflowing despite the fact that i was swallowing as fast as i could.After about 5 blasts,Jack grabbed my head again and shoved his cock into the depths of my throat,slapping his balls against my chin as he hilted himself in my mouth.I could feel each spurt of his cock and feel the wad travell down his cock to shoot into my belly.I struggled a bit,trying to get off his cock,so that i could taste his juice,but his strong hands held me in place until he finished cumming.He pulled his cock out of my mouth and rubbed it into my face,smearing it with cum he had shot onto my face and pushed it back into my mouth saying,"just making sure you don't miss a drop,babe".He did this several times to mop up his sperm and then walked off to wipe off his cock in the bathroom.I followed him in and when he was finished wiped off the remaining cum.

"Want to take a shower together?" he asked.

"Why not" i replied.

We stepped into the cublicle together and as the hot water cascaded over our bodies we cleaned each other.His hands on my body made me horney but his cock was drained and hung limp between his legs.We cleaned each other off and stepped out of the shower and dried each other down with towels.

"If you want Erica you can stay the night,i'm sure i'll be up for more action in the morning."

I thought about it and said "Yeah i'd like that."

We went into the bedroom and got into bed.Jack fell asleep pretty quickly but it took me a long while to fall asleep.I was still very seemed to me that Jack's sperm had no effect on me,i was still aching for cock.I fingered myself while Jack slept beside me,cumming several times but to no avail,i was still so turned on it hurt.Eventually i drifted off to sleep and had a very erotic dream where i was on my knees with a line of black cocks infront of me to suck.Now what i did not realise then was that my spending the night with Jack was going to affect both of us physically.As we slept my pheromones sent his balls into overdrive and within a few hours his balls were full of sprem again and Jack's pheromones accellerated the wearing off of the effects his cum-shot had on me.

I woke up to the most amazing sensation running through my body,i looked down and Jack was between my legs,eating my pussy! I moaned and bucked my hips as his tounge flicked across my clitoris.He licked and sucked at my clit sending waves of pleasure radiating out from my pusssy to every part of my body.He put a finger up inside my cunt as he continued to flick his tounge at my clit...and it was too much and i came,

"Aaahhhhhh...i'm cummmmmiiinnngggggg...." i screamed as my orgasm crashed through my body. The pleasure was so intense that i saw stars and my head felt like it was spinning.As i slowly came back down to earth i felt something big at the entrance of my cunt.I looked down and Jack had the tip of his cock resting against the lips of my pussy! Oh my god he was going to fuck me with his huge cock...noooooo,there was no way he'd fit inside me..he'd tear my insides to bits with his black tool!!!I tried to squirm away but he garbbed my hips and pulled me back down until the head of his cock rested against my clit.That was too much and i stopped struggling and moaned "ooohh yeah...put that black cock of yours into my pussy....ahhhh i want you inside of me...oohhhh." He looked up at me and slowly pushed the head of his cock into my pussy.I gasped at the feeling of my first cock in my pussy...he felt huge,sooooo thick,like someone was fisting me.My pussy was stretching out to accomodate him as he pushed back and forwards with just his head to get me used to his size.

"Ahh...Aahhh.....Aaahhhh.....AAAahhhhh," i gasped at each slow thrust as he slowly pushed more and more of his cock into me.He paused at six inches to allow me to catch my breath and get used to him.Sweat was pouring off my body and despite the fact that Jack had only a few inches in me i felt stuffed.....filled full.I could feel every ridge and vein on Jack's cock as he held it in me,and then after holding still inside me for a few moments he slowly pushed forward again.At about eight inches a sharp pain shot up through me as the head of his cock entered my womb, "Aaaayyaahhhhh," i gasped and tried to pull myself up off his cock to stop the pain.Jack's reaction has to lean over me and hold my shoulders while he pushed his cock all the way to the hilt inside me.I felt his pendulous balls bump against my ass and despite the pain this triggered a massive orgasm.

"Ooohhhhhh,I'm cummimnnngggg......Oh God,oh god...oh god......aaaaaahhhhhh."

My orgasm crashed over me in wave after wave of felt so good to have a big black cock burried up to its hilt inside me.While i was still cumming Jack started to pump in and out of me in long,slow thrusts.As he did this i discovered something new which the Jinn had not told me...i was multi-orgasmic...once i orgasmed with a cock in my pussy i would continue to orgasm so long as i was being fucked.As Jack thrust in and out of me i had one orgasm after another continuously....i was lost in a haze of my own pleasure. Jack's cock was filling every inch of my pussy,my pussy was clamping and spasming around his thick meat with a life of its own,like it was trying to milk his cock for his cum.

By now Jack was pounding into me with his cock and grunting with every thrust,i wrapped my legs around his lower back and grabbing his thrusting ass with my hands shouting "Fuck me, fuck me with your big black cock.Fill my pussy with your cock and cum in my pussy"

"Here it cums bitch," grunted Jack as his sperm erupted into my pussy.

I could actually feel his cock pulsing and twitching as his shaft pumped out sperm as he burried his cock up to the hilt in me.Wads of sperm pulsed out of his meat to strike deep in me triggering an absolutely huge orgasm.I nearly passed out with the pleasure as Jack's member continued to pump cum into my belly.Every nerve in my body was tingling as i came,as my pussy clamped down on Jack's spurting cock.Each splash of semen from his cock i could feel striking the back and sides of my womb.

"Oaaayhhhh..god damm it baby,thats the best fuck i've ever're something else you know" Jack gasped as he leaned forward and kissed me.I opened my mouth and our tounges chased each other around my mouth for a few moments.I have to say it felt a bit strange at first to be kissing a man but as i'd allready sucked off and few and just been fucked for the first time i got used to it!Jack lay down on me until the entire length of our bodies were touching and we continued kissing.I ran my hands all over his back and shoulders while his hands stroked my sides.We stayed like that for awhile until Jack got up off me and said "Erica,i've got to go trainig in an hour so i'm going to get ready and head off."

I knew i was being thrown out so i got up and asked could i have a quick shower.Jack said yes and after a quick shower i got dressed and left the appartment.I drove home with an empty feeling inside me,i wanted more black cock inside me.....i wanted to be filled full again with man meat.When i arrived home i jumped into bed and fell asleep dreaming of big black cocks.

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