Being a Girl Really Sucks

By Sniperious Nocturnai

Published on Feb 25, 2002


This is my first attempt at TG fiction and it also has an Interracial flavour to it.All characters are fictional,any resemblance to persons alive or dead is purely co-incidental etc,etc,etc.No dis-respect is intended to Chloe Jones,i picked her face as it look great (this is a complement..) Remember folks,this is a work of fiction and should be taken literally. I wrote this in homage to Deane Christophers storey 'Being a Girl Sucks', which gave me the basic idea for the storey.Hat's off to you Deane,and a few more installments of the series would not go ammis.

Being a girl really sucks..

"What the fuck have you done to me?"

"Well now mistress clam down for a start,i have done nothing that you did not wish for"

"I did not ask you to turn me into a fucking hot blone you asshole!!! i asked you to make all my dreams come true"

"Oh but i looked into your mind and i saw that your deepest,darkest fantasy was to become a i made it so"

The little blue Jinn hovered in the air in front of me and winked mischeviously at me "let me explain..come over to this mirror here and take a good look at your new self"

I walked over to the mirror and took a long look at my 'new self'. I had to admit that i was now a real looker, for a woman that is. I was about 5'8 tall with long lean legs,full ass,slim hips and taut stomach.My tits were very large a full,probably about 34D but they were perfectly formed with large sensitive nipples.My face was a knockout...i looked like the Penthouse pet Chole Jones,with pouty blow job lips and large clear blue eyes and a mane of long natural strawberry blonde hair.When i was a man i would have gotten an erecrtion looking a woman who looked like i looked now.

"Now lets start with the basics,you are a young woman of 23 years and in perfect health and the rest of you is perfect in every way, and you are also efectively immortall,you are immune to all disease's and illnesses and barring some unfortunate accident,you could live forever.You will never need to wax your upper lip/under arm/legs or pussey as you don't have any hair folices in those area of skin".I looked down between my legs and noticed that all i had was a thin blonde 'racing stripe' above my pussey.

"This house you are in is in the name of 'Erica Banes' your new name.You will find credit cards/passport/drivers liscence etc in your name in that handbag on the counter over there.I took your total gross worth after 52 years of your old life and invested it starting in 1950 with perfect knowledge of the stock market so that you are now worth in the region of $10 billion dollars".

"Jesus" i whistled "i'm a fucking billionare with a body of a porn queen".

"yes,quite, now there is more" said the Jinn darting away towards the center of the room."All of this is good but i like twisting things up a little bit so now here's the catch".

"The WHAT, you little bastard" i yelled as i lunged at the little critter, but he just darted out of my way "don't tell me this is worse than it allready is, i mean i like the money and the house, and the body is great, even if its the wrong sex,but whats the catch?"

"The catch is that where you were once a slightly overweight,balding 52 year old man you are now a 23 year old billionarie woman with an addiction to semen!"

"WHAT!!!...thats riduculous, nobody is addicted to semen".

"well you are now my dear" said the Jinn.

"And just how am i supposed to feed my addiction?"

"I have provided you with all the means to aquire all the seamen you need my dear,just look at your self in the mirror".

"Nooooooooo....." i screamed and fell to my knees and started sobbing."I can't do that its disgusting..its awful, its....

"You can and will my dear,and its gets better.Now listen closely to what i'm going to tell you.Firstly you are not just addicted to any type of semen but only the semen of black men..a nice touch that don't you think? seeing has how you were a rascict bastard as a man.Your addiction is linked to your very wellbeing in that new body of yours...don't drink semen and it will start to age and you will become very old and sick and you could possibly die.But the addiction is so strong that even if you did not want to you could not resist it...its worse than crack or heroin.The longest i'd say you could go without a mouthfull is about 48 hours,but long before that the cravings will start.After 12 hours you will start to feel the need,the need for seed!!.Semen is now good for you my dear,feel a little under the weather, a load of black sperm will sort you out!"

By this stage i was white with shock and tears were streaming down my cheaks.

"Please pay attention now we get to the secondly and the in how you will go about getting your daily dose of black man's cum.As you so accurately pointed out,you have the body of a porn star so attracting men should be no problem,but the act itself?? fellating a black man and swallowing his cum? i thought you would need help so i've done some mental and physical changes to you which will turn you into a lean,mean,black cock suckking machine! In that pretty head of yours is now an encylopedic knowledge of the fine art of fellatio, you will be able to suck a mean cock!And it will be totally instinctive to you,you will be able to react to each cock you suck and give it the best blowjob its ever had.In fact the better you suck cock and please a man the better you will feel while fellating,it will be like a feed-back loop.To help you i have also removed your gag reflex,so deepthroating a big black cock should be no problem.And as for the taste,why my dear black man's sprem is now your favourite flavour!Now the rest of your body has been made extra senstive sexually,your nipples,clitoris,vagina and ass are now much more sensitive and you are now easily multi-orgasmic..but this all is as nothing compared to the pleasure you will get from sucking cock and swallowing cum.And in case you think you won't be attracted to black men i've modified your sense of smell so that when your unconcious mind picks up the smell of a black man's pheromones you will become as horney as hell AND it will speed up the wearing off of your last dose of semen,so you will just HAVE to suck him off!".

By now i was totally in shock.

"Now speaking of Pheromones and chemistry and all that,you give off about 500% the ammount of pheromones a normal woman would having sex just sitting there doing nothing,and as you get aroused so too your production of pheromones goes up and up.So no man is going to be able to resist your charms!!! you will be glad to know.Also you cannot get pregnant...did'nt want to burden you with that now did i? too much on your plate allready i see.Your bodys cycle is stuck at just the point were a normal woman ovulates..and its the point when they are most horney anyway,so you will be constantly horney and attracted to big butch black men".

"So you see i've thought of everything,now have'nt i? You have the body,the skills and the desire to be the best little sucker of black cocks ever!It just struck me my dear that you will spend a lot of time from now on down on your lovely new kness like that...its good to see your getting some practice".

With that i got up and flung myself onto the bed and started screaming "GET OUT,GET AWAY FROM ME YOU LITTLR DEMON,YOU'VE RUINED MY LIFE AND TURNED ME INTO A SLUT".

"Oh and one more thing before i go, an unfortunate side effect of your pheromones is that they will so excite and turn on a man while you are sucking him off that when he cums he will shoot the entire contents of his balls into that lovely mouth of yours.You could say that you are a ball drainer not a ball breaker he he he he he....."

And with that the Jinn vanished and left me to my fate as a black cock addicted cum slut.

I slept the whole night with out dreaming and woke up the next morning at about 9:30.I got up and streched,looked out the windows of the beadroom onto another sunny morning.I took a quick shower,noticing that as i soaped myself my nipples became erect and my pussey started to moisten.I played with myself in the shower rubbing my clit and nipples until i orgasmed and wow what an orgasm.Women have it better than men,let me tell you.Then i remembered what the Jinn said about it being even better when sucking cock, and thought 'that will be something else'. I then caught myself and remembered all the other things tha Jinn had life had suddenly gotten very complicated and i was scared.I hopped out of the shower and threw open a wardrobe to put something on to explore my new house.As it was sunney out i decided that i would also like to do a little sunbathing down by the pool i had glimpsed last night.I eventuall found where the swinware was kept,after having a good root around all the other closets.There were loads of clothes and shoes.The clothes seemed to consist of tight jeans and low cut tops,and the swimware was all tiny Bikini's.I picked out a white Bikini and a sarong wrap with a pair of low cut sandals and set off to explore my new house.I won't bore you with the details except that it was very something out of MTV's 'Cribs' series.2 rooms were interesting though and stand out.

The first was the computer room.There was a desk and on it was a very high spec PC. There were some sheets of paper covering the keyboard so a picked them up and began to read.They explained that the PC was linked to a DSL internet line for fast access (16mb line) so internet downloads should be no problem.I switched the PC on and connected to the internet and pulled down the favourites menu. All the sites seemed to be porn sites with an interracial bent..there was '' and several others.I checked the other peice of paper and it had usernames and passwords for all the sites in the favourites menu.I switched off the PC and resumed my wanderings. Now the next room i will mention was the entertainment room.It had a huge screen at one end and had cinema style seats for 12 people in it. There was a VCR and a DVD player hooked up to the screen's projector.Along one wall was a bookcase which had been converted to a DVD rack.On it the DVD's were all porn and all interracial porn...the entire 'Little white chicks,monster black dicks' series,all 13 of them,the 5 'Chasing the big one's, all 15 of the 'thers something about jack' etc.Looks like i was not about to be let forget my 'special' addiction.

I expolored the rest of the house and then went down to the garage.There were 3 cars in the garage,all brand new.There was a 600 series Merc coupe,a Jaguar XS and a Range Rover.'Nice set of Wheels i have' i thought and then i went into the kitchen for a bite to eat.After fixing myself some brekfast i walked out towards the pool and lay down on the lounger beside the pool to catch some rays.I must of been lying there for about half an hour when i heard waht sonuded like a truck pull up outside the front of the house.A few minutes later a guy walked around the side of the house.He was balck i realsied with a start 'Oh my god how am i going to react'i thought.

"Sorry mam i did'nt know you were in today,my name's Tony and i'm here to clean the pool".

"Thats Ok" i said kind of breathlessly..."you just go ahead and don't mind me".


As a lay back on the lounger my heart was beating like a trip hammer and i was begining to feel very strange.Not only had my nipples become rock hard but my pussey was getting soaked.My breathing was becoming very shallow and i was feeling very horney.As Tony bussied himself with cleaning the pool i could not take my eyes off him as he worked.The day was hot and he was sweating heavily after about 2 minutes.My new body was reacting to the pheromones in his sweat and driving me wild,the only thing i could think off was sucking his black cock and swallowing his cum. Before i realised it i had stood up and had taken a few steps in his direction.

"Are you OK miss?, you look like you are running a fever or something" Tony asked me as he turned around to see me.

With a start i got hold of myself and in a very shakey voice said "I'm OK, but i'm going inside now to lie down,i don't feel too good".I turned away and walked back into the house,barely under control.'My god' i thought 'i nearley was going to suck that guy off'.

I was as horney as hell still as i climbed the stairs to my bedroom and knew that i was going to have to get myself off to release some of the tension i was feeling.In the bedroom i rooted around and found what i was loking for in one of the drawers..a huge black dildo.It was life like with veins and bulges on it like a real cock and huge about 12 inches long and 3 inches wide. I lay on the bed with it and played with my pussey and nipples for a bit. Then rubbing the dildo along my belley i ran it over my pussey and poisd it at the lips and held it there.Despite the haze of lust i was in my brain was telling me that i wanted the dildo in my mouth that in my pussey was good but in my mouth was better.I relented and started to lick the head of the dildo all over,paying special attention to the underside.The dildo tasted like plastic,not a nice taste so i got up and threw on a dressingown and ran down to the kitchen and got a jar of honey,noticing that Tony was still working on the pool.

I poured it into my hand and coated the dildo with it, running my hand up and down the shaft,like i was jerking it off.I sat up in the bed and started licking around the head,the honey tasying a lot better than the plastic.I then started licking up and down the shaft,slobbering all over it and sucking on the balls that were moulded to the end of the dildo.I moved back up to the top of the dildo and braced my lips against the plastic pee slit and slowly pushed it into my mouth, stretching my jaw wide as the thick part under the head entered my mouth.I gagged when it hit the back of my throat.'Hang on a minute,i'm supposed not to have a gag reflex, what's going on here?'.But then i remembered the Jinns words 'To help you i have also removed your gag reflex,so deepthroating a big black cock should be no problem'.'Hmmm, maybe that does not cover dildo's,but i still had better try as i'm going to be doing this a lot from now on.Frankely i was scared as i knew that in a few hours time i was going to have to suck off a black man's cock and drink his semen for the first time.My reaction to Tony had frightened me as i nearly lost control and i wanted to be ready when the time came,to be a least some way prepared and accustomed to my lot from now on.

I returned my attention to the dildo licking and slurping on the head of the dildo.I pushed down, taking it into my mouth again and got a little more this time before gagging.I bobbed her head up and down about three inches of shaft.I started pushing inch after inch into my mouth as i grew used to having it in my mouth. At five inches, the dildo started penetrating my throat and i gagged again.I held it still suppressing the gag reflex until my throat relaxed.I pushed another inch into my throat and then another, vaguely aware that i was nearing an orgasm.The orgasm caught me by suprise as i had not been playing with my tits or pussey,yet i had cum just from sucking on a dildo.

After cunning i clamed down and i went back to practising on the dildo.I swallowed more and more,holding it still as i leaned forward sucking the dildo in. After about thirty minutes of practise i managed to swallow all but two inches.

I felt pretty confident that i could go through with this. It wasn't really that hard. When i got tired of bobbing my head up and down the cock,i could slurp on the cock head while i recovered.I found that if i relaxed my jaw and wrapped my lips tight around the shaft,i could probably make a real black cock cum quickly. Then my face drained as i thought of a black cock cumming in my mouth.

Right then the phone rang and i pulled the dildo out of my mouth and picked up the phone.


"Hello" said a very deep,masculine voice "could i speak with miss Erica Banes please".


"Miss Banes, I'm Latrell Woods, atourney with Wolfram and Hecht.I'm your atourney and we need to make an appointment to go over the details of your trust fund,tax liablilities etc.When would suite you?"

"How would this afternoon do"

"Fine by me,say about 2:30.See you then".

I put the phone down and went over to the hand bag which was over on a counter.Rooting around i found a purse in it and sure enough there was a business card from Latrell Woods.I took the card and went to the PC room. I got onto the internet and typed in the Web page address for the law firm. Surfing the site i found a resume of Latrell along with a picture of him. He was a 29 year old black man,very handsome looking.Checking his resume i found out that he had attended Penn State on a football scholarship.Surfing over to the Penn State web site i found out more details on mr. Woods.he had a brillient career as a quaterback but had been sidelined after a bad injury. The injury was bad enough to ruin his chances of an NFL career but he graduated in the top 10 of his class.

With a start i stopped myself...what was i doing??? Then i hit me,my subcoucious knew that with a name like Latrell he had to be black and i was checking him out.I sat there for a few second thinking and then made up my mind,Latrell's was going to be the first black cock that i sucked off.I reasoned that i might as well get it out of the way as soon as possible.

It was now 12 o'clock so i decided to fix myself some light lunch and then have a shower and get ready for Latrell.I was as nervousl as hell and could not eat much more than a sandwich and i was even worse in the shower.The feeling of the hot water running over my body made me very horney and i played with myself in the shower.Once i was finished i went back into the bed room and had one last go at taking all the dildo into my mouth but i still balked at the last couple of inches.

Looking through my closets i decided on a pair of black low hipped cotton pants which hugged my bum nicely and a diamonte boob tube type top. A pair of kitten heel shoes completed the outfit.I sat down at my vanity mirror and started on my makeup.The Jinn must have put all the information necessary to apply make-up in my mind because i did it flawlessly and without thinking.I did my nails in a lite pink colour,same as my lip stick.My eyes i did with a light blue/grey eye showdow.when i was finished i looked at myself in the looked like a professional had applied my make-up.The top i was wearing just about contained by boobs and gave me a spectacular cleavage, hell you could probably bungee jumb down it! and the pants i was wearing showed off my curvey ass to perfection.Now for some jewlerey i thought.I soon found a necklace with a long pendant which rested nicely between my boobs and a matching bracelet for my wrist.The pendant would draw even more attention to my tits,not that any man alive would be avle to take their eyes off them.

I glanced at the clock at it said 2:30 so Latrell would be here any minute. I was nervous as hell and also feeling kind of weird..all my brain would think about was black cum,loads of black cum.Anytime i tried to think of anything else my brain would swing right back to thinking about sucking cock and swallowing cum.I suppose that was the addiction kicking in as it was more than 12 hours since i was changed to this new identety.I walked downstairs into what could only be called the main room..all white marble and white leather couches and sat down to await my first black cock.I was pretty confidant Latrell would not be able to resist me,after all looking like i did and that i knew for a fact that no man can resist a blow job from a pretty girl, especially if its offered to them on a plate.Plus black men were rumoured to like screwing white women.'Well he won't be screwing me' i thought 'i'm only going to suck him off'.'Christ,i never thought i would ever think like that, that Jinn must have really fucked with my mind as well as my body'.

At 2:45 Latrell had still not arrived and i was getting very nrevous when the intercom buzzer went of.I walked over to the wall mounted unit and said "hello".

"Miss Banes,this is Latrell Woods,we spoke earlier.Can you buzz me through?".

"Doing it now" i replied as i hit the button.

I walked to the front door and waited,not a little aprehensive about what i was going to do in a few minutes time.A shadow passed over the frosted glass in the door and the doorbell rang.I walked up and opened the door.There in front of me was a tall,handsome black man.

"Miss Banes,i'm Latrell Woods,pleased to meet you".

I took his huge hand in my own tiny one and shook hands.

"won't you come in" i said very aware of him as a man and that my nipples were so erect as to visable through the fabric of my boob tube.I say that he noticed my nipples and was having a hard time keeping his eyes off my cleavage.

We went into the main room and sat down beside on another on a large white couch.I think he was suprised by this,having expected me to sit opposite him.

"Well lets get down to business shall we?" latrell asked.

So thats what we did,he explained the details of the trust fund which had been set up for my use,all the investments i had etc,etc.He handed me many papers to sign,explaining each one throughly before handing them to me to sign.While this was going on i was finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate on anything except the thought of sucking him off and swallowing his semen.His presence was affecting my body exactely in the way the Jinn said it would and to be fair Latrell was begining to have some difficulties himself.When i had opened the door i had seen him checking me out especially my tits and he was checking them out nearly every time he handed me a paper to sign.I could tell that he was starting to feel uncomfortable,as i was becoming more aroused by his presence so my enhanced pheromones were driving him crazy.

I wondered if he had a stiffey on him so i casually leaned over to the low coffe table in front of us to pick up a document to pretend to read it again. As i leaned over i looked down at his crotch a nearley fell from the couch with fright.His cock was fulley erect and was bulging down the right leg of his trousers,more than half way to his knee.I let out an involuntary gasp at the sight and quickley recovered and leaned back up.Latrell however had heard my gasp and knew what i had seen.

Neither of us mentioned this as we continued perusing the various legal documents in front of us.Latrell had just handed me the last document to sign and after i signed it as i was handing his pen back to him i let it fall from my hand,and it landed on the floor between his knees.

"Oppps,that was clumsey of me" i giggled."don't move i'll pick it up".

I stood up,stood in front of him and then sank to my knees in front of him, not taking my eyes from his.I then looked down and picked up the pen,placing it on the coffe table behind me."Now that we have finished all that business, don't you think its time for some pleasure?"

Latrell looked quite shocked by what i just said and did not reply.

"Now look what i've gone and done to you" i husked,looking at the huge erection straining the cloth of his pants."I should really do something about this,you know,iys onlt fair,don't you think.All that work you are after doing on my behlaf".I grabbed his thick member through his expensive, Italian pants,kneeding and stroking it.I reached up and undid his belt, pulling it out through the loops.I then unbuttoned his pants and began unzipping them.When i pulled his pants down around his ankles his cock came into view.It was sticking out of the front of his boxers and it now sprang upwards,hard as a rock.It hovered near my face and i stared at it in awe. What the hell had i been thinking?It had to be 12 inches long at least and nearly 3 inches wide.THough it was about the same size as tha dildo this was different,this was a real cock!There was no way i could suck on that monstrosity.But as i gazed in awe at this dick my mind began to change. This was the most perfect thing i had ever seen,beautifull even.It seemed carved from ebony,crisscrossed with big blue veins,and a plump head the size of a small apple.His balls were huge, they hung down in their black sack despite the fact that Latrell was fulley erect,the size of large plums at least.I couldn't imagine the amount of sperm they must produce, but my body could.Once that thought entered my head there was no going back.

"God you have a huge Black cock and i want to suck it off" i moaned and reached out and wrapped my hand around the base.I leaned forward and kissed the tip,like i had done with the dildo,i then stuck out my tongue and licked around the tip, flickering my tongue across the pee slit.I swirled my tongue around the head before sucking the whole head into my mouth. I held it in my mouth and licked all around it,slobbering my tounge all over the head.I was on autopilot,i did not think consciously what i was doing,only that i knew exactley what to do and that i needed more than anything to do this.I gave paticular attention to the 'v' shaped ridge on the underneath of the head,knowing that this was the most sensitive part of a man's cock,and that by only licking here it is possible to get a guy to cum.

I took a deep breath through my nose and pushed four inches into my mouth,my checks bulging with the effort.I sucked up, then down, up, then down swallowing another two inches feeling the head slide into my throat.I removed his cock and licked around the head while i caught my breath.When i was ready again,i took a deep breath and lowered my head,and swallowed eight inches.And just like the Jinn had said no gag reflex. I paused and stared at the remaining four inches sticking out of my throat and at the curly black pubic hair on his crotch.I ran my eyes up his body until i was staring up at his face.Latrell was staring down at me with a surprised look on his face. I closed my eyes and went back to enthussiastically sucking on his cock.This was so much better then the cold plastic of the dildo. It felt hot in my mouth and his cock seemed to throb with life and power.

At this point i decided to clamp my lips tight and bob my head as fast as i could to end this as quickly as possible.I was starting to feel a desperate hunger, and i knew i was the addiction coming on strong.I needed black semen and i needed it as soon as possible. I removed his cock from my mouth and began kissing under the shaft,cupping his plum sized testicles and moaning, "Your big balls are so heavy and filled with sperm." I then kissed and sucked on them taking first one and them the other into my mouth and running my tounge all over them.Latrell was by now gasping and moaning with pleasure at my oral ministrations.I moved back up the shaft and wrapped my lips back around the head and slurped on it for a minute or two before swallowing again.My jaw was relaxed and i quickly sucked in the eight inches i had previously.I looked at the remaining four inches,already my throat felt stuffed, but i wasn't about to let four inches show me up,Latrell was going to get the best blow job he ever got.I closed my eyes and pushed,feeling his cock slide further and further into my throat.I opened my eyes when i felt his pubic hair tickling my nose.I had done it!,i had taken all 12 inches of a black cock into my mouth and throat,all that remained was for me to do was to swallow his cum.I then had an idea that if i kept Latrell's cock at this depth in my throat he would shoot his semem directly into my throat,bypassing my taste buds,so that way i would'nt have to taste his sperm.

"You suck a mean cock bitch",Latrell growled.

I looked up and took his cock out of my mouth smiling "well you've got a great black cock for me to suck".

"Get back to sucking it" Latrell growled as he forced my head back down onto his cock.

"Ok,Okakkk,Glmph,Mmmmmpphhh" my words were cut off as Latrell shoved his cock into my mouth and down my throat.He grabbed the sides of my head with both his big hands and began slowly thrusting in and out of my mouth.He would pull back until only the head was in my mouth and i would filck my tounge over his cock-head and then slowly push my head down until i could feel his pubes tickilling my nose.I reached up and cupped his balls in my hands,stroking and kneeding them,trying to milk the cum from them.His thrusts started to increase in their tempo and he started moaning at each thrust in and out of my mouth.I too was in heaven as my pussey expoloded with and orgasm which i would have shouted out aloud but for latrell's cock stuffed in my mouth so i could only gasp and and gurgle as he rode to and fro,in and out between my drolling lips.

Latrell now started to fuck just about four inches of his cock into my mouth and i knew that he was very near to cumming.At this thought i nearly panicked and tried to pull my head free of his cock but his powerfull hands held my head in their grip and i could not break free.

"Oh yeah bitch,don't try a pull away cause i'm going to cum now,yeah right now...uuugggggghhhhh,here it is i'm cumming right now into your mouth,bitch, swallow my cum..aaaaahhhhhhh".He came when the head was in my mouth. One second there was nothing,the next,my entire mouth was full of cum. His first wad had completely filled my mouth,sperm leaking out of both sides of my mouth as he continued to thrust with each spurt.Again and again he came in my mouth and i was suprised how hot it was and how much of it there was. The Jinn was right,this was my favourite flavour!!Orgasm after orgasm were crashing through my body as each pulse of semen shoot out from Latrell's cock.I was greadily trying to swallow evey drop but Latrell was pumping out so much that it overflowed my mouth and dribbled down his shaft.Each spasm of his massive member produced a blast of sperm into my mouth and i could feel each wad as it rushed up the big vein on the underside of his meat. Each wad took about five seconds to shoot out of his pee-slit and sperm would shoot out in a blast which i could feel as it hit the back of my throat.After about twelve of these wads his cock stopped blasting out sperm but cum still continued to leak out of his cock.I was slurping an slobbering on the head,making sure that i did not miss a drop when Latrell panted,

"my god i've never had a blowjob as good as that feels like i shoot the whole contents of my balls into your mouth".

I smiled up at him and started to lick clean his cock,he did not know that he had just said the truth.Thanks to the Jinn i had taken virtually the entire contents of his balls and swallowed it.His cock rapidly started to deflate so after licking it clean i kissed the top and sat back on my haunches and looked up at Latrell and said,

"you know,i think i'm going to need a lot of legal help with managing my trust fund and all my investments.I would really like it if i could count on you to give me all the help and assistance i require Latrell".

I have to say this for him,despite just having had his balls drained he still had his wits about him,

"of course miss Banes,i would be honoured to personally extend any assistance on behlaf of the firm to satisfying any needs or requirements you may have.Do not hesitate to contact me at any time".

"Good,because there are plenty more blowjobs like that in store for you".

"I think its time i was going, its nearly 4:00".

My god i thought i had been sucking him off for nearly an hour.Knowing that most men would have cum within a few minutes of the blow-job i had just given Latrell,i wondered...had the Jinn given me some way of heightening and delaying male orgasm without telling me or did Latrell just have amazing self control? Only when i sucked off my next black cock would i find out.

Latrell let himslef out and a sat down on the couch to think.I had to say that i felt wonderfull,more alive than ever.I felt like jumoing up and shouting at the top of my voice.Everything seemed more sharp,more real.I was in a euphoric mood,the effects of the large dose of Latrell's semen no doubt.Now i would have to map out a plan as to where i would get my regular man juice drinks.

Now i could have latrell come over no more than,say twice a month without raising suspicions,and the pool guy Tony would come around every week according to on of the papers Latrell had given me to sign (the contract for the pool cleaning company).Also i had to remember that a guy would probably need a few days for his balls to recover and produce enough to satisfy me so i would have to look elsewhere for my 'fix'.

Next: Chapter 2

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