Behind High School Doors

By Ganimedes Ganymede

Published on Mar 7, 2022



Everything discussed in this story is fictional. The characters aren't real, and what happens isn't real either. This story involves teen boys having fun with each other, if you don't like that please leave now.

This is my first story, so I'm always open to advice, new ideas or just a regular chat. Hit me up with an email ( or send me a message on wickr (rpaddict13) if you feel like it. Finally, if you enjoy this or any stories consider donating to Nifty so we can continue reading amazing hot fantasies. Donate here:


Chapter 1: In the locker room with Andy

In high school there were two kinds of gays, those who left the locker room early to avoid awkward moments such as prying eyes, getting a boner for seeing their classmates naked or being caught staring, and those who stayed until the end to see all their classmates in the nude. Johnny was one of the latter, and you?

That day, a lot of things that made him horny happened. A new gym teacher came in, and unlike the old one they had before, this one was hot, he was wearing a tank top and super short shorts that showed off that giant package. Months later Johnny found out what was under the package, but at that time he was satisfied with just imagining it. Besides, while the other teacher sat and watched them working out, this one ran with them and played with them in the different sports they did, something essential to motivate a class of fourteen year olds who want to go home as soon as possible.

That day the teacher made the whole class run around the playground. When they finished, he had them play soccer. The girls sat on the bench because they didn't want to play, and Johnny wanted to join them, but the teacher said no boy could sit down. All the guys had to play soccer, so they did. As they played the game Johnny discovered that most of the kids in his class already knew the gym teacher because he had been a former student, friends with their older brothers and sisters and the usual high school stuff, and Johnny wanted to get to know him too, but he hardly paid any attention to the boy.

The day was hot, so the teacher gave the boys permission to take off their shirts, and some kids even rolled up the legs of their pants, which if they were already short, after doing that they looked like ordinary underwear.

They continued playing and, when the class was almost over, Johnny's classmate Nathan scored a goal. In the excitement of the moment, while celebrating the goal, he turned to where the girls were and grabbing his package he moved it and gave it a couple of squeezes, typical things of the age. They all made a disgusted face, except for one named Claire, who laughed.

Shortly after the class ended, the students went to the locker room to shower, change and go home. The girls, as they had sweated less than the boys, and were also more mature, took a short time to shower and after five minutes they were gone. The boys on the other hand were still there, chatting, joking and fooling around. The new teacher came into the locker room and patted Nathan's back a couple of times.

"What a great goal, Nathan," said the teacher.

"It was easy, Andy is a terrible goalkeeper," he whipped Andy in the ass with his shirt, who whipped him back.

"It's just that you kick too hard. It's a playground game, not a championship, you're insane," answered Andy, who began to undress.

Andy was of average height, with a normal but defined body. He was quite slim, had the typical body that playing soccer gives you, a nice ass, strong but slim legs and arms, and a stomach that looked like he would soon have abs, but he didn't have them yet. He stood naked, and it was a wonder to see him. His skin was white, he had always been pale, and in the areas where he rubbed against something, like his ass from the whip Nathan gave him with his T-shirt, they turned to a pinkish color. He was drenched in sweat, his short black hair glistening from all the sweat he'd worked up while playing the game. At that moment he turned to get a towel out of his bag and I could see his front. He had plenty of hair on his dick already, and it was the same color as the hair on his head, pure black. I could only see his cock and balls hanging down through that forest of black hair, but he didn't have hair anywhere else on his body, not the ass, not the armpits, not the legs, no the chest, only his manhood. His cock was quite long, or as long as you could get at that age, and his balls were big.

"Fuck, Andy, we have to shave down there" said the teacher laughing, followed by some classmates.

"You shut up," said Andy, who was playing with the teacher. "You're an old man now, I'm sure you have more hair than me."

"Old? I just got out of college, bro" he laughed again. "No way, I shave all my hair off, look."

The teacher grabbed the elastic of his shorts and underwear with his thumb and pulled them down a little, not all the way. The only thing visible was the pubis and a bit of the base of his dick. Indeed, the gym teacher was waxed, although you could tell he was already growing hairs and needed to go over the area.

Seeing this made Johnny horny as hell, at that time all he needed was to see a little flesh to get horny, so seeing the base of his gym teacher's dick and Andy's dick made him go crazy. He had a hard-on, and didn't want anyone to notice, so he quickly wrapped a towel around his waist and disguised his erection as best as he could, sitting on the bench and pretending he was texting somebody, but in reality he was still paying attention to the conversation. Little by little the locker room was getting empty, because everyone was leaving, but those who were talking to the teacher stayed, and Johnny did too just to see some more dicks.

"I shave myself, just in case Claire wants to blow me," said Nathan, who was already naked and doing the helicopter with his cock while he, the other boys and the teacher laughed.

Nathan had practically the same body as Andy, only this one was completely shaved. He also had darker skin, he was darker, and his hair was long to his jawline, light brown almost blond. He had less ass, and a slightly smaller dick, but that was the only difference.

"She doesn't even pay attention to you, stupid," said Leo, who had just gotten out of the shower and was walking around with a towel around his shoulders, showing off everything God had given him.

"She doesn't? She laughed when I grabbed my package," he mimicked the movement, grabbing it again.

"Yeah" said the teacher. "Her big sister was in my class and what a slut."

"Yes, you were with my brother too, weren't you?" asked Nathan.

"Yes, your brother caught her drunk at a party, lead her into the toilets and got her all hot and bothered, you can't imagine what he did to her. Poor thing was ashamed the next week in class".

They all laughed and started talking about how Claire's sister was very hot, she had huge tits and a great ass. The teacher told how he and Nathan's brother had had threesomes when they were in high school and that whenever they went out partying they went "hunting", as they called it. Johnny was about to burst listening to them.

"And Claire is like her sister, another slut," said the teacher. "I've caught her two or three times looking at my bulge, the bitch was drooling. Listen to me Nathan, you tell her two or three times "I love you" and you have her sucking your dick in the girls' bathroom" they all laughed and the teacher patted Nathan on the back. "Well, I have to go now. The last one to leave, turn off the light and close the door."

The teacher said goodbye to all the boys that were left in the locker room, which were not many, and left. Little by little it became empty, and only Nathan, Andy, Leo and Johnny were left, and they started talking about silly things, except for Johnny, who the rest of the boys thought was minding his own business. Shortly after, Andy took out his cell phone.

"Do you know what I got? The video of that big girl two grades above us, the one where she's fingering herself."

"What are you talking about?" Nathan asked, surprised. "How did you get it?"

"The stupid girl sent it to her boyfriend and the boyfriend sent it to his friends, and it's spread like wildfire. Everyone who knows who to ask has it, and I have it. I'm going to jerk off with it today."

"Send it over," said Leo.

"That's right," seconded Nathan.

Johnny wasn't curious about any video of any girl, so he decided to go take a shower. He assumed he would be alone by the time he got out, so he started jerking off in the shower. He was in the last cubicle, so no one would see him. He started to masturbate, and it felt great, feeling his hand going up and down his teen cock, shiny from the precum and the hot water. Johnny's cock had already been hard for a while thanks to the chat between his classmates and the teacher... and jerking it off after a hard-on that lasted so long was one of the best sensations ever. He couldn't finish it, because he thought it was late and he had to catch the bus home, so, hard as a rock and without the towel around his waist, he got out of the shower.

He got out and he saw Andy sitting on the bench, still undressed, with one hand on his dick and the other holding his phone. From the sounds Johnny knew he was watching the video of the older girl. Johnny coughed, to let him know he was there, watching him. When Andy heard Johnny he gave a little jump, scared, but when he saw him he calmed down.

"It's you, Johnny," he sighed. "You scared me."

He looked Johnny up and down, and at that moment Johnny realized that he was naked and hard, if it was even possible now he was even harder because of watching Andy jerk off. Andy just laughed, so Johnny laughed too. The first one kept wiggling his dick and nodded towards his phone.

"Do you want to see the video of the chick?"

"I'm good," Johnny refused, and at that moment, by the look Andy gave him, he knew he'd come out of the closet all by himself.

"Don't you want to see an older chick fingering herself?" Andy asked, surprised, and Johnny knew what was going on in his head, "In class they say you're gay, is it true?"

Johnny did not answer. It was true that they said that about him, he had heard the rumors before, but no one had ever asked him directly or even hinted it to his face. Johnny had no problem admitting he was gay, but he always liked to keep his life and what he did as private as possible.

"No need to answer, I know you're gay, I've seen you looking at us before," Andy confessed. Johnny was nervous, but he didn't really know why. "Don't worry, I'm not going to say anything."

"Thank you," he replied. "I don't care if people know about it, but I'd rather not let too many people know..."

"Don't worry," he smiled, and Johnny noticed he hadn't stopped jerking off, "but you have to do me a favor."

Andy just looked at his cock and then back at his classmate, and Johnny understood what he wanted. He slowly walked over to Andy and sat down next to him, not daring to do anything but watch as he wiggled his cock, which was surrounded by that clump of hair, while his balls bounced. He was leaning against the wall and his legs were spread wide, and he was pounding it furiously, angrily, as if he was in a hurry, and the two boys were in a hurry because they weren't supposed to be there after a certain time. When Andy saw that Johnny didn't move he touched Johnny's leg with his, inviting him to feel the contact with his skin. Andy exchanged glances between the screen and his classmate's eyes, but Johnny didn't seem to pick up the signals, maybe because he was quite nervous and felt like his heart was about to burst out of his chest. Anyone could easily walk in and see the two of them with two hard-ons and with a porn video on the phone while Andy jerked off.

Tired of waiting, Andy himself took Johnny's hand and put it around his cock. The boy didn't need anything more, and quickly his fingers wrapped around that pole, which was certainly bigger than average for that age, and he started massaging it up and down, without stopping. Andy was looking at his phone, and already seemed to ignore Johnny, at that moment hefelt a little hurt, but he knew he was trying to forget about a boy jerking him off and think it was the chick from the video who was giving him a handjob. Johnny fed his fantasy, as he didn't speak or make any noise. Andy's moans flooded the locker room, and Johnny wondered if while he was showering, Nathan and Leo were hiding, but it was impossible for Nathan to miss the opportunity to watch the video of a girl fingering herself. Johnny didn't pay any attention to that video, and alternated glances between the wet cock he was masturbating and Andy's face, whose expressions of pleasure were exquisite.

Andy didn't last long, and after a couple of minutes he grabbed Johnny's wrist and, as if it were a pussy, began to ram, until he began to spurt thick jets of cum. It filled his classmate's hand completely.

Andy flopped completely on the wall, facing up, legs stretched out, cock stained with cum and body sweaty because he hadn't showered. He looked at Johnny and then looked at his hand.

"Have you ever tried it?" he asked.

"Yes." Johnny replied.

"Yours or someone else's?"

Johnny didn't think he needed to answer that, but to make it clear he raised his hand and licked the rest of cum that had slipped through his fingers. It tasted like glory. Andy looked at Johnny one more time and without saying goodbye or anything at all he put on some boxer shorts, clean sports clothes and left the locker room. Johnny followed and did the same, leaving too, he would jerk off when he got home, and what an epic wank it was going to be.

At night, before going to sleep, Johnny received a text from Andy.

"Tomorrow before going to class in the restroom upstairs?"

"Okay," Johnny replied, without adding anything else.

To be continued...

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