Beginning With Paul

By Jack Santoro

Published on Feb 1, 2007


Beginning with Paul, Part 9


Weeks later, Jimmy's trial began. Jimmy had not had to sit the intervening weeks out behind bars, as he'd been able to make bail.

Jury selection was quick, as Jimmy's lawyer didn't seem to object to most of the people in the jury panel. Both sides made their opening statements, but Jimmy's lawyer was very brief. He simply stated that his client was innocent. The prosecutor began calling his witnesses, and took two weeks to build his case with a mountain of evidence. The prosecution rested at noon on the day when Paul was due to come over to my place. I'd taken a couple of hours off and had attended court that afternoon to hear what the defense had to present, and when Paul arrived I filled him in as we were eating:

"The guy just got up and made a motion to dismiss the case," I said between bites of pizza.

"Nothing else?" Paul asked.

"No, nothing, zilch, zip," I replied. "He didn't offer any defense at all, not a single witness or document."

"What the fuck!" Paul exclaimed. "That's weird, very weird."

"I have a hunch that the fix is in," I stated. "You just don't neglect a defense unless you've got something up your sleeve." We continued munching avidly, as we were so hungry that we hadn't bothered to disrobe. There was nothing else to say at the moment anyway, and we finished our meal in silence, washing the pizza down with bottled beer.

We were relaxed when we went into the bedroom, so much so that we didn't even feel like sex. We decided to go to sleep right away and awaken early, as we'd enjoy sex more when we were completely refreshed. We cuddled up and soon conked out, enjoying a dreamless sleep.

We awoke at almost the same moment, and I was aware of Paul's erection pressing against my buttocks. His arm was over my body clasping my hard prick, and I turned to kiss him on the lips.

"I'll get up and make coffee," I said. "I guess we had enough sleep. We got to bed at eight, and it's about four now."

"Yeah, eight hours is enough," he agreed. I got up and went into the kitchen. Paul soon joined me, and we sat naked drinking coffee. Our erections had subsided with our moving around, although our bladders were still full. I shot a glance at Paul's blunt helmet resting on the chair between his thighs, and then reached out to caress the flaring corona lightly with a fingertip. Paul sighed and his prick began to swell. He reached between my thighs and picked up my prick by the foreskin nipple, pulling it to one side and then the other.

"I really like swinging your cock this way," he said gleefully. "The skin stretches because of the big head inside it." His skilled fingers were making my prick swell as he spoke, and reached down to squeeze his big purple helmet, forcing the blood out of it in rhythmic pinches. I knew that each squeeze made his crotch muscles tighten reflexively, and I saw his prick expanding under the stimulation.

I sighed deeply as Paul began skinning my hood back over the now swollen head. My prick was rock hard and he was able to slide the tight hood much more easily than if it had been soft and yielding. As the wet blunt dome of my helmet appeared, the rich masculine odor of foreskin filled the air.

"I love that man smell," he commented. "It's so natural." He slid my foreskin back farther to uncover about half the head and then pulled it up again.

"I just love when you do that," I said. "Skinning it back over the swollen head really stretches the nerve endings." He pushed my long foreskin back down again, this time until it lay poised on the ridge, and then drew it up again. I kept squeezing his glans as his prick rapidly hardened, and cupped his balls with my other hand. Paul pushed my foreskin all the way down this time, exposing the flaring corona, which was covered with a thin coating of smegma.

"I like that head cheese," he admitted. "I wish I had some."

"I didn't take a shower yet," I told him. "I always skin back and rinse off in the shower." I was slightly embarrassed that he'd seen my prick even slightly dirty.

"Oh, no, that's no problem," he blurted out. "I love that natural secretion. I wish my cock had a hood so that I'd have some of that too."

"You'd just have to clean it," I said.

"That's the point, Jack. I'd really enjoy cleaning my cock. I love handling my cock. When I pee, or when I'm in the shower, I love touching it. I just wish mine was as sensitive as yours." We were both rock hard, and we got up and moved into the bedroom again.

"I want to suck your cock, Jack," he breathed heavily. "Now that it's got that extra cheesy flavoring, I'd like to smell and taste it. Are you shocked?" I was, but didn't want to admit it. We assumed a "69" position on the bed and now our pricks were pointed at each others' faces. I studied the big blunt glans in front of me, and then licked at the meaty orifice, probing between the long lips to tickle the inside.

I felt Paul's lips lock behind my corona as his tongue began caressing my helmet. The hot exhalations from his nostrils tickled the underside of my shaft as his tongue probed my orifice and then moved down the head to the flaring ridge. He swiped across the broad upper surface of my glans and then caressed the corona starting at the top and working down one side. My nerve endings tingled as his hot tongue worked over them.

Now I moved forward on Paul's prick, taking the entire helmet into my mouth and locking my lips around his thick brown circumcision scar. Working my tongue over the sexy contours of his glans, I strove to give him the same sensations he was giving me. I was rewarded by the sight of his scrotum tightening against his body, and I heard his breathing become more rapid. All this added to my excitement, as did the pressure in my bladder. We were full of coffee, the caffeine coursing in our bloodstreams and the liquid filling our bladders. I knew that this made it harder to remain relaxed, and that we'd be shooting our loads more quickly than usual.

Paul's fingers tugged on the skin of my contracted scrotum, pulling it down and stretching its nerve endings. I did the same to him and knew that he'd be feeling exactly the same sensations as I did. After all, his circumcision had removed sensitive tissue from his penis, not his scrotum, and in that way he was exactly the same as I.

My breathing became shallower and more rapid, and I felt myself tensing involuntarily. His magic tongue explored the deep groove behind my glans, removing all of the smegma that had formed during the night, and now I felt the caress of his tongue on my raw flesh, making the nerve endings sing.

I shuddered when I felt the scrape of his teeth on my helmet. Some guys don't like their partner's teeth scraping their sensitive male flesh, but to me it was delightful and very stimulating because Paul did it very gently. The sensation was so intense it was almost unbearable, and I removed my mouth from his prick to groan loudly.

The scrapes of his teeth were giving me an intense tickle in my hard, swollen helmet, and he worked his tongue in conjunction to add to my sensations. The combination of his scrapes along my glans, his tongue probing my urethra, and his pulling the skin of my scrotum proved impossible to resist, and now I felt the full effect, a hot tingling in my helmet that made me grunt hard in anticipation of the bliss that was to follow.

I was taking deep breaths now, and expelling them in loud grunts of joy as I felt the sensations slipping out of control. The sensation of intense tingling in my glans seemed to explode as his teeth sent hot sparks of sensation stabbing deeply into my helmet. My eyelids snapped shut. A bolt of electricity shot down my shaft and my cock-root contracted sharply in its first spasm, sending a torrent of hot lava shooting up my urethra as I bellowed in release. I shuddered in a full body orgasm as the waves of sensation washed over me, and my helmet throbbed as it shot my first load into Paul's throat. My hips bucked, driving my straining prick deeper into his mouth as it disgorged the hot liquid.

Paul twisted his head on my prick, and I felt the sideways swipe of his tight lips around my corona and the groove behind it. I shuddered again as my prick throbbed in its second spasm, shooting another load into his waiting mouth. My helmet was both tingling and throbbing, flooding me with sensations of mindless ecstasy as the second hot stream slammed through the lips of my orifice.

I yelped in joyful agony as the third wave of sensations ripped through my body, and my prick throbbed as it disgorged another load. I was floating, lost in the free-fall of orgasm, my conscious mind on "HOLD," as my body responded automatically to the stimulation. The next contractions were weaker, although still intense, and my orgasm faded as my prick dribbled its last drops into Paul's sucking mouth. I felt his finger pressing against my urethra behind my scrotum, pushing the fluid forward, and then against the underside of my prick forward of my balls to force out the last residue. I was barely conscious when I relaxed and sunk into the daze that follows release.

A couple of minutes later I had recovered, a silly smile on my face as I opened my eyes.

"That was lovely," I murmured as Paul leaned over me to kiss me delicately on the lips.

"I know it was hot for you. Those high-pressure streams you shot into my mouth told me that." I saw that Paul's erection was still rock-hard, my saliva drying on its surface. I pushed him onto his back and told him to lie still, that I'd take care of his orgasm now. I took my vibrator from the drawer and plugged it in. I prefer the ones that use 110 volts to those powered by batteries, because they're more powerful and deliver more intense stimulation. I had the flat plastic plate adapter on the vibrator, and I pressed it against the underside of his shaft as I took his swollen purple glans into my mouth. I wanted him to have an orgasm at least as intense as the one he'd given me, and the vibrator would give me an edge. My lips locked behind his flaring ridge as I turned the vibrator to "HIGH," and I felt the vibrations filling his glans. He began to moan softly as I applied gentle suction and probed his long slit with my tongue-tip. I tasted the slippery saltiness of his natural lube as it flowed freely from his glans. Now I began an up-and-down movement, working my lips over his rim to hit its many nerve endings. All the time the vibrator did its work, sending shocks of sensation deep inside him to hit the deep-seated nerve endings.

"Ohhhh, Jack, that feels so good," he moaned as I felt his hot hard glans engorge even further in my mouth as it went into its final swelling. His prick throbbed as a surge of salty lubricant flowed from between the lips of his slit onto my tongue. I worked my tongue-tip into the magic triangle under the head, hitting his hot spot, and his prick throbbed again. He'd been hard longer than I had, and I was sure he was primed to come.

Now I scraped my teeth lightly down the broad upper surface of his glans, giving him the sharp stimulation that would drive him over the brink. I heard him cry out at the sudden sensual shock, and a moment later I felt his prick jerk hard. I was ready for the hot torrent of cream that surged from his long slit, filling my mouth with a salty taste and chlorine odor, and I swallowed hard. His hips bucked, driving his prick upward into my throat as it throbbed again with his second release that flooded my mouth. He was having a whole body orgasm as I'd had, and I knew that the sensations in his prick were intense.

It was a beautiful moment, feeling him ejaculate with heavy throbs, knowing that he was experiencing the same intense sensations he'd given me only minutes ago. I twisted my head on his glans, providing the delicious sideways friction that added to his orgasm, and felt him throb again, releasing another load of sperm into my waiting mouth.

Paul's prick continued to throb and shoot as he unloaded his streams of salty juice. His grunts filled the room as his body responded to my mouth and the vibrator's intense buzzing. Now I removed my mouth and brought the vibrator up to the underside of his straining glans, right on his hot spot, and watched as another long jet erupted from his meatus. I licked the sperm from his helmet as it drooled down because the last ejaculations weren't as strong, and the thick cream just dribbled from his slit.

After several minutes he'd revived from his daze and I helped him into the shower. The hot water flowed over our bodies, washing away the sweat and body oils. I skinned back my hood to allow the water to flow over my naked glans as it was flowing over his, and within seconds we were both peeing, flushing the residual sperm from our urethras. We hugged sensually, glad to be alive and glad to be with each other.

After dressing we returned to the kitchen where I prepared breakfast for us, and then we rushed off to work. He promised to come for dinner that evening, and I began thinking about what to obtain for our meal. During my workday I watched the news services, and just before I was leaving that afternoon our court reporter returned and filled me in on what had happened in Jimmy's trial. Over sushi that evening, I briefed Paul:

"They had a hung jury. It didn't take long. They hardly deliberated at all. One juror was the hold-out from the start. The others said he was guilty because the evidence was overwhelming, but this guy wouldn't go along, or even discuss it."

"I guess the fix was in," Paul mused. "You know, Jack, you were absolutely right. That lawyer reached a juror, which is why he didn't even bother to put up a defense."

"The prosecutor said that he was going for another trial," I told him. "A hung jury isn't an acquittal." We finished eating and went to bed, sitting side by side and watching TV. When the ten o'clock news came on, the lead story was a traffic accident.

We watched, stunned, as the talking head announced that our friend Jimmy had been driving home when a cement truck overturned and crushed his car. The police had come, and had said that there was no evidence of foul play. A tire on the truck and blown during a turn, and the unbalanced truck had just capsized onto Jimmy's car. There was no way that this accident could have been contrived. I turned off the TV and we sat contemplatively for a few minutes.

"Isn't that the shits," Paul concluded. "He gets off and that very afternoon he gets killed."

"Maybe it's poetic justice," I said.

"I'm not sure he deserved to die, but maybe a higher power made that decision," Jimmy replied.

"Well, maybe, but if that was it his lawyer should have been in the car with him," I said.

"Well," I don't think I'll miss him. He wasn't much of a friend." I hugged Paul to me and said:

"No, he was just an opportunist, a greedy little scumbag no good to anybody. At least we have each other." We kissed long and hard before going to sleep.

The End

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