Beginning With Paul

By Jack Santoro

Published on Dec 14, 2006


Beginning with Paul, Part 7


There was another message from Jimmy at work next day. As before, I did not return his call. I hated doing this, because it irritated me no end when someone did this to me, but I felt I was justified because I did not want to be Jimmy's pawn.

The following day, he phoned me and I was in to take the call. He did not sound put out that I'd not returned his previous phone calls:

"Hello, Jack, how's it going?" he asked cheerfully.

"Fine, how are you?" I riposted.

"Doing great, Jack. Hey, I was wondering if you were free for lunch today." I really didn't want to meet with him, but I wondered what explanation he had ready.

"What's the occasion, Jim?" I really wanted to get him to tip his hand before I decided.

"Well, I was wondering if you know the state attorney-general." So that was it! He wanted to use me to get to meet someone who might help him in some manner. I decided right then to be a total prick:

"Yes, I know him. You want me to introduce you?" I was making him think I was going to make it very easy for him.

"I'd sure appreciate that, Jack. We can talk about it over lunch. Say at 11:30 at the Mountain Inn?" I knew I was going to be interviewing someone at that time, but this didn't stop me. I had absolutely no intention of meeting Jimmy for lunch, that day or any other, and I hoped that he would get the message after he'd realized I'd stood him up.

"Sure, sounds good. 11:30, then," I said.

"Okay, it's a plan. I'll see you then," he said and rang off.

"Fuck you," I thought as I replaced the phone. I finished a story I'd been writing when Jimmy had phoned, and then went off to my interview. When I returned to the office at three, there was a message from Jimmy on my voicemail. He said he'd missed me, and understood if something had come up. He added that he'd like to meet with me the same place, same time, the following day. I didn't return this call either, but phoned Paul, asking him if I could come over that evening, as I had something interesting to tell him. I said I'd bring a pizza. Paul asked me if I minded if Mike was there as well. I told him I had not objection.

I rang Paul's bell at seven and he let me in, taking the pizza box and the beer from my hands. As before, he and Mike were naked, and I took the hint, quickly doffing my clothes before going into the kitchen.

Mike was already seated, and he and Paul were apparently waiting for me.

"Hey, you didn't have to wait," I exclaimed. "I wouldn't have been insulted if you'd started digging in. After all, the pizza's getting cold."

"Well, we didn't have long to wait," Paul said as he opened the lid and we each took a slice. The pizza was very good, as I'd bought it at the best pizzeria in town that luckily was not far. We ate with gusto, finishing every slice. We'd eaten pizza during our last encounter, and we never seemed to tire of it.

As we ate I filled them in on the day's events relating to Jimmy. They agreed that it was best to avoid meeting with him, because Jimmy never played on a level playing field, but was always manipulative, trying to extract advantages for himself even at the expense of the person with whom he was dealing. We continued eating.

Mike's hand crept into my lap, as he knew from last time that my prick and especially my foreskin craved attention. I reached for Paul's prick, gently squeezing the head to make the root of his prick throb in reflex. Mike was becoming excited just from handling me, without any manual stimulation of his penis. It didn't take long for us to become hard. After we'd finished eating and cleared the table we went into the bedroom.

"Man, I like the way those big tips swing when you two walk," Mike observed. My heavy-ended prick and Paul's swung from side to side, almost hypnotically, with each step. Mike's prick, only about five inches long with a small circumcised acorn at the end, stuck straight out.

"Last time Jack docked you," Paul told Mike. "This time I'd like you to try something very different. I've got an electro-stimulator from the store, and I think you'll really enjoy what it does to you."

"I never tried that before, although you've told me about them," Mike said. "How does it work?"

"It's an electric pulse generator designed to produce pulses that are erotic, not painful. The current's very weak, but you can feel it going through your cock and balls," Paul explained. "The pulses run along the nerve in your groin area, and can bring you right to the edge without your having to touch your cock."

"This sounds very interesting," Mike replied. "I guess you like it, or you wouldn't recommend it."

"That's right, Mike. Jack's also tried it and likes it, but I think it works best on guys who are circumcised, like you and me." Seeing Mike's skeptical look, Paul continued: "The reason is that we've had our skins cut off and the nerve endings they had are gone forever. Also, the nerve endings in our tips are less sensitive because they've been dried out for years. The electro works on the nerves directly, so it doesn't matter if the nerve endings are there or not. We get the same sensations as if they were." As he spoke he removed a tan metal box with a control panel on one side and several wires from the drawer in the bedside table.

"Lie down, Mike," he continued. "Let's get the electrodes on you." Mike lay face up on the bed and Paul spread a towel over his stomach.

"This sticky pad goes right on the head," Paul said as he applied a small square of plastic with a wire coming from it to the underside of Mike's acorn, leaving the small slit free for the ejaculation. I sat next to Mike and caressed the insides of his thighs.

"Next we'll put this conductive band around the base of your shaft," Paul continued. He slipped an elastic blue band down Mike's prick and settled it right at the base, where he tightened it by pulling the free end through a buckle.

"I like that," Mike said. "That feels really good. I can feel it tightening around the veins, and it's making my cock harder already."

"Last, reach down and stick this sticky pad right next to your anus. That way the pulses can travel down your cock and through your prostate. You'll have a really terrific orgasm that way." Mike accepted the last sticky pad and slipped it far back between his thighs, where he put it in place. Paul plugged the wires into jacks on the box, and turned on the power. We sat next to Mike on the bed, watching him closely to monitor his reactions. I was closest to his head and he reached to clasp my prick, gently sliding my long foreskin up and down. I reached for a jar of Albolene and warmed some between my fingers before spreading it on Paul's glans and shaft.

"I'm going to go very slowly," Paul advised Mike. "You'll feel a tingle at first, and then it's get more intense." He twisted a knob on the control panel.

"I feel it," Mike reported. "It's nice, but not enough to make me come." His warm fingers kept manipulating my foreskin, stretching it all the way out and then drawing it back behind the crown of my helmet.

"A little more," Paul said as he twisted the knob further.

"Oh, I definitely feel that," Mike replied. "I'm also getting hot from handling Jack's skin. I love the way it goes up all the way over the head and then slides down and the big purple head comes out. Then I can smell his cock." His thumb rubbed across my slit as he uncapped me, and I drew in my breath sharply. I was giving Paul's prick the standard up and down stroking, as I was not trying to bring his orgasm on quickly. We could all wait, and let our excitement build, so that we would enjoy more intense and explosive climaxes at the end.

"Maybe you'd better sit up," Paul suggested. "You keep your eyes open when you come, and I think you'll enjoy watching your cock bob up and down when the orgasm hits you." Mike agreed and I propped a pillow behind him as he brought himself up to lean against the headboard. I rearranged the towel under his genitals. Meanwhile, Mike kept stroking my penis in the long satisfying strokes that brought my foreskin all the way up and then all the way down behind my rim. This provided strong visual stimulation for him as well as tickling the nerve endings in my prick and hood. I kept up the strokes on Paul's hard prick.

"Now I'm going to switch the mode," Paul said. "I'm going to go to the TOGGLE mode. This alternates between the electrode on your tip and the one against your anus. You'll feel a powerful spasm each time." Paul pushed one of the buttons on the control panel several times and then increased the power level. We watched Mike's prick, now horizontal, begin to jerk slightly. Several drops of clear fluid leaked from his small orifice.

"I feel that," Mike responded. "It's making my cock-root contract each time it runs through my cock." Paul turned the power knob slightly and Mike's prick jerked higher. Watching him reminded me of the time I'd done electro with Paul, and I knew how stimulating that could be. Meanwhile, Mike's rising excitement made his hand fly up and down my prick, slapping my foreskin against the swollen corona and then over it to caress my helmet. I felt my prick going into its final swelling, and I knew I'd release my sperm before Mike tumbled into his orgasm.

"I can see you're going to come," Paul commented. "Your tip's really dark now, and your breathing's quicker." He was absolutely right, and I began withdrawing into myself as Mike's warm fingers stroked my foreskin more tightly. My glans glistened as several drops of natural lube seeped from my gaping teardrop shaped slit, lubricating my foreskin and cushioning the friction. I quickly approached the peak, and I knew I was going to blow within seconds.

I felt a tickling in my rim as Mike continued to yank my foreskin up and down over it. The tickling spread to encompass my entire helmet and I sighed deeply. My balls were tight against my body and I felt my mind slipping away, totally focused on the sensations in my prick. The outside world faded and I was aware only of the intense sensations that would explode into orgasm in my prick within seconds. I was marginally aware that I'd stopped stroking Paul's hard penis, although I still clasped it. My stomach muscles contracted.

My helmet suddenly filled with the familiar hot tingle that seemed to expand and spread down my shaft to the root of my prick, where it exploded to bring on the first spasm. I cried out as my eyes closed, and a torrent of burning hot cream poured into my urethra, rushing up to the helmet and gushing out. I gasped hard as another contraction gripped me, and a second gush of semen poured from my straining glans onto the bed sheet. I was floating in the free-fall of my orgasm, totally helpless and carried away by the burning intensity of the sensations.

Mike snapped my foreskin down again, harder, and I felt the tug of my gee-string pulling the head down, triggering my third blast of cream. I was moaning mindlessly, totally absorbed in the overwhelming sensations that gripped my body. Now Mike's fingers gripped my shaft tightly, keeping the foreskin back to expose the head fully. I shot several more times as the sensations began to fade, until I was only seeping.

After a minute I opened my eyes to see both Mike and Paul watching me intently. Mike spoke first:

"Did you see how his big tip was spitting that juice?"

"That was wonderful to see," Paul said. "Watching the skin slide up and down's exciting, but when he comes I like to see the big head shooting."

"Thanks, guys," I whispered. "That was wonderful. Now let's give Mike something to remember." I resumed stroking Paul's prick. Paul didn't speak but turned the power knob clockwise, incrementally increasing the intensity of the pulses racing through Mike's groin. Mike immediately responded:

"OH, OH, OH!" he said as his prick jerked up and down through a two-inch arc with each pulse. His stomach contracted each time his penis bobbed, and I knew he was really getting into it. His glans became darker and the surface shiny as it expanded with blood. I saw him grit his teeth as Paul turned up the power knob fractionally to bring him over the edge.

Mike bellowed loudly as he tumbled into his orgasm, his body tightening as the first hard thin jet shot from his slit. I'd prepared by lifting the edge of the towel and his stream hit the terrycloth, soaking into it as he yelped again and shot another load. His head was bowed, eyes fixed on his streaming prick, which was bobbing frantically with each ejaculation. Mike's breathing was gasping and labored as the fury of the orgasm flooded his body, and his jerking penis shot more jets into the towel. By now, the air was filled with the chlorine odor of both our loads, as well as the musky aroma of our lubricants.

Now Paul reduced the power, but Mike's prick continued bobbing in time with the pulses. Paul explained:

"He doesn't need full power to keep him going. Even after he stops shooting, he'll still feel the spasms, as if his orgasm was still running." I knew this to be true from the few times I'd experienced electro-stim, and was glad that Mike's artificial orgasm would continue after the real one had faded.

Paul kept the stimulation going until Mike's breathing had returned to normal, gradually reducing the power to ensure that Mike was not uncomfortable. Finally, he set about removing the electrodes. Mike wiped himself with the towel, and then wiped my prick as well. I still had some semen trapped inside my foreskin, and Mike gently stripped it back and dabbed carefully.

"Now it's Paul's turn," I announced. Paul lay flat on the bed in the space vacated by Mike and we both got to work on him. I continued stroking his prick, while Mike caressed the insides of his thighs and cupped his tight sac. I knew that Paul was ready to pop because he'd remained hard all the time Mike and I had been shooting our loads, evidenced by the steady dribble of lubricant from his orifice.

The Albolene had not evaporated and it made his hot hard prick glisten as I stroked it lovingly, determined to give him as intense a climax as I could. I felt his rim harden as my finger rode over it, caressing its flare and working on the nerve endings it contained. Now I changed my stroke, concentrating on the glans and the neck of his shaft, twisting my fingers over his circumcision scar and everything forward of it.

Watching Paul's face I saw his eyes glaze over as the sensations intensified, and I knew he was becoming less aware of everything but the sensations in his groin. His swollen tip was dark purple like mine becomes during the last few seconds before the explosion, and he'd begun moaning in response to the sensations. Mike's fingers were pressed into the tender flesh behind Paul's sac as he cupped and kneaded the scrotum, and I knew he'd feel every pulse of semen as it coursed through his urethra. Paul's stomach muscles had tightened and his legs had begun to tremble.

I massaged Paul's glans and the neck of his shaft, twisting my fist with each stroke, bringing him to the peak. Paul's moaning was louder now, and I knew that he'd explode any second. I tightened my grip to compress the buried nerve endings, and I was rewarded by a loud cry as Paul's release began. I felt his hot hard helmet throb between my fingers as a long thick stream of white cream erupted from the long slit to land on the towel in front of him.

I twisted my fist again, bringing forth another hot eruption and a long bellow of mindless pleasure from him. Paul's eyes were fixed on his spewing prick, as were mine and Mike's, and we all relished the spectacle of his powerful release. I kept up my strokes, knowing that Paul's circumcised prick did not become over-sensitive during orgasm, and we watched as Paul's third jet poured out through the lips of his distended slit.

His straining helmet throbbed again, releasing another hot stream of cream as he sobbed his cries of agonized joy. I knew that the sensations were so intense as to be almost painful as the fury of the orgasm ripped through his body. I felt another hard throb and watched the fourth jet pour from his slit.

"I can feel every shot," Mike advised me, and I knew that his fingertips, pressed against Paul's perineum, felt every pulse of the urethra. Paul howled as he shot again, this time with less force although the same volume. Paul shot again, draining himself, and then a seventh gush ended that phase of his climax. Now his prick was still throbbing weakly, but only a dribble of sperm seeped from his slit.

Paul's body began to relax as his breathing slowly returned to normal. He slumped against me, and I put my arm around him. Mike raised himself to kiss him tenderly on the lips, and we sunk on to the bed, arms wrapped around each other, happy to have shared our moments of sublime pleasure.

We awoke after having dozed for a couple of hours. We were utterly spent, utterly relaxed, and utterly blissful.

"That was a terrific three-way," Mike said.

"I'm glad it was us three," Paul responded.

"So am I," I added. "I can't think of anyone else I'd enjoy it with more than you two guys."

"It's really nice when guys can get it off together," Mike continued.

"A woman can't handle a guy's cock the way another guy can," Paul said. Although we were all gay, we'd had some experiences with women, and had drawn our own conclusions regarding how adept they were as sexual partners.

"I know," I agreed. "Women are first interested in their own satisfaction. Most don't give a damn about the guy. They don't even know how to stroke a prick."

"They don't bother to learn," Mike said. "They don't want to learn."

"One woman dug her nails into my cock," Paul said. "I don't know if she really wanted to hurt me, or was just plain ignorant."

"That happened to me too," I said. "She wasn't gentle with my prick at all. She yanked my foreskin back so hard it hurt. Maybe she'd never handled an uncut prick before."

"Most likely," Mike said. "Most guys are cut, so that's it."

"What are you going to do about Jimmy?" Paul asked.

"I'm just not going to meet him," I answered. "If he phones me again, I'll agree to meet him, and then just stand him up. I won't feel guilty about blowing him off, after what you've told me."

We got up then, showered, and Mike and I got dressed. We kissed Paul goodnight and headed for home.

Continued in Part 8

Next: Chapter 8

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