Beginning With Paul

By Jack Santoro

Published on Dec 7, 2006


Beginning with Paul, Part 6


Author's note: How do you feel reading this story? Do you imagine yourself as Mike, being docked, or as Jack, the one doing the docking? Perhaps you imagine yourself as Paul, the man with the ringside seat, watching as two hot guys come to orgasm together, streams of sperm mixing inside Jack's foreskin.

Now on to the story:

Jimmy's message sounded a warning bell in my mind. Paul had just informed me of Jimmy's conscienceless opportunism, and his readiness to drop friends who were no longer useful to him. I could only wonder what Jimmy wanted from me. After a moment's reflection, I decided not to return his call. I had enough work to do that day, anyway. I phoned Paul and told him of the call, so that he'd know what Jimmy's machinations were.

A couple of evenings later, I was again at Paul's house. Paul had told me that again it would be a three-some, but with someone else than Jimmy. He said that Mike was a straight arrow.

I arrived at seven, bearing a large pizza and a six-pack of imported beer. As Paul let me in I saw that he and Mike had already gotten naked, and I put the pizza and beer down in the kitchen before removing my clothes. Paul and Mike were watching me strip, but Mike seemed the more interested, as he'd never seen me before, dressed or naked.

"I told Mike you were uncut," Paul said as I took off my boxers. "Now he can see for himself." Mike's eyes were fixed on my crotch as I looked at his. Mike was somewhat shorter than Paul and me, with brown hair and eyes, a muscular build, and a small circumcised penis almost buried in a thick brown pubic bush. Paul sat at the table and Mike and I did the same.

"I haven't seen many like yours," Mike said between bites of pizza. As he was in our age bracket, early 30s, I wasn't surprised. Few American males of this generation had escaped the blade. I fully understood his interest.

"Don't be afraid to touch," I said to him. "Just don't get any pizza sauce on it." As he was holding his slice in his right hand and sat on my right, he reached down into my lap with his left, gently grasping the end of my long droopy foreskin.

"Man, you've got a lot of skin," He observed. "You've got enough for both of us." He continued, unconscious of the irony that Paul immediately pointed out to him:

"That's right, Mike. Jack can dock you the way he docked me. You know what docking is, don't you?" Mike looked surprised but hastily nodded yes. I saw that his prick had begun swelling with his excitement.

"I heard of docking but I've never been docked," Mike said in a low voice. "I've seen pictures of how it's done on the Internet, but never imagined that I'd actually get docked. There are so few uncut guys." He took a long drink of beer.

"I think we're going to have a really interesting time this evening," Paul said as he finished his last slice. I easily guessed what he had in mind.

We finished eating and cleared the table, putting the empty pizza box and the bottles in the trash before going into Paul's bedroom. By this time we were all half-hard with anticipation, and our pricks swung from side to side ahead of us as we walked.

"Man, both of you have really big tips," Mike remarked as he watched us walking. "Difference is, yours is covered with skin, lots of skin," he said to me. He ran a finger along the top of my prick, from the base and over the bulge of my rim, and then down the taper of my helmet to the floppy nipple, which completed my erection.

"Go ahead, skin it back if you want to see my tip," I urged him. Again he grasped my prick, but this time behind the corona, and he began sliding my long hood back, watching in fascination as the nipple enlarged as it slid over the contours of my swollen glans. His touch had made me fully hard, and the thick fleshy hood stretched tightly as it rode over my corona and snapped down into the deep groove behind it. Paul came to stand next to me to let Mike compare. Both our helmets stood out boldly at the end of our shafts, blind eyes staring at Mike.

"Those are nice big tips. The rims really flare out, not like mine. I like them both, but I like the way Jack's smells," he declared. "I like everything about uncut cocks." Mike now had a full erection and I saw that his penis was about five inches at most, with a small acorn-like head that was not quite as wide as the shaft. Docking him would be no problem at all.

Mike also had a two-toned shaft. The tissue ahead of the jagged circumcision scar was light pink, and the skin behind it was olive colored. I grasped his glans and gave it a few gentle squeezes to further excite him, as I knew this would make the root of his prick throb reflexively.

"You guys get into position," Paul said, "while I get the Astroglide."

"No Albolene?" Mike asked. I surmised that he, like most cut guys, used Albolene because of its non-drying properties.

"Don't need it," I said. "Anyway, Astro washes off easily after we're finished." I slipped my hood forward again to get ready to dock Mike. I lay on my left side and Mike lay facing me. Paul squeezed a few drops of Astro on Mike's small tip and I grasped the edges of my foreskin, stretching the opening to receive Mike. He moved forward slightly and his tip slipped easily into my long thick hood. A beatific smile came over his face as the warm foreskin enveloped his glans and I clamped it onto the shaft behind his jagged cut ring.

"I'm going to sit here and watch you guys," Paul said as he anointed his prick with Albolene and began stroking it lightly. "It always gets me hot to watch guys docking." Mike began thrusting slightly into my foreskin, and I felt his hard tip bump against the big front dome of mine.

"Just go at your own pace," I advised him. "There's lots of room inside my hood and you can take long strokes if you want."

"This is fine for now," he muttered, obviously enjoying the action. Paul reached between Mike's legs with his free hand and cupped his balls gently to add to his excitement. I was excited too, as the sensation of another guy's hot tip inside my hood always brought me pleasure because of the intimacy of the head-to-head contact. The extra lubrication provided by the Astroglide ensured that Mike could slide easily inside my foreskin, and the small size of his prick would enable him to thrust past my big helmet right to the part where my foreskin anchored to the shaft behind the head.

"I really love this," breathed Mike as he thrust deeper into my warm hood. His hot tip bumped against mine with every thrust, compressing the nerve endings in my front dome.

"You're going to shoot inside my foreskin," I told him. "You'll feel your cream spurting out and your head's going to slide right through it."

"What about you?" he asked. "You're going to come with me, aren't you?"

"You bet your life I will, or close to you. When that happens you'll feel my load shooting against your tip and going around it. Both our loads are going to mix inside my foreskin." My words reminded Paul to grab a folded towel from the night table and place it under our pricks. "What's the towel for?" Mike asked. "That's to catch any leakage," Paul answered. "I think you're both going to really drain yourselves, and that's a lot of come to hold inside Jack's skin. Some of it's going to leak." Now Mike was thrusting faster, in longer strokes that made his glans ride over the top of mine. I felt the twin lobes of his glans as they slid over the broad upper surface of mine with each stroke. I tightened my grip on my foreskin, increasing the pressure on his thrusting prick. "This feels wonderful," Mike whispered. "I never felt anything like this in my life." His breathing was now more rapid and shallow as the excitement took hold and his body responded automatically. His face was flushed. "Your prick feels really hard through the skin," I said. "I know you're getting there." "I take a long time to come," Mike whispered, "no matter how hot I feel. My cut cock's not too sensitive." "There's nothing wrong with that," I said. "The longer the build-up, the harder you'll come. You'll be out of this world." Now his prick was sliding the complete length of my glans, and I felt the twin lobes under the head bumping my corona with each stroke. "Ohhhhh," he moaned as I twisted my foreskin over his hard, thrusting prick, providing the delicious sideways friction that stimulated his corona. The friction of his thrusting prick inside my hood had created heat, and this added to our excitement. Heat from friction always heightened the sensations, whether from masturbation, docking, or other sexual activity. The Astroglide, plus our natural lubrication, guarded against friction burns. I saw Paul string at us avidly, and I knew he was imagining himself in Mike's place as he indeed had been some days before, thrusting his prick inside my warm foreskin, anticipating the explosion of orgasm that would send him reeling into blissful agony. Yet, he restrained himself, stroking his penis at a slow, measured rate, waiting for us to finish so that we could concentrate on giving him a shattering orgasm. Mike's scrotum was tight against his body, as I saw when Paul removed his hand and began caressing the insides of Mike's thighs. "My dick's sliding right past your head," Mike said. "That feels so good. I'm bottoming out inside your skin." He could still speak despite his mindless excitement. I, too, was becoming very excited, anticipating that soon Mike's prick would explode mindlessly, explosively, inside my enveloping foreskin.

His prick was rock-hard, hot from the friction, and as it slid wetly inside my thick fleshy hood and along my helmet the friction broke down any resistance I might have had. I'd thought that by remaining relaxed I could hold off my orgasm until I was sure his was established, but I felt the swelling up deep inside me, even as Mike had begun gasping helplessly.

Mike grunted loudly and I felt his prick throb hard against mine on the back-stroke as he released the first hard jet against my helmet. The hot liquid poured over my front dome, almost searing it with its heat, triggering my orgasm. The root of my prick surged as I cried out helplessly and I felt the first gush of hot lava rushing up my tube. My first stream shot against the underside of his prick as he thrust into me again, and now I felt another hot hard jet from him shoot right into the groove behind my rim, filling it as it swirled around my corona.

My prick-root throbbed again, and my second torrent poured out against his straining tip as it was directly in front of mine. Mike cried out as the hot stream washed over his glans and then he shuddered hard, releasing another geyser that poured over my hot swollen helmet. My eyes had closed with the first spasm, and I only felt his prick pouring its juice into my distending foreskin.

Mike gasped hard and thrust again, sending his small but throbbing tip deep into my foreskin, gushing sperm as it slid along the broad upper surface of my glans. I felt myself tightening up as another hot spasm shook me, and I cried out again as the lava-like jet shot up my urethra to erupt onto his shaft.

Now he pulled back and I tightened my grip, preventing his glans from sliding up over mine as he thrust again, as I wanted to feel his hot hard head hammer into the front dome of mine, compressing the nerve endings. Mike's tip bumped hard into mine as he released another torrent that collided with mine as the lips of our slits kissed inside my foreskin.

I don't know how many more spasms shook me, but they were weaker now as my orgasm wound down. So did his, and we came to a shuddering stop, pricks locked together in loving embrace, hearts beating as one, and enraptured by total bliss. I gradually became aware of Paul's eyes on us, and he seemed in a trance as he watched us fixedly, languidly stroking his hard prick.

I felt Mike pull his softening prick from my foreskin, releasing a thick gush on top of the pool of cream that had previously leaked from the end Mike's small tip was creamy white with a thick coating of sperm. He reached for my prick and I said:

"Don't touch it. Not yet. It's super-sensitive right now."

"I just want to lick the juice from it," Mike explained.

"You can do that in a couple of minutes when it's less sensitive," I said.

"That's what usually happens with uncut guys," Paul told him. "They feel a lot more sensations, but when they come they can't touch their cocks for a couple of minutes because of that extra sensitivity." As Paul was speaking I rolled over and wrapped my fingers around his well-lubricated shaft and helmet, pushing his fingers out of the way and stroking him up and down. He sighed with delight and seemed to relax further.

"Just take it nice and easy, Paul," I coached him. "Now it's your turn, and Mike and I are going to take good care of you." Mike had by now wiped his prick and was waiting to suck the cream out of my foreskin. I nodded and he grasped my prick and lowered his head. I felt him insinuate his tongue into my hood, which was still gaping open from having been stretched by both our swollen tips. He first worked around my slit and then probed deeply, right to the back, working his tongue into the deep groove behind my rim. I saw his Adam's Apple working as he swallowed our mixed juices ardently.

"I bet it tastes good," Paul said as Mike continued lapping and sucking at my prick. Now Mike was drawing back, having cleaned the inside of my hood thoroughly, and he held the nipple of my foreskin between his lips, stretching it out gently, until he was satisfied that my thick fleshy hood completely covered my precious helmet.

Mike now turned his attention to Paul, reaching between his spread thighs to tickle his scrotal hairs. Paul's sac, which had remained down all through this, began contracting against his body under the new stimulation. I kept administering the long, even strokes I knew Paul enjoyed to bring him up the slope slowly and surely.

"Lie back and just watch," I suggested. Paul backed up against the headboard, propping a pillow behind his back, his eyes fixed on his prick. My fist glided up and down evenly, and his big helmet glistened in the soft room light.

"His balls are very tight," Mike reported. He cupped them and pressed his fingertips behind Paul's contracted sac. I knew that when Paul started to shoot, Mike would feel the first pulse in his urethra. Now Paul's breathing became more rapid and shallow as his excitement mounted. I saw a large clear drop of natural lube part the lips of his long slit, and I dipped my head to lick it off. It tasted salty and slippery against my tongue, and I savored the flavor.

Paul sighed deeply, and gripped my free hand, squeezing it tightly. I enjoyed the intimacy of the moment, which was too intimate for words. Mike continued to cup Paul's sac, and now began to lick at the base of Paul's shaft. I knew it was time to bring Paul to a finish, and I began the rapid twisting strokes around his helmet that would excite the nerve endings in his flaring corona.

"Your helmet's getting harder," I commented to Paul. "It's getting darker too." The congestion in his glans was turning it a darker purple, a sure sign of his impending orgasm. Paul began moaning and his hips began gyrating as his body responded to the stimulation from my and Mike. His legs began trembling, and I knew he was right on the edge.

Several clear drops poured from his slit, mixing with the Albolene and making his glans more slippery. Now his entire body tightened and I prepared for the storm.

Paul cried out helplessly as his hot hard helmet throbbed between my tightly encircling fingers, and an instant later a thick gush shot up from his slit. A strong chlorine odor hit my nostrils and I twisted my fingers again around his throbbing tip. He yelped again as another torrent of thick white cream spewed upward, arcing through the air to land on his stomach.

His hips bucked and another geyser shot into the air. Now he was moaning loudly, gasping between moans, writhing on the mattress, lost in the free-fall of orgasm. I was sublimely happy to give him his orgasm, because I knew exactly what he was feeling, and he had done the same for me previously. The three of us were engaged in a moment of masculine intimacy that bonded us together.

Paul's prick throbbed several more times before he was drained, and then he became still, calmed by the afterglow. I kissed him on the lips and then kissed Mike, with whom I'd shared orgasms minutes before. We watched Paul slowly recover from his daze, and then we hugged him between us.

"Now Jack," Paul spoke. "I want you to understand that Mike is a regular guy. Jimmy's good for hot sex, but you can't trust him. You can trust Mike."

"I'm glad of that, Paul. I'll have to be vary careful with Jimmy, bit it's good to know I can be comfortable with Mike."

"Jimmy's a slick operator," Mike said. "I work for city government too, and I have some suspicions that Jimmy's been up to a few sneaky things, some of them illegal. I don't want to say anymore until the indictments come down, but he's going to take some people down with him."

"That's okay, Mike," I reassured him. "I'm off duty now, and I wouldn't write the story anyway. I don't believe in trial by newspaper."

"I had a hunch you'd say something like that, Jack. Paul told me you're a straight shooter too." We hugged each other more tightly.

"You two might as well spend the night here," Paul suggested. "This is a queen-size bed, so it won't be too crowded."

"I'll vote for that," Mike said, and I nodded acquiescence. We had a good night's sleep.

Continued in Part 7

Next: Chapter 7

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