Beginning With Paul

By Jack Santoro

Published on Nov 30, 2006


Beginning with Paul, Part 5


Personal note: Often while writing a story, I find myself becoming aroused. I don't always find my penis swelling but when I go to pee, there's a drop of clear lubricant emerging from my meatus. I don't know if this happens to other authors, but would appreciate some feedback.

If you read my stories, does your prick start leaking lubricant?

If you write erotic stories, do you become aroused while composing the story?

Now let's begin Part 5:

Paul and I got into the shower, enjoying the warm water flowing over our bodies. We lovingly soaped each other, and Paul watched as I pinched the end of my long foreskin and let the fleshy sleeve fill with urine until it was distended to twice the diameter of my prick. When I let go, the yellow gush dropped to the shower floor, and Paul immediately grasped the end of my foreskin nipple and pinched it shut as my stream continued to flow. He let go and repeated the cycle several more times until I was drained. Meanwhile, the warm water flowing over his naked glans had induced urination, and our streams mixed before going down the drain.

"I'm sure you noted how fast Jimmy gout out of here," he commented.

"Yes I did, but I didn't think anything of it," I responded.

"That's the way he is, although he was better than average this evening. I think he wanted to make a good impression on you."

"He made a terrific impression on me," I replied. "The way his high pressure jet of cream shot right down my tube sent me flying. That's never happened to me before, I think I told you, and that really triggered a hot orgasm for me."

"I'm really glad you got a lot out of docking Jimmy, but there's more to him than that. He's sometimes gotten his jollies and left me high and dry. He comes and goes, so to speak." This struck me hard. There's a convention that each partner in a sexual encounter must reach satisfaction, and it's immoral and inconsiderate to leave your partner unsatisfied if you come first.

"I didn't know that," I said in a weak voice. This certainly changed my opinion of Jimmy.

"It's the kind of guy he is," explained Paul. "It also has to do with the work he does. Jimmy's basically a politician, an opportunist. He's really only out for himself. He's attached himself to this mayor's administration because he sees it as a stepping-stone to higher things. Once you're no longer useful to him, he's gone."

"He's that bad?" I asked.

"Yes he is," emphasized Paul. "A good friend of mine used to have a relationship with Jimmy. He believed Jimmy really loved him. It turned out that Jimmy was only using him. My friend was a friend of the party chairman, the guy who helped the present mayor get elected, and Jimmy was only using him to get to know the chairman. Once he made the connection, and got himself a job at City Hall, he dropped my friend flat. Suddenly my friend didn't hear from him anymore. He tried to phone him, but all he ever got was his voice mail, and Jimmy never returned his calls. It hit him hard." Hearing this, I felt weak. This was a totally different side of Jimmy, one that I hadn't suspected.

"Then why did you invite him here?" I asked.

"Just to give you a warning," Paul said. "You work for a newspaper. Maybe one day Jimmy's going to get close to you because he needs some favorable press. He might run for office some day. If ever he expresses an interest in you, and tries to get close to you, watch out! Once he has no further use for you, you cease to exist for him." We continued to stand under the shower spray as Paul spoke, wasting water but certainly getting thoroughly rinsed. Finally, Paul turned off the shower and we got out, sharing a towel to dry each other.

Paul lovingly patted my prick with the towel, and then pushed back my long foreskin until it was bunched behind the rim so that he could dry my glans. He'd set a plastic squeeze bottle of Astroglide on the bathroom counter, and now he squirted a drop onto my helmet and worked my foreskin back and forth a few times to spread the lubricant. As I'd just been drained my prick swelled only slightly with the gentle friction.

We finished drying off and went into the bedroom. He sat on the side of the bed and looked up at me. I was getting ready to put on my clothes when he said:

"You're welcome to stay the night, Jack. I know you have to work too, but you don't live all that far from here. In the morning, you can shower and shave here while I fix breakfast, or if you need a change of clothes, you're only five minutes away from here." This was a generous offer, and I nodded acceptance. I was still shocked by what he'd told me about Jimmy, and I was glad that Paul was a solid character who wasn't just courting me for selfish ends. I climbed in beside him and hugged him.

"Thanks, Paul," I said. "I really appreciate it. It's going to be a little inconvenient going home in the morning for fresh clothes, but it's worth it because I really want to spend the night with you." We kissed "Good Night" and dropped off to sleep, fingers wrapped around each others' pricks, like long-term lovers.

This intimacy was something we both enjoyed. Feeling Paul's warm fingers gently squeezing my prick, sliding the foreskin in very slight movements over my helmet, was not as much arousing as comforting, especially after having experienced an intense, jarring orgasm that had utterly drained me. I gave his big helmet small squeezes too, until I dropped off to sleep.

We were both wide awake at four. We'd slept so deeply that we felt completely refreshed, and even if we hadn't had the pressure in our bladders, we would have been fully erect. As it was, our hot hard pricks throbbed in each other's fingers, and we both knew that we had to blow our loads again.

"It's nice to wake up like this," Paul said as he gave my helmet a squeeze through the enveloping skin. I squeezed him back and felt the responsive throb as the root of his prick contracted in reflex.

"I've got five hours before I've got to be at work," I said. "That gives us a lot of time."

"I'd like to dock again with you, but this time we'd try something new."

"What's that?" I enquired.

"You know I get stuff from the store at a discount. One of the toys I've got is an electro-stimulation kit."

"I've heard of those, but never used one," I commented.

"Are you interested?" he asked. "It's a whole new range of sensations."

"I'll be glad to try it," I answered. "How does it work?" He disengaged himself from me and took a box from the closet.

"This is the power box, with all the controls," he said. "It's powered by an internal rechargeable battery and has all the controls. The wires plug in here in the front."

"Where do the wires go?" I asked. In reply he took out two adjustable circular bands.

"Here, let me fit one around the base of your cock, like this," he said. He slipped the band down my shaft and when it was around the base, pulled the free end through the buckle to make a snug fit. "See? They're elastic." He put the other one around the base of his shaft and tightened it to fit.

"These are conductive, but to make sure we have good contact I'll put on some conductive jelly," he explained as he squirted a few drops from a squeeze bottle on each of the bands. We watched the liquid soak in. It felt cold against the skin of my prick but warmed quickly, spreading around the circumference.

"I'm going to put a towel under us," he said. He put a folded towel under our pricks as we turned toward each other. "We'll really need it. I think we'll be shooting tremendous loads with this set-up."

"Now we attach the wires," he said as he plugged in the leads. One went to the socket on my band and the other to his. The other ends plugged into the power box.

"Now I'll put some conductive liquid on my tip. You put some inside your skin. That way we'll have good contact between our dicks," he instructed. I followed his lead and worked my hood back and forth several times to make sure the liquid was spread evenly over my swollen helmet.

"That feels a lot like Astroglide," I commented.

"It's water and glycerin based, somewhat like Astroglide, but with a little salt added to increase the conductivity," he said. "Now let's put our dicks together before I turn on the power. We have to have our cocks connected. The current follows the path of least resistance, and it goes from the base of your cock to the tip, into my tip, and down to the base of mine." We lay facing each other and I quickly drew my foreskin out and over his swollen glans, stretching it right out to the deep groove behind his flaring corona.

"You keep your fingers wrapped around your skin to make sure we stay connected and I'll work the power box," he told me. I kept my fingers firmly wrapped around my foreskin, clamping it into his groove and trapping both helmets inside the stretchy, fleshy sleeve. He pushed a button on the power unit and a few seconds later twisted a knob. I felt a mild tingle in my prick.

"I can feel that," I told him."

"Good," he said. "Does it feel nice?"

"I'm not sure," I answered. "It feels funny, that's for sure." I saw him twist the knob slightly and felt the tingle intensify.

"That's about 40 percent," he said. "How does that feel?" I thought it was pleasant, although strange.

"It feels like a nice tingle," I said. Paul twisted the knob again, and I felt the augmented current take hold of my prick, sending a thrill right down to the root.

"Think you could come that way?" he asked.

"I'm not sure," I replied. "It's funny, but it's not enough to make me come." As I spoke I began working my foreskin along both our swollen tips, feeling their contours through the thick flesh.

"Keep stroking us," Paul instructed me. "Very few guys come with the first try at electro, but I'm sure we can come the regular way. The electro can make it more intense for us while we're docking." He twisted another knob, and the pattern of sensations changed. Now instead of a steady tingle, it felt like a series of pulses, about one per second.

"Each pulse is making the root of my prick contract," I told him. He twisted the first knob farther clockwise, and the pulses became more intense. I felt my scrotum contract sharply with my mounting excitement.

"It's doing it to me, too," he said. "Just keep working that skin." Paul's balls were also tight against his body, and he hugged me to him with his free hand while he adjusted the controls.

"We're both getting there, I think. My helmet's all swollen and I can feel yours getting bigger and harder through my foreskin." Now our breathing was shallow and more rapid. Paul had begun to thrust his prick against me, and I felt the hardness of his rounded helmet press into the front of mine. He twisted the first knob slightly more, and the pulses shooting through my prick became harder, making me moan each time.

"It's not painful yet, is it?" he asked.

"No, but almost," I gasped.

"The dividing line between pleasure and pain is very thin with electro. I have to be careful to use just enough to make you hot and yet stay on this side of the line." He twisted the knob again, almost imperceptibly, and the tension built rapidly in my body.

"Okay, that's it," he said. "I think we've got enough current flowing to help us through. Just keep stroking that skin!" Paul was thrusting harder now, and I felt that the fronts of our helmets were being crushed with each thrust, stimulating the deep-seated nerve endings. Meanwhile, the pulses shot through my prick, hitting the nerves themselves, heightening my sensations. My full bladder added to the tension.

"Your helmet's really hard," I observed. "I can feel the hardness of your rim through my foreskin."

"Yours feels harder each time I push against it," Paul said. We were each on the plateau, glans swollen to final hardness. The nerve endings just under the surface were being compressed each time our tips bumped against each other. The sensations were more intense than when our helmets were still somewhat spongy.

We were really caught up in a whirlwind of sensations now, and my glans ached for the release that would inevitably follow in a minute or less. I felt a small spasm deep inside, and a moment later the tickle of a drop of natural lubricant began crawling up my urethra.

"I can't stay relaxed," I said in an agonized whisper.

"I can't either, Jack. Just let things happen now. The feeling is just out of this world."

"My tip's got that tickle and it's also tingling," I whispered as my eyes closed.

"Me too..." he trailed off and from that moment we were wordless, just following our bodies, drawn into the vortex that was swallowing us. My awareness contracted to where my prick joined his, and the hot pulses coursing through my glans and shaft. Each pulse shot through the nerves in my prick with the speed of light, producing a muscular contraction deep inside me. The tension built until it was unbearable and then I felt a hot tingling spark shoot down my prick to the root, making it vibrate.

My world exploded as the heavy pounding of orgasm began deep inside me. A torrent of hot lava burned its way up my urethra to gush into my foreskin and over Paul's hot swollen glans. He cried out as his helmet throbbed hard against mine, expelling his hot life-juice forcefully against mine.

I was moaning and grunting, pumping my cream copiously into my foreskin, each contraction intensified by the rhythmic pulses that wracked my prick every second. The bumps against my helmet, the friction from my foreskin, and the powerful vibrations induced by the magic pulses combined to make me shoot my cream in powerful gushes. Paul and I clung to each other, our throbbing pricks gushing the cream that blended inside my foreskin and swirled around our helmets right back to the coronas. I felt his helmet hammer against mine again as it spit another thick liquid discharge that met my eruption. I felt my foreskin distending between my encircling fingers.

Our mindless contractions continued for a few more spasms, and then we were still. I no longer felt the pulses that had intensified my spasms, and guessed that Paul had had the presence of mind to turn off the power. We lay together, still joined head to head inside my foreskin, as we relaxed and sank into the blissful afterglow of our orgasms. I became aware that a lot of our juices had already leaked past the end of my foreskin where it encircled the neck of his shaft, and as we relaxed more flowed out onto the towel that Paul had so wisely placed beneath us. We'd just changed the sheets last night and I was sure he didn't want to do it again so soon.

We lay together wordlessly for several minutes, enjoying the quiet now that our bodies were no longer straining against each other. I didn't open my eyes until my prick felt totally soft. Paul's shrunken glans was still inside my long foreskin nipple, bathed in our combined fluids. A large pool of mixed sperm was soaking into the towel. Now I let go our pricks, and they sank onto the pool of liquid, still joined together.

I kissed Paul on the lips, and he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly. We were hot, a film of sweat coating our bodies, and its odor blended with the heavy chlorine aroma from our sperm. As we moved closer I felt Paul's glans twist out of my foreskin, taking some of the residual fluid with it.

"That was really hot, Paul," I told him when I was able to speak. "Going head to head with you is always hot, but that electro box you've got put me into orbit."

"It did even more for me," Paul said. "You know my cock's not as sensitive as yours because the nerve endings in the head are dried out, and my skin's missing. The current stimulated the nerves directly, and it doesn't matter that the nerve endings are gone or desensitized."

"I guess you're right," I agreed. "You came as fast as I did."

"I guess we need another shower," he said. He pulled away from me, holding the towel under his prick to catch the drip. I pinched the end of my foreskin's nipple to prevent any leakage and got up as he went into the bathroom. He dropped the wadded towel into the hamper with last night's sheets and then turned on the shower. Once inside under the spray, we luxuriated as the water coursed over our bodies, washing away the residual tension.

"I know you're going to pee, Jack. Can we dock again so I can feel the streams?" he asked. We stood face to face and I stretched the orifice wide to let him slip his helmet inside. We hugged again as I held our limp pricks connected, and in a few seconds the warm water had started our flows. His hot stream washed around my glans, triggering mine, and we bathed each others' helmets in our fluids. This time, I didn't try to retain the fluids inside my foreskin, and we watched a thick yellow gush pour from between my foreskin's orifice and his shaft.

When we'd drained ourselves Paul pulled his glans from inside my foreskin and then skinned me back to rinse inside. The warm water flushed the residue of urine and sperm that remained, and then he pulled my hood down to encase my glans again. We soaped each other lightly, as we weren't really dirty but just had to get the perspiration off our bodies. After a final rinse we dried each other and stepped from the shower enclosure.

"Let me put a drop of Astroglide inside that skin," Paul said as he pushed my foreskin back behind the rim and squirted some lubricant onto my glans, working my foreskin to spread it.

"It's only six, and I've still got lots of time to get to work," I said. "Want to go out to breakfast? It's my treat."

"That sounds good. I wouldn't mind cooking, though."

"You won't have to. Just relax and enjoy the meal." We dressed and got into my car. I chose a nearby restaurant and we ate heartily, hungry for the calories to replenish the ones we'd expended earlier. Then I dropped him back at his house and went to mine to change before driving to the newspaper where I worked. When I got there I found a pink message slip informing me that Jimmy had called.

Continued in Part 6

Next: Chapter 6

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