Beginning With Paul

By Jack Santoro

Published on Nov 3, 2006


Beginning with Paul, Part 2


We were hot and sweaty after our intense mutual masturbation, so Paul and I headed for the bathroom. Under the warm water we relaxed and soaped each others' bodies. Paul was still fascinated by my foreskin, and I felt he always would be. He watched avidly as I skinned it back to rinse my helmet.

"Don't you use soap on that?" he asked.

"No, there's no need. My prick doesn't get dirty the way my hands do. Anyway, soap is irritating, and if I were to leave a little under my foreskin it would make my prick sore. My father warned me about that, and once when I was 13 I forgot, and soaped myself down there. I didn't rinse it off and just pulled my foreskin forward, and a few hours later I felt an itch. First chance I got, I went to the bathroom and skinned back, and it was all red inside. I then remembered about the soap and rinsed my glans and the inside of my foreskin very carefully, and the soreness cleared up in a day."

"That hot water running over my cock makes me want to pee," Paul said. "Can I do it in the shower? I do that at home."

"Sure, go ahead," I answered. "Urine is mostly water and it washes down the drain. Anyway, I've got to pee too. I'll show you what I do." I saw Paul's stream starting as I pulled my foreskin all the way down my dangling prick to cover the head and pinched the end of my nipple shut. As I relaxed my sphincter, my hood began to swell from the trapped urine, and Paul's eyes fixed on this.

"That's really something," he said. "I never saw that done. Do all uncut guys do that?"

"I don't know, really," I replied. "I know I've been doing it ever since I was a kid. My father taught me to do that because my foreskin, like most, was pretty tight the first few years. Pinching the end shut when I peed in the shower stretched it enough to let me skin it back." I let go of my foreskin and a heavy yellow stream gushed out to fall down into the drain.

"You skin back to pee when you're not in the shower, right?" he asked.

"Oh, yes, I certainly do," I answered. "If I don't, the foreskin deflects the stream and it splatters all over. With the hole uncovered, though, it flows in a neat stream like yours."

"My cousin Jerry and his wife didn't have their little boy circumcised when he was born," Paul told me. "When the kid was about four, she demanded that the doctor circumcise him because she said he splashed all over his clothes and shoes when he urinated. The doctor did it, and what the hell, he got paid for it."

"That's why doctors continue to cut kids," I said. "Almost all doctors will tell you it isn't necessary and that it's only cosmetic surgery, but they can pay off a Mercedes with the money they make circumcising boys. It earns them more than telling parents to have their boy skin back when peeing." We got out of the shower and dried each other before Paul got dressed.

"I've got to get home," he said. "We both work tomorrow."

"Well, we can get together Friday evening," I countered. "I don't think we work on Saturday. That means you can spend the night."

"You're right, I don't work on Saturday," he said. "The store's open seven days a week, and I have to go in Sunday. I get Tuesday off, though."

"Then we can also get together Monday evening," I said. We kissed goodbye and he left.

Friday on my way home from work at the newspaper I stopped at the adult store to see Paul. He was busy with a customer and I waited until he'd completed the transaction and the customer had left before approaching him.

"I'll pick up some Chinese if you like that," I offered. His quick grin told me I'd struck a responsive chord.

"I love Chinese," he said. "Monday, though, how about coming to my place? I'll treat." I agreed and left to go to the Chinese Restaurant to buy some take-out. As before, I arrived home only a couple of minutes before his car pulled into my driveway. Once he was inside we went into the kitchen, where the aromas from several plastic containers filled the air.

"I love Chinese," he repeated as we sat down to eat.

"How long have you been working at the store?" I asked him between mouthfuls.

"Three years," he replied.

"I guess you like it," I ventured.

"For me the best part is that I get to look at the porn. The pay's not great, but I don't have much education so I have to settle for what I can get."

"It's enough to live on," I said. "You drive a Honda Accord. That's pretty good."

"That's right, but I also inherited some money when my parents died," he explained. "I have to make that last, though. I inherited their house too, so that's where I live, rent-free. I get by. You do all right, though."

"Well, really newspaper work doesn't pay that well either. They demand a lot but don't pay enough for what they demand. I'd make a lot more money selling insurance if I had a sales type personality," I said. We finished up the meal and then went into the bedroom, where we undressed. As before, Paul's eyes were fixed on my groin when I lowered my boxer shorts.

"That is so cute, the way your skin dangles down from your dick," he commented. "Then when you get hard, your cock grows into it, and you still have enough skin left to make a pucker in front." He reached down and rolled the nipple of my long foreskin between two fingers, sending a thrill rushing up my prick.

"That feels good," I said as I began to squeeze the head of his penis between two fingers. We sat side by side on the bed for a couple of minutes as our pricks engorged.

"I read about docking," he said. "Some magazines even have pictures of two guys docking. The cut guy sticks the head of his dick inside the uncut guy's skin and they blow off together inside the skin. That head to head action sounds really hot."

"It is hot," I assured him. "For me the best part is when we come. I feel the other guy's head throbbing against mine. Then that hot sperm shooting into my skin stretches it out. That helps the good feeling." Paul's eyes were hot, staring into mine as I described my personal experience of docking, telling me that he was more than eager to try it. I pulled him to me and kissed his lips. His arms went around me and he pushed me flat on the bed, his body on top of mine, our pricks trapped between our stomachs.

"Let's do it," he urged. "I want to feel your skin wrapped around my head. That'll be the first time I've had skin over my head." We pulled away and I took the squeeze bottle of Astroglide from the bedside table, handing it to him.

"Here, I'll lubricate your helmet with this. It'll make my foreskin slide easier when I pull it over your head." Paul squirted a few drops onto his helmet, and I spread it over the compound curves, working it in with my fingers. I paid special attention to the high flaring rim and its back face because I knew of the clusters of nerve endings curried under the skin.

Paul's swollen helmet shone when I'd finished. A drop of natural lube filled the teardrop shaped slit in the front dome of his glans, and I spread it to blend with the Astroglide. As I was lubricating his prick he jiggled my foreskin, testing its tightness, taking longer strokes until my wet, glossy helmet stood out proudly at the end of my shaft.

"Now let's lie face to face," I instructed him. Our swollen prick-heads touched as we got into position and I slid mine across his, the lips of our pouting orifices kissing sensually. I saw him shudder at the sensation.

"Now I'm going to pull my foreskin forward to cover my tip and then over yours," I explained as I grasped my foreskin and slid it to engulf my helmet. "Just keep your tip lined up with mine." Using the tips of my fingers I grasped its edges and slowly stretched it out to accommodate his big helmet. I knew my hood was wide enough because it regularly stretched over the width of my glans, which was about the same size as his.

"Will it stretch far enough?" he asked. I pulled my foreskin farther over his head, right to the rim. His glans was pressed hard against me, the blunt front dome compressing mine.

"I've got the entire head inside," I pointed out. "It can stretch a little more to go down into your groove and then I'll hold it there." I stretched it out more and then used the thumb and index finger of my right hand to form a ring, holding my foreskin's edge firmly in his groove.

"My tip makes as big a bulge as yours inside the skin. It feels so warm inside your skin," he said. "It's warm and slippery," he continued as I felt him begin thrusting gently. I squeezed his prominent rim through the skin to add to his sensations.

"Your tip feels nice against mine," I said as I felt my foreskin stretch slightly farther so that I was able to bring it to the circular scar. With that much slack I was able to begin stroking him, working the hood over his glans, to add to his sensations.

"That's so nice, especially around my rim and behind it," he murmured as I continued to stroke him. I was also feeling the friction in my glans as the hood slid and stretched. I reached with my other hand to cup his balls, which had already drawn tightly against his body, and a moment later I felt his fingers wrap around mine.

"I'm going to press my fingertips into the area behind your balls," I explained. "You'll get more sensation that way." I felt the spongy thickness of his urethra as my fingertips pressed into the tender flesh, and he gasped with delight.

"That's doing a lot for me," he whispered, and then kissed me on the lips again. His mouth smelled of Chinese food, and I was sure mine did too. His tongue probed past my teeth, twirling around mine as he kissed me deeply.

"We're really getting into it," I said when he came up for air.

"I've never experienced anything like this, nothing even came close," he whispered in my ear. His breathing was coming in short, shallow breaths as his excitement mounted, and I wondered how long he'd take before spilling his cream into my foreskin. He was still thrusting and I felt the tension build up in his body. I was very aroused as well, because of this hot man's prick engulfed inside my tightly-stretched hood. I felt every thrust as his glans pressed nose to nose against mine, compressing both front domes and reaching the deep-seated nerve endings inside.

We didn't speak any more, as we were totally engrossed in our mutual excitement. Our bodies were joined at our pricks, communicating better than any words could have conveyed. I felt his excitement as I was sure he sensed mine, and we both realized that we'd be sharing orgasms soon.

His helmet felt harder now, having lost its slight sponginess with his arousal. We were going on automatic now, our bodies responding reflexively to our prick contact. His increased excitement fueled mine, and he responded to my rising arousal. His legs began to tremble and so did mine. I saw his hot eyes staring fixedly into mine before my eyelids came down, as they always do when I'm about to come.

There was a tickle in my tip now, starting at the blunt nose of my helmet and slowly spreading back to the corona. His thrusts were sharper and his breathing had turned into gasps. The tickling feeling swelled and I knew that any second I'd blow my load.

Paul was grunting now, and so was I, because we were on the edge. I felt a sensation of heat where our helmets bumped and slid against each other, and my fingers worked faster over his swollen corona. Now I gave my foreskin a twist, delivering the sideways friction that always enhanced the thrill of docking. My fingertips, pressed into the flesh behind his balls, felt the warning pulse.

"HUNH! HUNH! HUNH!" he grunted loudly, and I felt the hard throb of his glans against mine and through the foreskin, as a hot gush poured over the front dome of my helmet. The tickle in my tip turned into a hot tingle that rushed down my shaft and unleashed my contractions. I burning jet shot up my tube, slamming through the distended lips of my meatus and gushing against his throbbing glans. I felt his tip throb in response as he shot another heavy hot stream against my straining helmet.

I was grunting as loudly as he, totally caught up in the frenzy of our hot ejaculations. I felt his helmet hammering against mine as our discharges flooded my foreskin, swirling around my swollen corona and dribbling out of my foreskin's opening. Our helmets were awash with hot sperm and yet we continued to shoot, excited beyond words by the enthralling sensations of feeling each other's pricks throbbing in orgasm.

I felt his hot breath on my face as he continued to gasp and grunt. His prick shot again, and mine responded to the hot gush by discharging another load that bathed his glans. I wanted him closer to me, and I let go of his prick and wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tightly to me. Our pricks came apart, his swollen, straining glans slipping out of my foreskin, and now both our pricks were trapped between us, parallel and still gushing. Hot sperm poured from my foreskin, into our pubic hairs.

Our bodies strained against each other as we drained ourselves, sobbing and gasping, feeling the heat of each other's bodies. Our pricks were still throbbing between our stomachs, but not as forcefully as before. Finally we were still, our breathing returning to normal and our heart rates declining.

I felt Paul's lips against mine, and I opened my eyes. Our bodies were pressed tightly against one another, and the feeling on intimacy was sublime.

"I felt your heart beating against me," I said.

"I felt yours too," he replied. "That was like nothing I've ever experienced. I knew about docking from the magazines at the store, but feeling it happen is something else."

"I know," I agreed. "I felt your big tip throbbing against mine, and your juice shooting against the front of my helmet, and that was a really hot thrill."

"I felt yours too. That hot cream filling your skin and mixing with mine was really exciting. It made me come even harder."

"Your cream really filled my foreskin. It even went behind my rim," I said.

"I just realized, Jack, I didn't even tighten up before I came. I was so excited that it just happened. Once my cock was inside your skin my body just reacted. I was blasting off almost before I realized it."

"I'm glad it was so exciting for you," I said. "Near the end, I felt how you were really carried away by the thrill of docking. I felt the excitement in your body."

"Our cocks were head to head," he mused. "That was a more intimate feeling than I've ever gotten in my life."

"We'd better take a shower and change the sheets before that cream dries," I suggested. We got up and once under the hot water, we hugged again. I realized my bladder was full and I just let go, turning away from Paul so as not to spray him.

"I always like to pee after I come," he said as his stream began to flow. "It flushes me out."

"We think alike on that," I agreed. I pinched the end of my foreskin but he reached out and pushed my hand away, clasping me with his two fingers.

"I bet that flushes out the groove behind your rim too," he said. I felt the hot liquid swirling around and behind my corona and nodded in agreement. Paul let go and a thick yellow gush poured from my foreskin opening. He pinched it again, watching as the thick hood distended, and then released it. He repeated the cycle until I was drained, and then pushed my foreskin back to lock behind the rim.

We soaped each other's bodies, and then rinsed ourselves. Paul grasped my prick and carefully poured a handful of water over the head, and then pulled my foreskin back to clear the groove and spilled more water to flush it.

"Thanks," I said. "That makes sure it's rinsed off."

"I wouldn't want your dick to be sore," he acknowledged. We stepped out of the shower and dried each other lovingly, and when we were dry he pulled my foreskin down to cover the head. Back in the bedroom I skinned back and squirted a drop of Astroglide behind the rim, working my foreskin forward to spread it evenly.

"I feel more comfortable when my hood's well lubed," I explained as I began stripping the sheets off the bed. Paul helped me and then we worked together to make the bed with fresh sheets. I put the dirty one in the washing machine, added detergent, and started the machine. I'd put them in the dryer in the morning.

"Thanks for a wonderful evening," he said as we snuggled together under the covers.

"Thanks for coming," I said. "I couldn't have done this by myself."

"You've really got enough skin for two guys," he said appreciatively.

"Yeah, and exercises like this keep stretching it. You can never have too much foreskin." With that, we kissed again and fell asleep in each other's arms.

My prick was hard when I awoke next morning, and when I reached for Paul's I found that his was also erect. I squeezed the big helmet several times and he moaned softly as his tip throbbed between my fingers. He opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"That's a wonderful way to wake up," he said. "Having my dick squeezed really got my attention. At first I thought I was dreaming."

"You weren't dreaming last night," I said.

"I know. That was real." He moved to kiss me on the lips.

"I'm glad you're here with me," I told him. "I don't feel lonely at all."

"You've docked other guys, haven't you?" he asked.

"Oh, yes, a few times."

"What's the hottest experience you ever had docking?" He looked at me expectantly.

"Actually it was with you," I replied. "I've never met anyone who was so passionate about being docked as you."

"You're not just saying that, are you?" he asked. "Are you just trying to make me feel good?"

"No, it's the truth," I said. "A guy I knew a few years ago told me of a really hot docking experience he'd had, but this sort of thing never happened to me."

"What sort of thing?" Paul prompted.

"My friend was docking another guy. As it happened they were both uncut, and the other guy's helmet was inside his foreskin. They were both right on the edge, but the other guy came a split-second before Barry did. Their holes must have been lined up and pressed together just at the moment the other guy shot, because Barry felt the guy's hot cream shooting right into his hole and down his urethra. The sensation was so surprising and thrilling that it triggered his orgasm right then, and he shot the biggest load of his life."

"Wow!" exclaimed Paul. "That must have been a hot thrill. I never even imagined that something like that would happen."

"Neither did I, Paul. I've had guys shoot their loads into my foreskin several times, and it's always been hot, but never right into my meatus."

"The meatus is the hole in front, right?" Paul queried.

"That's right," I said. "Sorry to get so technical." I reached out and hugged him to me full-length. Our pricks were pressed between our bodies as we strained against each other, and I felt a tickle deep in the root of my prick as the first drop of lubricant began crawling up my tube.

"We ought to go for it right now, since we're both hard," Paul suggested.

"Hot and hard," I answered, and then pulled away and reached for the jar of Albolene.

"Let's jack each other but go head to head," Paul said. "Even if we don't dock, I'd like to feel your big helmet throbbing against mine when you let go."

"The pressure in our bladders means we won't be fully relaxed," I reminded him. "We won't last as long."

"No, but I think we'll get as big a thrill out of it," Paul said as I began spreading the Albolene over his hot hard prick. Paul began lightly stroking my foreskin over the engorged head.

"Let's get up and do this in the shower," I urged. "I don't want to change the sheets again or cream all over the carpet." He nodded and got up, still holding my prick. Paul's erection, slippery with Albolene, gleamed in the soft room light.

In the shower we faced each other and, as we were about the same height, the tips of our pricks touched. Paul had skinned me back slightly to bare the blunt front dome on my glans and I saw and felt the lips of his slit kiss mine. His tip was very slippery, lubricated by the Albolene, and it slid across the front of mine.

"That feels very sensual," I said as he held my prick behind the head, using short strokes that kept the front of my helmet exposed as he slid the foreskin along my prick. I had wrapped my fingers around his shaft and twisted each time I rode over his ridge.

"Maybe we can keep our tips together and shoot down each other's holes," he said as he drew my foreskin back to bare more of my glans.

"We can try but we'll be so excited I don't think we'll be able to aim properly," I said.

"I'm already very excited," he said, and I noticed his legs were trembling slightly.

"Your balls are already up against your body," I observed.

"Your dick feels really hard now, and the tip's darker. I can feel it got harder through the skin."

"Your is dark too," I said as I felt my stomach muscles tighten and a slight tremor affected my legs.

"We'd better hold on to each other tight," he said as we stroked each other to greater heights. "I might collapse when I come."

"I've had that happen to me too," I confessed. "Once when I was doing it with a vibrator it was so intense my knees buckled."

"We'll have to try the vibrator next time," he whispered as a flush crept over his face. I put my free arm around his waist and he did the same to me. I nudged him slightly and we leaned against the wall of the shower as we came closer to the point of no return.

"This is going to be like docking but I'll be able to see both our tips shoot," he said as he continued stroking my long hood over the swollen glans.

"My eyes always close," I admitted. "I'll miss the show."

"Yeah, I noticed that, Jack. Now I'm feeling a tickle in the rim where you're twisting your fingers around it. His breathing had become shallow and rapid, as had mine.

"You're giving me a tickle there too," I gasped. I felt the rounded front of his hot hard tip pressing into mine.

"It's c-o-m-i-n-g," he whispered as his entire body tightened up. My eyes closed as I felt an intense tingle filling my helmet.

"Now," I whispered as the familiar feeling came over me and the intense pounding of my orgasm began deep inside me. The first gush seared its way up my tube just as I felt his helmet throb against mine. We both cried out in blissful anguish as our jets gushed against each others' tips, heightening our excitement even more, and the next instant our bodies reacted, sending the second streams to splash and mix between our throbbing tips. The scent of chlorine filled the air between us.

We consciously pressed our helmets against each other, transfixed by the sensation of each others' throbs as we blew our third loads. Our streams mixed and then fell to the floor of the shower as we grunted and gasped mindlessly, aware only of each other and the marvelous sensations wracking our straining bodies.

My tip throbbed again as I felt Paul draw my foreskin all the way off my helmet, stretching my frenulum, and I felt his glans pound against mine as he released another discharge, the hot cream bathing my head and shooting all the way up to the rim. I cried out helplessly as the sensations filled my body, and I heard him moaning as well as my prick responded with another discharge that flooded his glans and my trembling encircling fingers.

We were both weak and leaning against the wall as our last convulsions tortured our bodies. My knees were definitely buckled and we held each other tightly as our pricks seeped their last drops. I forced my eyelids open to see Paul sagging against me as well as the wall, but our helmets were still together, the lips of our slits kissing intimately. I forced the words from my mouth:

"Well, I don't think we shot into each other."

"No, I don't think so either," he said in a hollow voice."

"It was great, though, with you," I abjured. Our pricks were beginning to soften and, as our strength returned, I released his prick and reached for the shower knobs. The hot water flowed over us, easing our tension.

"I know for sure we're both going to pee now," he said. "It'll take awhile for my muscles down there to relax."

"Yeah, I know," I agreed. "I can't pee right after coming, while I'm still a little bit hard. "It takes me a couple of minutes too." We stood together silently as our pricks shrunk, relishing the sensations of the afterglow.

"I left your skin hooked back behind your ridge so the hot water would hit your tip," he murmured after a couple of minutes.

"I can feel it," I confirmed. "It' having an effect now," I went on as a trickle of urine began leaking from my now tight slit.

"I see it," he said. "I think mine's going to start any second." After a few seconds his stream began to flow, slowly at first, and then with increasing force. My volume was now normal, and I sighed as I drained myself of both urine and residual sperm.

When we were finished we soaped each other, rinsed off, and then dried each other lovingly with the same towel. Paul squeezed a couple of drops of Astroglide over my helmet to lubricate it, and then carefully replaced the foreskin to cover it. We got dressed and went out to breakfast.

Continued in Part 3

Next: Chapter 3

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