Beginning of the End

By Starbolt

Published on Sep 2, 2000


The Beginning of the End - A Further NSYNC Adventure

Chapter 2

By Starbolt

First off, I want to apologize for the long duration in getting this out. I promise to be a little more punctual (As long as I am getting e-mail that is! ;-))

Warning: This story contains a brief sexual act between consenting men, and if you are not legally entitled to read such material you ought not read it.

This story is not intended in any way to imply that any of the real people are actually gay and it is not my intention to offend anybody. If you find the idea of some of the NSYNCers being gay offensive then I suggest that you read no further. Also, if any of them are reading this .. I hope you like it!

This story may also be so far out that the response could be under whelming ... Not being hard on myself ... just a bit of the realist coming out <Also, No Pun intended! LOL>.

I would like to thank a few people: Wes (My Bud from Arkansas -Author of Past Reflections - Kewl Story); Dennis (My Birthday Bud); and to my adoring fans ... All three of them; AD (Author of The Project - I Like, I Like!); Matt and Sue - Thank-you for showing some faith in my story. This is the first.

Feel free to e-mail me any comments, suggestions, fan mail, simple "Hi .. How are you doing" at

I know ... I know ... I promise this to be more exciting in the, ahem, sex department towards the end of this chapter.

Who is trying to kill NSYNC? Where is the "Power Band"? What Happened to Lance, JC and Justin? Why the Heck did the Author have to include "There is no Place Like Home"? What is in store for our Friends? Are there going to "Flying Monkeys"? (Only if you are really really good! - LOL) What's up with all the "Wizard of Oz" analogies?

Stay Tuned for the answers to these and many more Questions on "The Beginning of the End - CHAPTER 2"

Last time on "The Beginning to the End"

In Lances Jeep ...

I materialized in the back seat by Justin, I didn't immediately recognize them for who they were. I was then made painfully aware that the sound was increasing in intensity. I ordered PB (Power Band) to shut down the power for the device. I was met with no response, and no PB! He was gone from my wrist! Great! I was just beginning to feel the effects of the sound and was getting sluggish and my head was spinning. I quickly took a look at the three passengers and checked them out for any other wounds that would require medical attention. It seemed that the only thing that needed to be done was to stop that sound! I concentrated on the sound and felt a dizzy feeling surround me. The sound was decreasing, so I concentrated even harder, ignoring the effects of the constant shrill of sound. Finally, the sound stopped .. but I was done for! I looked out the front window and seen it coming in slow motion ... Lances Jeep was heading for the barrier of the bridge! We slammed through the guardrails and plummeted to our deaths. I started to black out and muttered "There is no place like home ... There is no place like home"

NOTE: To make it easier on those who are wondering which dimension I am in and what Dimension NSYNC are in: I will refer to NSYNC's dimension as Prime and my dimension as Alpha.

And Now...

CHAPTER 2 - Now the Plot Thickens!

Dimension Prime: In A Penthouse Suite Across The City ...

The monitor showed what was happening to the Jeep belonging to Lance James Bass. It veered off the bridge and immediately burst into flames! A cold metallic laughter could be heard in the suite. "There will be nothing left of them. I warned them, I sent them letters and warned them that they couldn't have what I had." A powerful finger hit the power button on the monitor before him, and the screen went blank. "I foresaw the relationship building between my beloved and the band NSYNC, and it had to be stopped now! Three down and two to go! But first, it is time to destroy two things that have been so important to him!" Deep rolling laughter filled the air and the stranger winked out of existence.

In the Arena (An hour later) ...

Chris and Joey were pacing back and forth waiting for the guys to arrive. "Chris, try to give them another call on their cell phone" Joey said. Chris was just picking up his phone when a police officer walked over to them. "Chris Kirkpatrick, Joey Fatone; I am sorry to be the one to tell you this, but we discovered a vehicle that was registered to James Bass at the bottom of a ravine. There was not much left but the license plate that must have broken off during the crash over the bridge. The fire consumed the Jeep and all occupants. I am sorry for your loss." Chris and Joey looked at each other in disbelief. "This can't be happening. THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!" Chris screamed and ran over to Joey and began to sob on his shoulder. Joey was still processing what the policeman had said. "Officer, there has to be some kind of mistake. Are you sure that you've got the right vehicle?" Joey stated. "There is no mistake son, I am sorry." Said the police officer. Joey then turned to Chris crying on his shoulder and stroked his back. "Chris, I know in my heart that they are still with us." That is when he held onto Chris and sobbed, "They can't be gone. They had too much to live for!"

Dimension Alpha ...

I was taught along time ago that having a transport spell always at the ready would be the savior of me and anyone else I may have around me. I was taught well ... Err ... Almost! You see, when I came to your dimension, I never bothered to update my spell to this plane of existence! Silly me! So when I muttered "There is no place like home .. There is no place like home" I kinda pulled three guys and a somewhat confused conjurer back to my dimension ... Back to my Time ... Back to my home. Well, what was left of it anyway!

Let me tell you a little about my dimension: You remember that old story beginning with "It was a dark and stormy night"? There, you have an idea of what to look forward to in my home dimension. Even though we were highly advanced in science, Mother Nature had to show us who were boss! SHE didn't take kindly to the fact that someone wanted to alter the weather using science! Oh Boy! So thanks to some weird science guys (I am sure that Bill Nye the Science Guy was among them! - LOL), we always have it dark and gloomy; wet and Cold; and plenty of electrical storms with tornadoes. (I am sure that was the demise of the scientists - I am not sure mind you, but they have never been seen again!)

As for the reason my house was not standing ... Let's just say that an old lover decided that if I didn't want to be with him, he was going to make sure that I had no home, no family or friends! He destroyed everything that I held dear to my life, and sat back while I helplessly tried to save everything or anything. I wasn't too sure that he was the cause of all of this mess, but I had better be ready!

On the plus side ... I could feel my full powers returning to me. That is good! If I see that asshole I used to call my "significant other" I may need every iota of power I have!

What woke me were the sound of groans around me, and a headache that Advil wouldn't dent! At the time, I didn't know that it was Lance, JC and Justin. I just remembered blacking out trying to save three guys from an evil device that originated from my dimension. I opened my eyes and seen three guys sprawled out on the ground next to me. I could tell by the way that they were groaning that they were in pain. I didn't have time to heal them before this Roller Coaster ride began.

I put all other thoughts away and began to concentrate (which is extremely difficult to do when you have a splitting headache!) and let my ability to heal others come to play. In my current state, I could only properly heal one at a time ... so I picked the spiky blond haired guy first (Honestly, he was the closest!). I could immediately tell that there was some serious ear damage and it was going to take a few moments to heal him completely. I made sure that when I was finished healing him that I made sure that he was still sleeping, at least until I could heal the other two. I then started to heal the slim dark haired guy; his injuries were just as severe as the spiky haired young man. Geez, I have to remember to ask these guys their names! Another one finished. I then turned my attention on the one that looked the youngest. As soon as I reached out with my healing powers, I gasped. This young man had to have been right by the device when it had knocked them out and he was the worst affected by it. The healing process was going to be on going for him. He was going to have to remain deaf for a little while, at least until I had a chance to recover myself.

I needed to move these guys and myself to somewhere with a little more shelter. It started to rain and the Acid rain didn't go good with what we were currently wearing. I thought back to the layout of my old home and remembered there was a Cellar about two stories beneath my home. That should still be intact; at least I hoped it was. I began to scan the area with my mind and discovered that the Cellar was still there and with full life support available. With a furrowed brow we vanished and re-appeared in the Cellar.

The lights came on and fresh air started to circulate through the Cellar. This room had been designed to withstand a Nuclear Blast, so everything was still operating. I carried each one of the guys to a cot in the sleeping area. Now, I know I must have been dreaming ... these guys sure look like my idols from NSYNC! Best not jump to any conclusions; I will let them introduce themselves when I wake them up. I started with the young man that looked like Lance. A further mental probe confirmed my belief that he was Lance from NSYNC and his comrades were JC and Justin (alright, I couldn't wait for them to tell me who they really were!)

Lance began to stir and moan, his eyelids started to open then he let out a scream that I am sure that everyone in his own dimension could hear. "Lance?" I shook his shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "Lance!? Are you O.K.? Where does it hurt?" I pleaded with him to answer me.

Lance jumped up and knocked me down in the process. He ran to JC's cot and started to yell at me "What did you do to them you sick bastard?" And I always though Lance was the more 'civil' of the group! I tried to calm him down "Lance, I pulled you guys out of a jeep trying to save your lives. If I didn't bring you here, all of you would have been dead!" "Where did you take us, and how did we get here. What is wrong with JC and Justin?" Lance screamed at me. "JC is in a deep sleep and I am slowly healing Justin. Do you remember anything about what you were doing before you blacked out?" Lance glared at me, and I could tell that he was not going to believe me in the slightest. It was then that I decided that JC should probably be up and I could try to talk to both of them like sensible adults. What was I thinking? Josh began to wake up; he immediately looked at Lance and gave him a hug. "Lance, what is going on? What's wrong with Justin?" JC whispered to Lance. Lance shot a glare at me that would have froze Hell over in an instant. After JC started to get his bearings back he yelled at me "Who the Hell are you!"

<Enough is an enough! You guys are here because I saved your Asses from death. Justin is going to be fine ... in time. He suffered some substantial damage, as he was too close to the source of the sound in the jeep. I will wake him now if you wish, but until I have the time and the energy to finish the healing process, he will be deaf. That is the reason you hear me telepathically rather than vocally. > Both JC and Lance looked at me as if I had just grown a couple of extra heads. I just smiled and nodded to Justin. I started to wake Justin. <When Justin awakes, I will explain where you are. > I watched as they both nodded their acknowledgment.

Justin was starting to wake from his deep slumber I had placed him in. The look on his face was the most upsetting thing I have seen in ages. He looked like the deer caught in the headlights of your car as you speed towards it. Justin quickly looked around and saw JC and Lance, where they ran over and embraced him. Both Lance and JC started to tell Justin what was going on ... Vocally! Justin started to panic, as he was unable to hear them. I thought I had better intercede quickly! I concentrated and linked the three of their minds together so they could communicate with each other. <Justin, don't be afraid! You still have some damage to the inner ear and eardrum that I have to heal. I should be able to do this within the hour. For the time being, I am linking your mind with JC and Lances so you can talk to them. Simply think of who you want to talk to and think of what you want to say. I know that both JC and Lance can here this as well, so I will leave you all alone to talk to each other. When you are ready to find out how you came to be here, just think of me and ask me to come back here. I am not going to severe my link to you, but I will keep the link open between the three of you." I exited out of the link and proceeded to go to the computer room in the cellar.

Justin and the other guys were in tears and hugging each other frantically. <Do we believe what he says Lance? >, Justin thought. Lance answered Justin <So far, he hasn't done anything to show us that he means us any harm. If what he said about transporting us here to save our lives and then "healing" us, I guess we could try to trust him. But I say we keep our guard up! > <If his truthful to us, I say we be truthful with him as well! I think I like him! >, JC said. Both Justin and Lance stared at JC <Are you out of your mind? What if he is some sicko that has kidnapped and drugged us? He could be in the other room planning how to either kill us or even worse!" Justin thought back forcibly. <I don't think he would do that Just. I mean if he were still monitoring us, he would have been in here already denying any wrong doing on his part. Besides I agree with JC, I kind of like him too!" Justin shook his head at his two friends. <Uh, Guys? Are you thinking with the correct part of your body? I know that we are all looking for someone that we can trust and love, I mean I like him as well, all I am saying is to be careful and not to lay out all of our cards just yet, >, Justin thought at his friends. All of them nodded and agreed that they would see how things would progress, before leveling with me. <Lance, JC, if we can communicate ... do you think we can contact Chris and Joey? They must be worried sick by now! > If one were to look in on the trio, you would see definite concentration on their faces as they were trying to communicate with their friends in their own dimension. <Chris, Joey, can you hear us? CHRIS, JOEY! We are still alive! > The three of them thought in unison.

Dimension Prime: Back at the Hotel Room ...

When Laura returned from the mall, she had seen the Power Band on the floor. No signs of life or any function at all. She remembered that I had said that if he PB was unresponsive for any reason, it was because it was in self-healing/repair mode. She remembered that there was a verbal command that could over-ride the repair mode. Laura had to find out what was going on! Why wasn't the PB with me and the passengers of the run-away vehicle? She picked him up and said "Override Program Beta-2, authorization Alpha Omega 2" and waited. The Power Band began to glow slightly as the verbal communication was at last established. "Where am I?" PB shouted. Obviously his sensors were not active. Laura said, "You are in the hotel room. Where is Rod? What happened to those people he tried to save? Why aren't you there helping him?" PB would grin if it was possible, he could tell that Laura was worried about me. "Last thing I remember is that we were teleporting to the vehicle and I was thrown off before I had time to re-materialize. All my communications, sensors and weapon arrays were severely damaged and I have been trying to repair them so I can locate Rod and the passengers. What caused me to materialize here I am not sure. But one thing is for certain, that was no ordinary weapon that was in that vehicle. I am going to run a diagnostic to see what other systems were affected. Laura, use the communicator Rod gave you to try to contact him." Laura went to her purse and pulled out an object that looked like a pen. She then started to talk into it "Laura to Rod, Where are you? Are you all right?"

A sudden flash of light and a strange man standing about six feet away from her startled her. His eyes were cold and ruthless and he laughed with she pointed the pen towards him. "Do you think really think that toy is going to harm me?" he gloated. Laura pressed the red button and a powerful beam shot out towards the stranger and hit him point blank. She was surprised beyond words when all she could hear was laughter coming from the stranger. "Surely, you can do better than that. I thought Rod taught all his friends in self-defense! Since you care so much about him, you will have to be destroyed! He can love no-one but me!" His eyes started to glow red and twin beams of pure destructive energy burst forth towards Laura. PB was ready for that and had time enough to erect a powerful shield around both him and Laura. "What's this?!? The little toy robot that thinks he is human!? Do you think you are a match for me you glorified toaster?" The stranger said while his hands were glowing white-hot. He fired again, both from his eyes and his hands. "We had better get out of here Laura. I don't think my shields can stand much more of this!" PB said just as his shields collapsed and he went offline. Laura looked at the stranger and then pressed the white button on the pen-like object in her hands. Nothing happened. Why didn't she teleport away with the PB? "Silly mortal, do you think I don't know about your attempted escape? I was going to kill you, but I think it you would be better off as great trophy, just like Rod's other friends and family " the stranger said and waved his hand. The stranger and Laura vanished in a mist. Leaving only the charred remains of the pen device and the metallic form of PB on the floor.

Back at the Arena ...

In the dressing room Joey and Chris had fallen asleep while crying. Chris and Joey both bolted upright and felt that their friends were alive. They had no basis for this; it was just wishful thinking on their parts. Chris hugged Joey and sobbed, "We had better go home and call everyone's family. This is going to be so hard!" Joey nodded and helped his friend to his car. Joey drove back to his and Chris's place. Where he started to call all of the families to tell them what had happened. Chris was devastated and Joey knew that this had to be done before the press got a hold of this. After about an hour of calls and booking flights from various locations in the US, all of the families were coming here to Orlando. Everyone should be here by tomorrow. Joey picked up Chris from the couch and brought him upstairs to their bedroom. He proceeded to take off Chris' clothes and put him to bed. He knew that life was too short, and all of the guys had yet to come out to their parents. Now, it was too late for Josh, Lance and Justin. He wouldn't make the same mistake; he was going to let everyone know that he and Chris were together. Joey gently kissed Chris and held him tight. "Guys, I miss you so much!" Chris said as tears fell from his closed eyes. Joey just hugged him tighter and said "They will be with us in our hearts and our memories." They both started to cry themselves to sleep.

Dimension Alpha: In the Cellar ...

I had left the three friends to 'talk' amongst them without my intervention. Yes, I could have 'listened' in on their private conversation, but it was just that ... private. As I was readying myself for a search for PB, I received a faint message from Laura "Laura to Rod. Where are you? Are you all right?", then dead silence. The transmitter was never designed to cross over the dimensional barrier, so I was happy to know that it was at least possible. I opened an inter-dimensional COM channel and spoke into it. "Laura, I am in my home dimension. I will be all right in awhile; I am still re-cooping from the teleportation here and healing the guys. Guess what!? It's Lance, JC and Justin of NSYNC! Laura? Laura, are you there?" Silence. Not even static that should have accompanied a long transmission. Now it was me that was worried. I knew that if I were to contact here telepathically, it would require my complete concentration, and I wasn't going to disconnect the link between the three friends in the other room. I would have to wait and call her after I healed Justin completely. The computer started to scan for any anomalies in the dimensional rift between my world and Laura's. What the computer said disturbed me more than I can say. The rift was no more! The rift was the pathway between my dimension and the dimension that NSYNC and Laura are from. There are millions upon millions of dimensions with different cause and effects, and the pathway to the dimension that I enjoyed for over the past five years was gone! Or at the very least, cleverly hidden. Now I have a problem! With no idea where the Power Band was, or Laura for that matter, I was unable to establish a link to get the three NSYNCers home.

The three of them just rounded the corner from the sleeping area. Both Lance and JC were supporting Justin, as he was still dizzy. <Listen Guys, I want you to return to the sleeping area. I still have to completely heal Justin and he shouldn't be on his feet just yet. > I explained. I smiled at the three of them as they walked back to their cots. They gently laid down Justin on his cot and remained standing as I knelt towards Justin. I smiled at him and said, <You don't have to be afraid Justin. I am still allowing the thoughts of your friends through so they can hear what I have to say. You are only temporarily deaf; this will be rectified in a few minutes. You will be still dizzy and disoriented, so I want you to rest. Both of your friends should also consider resting as well! > They looked at me and smiled sheepishly. I could see that they must have decided to trust me. <I will let you know what exactly happened when everyone is rested. Because after I heal you, I am going to need a rest as well! > I smiled at Justin and his friends to let them know that I was not only serious but that they could trust me.

I closed me eyes and let my power of healing wrap itself around Justin. It was still difficult, even though my powers were slowly returning to their full potential. "There, you should be able to hear me know." I whispered to Justin. A smile crossed his face as I finished the sentence. He gave me a great big hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Thank-you! Thank-you" Justin said while a tear escaped his closed eye. I looked over at JC and Lance just before they also embraced me. Hmm .. I could get used to this! "O.K. everyone that is going to get rest, please find a cot and go to sleep." I smiled as the three of them took their cots and closed their eyes. I grabbed my cot and was about to go to sleep when I heard the three of them crying. They were indeed brothers and possibly more, I guess I should have considered that before forcing them apart to get some rest. Well, I had gained enough strength to transform the molecules of my cot into a King size bed with lots of pillows. I looked at them and said, "If you would like to sleep in a regular bed, you guys can sleep here." They all looked at me and smiled. Lance and JC helped Justin to the bed and he crawled in with his friends close behind. I could tell by the smiles on their faces, that they wanted to be together and they gathered strength and love from one another. I was readying my self on one of the remaining cots when I heard JC say "Why don't you sleep with us, it is more comfortable than the cots. We don't bite!" That's when I seen Lance and Justin smile at me and together they said, "Well, we don't leave marks anyway!" We all looked at each other and killed ourselves laughing. Yep, I definitely could get used to this!

To Be Continued .... ?

A Tease ... A Tease you say ... Yup! What is going to happen to Chris and Joey? How will the rest of the guys get back to their own dimension? Who exactly is this "Stranger"? What happened to PB? Where is Laura? Will Lance, JC and Justin ever find their own beds? Tune in next time when you'll here Miss Piggy say .. Oops, sorry wrong show. Just tune in next time, o.k.? Please!? I'm begging you!

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