Beginning of a relationship

By Mo Burney

Published on Feb 16, 2001



DISCLAIMER: The usual stuff ... if you're under 18, please don't read this. If you are sensitive to stories depicting sexual acts between two consenting adult men, please don't read. All characters in the story are true - names have been changed to hide their identity.


This story is based on a wild 2 days that I enjoyed during the summer of 1997. I was all of 19 years old and was heading to Florida for an internship with a large corporation. It was the first time I had ventured out by myself, and the excitement and nervousness made me giddy. I left my home in NY, and arrived to my new home for the next 5 months. The company had set me up in an incredibly sweet apartment in downtown Miami ... overlooking all the hottest spots in town. Now that you know WHERE I was, let me tell you about myself a little. My name is David, I am 19, 5'9" 160, black hair and eyes, and a slender build. I am also very hairy. My best attribute would have to be my hands and my nipples ... I love playing with them!

So within a few weeks I was settled into my new home, and I thought I'd explore the scene a little bit. I have known that I was gay for sometime but had never had an encounter, scared that somehow my parents would find it. Now I was free and aching to explore the other side.

I had heard about a website where you could meet gay men in the local area. I decided that would be the safest bet. I started chatting with many guys and slowly either they lost interest, or I lost interest and the number started dwindling to a few choice guys I was enjoying talking to. After about 2 hrs, one guy, Tim, was left. We were hitting it off well, and he was also around my age, at 21. He was a student at the local university, and had just transfered from Portland. He, too, was extremely shy ... just what I needed! We decided that we would meet at my place the following evening at my place ... as friends, and take it from there. I got off the internet, and was just hot thinking about a guy coming over. I couldn't wait! I didn't know what to do to make his trip enjoyable for him. The next day arrived and the evening couldn't there any slower. I had cleaned up the place, gotten dressed casually, yet formally. Had some snacks ready and was waiting for 7.

Ding Dong. My heart nearly jumped out of my throat. I tried to calm myself down, but it was useless, I was trembling all over. I opened the door, and when I looked up I thought I would die. Standing in front of me was the Adonis of my dreams. A sexy charming 5-11 man stood in front of me, with a disarming smile, and a box of chocolates in his hand. I couldn't take my eyes of his face, his smile, his eyes - piercing me with their stare. Tim had the perfect body - lean yet muscular, I could see the hints of a well developed chest, and arms, from his fitted crew shirt. He had wavy dirty blond hair, and the bluest eyes. I just couldn't stop staring, and I'm sure he noticed cuz he asked me 'Is everything alright?' All I could muster was a quivering 'Yes, please come in.' He walked in and gave me a warm hug. I didn't ever want him to let go. We sat on opposite couches and after a few moments of silence, we picked up where we had left off the night before. Minutes turned into hours, and we sat talking about our lives, our backgrounds, our dreams, desires, and wishes. I knew I ahd found the person I had always longed for, and even if everything ended today, I knew I had a friend for life. It was about 12:30 at night, and I offered Tim to spend the night. The next day was Saturday, and we were both free. I was hoping that he would say yes, and I couldn't believe my luck when he sweetly obliged. Once he had said yes, I didn't know what to do ... should I get up and get him some clothes, what if he sleeps naked (oh please say you do), what if he didn't want to change. Should I make the suggestion of going to sleep or should I keep talking until he made the move. Sensing my uneasiness, Tim interrupted my thoughts and said that he'd tell me when he was sleepy. He laughed and said 'Don't think I'm sleeping by myself either.' I didn't know whether to laugh it off as a joke, or to take his generous offer seriously.

We continued to talk for a little longer, and Tim came and sat next to me. I stopped talking and he asked me if he was scaring me. I quickly said no, and that I was nervous. He said that he'd back off, and let me take my time. As he said those words, and started to rise, I don't know what overtook me, and I reached for his hand and pulled him towards me. He responded by sitting nearly on my lap. I kept holding his hands, and we just stared into each others eyes for what seemed like an eternity. No words were needed to describe the emotions that we were feeling at that point. Tim made the next move.

He started playing with my hair, while flashing his killer smile and slowly moved his face inches away from mine and whispered, in a voice dripping with honey, 'Are you sure you want this?'. I responded with a slight nod, and before I was done, I felt his soft lips caressing mine. Electric chills went through my body and all I could do was grab him as tightly as I could. He released me, smiled and walked away. I just sat on the sofa, dumbfounded and smiling sheepishly. Those were the best minutes of my life upto that point. Little did I know, the night was just beginning.

Tim came from behind the sofa and toussled my hair, laughing a rich laugh ... I think he said 'Snap out of it' but I'm not sure ... I was still dazed. There is something about your first kiss that you will never forget. Its all your emotions, thoughts, passions packaged in those short moments. The memory, the feeling and the rush remains with you forever. I eventually got up and decided that we should head to bed. Tim happily agreed. I told him to take the bed and I'd take the couch. Before I could head towards the sofa, I felt two arms enveloping my waist firmly ... I was off my feet, being carried to the bedroom. All the two of us could do was laugh uncontrollably. I tried to act like I didn't want this, and put up a very minimal of efforts to ward this, not too much so that he got turned off ... I'm not THAT stupid now :-)

I was already in my night clothes - a tshirt and shorts - and Tim layed me on the bed and disappeared for a few minutes. He came back with a back from his car, and a bowl with some ice cubes. He had a smile dancing on his lips as he layed down the stuff and proceeded to take his shirt off. I did a double take when I saw his gorgeous chest. Just the right amount of tan, with hair in all the right places - around the nipples, and a trail going down to his manhood. He prowled towards me, like a lion taking on its prey. His well developed muscles shifting almost fluidly. He came on top of me and planted a kiss on my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and we spent the next few minutes just kissing and feeling each other. I ran my hands over his back, sliding my hands into his pants to feel his nice ass. His hands hand found their way to my shorts, and he was gently massaging my balls, kneading them just right, making me moan in sheer pleasure. He moved off of me and removed all my clothes. I approached to do the same, but he pushed me back, and went south on me. The ecstasy was too much to bear as I saw this stud, almost naked, envelope his hot mouth over my throbbing 7" uncut cock. I was moaning with pleasure and was trying hard not to shoot. I said I was about to shoot, to which he stopped and made sure that I didn't spill my seeds just then.

Now was the time I had been waiting for - to behold this sexy mans gorgeous body. I proceeded to slowly undo his jeans, while kissing his stomach, and slightly nibbling. I pulled down both jeans and briefs with one tug and his dick, probably about 8" cut sprang to attention. I couldn't believe that I was sitting inches away from something that I had longed for so very long. I put my hands around it and started to explore every little inch. I reached between his legs and slowly started to play with his nuts, making him moan loudly. I proceeded to lick and suck his member, and started to ease my fingers into his ass. His ass was smooth and felt silky to the touch. I went down, and took each one of his balls in my mouth successfully, lightly sucking and licking them. Tim took a hold of my head and raised me to his level and embraced me with a hot kiss. We lay back down, and our bodies became one, or it seemed like we were merging into one. I wanted to feel him so close to me. Our legs were entwined with each others, and our hands were running wildly over each other. We kissed - lips, ears, necks, and finally Tim moved down to my nipples. The sensation was incredible and I let out a loud moan as he bit on one of my taut nipples. His fingers running over my chest tickled and I broke into laughter. Tim went to open his bag and closed the light. He came back and told me to relax ... I already was, or I thought I was. What happened next was like a page out of my wildest fantasies.

Tim took me from behind and put a blindfold on my eyes. My heart started pounding, and I started to sweat. He moved to the front and laid me down. He then tied my hands behind my back and I started to move myself to break free. This was my first time with a man, and to be honest, I was a little scared at this point. The next thing I know, I felt Tim's tongue rubbing against my lips - all fear escaped, as I tried to kiss him. But Tim was teasing. He kept on bringing his face close and would breathe on my lips and lick them, and there was nothing I could do about it. I felt a deep chill in my spine, as I felt ice being rubbed on my neck and going down to each nipple. It felt so incredibly great, and all I could do was beg Tim to take the blindfold off. His response ... his rich throaty laugh. I felt Tim play with my dick, slightly licking off the pre-cum and taking me in deep. He crawled back on me and hoarsely whispered that he wanted me, and I replied that I wanted to feel him in me too.

The next ten minutes, mixed with unbounded pain and pleasure are so vivid in my mind, that they seem like they are happening right now. Tim propped my legs on his shoulders, and untied my hands, leaving only my eyes bound. I felt his fingers massaging my hole, first with one, and eventually with 4 fingers. It hurt. I had never had anything go up my ass, and the pain was great, but knowing that Tim was there made it bearable. Tim proceeded to lather up my ass, then he entered me. A little at first, stopping whenever he saw a flash of excruciating pain across my face. He'd wait a few seconds and proceed. Within a few minutes, his entire 8" member was in me. The pain had been overtaken with the sweetest pleasure. Tim started thrusting slowly, and as I got used to his rhythms, I joined him and our thrusts become faster as we both moaned. Tim screamed that he was about to shoot. I was close too. It was me who came first, my cum covering my chest, and sending some on his chest. I told Tim that I wanted to taste him. He sweetly obliged and moved close to my face so I could take his member in my mouth. I removed the blindfold, and took his dick down with one swallow. My hands were free to play with his ass and balls. As he moaned, he creamed my mouth. It was incredible. I couldn't do enough to keep it all in. Some spilled out from the sides, and some I swallowed. Both completely exhausted, sunk to the bed, lying in each others arms, in awe of the experience we had so intimately shared. It seemed like the world was complete - him and I. We slept like two children, afraid, coiled in each others arms.

The remaining weekend, our friendship and love deepened, and we became virtually inseparable for the 5 months that I was there. We pretty much shared my apartment, preparing for something more, we both hoped. It has been 3 years, and we both are as close as ever. I go to see him every summer, and we plan to live as a couple after I graduate from college.


I hope you guys liked it. It is, as I said, a completely true story. The images are as vivid and clear to me today as they were that night. Just thinking about Tim right now makes me smile. I hope everyone is able to find the special love that we both found in each other. For comments or questions, please email me at

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