Beginning at Bags End

By Whitney Ross

Published on Mar 31, 2004


This is fantasy fiction intended for an audience of gay males over the age of 18. It contains detailed description of homosexual activity and if you find this offensive you should not read on.

This story in no way reflects the true sexual preferences of any of the characters or actors who may have portrayed them and should not, in any way be taken as a true representation of any activities that have ever been performed.

Lord of the Rings and some of these characters are trademarks of and copyright of the estate of JRR Tolkien. Lord of the Rings films, its plotlines, characters and ideas are the property of the New Line Cinemas.

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While Sam and David were in the gardens, Frodo was preparing to do some research to see what he could do to help David out. He decided to head to a room that nobody but Sam knew about. He walked into a storage area and headed to the corner where a row of shelves stood. The shelves were filled with items that had no real purpose but might be needed in the future. He pressed a hidden button and the shelves open up to reveal another room and Frodo headed down into Bilbo's library.

He smiled at himself as he realized that he still thought of it as 'Bilbos' even though his dear mentor had been gone for many years. He guessed it was because this room really reminded him of the wirey old Hobbit. He glanced around at the walls which were covered with dozens of bookshelves. He wished that he didn't have to hide this place but it was really for the best. Hobbits placed little value in books and studying, and while there was no real hostility towards those who had books, they were thought of as odd. The last thing Frodo needed was another reason for people to think of him as odd, so he kept this area private.

He gazed at the rows of books and thought back on the first time that Bilbo had showed him this secret place. At the time the collection of books was small but over the years it had grown as the various adventures had allowed them to obtain a wide range of texts. He began with some basic books on humans and how they lived their lives. His experience with humans had taught him that they coould be both the most noble and the most terrible of people.

The reading he did over the next hour served to confirm this basic opinion. On the one hand he read of humans who had shown great love and compassion for their fellow man and indeed for all the peoples of Middle Earth. Some had sacrificed everything that they had in order to help those in need.

At the same time he read of cruelty and evil that exceded even what he had seen on his quest to destroy the ring. One of the things that amazed him was the fact that humans practiced in the buying and selling of men and women and even children. Slavery through conquest or in battle was still terrible but it was at least part of the tide of war. But the idea that people would do these things for pure profit or greed was beyond his comprehension.

As he continued reading he began to shake in horror as he read of another practice among some beings. The love that he and Sam shared was something special and the acts of love were something deeply precious to both of them. He knew that there were people out there who engaged in the practice of selling that love for money and it disgusted him that they could demean something so important. But now he learned that there were some who enslaved people to sell them to others for that purpose. He softly wept as he realized that it was very likely that David had been subjected to this kind of abuse.

He moved on to some books on human laws and learned that while the abuse that David had endured was almost always illegal the laws were often ignored in exchange for bribes to the proper authorities. Even worse, in many cases the victims were under service to those who abused them so they could be forced to go back with them. He feared that someone could come back and take David away and worried about how to stop it. Certainly nobody in the Shire could help and even if they could, few would want to.

He sat in his chair for some time considering this problem before the answer came to him. Aragorn was a king and his realm covered most of the human lands. Even those areas not covered by him would respect his commands. Legolas and Gimli also had influence over the realms under the domain of their peoples. If he could get each of these friends to issue letters which declared David to be free of any control then he could be more secure.

He would write them at once. He would also discuss things with Pip and Merry to see what influence they could have with leaders in the Shire. This could give Frodo some sort of right to offer David the kind of security he wanted to give him. Adoption wasn't really the right word for an adult but he was sure now that David was the one to be his legacy.

Frodo left the library, making sure to secure the hidden entryway. He trusted David but this secret was one he'd kept carefully for some time. He didn't even tell Sam about it until after they returned from the quest. He'd only told Sam because of the special relationship between them and while he hoped one would grow with David it seemed prudent to remain careful.

He sat at his desk writing out the letters to his friends. As he wrote he remembered the things they had shared on the great adventure. He felt a particular warmth when he thought of Legolas. Legolas was an elf with empathic abilities, and it hadn't taken him long to figure out that something was going on between Sam and Frodo.

One evening he had invited the two of them to share his tent and by the time the evening was over they had shared much more. It was the special bond that the three of them shared that had made him want to bring someone else into his relationship with Sam. He just felt that a third was needed to make things complete.

Frodo interrupted his revire as he completed the letters. He knew that there were some traders in town who were headed towards Rivendell. He trusted them and knew that they would carry his letters for him. Once they got to Rivendell he knew that trusted friends there would make sure they were delivered to the proper people.

Frodo headed up the path towards the BBBBB inn. As he approached the inn he saw his friend Pip talking with some other townspeople. He gave them all a friendly greeting and they responded in kind. Well, not exactly in kind as Frodo was still looked on with some suspicion by his neighbors, but they were still kind in a formal sort of way. He headed inside and dropped off the letters. When he left Pip was alone and fell in along side him.

"So how are you today Frodo" he asked

"Pretty well Pip, how are things going with you" replied Frodo

"Just fine. My wife tells me we are to have another baby soon" he said with a smile

"Pip ! That's wonderful. Give her my best. We must have you over to Bags End to celebrate"

"I'd enjoy that. Provided your new..... addition wouldn't mind"

"What ?" said Frodo. He didn't think anyone knew what was going on.

"Calm down Frodo. I knew something was up when you used my barrow, and so I saw you and Sam moving along with the young man who I assume is staying in your house. But I won't tell anyone." responded Pip

"Thanks Pip. I actually do need to talk to you and Merry about things. Could you both come by later today. And thanks for keeping quiet" said Frodo

Pip agreed to meet later that day and said he would bring Merry along. Frodo knew that he would need to discuss this with David. The young human was so skittish about things. But he was sure some careful talk could get him to trust Merry and Pip. After leaving Pip, Frodo hurried back to Bags End to see what was going on with Sam and David. As he approached the front door he saw his two friends coming from the other direction. Or at least he thought it was them as Sam was walking with someone covered in dirt and grime.

"Hallo" called Sam

"Hey guys, what happened to you" responded Frodo

"Well I was just..." began David with his head downcast.

"It was my fault really." interrupted Sam. "We were working in the garden and I sent David down into the storage room. Well you know we should have fixed that place a long time ago."

"Yes I know"

"Well the silly thing finally fell apart and poor Dave was stuck a bit. But we got out of it ok and now he just needs to clean up"

Frodo looked at David with concern. "Are you ok"

"Yes, I am, thanks to Sam" David replied

Frodo couldn't help but to notice the gaze that David gave to Sam or the fact that they were holding hands. But he decided not to make an issue of it and instead he followed them inside. Sam helped David out of his dirty clothes while Frodo drew a hot bath. They asked David if he needed help but when he said no they respected his wishes and headed into the kitchen to prepare lunch.

"Is he really ok" asked Frodo

"I think so, but he was really scared. Something must have happened to him. I think he was locked up in a hole or something. I had to work to calm him down" said Sam with a sheepish smile.

"I kind of thought you two shared something" responded Frodo with a mischevious grin.

"Now don't be getting yourself upset, we just kissed a little and I held him"

"I'm not upset Sam, in fact I think we both know we'd like to share more with him, when he is ready"

The two friends continued preparing the lunch while keeping a watchful eye and ear on the bathroom. Soon David emerged cleaned up from his ordeal but also quite naked. They both stared for a moment and the body before them and each had some very naughty thoughts before realizing that David needed some clean clothes.

Frodo had considered this problem and had pulled together some of Bilbo's old clothes. They were a bit large on Frodo but he thought that they would fit David just fine, and soon David was looking much like the very well to do Hobbit about town.

As they sat down to lunch Frodo leaned over and placed a hand on Davids arm.

"I'm very sorry for the accident. I hope you don't mind but Sam told me about things and I want you to remember that as far as we are concerned this is your home for as long as you want it to be" he said with a comforting smile.

David was silent at first as the full impact of Frodo's words struck him. Just a while ago he had begun to think of this place as home and now he was being told that it was. He still feared that this would all fall apart in time but he decided not to press the issue and to simply enjoy what he could.

"Thank you both. Mr. Frodo and Mr. Sam. I'd like to stay for a while"

"Now now" Sam injected "I've told you a dozen times. No misters around here"

"Quite right" said Frodo

"Ok" said David with a smile.

The three friends sat and enjoyed the meal, realizing for the first time that a new family just been born. What they didn't realize is that they would face many more trials before the end of this new journey.

Next: Chapter 4

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