Begin Anew

By Frnces O'Rtg

Published on Oct 16, 2000


Begin Anew

Copyright 2000 By Frnceso O'Rtg. All rights reserved. With the exceptions of short excerpts for critical reviews, no part of this work may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission in writing from the Author.

This story is complete fiction. This story in no way implies the ACTUAL sexual orientation or beliefs of Actual living people. In other words FICTION!!

Any comments are welcome. Good or bad. Feel free to e-mail me at

This week America was hit with a tragic attack. A number of Sailors were killed in a terrorist attack. Being a veteran of the United States Navy I am deeply saddened by the loss of life. In Memory I would like the dedicate the next Paragraph to the lives of the sailors who lost their lives in defense of the country that they loved and served.


(Navy Hymn)

May the souls of the departed members of the USS Cole rest in peace. You will not be forgotten.

HM3 Ratigan USN Served 1987 to 1993

Chapter 9

Jason woke to a pair of arms surrounding him. He also noticed that this person was very excited too. He grinned as he turned over and stared at Kevin who was still sleeping peacefully. Jason looked down at Kevin's tight body. He was thankful that Kevin slept in the nude. It certainly made things easier. He bent down and kissed Kevin nipples. Frowning when he didn't get a response from that he moved to his abs lightly tracing his tongue across the rigid six pack. Again no response. He sighed and shrugged his shoulders and dove under the blankets and went right for the prize. He gazed at it for a few seconds. He was always amazed at how good it looked. The mushroom tip was gently throbbing with excitement. He stuck out his tongue and licked the tip of it. It jerked up in excitement. He stuck out his tongue again only this time running along the underside of it.

Once he reached the tip of it he slowly engulfed the head of it. He stayed stationary for a couple of seconds enjoying the taste of his lover in his mouth. He inhaled deeply breathing in the intoxicating scent that belongs to his mate. He noticed that Kevin was moaning softly so he peaked out from under the blankets. He was still asleep! Oh well no sense worrying over it. He had a mission to accomplish. Jason very slowly eased his head down the shaft of Kevin's cock stopping only when his pubes tickled his nose and he could feel Kevin's heavy balls resting on his chin.

"Ooh God Jas," breathed out Kevin signaling to his lover that he was awake. Jason giggled softly as he started bobbing up and down on Kevin's cock. Kevin helped too by gently thrusting in and out. Jason always enjoyed it when Kevin would make love to his face like that. To Jason it was the best way to signal his love for Kevin. Kevin knew it too so he gladly let Jason take him in. Kevin was concerned about Jason swallowing his seed when he was sick. It usually came back up a few minutes later but Jason didn't mind. He enjoyed doing this to Kevin. And Kevin had learned long ago not to argue with his lover. Besides he hadn't started Chemotherapy yet so it would be fine.

Jason continued to bob up and down on Kevin's cock. It was growing hot under the blankets. Jason was sweating heavily but he didn't care. Kevin was thrusting harder and harder. So hard that Jason had to concentrate on breathing so as not to choke. He could tell by Kevin breathing and moans that his treat was seconds away. He felt the blankets lift up and he looked up to see Kevin staring down at him with lust in his eyes. Jason winked up at him and continued to take him in. Kevin's cock started throbbing and jerking.

"UUUUUHHHH Jas!" groaned Kevin. He tried to thrust all the way in but Jason stopped him. He wanted only the head of Kevin's cock resting on his tongue so that he could get the full effect of Kevin's cum. The first spurt hit him in the back of his throat coating it with Kevin's cum. The next three spurts landed on his tongue. Jason shuddered at the sharp taste of the seamen. It awoke his tastebuds like never before. He greedily sucked Kevin's seed down his throat swallowing as quick as he could. Kevin continued to shoot his load down Jason's throat. Finally after about nine shots Kevin's orgasm subsided. Jason took Kevin's cock out of his mouth and licked up the remaining streams that clung to Kevin's cock. When he was satified that his lover was clean enough he snuggled up on Kevin's chest laying his head on his chest. "Good morning Jas," laughed Kevin as he ran his fingers through Jason's damp hair. "You have been a bad boy!" Jason looked up at him and stuck out his lip in a pout. "But I liked it!" Jason kissed Kevin's nipple and laid his head back down and sighed.

"My favorite music is playing again," he giggled. "I could lay here forever Kevin."

"Me too," sighed Kevin as he bent down and kissed Jason's head. "But the world is calling us." He knew that Jason would start his chemo today but he didn't want to bring it up. At least they had agreed to do it here at the house. Jason would be surrounded by loved ones and friends that eased Kevin's mind a lot. He noticed that Jason had fallen asleep. He shrugged his shoulders and eased out of the bed. He laughed softly when Jason grabbed his pillow and hugged it close to him. Kevin grabbed his things and headed into the bathroom for a quick shower. Once done he headed down stairs. He walked into the living room in time to hear the doorbell. He opened the front door and spotted his cousin. "Hey Brian, come on in," Kevin said with a grin on his face. Brian gave Kevin a quick hug and walked in. A very attractive young man came in after him. He stuck out his hand to Trevor. "You must be Trevor, I'm Kevin." Trevor looked at his hand and grabbed and pulled Kevin in hug. Kevin was shocked at this show of emotion from a stranger.

"I am so sorry to hear about Jason," Trevor said softly in Kevin's ear. "I don't know what I would do if something like that ever happened to Brian."

"Thanks Trevor," Kevin said as he guided them into the living room. He noticed that Brian was looking for Jason. "He is still asleep. I'm letting him get plenty of rest before he has to start his chemo."

"How are you doing cousin?" asked Brian. Kevin walked over to the bay window and looked out of it and onto the front lawn. "Kev?"

"I hate it!" Kevin said forcefully. "I thought we were through with this!" For the first time he allowed his feelings to show. Hot tears flowed down his face. "For three years I spend away from him and now when I do get my act together and come back to him he as to go through this crap. It's not fair!" he felt his cousin's arms surround him and he allowed it. Brian just held his distraught cousin for a few minutes to give Kevin the chance to recover.

"We're here for you and Jason," Brian said softly. "You are one of the strongest persons I know. If anyone can do this it is you."

"Thanks Brian," mumbled Kevin as he broke away from his hold. He walked to the couch and sat down. "The bright side to all of this is that we are going to try and keep him at home."

"That is a relief," sighed Brian. "I remember how he hates hospitals."

"Hey you all taking about me," said Jason as he walked into the living room his hair still damp from the shower. He was wearing the Kentucky sweatsuit that Brian had given him over three years ago.

"Hey Jas!" exclaimed Brian as he got up and hugged him. "How are you doing?"

"You heard?" asked Jason looking into Brian's pain filled eyes. Brian nodded silently his eyes filling with tears. "We will get through this I promise," Jason swore to Brian. He noticed Trevor sitting next to Kevin. "This must be Trevor," going over to him and shaking Trevor's hand. Like Kevin Trevor pulled Jason into a hug.

"It is good to finally meet you," Trevor said grinning. "Brian is always talking about you."

"All good I hope!" laughed Jason winking at Trevor. Trevor decided to play along.

"Well there is this one story that he tells me all the time," Trevor laughed.

"Hey!!" shouted Brian as he wrapped his arms around Trevor and kissed his neck. Jason's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Yes Jason, Trevor and me are a couple. We've been together for about a month."

"Good Brian, if anyone deserves to be happy it is you," Jason said as he hugged Brian. He heard the doorbell rang and he frowned and looked out the window. "Well I guess it is going to start all over again!" he said angrily. Kevin went up to him and took his hand.

"Where do you want to be when we start this?" he asked.

"The east guest room," Jason said as he laid his head on Kevin's chest. Kevin bent down and kissed the top of Jason's head.

"Meet you there?" he asked swallowing hard. Jason nodded as he headed up stairs. On the way he passed Johnny's room. He could hear Justin and Johnny laughing in the room. He passed it quietly so as not to disturb them.

Three hours later.

Kevin walked down the stairs with a heavy heart. Jason had not tolerated the first chemo treatment at all. The doctor was worried that he was going to hemorrhage but he didn't. The vomiting finally stopped leaving Jason exhausted. Kevin walked into the kitchen looking for something to eat. He made himself a turkey sandwich and poured him a glass of milk and sat the kitchen table and began to eat.

"How is Jas?" asked Brian as he sat next to Kevin.

"He is sleeping now," Kevin answered as he took a bite out of his sandwich. "He didn't take the first treatment very well. The Doctor thought he was going to have transport him to his hospital."

"How are you doing?" Brian asked laying his hand on his shoulder. "You look tired."

"I'm doing all right Brian," Kevin lied. Brian frowned at him and shook his head from side to side. "I said I was all right Brian. Let it go!" Kevin insisted as he popped the last bit of the sandwich in his mouth.

"Don't do this to yourself Kevin. The last time you went through this it almost destroyed you," Brian scolded him.

"Really Brian I'm fine. I promise to take of myself as well as take care of Jason. And speaking of Jason, I should get back to him." Kevin stood and left the kitchen and walked up stairs to their room. After the treatment they had moved Jason back to their room. Kevin opened the door and walked into the darkened room. He looked over at the bed and found it empty. He listened carefully and heard the distinct gagging sounds of his lover in the bathroom. He sighed heavily and walked into the bathroom. There he found Jason sitting on the floor with his head resting on the bowel. "Jas?" he asked softly. Jason looked up at him and smiled sadly. "You want some help?" He nodded and Kevin went over to him and helped him up. "You're burning up babe." Kevin helped Jason into the shower so he could cool off. Fifteen minutes later Jason was back in bed. Kevin started to head out the door.

"Where do you think you are going?" asked a tired voice. Kevin turned around and smiled at Jason.

"I have to run into town for a few moments. I'll be back in a little while.

Are you going to be all right while I am gone?" he asked. He almost caved when Jason started pouting. "I promise to lay with you when I get back."

"Well since you said that how can I refuse?" said Jason as he grabbed Kevin's pillow and hugged it close.

"Oh I see how it is," laughed Kevin. Jason stuck his tongue out at him. "I'm being replaced by a Pillow!"

"That should give you an excuse to come back," Jason giggled. Kevin leaned down and kissed Jason on the lips sliding his tongue into Jason's mouth. Jason let out a soft moan and wrapped his arms around Kevin. "Hurry back sweetie," he whispered into his ear.

"I will and I love you babe," Kevin whispered back. Before he had the chance to leave the room Jason had already fell asleep.

In town in a meeting room.

Kevin walks into the room and sits down in a chair facing a desk. "We told you that we would not allow you to just up and leave! What made you think we couldn't find you?" asked a voice from the chair.

"I had to come back home!" Kevin insisted. "The only reason I left home was because you said my life was in danger. Over three years have passed and nothing has happened! Why the hell won't you let me go home?"

"You don't get it do you?" shouted the man in the chair. "Those sick bastards may be stung but they are still there. Every day we get reports of them striking all over the world. You only knocked out a small portion of the big picture! Why did you come home anyway?"

"Jason is sick, he needs me!" Kevin hurled at him. "Plus the fact the fact that my son needs me too."

"Keeping you away from them was supposed to keep them safe! Now your actions have compromised over three years worth of protection!" shouted the Man as he stood up and paced the room. "What the hell are we supposed to do now?" he demanded.

"I need to be home with my family!" Kevin insisted.

"That is impossible!" shouted the man again. "We can't keep you in the country like this! Why the hell do you think we pulled you out of the country three years ago? They will hunt you down and kill you! And they won't care if they take out your family and friends in the process!"

"For over ten years I have done my bid for God and Country. It is time for me to have a life. I have a husband and a son that needs me desperately. I'm going home and don't you dare try and stop me!" Kevin shouted back as he stood up to leave.

"Sit down Mr. Richardson!" ordered the man. Kevin remained standing glaring that the man behind the desk. "I said sit the fuck down!" Kevin sat down but still glared at the man. "Maybe there is a way to salvage all of this."

Kevin sat forward to hear what he had to say. "I am sending a team over to your house. Their duty will be to protect your family from them. Don't ever question them. You follow their orders as if you are taking orders from me. And as soon as your husband is ready to travel we are pulling your entire family out of the area!"

"My family can't know about this!" Kevin insisted.

"You should've thought of that when you decided to come back home!" the man reminded Kevin. The man reached into his desk and pulled out a black wallet and gun and holster and slid it across the desk. "Welcome back Agent Richardson because like or not you are now apart of the FBI!" Kevin frowned as he picked up the wallet and opened it and looked at it and than picked up the gun and holster and strapped it on. He was going to have a lot to explain to his family when he got home. And he wasn't happy about it because he knew it was going to rock their world.

Back at South Fork

Jason heard the knocking on his bedroom door as he opened his eyes. He looked at the clock and saw that it was 5:30 in the afternoon. "Come in!" he hollered at the door. It swung opened and Justin walked in with JC. They were holding hands and Jason smiled widely at them.

"We come to say good bye," Justin started. Jason's heart fell a little when he heard those words. But hey, they had to move on with their lives too. He swung out of bed and grabbed the sweat shirt that laying across the bed. "You don't have to get up Jas, we know you don't feel good."

"No Justin, it's all right," Jason smiled as he pulled the shirt over his head. "I should be up any way. When do you have to leave?"

"Our plane takes off at 8:00 tonight," JC said as they followed Jason out of the room. "We're going to London to open Justin's show!" Jason could tell that JC was excited for his new lover.

"JC has even agreed to come on and join the group!" Justin explained to Jason. "I can't wait to start working with JC again."

"I'm happy for the two of you. JC can I see you out on the porch?" Jason asked. Justin looked at him funny but Jason smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "Don't worry Justin. I won't hurt him. I just want to lay down some ground rules is all." Jason and JC stepped out onto the porch and Jason sat down on the steps and motioned JC to sit next to him. Sighing heavily JC sat down next to him.

"What do you want Jason?" JC asked bluntly.

"I want to make sure you understand that Justin means the world to me. Don't hurt him," Jason replied equally as blunt.

"I love him too Jason, and I would never hurt him," JC said laying his hand on Jason's shoulder. "He means the world to me too."

"You've hurt him before JC," Jason reminded him. "I don't think he has ever gotten over you raping me." JC glared at Jason for a few moments before speaking.

"That was a long time ago Jason!" JC hurled at him. "I've paid for that crime over and over again. And you should remember that I wasn't exactly me when all that shit happened!"

"I know JC and I am sorry for bringing it up. But some times you do slip and go into that evil twin mode," Jason gently reminded him. JC nodded quietly before getting up and going back into the house to get Justin. Johnny stepped onto the porch and sat next to Jason. "Heya squirt!" Jason smiled down at him as he ruffled his son's hair. Johnny just shrugged his shoulders. "All right mister, spill it. What's wrong?"

"Justin is leaving today," Johnny replied quietly.

"Did you expect him stay around forever?" Jason asked him. "I mean Justin has his dreams and a bright future to live and to look forward too. You should be happy for him."

"I am happy for him. He was showing me some of his new songs, and they are really cool. But I am going to miss him," Johnny said as he laid his head against his father's side. Jason took this as a sign to wrap his arm around the 11 year old child. Johnny snuggled up closer to his adopted father. "Are you going to die?"

"I certainly hope not Johnny," Jason said looking down at his son. "I have a lot to live for and I have no intention of dying." He looked down the long driveway wondering where Kevin was. He was probably tied up with something. "Do you want to talk about it?" Johnny answered him in typical 11 year old fashion, by shrugging his shoulders. I'll take that as a yes. After JC and Justin leave we'll go back into the house to talk." The door swung open and Justin walked out holding some of his luggage. He sat them down as the butler took them and carried them out to the car. Justin stuffed his hands in his pockets and stared out onto lawn.

"You going to be all right?" he asked looking down. Jason got up and wrapped his arms around him and pulled him close.

"I'm going to be just fine Sweetie. I have my husband back, a loving son, and really great friends to support me. You have a bright future and career ahead of you. Don't you dare feel guilty about leaving us. You have every right to be happy. Make sure that JC treats you right." He looked up at Justin and saw the tears running down his cheeks. He reached up and wiped the free. "I guess that is JC's job now," Jason mumbled as he took Justin's hand and placed it in JC's. Johnny tugged lightly at Justin elbow and Justin smiled down at his adopted nephew.

"Hey Johnny," he said as he messed up Johnny's hair. Johnny of course swatted his hands away causing them to get into a quick wrestling match. Before long JC joined in on the match. Poor Justin was quickly pinned laughing his head off. Getting up and brushing himself off he grabbed Johnny in a fierce hug. "I'm gonna miss you Johnny."

"I'm gonna miss you too Uncle Justin," Johnny said pulling away from Justin.

Fifteen minutes later Johnny with his hand in his father's they watched with mixture of sadness and happiness the limo pull out onto the main highway. Justin and JC were on their way to start a new life together.

"Come on Johnny let's go into the house and have that talk," Jason said as he shivered. The sun was setting and it was getting colder out. Summer was gone and it was time for the cozy nights of fall and winter to start. Jason heart soared a little at the prospect of many cozy nights in front of the fireplace with his family, Johnny on one side and Kevin on the other. Just before he closed the door he looked down the drive way again hoping that Kevin would come home soon.

"Come on Dad!" shouted Johnny. Jason laughed softly and closed the door making sure he turned on the porch light for Kevin.

Chapter 10

Kevin pulled into the garage and turned off the engine. He was glad to be home again. He climbed out of Jason's BMW Roadster and headed up to the front porch. He opened the door and walked in. It was dark inside and he turned on the hall light and looked into the living room. He could hear Jason and Johnny talking quietly on the couch. He could also see the flickering of the fire in the fire place. He stepped in and crept around the couch.

"So we have an understanding, you don't worry about me and concentrate on being a kid and you let the parents do the worrying," Jason said as he kissed the top of Johnny head.

"Eww that is mushy stuff Dad!" groaned Johnny as he swatted the top of his head.

"Can anyone join this party?" asked Kevin looking down at his family.

"Only if you are my husband," giggled Jason as he scooted over to make room his lover. Kevin sat down and pulled Jason close. Jason frowned as he looked at Kevin. Kevin's face paled as he realized his mistake. Jason reached into Kevin's jacket and felt the gun. He glared at Kevin and turned to Johnny. "Johnny can you go up stairs and get Brian and than go to your room and straighten it up for me please?"

Johnny knew by his father's tone that now was not the time to argue. He quickly got up and left the room. Jason turned to Kevin and reached into his jacket again and pulled out the gun making sure that the safety was on he laid it on the table. "You want to explain why you have brought a gun into my house?" He kept his voice as calm as possible even though he was shaking with rage and fear. Kevin was silent for the longest time. By this time Brian was in the room too. He had picked up the gun and removed the clip. He sat down next Jason as they waited to hear from Kevin. "Well Kevin, I'm waiting for an answer."

"There is no easy way to say this," Kevin started. He reached into his other jacket pocket and handed Jason his thin wallet. Jason looked confused and just held it. "Open it Jason," Kevin urged. Jason opened the wallet and still looked confused.

"I don't understand, you've decided to join the FBI?" Jason replied handing the wallet to Brian. He took it and read it too.

"God Kevin this ID was issued to you almost a year before you joined the group! What the hell is going on?" Brian insisted.

"Over twelve years ago I joined the FBI," Kevin spoke up. Jason nodded for him to continue he also rested his hand on Kevin's leg and Kevin snatched it up immediately. "Do you remember that missing child from our home town in Kentucky?" Brian nodded. "Well they found him. He was only thirteen. He was kidnapped and raped to death. Turns out that a huge Child molesting ring was attacking children in Kentucky. I had to do something. So I joined the FBI. They got me into the entertainment business as a good cover. Brian, Jason, I've been an undercover agent for all of these years."

"But why the Backstreet Boys?" asked Brian. "I mean why the huge deception?"

"These sick bastards were every where. In every state and almost in every country that we toured in. They needed an agent that could move from city to city state to state and country to country with out arising suspicions. So they got me assigned to the Backstreet Boys," Kevin explained.

"You have to admit that it was a brilliant move Brian," Jason said in Kevin's defense. He turned to Kevin and motioned him to continue. "So Kevin when are we going hear about where you really were for the last three years?" Jason asked squeezing Kevin's hand. "You weren't on any "I need to find myself mission" were you?" Kevin hung his head as the tears fell from his face. "I still love you and I'm not going to leave you or anything like that. But I think I deserve to hear the truth."

"You're right Jas, you do need to hear the truth because this is going affect you and Johnny before this is done," Kevin said softly.

"Kevin you're starting to scare me," Jason replied softly.

"I'm sorry Babe I don't mean to scare you. Let me start at the beginning. Do you remember the day you bumped into me at the airport?" Kevin asked. Jason nodded. "Well I had just finished testifying for the FBI. We had finished a two year sting operation that ended in Washington DC. When I bumped into you I never in why wildest dreams expected to fall in love with you but it happened. And that was when my life turned upside down. After we got married word got out to the other side who I might be so they put a price on my head. They still didn't know who I was. All they knew was that someone in a band was an undercover agent. Than you caught cancer and we met Johnny and became foster parents. By the time Johnny went into the hospital for bone marrow transplant the FBI intercepted a message that they had discovered the indentity of the undercover agent. They of course had the wrong person but the FBI thought it was getting too dangerous so they ordered me out of the country. That is why I left. We timed it perfectly so that when the hearing when sour they had a good reason to pull me out."

"But wasn't there a way for you to let me know that you was safe and that you still loved me?" asked Jason. "I mean for God's Sake Kevin. I would of understood that. I would've supported you in everyway possible."

"But don't you see? The ring leaders in Virginia were watching Front Royal.

They suspected that the under cover agent was residing in Front Royal. If you moved to find me or go to me you and Johnny would have been targets too.

And I couldn't risk that," Kevin explained to Jason.

"Ok so you explained all of the stuff that happened in the past. Why are you here now? Has the danger passed?" Brian asked.

"No the danger is still present. I had to come home to be with Jason and Johnny," Kevin explained.

"Are you telling me that you came home to be with Jason and Johnny and now their lives are at stake as well?" asked Brian raising his voice. "Do you realize what you have done?"

"I did what I had to do to be with my family! I couldn't stay away from them forever. I love them too much!" Kevin yelled back at his cousin. Jason put his hand on Kevin's shoulder to calm him down.

"Please Brian," Jason said glaring at Brian. "Don't be hard on him. I want him home with us!"

"But at the risk of your lives?" Brian asked with his eyes wide open with shock. "Are you prepared to stake Johnny's life on the FBI's ability to protect your family?" Brian hurled at Kevin.

"Brian leave Kevin alone!" Jason stepped in to defend his husband. "I for one am thankful that he is home safe where he belongs. And I am sure that he has a plan to keep us safe."

"Yes I do," Kevin spoke up glaring at Brian. "The FBI is setting up a security system to augment yours. Plus we get guards twenty four seven until your Cancer is in remission. Once you are safe and clear of cancer they want to move us out of the country until it is safe to come back."

"You mean we have to leave our home?" Jason asked shocked. "Kevin my life is here in Front Royal."

"I know it is baby, but I want us to be together. I can't stand us being apart. Please Jason I love you and Johnny." Kevin pleaded as he grew worried that he would loose his family.

"We'll talk about this later. For now I want to drop this subject and move on to more pleasant things. Johnny is probably hungry and wondering when we are going to be done talking," Jason said as he rubbed his temples.

"You in pain Jas?" asked Kevin.

"Just tired is all. It is not every day I start chemo and than find out that my husband is an undercover agent," Jason said with a small smile.

"Why don't lie down while I get dinner?" suggested Kevin as he rubbed Jason shoulders.

"I have a better Idea. Why don't Trevor and I and I get dinner and you two relax here in the living room," Brian suggested.

"Thanks Brian," said Kevin as he laid down on the couch and held Jason so that he could lie down too with Kevin holding him. "All comfy?"

"This is nice Kevin," said Jason in between yawns.

In the kitchen.

Brian rummaged around the kitchen trying to find something for dinner. It was the cook's night off so it was up to them to find something.

"Hey babe," said Trevor as he rounded the corner. "You need some help?"

"Yea if you will defrost the ground beef I'll start the sauce," Brian said.

"Every thing all right in there?" asked Trevor gesturing in the living room.

"Yea Kevin just opened his heart and told us that he was umm uh uh---," Brian paused as he thought about what Kevin had said.

"Brian? Babe?" asked Trevor getting worried. "Are you all right?"

"Yea, I'm fine. Kevin was just making up excused for his stupid mistakes is all," Brian lied. He hated lying to Trevor but he had to be careful who he told about Kevin's real reason for being out of the country.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" asked Trevor.

"Yea I know Babe," Brian said as he kissed Trevor on the lips.

Later that night after dinner.

A dark shadow walks across the window. Jason looks over at Kevin.

"Don't worry Jas," soothed Kevin. "It is just a guard walking the grounds."

"Is this the way it is going to be for now on?" asked Jason.

"I hope not babe," breathed Kevin as he held Jason tighter.

Outside the house.

"Well do you think this is the place?" asked a voice.

"I don't know," Trevor said looking around to make sure that they were alone. "They are being real closed mouthed about what they were talking about in there. I need more time."

"Yea well just remember that you are living on borrowed time as it is. You have two more months to figure out what is going on or it is back to the meat market for you!" Rasped a voice as he grabbed Trevor's crotch and gave it a squeeze.

"Please," begged Trevor. "Just give me the time and I will find him for you. I promise."

"You better or I know some boys that will have a field day with you!" rasped the man. "Now on your knees and give me some attention boy!" You hear a zipper being lowered and you see on the wall the shadow of a cock being rammed down the throat of another man. After a few moments of thrusting in and out you hear a grunt and than the shadow of a cock being pulled out of a mouth and the sound of a zipper being zipped back up. You than hear sobbing as a shadow of a man walks away. "Remember boy! You have no family except us. No one will help you or come to your rescue!"

In one of the guest rooms Brian reaches for Trevor. When he can't reach him he sits up in bed and looks around. He sees that the bathroom light is on and hears gagging noises in the room. He swings out of bed and goes tot he door and knocks lightly on it "Trevor?" he asks softly. "Is everything allright?" When he recieves no answer he lets himself in. He found Trevor kneeling by the toilet. He went over and knelt by him and rubbed his shoulders. "Not feeling good?" Brian asked. Trevor shook his head no. "Well let me help you up and get into bed. God Trevor your shaking!" Brian said as he helped Trevor up. After rinsing out his mouth he helped Trevor back into bed. "You want to tell me what is wrong?" Brian asked as he wiped the damp hair from Trevor's face. Trevor just shook his head no.

"Hold me Please?" he pleaded snuggling up to Brian.

"Sure Baby," Brian said as he kissed the top of his head. Brian frowned as he thought about the happenings of the day. Needless to say Brian Thomas Littrel did not get much sleep that night.

Ok that is it for this installment! What do you think? Quite a twist huh?

Next: Chapter 9: Begin Anew 11 12

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