Begin Anew

By Frnces O'Rtg

Published on Apr 12, 2002


Begin Anew Sunset on the Horizon Part One

Hello everyone! Yea I know it is me Francis O'Ratigan. I'm sorry you all haven't heard much from me lately. I've been busy living my life. But I am back at least for now. This Story takes place in 2049. Forty years from the Graduation of Johnny. Jason is now 72 years old. Kevin is 77 years old. Johnny is all grown up and has had two children late in life. They are twins and toddlers in this story.

Be warned this is not a happy go lucky story. Yes there will be happy times in this story. But there will also be sad times too. Hence the name "Sunset on the Horizon"

Disclaimer: The following story is fiction. I do not dare to claim to know the sexualities of any celebrities in this story. If you are a minor please leave now. If it is illegal for you to read this please leave now.

Now on with the story.

I awoke to the sun shining in the window of our cottage on the beach. The breeze was blowing softly causing the curtains to blow lightly in the breeze. I could smell the fresh sea air as it entered our little piece of heaven. I heard a grunt beside me and I looked down to see his silver head just poking up under the covers. I smiled at him and remembered the days when he would be the first one up. That was not so anymore. My sweetie had just turned 72 today and I had work to do. I eased out of bed and reached for my cane. At 83 I was getting tired. I was blessed with so many years of good health but it was catching up with me. I was sore and achy all the time. I could no longer swim as long as I wanted to in the ocean. And my youthful figure--, well let's just say it was a thing in the past.

"Where are you going?" Jason asked me softly. I looked back to see his ever youthful smile cross his face. His eyes were still as blue as the day I met him. "Come back to bed for a while."

"Sorry, sweetheart," I replied. "I have things I have to attend too."

"Posh posh!" Jason said in his scolding tone of voice. "You have the rest of your life to attend to them. I want to be with you this morning." I sighed knowing that I would give in to him. I could never say no to him. I eased back into bed and snuggled up to him. "You still sore?"

"It is gets a little worse every day," I replied honestly. "I think I just need to increase the dose is all."

"You need to go the doctor and let him decide if your dose needs uping or not," Jason replied as he gave me his patented scolding look.

"Yes dear," I replied as I give him a kiss on his forehead. "How are you feeling this morning?"

"I want to go for a walk on the beach," He answered. "Will you take me?"

"Of course I will sweetie," I answered quickly. "Did Johnny get the wheelchair out of the shop?"

"Yes he did and he brought it by last night after you went to bed," Jason replied as he snuggled closer to me.

"Well than after you get some more sleep we will go for a nice walk," I replied. I watched as he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. After making sure he was sound asleep I eased out of bed and grabbed my cane and headed out into main part of the house. I heard the giggling of our grandchildren. "Good Morning JJ (JJ was for Jason not to confuse him for Grandpa Jason.)," I smiled down at the blonde headed little toddler. "And Good morning to you to Kevy (Kevy was short for Kevin not to confuse him well you get the picture.," I said to his twin brother. "What are you two up this fine morning?"

"We are watching cartoons!" Kevin blurted out. "Daddy said we could watch!"

"Where is Daddy this morning?" I asked looking around.

"Daddy is right here making breakfast," Johnny's voice sounded around the corner. "Good morning pop."

"Good morning son," I smiled up at him. "Where is Jason's wheel chair?"

"It is out on the porch," Johnny replied. "Do you want it?"

"If you could bring it into our bedroom that would be great," I replied as I walked into the living room and stepped out onto the porch of the very large beach house. I cringed as a hover bus zoomed by me. Those hover buses were coming to close to the house. I would have to call in and complain again. Ever since they invented the dam things they were really getting to be annoying! I inhaled the fresh sea air. It smelled as fresh and clean as the day we first moved here just a little over 42 years ago. Just to catch you up with everything that happened. Johnny had gotten married to a very nice young man and had decided to have children late in life. They had worked with a surrogate mother and she gave birth to twins. His husband passed away less than six months after the birth. The Surrogate mother left the scene and hasn't been heard from since. SO the task of raising the twins fell on his shoulders. Of course he got help from his fathers and of course his adopted Uncle Justin and Nick and Brian. They were always showing up to see how they could help. Jason cancer never returned thank God! But his muscle tone never did return and he begin to loose strength and use of his legs. Now he was pretty much confined to a wheel chair. I could tell that he wasn't happy about it but he bore it well. Me? Well let's be honest. I feel old! Very old. Even though I have no real health problems and the doctors say I have a ten or 15 years left I feel my life drawing to a close. The only fear I have is leaving Jason alone. I love him so much and I sometimes wonder how he would fair without me. He looks up to me for love and support so much. I can see the love in his eyes whenever he looks at me. I feel the love pouring through him when we make love. And yes we do still make love. We may be old but not out of commission yet! I'm not worried about Johnny or the Grand kids. They will be around for a long time. They all have trust funds that will last them for several generations. But I am worried about the love of my life Jason. He tries so hard to be strong but I can see the hurt and the fear in his eyes. Every time I stumble and fall or I get sick and am in bed for a day or more. I can see the fear as he is confronted with the real possibility of me dying. Speaking of Jason, I need to get back to him. He will be waking and he needs to see my face when he wakes up.

From Jason's point of view.

I woke up to find that my husband had left me again. He was always getting restless and taking off. I looked and found my wheel chair at my bedside. I growled at it. I hated that damn thing. "Tsk tsk," my lovers soft voice sounded from the doorway. "Growling at it won't help you." I looked up to see the loving eyes of my sweetie. "Let me help you." He helped me into my chair and wheeled me out the room and into the waiting elevator. Once inside the elevator he leans down and kisses me on the lips. "Good Morning my love," Kevin smiled down at me. I could still see the youthful mischief in his eyes.

"What kind of trouble have you been up my love?" I asked in a mild scolding voice.

"You will be happy to know that I haven't been doing anything naughty!" Kevin gloated as he pushed me out of the elevator.

"Grandpa Grandpa!" exclaimed JJ as he ran up us. "Can I have a ride?" I laughed as I pulled him up in my lap. Kevy was right behind him hopping up on my other knee. "We are having pancakes!" Kevy exclaimed as he clapped his hands together. "Daddy is fixing them now!"

"Well than let's all head into the dining room to eat than," I laughed. Kevin continued to push us all into the dinning room.

"Boys," Johnny said as he scolded them. "How many times do I have to tell you that Grandpa is not a go-cart!"

"Posh posh!" I scolded him. "Leave them alone. I love to give them rides." Kevin tapped me on the shoulder and gave me a disapproving look. "Ok children, you should listen to your father." Both JJ and Kevy gave me hug and climbed down and hopped into their seats. I sat there enjoying watching them eat. I remembered when Timmy used to eat like that. JJ had stabbed the pancake in the middle and was trying to put the entire thing in his mouth. I smiled fondly at them. I heard Johnny sigh as he patiently took the pancake from him and cut it up into little pieces for him. I than choked back a laugh as a piece of sausage hit Johnny in the forehead. It seemed that Kevy was trying to cut a piece in half and it slipped and flew across the room and hit his daddy in the fore head. Johnny glared at me as he cut the sausage up for his son.

"You are enjoying this way to much," Johnny hurled at me.

"They remind me what Timmy was like," I mumbled suddenly missing him. I felt Kevin's hand on mine and I smiled up at him.

"What are you two planning for tonight?" Johnny asked. "Going to party?"

"Please Johnny," I said rolling my eyes. "I don't party!"

"Oh I don't know about that," Kevin giggled. "I can remember a few mean Halloween parties you used to throw."

"Oh yea well that was ages ago," I grumbled. "I'm way to old for that stuff now," I huffed. I knew that Kevin was planning a birthday party for me. He always did. Always insisted that we celebrate it. "No party!" I ordered him. I always ordered him and he never listened. He just grinned at me and nodded. I shrugged my shoulders. "Where is my walk?" I demanded. "You promised me a walk!" Maybe if I played the grumpy old man he would forget the party.

"Of Course my dear," he chuckled as he rolled me out of the house and down the ramp and onto the board walk. "Why don't you get a hover chair like everyone else?"

"Huummph!" I grumbled. "I don't need those new fanged dangled things! Just another excuse to take an old man's money!"

"You have plenty you know," Kevin said as he pushed me along the beach.

"I know I do but it is still no excuse to spend it on silly stuff!" I stubbornly insisted. I looked out over the ocean and smiled. "I'm so glad we moved out here."

"Honey," Kevin sighed. "We've been out here for how long now?"

"40 years," I stated. "But it still doesn't change the fact that I think it was a wise decision to move out here."

"It is a nice day," Kevin replied. I frowned as I saw a flash of pain run through his face.

"You all right?" I asked looking up at him in fear.

"Oh yea," he quickly smiled. "I'm fine."

"Good," I grumbled trying to sound gruff. "I need you around for a few more years."

From Kevn's point of view.

"I know you do sweetie," I whispered. I cringed again as the pain ripped through my chest. "ohhhh no," I sobbed to myself. "Not yet!" I shouted in my head. "Just a little while longer!" But I could feel the sunset approaching and this time there was no stopping it.


E-mail me at I know you haven't heard from me in a long time. It is so good to be writing again. Please let me know what you all think.


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