Begin Anew

By Frnces O'Rtg

Published on Mar 25, 2001


As promised the last part. And I will keep my promise and it will be a happy ending.

Now the disclaimer.

Copyright 2000 By Frnceso O'Rtg.

All rights reserved. With the exceptions of short excerpts for critical reviews, no part of this work may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission in writing from the Author.

This story is complete fiction. This story in no way implies the ACTUAL sexual orientation or beliefs of Actual living people. In other words FICTION!!

Any comments are welcome. Good or bad. Feel free to e-mail me at

Proud Daddies!!!

Part One

The early June breeze gracefully swept through the football stadium at the local high school. The faint smell of honeysuckle flooded your senses. I smiled because it turned out to be my sweeties favorite flower. I chuckled to myself when I caught him in the corner of my eye as he wiped a tear away. 'Old softie,' I thought to myself.

"Trevor Ratcliffe!" spoke the man behind the podium. A young man walked across the stage and took a certificate from the man. I squeezed the hand of my husband and looked up into his eyes. He looked up and smiled at me. "Denise Renker!" spoke the man again.

"I can't believe this day has come sweetie," I whispered to my lover. He patted my hand and watched eagerly.

"There he is!" he said excitedly. I looked up and caught sight of him. It was if time stood still for all of us. In a moments flash it was 7 years ago when he was 11 and we were together for our first true Christmas together. I could still smell the crisp winter air as we played in the snow as a family all those years ago. I chocked back some tears at the wonderful memory. He had grown up to be a very goodlooking young man. He was over 6 feet 7 inches. His black hair shown in the sun. He had chosen to wear it long. All of the girls wanted him but I knew that they couldn't have him. Someone else had his heart. That someone was Tyson. Yes what had started out as puppy love had blossomed into a full fledge romance. But that is another story. Wait! He is up next! gotta go!

"Johnathan Jason Richardson!" spoke the man again. He walked across the stage and took his certificate and shook hands with the man and walked back to his seat. I heard a sob and looked at Jason and cracked a smile. Tears of pride and happiness were streaming down his face. He always was the sentimental one. I sighed and reached into my suit pocket and handed him a tissue. He smiled sheepishly at me.

"Is he crying again?" asked a voice beside me. I looked back and grin.

"Yes old man, he is," I laugh. "And stop picking on him!" I scolded Brian as I kissed my lover on the cheek and gently wiped the tears from his angelic face. Turning back to Brian. "You just wait until Matthew graduates next year!"

"Hey! who are you calling old?" retorted Brian.

"Umm I think he is calling you old!" laughed Justin. Brian glared at him as he snuggled closer to Trevor. "Ewww, get your big man to protect you!" Giggled Justin.

"SHHHHH!" shushed a woman in front of us. I smiled an apology to her and she smiled back.

"OK guys hush, we are making a scene,"I giggled. My heart swelled with pride as our son finished his trek across the stage and walked back to his seat. He took the time to scan the crowd and wave at us. Jason waved back while wiping a tear from his eye. We sat in silence and watched the rest of the ceremony. Finally the man behind the podium spoke.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! I am pleased and proud to present to you the class of 2009!" That was it, the audience was up on their feet cheering. The evening air was full of graduation caps as the newly graduated senior threw their hats into the air. I caught a glimpse of John, (That is what he prefers to be called now. I still call him Johnny and so does the love of my life, Jason. But to everyone else except for close friends and family it is John.) He is wrapped in the arms of Tyson as they passionately kiss each other. I am pleased that he doesn't have to hide his sexuality. Those days are long over. They break apart at the insistance of their friends. I look around for Jason and find that he is headed towards our son. I hurry to follow him.

"Come on guys!" I shout with excitement. "Let's go get Johnny!" Brian and Justin and the rest of the gang follow us into the rejoicing crowd. Jason reaches Johnny first and grabs him in a tight embrace.

"I'm so proud of you Johnny," he beams as more tears flow down his face.

"Daaaad!" moans Johnny as he rolls is eyes. "Not in public!"

"Oh hush!" giggles Jason. "It is a father's right to embarrass his son." Johnny looks over at me for help.

"Well we are proud of you son, and with good reason!" I reply reaching up and messing up his hair. He of course did the most logical thing in the world and swatted my hands away. Justin snuck up behind him and clamped his hands on top of his shoulder. Johnny turned around with a wide grin on his face.

"Uncle Justin!" he exclaimed grabbing Justin in a tight hug. "When did you get in?"

"At about the Ls," Justin replied grabbing his hand and shaking it. "Congratulations nephew!"

"Where are you headed now son?" asked Jason.

"I'm going to bring Tyson out to the house if that is all right," Johnny said hopefully. "I kinda wanted to spend the evening with you all."

"What?" I exclaimed feigning shock. "No wild parties to attend?"

"Oh Dad, you know I'm not into all of that stuff," blushed Johnny. "Tyson and I just want to spend time with the people we love."

"Ok well since we are in agreement as to what to do I'm sure that we can get a party going," suggested Jason.

"Dad, I don't want you all going through a lot of trouble for us," Johnny said.

"You can never be too much trouble son," Jason said getting misty eyed again. Brian sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Oh boy here we go again," he giggled. I smacked him in the shoulder.

"Stop picking on my man!" I laughed as I wrapped my arm around Jason's shoulder. "Come on baby let's go home." Together my family and friends made their way out of the football stadium and into the waiting limos and headed out to South Fork.

Later that night I step out onto the back deck and walked up the warn wooden walk way. I could walk that path blindfolded if I had too. I walked around the bend and up into the gazebo. I had to smile when I saw my love and Scrappy in the porch swing. "Can anyone join this party?" I asked softly. Jason looked up in pleasant surprise. Scrappy looked up and grunted.

"Hi sweetie," he said gently prodding Scrappy off of the porch swing. Scrappy grunted again and made his way slowly off of the swing. He was getting old and he moved a little slower than he use to. "Go on inside and spend some time with Johnny." So Scrappy with his head bent low walked into the house. Jason patted the seat beside him and smiled up at me. "So you going to just stand there and stare at me or are you going to join me?" I eagerly sat next to him. I allow him to wrap his arms around me and pull me close. "I love you Kevin Scott Richardson."

"I love you to Jason Richardson," I whisper back as I bent down and captured his lips in a gentle kiss.

"So what now?" he asked as he played with the wedding band on my ring finger. That was his favorite past time when we sat here.

"Well he goes to college in the fall," I replied as I stroked his hair.

"That is not what I meant," Jason said with a sigh. "I was talking about us."

"What about us?" I asked confused.

"Well for the last ten years of our lives have been dedicated to raising Johnny, so what is next for us," Jason pressed on.

"A nice long vacation?" I lightly teased him. He glared up at me and I knew than that he was serious. "We go on with our lives baby," I said soothingly. "I still love you and want to spend the rest of our lives together. And Johnny will still be a part of our lives. That will never change you know."

"I know that won't baby, but I want something more," Jason pressed on. "I'm very happy being your husband and a successful screen writer and father. But I still want more."

"What about the foundation?" I asked, referring to the J&K Richardson Foundation.

"The Foundation runs itself baby," Jason said as he stood up and walked to the railing. He leaned on the railing and looked out over the back yard. "I guess I feel a little old is all."

"Baby you're only 34 years old," I reminded him.

"And a lot has happened during the last ten years," Jason replied.

"I tell you what, why don't we take a nice long vacation as a family, and than we can decide what to do next," I suggested. Already I had visions of my baby on a tropical island all naked and ready for sex. (Yes even us older guys still have an active sex life so get over it!)

"Where do we go?" asked Jason.

"Oh I have a pretty good idea," I smirked as I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him close.

"Are you thinking dirty Husband?" demanded Jason.

"Always," I giggled. I sighed contently as I watched the moon rise over the trees. It was early June and the weather was still a little cool in the evening. I could hear the laughter in the house. Only problem was there was no children's laughter any more. I guess I missed that the most. I smiled as I remember the times that Johnny would play jokes on me. Sometimes with the assistance of AJ or Brian. Sometimes Jason would team up with him to get me. They sometimes didn't work. Such was the time almost 5 years ago. It all started when I was trying to take a well deserved nap and my son and husband wanted some attention.

(Flash Back)

"Do you think that he will get mad?" asked a worried 13 year old Johnny as he shot some whipped cream into Kevin's hand.

"Are you kidding?" giggled Jason. "He is going to be furious!" He gave Johnny a naughty grin and Johnny shrugged his shoulders.

"Umm remind me again Dad, why are we doing this?" asked Johnny.

"Umm because he is taking a nap and not paying attention to us. And not to mention the most important reason, we are bored," said Jason as he positioned himself behind Kevin with a feather. "Ok places everyone." Johnny ran over to the computer desk in the living room and pretended to do his home work. Jason tickled Kevin's nose with a feather. For a few seconds nothing happened.

"Do it again Dad," whispered Johnny.

"Why don't you just lick the whip cream off of my hand sweetie?" asked a deep voice as he busted up laughing.

"Why you little brat!" yelped Jason. "You were awake!" Kevin sat up grinning at his husband with the hand full of whip cream above his head. "Umm what are you going to do with that?" Jason asked suddenly worried. Kevin just grinned as he slowly lowered his hand so that it was inches from Jason's face.

"What do you think Johnny?" asked Kevin with his eyes twinkling with laughter. "Should I do it?"

"Yea do it Dad!" giggled Johnny.

"Traitor!" glared Jason. (Whap!) Kevin's hand met Jason's face covering it with the whip cream that was meant for Kevin's face. Kevin roared with laughter joined in by Johnny. Jason sat there pouting for a few seconds and than joined in. "Now what are we going to do?" asked Jason pointing at his face.

"Looks yummy," grinned Kevin as he inched forward.

"Umm is this going to be a sex thing?" demanded Johnny. "Cause if it is I'm leaving."

"Than maybe you should leave," giggled Kevin as he licked Jason on the nose. "Yup, I was right. It is yummy."

"Eww Gross!" groaned Johnny as he packed up his homework and stomped out of the living room.

(Back to present)

"Where were you?" asked Jason.

"About 5 years ago," I sighed. "It was the whip cream joke you and Johnny tried to play on me."

"Ohh I remember that one," grinned Johnny. "That was one of our better ones!"

"Umm if I remember correctly it backfired and you ended up with whip cream all over you face," I laughed at him.

"Remember what you did afterwards?" asked Jason as he kissed Kevin on the cheek.

"How could I forget?" I giggled. "I remember running poor Johnny out of the room."

"I seemed to remember some of the best sex after we sent Johnny running from the room. We did have a good life didn't we sweetie?" asked Jason as he slid his hand into Mine.

"I would like to think we did," I sighed as I leaned back in the swing and pulled Jason close to me. Jason grinned as he laid his head on my shoulder. "Comfortable?" I said as I looked down at my angel. "You know what I am the happiest about?" I asked. Jason shook his head no. "That we have a wonderful son to share it with."

"Yea he is pretty special isn't he?" Jason asked fluffing my shoulder.

"Comfortable?" I asked again.

"Very," laughed Jason. "You always did make a good pillow," he replied as he laid his head back on my shoulder.

"So that is it!" I laughed at him. "You married me for my cuddleability!"

"No, I married you because of the hot sex, remember?" giggled Jason. I just rolled my eyes.

"Umm dad?" asked Johnny.

"Yes son?" asked Jason.

"Tyson and I are going into town to get some pizzas," Johnny said.

"Ok, just be careful son," I replied as I returned to kissing my sweetie.

"Don't you two ever give it a rest," laughed Johnny.

"What can we say?" grinned Jason. "We're in loooooove!"

"Yea but old people are supposed to slow down after a while! You two still do it like rabbits!" laughed Johnny. Tyson just blushed and looked away.

"Hey who are you calling old?" I demanded. Johnny just busted up laughing and grabbed Tyson's hand and ran off to get the pizzas. I looked back at my husband. "Now where were we?" I asked as I licked my lips and reached for Jason's' belt.

Two hours later.

"Jason?" asked Justin.

"Yes, Justin?" my sweetie answered sleepily. He had been napping on my shoulder for the last hour. We had moved back into the house with the other guys.

"Shouldn't Johnny be back?" Justin asked worried.

"Oh I'm sure he is fine. It is graduation after all. He probably ran into some school friends," Jason replied yawning. The phone rang and I got up to answer it.

(From Jason's point of view)

I growled softly as my portable pillow got up to answer the phone. "I'll be right back sweetie," Kevin said giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. I snuggled deeper into the sofa and closed my eyes to get another nap daring anyone to interupt me this time.

"Jas?" asked Kevin. I looked up and saw a face that was torn in two. His eyes were watering as if he were ready to burst into tears. I sat up in a hurry. "Umm we um need to go the hospital, umm Johnny has been in an accident," Kevin stated.

"When?" I demanded sitting up.

"I don't know, the hospital just called and said that Johnny was brought in. They said we should hurry," Kevin said his entire body shaking. I stood up and wrapped my arm around him and guided him to the door. I turned to Justin on the way out.

"Justin would you drive us to the hospital?" I asked. He quickly nodded and stood up and followed us out. "If you all want to come hurry up!"

On the way to the hospital I concentrated on holding Kevin. He was a wreck as he cried softly into my shoulder. Kevin didn't show much emotion too often and when he did it was usually something serious. I was suddenly very frightened. "Umm Kevin, what did the hospital say?" I asked. I knew that Kevin was trying to protect me. "How bad is it and don't try to protect me."

"It's bad sweetie," he sobbed out. "They say he might not make it." I reached into my pocket and pulled out my cell phone and dialed the rectory to request the priest. We drove the rest of the way in silence. I had gotten my Rosary out of my pocket and was reciting it. The Rosary was always my greatest comfort in all the bad times. Kevin was still leaning against my shoulder. The shaking had stopped and he was just staring off into space.

"Kevin?" I asked silently. "We're here." He looked up at me with fear in his eyes. "We go in together as a family." I extended my hand to him and he took it and held on to it like it was a life line. Once in the emergency room we were met by Johnny's doctor. "How is he Doctor?" I asked.

"We have him stabilized, but you need to prepare yourself for the worst," the Doctor reported. I heard a sob beside me and looked over at Kevin. He was trying to hold it together but was failing.

"Can we see him?" I asked.

"Please do," encouraged the Doctor. "If you will follow me." We followed the doctor through the emergency room to a closed door. He opened and we walked in.

"Oh God in heaven!" I gasped out. Kevin's eyes rolled to the back of his head and started to fall. I was quicker and caught him before he hit his head on the floor. After making sure Kevin was safe I turned to my son. "How bad is it?" I demanded.

"He has a ruptured spleen and punctured lung. He also has some internal bleeding. But what we are really concerned with is his head injuries." I went up to his bedside and took his hand. It was limp but still warm. I leaned down and kissed his forehead. "Mr. Richardson, there is evidence of swelling." My heart stood still. This was bad. If they couldn't get the swelling to go down the brain damage could be bad.

"How long?" I asked trying to control my emotions. I had to be strong for my family.

"We have to stabilize the other injuries first. In his weakened condition he would never survive the surgery," the Doctor finished.

"Whatever must be done do it!" I ordered the Doctor. He nodded as he turned to leave. "And Doctor?"

"Yes Mr. Richardson," the Doctor replied.

"My son dying is not an option. Save his life!" I ordered him. He nodded quietly and left the room. I turned to see how Kevin was doing. He was standing at Johnny's bedside holding his hand.

"He is dying isn't he?" asked Kevin in a small voice.

"Not if I have anything to do about it!" I retorted. "Dying is not an option for Johnny!"

"You can't stop death Jason," Kevin said as he stroked the side of Johnny's face. "It is out of our hands."

"No!" I shouted. "We are not giving up! We are multimillionaires Kevin! And if we have to use every last cent we have to safe our son than God Dammit we will! Johnny is not dying!"

"I hope you are right sweetie," Kevin replied as he sat down looking out the window. "But I've seen this type of accident before and very seldom do they recover from them." Ok I very rarily get angry at Kevin. I mean yes there were the times when he was so stubborn and a major ass. But I very seldom loose it. Oh well today seemed like a good time to do just that.

"What is your fucking problem!" I shouted at him. "What happened to your sense of stubbornness? The Kevin I knew would never just give up! If you can't think positive about this than just get the hell out of this room!" I pointed at the door. Kevin mouth fell opened in shock. "Get out!" I screamed at him. "Johnny is not dying!" I was sobbing now because in my eyes and my mind Kevin the love of my life was giving up on my son.

"Please Jas," he begged me reaching out for me. I sank into a chair sobbing quietly to myself. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I wrenched my self away. "I don't want Johnny to die either. But we have to face the reality of the situation."

"The only reality I want to face is that my son is going to recover!" I hurled at him. We heard a light knock at the door.

"What?" we both hurled at it. The door opened a crack and a very worried Justin and Brian stuck their heads in.

"How is he?" Brian asked as he walked into the room and stood behind Kevin.

"Not good Brian," Kevin sighed as he stood up and walked to Johnny's bedside. "There is swelling of the brain. They may not be able to save him."

"How are you holding up Jas?" Justin asked softly.

"We can't loose him Justin," I sobbed. "He is all I have." Kevin jerked his head over to me and looked at me in shock.

"Can you guys excuse Jason and me for a minute?" asked Kevin. Brian and Justin quickly left the room.

"What did you mean by that comment?" asked Kevin glaring at me. "What do you mean he is all you have left? What about us?"

"You don't want Johnny to live," I hurled at him.

"Jesus Christ Jason!" he shouted at me. "I didn't say that!" Oh oh now he was mad. I really messed up this time. "And this is not about us! This is about Johnny surviving!" I reached into my pocket and pulled out my rosary beads and started fingering them. I have a habit of doing that. They make this nice clicking noise. And I find it comforting. The next thing I knew they were wrenched out of my hand and broke them in half. The beads hit the floor. I looked up in shock. "If you fucking hide behind those fucking beads again I'm outta here! Our son is fighting for his life and you pull out those fucking beads!" I sat there in shock. Never before had Kevin ever dared to use my religious practices against me.

"How dare you!" I shouted at him. I stood up only to be pushed back into the chair.

"Shut up and sit down!" he shouted at me. I glared at him with as much as anger as I could muster. He eased back and took a couple breaths before he continued. "Now are you ready to listen to me?" I nodded looking into his eyes. They were growing soft again. He knelt down and took my hands in his. "I never said that I wanted Johnny to die. I would never want that. How could you possibly think that I wanted our son dead?" I didn't answer him. I was still angry that he thought so little about my Religious practices. "Jason please if we are going to get through this we need to talk. I love you and Johnny very much. I would never dream of wishing either of you dead. All I wanted to do is prepare you for the worst." He paused for a few moments to let the words soak in. I was still angry at him but I heard his words and saw the wisdom in them. I nodded silently. He smiled and pulled me into a hug. I responded enough to make him believe I was forgiving him. "I'm going to check on the Doctor and see what he has decided to do. Do you want me to bring you anything back from the cafeteria?" I shook my head no. "Are you ok with this?" I looked up at him.

"Ok with what?" I wanted to shout. "Ok with the fact that my son is lying on his death bed and I just had my husband rip my rosary from my hands and throw them to the ground?" That was what I wanted to shout at him. But I didn't, I just smiled and leaned up and kissed him lightly on the lips. "I'm fine baby," I whispered in his hear. "On second thought I could stand a coke."

"Ok a coke it is then," he smiled and kissed me back. I heard the door close and than I heard it open again. I smelled his cologne. I smiled and turned around.

"What happened in here?" he asked holding the broken pieces of the rosary. I took them and laid them on the bedside stand.

"Kevin," I whispered. "He got mad that I decided that I should pray for my son recovery."

"That Bastard!" he shouted. I looked up in surprise.

"Brian!" I scolded him. "Don't swear like that!"

"He shouldn't have done that to you!" Brian exclaimed.

"Right now I really don't want to think about what he did. I have more important things on my mind right now." I looked over at Johnny. I started crying again when I noticed for the first time that they had shaved his head. "He is not going to be happy about that." I ran my hand gently across his brow. I could feel him relax from my touch. "Don't you dare die on me Johnathan Jason Richardson!" I felt Brian's arms encircle me and I leaned back into his touch. "How could this happen? I mean one moment everything was happy and we were celebrating his graduation. The next moment he is lying here dying. Kevin and I get in this huge fight! God Brian our whole world is falling apart right before our very eyes."

"God will take care of everything Jason," He soothed me. I guess a little of Kevin wore off on me.

"If he is such a good and holy God why did he do this?" I shouted at Brian.

"Jas!" Brian exclaimed shocked. "Please don't say that!"

"And why the hell not!" I hurled at him. "Just what has to Good Lord done for us lately?" I knew I was lashing out but it felt good. "Come on Brian let's lay the blame where it really lies. Right at his feet!"

"Please Jas," begged Brian. "I've always put my trust in him. And he has carried me through the rough times. He is here for you right now."

"Than if he is here than why is my son dying?" I shouted up at the ceiling.

"You can't mean that," Brian urged me.

I sat down heavily on the chair beside Johnny's bed. "No Brian, I don't mean it." I could here him breathe a sigh of reliefe. "Why is he doing this?" Brian knelt down beside and took my hand. I looked into his pools of blue and I lost it. I saw an uncle that was hurting just as much as I was. "He will be all right Brian, he has to be."

I heard the door open and saw the Doctor standing there. "I'm sorry Mr. Richardson but we can't wait any longer. We are taking him to surgery. We don't have much time." I nodded and bent down and kissed my son's forehead.

"I'm right here baby," I whispered in his ear. "Please come back to us." I watched as the orderlies wheeled my son out the door. "Oh God!" I sobbed. "Please let him be all right!" The door opened again and Kevin walked in. "They've taken him to surgery," I muttered at him. Kevin nodded and sat down in a chair and looked out the window. "You and I need to talk Kevin."

"We will talk later!" he muttered back. "Right now we have to think about Johnny!" My eyes flashed with anger but I choose not to say anything.

Three hours later the Doctor came back into the room. Kevin was dosing off in the chair that he was sitting in. I nudged him and he stretched and looked around confused. "The doctor is back." I said and he nodded and sat up and looked at the Doctor. "Well Doc?" I asked. "Is he going to live?"

"We removed the pressure on his brain. His internal injuries have been repaired. Right now all he needs is rest. He has been through a rough few hours. I should tell you that we almost lost him on the table. But we were able to get his heart started again," the Doctor said. I breathed a sigh of relief.

Part two.

Healing and moving on.

It has been three weeks since the accident. Tyson died in the accident and that tore Johnny's heart in two. He had locked him self away from his family and friends. After he was discharged from the hospital he retreated to his bedroom. He refused to have any visitors or family in his room. He only came out a meal times.

I had stopped sleeping with my husband. I was still deeply hurt at what he did to me all those weeks ago. Never in my wildest dreams had I ever thought that it would be possible for Kevin to mock my religion. He didn't even try to apologies for it. Justin and JC went back to Florida to get back to their lives. Brian and Trevor and Matthew their son went back to Atlanta. That left the Richardson's all to their selves. A dark cloud had settled over South Fork. One that threatened to shatter our world. It would take a miracle to save our family, if it could be saved. I held very little doubt that it could be saved. I had heard Kevin talking about going overseas again and this time he would be going alone.

The phone rang and I picked up the receiver. "Hello?" I asked.

"Jason?" asked a voice.

"Yes?" I asked. "Who is this?"

"Nick!" he answered. I smiled for it had been a long time since I had heard from him. "I'm coming over."

"You might want to rethink that," I sighed.

"Why? What is wrong?" he asked getting worried.

"Everything," I sighed.

"OK now I know I'm coming over," he stated. "I'll be there in a few hours." I looked at the clock and saw that it read 8 in the morning. I climbed out of bed and headed for the bathroom. After a quick shower I padded down the hall to Johnny's room. I lightly tapped on his door.

"Johnny?" I asked softly. I heard some shuffling and finally the door opened. I smiled at him and he grunted. "You want to go for a walk with me?" I asked softly. He shook his head no. "Tough! You're going anyway!" I ordered. "Now put on some clothes and meet me down stairs in fifteen minutes!" He glared at me and went to put on some clothes. When I was sastified that he was getting dressed I headed down stairs. I walked into the living room and spotted Kevin drinking a cup of coffee.

"You're up early," he mumbled.

"I'm taking Johnny for a walk," I mumbled back.

"What happened to us Babe?" he asked. I glared at him. "What did I do?"

"If you haven't figured it out by now Kevin than there is no hope for you," I hurled at him.

"If you can't tell me what I did wrong than I can't fix it!" he hurled back at me. I got angry and stomped over to the mantle and picked up the remains of the broken rosary and thrust them into the hands of my husband.

"Now if you will excuse me I have a walk to attend!" I hurled at him and turned and walked out of the living room. I heard him gasp when he looked into his hand.

Johnny came walking down stairs and he wasn't happy. I held the door open for him and he stomped out. I followed him. After walking around the property for almost an hour Johnny finally spoke. "You and Dad breaking up?"

"I don't know son," I said sadly.

"Why?" he asked. "I thought you and Dad had the perfect marriage. I always hoped that Tyson and I would have a marriage like you and dad."

"Your father hurt me really bad son, I don't think I can forgive him for what he did," I said looking over the view.

"Does this has anything to do with your rosary?" he asked.

"Yes son it does," I whispered.

"Dad, it is only a Rosary," He whispered back.

"How can you say that?" I asked him. "You've been Catholic for most of your life you know what the Rosary means to me!"

"It can be replaced!" he hurled back at me.

"It wasn't the material Rosary, it was the meaning behind the act. He was telling me that my beliefs mean nothing to him!" I shouted. I could tell that Johnny was starting to understand. "I won't be married to a man who mocks my beliefs!"

"Have you tried to talk to him about it?" Johnny asked.

"There is no talking to him when he gets it in his mind that he is right," Johnny nodded in agreement. "Now let's talk about you son," I said putting my hand on his shoulder. "You have to get past this."

"I loved him dad," he said with tears in his eyes.

"I know you did son," I said as I wiped the tears from his face. "But he is dead now and you have such a bright life ahead of you."

"I don't know how to go on," he sobbed.

"Ooh Johnny," I sobbed as I pulled him into my arms. "We will help you baby."

In the house

From Kevin's point of view.

"Dam it Kevin!" I shouted to myself. "You have got to be the biggest jack ass alive!" I had hurt my husband so bad. I really didn't think I could get him back. I looked down at the remains of the Rosary in my hands. Part of me was still angry at Jason for hiding behind them. Every time we argued and he was backed into a corner he would pull them out of his pocket and start fingering them. It was like he knew I was uncomfortable confronting him while he had them in his hands. But three weeks ago on that horrible night I crossed the line. I wouldn't let him hide behind those blasted beads. I could still see the look of shock and hurt in his eyes when I did that. I heard the door open and heard a sound that I thought was gone from the mansion. I heard my son's laughter followed by my husbands laughter. I smiled at the sound. They came charging into the living room. Jason had his arms around Johnny's waist and was messing up what little hair he had.

"Stop!" whined Johnny as he swatted his dad's hands away. Jason stopped and looked over at me and the smile disapeared.

"I am happy to see you smile again Johnny," I said. He nodded at me and turned back to Jason.

"Umm can I talked to Dad alone?" he asked. Jason nodded and quietly left the room. Johnny walked up to me and held out his hands. I dropped the remains of the Rosary in his hands. He placed them on the mantle. "That was not the smartest move Dad," he said shaking his head.

"I know Johnny but at the time I wasn't thinking clearly," I said softly. "I just don't know how to act around him when he pulls those beads out of his pocket. And he knows it too."

"I had that feeling," Johnny replied. "I remember many a arguments you and him got into and he pull them out and you would back off."

"The question is what do we do about it? I can't stop feeling that I did something horrible." I was suddenly surprised that I was turning to my son for advice.

"Were you mocking his religion?" Johnny asked bluntly.

"No!" I exclaimed. "I would never do that!"

"But Dad, you know how important the Rosary is to him," Johnny pressed.

"But to use it as a weapon?" I asked. "I mean how would he feel if every time he backed me into a corner and I pulled out my bible?"

"I guess I would feel threatened too," spoke up a soft voice. I jerked my head around to see Jason standing there. "I'm sorry Kevin." He walked in and sat down on the couch. He patted the seat beside him and I sat down. "I had no idea that I was doing that." He said as he laid his head on my shoulder. It felt good to have the contact again. I smelled his hair and chuckled. "What is so funny?" he asked.

"I just missed this is all," I whispered. "So are we all better now?" Jason nodded as he snuggled closer to me.

"Nick is coming over," he said.

"And why pray tell is he doing that?" I asked. I was looking forward to seeing him again.

"He wants to check on us and see if we are doing all right," Jason said as he started to play with my ring finger again.

"Why do you do that?" I asked as I nibbled on his earlobe. I could feel him shiver. 'Yess! Victory!' I exclaimed to my self. It was nice to know I still had the touch

"Feeling frisky husband?" he giggled.

"Maybe a little," I replied as I continued my nibbling. Jason let out a soft moan as he turned around so that he was facing me. His eyes were twinkling with mischief. "What are you thinking about?" I asked.

"About how much I want to make love to you right now," he whispered as his hand found my belt.

"What about Johnny?" I gulped.

"Johnny is going into town," Johnny said from the hall. "You two have about thirty minutes." The door closed and Jason's hand continued it's trek towards his goal. I had learned long ago when Jason wanted it not to get in his way. I felt my pants being lowered and heard him giggle when he caught sight of my cock.

"There he is," he laughed as he gently picked it up and started to stroke it. I let out a soft moan.

Three hours later

A BMW sports car pulled up to the house and the door opened and out popped Nick. He was 30 now. And time was still good to him. His boyish good looks had not dimished. In fact they only seemed to intensify. He made his way to the front door and opened it and stepped in. He could hear me playing on the Piano that Jason had gotten me for Christmas of 03. It was my most prized possession. He peeped into the living room to see Jason sleeping soundly on the sofa. Given his frazzled appearance it would appear that a major make up session had taken place. Grinning he crept into the music room and spotted me leaning over the piano.

"Hey Kev," he grinned. I looked up from the piece I was working on.

"Hey Nicky!" I grinned. Nick rolled his eyes at the childhood nick name. "What brings you out here?"

"Trouble I thought," Nick said as he sat next to me and looked over at he music I was working on. "But from the looks of Jason I would assume that all is well now?"

"Yea it was a huge misunderstanding," I said grinning sheepishly. "One that kept me out of his bed for over three weeks."

"Wow! How did you fuck up this time Kev?" Nick asked.

"Long story but happy ending," I replied in a tone of voice that said don't ask. Nick nodded and started plucking away at the keys. "I'm worried about him Nick."

Nick looked up at me for me to continue. "He doesn't know what to do now that Johnny is all grown now. And to be honest I don't know how to help him."

"You still love him don't you?" Nick asked.

"Of course I still love him!" I retorted. "I've always loved him! But where do we go from here? I mean for the last ten years our relationship has revolved around Johnny. Is that the only thing that is holding our marriage together?" Nick looked at me in shock.

"How can you even think that?" Nick asked. "You and Jason were meant to be together. Look at all the hell you have been through to be together. Don't you dare give me that shit that it is over."

"I just don't want this to end," I said sadly as I ran my fingers over the smooth wood of the piano. I smiled as I allowed my mind to drift back to the day he gave me this piano. He was so sick that Christmas. I was so afraid of losing him. He was afraid I would run away again. But it had turned out ok. Three months later his cancer went into remission and had never resurfaced.

"Kevin?" asked Nick. I jerked my head in his direction. "Do you still love him?" I nodded and looked out the window for a few moments. It was such a beautiful day out. I looked back to find that Nick had left. Shrugging my shoulders I went back to my music.

From Jason's point of view.

I opened my eyes to see Nick staring down at me. "Hi Nick!" I said cheerfully.

"Don't you hi Nick me!" he scolded me. "I have one question for you and than I'm going to take a nap!" I nodded for him to continue. "First let's go for a walk." He offered me his hand and I took it. After pulling me up he wrapped his arm around me and led me out side. We headed around to the back of the house and up to my secret spot. Ok so it wasn't my secret spot anymore because every one knew about it. I stepped up the fence and looked out over the valley. I inhaled deeply to breath in the honey suckle scent that was heavy around south fork. Tears came to my eyes as I thought about Pam. I hadn't thought about her in over ten years. I looked down and fingered my left ring finger. "Jason?" Nick asked. I looked up at him and caught his eye. I was surprised at how blue his eyes had become. "Do you love him?"

"I don't understand," I stuttered.

"Bullshit!" he shouted at me. "Do you still love him?" I sobbed loudly and nodded yes. Turning away I walked to the fence I looked out over the valley again. After a few moments I looked around for Nick only to find out that he had left. Shrugging my shoulders I turned back to the view. I lost track of time when I was standing there looking out over the valley. I heard a stick snap and I turned around. There he stood, with only a tee shirt on. His hair was all wild again. His green eyes twinkled with humor love and mischief. I chocked back a sob and fell into his arms. His strong arms cradled me as I sobbed into them.

"I love you!" I said loudly. "I don't want you to go!"

"I'm not going anywhere babe," he said as rubbed my back. "I love you too and you are stuck with me for ever Jas." I looked up and pulled his head down to mine. My lips found his and I heard and felt him moan softly as our lips connected. His tongue lightly traced over mine. I parted mine and allowed him in. At least for the moment I was in heaven.

One week later.

From Johnny's point of view.

"Ok every body!" Kevin shouted. "Let's get this show on the road!" That was Kevin. We were getting ready to go on vacation. This was Nick's idea for getting us fixed. Leave it to him to come to our rescue. Don't get me wrong, I love Nick very much. He is a really cool uncle and all but sometimes he can really meddle in people's lives. "Come on Johnny!" Kevin shouted again. I rolled my eyes and headed down the stairs.

"Don't have a cow Dad!" I whined. "I'm on my way!" I looked at my father and saw that he was struggling with three bags. I took one of his bags and swung it over my shoulder. Ever since my father had had cancer he was never the same. He had lost allot of strength. He had never regained it. I could tell it bothered him some but he never let it show.

"Thanks Son," he smiled at me. "You ready for this trip?" I shrugged my shoulders and looked down. "I know you still miss him son," he said softly. My father was always very good at picking up on my feelings.

"When does the pain stop?" I asked wiping a tear from my eye. "I just want the pain to stop!"

"I know you do son, and it will. It will take a long time but someday you will wake up and the pain will be gone," my father said as he wiped some tears from my face. "And you will be left with happy memories."

"Was it that way with your first wife?" I asked and he nodded. "I wish I could've met her."

"You and her would've gotten along really well," my Father said. "And your younger brother would've gotten along real well too. I sometimes wish that Timmy was till alive so that he could have an older brother to bug." I looked surprised at my father only to see the small hint of a smile on his face. "Come on son we need to get going because I can see by my husband's pacing that he is itching to hit the sun." I sighed and fell instep with my dad. A whole month in Hawaii. I guess it wouldn't be to bad as long as I had my two dads and Nick. Uncle Justin and JC were going to meet us later. We tried to get Brian and Trevor to come too but no, the two lovebirds were spending to much time being cute and snuggly. I wish that Tyson was still here so I could snuggle with him. Tears threatened to overcome me again and I swallowed hard to keep them away. I wasn't going to allow my sadness ruin this vacation for Dad and Kevin. (Dad was the only one who adapted me. Kevin wanted to but Virginia's laws about Gays were still too strict. But I still loved him like a father.) I had to smile at my parents. Kevin had Dad in a lip lock. Dad was standing there with his eyes closed as usual. According to Dad, Kevin was a great kisser. I really didn't think so. Tyson was the kisser! Oh dear here we go again. Sighing heavily I stomped passed my kissing parents. "You two need to grow up!" I barked at them. Kevin mumbled something that I couldn't understand. And I was sure I didn't want to hear it anyway.

"Come on you all!" called an excited Nick. "The beaches and fine men are waiting for us!"

"Is that all you ever think about Uncle Nick?" I laughed as I walked by him.

"Hey a guy has to have a hobby!" he laughed back. Finally we were all loaded up in the van and on our way to the airport. Dad Kevin was sitting in the back. And from the looks of things they were really getting into it. Kevin had his hand down Dad's shirt. Dad had his hand down Kevin's pants. I rolled my eyes and tapped Nick on the shoulder.

"Would you take a look at the love birds?" I teased.

"Yea they are really cute," Nick gushed.

"You guys are impossible!" I grumbled as I slipped on my headphones. I was using the old discman that Uncle Justin had gotten my for the my 12 Birthday. It was really old and I had to special order the batteries for it. But it played really well and hey it was from my favorite Uncle. Soon I was dosing off to my music.

From Kevin's point of view.

I looked down at my sleeping beauty Jason. He was tired from all that running around this morning. I still worried over him something terrible. Ever since he had got that last bout of Cancer he had never been the same. The cancer was gone but there was a price to pay. He was a lot weaker than he used to be. He still had some muscle tone but not nearly as much as he used to. Don't get me wrong, I still loved him like crazy. I love him like you need to breathe. The last seven years have been great. The first three years of the total ten that we were together were so crazy. I still laugh about how we first met. He bumped into me at the air port or so he thought. (I'll let you in on a little secret.) I saw him sitting there reading his screenplay and I had to meet him. He was so cute back then. So full of energy and so hot! So I bumped into him on that fateful day. I've never regretted it. Jason let out a small moan and turned over. I gently massaged his hair to let him know that I was there. He snuggled closer to me and I sighed and smiled as I watched my sweetie sleep. Looking around I allowed my eyes fall upon Johnny. He was listening to the old discman that Justin gave him all those years ago. I looked closely and saw the immense pain showing on his face. When Tyson died in the accident it tore Johnny apart. I tried to be there for him but I had Jason to worry about. Maybe now that we were going to be forced to be together for the next month we could finally get our family back together. Maybe...

"Dad?" Johnny asked me startling me out of my thoughts.

"Yes son?" I asked back. Ok so maybe he wasn't my real son or even my adopted son but I still loved him like one.

"What is the first thing you are going to do when we get there?" he asked. I smiled at the excitement burning in his eyes. He reminded me of that 11 year old all those years ago on Christmas Morning.

"Your father and I are going to take a nice long walk on a beach. You are welcome to join us if you want," I said patting him on the shoulder.

Part Three New morning dawns!

Later that night in our Hotel room Jason was sleeping after our love making session. I stood on the balcony looking over the ocean. I felt a gentle breeze and turned around and saw a ghostly figure of a woman.

"Kevin?" asked a female's voice. I looked closer and realized that I could see through her. My first instinct was to run. But my heart told me that I was safe with her. For it could only be one other person. Jason's wife had returned from the grave. And apparently she wanted to talk to me. I turned to get Jason up but she shook her head no.

"Pam?" I asked in a shaky voice. She nodded and stepped closer. I stepped aside to allow her access to the balcony rail. "Um what do I owe this honor?" I asked. I was shocked that I was so at ease with talking with her. After all she had been dead for over 13 years.

"Not dead Kevin," she said smiling. "I've just moved beyond the capacity of my body. Now we have some things to talk about and my time is drawing to a close. I've spent to much time in this realm already and he is getting inpatient."

"Who?" I asked dumbly. She looked upwards and as she did so her body started to glow. "Oh him." I mumbled.

"You love him don't you?" she asked.

"Yes I do," I said looking into her eyes. They were so full of love that it shook me to my very soul. "He is the reason I breathe."

"You've been so good to him Kevin," she said as she looked out over the ocean. "He always promised me he would take me here but I guess it wasn't met to be. Take care of him," she pleaded with tears in her eyes. "I still love him very much." She smiled at my confusion. "It is possible to love beyond death. And I love him very much. You and him have a special love. One that has seen so many trials and tribulations."

"Are we going to be happy?" I asked. (Hey! If she had an inside line with the big guy I had to ask. She looked up and was silent for a while and than nodded.

"I give you this gift Kevin," she said she spread her hands over the ocean. A vision appeared before me and I saw two elderly men sitting on a porch overlooking the ocean. One was in a wheel chair and the other was in a chair. The one in the chair was me. I had gray hair and I was about the same weight but it was me. I was holding his hand and he was looking into my eyes. It was my sweetie only much older. I smiled and allowed the tears of happiness to flow down my face. The storm door flew open and two children came running out and climbed up into our laps. "He always loved the ocean. And he will love it here too. This is a picture of what the future holds for you."

"Thank you," I sobbed out. I shivered as her ghostly hand touched my cheek.

"I must go now," she smiled. "I know you will be happy now and I know now that my Jason will be all right now." I stood there until the sun came up. I could still smell the scent of honeysuckle lingering in the air.

"Kevin?" asked Jason as he came up behind me. "How long have you been out here?"

"Most of the night," I said smiling down at him. "I have this wild idea. Why don't we sell the mansion and move out here?" Jason's eyes lit up with joy. "Pam said you would like it." Jason paled at the mention of her name.

"Pam was here?" he asked. "No you don't have to answer that. I know she was here. I can still smell the honeysuckle. So what did she have to say?"

"Thank you and fare well," I said as I lay my head on his shoulder. "So what about us moving out here?"

"I like the idea," Jason sighed as he looked out over the sunrise.

"So this is it," I said gently rocking him form side to side. "We live happily ever after."

"I would like to think so," Jason said as he played with my ring finger. It was at that point that I remembered seeing his older version playing the ring finger of the older version of me.

"Yes sweetie, I think it will be happily ever after," I giggled as I snuggled closer to him.

The End!!

Thank you for honoring me. I have been honored by being able to write and posting it on Nifty. I now have time to work on my other two stories. Lone Ranger or Zorro and Moving Forward. There are some people out there that think that Travis Smith Author of Get Another Boyfriend and me are the same person. Well I hate to disappoint you but we are not the same. I do know him and I care for him very much. And I have been known to assist him at times. But quite frankly I do not have the time to take on another project as big as Get Another Boyfriend. Look for me in the other two stories I have mentioned.

Next: Chapter 13: Sunset on the Horizon 1

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