Begin Anew

By Frnces O'Rtg

Published on Jul 10, 2000


Begin Anew

Copyright 2000 By Francis O'Ratigan. All rights reserved. With the exceptions of short excerpts for critical reviews, no part of this work may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission in writing from the Author.

This story is complete fiction. This story in no way implies the ACTUAL sexual orientation or beliefs of Actual living people. In other words FICTION!!

Any comments are welcome. Good or bad. Feel free to e-mail me at

Special NOTE!!!! IF YOU HAVEN'T READ RUDE AWAKENING FINAL CHAPTER PLEASE BACK OUT AND READ IT FIRST. If you don't read the final chapter of Rude Awakening you will be lost if you read this first. Thank you

Begin Anew

Chapter 1

The Morning of September 28, 2003.

He awoke that morning and climbed out of bed. Glancing out the window he looked down the long drive. The sun was just coming up over the mountains. There was a hint of color in the trees. Fall was fast approaching and there was a chill about the house. His eyes came to rest on the Front Gates. The Gates were closed and no one had passed through them in over 3 years. He had installed a side entrance to use. When "HE" had left the owner of the house decided that no one ever enter through that Gate again. Except of course "HIM" should "HE" ever decide to come home. "Damn you!" he muttered under his breath. Sighing he turned and headed towards the Bathroom. Once there he started the business of getting ready for the day. Opening the medicine cabinet he spotted "HIS" cologne. He picked up the bottle and sprayed some on himself. He allowed his mind to wonder back three years and three months to the day. The opening of the bedroom door startled him out of his trip through time.

"Dad?" asked a child's voice. He looked at the door way and saw his son standing there. He walked back to the bed and sat down.

"Yes son?" he asked back. The 11 year old child made his way to his fathers bed and climbed in. He scooted over so that his son would have room to sit next to him.

"When is he coming home?" he asked.

"I don't know son," the Father answered him as anger welled up inside him. If only "HE" had waited a few months before taking off on "HIS" selfish "I must find my fucking self" mission. The father of the 11 year old swallowed his anger. Now was not the time for it. He was saving it for when "HE" came home. "When he is ready to come home to us we will be here for him. In the mean time you have to catch the school bus. Now run along before you miss it."

"Ok Dad," he said as he gave his father a quick hug and ran out of the room.

His father smiled and shook his head. Like someone before he had tried to get the young boy to walk. But had long ago given up the task. He chuckled to himself as he heard the dog barking in earnest because the child had left without saying good bye.

"Well, it is time for you to get up and get moving. The day is long and you have much to do," he chastiesed himself.

"We are about to land in Dulles International Airport. It is 1:00 PM temperature is a chilly 45 degrees and it is clear and sunny. Thank you for flying with us," said the Captain of the jet.

I sighed as I reached up and grabbed my carry on luggage. In a few moments I will be back in good old America. I had left America a little over 3 years ago. Now I had returned and it was time to face the music so to speak. I reached into the carry on piece of luggage and pulled out a turtle neck sweater and pulled it on. Fall was in the air and I didn't want to catch cold. I smiled at the thought of fall coming. My sweet heart always enjoyed this time of the year. He was always so full of energy.

"Excuse me sir," said a woman's voice. "We are ready to land. Please fasten your seat belt." I nodded and quickly fastened the seat belt. A few moments later I heard and felt the wheels touch down. I looked down at the run way and watched it speed by. Finally the plane came to a slow halt as it made its way to the terminal. I was first class so I got to be one of the first to exit the plane. I passed through the scanner and it beeped to let the security guard know that I was clear. A few moments later I was in the Cab on my way to face the music.

"I don't give a rat's ass what you think Jack!" he shouted into the phone. "It is my story and that is how I want the characters protrayed!" There was a long pause. "No Dammit! The scene where he kneels in prayer stays!" It was obvious that he wasn't going to budge on this. "Listen carefully Jack because I am only going to say this once. I have had this scene rattling around in my brain for the last three years. If you even attempt to eliminate it I will fire you!" He slammed the phone down. Getting up from the desk he glanced at the clock on the wall. It read 4:15 in the afternoon. Johnny would be home soon. He glanced out the window and saw a cab pull up to the gate. The door opened and a figure got out. He left the confines of his study and headed down stairs. It was probably a sales man and the owner of the house wasn't in the mood to deal with a salesman.

"Driver pull over please?" I asked as I looked at the gate. I climbed out of the car and walked to the gates. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a remote I hadn't used it in over three years. I looked at it longingly. I was sure that the batteries had long since died. With a trembling hand I pushed the power button and to my shock the gates slid back to allow access to the grounds. I looked back at the car. "You can head back to the air port. I will walk from here." I started up the long driveway. The asphalt was cracked in some places. It was obvious that it wasn't used much. I looked up at the house. It was just as I remembered it. Except that the paint was peeling around the windows. There was a loneliness about the house. The front door was closed and the porch chairs were turned with the backs facing the driveway. I also noticed that the gardens were long gone. Replaced by simple grass. It too was turning brown as the fall weather was fast approaching. I stepped onto the front porch and reached for the door handle. The Front door swung open and from the sound of the hinge it needed oiling.

"Johnny?" said a haunting voice from my past. "Is that you?" I was confused. Who was Johnny? Oh God did he replace me? "If that is you remember that we need to go to the gate in a few minutes." I heard him cross over to the entrance way and heard him take a sudden breath in. "Kevin?" He asked. I looked up at him and tears came to my eyes. God he was so beautiful. It was like time stood still for him.

"Yea," I mumbled out looking down at my feet. "It's me."

(Bear with me now it gets a little strange.)

Silenced rocked the mansion as the two men stood there looking at eachother.

"God Kevin, where the hell have you been!" Jason whispered. Kevin cringed at the outburst. Even though it was whispered it still had an awesome impact.

"I um uhh," his voice wavered and the tears started flowing, the speech he had rehearsed long since forgotten. Here was his husband standing in all of his glory. His eyes watering with unshed tears. Shame filled Kevin's heart as the full impact of what he had done to his beloved unfolded before him. Sinking to his knees he buried his head in his hands. Jason ran up to him and pulled him close to him. His eyes filled with tears as well. It had been years since he held him in his arms. But his arms remembered very well the feeling. It was so overwhelming for the both of them. The two lovers sobbed like babies for a few moments.

The bus came to a halt in front of South Fork. Johnathan Jason Richardson bonded down the steps and ran up the long drive way to the house. He was anxious to get home. Maybe today was the day he would come back home. He heard the barking of a dog. "Heya Scrappy!" he said with a grin as he wrapped his arms around the dog. He giggled loudly as Scrappy covered his face with kisses. "Come on boy stop!" giggled Johnny. He stood up and patted his right thigh and Scrappy fell in step with the boy as he raced up the rest of the drive and onto the porch.

"So who is Johnny?" asked Kevin as he walked into the living room with Jason. Jason looked up at him and saw a hint of jealosy in Kevin's eyes.

"A lot has happened since you left Kevin," Jason said in a harsh tone. "Let's set down by the bay window and I will fill you in on the important stuff." The two men sat on the couch beside the bay window. Kevin reached over and stroked the side of Jason's face. "I've missed your touch," Jason moaned as he leaned into Kevin's hand. He shook himself free and took Kevin's hands and laid them in his lap. "Do you remember the last day you were here?" He asked.

"That was the day we lost our son," Kevin said looking down at his hands. "And that was the day I left you all alone."

"Well, if you had stayed around for a few months instead of running like a fucking coward maybe you would've learned a few things!" Jason shouted at Kevin. "Do you have any idea what I went through the first few months?" Kevin looked away as fresh tears streamed down his face. "Look at me Kevin!" Jason shouted at him. Kevin looked up at him and saw the anger in Jason's eyes. Anger that had been brewing for over three years. Anger that he couldn't release until now.

"Ok I deserve it Jason! So why don't you just let it all out!" Kevin shouted back opening his arms as if to signify that he was ready for an all out attack.

"Later Buster!" Jason hurled at him. "Right now we have to deal with Johnny!"

"Who the hell is this Johnny you keep throwing in my face?" Kevin yelled back as he tried to stand up.

"Sit your ass back now Kevin!" Jason ordered. Kevin plopped back down in the soft confines of the sofa. Jason sighed and looked into Kevin's eyes. "Two and a half months after you ran away I get a phone call from Rachael. Johnny's dad had died of a sudden stroke and she couldn't afford to keep Johnny so she turned him back over to me. I adopted him. Johnny is your son!" Those words hit Kevin like a lightning bolt. He stared blankly at the wall.

"But I thought we had lost him, I mean that is why I left, I never thought--," Kevin stammered.

"That is just it Kevin!" shouted Jason. "You didn't think! Johnny and I have been living all alone in this big house waiting for you to stop crying and feeling sorry for your self and come home to us!" Kevin sat there looking at Jason for a few moments and than the two lovers were startled as the front door slammed. The thundering of little feet Scrappy was the first one to enter the room. He came skidding to a halt and the hair on his neck stood up and he growled softly at Kevin.

"Oh knock it off Scrappy!" ordered Kevin. Scrappy immediately knew who it was and jumped up on him licking him on the nose. Kevin's laughter filled the room.

"DADDY!!" screamed Johnny. In a flash Johnny was in Kevin's arms. Kevin buried his head into Johnny's chest sobbing loudly. Jason watched the reunion in silence. Jason still had a lot of anger built up against Kevin. It would take him some time to get over it. Plus a huge sense of guilt raged through his body. Every time he looked at Kevin his face blushed with guilt.

"So um are you home for good?" asked Johnny looking up at Kevin.

"I want to be home for good," Kevin said softly as he rested his head against Johnny's forehead. "That if you two will have me again."

"I missed so much Dad," Johnny whispered trying hard not to cry.

Kevin reached up and wiped the tears from his cheeks. "It's ok if you want to cry Johnny. God knows I spent many a night crying myself a sleep."

"I find that hard to believe!" Jason grumbled. Kevin glared at him until the phone rang. Jason picked it up. "Jason here," he spoke into it.

"Hi sweetie," said a voice. Jason looked at Kevin and Johnny to make sure that they weren't looking.

"Hold on a second," he spoke into the phone. He stood up and left the room and walked into the kitchen. After closing the door and making sure it was locked. "Hi yourself sweetie," he giggled into the phone. "God I missed so much Justin," he sighed into phone. He heard a knock at the door. He opened it and found Kevin standing there.

"Jas?" asked Justin's voice from the phone. "Are you still there sweetie." Kevin heard the voice and the words and turned and walked back into the living room. Jason put the phone back to his ear.

"Yea Justin," he said as tears flowed down his face. "I'm still here."

Ok that is it for the first install ment.

Questions you might have? Such as. 1. Where was Kevin for those three years?

  1. What happened to the Backstreet Boys?

  2. What's up with Justin and Jason?

  3. What will happen when Kevin finds out?

E-mail me at

Next: Chapter 2

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