Before the Storm

By moc.loa@0030gnikG

Published on Feb 6, 2001


Okay, I got an e-mail which pretty much made me decide to ditch my last stories and start this one. I know you'll hate me, but I have a feeling more people would go along with this plot than the last one.

Okay, PLEASE e-mail me comments and suggestions. Belive it or not, but I hope this one will make it past two installments. And read my other stories!!! The Day Before Tommorow, At the Beginning with You, Rain, and Still Every Time!

Disclaimer: this is a complete work of fiction, this is not a representation of the actual sexual orientation of any of the backstreet boys.

Before the Storm (1) January 1st, 2001

Too many times, I've sat here all alone. I guess that's the payment you get for being famous. A bed is just a bed until you get used to having someone in it with you, and then it becomes more of a retreat; somewhere special, almost like a temple. But I'm here by myself again, nobody next to me. Somehow, I'm surprised, when the man I love is within calling distance, but I know I shouldn't be. I know it's a short entry, but I had to get out those thoughts. And I'm drunk, and tired, so I think I'll shut down.


The hotel room curtains were tightly shut over the windows, the faint morning light filtering through slightly. Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys lay naked on the bed, his short blond hair gracing his pale face wildly, his lids shut tightly over his eyes. One hand thrown up over his head, one hidden by the sheets, his chest moved up and down slightly as he slept. A black notebook lay open with a pen clipped to the side, his messy writing filled half of the page, before his name was scrawed haphazardly at the bottom.

The phone rang and Nick moved slightly, his eyes opening quickly.

Nick squinted and struggled to sit up as the phone rang a second time, groaning, he fell back to the bed.

Finally, Nick reached over and picked up the phone. "Hello?" he said into the phone, a little surprised at the deep rasp which came out of his mouth.

"Good morning, this is your nine thirty wakeup call."

Nick slammed the phone back down on the receiver, and swung his legs around to the side of the bed, resting his elbows on his knees. Closing his eyes, he felt the cool air brush his sweaty body, and ran a hand through his shock of bright blond hair. Glancing down to the bedstand, he smiled at the picture taped there, creased from months of use. Sometimes shoved in a pocket, or a suitcase, it was always with him.

The man was thin, not really thin, but pretty thin with built shoulders. He was average height, but his aura made up for it altogether. His eyes were piercing, almost like a laser, and his smile lit up the day.

Nick pulled the photo from the bedside and yawned as he examined it carefully. Every crease of the skin, every element of the man's body had been combed by Nick's eyes, every single feature perfectly memorized, carefully kept in the most long-term memory there was. Nick sighed and stood up stretching, feeling his muscles pull.

Stepping gingerly into a pair of black sweatpants, he pulled them up to his waist and snapped the elastic into place. Pulling on a blue tee-shirt, he examined his appearance in the mirror. Sighing, he puffed out his stomach and stuck out his bottom lip, almost laughing at his comical appearance. Then sucking in, he flexed and smiled satisfacted with his appearance.

"Not great, but not doing too bad either," he said grinning inwardly. Grabbing his room key from the dresser, he set off for the breakfast room, whistling quietly to himself.

Brian pulled Nick to him tightly, the contact of their skin electric. Nick moaned loudly and Brian savored the feeling of his hot breath blowing against his neck. Thrashing back and forth, Brian felt Nick's mouth move slowly down his body, leaving a trail of saliva down his chest. Pulling down his boxers, Brian felt an animal desire deep in his chest. Grabbing Nick's head, he forced the blond down onto his thickening shaft. "God Nick, suck me," Brian whispered harshly, his voice deepened with desire. Nick quickened his downward strokes as he impaled his mouth again and again. Brian felt the waves of pleasure overtake him, and he almost screamed as he felt the waves of cum flow from his body.

9:45 am

Brian glanced over at the clock and sighed deeply. Pulling back the covers, he shed his sticky boxers next to the bed and lay back, letting his heart rate slow down and his brain regain control. Again. The same dream. How many times had it been? Brian shook his head and felt tears pool at the rims of his eyes. He jumped a little as the phone rang.

"Hey?" he said, his voice a little higher than usual.

"Hey Brian, it's me. Are you gonna come over for breakfast or what?"

Brian closed his eyes and smiled, savoring the sound of the voice which came through the phone. It had a strange tone, sort of childlike, yet mature. A voice that had driven him crazy for countless years.

"Sure, I'll be there in a sec," Brian replied back a little more quickly than he intended. "Hey, don't eat it all."

"Make me."

Brian absentmindedly ran his hand over his chest, smearing the drying cum in white streaks.

"Whatever, I'll be over there as soon as I get dressed."

"You better be, I know you can't stand living without me next to you."

Brian hung the phone up and cocked his head, looking at it angrily. "If you only knew."

Nick watched carefully as Brian ate over the rim of his orange juice. His beautiful face moved slightly and the muscles in his cheeks facinated him. Nick's eyes moved down lower to the patch of skin showing between Brian's jams and his seductively tight white tee-shirt. Brian's light brown hair was slightly mussed giving him a casual morning appearance, but to Nick, he had never looked better. Sighing to himself, he sipped his orange juice again and set it down on the table. Quietly adjusting himself, he eased back into his chair and sat staring at Brian, his eyes fixed on his desire.

Nick couldn't help smiling too as he watched his angel converse with Kevin. Slowly, Nick watched as Brian's gaze roamed lazily his way, his laid back southern attitude almost injected into his eyes.

A glance.

Was that at me?

A smile.

Was that for me?

His eyes.

Did they look my way?

Nick shook his head violently and cleared his mind. I'm reading too much into this, I'm not thinking clearly. I need to get on with my life and stop thinking about it. But I can't. Nick thought back to the thousands of times he had stayed up at night thinking of Brian. Thinking of how wonderful it would feel to run his hands over Brian's body, to finally feel their skin touch, to be able to run his hands through Brian's hair, to feel the warmth of his body at night I have to face the facts. I'm in love and it's killing me, it's killing my life.

It's killing me.

Was that for me? Did they roam my way? Was that a sexual gesture?

"Hey Blondie, if you're not going to eat it, I'll take it."

Nick looked up, pulling himself from the dark world inside his head, bringing him back to the bright hotel room, the real world.

"Um, I dunno Aje, you can take it. I'm not real hungry."

AJ pulled a strip of bacon from Nick's plate and stuffed it into his mouth. "You're really thoughtful this morning, I mean, for a blond."

Nick forced a smile and made a lame attempt to punch his friend. "I know, I just have a lot of things on my mind. It happens when you're a famous celebrity."

"Hey, you know everyone goes out to the concert just to see me," Brian shot from across the room, his smile instantly the subject of Nick's attention.

"I'll bet Bri, now that you're an old man, you've just got dozens of girls dying for your bod," Howie said sarcastically from his place next to the window. "I bet Nick's got some stares too, probably more than any of us get."

Nick smiled, a little embaressed. "Brian's not bad," he said quietly.


Nick looked up and blinked. "I mean, people still go to see you guys, I'm not the whole show."

"Damn straight," Kevin said laughing. "I may be the grandpa, but people still drool for me too."

Nick giggled a little and absently poked at his eggs, trying to make faces with the yellow mess.

"Nickolas." Nick looked up to see Brian sitting next to him. Nick's breath shortened as he heard his full name from the man he loved. "Don't play with your food, eat it."

Nick forced himself to breathe and took a bite of his food. "I don't like it," he said childishly putting his fork down with a clatter. Watching Brian carefully, Nick's bright eyes met Brian's in a mutual locked gaze.

Brian shook his head. "Give me some, I'll tell you how it tastes."

Nick put some egg on the fork and gently moved it to Brian's mouth. Slowly, as if in a dream, the fork disappeared. Nick felt a jerk as Brian's teeth clenched down and he began pulling it back slowly. Nick looked to see Brian's eyes closed, and he took in his breath quickly. The fork emerged clean, and Brian's lips parted slightly as the fork left them. Nick looked up and saw Brian frowning.


Dropping the fork quickly, he put the plate down on the ground next to the couch. "I-I'll be right back," he said quickly and left, shutting the door to the room behind him.

Brian closed his eyes and fought the tears coming. Why did I do that? What happened? Thinking back, all he could remember was Nick's warm breath blowing across his face, the fork gently reaching his mouth. He savored the feeling of Nick's hand, inches from his mouth, feeding him.

Picking up the plate, he absently poked at Nick's remaining egg, oblivious of the looks he got from the remaining guys.

It was a sign.

No, Nick's not like that.

Would anyone else do that?

No, but Nick and I are like brothers.

But are you more than that?

No, but I wish.

You wish?

I love him, I love my best friend.

Nick lay on his back in his room, the curtains still drawn tightly over the window. Tears dried in streaks on his face, and he relaxed in the bed, the faint smell of sweat and cum hung in the air. Nick rolled over and replayed the event in his mind. Brian's beautiful lips had closed inches from his fingers. Balling his fists, Nick punched the pillow for running away. Why did I do that? Why can't I be with him?

Nick felt fresh tears leave his eyes and lay back on the bed, exhausted. Pulling the picture of Brian from the bed, his eyes ran across his beautiful body. If I was only there, with him, his hand touching mine. Nick placed his hand on his chest and held the picture up with the other hand. "My baby," he whispered softly.


Nick jerked up from the bed.

"Nick, can I talk to you?"

Nick quickly put the picture away in the nightstand and got up slowly, rearranging himself quickly. "Yea, I'll be there in a sec."

Nick slowly walked to the door and put his hand on the handle. "Breath," he said quietly to himself before inhaling deeply and relaxing his body.

The door opened slightly and Nick's head poked out into the hall. "Oh, hey Brian, you need something?"

Brian shook his head. "No, I was just wondering. Do you want to hang out tonight, just the two of us or something?"

Nick narrowed his eyebrows. "Say what?"

"Do you want to come to my room and catch a flick or something? I mean, it's been awhile since we've been together, just us. We need some catching up quality time."

"Sure, um, what time?"

"Nine okay with you?"

Nick nodded. "See you then."

Brian turned and walked away.

Nick closed the door and collapsed against it once he was sure Brian had left. "Thank you, thank you," he chanted excitedly closing his eyes and clasping his hands together. With a sudden burst of energy, he ran and bounced on the bed. Laughing at his childishness, he pulled Brian's picture form the nightstand drawer. Giggling to himself, he kissed the picture twice and replaced it. "Tonight is the night," he sang quietly to himself as he went through his drawer for something to wear.

Brian returned to his room, a smile plastered on his face. Finally, some time to ourselves, just him and me. But it's just as friends. It's just like any other time. We get together, eat pizza, watch a movie, and fall asleep.

Booting up his laptop, he put his feet up on the desk and closed his eyes.

Fall asleep.

Nick falling asleep.

Falling asleep with Nick.

Falling asleep next to Nick.

Falling asleep wrapped around Nick.

Brian smiled inwardly at the sexual origin of his thoughts. No, just a friendly get together.

But what about the eggs?

Come on Brian, he's like your little brother for heavens sakes.

But an extremely good looking little brother, right?

Brian clenched his teeth and sighed heavily.


Nick put on his jeans and a blue polo shirt, looking in the mirror. Turning sideways, he watched as his blond hair fell down slightly in front of his eyes. Taking some hairspray, he spiked his hair straight up and looked at the result. Narrowing his eyes at the mirror image of himself, he ran a hand through his wet hair.

"It'll do," he murmered quietly as he grabbed his room key and left.

Approaching Brian's door, he forced himself to slow down. No silly actions, no loosing control.


Nick waited quietly until the door was opened.

"Hey Nick, I called for some pizza, that alright?"

Nick nodded and moved inside, closing the room door behind him. Sitting down on the corner of the bed, he bounced a few times.

"I see you haven't really grown up at all."

Nick looked up to see Brian next to him.

"Actually, I'm still this many," Nick said holding up three of his fingers.

Brian walked over to his suitcase and picked up a sweatshirt. "You borrowed this so many times, I thought I'd just let you have it."

Nick took it and inspected it carefully. "This is the one I had for three months last year, isn't it?"

"Yup, I've been wearing it for awhile, but I figured you might as well have it. It's more yours than it is mine."

Brian's eyes instantly caught glimpse of the lightly tanned skin being quickly revealed as Nick pulled the shirt over his head and Brian was unable to rip his gaze from Nick's naked body. The wide shoulders and toned muscle were different from what he had seen years ago rocking the teenager to sleep.

Nick pulled the sweatshirt down over his body and tossed the polo onto the bed. Inhaling slightly, he smiled as he recognized the familiar smell of Brian's body. "It smells like you."

Brian raised his eyebrows quizzically. "I haven't washed it lately, is that a bad thing?"

"No, it's comforting in a weird way, I guess."

Brian shrugged. "Whatever, I've got plenty of other clothes if you run out of smell."

Nick smiled shyly and hugged his knees to his chest. Watching Brian's back, he inhaled deeply as Brian's scent surrounded his senses.

"So, what do you want to do?"

Nick shivered at the southern drawl in Brian's voice. Watching intently, he locked eyes with Brian as the sparkling blue gaze drew him in.

I'm falling in love, he thought to himself finally as Brian came to sit next to him.

I'm falling in love.

I'll pose the next seg. ASAP. E-mail me if you get a chance!

Next: Chapter 2

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