Before Seattle

By Billy Jay Dee

Published on Oct 6, 2004


A new adventure based on the true experiences of a married bisexual.

By Billy Jay Dee

"Sure!" he said tossing his towel aside. He scooted forward on the cedar bench as I leaned over to suck his cock. He had a nice seven-incher with a big head and a strong lean to the left. I went to deep-throating him as my right hand slid along his six-pack belly. I love the feel of a fuzzy body.

My left hand found my own dick beneath my towel. Blondie was starting to ride in and out of my mouth, lifting his hips off the bench and scooting his balls ever closer to my mouth. Whenever he popped from between my lips, I'd ask if he was enjoying himself.

"Oh yeah," he replied with ever increasing enthusiasm. At one point I turned me head to see if we had an appreciative audience and discovered the OG w/BE was watching from close by. Blondie's oversized cockhead found its way back into my mouth. His long narrow shaft was wet and smooth and clean. He slid it in and out of me with ever increasing rapidity. The middle finger of my right hand honed in on his hole and started moving in.

In response he moved his well-muscled ass off the bench and spread his thighs further. Someone lifted the towel up off my loins. Blondie panted heavily now, with ever more appreciative phrases slipping from his lips. I braced myself against the bench and he gently held my head in place with his right hand while he fucked my suctioning mouth.

I felt a cold breeze slide across my exposed bottom just as Blondie came in almost tastless warm spurts. He thanked me profusely as he hurried from the sauna. I turned to see if the OG w/BE was ready and stared into Mitch's black eyes instead.

I'd encounterd Mitch here before. He was crouched on the bench above my ass. The OG w/BE watched from the door. Mitch is built like a god. "BLACK" is tatooed above one perfect pec, "WHITE" above the other. Beneath, his sides, which flank a perfect abdomen and narrowing torso, are tatooed with the heavily engraved gates of Heaven. And there lies something worth worshiping -- his ever hard, ever ready, thick greased eight-inch cock.

"Hi," he said.

"Hi," I replied leaving my mouth agape.

OG w/BE saw the look on my face and apparently detected no hope for himself. He turned to leave. "Nice ass," Mitch declared from on high. That stopped him.

"I've got a room. How about you guys come up?" Mitch said. He has eyes more earth brown that black that race from intense seriousness to unfettered delight as quickly as a lightning bolt flashes across a storm-darkened sky. Of course, I said yes. OG w/BE passed. Can you believe that?

Next: Chapter 3

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