Before He Came

By travis smith

Published on Jun 30, 2023




Before He Came

(A memoir of a boy formally know as Ronnie)

Part 5

As I was being pushed out to the garage gym by Max and his buddies, the Gunny yells to make sure he gives me a good workout; to which Max gives his patented: "Aye, Aye, Sir!"

The boys are snickering as Max pushes me, none to easily, causing me to trip up and stumble, creating more delight for them as I fall to the ground, only to be yanked up by my shirt collar by a very disagreeable Max. I am literally carried by my shirt as Max picks me up and goes out to the garage gym holding me in front of him like a bag of smelly trash. All this amuses the other boys as they cheer Max on.

As we get to the gym, Max tosses me to the floor amid clapping and cheering from his buddies. I start to feel the tears form in my eyes by try not to let him get to me. Of course, he does! Once there one of the boys asks why I am in a diaper and Max kicks my butt and tells me to tell them why. I look at Max, my eyes pleading not to do this, but I am only greeted with his evil sneer that I have come to hate and dread. "Tell them!" as he kicks me again.

"Cause I wet the bed." I say in a low and humiliated voice.

"Louder!" Max hollers at me as he emphasizes his command with another kick to my bottom.

"Cause I wet the bed!!" I shout as tears start to flow down my cheeks. Both Max and I know that this not true, but I am in no position to tell the truth, even tho I do believe that the boys would believe that Max would deliberately set me up and pee on me himself.

They all laugh, saying what a baby I am for wetting and crying. Max is in his glory as he basks in my humiliation.

He yanks me by the shirt once more ripping it off and tells me that it is time to exercise and pushes me into the corner, telling me to practice my running. I start to run in place, when Max lands a powerful and loud smack to my thigh telling me to turn around that he doesn't want to see my crying baby face. The others laugh as I turn and continue running, increasing the power Max holds over me.

I run trying to focus on not crying and letting Max and his buddies get the best of me, yet I know that I will fail and he will somehow torture and humiliate me in front of his friends. They all laugh and make disparaging remarks about me as they start their workouts on the weights. Max is clearly the leader and strongest of the bunch as he demonstrates his prowess and abilities in weight lifting. The others are duly impressed as he easily outdoes them all and making sure they all know his ability and superiority.

While they were doing their workouts and I was running, another boy enters the garage gym. After exchanging fist bumps and 'heys', he asks what is going on while eyeing me in the corner running. "What's with him?" He asks as he comes and stands next to me.

"Oh, that's the little princess!" Max exclaims, laughing and causing the others to laugh, if only to show their subordination to him. "He's practicing his running cause he fucked mine up yesterday, so Pops I thought it would be a good idea to give him some of my personal attention". Max boasts.

The boy now almost in my face smiles broadly as he says: "I remember him! He was the boy wearing girl's panties in Church today! I didn't realize he was such a precious, sweet little thing!" He shouts as he smacks my diapered covered ass, making a loud, dull pop resound throughout the gym and causing all the boys to laugh at my misery. "Why is he wearing a diaper!" he asks with amusement and disbelief at the same time.

Max approaches and tells me to turn around but to continue my run and to tell the new boy why I am having to wear a diaper. With the tears increasing down my face, I timidly look at the boy and in barely a whisper, say: "Cause I wet the bed."

Of course Max does not approve and slaps my thigh and shouts at me to tell him properly before he takes me over his knees, which causes a great deal of excitement and amusement for the other boys and only increases my embarrassment and humiliation.

"Cause I wet the bed!" I yell once again, much to everyone's pleasure and they all laugh.

"Tell them when you wet the bed!" Max demands as he once again smacks my thigh.

I look at Max, once again pleading with my eyes only to be met with his fierce gaze, like he was saying I better do as I am told if I know what is good for me. And I do know what is good for me, so I try to take a deep breath between my sobs and tell them: "I wet the bed during my nap this afternoon." And that is all it took for them to all laugh hysterically at my discomfort and situation. The new boy exclaimed that his little brother is only 3 and he doesn't even wet the bed or take naps, causing more laughter amongst the boys and causing Max to display his Cheshire Cat grin.

"Well, I think he is much cuter in the panties. You should make him wear them instead." The new boy advises Max as he pats and squeezes my diapered-covered bottom.

"Oh, he'll be in panties most of the time. This is part of his punishment and Pops ordered him into the diaper for the day. But you will definitely see him a lot in panties. Pops bought him some today. And even got him some girlie nighties to wear." Max says with glee, causing more laughter for the boy and more misery for me. "He's definitely a sweet, little princess." Max snickers as he pinches and squeezes my butt cheek.

As I continue the humiliating run in my diaper, Max leads the boys over to the bar and prepares them all protein shakes. They down them quickly while all watching me run. All with a smirk or sneer on their face as if saying 'what a little pussy' I was. I guess I am. In just 2 days I have gone from a fairly normal 13 year old boy to a crying, cringing, humiliated boy being dressed in diapers and panties and being bullied by a much younger boy. And I don't even understand why. My life had sure changed from what it was before he came.

As they clink their classes in self-congratulations on their workout and toast themselves, one boy looks to me and asks if I should have a protein shake as well. Max leers at me and says that I am too delicate for this type of protein shake, but he has an idea for making me a man's protein shake and snickers and laughs to himself as he turns to make another drink, causing all the boys to gather close to see what he is up to. I am exhausted and a feeling of dread rushes over me but feel helpless in that there is absolutely nothing I can do about the situation.

Max finishes putting several scoops of powder into a rather large container then turns to me with his evil grin as he takes down his shorts and underwear and places the container under his penis. The boys gasp and laugh and let out loud "EEEWS!" as he starts to pee into the container. Smiling, he asks: "Anyone need to pee?" The boys look at each other with disbelief and amusement, not knowing if he is serious, when the new boy says: "I do!" and takes out his penis and adds to Max's load. Two of the other boys decided they needed to pee as well and joined their pee into the mix. They all had smiles on their faces as the container was filled almost to overflowing. Max grabs a spoon and stirs the mixture up and then sets his evil gaze on me with a smile that would certainly scare the devil himself.

I stop in my tracks as Max and the other boys approach me. There is an air of apprehension mixed with excitement in the room as they don't really believe that Max will have me drink the mixture of protein powder and piss, but you can sense their hopefulness that it will happen.

"I didn't tell you to stop running!" he yells at me while he attacks my thighs with smacks left and right. "You'll be punished for that!" he tells me as he brings the container to my face. I back into the corner, sealing my lips tight with my hands as fear and desperation grips me. He tells two of the boys to take my arms and put them behind my back as he grabs the front of my diaper and pulls me out of the corner into the middle of the room. The boys are only too happy to obey him and grab my arms forcing them behind me as they march me into the center of the room following their leader. They all gather around me, anticipation filling the room with even more excitement.

Max grabs my hair and brings his face up to mine and with determined fierceness he leans into me and says loud enough for all to hear: "Now, princess. You can do this the easy way or the hard way, we're all for it one way or the other, but believe me, you had better choose the easy way, if you know what's good for you!" His voice is menacing and his stare is even worse. The room is deadly quiet and it seems like no one is breathing as they all wait to see what I will do.

One boy says: "He won't drink it." And all but the new boy agree with him. Max looks at me then to them and then a smile comes across his face. "Oh, but he will. He likes it. He's already drank my piss several times and he is always wanting more". He says with pure glee. He looks at me and then asks: "Don't ya?" As if he is daring me to challenge him and contest his statement. I am horrified at what he expects me to do and look at the other boys, hoping that they too will think that Max has gone too far. I see no mercy or sympathy. Only anticipation. I look at Max and quietly say: "Please Max." Of course my plea is misconstrued, purposely.

"See boys!" Max shouts with absolute pleasure. "He's begging for it!" The other boys laugh at his statement as the spirit goes out of me as I sink while my destiny is lifted up and offered to me. Looking around to all of them and knowing that there will be no escape and realizing that I either drink it or have it forced down my throat, I reach for the container amid cheers and applause from all the boys.

I take the container and lift it to my lips as the room once again becomes quiet and anticipation fills the air. I take a deep breath and it seems like the boys all take one in unison with me, then start to drink the disgusting mixture, all to the amusement and pleasure of the boys. But no one is more pleased than Max as his power and strength over me is sealed.

I choke and gasp at the mix. The protein powder is bad enough but mixed with the urine of four boys, it is more than I can cope with. Max slaps my legs and says that if I spill one drop or puke it up, that I will be licking it up and be severely punished for my wastefulness. The boys all stare in amazement and disbelief as I continue to down the "protein shake'.

As I continue to drink the mix, I can't help but see the disgust that appears on the boy's faces and how they see me as less than themselves. Especially Max. But it is not disgust on his face, but pleasure, extreme pleasure and the excitement of uncontested power. The power he holds over me as well as the other boys. It causes me to think if he would make one of them do this, should they cross him. And I believe the answer is yes. Another thing I cannot help but notice is the massive erection Max has in his already tight shorts. It sticks out obscenely. I notice all the other boy are hard too, with their erections showing inside their shorts. They are not near as big as Max, perhaps the new boy's is close, but they are all noticeably smaller than Max. Another sign of his power and prowess and why he is obviously the undisputed leader.

The 'EEEWS' and 'AAHS' continue as I drink down the foul smelling mix. Still gagging and gasping as I do, I vow not to give Max the satisfaction or reason to punish me. I finish the mix to the applause of everyone but Max, who now seems genuinely pissed off that I did succeed in drinking his "man's protein shake". Determined not to be outdone or showed up, he grabs me by the front of my diaper and leads me over to one of the workout benches; where he immediately starts to undo the diaper and let it fall to the ground. "Time for your spanking now, princess!" He huffs as he pushes me over his lap and without a pause, starts to rain down quick, hard smacks to my unprotected buttocks.

In no time I am squirming and squealing like a little baby as he brings his hand down full force. The other boys look on in amazement while this younger boy spanks me and reduces me to tears. I don't know how long the spanking goes on for but it is not long before I have capitulated and just lie there over his knees as he continues to spank me. He finally stops and shoves me off his lap unto the floor. He immediately grabs my hair and yanks me up telling me to get into the corner with my hands on my head. I do so not wanting to cause him any more reasons to spank me again. The room continues to be quiet as the boys watch in awe at the power Max has over me. They are all hard. Max's erection is poking out of his shorts where the red, monster tip is peeking out. All the boys see it, but none dare comment or tease him. They all adjust themselves as they look to various parts of the room, while I stand there bawling like a baby with my hands on my head and my own penis shriveled to a bare nub due to the embarrassment and humiliation. Which, of course, draws the interests of the other boys.

The new boy approaches me and grabs my penis and testicles saying that his baby brother is even bigger than I am, causing the other boys to laugh and the tension to leave the room. I bend in agony as the boy squeezes me. I am not sure why he felt the urge or necessity of doing so. Whether it was to defuse the situation by once again turning their attention to me or to release his own embarrassment at having gained an erection seeing the torment I was going through. In time, he would prove to be another nemesis that I would have to deal with.

As suddenly as he grabbed me, he released me and bolts for the door saying he had to go home, but not before he high-fives Max telling him good job. I swear I can see a wet spot on the front of his shorts as his erection stills pushes out the thin, tight fabric. The other boys take the cue and leave as well, all congratulating Max and sneering at me as they leave.

Max sits on a bench gulping down a bottled water as he leers at me. It is hard to read his expression. It appears as a mixture of several emotions: Apathy, hatred, lust. I can't put a label to it, but it scares me greatly.

Max stares at me as he adjusts and manipulates his cock. Pulling down the front of his shorts and underwear to expose himself to me then covering himself back up but continuing to rub the monstrous thing. His expression darkens as he once again exposes himself making sure that I see him and it. A dark, sardonic smile comes across his face as he leaves himself exposed, yet rises and slowly moves toward me all the time grasping and massaging himself as if to make his penis grow larger.

There are no words as he stands in front of me with his intimidating, snarling smile. He puts his hand on my shoulder pushing me down to my knees. Our eyes keep in sync as I am forced down. Max wiggles and lets his shorts and underwear fall to the floor. The intensity of his stare is startling. As my knees hit the floor, Max presents himself to me. Instinctively, I know what to do as I reach up and take his manhood into my hands and start to massage it and masturbate him. But Max is not content with a hand job this time and he slaps my hands away. In almost a whisper, but in a voice that fills the room with his superiority, he slaps my face and says: "Open up, bitch!" as he pushes himself closer to my mouth. Looking at him, I know there is no alternative and open my mouth as he slides his penis in and he starts to thrust his hips to and fro as his penis slides in and out of my mouth.

This is no consensual, casual blow job. This is a face fuck. Max's thrust grow harder as he forces more of himself into my mouth and throat. Pulling back and thrusting in with vigor and all his power and strength. Max grabs my ears pulling me closer as he rapes my mouth and throat. I gag as he enters my throat but he is not deterred. There is no concern, sympathy or utterance of the words to breath through my nose and to swallow and allow my throat to open to receive him like a concerned participant would do. He is fucking my mouth. He is raping my mouth. He has become an animal as he thrusts into my mouth and throat and grunts with pleasure and power. Our eyes continue to meet. Me looking up at him like a slave trying to please his master and him looking down on me as an unworthy bitch whose only purpose is to satisfy his lust.

Max's pace quickens as his penis continues to slide back and forth in and out as he ferociously rapes my mouth and throat. His grunts become more animalistic as his thrusts become harder, quicker and fiercer. Sweat glistens on his body as his exertions grow. Tears flow from my eyes as the realization of what I have become dawns on me. There is no stopping. His thrusts become more powerful and quicker as he tries to get more and more of himself down into my throat. He is a man on a mission and he will not be denied. I feel his penis began to swell as his moans of pleasure become more intensified and finally he pulls himself all the way out of my mouth as he shoots his manly load covering me in his cum as he shoots several strings of thick, hot semen onto my face and body. Max nearly collapses on top of me as his climax takes all his strength, but he steadies himself against the wall with his hands as he looks down on me. Me, cowering on the floor with his semen marking me as his bitch. His toy. His possession. Max smiles as he completes his conquest of me. There was no doubt in my mind that my life would never be the same as it was before he came.

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