Before He Came

By travis smith

Published on May 26, 2023




Before He Came

(A memoir of a boy formally know as Ronnie)

Part 4

"Pops. Excuse me, Sir. But you really don't want the princess running with us, at least not just yet!" Max enthusiastically exclaimed.

The room became very quiet as all eyes focused on me.

"And why don't I want the princess to run with us?" The Gunny questioned.

"He will just be in the way and hold us back. He's not ready. We should just go by ourselves and I can work with him later so as not to bother or interfere with you." Max proudly suggested. "Believe me, Sir, he will just frustrate the whole workout." Max said beaming. I didn't know if he was on my side, thinking he would save me the embarrassment of going outside and into the neighborhood wearing little girl's panties and running with them knowing there was no way I could keep up. But I figured he had something more sinister in mind.

The Gunny stared hard at me boring a hole right through me. My mother offered no assistance. Max stood behind me smiling. "Fine!" The Gunny finally decided. "Take him to the latrine and then put him to bed, the little princess can have a nap while we workout then you can work one-on-one with him later." The Gunny announced.

My mother was non-committal. Max was ecstatic. I was mortified. I hadn't taken a mid-day nap in years and the thought of another of Max's training sessions added greatly to my discomfort and misery.

"Aye, aye, Sir." Max popped to attention and shouted as the Gunny and my mother continued on to his bedroom, leaving Max to tend to me. With Max again smiling as The Grinch.

Max grabbed me by the collar and lead me to the bathroom. Closing the door behind us he pushed me toward the toilet telling me to pee as he made certain the door was locked. I moved to the toilet and just stood there feeling miserable. I still didn't like having to pee in front of Max and my misery was compounded with the fact I was still wearing little girl's underwear. Suddenly Max smacks my butt bringing me out of my daze.

"Are you just stupid or are you intentionally trying to piss me off?!" He questions as he smacks me several more times. "I told you, when you pee, you sit down like the girl you are. Now, turn around, drop your pretty panties and sit down and pee! Or do I have to give you another session over my knees?" He asked, emphasizing his question with one last hard smack.

"Yes, Sir. I'm sorry." I meekly said as I obeyed his instructions, turning around, I looked at Max who had a huge smile across his face, then pulled the panties down and sat down on the toilet as Max looked down on me in triumph.

As I sat there trying to pee, still being self-conscious with having Max watch me, Max moved close and stood in front of me. Slapping me on my thighs with both hands he says smiling: "Come on, hurry up princess, we don't have all day, got to get you ready for your nap!" Followed by another couple of smacks to my thighs.

With Max standing over me, I finally manage to squeeze it out and start my flow that hits loudly into the water in the bowl, causing Max to smile even more. Once I finally finish, Max is standing in front of me between my legs, right in front of the bowl. Smirking at me, he says he needs to go as well and opens his trousers and lets them drop to the floor. He is standing in front of me in his white briefs with his bulge just inches from my face. He pulls down his underwear and right in front of me is his "manhood". I look up at Max and he says with a huge grin on his face: "Open up, princess, I need to pee." And with that, he puts his penis to my lips and I open my mouth as I close my eyes and take him in. He immediately releases his flow and my mouth is flooded with his pungent urine. He raps his knuckles on my head telling me to open my eyes and look at him. I do so being greeted with his sneering, condescending gaze. Rapping my head again with his knuckles, he says: "You look at the man you are servicing, bitch. Always look me in the eyes, you understand?!"

I try to nod my head up and down as he continues to flood my mouth, causing me to release the seal on his penis and his pee escapes my mouth. He increases his flow with which I cannot keep up causing his pee to flood out of my mouth onto my body and the floor. Still looking at him, his smile gets bigger and wider. He pulls his penis out of my mouth and starts to pee all over me and onto the floor. When he finishes, he sighs saying how great that felt and pulls up his underwear and trousers. He goes to the door telling me not to move and that he will be right back. I set there on the toilet with his pee dripping off me and his taste strong in my mouth with the panties bundled up around my ankles.

Max is back in a flash, again locking the door behind him carrying the little boy's pajamas he made me wear the night before. He tosses them at me and tells me to wipe myself off then to wipe up the floor. Max leans against the bathroom counter with a huge, broad grin, humming to himself as I do as he ordered. When I finish, Max tells me to take the panties and vest off and to put the pajamas on. I look at him in dismay as it dawns on me that he intends that I wear the urine-soaked pajamas for my nap. Max approaches me and grabs my testicles and squeezes them hard causing me to bend over. He follows me and whispers in my ear: "I know you want my smell with you while you have your nap, don't ya, princess?"

In pain, I manage to squeak out: "Yes, Sir."

Max releases his hold and moves back to the counter as I put on the urine-sodden pajamas, crying as I do so.

The Gunny booms from the other side of the door while he bangs on it telling Max to get a move on. Max jumps and grabs me pushing me out and toward his room. The mat is once again on the floor and Max pushes me down on to it then covers me up with the small kiddie blanket. With his evil grin, Max gently taps my cheek and says: "I know you will sleep well, princess, after all, you'll have my scent to keep you company. Make sure you savor that smell and dream of me. Remember, it is the smell of your man." He giggles and gets up and leaves, laughing at his own joke while I lay reeking of his scent.

I hear voices tapering off as Max and The Gunny leave for their run and workout. As I lay there gently crying, my mother appears at the bedroom door. It seems to me that she can probably smell the odor of Max's urine so strong in the room, but I'm not sure. She doesn't say anything as she just stands there looking at me.

"When are we going home?" I ask between sobs.

After hesitating for a time, she finally answers: "We're not. We will be staying the week here." She says in a rather confident and satisfying tone.

I look at her in shock, dismay and even little bit of terror. "WHY!?" I scream.

"Well, you and Max are off school this week and The Gunny says it will be a great opportunity for us to all be together and to get to know each other better. So, I have taken the week off work and we will be staying here." She says with a deep sigh of satisfaction.

My world has been shaken and I start to tremble and cry. "But why do we have to stay here? They hate me! I don't want to be here! Please, can't we go home?" I blubber between sobs and sniffles.

"Oh, Ronald!" My mother says loudly. "Don't be so melodramatic. They don't hate you. They don't even know you. Give them some time and I'm sure you'll become the best of friends and will become inseparable from Max. He has shown a keen interest in helping you. The Gunny and Max only have your best interests at heart. They may seem a little rough and gruff around the edges, but they are real men and they will be a good influence on you and help you to man up and not be so girly." She says, almost embarrassed it seems.

I can't remember the last time she had called me Ronald. I don't think she ever has, actually. I start screaming: "I don't want to stay here! They don't like me and they don't have my interests at heart and they don't want me to man up! They want me to be a girl!! And Max doesn't want to help me. He's mean to me and makes me do things I don't want to do!" I holler exasperated and mad and hurt.

"Now stop that!" She hollers back. "Don't be so ungrateful! They do not hate you and they certainly don't want you to be a girl." She says with a bit of a laugh. "You just haven't had a man's influence for so long, they just seem that way. Don't be so silly." Now she is laughing.

I lay there, panting and sobbing as it occurs to me that my mother is abandoning me. I take some deep breaths and finally calm down enough to ask: "Why didn't you get me some new church clothes?" I think the question took her back a bit, cause all of the sudden a questioning look crosses her face as if she didn't know what I was talking about. Or maybe she expected me to keep complaining.

"What do you mean, sweetheart?" She gently asks. Now that is my mother that I remember.

"You got new clothes to go to The Church. I've never seen them before and I know what clothes you have and you didn't have any like that. So why didn't you buy me some clothes too? You had to know that special clothes were necessary, or you wouldn't have gotten them for you." I manage to squeak out while blubbering.

My mother just stood there silently in deep thought and finally answers: "Well, The Gunny said that I needed them. When I asked him about you, he said new clothes wouldn't be necessary. I'm sure he didn't know that they would make you wear your underwear." She says trying to defend herself and The Gunny.

"He knew!" I say angrily. "Otherwise he wouldn't have told you to get new clothes! He knew what would happen and he wanted it to happen to embarrass and humiliate me! He knew what they would make me do! And it wasn't my underwear! It was girl's panties!! He and Max planned it all!!" I scream.

"Now stop it!" My mother throws back at me. "I'm certain that neither The Gunny, nor Max, planned to embarrass or humiliate you! Stop being so inconsiderate and ungrateful!" She continues.

"Yes, they did!" I scream. "They want to embarrass and humiliate me and make me a girl!" I scream louder.

"STOP IT!!" She screams in a voice that I have never heard. "Don't you dare mess this up for me! I have given up everything for you since your father died! I have had no life for nine years, having to take care of you! This is a great opportunity for us both and I will not have you messing it up! You will do as you are told and behave properly! And you will appreciate all The Gunny and Max are doing for you! Do you understand me?!" She is shaking and screaming.

I stare at her wondering where the woman, my mother, who has taken such devoted care of me has gone. I resign to my misery and situation as I turn over with my back to her. After a moments pause, she stomps down the hallway to The Gunny's bedroom. I realize that it must be her bedroom now too and start crying, wishing for the life I had before he came.

I lay there crying as I try to think of something nice and familiar. And I start to think of my friend, Joe. He lives across the street from me and we have known each other for years. We would switch off having sleep-overs at each others house. He and his dad would take me places: the pool, ballgames, camping, fishing. It was really nice. I eventually doze off thinking about how we would wrestle with Joe's dad. We would tag team him. Of course, he was a lot bigger and would always win, but sometimes he would let us win. He would get on top of me straddling my chest and start to tickle me. He would tickle me for a long time and I would get so excited and laugh so hard, I would almost pee myself, but he would always stop just short of it happening. He would do it to both of us. It was really fun. I always got a nice, warm feeling when he would play with us. It was like he was my dad too when I was at their house. I miss him and Joe. I miss my dad.

As I lay there still breathing the odor of Max's scent and curled up under the tiny blanket, I was content with the warmth of my dream until I noticed an even stronger smell of urine and a warm wetness all around me. I wake up bewildered and slowly come to recognize Max standing over me, peeing on me with his large, self-satisfying grin and sneer and he sees the horror in my eyes. When he finally finishes, he tucks his "manhood" back inside his underwear and running shorts and smiles at me and shakes his head condescendingly.

"Pops!", he yells. "The princess has wet the bed again!" The smile broadens on his face as The Gunny and my mother appear at the bedroom door. My mother looks embarrassed and mad. The Gunny is furious. In one giant move he has grabbed me up and has sat down on Max's bed and has the pajama bottoms off me before the count of three. At the count of four, his big hand starts connecting with my bare bottom. And it hurts. He hits fast and hard as I start screaming, kicking and crying. But I am no match for his power and strength as he holds me down with one hand while his other connects to my butt. Each smack is emphasized with words of 'disgusting', 'brat', 'baby', 'little girl', 'princess'.

After several minutes of spanking, I am hoarse and lifeless having capitulated to his overpowering strength. He pushes me off his lap onto the urine-soaked mat. He stomps to the door, turning and staring me down. His face is red and I imagine steam shooting from his ears as you see in the cartoons. He tells Max to have me clean the mess up and then to give me a bath and get me cleaned up. Max pops to attention yelling his patented 'aye, aye Sir!'. Which he has down to an art, although his smile is obvious. The Gunny stomps down the hall and out the door saying he will be back shortly and my mother heads off to her bedroom. Max stands there, towering over me with a smile so big, you'd think it would break his face.

After standing there for a few minutes, reflecting on and basking in the glory and recognition of the power he now holds over me, Max tells me to get up and take off the pajama shirt and to start cleaning up the mess. I do as told then get down on my hands and knees and use the pajamas to clean the urine puddles from the floor. Max kicks me on the butt and tells me to lick it up. After all, I don't want to pass up the opportunity of taking his pee, do I, he asks with a sneer. I look at him with tears down my face as I meekly mumble: "No, Sir." I start to cry as I lick from the puddles on the floor realizing that my life will never be like it was before he came.

After I have licked up all the urine from the floor, Max tells me to follow him. As I start to get up, he pushes me down, telling me to stay on my hands and knees and to follow him to the bathroom. I am to crawl, but first he wads up the urine-soaked pajama bottoms and shoves them into my mouth. The humiliation is at its highest point and I am at my lowest as I wonder what other evil Max can make up as he heads to the bathroom and I follow, crawling behind him, like an obedient puppy.

Max once again shuts and locks the door behind us. I know this is not going to be fun. He slaps my bottom as he goes to the bath and starts the water running. He starts taking off his clothes saying he may as well have a bath at the same time as he is all sweaty from running and working out. His smile grows on his face as he sees my expression realizing that this is not going to be pleasant for me.

Max stops the water and tells me to get in. I do and he gets in right behind me, pushing me down to my knees and hands me the bottle of soap gel and tells me to wash him and to do a good job. His "manhood" is staring me in the face and it appears to be growing as I put gel in my hand and start to rub up and down his legs. Max directs me in washing him. To get here or there to rub harder or softer. By the time I get to his penis, he is rock hard, pointing straight up, four maybe even five inches. He tells me to rub and wash him and to be gentle. He smiles as he sighs at my ministrations. He then grabs my hand and closes it around his shaft and starts leading my hand up and down. I understand his intent and start to masturbate him. He moans in pleasure and tells me to take his balls in my other hand and to work them at the same time. I do and his pleasure is magnified. I continue to masturbate him as he rocks back and forth in my hand, moaning louder. Then all of a sudden, he takes a big, deep breath and yells: "Sweet Jesus!", as he starts to shoot and cums, squirting onto my face and body. I lean back on my haunches as his climax lessons and then stops. His eyes are closed and all that is heard is his shallow, rapid breathing. After coming down from his high, he opens his eyes and looks down seeing his cum all over me, smiling and saying that he has marked me as his bitch and that he is my man and he owns me. I sadly look up at him and he pats my head saying: "Good gurl!". He then tells me to open up as he releases another stream of his pee on me, washing me off and marking his territory.

We hear noises from the other side of the door and Max gets out of the bath and tells me to wash up quickly. He is drying off as The Gunny yells to hurry up and to bring the princess to the front room. Max gives his obedient and respectful 'aye, aye Sir' as he sneers at me, knowing what lies in store for me. I finish washing myself and dry off as Max puts on a clean pair of white briefs and t-shirt all the while humming to himself and a self-satisfying manner. I dread what is in store and expect another spanking from The Gunny. Boy, was I wrong!

I ask Max what I am to wear and he replies, nothing. He reminds me that I was just recently punished and the rule of the house is that I am to remain naked after a punishment. He laughs as he reminds me then opens the door as he goes out in just his underwear and I follow behind him, naked.

My mother and The Gunny are sitting on the couch with several packages on the floor in front of them. Max moves to just in front of them and assumes his parade rest position and I, not knowing what else to do, stand beside him. The expression on The Gunny's face is still extreme and it appears that he has not calmed down any at all. My mother's expression is just as dour. They are both looking me up and down with disdain.

The Gunny focuses on my immature penis and testicles and inhales deeply and says: "The princess is not circumcised. That is inappropriate and not good for a young boy."

My mother offers: "But his pediatrician says it is perfectly normal for boys not to be circumcised these days."

The Gunny dismisses her comment with a wave of his hand saying: "I don't want to hear what a female baby doctor has to say about the upbringing of boys. They haven't a clue on what is proper or normal for growing boys. He needs to see a real man's doctor. Max has an appointment on Tuesday. I will bring him along and get him an examination and assessment from a real doctor." The Gunny decrees, rather smugly. The smile on Max's face gets even bigger and broader, if that is even possible. I become more miserable knowing that there will be no end to my suffering and humiliation, regardless of the stated objective of The Gunny, or Max, or even my mother.

The Gunny orders Max to open the packages and Max produces his most manly 'aye, aye' that he can and jumps with obvious pleasure to the first bag. Tearing it open like it was christmas, he lets out a loud "sweet" as I take in a deep, terrifying breath, as he dumps two bags of diapers onto the floor. And not just any diapers. They are real diapers, not disposable ones. The ones that look like hand towels. Along with the diapers are plastic pants. Girl's plastic pants in soft colors of pink, blue and yellow and some with little designs of flowers, cats and such. I start shaking in anger and fear as I realize what is about to happen as Max wastes no time in tearing into the next package. With undo ceremony he dumps baby oil, baby powder, baby wipes and other things that go along with diapers, like little shirts and such. He can't hide his excitement as "cool" and "awesome" and "sweet" escape his lips as he picks up and inspects each item.

Moving on to the next bag, Max dumps out what appears to be little girl's underwear. Panties and vests. All in various pastel colors and some others with designs or little animals. To increase my horror and misery, there are little girl's nighties! Another bag contains some little boy's underwear; cartoon briefs and plain white ones and t-shirts. My misery grows deeper and Max begins to chuckle as he inspects everything.

The Gunny as not taken his eyes off me as he measures my expression. I notice my mother looking at me as well, with no trace of remorse or embarrassment as Max picks up and shows off everything. The Gunny says: "As you insist on acting and behaving like a little baby girl, you will be treated as one. Max, get a towel to lay on the floor." Max pops up quicker than a Jack-in-the-box, hollering his 'aye, aye' as he runs to the bathroom. He is back before I can even comprehend that he has laid the towel down. The Gunny instructs me to lay on it. "Maisie, show Max the proper way to diaper a little girl. He will be responsible for dressing and changing the little princess and I want to make sure he knows the proper routine. Generally, after a punishment the boy will remain naked, but I am making an exception in this case so the princess can get used to his new diapers."

"Yes, Gunny", my mother responds as she moves almost as fast as Max to kneel beside me. She fumbles through the items on the floor gathering what she wants, then, positioned between my legs, she rubs all around my genitals with a baby wipe then lifts my legs running it over my bottom and up and down my crack. She then squirts the baby oil onto my penis and testicles and starts rubbing it all around, not seeming the slightest embarrassed by doing this to her 13-year-old son. She instructs Max to raise and spread my legs as she does the same to my bottom, making sure oil is spread evenly along my crack. Just as she reaches for a diaper, The Gunny instructs her to stop and for Max to follow what she had done. Max and my mother quickly change places and in no time, he roughly wipes me down with a new baby wipe, paying extra special attention to my crack and hole. He then squirts a large amount of baby oil on my genitals, eagerly spreading the oil all over them, in not so smooth of manner, making sure he rubs my penis and squeezes my testicles. He then picks my legs up with one hand as he rubs the oil on my butt cheeks and up and down my crack, taking measures to make sure the oil gets into my hole as he pushes his finger in and out, all the time smiling and chuckling.

When he is finished, he rubs the oil on my body to clear his hands and watches as my mother takes out a diaper and places it underneath me. She instructs him on how to fold it up and pin it. He does it up, making sure it is tight then pats my penis asking how it feels. He then pulls out the pink plastic pants and puts them on me, cooing and giggling all the while, ending his performance with a couple of smacks to my legs. His smile is enormous. My mother has no expression and The Gunny is just sitting on the couch with a satisfied sneer. I am in tears as another part of my life is torn from me as I am humiliated and embarrassed being put into diapers. My mother then takes out a small shirt handing it to Max and has me sit up so he can put it on me. It is very small and short, barely reaching my mid-section. My mother nods her head in approval, while The Gunny tells Max he has done a good job. Max beams with pleasure and pride as he stares wide-eyed at me, his evil smile burning into my mind.

Just as I was thinking my life could not get any worse, there is a knock on the door. Max pops up and tells The Gunny that his friends are coming over for a workout. The Gunny nods approvingly as Max heads to the door. Max opens the door, greeting his friends and invite them in as I am standing there in the baby girl diapers. They are the boys he was playing with the day before who were amused that I was in little boy's underwear and they can't help but notice and laugh and stare at me now wearing diapers. The Gunny warmly greets the boys and they all exchange pleasantries while all staring at me. The Gunny then tells Max to take me along and start my workout as well. Much to Max's and the other boy's amusement and pleasure and much to my dismay and misery, Max pushes me out toward the garage gym with his friends right behind him, all giggling at my new humiliation.

Next: Chapter 5

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