Before He Came

By travis smith

Published on Apr 22, 2023







"May I take a shower, please, Sir?" I meekly asked while standing in the middle of Max's room dressed in the little boy's pajamas he was making me wear.

"No, you may not take a shower!" Was his curt, annoyed reply.

"But I smell of pee. It stinks." I said, trying not to cry.

Max was on me quick as a flash and body-slammed me to the mat that was to be my bed for the night. With his face just a mere inch from mine and with a look that would stop a rattlesnake from striking, he said: "No, you do not stink! That is man smell! My man smell! And you will breath it, taste it and smell it all night to remind you that I am a man and you are just a little boy and that you belong to me! You will learn to love and crave that smell and beg me to let you have more!" As he said this, he put his hand down the front of my pajamas and started to squeeze my testicles. I closed my eyes in pain.

"Open your eyes!" He yelled at me while squeezing harder. I did. "Open your mouth!" I did. He took in a long breath then opened his mouth and let a long string of spittle fall from his mouth to mine. "Don't close that mouth, bitch!" I cringed as his drool and spit entered my mouth and trickled down my throat. "You belong to me now! Do you understand?" He asked while emphasizing his question with more deliberate pressure to my testicles.

"Yes, Sir." I quietly replied.

"Good girl!" He said mockingly, then released me and got up. "Now get in bed and don't you dare get up until you are told or you will be facing another day of trouble, you understand!"

"Yes, Sir." I meekly replied as I got under the small child's blanket he had given me.

Max turned out the light and left the room and for the first time I noticed that the room had no door. I laid there, quietly crying to myself and wondering how my life could have changed so abruptly and drastically from when before he came. The smell and taste of Max's urine and the thought of his spit dripping into my mouth was nauseating me and several times I started to heave and was afraid I would throw up. His smell permeated the room and I finally fell asleep with it deep in my nose, lungs, mouth and stomach.

Sometime during the night, I woke with the urge to pee but I was too afraid to get out of bed after Max's warning to me. I did not want any more trouble from this younger boy who had become my guardian and nemesis. I had no idea what he would do to me if I did get out of bed but I did not want to find out. I heard Max lightly snoring with deep, long breaths while he peacefully slept. I wish I could. I tossed and turned trying to get back to sleep on the uncomfortable mat with only a small child's blanket to cover me, trying to suppress the urge to pee, with Max's smell still strong in my mind and having his pee soaked into my pajamas. He was all I smelled. And I could still taste him in my mouth. He was all I could think of. I finally dozed back to sleep.

During my sleep, I dreamt of a warm, soothing sensation covering my body. It felt nice as I laid there, until I woke with a hysterical start, realizing that I was covered in urine. Max was in bed, although not making any noise as before, when I realized that I must have wet the bed. Peeing all over the mat and myself. A sudden sense of doom hit me and I shook and shivered as I anticipated what sort of retribution would be in store for me. I was unable to get back to sleep and laid there simply crying.

I must have drifted off back to sleep, cause I suddenly woke up with a gut-wrenching pain. I was doubled over hollering and screaming waking everyone. Max laid there looking at me with an evil smile on his face as The Gunny came rushing into the room dressed in very white boxer shorts and t-shirt that seemed to glow in the early morning light. He started to question what was the problem: "What on earth.......", when the odor from me wetting the bed hit him. "You peed the bed?!" He shouted as I rolled around in pain. Seeing I was in distress, he uncovered me and laid me out flat and pulled up my shirt and pulled down the pajama pants, exposing me as he felt my abdomen. It was as solid as a rock. Looking at Max, he asked what we had to eat yesterday, to which Max replied innocently, while trying to stifle a smile, that we had protein shakes for lunch and dinner. My mother arrives, standing in the doorway with a very concerned look on her face and as she is about to ask what the problem was, The Gunny shut her down with one firm, hard look. The Gunny looked at Max, questioningly, but not in anger saying that I am too sensitive to have that much and that my guts are bound up and that I needed an enema. All this conversation going on around me as I lay there in agonizing pain, displaying my boy parts. A pain like my guts were about to explode.

"Max!" The Gunny shouts.

Max jumps from the bed and stands at attention: "Yes, Sir!" He is only wearing tight white briefs and a t-shirt. Both very white and gleaming in the morning light.

"Take him to the latrine and clean him out, then put him in the bath and get the little princess cleaned up. I can't believe he wet the bed, at his age. I knew he was tender, but this is ridiculous. We'll have to take steps to prevent this from occurring again." The Gunny says all the time looking disgustingly at me.

My mother offers that this has never happened before and perhaps it is from the protein shakes and the new surroundings and events that have taken place. The Gunny, again shutting her down with a sneer, commented that Max doesn't wet the bed and he has protein shakes three times a day and is younger than me, so it must be me. My mother then says that I had just recently seen the pediatrician and was given a clean bill of health, so she didn't think I was ill or anything.

"A pediatrician?" The Gunny asks condescendingly. "A baby doctor!? The boy needs a man's doctor not a baby doctor. No wonder he is such a girl, you baby him so, Maisie. I'll see to it that he gets a proper physical examination." The Gunny states while looking at my mother, who bows her head in acquiesce.

Max leads me to the bathroom as The Gunny and my mother go off with The Gunny mumbling things I could not hear and my mother just saying, "Yes, Gunny."

Max tells me to take the pajamas off as he starts to pull things out of the cabinet from under the sink. He brings out a rather large looking red bag with a long hose with a long white tip. He tells me to bend over the edge of the bath and I do so with my hands in the tub steadying me. I hear the water running as he fills the bag, then hangs it from a hook from the railing above. Max kicks my feet wide apart telling me to spread them all the way. I do so, although I find it an uncomfortable position and difficult to maintain my balance. Max then does things behind my back which I cannot see and then suddenly I feel a cold sensation at my anus then a quick thrust as Max shoves his lubricant coated finger into me. I gasp and start to lose balance as Max steadies me with his hand on my back, telling me to hold still. He moves his finger around and in and out, taking it out, then shoving it back in with more lubricant. Max slowly and deliberately moves his finger in and out. Pulling it almost all the way out, then forcibly shoving it all the way back in. After a bit of time with him fingering my hole, he says I am ready and withdraws his finger then inserts the white end of the hose into me, shoving it as far as it will go. Max tells me to stand still and not to move and to remain in place until he tells me to move. I meekly say, "Yes, Sir," as he releases the clamp and warm soapy water enters my rectum.

As the water fills my bowels, Max slaps my butt and leans over and whispers into my ear: "Peed the bed. What a baby. Pops is not going to let that one go. You're in for it now, princess." And slaps my butt a few more times for emphasis.

Max spends the time slapping my butt and giggling about what is happening to me. I am shaking as the bag empties and I start to feel an uncomfortable pressure to my innards. Max slaps me again and reminds me not to move as he withdraws the nozzle from my hole. "Just stand there and don't move and you better not let any water loose or you will be one sorry princess!"

The pressure starts to become unbearable and I start shaking and trembling afraid that I am going to let loose all over the bathroom floor. I beg Max to let me use the toilet and he answers me by slapping my butt and telling me to stand still and not to move until he gives his permission. Tears start to run down my cheeks as I feel water start to trickle down my legs, causing me to clinch my butt cheeks hard hoping to stop the flow. Ten minutes later, Max gives me one last, hard slap then tells me to move to the toilet. I barely make it as the water rushes out of me as I sit down. My bowels empty noisily as I continue to let the water flood out of me as Max looses it and starts openly laughing at my embarrassment. Suddenly, The Gunny enters with obvious displeasure on his face. Max jumps to attention as I sit there making farting and splashing noises as the rush of water fills the toilet bowel.

With a stern, displeased look, The Gunny addresses Max: "Make sure he is all cleaned out. You will have to give the princess a bath as he stinks of piss and shit. You'll have to take one with him. We are running late, thanks to him. No time for a workout this morning. Your clothes for church are laid out on your bed. Snap to it! You have 15 minutes!" The Gunny shouts.

"Aye, Sir!" Max yells back as he pulls me off the toilet and tells me to bend over the bath again for another session. He slaps my butt hard as I bend over, telling me I'm in for it, now. He refills the enema bag, then without warning or lubricant, shoves the nozzle up me and telling me I had better dare not move. He hangs the bag from the overhead rail and starts to slap my butt and upper thighs, all the time humming some tune. It seems he is having fun. I am not.

The water is hotter this time and I immediately start to squirm as it floods my insides. Max slaps my thigh hard with the sound echoing in the small room. "Stand still! Can't you do anything right!?" He asks as he continues to alternate slaps to my butt and thighs all the while he continues to hum. This time, as soon as the bag is empty, he has me move to the toilet and while I empty my bowels, Max starts the bath and then takes off his underwear. I stare at Max as he stands naked in front of me. He is all muscle. And his penis is huge and hairy. Probably four and a half to five inches. I've never seen such a big penis on a boy as young as Max. He looks somewhat deformed, being so young and small, yet almost having the penis and testicles of a grown man. I know why The Gunny calls him "little man". Max yells at me to get a move on and pushes me into the bath and gets in while pushing me down to my knees and as I look up at him he starts to pee over my face and body and tells me to open my mouth, grabbing a handful of hair as he does so and aims his stream straight into my mouth and down my throat, telling me to swallow fast. I try but most of it floods out of my mouth and onto my body as I choke and cough to his amusement. His urine was strong and acrid. You know how a morning pee is usually more colored and has a stronger odor? His was that way. It smelled awful and tasted worse. He finally finishes then pulls me up by my hair and spins me around, telling me to hold still. Max leans in and whispers that he thought I would like a refresher taste of him and that I can look forward to it every day. My heart sinks as I realize that I will be drinking his pee every day. He giggles as he starts to wash my back with the washcloth. He scrubs hard as he moves down my body and legs then back up stopping at my butt. He slaps it hard and tells me to bend over and grab my ankles and not to let go or move until he says. He kicks my my legs wider apart as he soaps my butt and up and down my crack then suddenly he shoves a soaped finger into me, going as far as his finger can go. He slaps me with his other hand as he reminds me not to move.

He starts to slowly move his finger in and out and I can't help but let out a little whimper. I hear him start to hum again as his continues to work my hole. He quickly removes his finger then, just as quickly, pushes in two fingers. I grunt with the sudden invasion and pain. He leans over and says: "I knew you would love this part, princess", as he pushes his fingers in as far as they will go then slowly draws them out to just his finger tips then shoves back into me. He removes his fingers and slaps me telling me to stand up and turn around. He quickly washes my front then grabs my testicles and start to squeeze as he pulls me down to my knees. He stands over me with a wide-eye sneer as he deliberately pushes his erect penis and testicles into my face. He tells me to take a deep breath and I smell his manhood as he holds my face in his mass of pubic hair. "Remember that smell, princess! That is the smell of a man; the smell of your man!" He says and then pushes me so I fall back on my back into the bath. Max quickly rubs himself with the washcloth as The Gunny yells: "You two better get moving, or there will be hell to pay. We are late. Now move it!"

Max tells me to get out and dry off and he is right behind me doing the same. He leads me to his room where clothes are laid out on both beds. On Max's bed is a pair of black trousers, a white long-sleeved shirt, very white briefs, t-shirt and socks. At the foot of his bed are a pair of highly polished black shoes. On the other bed are my khaki shorts, red polo shirt, a pair of 'Cars' briefs, black socks and my not-so-shiny brown shoes. As we dress, Max continues to hum his tune and has a sly, wicked smile on his face. I am sore, sad, hungry and have no idea of what is going on or what is expected of me. We finish dressing and Max pushes me ahead of him out of his room.

We arrive in the front room with The Gunny and my mother standing by the door waiting for us. The Gunny is dressed identical to what Max is wearing. Their clothes are really tight, accentuating their bodies. The Gunny eyes me disgustingly. You can see the disdain in his eyes. My mother apologizes that I do not have the requisite clothes to which The Gunny gives a non-interested reply that it is too late and I will just have to make do with what I have. I see my mother who is dressed almost identical. She has a white, long-sleeved blouse, a long black skirt that reaches just above her ankles and very shiny black shoes. Clothes that I have never seen before. I was confused. We did not attend church and I had no idea as to why we were doing so now or why my mother was dressed so, or where she even got the clothes. As if on cue, my mother said that The Gunny and Max have invited us to go to 'The Church' with them and she thinks that is a good idea and that I need to behave and do as I am told. She meekly smiles at me as The Gunny ushers her out the door, with Max immediately behind.

The Gunny yells at me not to dally as Max runs to open the front passenger door for my mother. I straggle behind, not knowing what it is that is expected of me only to be pushed by The Gunny telling me to move it. I have a bad feeling about things but can't put my finger on it. You know how that feeling of pending doom sometimes overwhelms you? That is how I felt, but I did not know why. After all, how bad could 'The Church' be.

As I start to get in the car, I see a child's booster seat and my already sad and depressed mood deepens. The Gunny instructs Max to make sure I am securely strapped in it so I won't fall out. Max replies in a positive, happy tone saying "Aye, Sir" as I sadly climb onto the booster. Max draws the seat straps around me and up between my legs pulling them as tight as he can, crushing my genitals and making them push out obscenely as he buckles the straps on either side of my penis and testicles. He pets my testicles hard which makes me wince, causing him great pleasure at my discomfort. Max tells The Gunny that I am secure and buckles himself in. As we drive along, The Gunny and my mother are engaged in conversation as Max sat beside me, still humming his tune with a small, sly, obvious grin. I had no idea what he was planning but was sure it had something to do with me and that I was not going to like it. For some reason, it drew my attention when my mother asked The Gunny about 'The Church'. His reply made my blood run cold. "Jesus Christ, The Savior Church", was his proud reply. Hearing that, combined with the fact that I had a restless sleep, had not had breakfast, my body still ached from the earlier constipation and my stomach was half full of Max's urine, I suddenly felt sick.

I had heard boys at school making fun of 'The Church'. They are angelical or something like that and have weird customs, rituals and rules. One time I heard that they handled snakes and that a boy got bit and died because he didn't believe hard enough. Another boy had said that visitors and new members had to be naked for the day while in 'The Church'. Another boy said that the young boys had to to do sex things with the older men. I didn't know if all what they said was true, but I was sure I did not want to find out. I broke out into a cold sweat as Max stared and smiled at me.

We arrived at "The Church" and it was huge. One of the biggest buildings I have ever seen. The parking lot was immense and The Gunny had to maneuver the car through a throng of people. People that were all dressed the same as he, Max and my mother. Every one of them had long-sleeved white shirts or blouses, black trousers or long skirts and very shiny black shoes. Every one. Every man. Every woman. Every child. Everyone, regardless of age was dressed the same. Everyone.........but me. We got out of the car with Max obviously scurrying to open the door for my mother so as to make an impression. I stood there dumbfounded when all of the sudden The Gunny knocked me along side the head. He bent down to where his face was level with mine and said in a menacing tone: "I see you need more instructions and training." I cringed as I thought what his instructions and training would be like. "I'll leave that up to Max. I'm sure he is quite capable of handling a little, snot princess like you". He cuffed me again as he extended his arm, joined my mother and led her off toward 'The Church'. Max grabbed my hand and we fell in behind The Gunny. The feeling of doom growing bigger with each step I took. Every where I looked, people were walking hand-in-hand toward 'The Church'. Men and women, boys and girls, girls and girls, boys and boys, women walking together, even men walking together were all holding hands and smiling as they approached 'The Church'. As I scanned the crowd, I noticed a few others who were not dressed like everyone else. Although they did not look as scared or apprehensive as I was. I was certain that they should have been. I had a bad feeling about this and the feeling was emphasized when we approached the doors.

Each door had a man standing before it. A man appropriately dressed in a long-sleeved shirt and black trousers with very shiny black shoes. They were addressing and welcoming each person that entered. It appeared they knew everyone by name. As we arrived, the man's smile suddenly turned into a sullen frown as he raised his hand to stop us. He took and shook The Gunny's hand as he welcomed him. The Gunny returned the greeting and introduced my mother as his visitor, then coldly looking back at me, introduced me saying that the princess was her son. The man trying to produce a smile, pulled The Gunny close and said: "I'm sorry Gunny. You know the rules. He is not appropriately attired. I can't allow him in".

"I understand Brother Simon. I didn't know that he didn't have the appropriate clothing until after we started out yesterday and did not have the time to make corrections. He will just have to go in his underwear. I'll have Max escort him to the ante room and get him situated". Brother Simon smiled at that and agreed with The Gunny's suggestion and stood aside as we entered 'The Church' and the realization of what that feeling of doom was and why Max was so happy.

"Max, take him to the ante room and get him situated. We'll meet you at the usual place. Be quick and don't dally". The Gunny instructed.

Standing straight up at attention, Max replies rather loudly with a smile so big the Cheshire Cat would be proud: "Aye, Sir". Then pushes me toward a corner door away from the others. I noticed the others that were not "appropriately attired" were also being herded off in the same direction. There were six boys, some older, some younger. Two girls and one man. They weren't smiling so much any more. We were led into the ante room where a rather old, dour looking lady was standing at the front of the room behind a small podium. She was appropriately attired. Along with her three assistants, I guess you would call them. Teenage girls. They were appropriately attired too. We were led into the room and made to form a single line with our "host" standing behind us. Max was talking with the girl assistants as they all giggled and looked in my direction, until the lady made a rather loud cough to indicate that she was waiting for him. Max got in line behind me and I could hear him giggling and could feel his smile. It seemed to me some of the other "hosts" were giggling too. All of the girl assistants had smiles as well; especially when they were looking at me. The lady in the front of the room welcomed us to "Jesus Christ, The Savior Church" and said that "The Church" had very strict rules and dress code policy and that we, 'The Visitors' (she pointing to us in the front row) where not appropriately attired. But all are welcome to 'The Church', but we would have to adjust our attire somewhat. The adjustment being that we would be allowed to enter 'The Church' in our underwear, providing that the underwear was a white t-shirt, white briefs for boys, white boxer shorts for men and white panties for the girls. If we did not have the appropriate underwear, they had some donations that were available for us to borrow. The lady then instructed us to undress as the assistants put a basket in front of each of us. We were to fold our clothing and place them in the basket. If we did not have black shoes, we would be required to relinquish those as well and just go in socks, as long as they were white, otherwise, barefoot. All of us looked at each other, being rather confused and embarrassed. One boy of about 12 or so, however, began to undress without hesitation or questions. He was down to his very white t-shirt and briefs before the others of us had even began to undress. Seems like he was expecting this. He placed his clothes in the basket which was then taken by one of the assistants and put in a corner then led away, hand-in-hand, by his "host", another young teenage boy. They both smiled as they were allowed to enter "The Church" via another door.

Everyone but me started to undress. Then I received a slight push from behind and instructions from Max to 'get my clothes off, now'. I slowly started to undress while looking around to the other 'visitors' standing in line. It seemed like no one had 'white' underwear. Some of the boys had on colored briefs or boxer-briefs, while some others had on boxers. The man had on patterned boxers and the girls had on panties that were shades of pink and yellow. And there I was in my very tight, very small, 'Cars' briefs. To which everyone giggled and pointed. The lady in front (actually, she reminded me more of that old lady from "The Wizard of Oz" that was after Dorothy's dog, ToTo. The one that morphed into the Wicked Witch of the West in Dorothy's dream. She had the same snarling laugh and looks). Anyway, she told us to remove our underwear and that an assistant would loan us a proper pair of underwear. Everyone did, but me. That is until I received a sharp slap on my butt from my 'host', Max. The ever-present, ever-smiling, ever-helpful, Max. Some of the boys covered themselves, while the others seemed to want to make sure their boy parts were seen, especially by the girl assistants. I covered myself, until I received another smack from Max who told me to stand up straight with my hands to my side. The assistants moved from one 'visitor' to the next assessing their underwear size while getting a good look at their 'attributes' and smiled. One boy, who seemed to be the youngest, was actually crying as he stood their naked in front of the teenage girl assistant, only to receive a smack from his 'host'. An older man, whom I took to be his uncle or granddad and he was not pleased with the boy's behavior and he told the crying boy that he would be corrected later that day. Max leaned into me and told me that I would be corrected later too. The girl assistant didn't stop in front of me but moved on to the next as all the other 'visitors' dressed in their borrowed underwear. All of which appeared to be a size or two too small, except for one boy's which was like three sizes too big, or even possibly a pair of large men's briefs. He had to hold his underwear as he walked. The others were wearing underwear so tight, it magnified their parts, or slits, rather obscenely. They were all lead out of the room, hand-in-hand, by their host. I stood there naked as the three girl assistants whispered to the old lady and they all looked at the contents of the loaner basket then at me. The lady gestured for Max to come up and conferred with him showing him what was left in the basket. The lady picked them up and to my horror, one was a pair of men's boxer shorts which were as big as a sheet and the other was a small pair of girl's panties. Max couldn't be happier. He told the lady that The Gunny was expecting us and that he couldn't really delay any further to find a pair of boy's briefs that may fit as the lady had suggested and said that I would just have to wear the girls panties and undershirt as boys were not allowed to wear boxer shorts. I was blushing 10 shades of red and shaking with tears forming in my eyes as my 'host' and nemesis, accompanied by the girl assistants, brought the girls underwear to me and told me to put them on and to be quick. I looked in disbelief as he held them in front of me and was about to say no when the lady told the girl assistants, who were laughing and giggling has hard as they could, to leave and get into 'The Church'. The lady approached me and told me to hurry and get dressed as services were about to start. I told her that I couldn't wear girls underwear to which her reply was, "Sure you can, princess", as she squeezed my cheeks with her cigarette stained fingers.

With that, Max stood in front of me and yanked me over his out-stretched leg and started to spank my bare bottom. The lady seemed pleased with Max's ability to handle me, but wasn't sure that was appropriate and proceeded to a chair in the corner and told Max to bring me over to her. She withdrew a rather large hairbrush from her purse and pushed me over her lap saying that this would be a better solution to the problem of correcting an unruly and arrogant child in the 'The Church' and commenced to paddle my bottom and up and down my thighs as Max smiled and looked on. After about 30 smacks and me bawling and in tears, she pushed me off her lap and told me to put the panties and shirt on, which was a sleeveless shirt with tiny straps resembling a man's athletic, wife-beater, t-shirt with the exception of the pink bow in the middle at the neckline and small lace lining the entire thing. I sat on the floor sniffling as the lady took my hand and standing me in front of her and holding the panties at my feet with instructions to step into them. I did. She then told me to take off my black socks and that I would have to go barefoot into "The Church". After I was 'appropriately' dressed, both Max and the lady smiled and led me into 'The Church'.

The services had already started as I was ushered into "The Church". The auditorium was huge and was filled from top to bottom with people all dressed appropriately. It looked like a football stadium during national championships. People covered every open space. They were all standing, hand-in-hand, singing and swaying. It reminded me of that movie with all of the penguins. It would have been funny if I wasn't being paraded through the crowd with red eyes, tears running down my face, snot running out of my nose, being dressed in girl's panties and my red thighs obviously revealing a recent spanking. Girl's panties that were too small, I might add, which made my small endowment very obvious. Max had the smile of 'The Grinch' as he pulled me to where The Gunny and my mother were. My mother looked embarrassed when she saw me and handed me a tissue. The Gunny looked mad. Max? Max was very pleased as he situated me between him and The Gunny.

After a few more songs, the Preacher took the podium and quietly stood there while he waited for everyone to get quiet and sit down. His smile was so big, it bothered me. It reminded me of that disappearing cat. The one that disappears and all that is left is its' smile. I was scared, nervous, embarrassed and feeling sick to my stomach as I wondered how much more badly the day could go.

There was a big choir seated behind the Preacher all dressed in black robes with a white sash. On one side of the stage, there was a group of men seated, all dressed appropriately and looking happy. On the opposite side was a group of people, mostly young and teenage boys, a few girls and a few adults. All dressed in very white robes and all barefoot. They were not looking happy, but I had no idea what they could be worried about. I thought they were a special choir, but I soon found out otherwise. There was another group of men standing around them. Big men. What was really odd about the whole scene, not that the scene wasn't odd anyways, was that there was a wooden cross looking like object in the middle of the stage. Not that a cross in church is odd, but what made this odd was that it was short, like it had been cut off in the middle and was laying flat instead of standing upright. The Preacher made a few announcements then started into his sermon about responsibility, respectability, honesty, piety, humility, love and respect, honor. As he hollered and yelled at various parts in his speech, people would jump up, swaying their arms saying things like "Praise Jesus" and "Amen". It looked to me that one woman fainted but I couldn't see that well from where I was sitting. Whatever it was, they just left her laying on the floor. Everyone was enthused with the Preacher's sermon, but for the group dressed in the white robes on the corner of the stage. They actually looked miserable and with each passing moment they began to look more and more miserable. Then the Preacher announced that it was time for "Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child". The entire auditorium was on its feet roaring and cheering as if the home team had just made the winning touchdown. The faces of group in the white robes looked whiter than the robes they were wearing.

After it had gone quiet, but with everyone remaining standing, one of the men seated on the far side of the stage approached, hugged the Preacher and it looked to me that he kissed his cheek, then he approached the podium as the Preacher backed up a few steps. He pulled out a sheet of paper and looking from the white robed group to the audience he began by repeating some of the things the preacher had said. Then, he called out a name. Michael Peterson! The auditorium was so quiet you could of heard a pin drop. A boy of about 14/15 from the white robed group slowly raised his hand and one of the nearby men pulled him through the group and up to the podium. The boy was already shaking and trembling with tears running down his face. The man looked sternly at poor Michael and asked him what his sins were. The boy trembled and shook and had to be prodded by a hard smack to his butt by the man who escorted him to the front. The speaker held the microphone close to Michael's mouth as the boy finally managed to say that he was masturbating while watching his older sister take a bath. The audience gasped at the revelation. Michael was openly crying and begging for forgiveness. The speaker stood there in silence while Michael cried and the audience hurled insults of 'pervert' and 'nasty boy'. Everyone was involved and shouting at Michael. Even The Gunny and Max. Which I found to be quite peculiar after all he had done to me the previous day and this morning. The speaker held his hand up and the crowd immediately silenced. He then asked the crowd: "Spare the rod or save this child?" The crowd simultaneously shouted: "Save this Child!" Michael would have collapsed if his escort was not there to catch him and hold him up.

Another one of the men, whom I considered to be guards, came forward and they took, more like dragged, Michael while he struggled in their grip to the cross. A third man arrived and ripped the white robe from Michael who was completely naked underneath. He was stood facing the crowd in all his glory. The speaker asked for Michael's sponsors to come to the stage and from the front row a teenage girl and a woman stood and approached the podium and stood beside the speaker. I assume it was Michael's sister who he had spied on and their mother. The speaker extolled Michael's story of not having the firm hand of a man to guide him and that he had fallen into sin and the ways of the devil and his dear mother no longer knew what to do with him. The crowd gasped and begged and prayed for mercy and forgiveness for Michael. The speaker read out again Michael's transgressions then referring to a book on the podium, reminded the crowd that this was not Michael's first transgression against his sister. The crowd booed and hurled more insults as Michael was exposed and held naked in front of them. The speaker once again raised his hand and the crowd immediately became silent. Again reading from the book, he announced that the appropriate punishment was 6 lashes. He asked Michael's mother who agreed with the punishment. He then asked Michael's sister, who was crying and said that she had never been so humiliated and that it didn't seem enough. The crowd agreed, to which the speaker referred once again to his book and announced that he thought 12 would be sufficient. His sister, through her tears and sobbing, agreed while trying to suppress her smile. The crowd roared "Amen", "Amen", and the speaker announced that the punishment has been set and Michael would receive three cleansings and be moved into the protection of 'The Church' where he would receive further cleansing, counseling and protection from the devil. Michael was struggling as the three big men laid him down and strapped him to the cross.

Another big man entered from a side door carrying a large strap. It must have been six inches wide and four feet long. I shivered as I realized what was going to happen to Michael. While Michael pleaded for forgiveness and mercy, his bonds were checked and double checked. Another man inspected Michael's backside and announced that he was ready and healthy enough to receive his punishment. The big man approached and looked at the Preacher, who nodded, then raised his arm and brought the strap down on the poor, trussed up Michael. The sound was deafening. No one spoke or uttered a sound, but all were enraptured with the scream that shot from Michael's throat. The speaker announced "One", as the man prepared for the second blow.

The strapping continued as the speaker announced each stroke. I think Michael passed out, or perhaps it was just from the exhaustion, pain and humiliation that he was no longer able to scream after each stroke as the strap took its purchase against his young flesh. A girl in the white robed group did pass out. They left her there. The man worked himself up and down Michael's back, buttocks and upper thighs. I could see the marks appear from where I was. I felt sorry for Michael, but as I glanced to Max, who was thoroughly enjoying the punishment, I saw a huge grin on his face and his very huge and very hard 'manhood' pressing against his tight trousers. I shuddered as I realized that I would probably end up on that cross as well.

The crowd was hot with excitement as each from the white robed group was called and their sin and punishment announced. Max was still hard, his 'manhood' pushing to escape his trousers and he occasionally rubbed. I glanced at The Gunny and he was in the same state of excitement. It seemed a lot of the men were also excited from what I could see.

As each one from the group was released from the cross, they kissed it and the strap held by the big man and then were escorted to the other side of the stage, where they stood, naked, as they observed the others receiving their punishments. The group was finally diminished with the last penitent, a man, having received his punishment for fondling a boy on a church-sponsored swim trip. He received the most strokes at 35. The group was lead off the stage, still naked. The crowd was pleased and yelled the requisite "amens" and "hallelujahs." The speaker held up his hand and then asked if there were anyone from the crowd who someone felt needed 'correcting'? A lot of hands shot up and "here, here" came from around the crowded auditorium. I noticed the man with the small boy from the ante room holding up his hand. Much to the boy's obvious distress. As I looked around, I saw a motion from my side and saw Max standing tall with his arm pointed up as high as he could get it. The speaker looked around and seemed to be counting hands, then looked at his watch and back at the Preacher, who shook his head 'no'. The speaker announced that they only had time for one or two others and asked who was in most need of correction? Several hands again shot up and people saying that they needed it as the man with the small boy stood on his seat and loudly announced that the devil had entered his grandson and that he feared for his very survival. The crowd came to immediate silence as the Preacher moved to the podium and asked what had happened. The man said that he had caught the boy wearing his little sister's clothes and applying his mother's makeup. There was an audible gasp from the crowd. But that wasn't the worst of it. The boy had been stealing money from the grandfather and paying other boys to allow him to take their penises in his mouth to gratify them. The crowd erupted with words of 'poor child', 'demon child', 'save the boy', 'jesus, save us', 'spare the rod, spoil the child'. And so it went as the boy fell to the floor crying, the men on the stage gathering around to discuss it, all while the man, still standing in his chair with his hands in the air, begging for help for the poor child.

I could tell Max was frustrated and upset that he wasn't acknowledged as he stared at me with a look that would scare off rigor mortis. The man was instructed to bring the boy down and required the help of two of the guards to get the boy to the stage, where his underwear and t-shirt were quickly removed and he was stretched out over the cross, yelling and pleading. The group of men conferred with the boy's grandfather and then it was announced that the boy would receive weekly cleansing and be moved into the protection of 'The Church', where he would be counseled and cleansed and protected from the devil. The crowd gave their approval and consent by a chorus of 'amens', 'praise jesus for saving this child' and 'hallelujah'. I felt pity for the boy but was relieved at having dodged that bullet, but knew that I would end up on the cross, sooner or later.

The boy received six strokes with the large strap and was lead off (dragged off) the stage to rounds of 'amen'. The Preacher took the podium and waited for the highly excited mob to calm down. It took several minutes. The Preacher announced that the service is concluded and for everyone to join him in prayer, especially for young Davey, the boy who had just been taken away. The crowd obeyed. After the prayer, the Preacher announced that there would be the usual Sunday dinner in the basement dining hall and all that could were invited to attend and partake in the good food that the Women's Association had prepared. A round of cheer went up and people started moving toward the exits. I was relieved that I did not receive a 'correcting' and that we were leaving and I could get dressed and out of the place. The Gunny had other ideas and as we moved along with the crowd, he told my mother we would be going to the dinner and that would give her the opportunity to meet members of 'The Church' as well as the women of the Association, which he thought would be a good idea that she join. Bowing her head, she said, "Yes, Gunny".

As we moved along the corridors leading to the basement, I asked my mother if I could get my clothes and get dressed. I was immediately smacked along the head by The Gunny who said that we were still in 'The Church' and that I had to stay that way until we left. My heart sank as I knew everyone would be looking at the little boy dressed in girl's panties. Max was still upset at being spurned and upped by the older man, but despite his displeasure, I noticed he was still erect as was several other men in the crowd.

It seemed that everyone knew The Gunny. Stopping to say hello, nice to see him and how big Max was getting and what a lovely woman my mother was. All the while, eyeing me and obviously pleased to see my embarrassment having to wear the girl's underwear. We finally arrived at the dining hall after about 30 minutes of walking through groups of people who all wanted to talk to The Gunny and meet his new "friend". The Gunny couldn't say enough about my mother and of course how his "little man", Max, had to step up to take care of her older, yet more immature son. It seemed important to him to let them know that I had wet the bed as well, just to emphasize my immaturity. I was surprised, but obviously relieved that he didn't have me take the panties off just to further show my immaturity. Everyone stared at me and some even commented on me being in the panties, to which The Gunny just brushed it off with a wave of his hand and a laugh, saying what else do you think a little princess would wear. Much to everyone's humor and my humiliation.

We entered the dining hall which was as huge and as big as the auditorium itself, stretching across the full length and width of the building. I was shocked to see all of the penitents standing by the entry way, all still naked, and sort of on display. They were in sort of a receiving line with people passing by, shaking their hands and the penitents asking for their forgiveness. Another surprise was that it seemed like all had been showered and cleaned up as they all looked fresh and revived. Another surprise was that they were all entirely smooth with no body hair at all, with expectation on their heads and even that hair had been cut short. They had been completely shaven smooth. I know this cause most of the boys and the men and even the girls all had pubic hair before their punishments. Even the first boy, Michael, was sporting a good bush of pubic hair but he was now as smooth as I was. I'm sure they were embarrassed but they didn't seem to let on that they were. It seemed that they were more concerned with getting forgiveness from the people of 'The Church'.

The room was amazing. There were lines of tables covered with food along both sides, the front and down the middle and people just following the lines and filling up their plates. It looked like they were feeding an army. I guess they were. There was a dais up front with the Preacher, the speaker and some of the men who had been on the stage earlier that morning. The Gunny instructed Max to fill my plate as a precaution of me spilling it. I'm not sure if he was thrilled or upset at having to take care of me, but he did so like a good soldier. When I told him what I wanted, he got the complete opposite. We both resigned ourselves that this was our new fate. Me being an irresponsible, immature little boy and Max having the burden of tending to me. Everyone, but me, seemed happy to be there.

After things had settled down and all had eaten, the speaker got up and went to the podium at the front and raised his hand to silence the room, which upon seeing him, became immediately silent. He welcomed everyone and made a few announcements and such then said that the penitents would be cleaning up the tables after we had left, so to just leave things where they were. He then said that there were a lot of guests today and that he wanted to properly welcome them and instructed all the sponsors and their guests to line up at the back opposite of the penitents and as people left to make sure to stop by to greet and welcome them. If it could have, my heart would have sunk further as I realized that I was a guest and that I would be in that line for the whole group to see me dressed in just a little girl's panties and undershirt.

People started hustling about lining up when The Gunny rose and said that we needed to get in line. He saw my disappointment which caused both him and Max to smile broadly. The Gunny led us to the end of the line, with my mother and I side by side and he and Max on each side of us. I tried to hide behind my mother but The Gunny was not having it and firmly grabbed my shoulder, squeezing as he moved me right out in front. The line started and I stood like a deer in headlights as everyone stopped to meet us, welcome us and stare at the little boy wearing girl's panties.

The line lasted for over an hour as everyone had to go by and greet the newcomers. The Preacher and the speaker were at the end of the line and were more than pleased to meet The Gunny's new woman. There were comments on how much Max had grown and The Gunny sung his praises about being a 'little man' and rising to the occasion to take care of me, again having to tell the story of how immature I was and that I had wet the bed, just that night. I thought Max's face would break if he could smile any more. He looked the proper little hero, his chest all puffed out and his head in the clouds. The two men were especially interested in meeting me and made sure that they got a good eyeful of my humiliation. When asked why I was so dressed, Max offered up that there were no other loaner underwear available and he had to make the decision to take me out of 'The Church' or to dress me as best as he could. He was congratulated for his quick decision making ability with both men shaking his hand and patting him firmly on the back. Max was beaming; the Gunny was proud; my mother was looking at the beautiful decorations around the room; and I was humiliated and wished the floor would open up and take me.

We finally leave the dining hall and make our way to the ante room. I was finally beginning to see a silver lining thinking that soon I would have my own clothes and would be away from this awful place, these awful people and back at my own house with my mother and all of this a bad memory like it was some sort of nightmare. I was actually beginning to feel happy until we were in the ante room and my clothes were no where to be found. Max was smiling; The Gunny was fuming and I was again seeing my life dissolve into humiliation. After a few minutes of searching, which didn't seem to be very heartfelt by either Max or The Gunny, The Gunny announced that I would just have to travel home dressed as I was. Max started giggling. I started crying. The Gunny started to the door.

The ride home was miserable. I was again strapped into the child booster seat by Max who made very certain that I was securely strapped in, with the straps again pulled up around my genitals and pulled tightly to make them poke up. He again patted me there and then blew me a kiss as he said we were all set and buckled himself in. Max certainly had a good day. Just the exact opposite of mine.

We finally arrived back at The Gunny's house about 3PM, having been at 'The Church' for almost 8 hours. My mother was excited about all the people she met and said that she had been invited to join the Women's Association. All the while Max was going on about needing to exercise. The Gunny agreed with Max after congratulating my mother and saying he was proud of her, which made her gush like a schoolgirl. The Gunny said we would go for a quick run and then do some workout in the gym and that my mother should go lie down and rest as she appeared rather worn out. As I wondered if things could get any worse, I found out that they were about to. The Gunny told Max to change into his workout clothes as he led my mother down the hall. When she asked if Max had anything for me to wear, The Gunny looked at me frustrated and annoyed and said that I would go in my panties.

I was really beginning to miss my life before he came.

Next: Chapter 4

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