Before He Came

By travis smith

Published on Apr 12, 2023



I don't know how long I had been standing there in the corner of the kitchen. I needed to pee badly but was afraid that if I left, Max, my sitter and tormentor, would come in. I wanted to laugh but was afraid I would pee where I stood. "My Sitter". Here was a boy two years younger than me being placed in charge of me by his dad who just started dated my mother. And I mean just started. This is their first date and he is in charge of me, keeping me naked, spanking me and requiring me to call him sir. My life certainly has changed from what it was before he came.

Suddenly Max bursts into the room from the back door. He is a mass of muscle and every bit of it is being accentuated by his tight t-shirt, shorts and the sweat pouring over his body. He is totally soaked and all his muscles as well as his "manhood" as he refers to it is on display. His face is beet red. I'm not sure if it is from the exertion of his run or his displeasure of me interrupting his run. I can barely stand still as the urge to pee is becoming stronger and stronger so I start to shift my feet and squeeze my legs together. Max glares at me with an expression that would stop a rattle snake. He charges for me and starts slapping the front of my legs hollering for me to keep still.

"Don't you know that at parade rest you cannot move, you little pansy!!" He screams at me.

I'm not sure if that is a statement or a question so I do not know how to answer or if I even should answer. Tears are rolling down my face from the smacks and the increasing urge to pee.

"I'm sorry, Sir, I need to pee really badly, please". I start to beg, blubbering like a little kid.

He smiles and mocks me: "Please, Sir, I need to pee. Did I ask you if you needed to pee or if you knew what standing at parade rest means?" He asks as he again assaults my thighs with his big bulldog hands.

I start to snivel more. "Sorry, Sir. Please can I go pee. I got to go real bad!" I almost scream.

He eyes me and laughs as I try to squeeze my upper legs while trying not to move from my position of parade rest.

"Fine, follow me". He says as he starts for the back door.

I move to follow and as quick as a cat he is slapping my thighs again front and back.. "Don't you know you are to come to attention before moving from parade rest?!" He yells at me. "Get back into the corner!"

I"m crying and struggling to keep from peeing on the floor where I stand and go back to the corner and get into position once again.

"Now, follow me!" He says.

I start to move again and he again starts to smack the front and back of my thighs. "Are you stupid? Can't you follow one simple command?" He yells as his hands leave huge prints on my legs.

He pushes me back to the corner and standing right on top of me his face in mine, screams that if I don't do it right this time, he will make sure I understand.

He starts to walk to the back door and says, "Now, follow me, bitch!".

I recall seeing him stand straight as we drove up earlier so I do too trying to stand tall while not pissing on the floor and start to follow him. I stop and he turns. "What's wrong now, princess?" He mockingly asks.

"I can't go outside naked, Sir", I say as I tremble from the pressure on my bladder and the fear of him hitting me again.

"Yes, you can go outside naked and you will go outside naked if you want to pee. And if you pee of my floor, you'll be licking it up. So you better decide quick, princess, just what you plan to do."

I had no doubt that he would make me lick it up if I should indeed pee on the floor, so I quickly followed him out the door. "Good girl", he smugly says and he leads me to the middle of the yard. He stops and turns and says, "OK, pee".

I look around startled and scared that someone will see me, but the yard seems secluded enough, so that is not a worry. My worry is having to pee in the back yard in front of Max.

I stand there. "Go on then," he orders. "Pee."

Tears continue to stream down my face. "I can't, Sir."

"Well, I guess you didn't need to pee as badly as you thought you did". He laughs at me and heads back to the house.

"No, wait, please, Sir. I do need to pee. But I can't pee out here with you watching me". He again gets right up into my face and with a snarl says: "Well, you better get used to it, princess. Cause I will be watching you all the time, no matter what you are doing, or where we are, so you better get over it quick. Now pee or get back in the house, Now!"

I stand there crying and holding my penis, trying to pee. But the situation and my fear of Max make it impossible to go. "I'm trying", I cry. "I can't, Sir. Not with you watching me." I blubber.

He comes up on me and again smacks the front and back of my thighs which are now turning bright red from all of the abuse he has handed me. He grabs my penis and testicles and squeezes saying: "You better try harder, princess. You're doing it wrong anyway." He scoffs. "Girls squat to pee, so squat like a girl and pee. You have 10 seconds to get it going or you'll be back in the corner again." He says as he pulls my penis down and I follow into a squatting position. If things could get worse. It was bad enough to have to be outside naked and pee in front of Max. Now I had to squat and pee like a girl.

"Better spread those legs, princess." He yells at me. " You pee on them and you'll be one sorry little bitch!" He yells as he comes behind me and smacks my butt. I start to pee. There, in the back yard, naked, squatting like a little girl, while Max laughs and taunts me.

"Good girl!" He mocks.

I flood the ground with my urine as tears pour down my face and Max laughs at his newest conquest. Me.

Max laughs at me as I try to spread my legs further apart as the pee starts to spread over the ground. I finally stop and Max just stands over me with a condescending smirk on his face. Grabbing me by my hair, he lifts me up. "OK, princess. Let's go. We have some business to attend to." He says as he pulls me toward the house. Once inside, he pushes me to the middle of the room as he pulls out a chair and quicker than I can figure out what is going on, he has me over his lap and starts to spank me.

After about 10 minutes of him spanking me, alternating from one cheek to the next and to my upper thighs, Max pushes me to the floor, where I quickly curl up and grab my sore bottom, while crying and blubbering like a small child that has just been spanked by his dad. Max stands and pulls me up with him.

"You know why I had to spank you, princess?" He asks.

Blubbering, I say, "Yes, Sir". Crying and hyperventilating trying to gasp for breath, I manage to squeak out that it was because I interrupted his run.

As Max pushes me into the corner once again, he smiles and says at least I learned something today and that I was to practice running. Smacking my thighs once again to ensure he had my attention, he told me to start running. When I looked at him without comprehending what it was he said, he smacked my legs again.

"Stand there and start running" he yells. "You will run in place until I think you understand what the word 'run' means. Now start running, princess".

I start running in place still crying and sobbing. He slaps my thighs again telling me to get my legs up higher. As I stand there running, Max pours himself a cold glass of water as he sits and watches me. I'm running in place, naked, crying and sore from the spanking and continual smacks I receive from this younger boy who is taking extreme pleasure in tormenting me. This was only the beginning of how my life had changed, before he came.

"Turn around, bitch"! Max orders. "I don't want to watch your little boy bits flop up and down", he laughs at me.

I turn and continue my running in the corner as I hear Max pick up the phone and make a call.

"Hello, Sir", he starts, sounding as contrite as possible. "I'm sorry to disturb you, Sir, but I wanted to ask permission for some friends to come over. We were planning on playing some ball and such". After some pause, due to receiving his answer, I assume. He continues, "Yes, Sir. Thank you. No, the princess is no bother. I have had to correct him and punish him on some issues, but I can look after him. Yes, Sir, thank you. I will, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

I'm not sure, but Max sounded as afraid of the gunny as I was. Or perhaps that is the way he always talked. I wasn't sure. I was sure, however, that I did not like the idea of his friends coming over and seeing me naked and being bullied by this younger, stronger boy. But that was just what was going to happen.

I hear a drawer open and the noise of some objects being moved around and the drawer closing again before I feel a terrible sting to my butt. "I said keep your legs up! Jez what a pansy! You better get with the program, princess, or you will definitely regret it!" He yells as he continues to spank my butt and thighs with a wooden spoon. "Don't stop or you will be getting another spanking, sweet thing!" He yells as he exits the room.

I lift my legs higher and feel a new flood of tears down my face as I tell myself that I already regret it. Not being so sure what the "it" is that I regret but sure it has something to do with being naked, standing in a corner and running in place in a strange house, with a boy I had only met a few hours before, who was the son of a man I had just met only moments before that. I certainly was beginning to regret "it", alright. My life certainly was different before he came. I just didn't yet know how much different it was going to be.

I hear Max on the phone but cannot make out much of the conversation. I hear only bits and pieces of it. Like 'bitch', 'pussy', 'pansy', 'princess'. I'm sure he said those louder so I would be sure to hear them. I did hear that he had permission for whoever was on the other end to come over to play some ball and that he and some others would be there shortly. Max re-enters the room and immediately begins to paddle my butt with the wooden spoon, expressing his displeasure at having to take care of me when he and he buddies were going to go the the park and such. But they are still coming over and I had better not embarrass him or I would be in store for some more punishment.

Max tells me to stop and turn around. He is inches from my face staring at me and willing me to die on the spot. That is the first thing I have agreed with him on all day, as I too was hoping I would die on the spot. After staring me down and I look to the floor in submission, he backs off and picks up my underwear and tosses them at me.

"Here, put your panties on", he says as he replaces the wooden spoon to the drawer.

I struggle to put them on as quickly as I can in an effort not to displease him any further. They are tight and hurt my sore thighs and butt. But I am relieved to have them on to cover me up and I am silently happy as I think he will at least let me dress before his friends arrive so they don't see me naked. I was actually about to thank him for it, until he comes up and yanks them high between my butt cheeks and squeezing my penis and testicles.

With another slap, he says with some disgust, "I told you this is how you are to wear your underwear", emphasizing his words with additional smacks to my very sore butt and thighs. "Now, come on. We are going outside. And he starts pushing me through the house to the front door. I try to resist, not wanting to go into the front yard with only my underwear on, especially with it pulled up high between my butt cheeks.

As if knowing what I am thinking, Max says, "Don't worry, princess. No one will care. As far as anyone is concerned that sees you, they will just think you are my little brother outside playing. No one will care. Little boys play out in their underwear all the time around here. Now, move it!" He emphasizes as he pushes me out the door.

He stops by a chest and pulls out some baseball gloves and a ball and pushes me off the porch into the yard. I look around cautiously hoping not to see anyone and much to my relief, I did not see anyone. Max tosses me a glove and tells me to go to the other side of the yard as he moves to the opposite side. Before I know it, he throws the ball right at me. I duck as it barely misses my head and goes past me.

"You're suppose to catch it princess. Now go get and throw it back" He yells and shakes his head in disgust.

I run to get the ball and throw it back. Now remember, I told you that I was not athletically inclined. Well, my throw, for lack of better word, was a failure. Barely making it halfway to where Max was standing.

"Good God!" He yells in between his laughs. "You call that a throw?! You throw like a girl. No, actually a girl can throw better than that." He mocks and laughs as he runs to pick up the ball.

Max returns to his side and launches another throw at me. It's coming hard and fast and of course I move out of the way as it whizzes past my head. Max almost passes out from laughing. As he tries to catch his breath and I run to retrieve the ball, three boys come riding up on bikes and stop behind Max. I stop dead in my tracks. They are all staring at me as they bump fists with Max. I hear one asks who I was and Max tells them that I am the son of the woman his dad is going to marry. One asks why I am in underwear to which Max replies that I am just a little boy and calls me over to them. They start to laugh as they see the Toy Story briefs pulled up high between my butt cheeks and highlighting my small testicles and penis.

As they all stare at me, Max tells them what a pansy and little pussy I am and that his dad has named me princess, which I fit the name perfectly. He tells them I can't run, I can't throw and can even catch a ball. They all stare in mock surprise and express their sympathy to Max. Max grabs my glove and runs to the porch and returns with a basketball as they all move toward the garage to play ball. Max tells me to follow and then to move to the side and get into parade rest while they play ball. The other boys start to laugh as Max tells them that I am 13 and that his dad placed him in charge of me. I can feel the tears welling in my eyes as they mostly ignore me but occasionally look my way and laugh.

After some time of playing ball, in which I was "accidentally" hit while the ball was being passed from one boy to another, Max says it is time for a break and tells everyone to go inside for some drinks and to cool down. He turns to me and says, "Come on, princess, you too. I can't leave you out here by yourself." He laughs and the others promptly follow his lead. You can tell Max is definitely the leader of the group.

I start to move but think better of it as Max shoots me a mean glance and remembering my earlier instructions, I come to attention before moving, causing the other boys to laugh at me. I follow them inside and as soon as the door has shut, Max orders me to remove my underwear reminding me that I am not allowed anything to wear in the house. I look at him pleadingly and meekly say, "Please sir, can't I keep my underwear on?"

Max is on me in a flash smacking my thighs and saying no, that I am now allowed any clothes in the house and to take my panties off, to which the other boys laugh. All eyes are on me while I take down my underwear and then the laughing and mocking starts as they see my underdeveloped penis and testicles. I try to cover myself as Max smacks my hands away telling me not to cover up and that I have nothing to hide. They all comment on me being older than all of them, yet they are all more mature and developed than me. One even comments that his little brother, who is 8, is more developed than I am. Max laughs and says we will all have to compare one day to which everyone laughs at and agrees with. Everyone finds that funny but me as they all go into the kitchen with me trailing behind trying to stop from crying.

They all sit at the table and Max tells me to get glasses and lemonade for them. I look questioningly at Max who gives me a very stern frown and repeats his command for me to get them drinks. As I do, they can't resist in knowing why my thighs are all red to which Max tells them that he had to spank and correct me on several occasions. They all admire Max and express their sympathy for having to be burdened with me. Max says it's all good and that I will soon learn my place. After I serve their drinks, Max orders me to stand facing the corner again and to practice my running. The tears start down my face as I stand in the corner, naked, running in place with his friends staring and laughing at me.

As the boys talk and stare at me, I try to think of things and how my life was before he came. I do think I was happy. I got picked on a bit, but nothing like I have endured the past few hours. I had friends and did lots of things that were fun and I really enjoyed. With the reality sinking in on what Max told his friends about my mother marrying his dad, an awful dread starts overwhelming me as I realized that I would be at Max's and probably his friend's mercy to be treated however he wanted. The tears starting flowing as the boys mock me and as Max retrieved the wooden spoon and started smacking my butt and thighs hollering at me to get my knees up and to run faster. Everyone was amused. As I run, the boys discuss various topics as sports, good looking girls and things they hope to do at some point. All eyes are on me as they enjoy my nakedness and submissiveness. Max, however, has a face of sheer hatred and loathing as he watches me.

The boys soon depart as Max tells them that he as to get dinner ready and then get me a bath, explaining to them that he was required to bathe me and then put me to bed. The boys found this particularly funny and commented on my being such a little boy and pansy having to be taken care of by a younger boy. Max told them again that he was in charge of me and that I would soon learn to be a good little princess and that I will sure to please them. He then expressed his disappointment in not being able to go to the park with them but assured them that next week they can go and get a real game on. They all bumped fists and left. Max returned to the kitchen with his face more in a scowl then before, telling me how its all my fault and that I am going to regret things and that I had better learn my new place very quickly. I wanted to tell him that I already regretted things but thought it was not the right thing to say with him being in such a mood. I was unsure about what my new place was to be, but was more than certain that I was not going to like it. As I continued running, Max again got out things to make another protein shake. After we finished, I once again cleaned up the kitchen as he sat watching me. I could feel his eyes penetrate my body with a mixture of hatred and pleasure.

After I had finished the dishes, Max lead me to the bathroom where he started to fill the bathtub with water. I said I took showers and that I could do it myself to which he immediately got into my face again telling me his dad had issued orders for him to bathe me and put me to bed and that was exactly what he was going to do. Once he filled the bath to his satisfaction, he told me to get in. The water was ice cold, him having not put any hot water in at all. He starts laughing as I yank my foot back out. He smacks me again and tells me to get in. I complain that the water is too cold and he tells me that I am not allowed any hot water and will get used to it and to get in. I start to tremble with fear and cold as I get into the cold water as Max looks on with a smirk on his face.

He gets a wash cloth and the soap and kneels beside me as he starts to lather up the cloth telling me to stand with my back to him with my legs spread. I tremble as he squeezes the cold water over my body to which he slaps my butt saying to stand still. All of you know what happens when a boy gets into a bath; the urge to pee suddenly hits me. I tell Max that I need to pee and he just dismisses it saying I should have gone before I got in. I shake and shiver as he pours cold water over me rubbing me all over. He then starts to soap and wash my butt crack rather roughly. I feel his hands going up an down my crack, but no cloth. He lingers at my hole, slightly pushing in but not really entering. He does this a few time before he finishes with pouring more water over me then tells me to turn around. I tell him I need to pee, but he ignores my pleas. Then as I am turning, I start peeing and a strong, steady stream of bright yellow urine hits the bath water and the odor hits the room. I start crying as Max looses it and starts smacking the front and back of my thighs calling me a little baby and pansy. He suddenly leaves the room then quickly returns holding a ping-pong paddle and as quick as he can, he is sitting down on the side of the tub with me over his lap, pounding my bottom with the paddle. Hollering what a baby I was for not holding my pee and that I was going to learn fast and that I was also going to be a very sore little boy.

Max continues to paddle me as he calls me all such names of abuse, most of which I have never heard of. After about five minutes of paddling he pushes me into the shallow urine-tainted bath water, saying that I was really in for it when his dad finds out. He then stands on the edge of the tub and pulls down his shorts and begins to pee all over me. He orders me to my knees and then aims for my face telling me to open my mouth. As I open my mouth, his urine hits me and I start to gag as he floods my mouth telling me not to move.

"You belong to me now, bitch", he says with pleasure and venom.

I kneel there crying as he pees over my face and in my mouth. He finally runs dry then gets down and opens the drain asking how I liked it, laughing. I'm afraid to say anything as I shiver with cold and humiliation. I ask if I can wash off and he says no. He tells me to stand there and not to move as the leaves the room.

Max returns with a smile on his face and orders me out of the tub and guides me to the toilet asking me if I need to pee, to which I say no. He then sits down on the toilet and shows me what I am to sleep in that night. They are little boy pajamas. And I mean, little boy pajamas. He said they were his when he was much younger but should fit me. They have cowboys and indians and horses and pistols all over them. They are truly little boy pajamas. He dresses me, with me still damp from the bath, saying how cute I look. They are actually a bit small for me, but do fit. They have cuffs around the wrists and ankles. You know just like the ones little boys wear. Max is pleased with how great they look on me. I try not to cry as Max leads me to the bedroom.

Max says as I delayed too long in getting things done, there is not enough time to show me how to properly make my bed, so I will be sleeping on the floor. He already had a small mat out on the floor with a little boy's blanket that matched the little boy's pajamas I had on. He told me to lay down, go to sleep and that I was not allowed up until reveile the following morning. Max left, leaving me on the floor crying, wishing for the return of my life before he came.

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