Before and After

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Jun 3, 2010


Before and After

"Time will tell, I guess"

Written by ACJ aka Tsc

******************************************************************************** Hi Readers so last part was wow! mark Kissing me and all, I don't know, he is definitely on my mind a lot. and he would be perfect in helping me get over my ex. I don't know only time will tell if I can fully get Oliver out of my system but Mark sure is helping with the process. ********************************************************************************

"Trigonometry seemed like a peace of cake compared to my Crazy Emotions , why was I blushing he wasn't even in this class I snapped out of it and saw a few people looking at me "What?" I asked they all looked away , was I that obvious "just in case if you didn't know today is secret admirer day, this is the fifth year we have been practicing it and if you don't know the meaning well what it means is , throughout the day , you will get a gift , but you wont know from who , if you want to send one to someone you can , you have to go to room 102 , the Rec room to do so ,and you cant send one to yourself"" the class laughed then there was a knock on the door "I got a delivery for Steven Mitchell , Alex a boy in my grade said the teacher pointed to me , he came over and sat the medium box on my desk everyone was looking at me , I hated getting attention , "what's In the box" Megan a girl next to me said I shrugged my shoulders "open it " I opened the box it was a watch , I took it out then the note "Time can only tell when I will see you again" I said out loud "aww that is so sweet" Megan said "Try fruity " Ben a guy behind me said "shut up Ben , I don't see anyone sending you anything" who could have sent this, maybe it was Mark or Oliver ,no why would it be Oliver he is with Amanda , but Mark was single and we made out and it was awesome.


. "god you're a good kisser Steve, I love your lips and your hazel eyes are amazing you are way cute you know that" I blushed he smiled " Good night Steven, I hope you enjoyed the game" "I did , I loved watching you play" why did I say that he chuckled " I'm glad you did " he kissed me again his tongue slid in my mouth I was definitely on cloud nine I felt his fingers in my hair as he pulled me in closer my cock was expanding in my jeans I backed away for air " I should go , I guess I'll see you around" I stated he nodded I got out and closed the door "looking forward to it"

Maybe it was Mark, but I haven't seen him since the kiss in his car , why would it be him, the bell started to ring , I packed up my books and left out josh was waiting for me outside of class "hey ace , so someone sent you a secret admire gift" he looked at the box in my hand then me "yeah, but I don't know who" I stated "who do you think it was , hey maybe it was Oliver " he stated I looked up and saw Amanda with a gift Oliver came out his class room "I love my gift" she said kissing him "nope , safe to say it wasn't Oliver" I chuckled "what's so funny" Josh asked as we started to walk again " I think I'm finally over him , like really , I mean I think about him, but it doesn't hurt that much" I stated Josh smiled at me "good I'm glad your moving on , you deserve to be happy" I smiled "yeah I do" we walked into Science lab , Josh sat at the work station with me , class started we were learning about Chemical Reaction, then there was a knock on the door the same guy from last period came in "I got another Delivery for Steven Mitchell" he came over and handed me a box he grinned "you must be really popular" he left out "another one, wow Steven I think I'm getting jealous" we both laughed I opened it , it was a snow globe inside there was a teddy bear that was holding a sign that says I love you "who was sending me these gifts , people were wondering the same , a few people in the class got a gift through out the class even Josh , he got a empty box with a note that said call me cutie he was ecstatic I couldn't help but laugh at that

At lunch time , Josh was scanning around the lunch room , I sat down with my tray he took some of my French fries "I wonder who she is " he sat there actually pondering who sent him the note " Just call the number" I Said "I cant just call" I shrugged my shoulders "who says it's a she" I stated he looked at me "you think it can be a guy" he asked "I don't know but you shouldn't assume it's a girl , maybe its Tommy Winston" I laughed "no , god no , he is so Girly" "what does that mean" I asked "you act like a guy , as you should , he on the other hand wears tight clothes and knee high boots and his hair is as long and shinny as a girl" I laughed " Josh , some guys have long hair" I stated "I know but his smell like strawberries , last year I thought he was a hot girl I tried to talk to him , because all I saw was his back , I was like wow that girl is hot look at that body , that ass , then I went over to talk he turns around and its Tommy from grade school, I wont lie he dresses better then most girls but not my cup of tea" I laughed "oh snap, Josh tried to talk to Tommy" I laughed "stop that someone will hear you" I stopped , Oliver and Amanda came and sat at our table "what's going on" Oliver asked "nothing" I chuckled Josh reach over and punched my arm "ouch" I rubbed my arm still laughing Oliver and Amanda looked at us "really its nothing , so what's up" I said rather pleasantly they both looked at each other then me "nothing much , I am throwing a party at my house tomorrow if you two are interested" Oliver looked at josh then me "yeah we would love to come" they both had weird looks on there face Oliver because he thought I would say no and Amanda because well I don't know why then she smiled "The party should be a blast then" she added I smiled "yeah it should be, what time does it start" I asked "Um come around seven" Oliver said I felt his foot touch mine under the table it kind of rubbed against my jeans I moved my foot . we all talked a little while longer and I figured , what happened happen and I didn't want to live in the past anymore , I just wanted to live in the present . Lets just hope it goes better then it did in the past. After lunch I walked to my next class "Steven wait up" I turned around and mark was running towards me "slow down" I grinned at him he smiled "did you like the gift I sent you" yeah I did, thank you , but you didn't have to get me two and you weren't suppose to tell me I'm suppose to guess" "hey I didn't get you two gifts , I guess someone else got a eye for you , but too bad because I got there first" he moved in closer we heard laughing , it was his friends coming down the hall "I have to go ,maybe I will see you later" he back up and winked at me then walked down the hall yeah maybe I thought to myself

  • After school I got home , "Steven is that you!" I heard my mom I walked to the kitchen mom was making dinner "can you go get me the Oregano from the spice rack" I did as I was told "mom it smells good" she smiled "thank you and it will taste better, so what's up sweetie, anything new happened" I sat down on the counter "Steven come on your not five anymore" I laughed "I met a guy his name is Mark and he likes me , can you believe that" she grinned "so I take it your over That Oliver boy" I shrugged my shoulders " I don't know I still care for him a lot but Mark, he is great and he likes me , why not give that a chance" "awww sounds like my little boy is growing up" she pinched my cheek "mom!" she laughed I got off the counter "Is Dad is still at work?" I asked "yeah , why you want to talk to him" she asked "it wont do any good he wants nothing to do with me" I felt sad that my sexual orientation drove us apart, if it was anything else maybe I could fix it but I couldn't change what I liked and wanted "that's not true , he loves you," I felt my eyes burning I was about to tear up "yeah he would love for his queer son to get out of his house" I turned and left out the kitchen to my room , my solitude. I laid on my bed if this bed could talk


"you want to do it now , what if your parents come home" I laughed "Oliver they wont trust me" he pushed me back on the bed "then I guess we should get this stated" he got down on his knee's and unbuttoned my jeans and slid them down "wow Steven Mitchell going commando" he bent down and licked the head of my cock "Ollie that feels so good" he then started sucking my cock I grabbed his hair and helped him along he gave a great blow job "it feels to good I'm going to cum" he took his mouth off and began jerking my cock my body jerked as cum spewed out I was panting , he stood up and took off all his clothes I laid back , he kissed every part of my body "Steven turn around" I did just that I felt his lips on my neck and then my back he was kissing down my body then I felt his hands on my ass cheek, then I felt something he had never done before I felt his tongue on my hole "Oliver!" "you like that" "yeah but where did you learn to do that" I asked "I've been watching gay porn, and I see the guys do it , and the way they act , I suppose it feels good" he stated "it does" he resume to Rimming me "Oliver fuck , what are you doing ot me" he spread my butt cheeks farther then I felt a finger slid in me with his tongue still flicking at my hole "Fuck yeah" I moaned "your so hot Steven I want you so bad right now" "fuck me, Oliver" he stood up "you got a condom" he asked "Have you been with anyone other then me" I asked "no you're my first" then we don't need a condom just put some lube on your cock. He went over to my dresser and got some lubricant and applied it on his dick then came back over I turned around he lifted my leg and leaned his muscular frame into me, I felt the head at my hole "you ready" he asked "yeah, I'm ready" he pushed in and he slipped in me "oh god your so tight he began fucking me in Rhythm "fuck Oliver fuck me" he was moaning like crazy , it felt like he was pushing a button in my body I felt explosions he leaned down and kissed me as he was drilling my hole I grabbed the back of his head and ran my fingers through his hair "oh god Steven , Steven baby I'm cumming"

I was back to reality and with a hard on at that . I wonder if I would ever get the chance to do that with Mark , share something so intimate with him , he is a really great guy , I wondered how big was he , Oliver was at least seven and a half inches , myself seven . That didn't matter to me though because Mark was Awesome and I love how I feel when I am around him..

*********************************************************************** Hey so thanks for reading , well it seems Mark is really interested in Steven , And it also Seems Oliver does not want to fully let him go I mean the foot action under the table at lunch . And we finally get to see a little bit of Steven's home life and a past sexual experience between Steven and Oliver ************************************************************************ *Dreams are only Dreams When you do nothing about them. ************************************************************************ Hey let me know what you think so far, Email me at ************************************************************************

Next: Chapter 4

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