Before and After

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Jun 2, 2010


Before and After

"Moving on moving forward"

Written by ACJ aka Tsc

***************************************************************************** Hi guys , so i take it your back for the second part , you know having your boyfriend cheat on you is the worst thing in the world , at least i thought it was , kissing Mark Delauro seem to be the worst thing because he is straight and could possibly kill me. lets Resume where we left off *****************************************************************************

"Mark!" I shouted he turned why did I just call his name , oh god and he is coming back over "you called" he smiled with his blue eyes fixed on me "um" I looked around there was no one in the halls I moved closer and kissed him his lips were so soft and vibrations went through my body then I backed away he got wide eyed I could tell he was stunned "I'm sorry ,oh god um sorry , please don't hurt me" I backed up and hurried down the hall "what the hell did I just do.


"I'll tell you what the hell i just did i kissed one of the many sexiest guys at this school , he always had a girl by his side and he had a reputation as well what possessed me to do this. I felt embarrassed the whole day I didn't even care if he told the whole school It was the fact that I did it , he didn't look happy about it or disgusted either just shocked I saw Oliver and Amanda a few times and each time he would stare at me , I would just look away it hurt so much. . At lunch I sat down next to Josh he started talking about something but Oliver smile captivated my attention , he was sitting with his other friends Amanda sitting there practically on his lap, how I would love to gut her like a fish, okay sorry shouldn't have shared that. Then he looked over to me his warm beautiful eyes sparkle as he smile at me , I turn my head and think of a happier time.

************************************************************************ Flashback

"What is this place" I asked as we walked through the woods "I like to come here when I want to be alone , we went further until we got to a pier, it stretched out into the river we walked all the way to the end there was a chair he sat down "sit" he spread his legs I sat down laying back resting my head on his chest he wrapped his arms around me " I love you Steven , so much " he kissed me on top of my head "I love you too, wow we finally said it no turning back now" he laughed "yup no turning back your mine forever" I stood up and got undressed "what are you doing?" Oliver had an amused look on his face "this" I jumped into the Water I looked over and Oliver was taking off his clothes ,he jumped into the water he swam over to me I could feel his legs touch mine I wrapped my arms around him and we kissed "I want to have sex again Olli" he kissed my neck "right here in the water" I splashed water at him

"no fool, when we have a chance" he laughed "sounds good and I love when you call me Olli" I grabbed his cock and began to stroke him he began moaning "Steven, this is nuts" he said I tightened my grip on his now harden penis "if you don't stop I am going to cum" I kissed him "that's *what I want I stroke and stroke and stroke "I'm gonna pop Stevie" he moaned then he did I felt his warm cum even in the water it was warm he shuddered "wow! Steven, this is definitely a first, I don't usually cum that fast

"Steven!" I snapped out of it josh was looking at me weird "what?" "dude where'd you go?" "um no where so what are we doing tonight" I asked he smiled "how about a football game" I shook my head no , Oliver would be playing I didn't want to be there "come on , dude it will be fun and you wont run into Oliver , since he will be on the field and you will be on the stands with me , and hopefully I will find a hot girl and maybe you will fine a hot guy" I rolled my eyes he laughed "we both need to get laid buddy" he continued "tell me about it, so why aren't you on the team again?" I asked "because I lost the love for the game its so superficial now, being on the team gives you a title I don't want or need" .

After lunch I headed to my English class , on my desk there was a paper I sat down and opened it there was a drawing of a shaded heart with a arrow in it and underneath it read "I care" in bold letters . This could only be the work of one cheater ex boyfriend , I crumbled it up and threw it on the floor , I guess I was still hurt from what he did. How can he write that and still be with Amanda this is the problem I had with Oliver he wants his cake and wants to eat it too after two more boring classes school was out I made my way out of my history class room and towards the stairs that's when I bumped into mark "sorry" he looked at me for a minute "um gotta go" and just like that I was down the stairs in a hurry

*** The Game

"Steven come on ! We are going to be late" I heard Josh downstairs I grabbed my jacket and left out my room, I went down the stairs to a waiting josh , his blue eyes were fixed on me in a annoyed way "sorry! jeez calm down , so are we taking separate cars" I asked "we might as well take mine considering I already came here" I rolled my eyes "hey nice hair cut" he smiled "Thanks , I trimmed it a little" his hair was cut and cropped his brown hair really brought out his eyes. And he had the same body form as mark and Oliver. We hopped in his Mustang and went to school for the game . Josh parked his car and we made our way to the bleachers "hey I got to use the bathroom you go I'll catch up he nodded and went off I went inside the school . I used the bathroom then went to my locker I forgot a book " as I was taking my book out I heard a door open then voices I closed my locker and Amanda came out she was fixing her skirt and hair

she wink at me and walked down the hall and out the door to the field then Oliver came out he didn't see me because he didn't turn in the direction I was "so you finally come out the closet" I yelled he stopped and turned he looked at me his eyes had a dull look to them not the normal sparking brown they usually are "Steven, what are you.." I cut him off "came to get a book I forgot earlier" I turned to leave "Steven! Wait we didn't do anything, just made out " I turned and faced him "Oliver I don't care anymore, you destroyed me but I wont let you continue to get to me like this, no explanations is needed we aren't together anymore" with that I left for the bleachers .

I Spotted Josh he was sitting down I went over to him and sat down next too him "a book Mitchell , you plan to read" he asked "no I forgot it earlier, I ran into Oliver and Amanda coming out of the janitors closet" he patted my shoulder "sorry man, and I told you, you wouldn't run into them" I nodded "its okay , I'm alive, whatever I am here with my Favorite buddy , about to watch a football game" "if it helps I'm your only buddy" I punched him on the arm "ouch!" we both laughed , the crowed was going crazy when the announcer was announcing the team one by one on the field when Oliver's name came up a few girls sitting around us were talking about him "he is so hot , I would do anything to be with him" I laughed to myself "yeah me too but he is with that slut Amanda" another girl stated I laughed and turned around it was three girls in our class , Rachel, Gwen and Candice "you guys I heard Amanda gave him

herpes" "OMG, really" Candice said josh laughed "I heard that too" josh added. As time passed Our school was winning big the other team, Edison high didn't have a chance. Amanda was cheering Oliver on , as she was the head cheerleader , I hated her with every fiber of my being she stole my boyfriend away , to think about it , she was always interested in him

************************************************************************ Flashback

I kissed Oliver "last night was amazing" Oliver reminded me , last night was explosive for me , it was like the seventh time we had sex but it got good every time we did it "so gay boy have you come out to your parents I asked he froze "um, Steven I didn't I don't know how , I mean I cant" I kissed him "hey, I'm not pressuring you, you do it when you are ready, I just hate having to sneak into bathroom stalls to kiss my boyfriend" he hugged me "I'm sorry" he kissed me one last time and then we left out the boys bathroom he went off to class as I was about to walk off Amanda came up to me "hi, Steven right , so you and Oliver Greyson are friends right?" she asked "um yeah why" I asked she smiled "no reason , um your lips are really red , looks like you were kissing someone" she had a evil devilish grin"

I was back at the game , she knew I was with Oliver , but she didn't care she wanted him and made it happened. FUCKING HAG

"They did it we won!" I heard Josh yell he hugged me the crowed was going wild , I missed it , me and my crazy flashbacks. We got out to the parking lot and I saw Oliver and Amanda making out "don't worry about them , he is missing out" I smiled "thanks josh" he rolled his eyes "your like um welcome" we laughed at his valley girl accent "hey Josh you want to grab something to eat" Caroline Davidson asked as we were passing by "sorry I have to drive my buddy home" "no he doesn't he would love to go with you" she smiled "thanks Steven , josh you should learn some manners" he turned to me "But you didn't bring your car Stevie, I cant leave you" he mentioned " I'll catch a ride home don't worry" "you sure" I nodded yes , he smiled then hugged me and left I began walking , I couldn't ask someone for a ride, I started walking out the parking lot , Oliver rode by the top to his car was down and

Amanda was laying her head on his shoulder he looked at me "S what happened to your ride" he asked "why do we care Oliver lets go back to your place so we can have sex" that hurt me so bad I guess Oliver saw that "shut the fuck up Amanda" that caught both our attentions "you respect Steven and that's that" he yelled at her she folded her arms and kept quiet "get in" he said with a smile

Just as I was thinking about it a car rolled up behind him "hey Steve, want a ride" it was mark I looked at Oliver who turned around and was now looking at mark, who just peeked his head out of his Mercedes Benz they stared at each other, was Olli jealous?, yeah right he had no right to be "um thanks Oliver , but mark can take me" he looked crushed I walked over to marks car and got in the passenger seat he tucked his head back in the car and Oliver looked back at me then drove off "thanks" I said quietly "so you kissed me " I looked over at him and he had a grin on his face, he began to drive "sorry about that" I put my head down "well I didn't complain did I" I didn't know what to say it had to be quiet for ten minutes I too peeks at Mark as he drove he was hot he looked over at me as I was looking at him and I looked away a few more minutes the car stopped "we are here" he said I looked out the window and we

were in front of my house "wait how do you know" I was cut off by mark leaning over and attaching his lips to mine then I felt his tongue slid in my mouth this was amazing , Mark the hottest jock next to Oliver , he stood six feet two inches , muscular slim build cropped brown hair the bluest eyes perfect mouth , it felt awesome , his hand stroked my face . Then he pulled back. "god you're a good kisser Steve, I love your lips and your hazel eyes are amazing you are way cute you know that" I blushed he smiled " Good night Steven, I hope you enjoyed the game" "I did , I loved watching you play" why did I say that he chuckled " I'm glad you did " he kissed me again his tongue slid in my mouth I was definitely on cloud nine I felt his fingers in my hair as he pulled me in closer my cock was expanding in my jeans I backed away for air " I should go , I guess I'll see you around" I stated he nodded I got out and closed

the door "looking forward to it" he said seductively and drove away I smiled. Mark the hot jock kissed me back, I walked up the brick walkway to my house unlocked the door and walked inside and locked the door , this was going to get very interesting.

*Jersey Café *

(Oliver POV)

I don't know how to feel anymore , I played games with Steven and now I am paying the ultimate price , by not having him in my life. Why did I have this curiosity , I was never interested in girls , but Amanda pursued me and I wondered what it would be like to be with her, sex with Steven was great, I guess I wanted to know what a straight guy felt , non of this was suppose to involve Steven, I was going to have sex with Amanda and Steven would never know , I would go back to being his boyfriend but he did find out , its probably stupid to think I could have screwed a girl that goes to our school and he wouldn't find out but I guess you can see where my teenage brain is. You see the thing is After Amanda and I had sex ,she ran her mouth about how good I was and she made us boyfriend and girlfriend , I just went with the flow , I remember Steven's face when he saw us holding hands it broke my heart, he was so hurt , I let go of her hand but he

went in the other directions in school . I felt ashamed disgusted with myself and that's my story that's how it escalated , Amanda came into the Café "sorry about that my mom called so is it me or is it hot outside" she kissed me and sat down "Can we talk, look Amanda its been great but" she smiled "It's ashamed how Steven hates you, I remember you two were so close but now he cant stand the sight of you , I guess no reconciliation in your future with him, I mean he wouldn't even ride in the car with us" she was right I lost Steven forever...

I arrived home and I was beat , from the game and from my emotions I parked the car in the garage and went in. We are pretty well off, not Rich but definitely upper middle class, my dad is always away working so its just me my mom and my brother Owen who is seven years younger then me he is nine and I have a older brother Cooper who is in his third year of law school. I dropped my duffel bag on the floor and my mother came out of the Den "Oh Oliver Darling your home, are you hungry I can have your food heated" I smiled "mom I can do that , why don't you sit down and relax she patted my face softly "so are you and Amanda doing okay" she asked "yes we are fine , why do you ask" she sighed "your getting that look you use to get when that Steven kid stop hanging around like your depressed, look son he is Gay you don't need to hang around that trash anyway, they are only Gods mistake" she smiled and went up the stairs , Gods mistake?

I wonder how would she feel knowing I was one of those Mistakes my mother was a good mom she would do anything for her children and I mean anything . She just didn't understand no one seem to in my life...

writer view

Steven is in so many places right now, he wants to hate Oliver but he still loves him, and now Mark is into Steven which is what he needs to forget about Oliver . Oh and Oliver regrets cheating on Steven and just when he is about to do something about it , Amanda plays mind games with Our boy Olli, and Oliver's Mother Hurts Oliver without even knowing Lets see where this all heads...

************************************************************************ *Dreams are only Dreams When you do nothing about them. ************************************************************************ Hey let me know what you think so far, Email me at ************************************************************************

Next: Chapter 3

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