Before and After

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Aug 9, 2010


*************************** Before and After "forgiveness and Realizations" Written by " Tony **************************** _________________________________________________________________________

Last time on before and after I watched Oliver and Adam get close and it did not sit well with me at all, Spencer was there to tell me to fight for the guy i was in love with . but Mark Came around and started trouble once again ending up having a fight . meanwhile Amanda had her eyes set on Lucas but Newcomer Devin seem to be on Lucas mind. During Amanda's party the two got to know one another a little more but Amanda came in and kissed Lucas ending with Devin leaving . meanwhile Adam was getting on my last nerves and when he confronted me i gave him a piece of my mind only for Oliver to here me and Oliver yelled at me . What else could go wrong , okay i shouldn't even ask that question _________________________________________________________________________

Steven **********

"Hey Mark" Spencer stopped Mark as he walked passed us

"hey you" Mark put his hand on Spencer shoulder

"so I was wondering if you wanted to study for our Exam on Friday"

Mark had a smirk on his face , god I hated him with a passion

"yeah that would be great , we can talk at lunch"

Mark looked at me for a second and then walked away

"I can feel your animosity and Sexual tension you two have"

"excuse me ? Sexual tension yeah right , I hate Mark"

"maybe it's time you just moved on , life would be easier"

" Yeah it would wouldn't it"

Josh ran up to us

"Dude Practice is Cancelled you want to hang"

"Um sure . Glad you can fit me into your Schedule buddy"

"I'm sorry. i promise to make more time for you. So Today Lauren was with her man Scott and she was totally checking me out at Practice"

"you think you have a chance again"

" I hope so. I'll call her when I get home."

"you guys are hopeless" Spence laughed

"why's that?"

Josh added

"Tell him your plan Steve"

"Spence its called between me and you not everyone else"

"so I'm everyone else Steven?" josh questioned

"no , I just . Forget it . I plan on making Mark fall for Spence and then Spence is going to break his heart"

"What? , dude that's Crazy , actually Cruel and plans like that usually backfire"

Maybe they were right . I had to just drop this for everyone's sake , before it got out of control

"you know what forget the whole idea, I don't have the energy to even go after mark anymore. I don't want to stoop down to his level it's not me I have bigger fish to fry anyway"

"what do you mean" josh asked

The three of us exited the school

"forget it, where do you want to go"

"how about infer-red"

"sounds good"

"you two go , I kind of promised mark to study , thanks to Steven"

"I'm sorry"

"yeah , yeah , talk to you later" he walked to his jeep

At Infer-red

"so how's things along the Oliver train"

"I haven't spoken to Oliver since Amanda's party like three weeks ago, we kind of avoid each other and he is busy with Adam"

"he loves you, why are you two being clichés out of a high school story or tv show"

"what do you mean?"

"for god sakes , he screws up you two break up then there's this long time when the people around you have to endure the effects of suck breaks up , like getting involved with other people and then one or both of you get jealous . But that's okay until you or him see each other getting heavily involved with someone else and you all of a sudden realize you miss him and want him back. God I should have left when my sister put on the second disc of One tree hill season 1"

"josh , this isn't fiction , this is real, he's over me and it sucks so bad"

"I think you need to tell him you want to be with him again or move on its that simple . Now on to the whole Mark thing are you serious about ending your plan because it's not you "

"yeah I'm serious about that , Mark isn't worth my time anymore. So what's going on with the whole Lauren thing"

"she know she wants me , I mean look at me"

"any girl would be lucky to have you" josh smiled at me

"thanks .I just hope Lauren can see that"

After we finished out French fries we went our separate ways

---------------- Spencer

"you didn't need my help Spencer you got it "

"yeah , I guess I do , I should be going" I stoop up and mark did too

"wow you work out" his fingers touched my arm

"yeah sometimes"

" I bet your ripped under that shirt" mark smiled

"I am actually ,but you'll never see it "

"what! Why?"

"because Steven is my friend and you go out of your way to hurt him . How can I like a guy like that"

Mark sighed then sat on his bed

"its not like I intended to do it . Fyi I'm a little screwed up . My parents have pawned me off to anyone they could growing up. They actually think

money and a house is showing that they love me . I never had people that cared about me and when I got to high school I was reckless I slept with a lot of girls to get a reputation then I switched to my main attraction guys bedding any guy I could . Steven was right I'm always trying to fill a void wanting to be close to someone even if its for an hour. And when I met steven he was so nice and sweet and you could see the goodness in his eyes . I found myself really liking him and that scared me. Is it weird that I don't know how to be good . I say hurtful things and do hurtful things to people I'm a monster"

I felt for mark , he was bearing all of his turmoil

"no your not a monster , you do acknowledge your wrong , mark just talk to Steven he'll understand and you will be able to fix this"

"I cant , I used him and slept with his boyfriend, that's not right"

"tell him, you may not have parents that care but you can have friends that do, stop pushing them away, you already have one person in your corner" I reached over and grabbed his hand he began to tear up I hugged him

"thanks Spencer . Now I know why Steven hangs out with you , you're a good friend"

"you can be too"

I pulled back and kissed him on the lips , no tongue just a sensual kiss ,he needed to feel wanted and I wanted to let him know he didn't have to be alone

"hey , how about we go out tonight, all of us, Steven , Oliver , Adam , you and I just have a good time"

"I don't think Steven will go for it he hates me"

"I wont tell him your coming you just happen to be there" he smiled

---------- Steven

Spencer and I entered the gay club. , they didn't even check for I.d's. there were a lot of hot guys but I could tell this was not my scene We went over to the bar I got a water. Spencer was listening to the water . Mark came out of nowhere

"hey Spence, "

I looked at Spencer, why was he here

Then I saw Oliver and Adam

"oh my god"

Spencer saw them as well

"Steven , you alright"

"yeah. this was bound to happen" I turned my back to them facing the bartender

"if you want to leave"

" no I'm good"

"hey Spence lets dance" Mark came over to him he got up and went to dance with mark .I was feeling really alone .

"hey" a guy sat next to me


"you want to dance" he smiled at me

I turned around and saw Adam and Oliver dancing together

"no thanks" I got Goosebumps for some reason he got up. I felt something in my pocket I pulled it out it was his phone number written on a piece of paper I turned around the guy winked at me. I turned back around

"looks like he's interested" the bartender smiled

"yeah , I guess I'm not interested"

"are you crazy he is sexy"

"yeah well , when your ex-boyfriend is on the dance floor with his new beau no one seems sexy anymore"

"oh , wow that sucks I'm sorry young man , but hey there are a bunch of gorgeous men here"

"yeah , I guess I don't want just anyone anymore I just want him" I half smiled

"I'm going to give you some advice , if you want him , go get him , what's the worst that can happen"

"he can say he doesn't want me anymore"

"then you move on , that's life kid" he walked away and attended to some other people , I noticed Oliver talking to Spencer and mark

I got up and went to use the bathroom, some guys were in there going at it , and Adam was in there using it , I went and did my business then washed my hands

"I would appreciate it , if you stop looking at Oliver it makes him uncomfortable" I grabbed a paper towel to dry my hands then faced him

"you cant tell me what to look at Adam and I didn't even look at you two, why are so defensive?"

"You act so Innocent when you clearly aren't"

"how about you stop going after my sloppy seconds first Mark now Oliver, Coincidence I think not , I'm so out of here" I began to walk to the door , the guys making out stopped and was watching us like a drama on tv

"what? can handle the truth, Steven"

"The Truth?, You want to know something, you will never be me Adam!" I practically shouted " no matter how hard you try. Or how many guys of mine you try to be with , you will never be me"

"Why would I want to be you Steven , you are your own worst enemy . And guess what Oliver doesn't even think about you . Your just a distant memory, everyone wants to forget. Why does all your boyfriends cheat on you? have you asked your self that , well I have the answer you are not worth loving. Your all drama all the time I mean your nice to look at but there's no substance" he chuckled

Your nothing Steven and Oliver has finally seen that. What's wrong you want to cry now"

I turned around and left out of the bathroom into the crowded club. I went over to Spencer

":hey what's wrong"

"nothing I need to go"

"I'll come with"

"no , I just need to be by myself

**I left out the club and walked down two blocks , my head was so clouded I forgot I came with Spence . A car rolled up on the side of me

"need a ride" I looked it was mark in his Mercedes Benz he had a smile on his face

"what do you want?" I said as I kept walking

"Steven get in"

I stopped walking

"please" I stopped and walked to his car and got in He began driving

It was Silent , and I didn't know where he was taking me but he drove , he eventually drove into a empty lot, it was quiet . He fidgeted in his seat then turned to look at me

"um, what happened"


Steven that's bull I was watching you from the time you went in the bathroom to the time you came out and then I saw Adam come out what did he do"

"I guess Adam is right , I have no substance that's why the guys I'm with cheat on me"

Mark looked sad

"Steven that's not true Adam is dead wrong he is just trying to hold on to Oliver"

"well according to him Oliver doesn't think about me anymore , I suppose that's what best"

"are you serious remember when we got into it , Oliver was there defending you , he still loves you"

"why are you being so nice to me"

"Steven I'm so sorry for everything I did, I don't know why, I guess I self destruct when I get close to people and I tend to hurt people I care about .truth is I saw the good in you , and it scared me I couldn't deal with it , so I did what I do best I try to hurt you. I say things and do things to try and push you away I saw the hatred in your eyes in the hallway after we fought I actually cried "

his voice sounded like it was cracking I reach over and hugged him he hugged me back holding me I buried my face in his neck I began to cry to , I felt a burden being lifted

"I'm sorry for everything Steven" I pulled back Mark moved closer and kissed me , attacking my lips with his, how could we go from hating each other to kissing in the car. My knee's began to buckle then we separated

"aren't we a bunch of girls"

we laughed

"that wasn't a lets get together kiss right" I asked

"No , more like a closure kiss kind of ending This part of our book, it's time to start another chapter . again I'm so sorry for hurting you"

"stop apologizing , I'm glad we buried the hatched and not in each others head because I was sick of this whole hating you thing."

I smiled

"Friends" he held out his hand


We shook hands

"now if..." I started

"whats the problem"

"no matter what I do or how far I come from moving on , I cant stop thinking about Oliver . I want to be with him, before I was trying to forget him and move on and it didn't work because it will always be Oliver that I love no one else, but Sadly he's moved on with Adam ,and it hurts like hell, almost like when I walked in on him with Amanda but this stings more because Adam a guy and if it works out , I know he wont cheat on him he will be a perfect boyfriend something he wasn't to me"

"Steven I know it hurt But hey you have the support of one more friend" I smiled

"thank you Mark" Mark looked at the time then at me

"wow it's been three hours since we left the club, how about you go to Oliver's house and tell him how you feel"

"It`s late his parent might not be too happy about me showing up"

" they aren't home , apparently his father had a meeting in new york and his mother went with , make your move what can be the worst that happens"

"why does every one keep on saying that I can think of as hundred and one worst things that can happen, but what the hell ,drive me to Olivers"

On the way there we connected like old times , maybe I was to nice but I didn't want to fight with mark , he was a significant part of my life actually the first person in my quest to get over Oliver


"Mark!" I shouted he turned why did I just call his name , oh god and he is coming back over "you called" he smiled with his blue eyes fixed on me "um" I looked around there was no one in the halls I moved closer and kissed him his lips were so soft and vibrations went through my body then I backed away he got wide eyed I could tell he was stunned "I'm sorry ,oh god um sorry , please don't hurt me" I backed up and hurried down the hall "what the hell did I just do.)

I chuckled to myself , how far I came from the day I kissed the Gorgeous Mark DeLauro in School. He is a sexy specimen in his own right . So was Tyler , the three of them were so different in appearance clearly I didn't have a type ,well Jock yeah but not appearance Having these jock boyfriends also made me work out ore create a physique I didn't know I had I actually have Pecs ha ha not the size of Oliver's or marks or Tyler's or Josh but they are becoming noticeable I'm not chicken chest Steven like I use to be . I actually gained muscle mass .

"good luck dude" Mark snapped me out of my train of thought we were on the street I looked out the window to Oliver's Two story mansion, actually it's smaller then a mansion but we all call it that I got out


I went to the door , I knew his parents were away so he was home alone I knocked no one came to the door , i knock again please be home Oliver please be home i though and he opened it

"Steven!, what are you doing here?"

"Um , Oliver I just wanted to say that I ..I love you and I never stopped and through all the hurt and pain the boyfriends and girlfriend I still love you and I miss you, your this piece of a puzzle that is missing from my heart and I need that piece back because without it nothing make since to me, no one compare to you no matter how hard I try no one can be my Olli"

I began to tear up I felt the blood rush to my face I never was this vulnerable before not even with Oliver. I poured my whole heart and soul out to him . He needed to know how I felt even if he didn't feel that way about me anymore

"Steven I.."

"Hey babe you have an extra tooth brush" Adam came to the door without a shirt on

"oh Steven , hey!" He had a smirk on his face Of course Oliver couldn't see it . Because he was behind him

"um wow I shouldn't have come here um I have to go, have a good night you guys" I turned to leave the tears wouldn't stop I lost him for good. I just took off down his driveway

"Steven!, STEVEN!!!" I heard Oliver. Then i heard Thunder , how appropriate I thought I ran to Marks car and got in the passenger seat, he looked at me shocked at how bad I must of looked I guess he thought we would make up

"what happened Steven?"

"can you just please take me home" I almost chocked on my words he drove off during the ride he kept looking at me

"hey what happened! Please talk to me Steven" I began to tear up again I felt stoned face I didn't move I didn't quiver the tears just came out pouring down my face when we finally got to my place he parked outside my house

"he doesn't want me anymore. Time to move on" Mark hugged me, it started raining

"shh it's okay I got you" he held me tight as I cried .I lost Oliver for good!"

Best character is in this Chapter

Mark: for showing a different side to Spencer and also making up with Steven

*Steven: poor guy cant catch a break, he just Bares his soul to Ollie and then Smack Adam crushed everything for him (I love Steven , he is like a little piece of me)

Adam : is actually bringing the drama for real , he was just a character that was rarely seen to one that is fighting for his guy(Oliver ha ha)

And Spencer : he just wants to bring the Piece , our little Piece maker of the The bunch!!!

P.S: Don't worry guys Tyler is not Forgotten , not by a long shot

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Next: Chapter 19

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