Before and After

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Jun 1, 2010


Before And After:

"Beginning turmoil"

Written by ACJ aka Tsc

Hi , I'm not much for introductions but my name is Steven Mitchell , the lives and people you are about to read are fictional , so if it seems you have experienced any of this its just coincidental I guess, hope you guys enjoy .

I woke up and my best friend was sleep in my bed next to me ,he turned and wrapped his arms around me there was nothing sexual about this , I was grateful I had him back in my life . It wasn't an easy process but he was here . I remember when he hated me for being gay

************************************************************************ (Flash back)

Can we talk" I approached him as he was going up his walkway he gave me a icy glance I moved closer he moved back

"I have nothing to say to you stay away from me , I don't even know you anymore" I felt sick he was my best friend how could he say this to me , how could he say he didn't know me

"Please , I just want to talk" I placed my hand on his shoulder he pushed me "don't touch me you fucking faggot" I could feel a sharp pain in my heart . We had been friends since practically the nursery how could he say this to me . He pushed me and I fell backwards landing on the grass outside of his house "I don't want anyone thinking I'm gay so do me a favor and stay the hell away

I opened my eyes jerking up ,Josh opened his eyes and sat up "you alright man" he asked looking at me worried. "yeah I'm fine " he glanced at me with a knowing look "no your not what's going on" he asked I turned to look at him "a year ago you would have cringed at the thought of sharing a bed with me" he sighed then wrapped his arm around me " I was stupid" I began to tear up "I remember when I came to talk to you and you pushed me and said don't touch me faggot " he looked ashamed then put his head down "I am sorry , you are my best friend I should have understood I was too wrapped up In my mind of what others thought and how they would see me that I didn't realize that you were hurting , I will never forgive myself for what went down back then" I nodded "I forgive you, you know that" I laid back down still facing him he did the same grabbing my hand holding it in his " not having you in my life was pure hell. I swear I missed your lectures on life and the funny part about it is you were always right about stuff that's why i always came to you for advice , your ability to know every person or character on t.v , most of all you, I missed you I actually cried some nights because of what I did, just walking away from you and i thank you so much for being my friend again, um Steve , what happened with you and Oliver?" he asked catching me off guard , I felt sour about talking about Oliver , he was my ex Boyfriend Who cheated on me. "there is no me and Oliver he chose Amanda " I stated Josh stared at me causing me to feel uncomfortable I looked away "will you look at me " he stated I did "how do you feel about him" he asked I half smiled "I really loved him , but he doesn't want me"

*School *

Lincoln high school named after Abraham Lincoln you know the sixteenth president of the united states of America, honest Abe , but this school was anything but honest, it housed a bunch of liars. Josh and I sat on a bench outside of school the morning was great , the sun was out the weather was great the sky a crisp blue. (I decided that morning to keep it casual just a light blue polo and some A.E jeans, I looked good, okay sorry back to the story) "you are an attractive guy Steven you don't deserve the crap that guy is giving you" Josh stated "I know , but how many gay guys are in our school, besides the flames" I replied back " if you look at statistic its not possible for every guy in that building to be straight, some of them are gay or are on the Bi side" josh added "that maybe true but if they don't want to be discovered they wont be , look at me I hid it for a long time until enough was enough I wasn't happy living a lie dating girls and stuff" josh nodded and patted me on the back. , we both heard music blasting josh and I looked over to see Oliver Driving to his parking space with Amanda in the passenger seat of course "I got to go" I stood up josh pulled me back down "what the hell" I yelled "Steven , stop running , its been too long he shouldn't have that affect over you , this is your school too and you will go and do how you please" I nodded in agreement Oliver walked up the steps holding Amanda's hand I had to turn josh squeezed my shoulder "hey guys" I heard Oliver sexy intoxicating voice "so what's up" Amanda added all cheery I stood up "I'll catch you later josh " I walked into school I couldn't sit there and act like we were friends we weren't , I haven't spoken to him in months after what he did. "Steven wait" I turned around and Oliver was coming towards me "can we talk" he said I couldn't look him in the eyes it hurt to look him his eyes, his shaggy sandy brown hair ,those cute big brown glossy eyes that would make anyone melt, his kissable full lips and nose he was built like a football player not husky at all but lean six feet 2, i was 5 ft 10 a little shorter then him . He was gorgeous no doubt about it , any guy and girl would be blind to see that but I just couldn't look at him in his face.

************************************************************************ Flashback'

I went upstairs to his room , I wanted to surprise him with tickets to see the black eye peas , he loves that group , I went to the door and knocked "I'm busy" I heard his voice he sounded irregular I opened his door and he was on top of Amanda Sinclair fucking her I watched as she was laying on her back and he was on top of her naked , his ass muscles flexed as he was sliding in and out of her like a jack hammer he looked backed I felt like someone stabbed me I backed out "Steven! oh my god" I ran out the house I went away for a few days basically lived out of my car I didn't want to face anyone Oliver called non stopped texting me telling me he was sorry and was worried about me and that my parents were looking for me , I eventually went home , but when I went back to school Oliver and Amanda were a couple , I had to hear it from everyone(the Grapevine) and not him , so I just stayed away from him., he would smile at me and try to make small talk but I just ignored him ,

that leaves us to today. Right now Oliver calling out to me

"I need to talk to you" he grabbed my arm and we went in the boys bathroom "I hate this , us not talking" I scuffed "that's your fault not mine, do me a favor stay away from me" he looked hurt "I never meant to " I cut him off "What you never meant to do is your problem not mine Oliver , I'm moving on" I stated proudly even though it was a lie "Can you move on from me that easy" he asked " you did , when you were fucking Amanda's STD infested pussy" he reached out and tried to touch me but I walked out the bathroom and into mark Delauro, well actually bumping into him "I'm sorry" he smiled his sexy smile "its okay" he winked and kept walking

"Mark!" I shouted he turned why did I just call his name , oh god and he is coming back over "you called" he smiled with his blue eyes fixed on me "um" I looked around there was no one in the halls I moved closer and kissed him his lips were so soft and vibrations went through my body then I backed away he got wide eyed I could tell he was stunned "I'm sorry ,oh god um sorry , please don't hurt me" I backed up and hurried down the hall "what the hell did I just do...

To be Continues...

************************************************************************ *Dreams are only Dreams When you do nothing about them. ************************************************************************ Hey let me know what you think so far, it's different then Nathan the bully and that's life I think, Email me at ************************************************************************

Next: Chapter 2

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