Beer Pong

By Jerry Prime

Published on Oct 16, 2006



In college there was nothing to do but schoolwork and party. Unless you knew where the parties were you were screwed. Luckily, everyone knew where they were so there was nothing to fear.

As I strolled up to the house with the blaring music on I wondered how long it was going to take for the police to show up and all the underage drinkers to hide in small crevices of the house. I walked in the door looking for my friend I was supposed to meet there. As I scanned the livingroom looking at all the people drinking or dancing or playing games I quickly realized he was not there. I walked to the kitchen and paid my five dollars to get my red plastic cup so I could quench my thirst from the keg by the sink. After my cup was filled I walked down the stairs to the basement where I saw a group of guys playing beer pong. Being an experienced player my self I quickly signed my name on a list to be next.

Unfortunately you needed a teammate. I looked around the room and found a lonely figure standing in the corner. He was quite attractive which made me wonder what he was doing alone. Than I thought, I'm alone and I'm hot so why can't he. I walked up to him and asked if he would like to join me on my team. He said he never really played before but would like to give it a shot. I told him that was cool and quickly explained the rules to him.

Six cups are arranged at both sides of a long table. They set up in a pyramid fashion similar to a triangle. The members of each team take turns throwing a ping-pong ball across the table and into the other teams cups, which are filled slightly with beer. Usually the six cups hold about two cans of beer altogether. When a ball makes it into one of the cups than the team who's cup it is take turns drinking each cup. The first team to eliminate the other team's cups wins and stays at the table for the next game.

He said that he could do that. Unfortunately, there was a long list until we got to play. I stayed and talked to him to get to know him since we were going to be playing together. He apparently was a transfer student from some college I didn't really know and he was studying pre-law. Great I had a smarty. He was very attractive though. He was about six feet tall with the body of a swimmer. He had brown hair and olive tan skin. Which is the opposite of my short 5'7 frame that was muscular, and my blonde hair and pale skin. I thought it was a good contrast.

It was finally our turn to play but the party looked like it was dying down a bit. It was not to the point where one felt they needed to leave but it was much more intimate. We got up to play and beet the other team fairly quickly considering he was new to the game. We kept winning and other teams kept losing. Finally the keg was kicked and we were still at the table. The team we were to play next was these two girls that I knew and they were very hot and very popular. One of them I knew wanted to sleep with me but seeing how I was gay it wasn't happening but she did not know that.

When they found out the keg was kicked the girls offered the idea of strip beer pong. Instead of drinking when the ball got in the cup the opponent must remove an article of clothing. Now I know this was her ploy to get me naked and my teammate was hot too so they probably wanted to see him naked as well. I mean hell I did. Everyone that was left at the party thought this was a great idea, especially the guys who wanted to see the girls strip.

I said I would play as long as my teammate wanted to. He said he was cool with it. So we both agreed to play. The cups were filled with water so that they were grounded. We got to go first since we were the last winners. Somehow both of us missed our cups. This is odd because we both made our first cups every time before. I knew why I missed, I did it on purpose, but how come he did. The first girl threw her ball and made it. I said I would strip first so I took of my shirt leaving me with my pants, underwear, and a wife beater. We had all agreed that socks and shoes did not count. The second girl threw her ball and missed. Damn! I threw my first ball and missed. Oh darn. He threw his ball and missed. I guess staying in the game so long he must have gotten drunk and now his aim was off. Either way I was happy.

The first girl threw her ball and made it. My teammate took off his shirt to reveal that he was wearing a white undershirt. I guess I'll have to wait until the next time. The second girl made it in as well. I decided to be daring and took off my pants. I got a few ooohs. I was now in my wife beater and gray boxerbriefs. Honestly it was getting a little chilly in the basement. I threw my ball and got it in so it didn't look too obvious that I was trying to throw the game. The first girl took her shirt off and was now in her bra. He threw his ball but still missed.

Again the girls threw their balls and one went it while the other did not. My teammate took his shirt off and revealed the most amazing body I had ever seen. His shirt did not do him justice. He was completely smooth and every muscle was perfectly fit. I quickly averted my gaze before anyone noticed me staring. So we now had two cups left and they had five. I was now in my underwear and wife beater. He was in his pants. It was very hard not to get a hard on but somehow I managed. We both threw our balls and missed. They threw theirs and made one. I took off my beater and stood there in my underwear. The girls liked it but the guys did not seem to.

To appease the gentlemen I made my ball in the cup and forced the other girl to take her top off. My teammate again missed. I did not understand this.

The girls decided to change the rules. If they both made it in the last cup than we had to strip completely and remain that way until the party was over. The one girl was not very good so I agreed and my teammate was fine with it too. The first girl threw and got it in. My teammate took his pants off and he was in a pair of boxers. It was very hard to keep my dick down. The next girl threw and it hit the rim and fell into the cup. We both looked at each other and smiled. Smiled? I shrugged my shoulders, hooked my thumbs behind my waistband and pulled down. He did the same and there we were standing there completely naked in front of these college students. All the other guys left the room but all of a sudden the room was full of girls. I noticed he had a very tight ass that was similar to my cute bubbly butt.

I stayed for about another hour completely naked before I decided to go back to my dorm. I told my teammate that I was headed home and he asked what dorm I was in. I told him and he said he lived there too but on a different floor. He asked if he could walk home with me. I said sure.

As we walked home we got to talking and I asked him how come he missed all those shots. He said he must have lost his aim after all those beers. He asked me why I missed all of mine. I told him because I didn't want to see those girls naked. He asked me why not, and than I kissed him.

He was shocked and than pulled away. I said I was sorry and started walking away and a quick pace. All of a sudden I felt him grab my shoulder and I braced myself ready to get hit but than I felt his lips kiss mine. I kissed him back and than we broke apart. After realizing this wasn't the best place to do that we went to dorm room.

I slammed the door close. Once it was shut we were all over each other. I pulled both of his shirts up over his head. He undid my belt and yanked both my pants and underwear down to my ankles. I kissed down his neck to his erect nipple. I licked both and than bit them. He let out a moan. I continued down to his bellybutton licked inside it. He pulled me up and in doing so I tripped over my pants that were around my ankles. I fell forward bringing him down with me. I lay on top of him when he rolled me over. My cock was sticking straight out when he rolled on top of it. At first it hurt but than he started grinding against it and I felt so good. He reached up and pulled my shirt over my head but missed my beater. He said he wanted fuck me and I said do it.

He flipped me over so I was on my stomach. He than grabbed me by my hip and lifted me up to my knees. I heard him undo his belt and zipper. I felt his pants against my ass being pulled down. I felt a wet finger near my hole. He rammed it in so hard I let out a yelp. He started moving his finger in and out of my ass. He did this with a quickness and a force that would have made me cry if it didn't feel so good.

He took his finger out and I felt empty. It felt like a void. Than that void was quickly filled with his large cock. I remember seeing it at the party and it was huge. He rammed it in with one thrust and I let out blood curdling scream. He covered my mouth with his hand. The pain soon subsided and I was in complete ecstasy. He took his hand off my mouth and grabbed my hips to get a better thrust. I kept moaning and panting my approval. I felt his balls slap against my ass. I was now on my hands and knees getting power fucked by the hottest guy I saw.

He took one hand off my hip and grabbed my hair pulling me back. It felt great being fucked with such force and roughness. I just kept moaning. I was so loud I swore that if anyone walked by my room they would have thought I was getting murdered. He let got of my hair and I fell forward. I lost my balance and fell from knees and was now laying flat on the floor. He did not stop fucking me. As I lay on the cold floor my ass was being pounded and my cock was rubbing on the floor. The combination of both made me want to cum right there. Which is exactly what I did. Soon after that I felt him pull out and felt his cum spray over my back. I was spent and too tired too move. I heard him get up and move to my bed. He came back and lay next to me and pulled my comforter over us. We fell asleep on the floor of my dorm room, him spooning me and me smiling.

****Thanx for reading if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or criticisms please email me. My email is . I hope you enjoyed it,

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