Been Caught Cheating

By Rebel Doll

Published on May 11, 2007


I awoke in pain. I had slept bound all night. And it also seemed that I had been hit with something to wake me up. Angela was standing over me with one hand on her hip and the other holding my bounds that I slept in. She was already dressed and ready to go. I looked around to make sure we were alone this morning, only to find we were but I was still in panties and my dick was in its trap. I also found it weird that I didn't have morning wood. I've only been getting it everyday sense I was 8 years old.

"Get your ass up and in the shower. We don't have all damn day. Go get ready and come back and get dressed, and then let's go!"

I got up and went right to the shower. The water was already hot. I could tell that Angela had already been in there before me. How long had she been up for? And why? I did my usual. Showered, shaved, and completed my new task that women do every day as well. When I got out. I found my clothes sitting on the bed. A red lace thong with a matching padded bra, black garter belt with black stockings, padded panties, the breast forms, a red business dress suit with matching heels, white silk blouse, and a matching purse. I dressed quickly, trying not to ruin the stockings. Angela did my hair and make-up, as she is faster at it then I am. She also glued my breast forms on my chest, saying that the glue would hold better than the tape. I found my nipples to be a little tender, sore, and puffy. I threw on some jewelry and perfume, grabbed my shake and purse and we left. Angela only urged me to hurry more, but never saying where we were going. In the car, I drank my shake in a hurry, as I hadn't eaten the night before and I was hungry.

And we were off. About this time, Heather pulled up and told us to wait for her. I of course had to sit in the back seat. We drove for a while. Ang and her sister talked and talked. At times, they would talk about me, as if I wasn't in the car with them. We finally ended up in a shitty part of town. It wasn't a bad place, but it did have liqueur stores next to pawnshops all over the place. We parked and got out of the car, only to find that we were at a sex shop. The inside smelled like in-scents and baby oil. There were sex toys, tapes, DVDs, magazines, and shit everywhere. We looked around till a clerk came over to us.

"Can I help you ladies find anything?"

"Well, Tina here has an 11 o'clock appointment for a corset fitting."

"Oh, ok. The mistress will see her now. Just go down the hallway, up the stairs and to the left. She is waiting for you," and smiled at me.

"Thank you!" Heather said. "I will stay and look for some stuff, you and Angela go ahead."

When we arrived at the door, I was so nervous, I was tearing up. Angela knocked on the door, and a kind of short chubby woman, wearing a black corset, velvet skirt, and black boots opened it.

"We are here for the corset fitting."

"Yes, yes! Come on in. so which one of you is Tina?"

I spoke up, "I am."

"Good. I am Mistress Shelly. I was told that you are a sub bitch and you need a corset to start corset training. Now, only speak when spoken to, don't make eye contact, and do what I say and everything will be fine. Now if you will just come over her to the circle, and stand in the middle and strip down to your panties."

I was so in shock of what was happening and where I was. I knew this chick was a professional, and I wasn't about to fuck with her. I just did what she said the entire time. Angela and the Mistress talked a lot while I was being fitted for the corset. I didn't pay much attention to what they were saying until they would speak to me, because I couldn't breathe. Mistress Shelly just kept pulling the laces tighter on the black corset. There was a mirror in front of me. I could tell she was trying to give me an hourglass figure, and she was doing a good job. I wanted to pass out; I was taking little short breaths. She assured me this was normal, and that it will pass. After what seemed like 2 hours, she was done. I heard a "click" sound and Mistress Shelly spun me around to show me off to Angela. I was wearing a black satin and lace cup and lace edged corset, with metal boning and also with a couple small locks on the back, confining me inside until my release.

"All done! As you can see, she is wearing the corset to give her a feminine figure. It also is pad locked and should only be taking off to shower. She must wear it as much as possible for the training to take effect in the time that you asked. Once she is comfortable with this corset in about 2 months, come back and she will receive her new smaller corset for an even smaller waist."

Angela paid her and we left. We went back to the main part of the store to find Heather with 2 big bags of stuff she had bought. I also found that with the corset on, the clothes that I was wearing were now a bit loose in the waist then before. Both ladies agreed that we should go shopping for some new clothes for me. As we were leaving, Heather stopped me and put my hands behind my back. I heard the clicking of handcuffs. Then she put a small collar around my neck connected to a chain. Next, she pulled out a belt looking thing with a small dildo on it. She said it was a cock gag. She shoved it in my mouth before I could say anything. And buckled it behind my head. I thought I would throw up from gagging. She then pulled the leash and dragged me to a back room of the porn shop.

"I've got you a bunch of new toys, and one of them I want you to wear before we leave."

She opened the door for me then Heather and Angela followed, shutting and locking the door. They put me over a sawhorse looking thing that was padded and fixed my collar to the bottom of it, forcing me to lean over it, with my ass stuck in the air. I felt hands at the waist of my panties, then pulling them down to the floor, both pairs.

"Now, look at that ass. All nice and white, getting a little fat though. Looks like it needs some color, what do you say sis?"

"Oh I Agree!"

"Then let's put some color on it!"

They both reached into a bag and pulled out a riding crop, and a paddle. They counted to three then starting spanking and beating my ass raw. I counted about 50 licks, before they stopped and put their weapons away.

"Your ass looks so much better now. And speaking of your ass, let's bring out your new toy that I don't want you to leave with out."

She dug in her bag a bit.

"Tada! It's a butt plug. You are to wear this until told to take it out. It will also be changed to your chastity device, making you HAVE to sit to pee like a real woman. Ready? Cause here it comes!"

And with that, I felt her stick a slippery finger into my butt, finger banging me and lubing me up, then pulled out. I felt the tip of the butt plug at my asshole. I screamed and screamed into my new gag, but it was more deafening then a regular gag. They just laughed at me. Heather twisted it as she pushed it inside of me. Tears filled my eyes from the pain. I felt as though I was being ripped apart. With one final hard push, I felt the plug go all the way in to the base. It was so excruciating that I just kept crying, upon deaf ears no doubt. Then, Heather fiddled with my chastity device, hearing a chain being attached, then my cock and balls being tugged a little and it be attached to the butt plug. Finally, she finished it off by slapping my ass and laughing and walking out. Angela had to pull up my panties and padded panties and smooth out my shirt, then un-cuffed me and detached the leash from the sawhorse. She hugged me and held me while I cried, still with the gag in my mouth.

"I'm sorry that had to happen. I'm sorry it hurt so badly. But, after this is all over and we go back to how things use to be, but better, you will see that it was all worth it. And if we can live through this, nothing can keep us apart, okay baby?"

I just nodded my head yes

We walked back to the car and I got back n the back seat again, still with the gag locked to my head. I mumbled and pointed to it to signify to take it off. Heather spoke up.

"Oh! She wants us to take out the cock in her mouth. I rather like it in there; it means I can talk to my sister in peace while you are around. You need to learn to shut your mouth when we are speaking and you are not part of the conversation. An you need to learn how to suck that dick anyways. Plus, I have something else for you too."

With that, she poked her body in between the front seats, coming into the back where I was. She grabbed my hands and cuffed them together, then cuffed my ankles as well while both pair of cuffs were linked together, making my hands stuck down by my feet. This made it more comfortable to lie in the seat. Then, Heather put I blindfold on me. I heard her go back to the front seat, and we shortly drove away. I just lied there, bound in the dark unable to speak. Only left with sounds and the pain in my ass, privates, from the cuffs on my hands and ankles, and around my chest; making hard to breath now only available through my nose. I remember hoping no one saw me while we were driving, or someone would see me like a cop. Then pulling us over and freeing me so that I could leave that hellhole. My only thoughts after that were of how I got my self into the situation and how Angela's sister seemed to be at the heart of it all. I wished I were out in a huge pool, floating on the water, free, and clear minded, alone and in the water without a care in the world. With such a fantasy in my mind, I fell asleep.

When we arrived home, I was awakening to find that I was being let loose of my bounds and told to take in the groceries and shopping bags. They had gone shopping while I was bound in the back seat. They later told me that they threw an old blanket from in the trunk over me, Making it seem like I was just a girl asleep in the back of a car. After my freedom was restored, I carried all the bags into the house. I cleaned up while the girls started cooking. They poured some wine and even offered me some. It was the first time that Heather was being nice to me. We began chatting, drinking, and cooking dinner. It felt as though they were accepting me as an equal, as a woman. It felt kind of nice, that after my days of torture that things were finally looking up. Then I heard the front door open. Oh shit! I forgot our friends don't knock anymore. It was my friend Eddy. He came in with a twelve pack of beer and calling out my name. He seemed in a good mood. Angela went over and welcomed him in and she and Heather started in with small talk

"Hey! Where is Tyler, and who's that chick in the kitchen?"

Heather points to me. "That "chick" in the kitchen IS Tyler!"

I felt as though that was my cue to walk in. I walked towards Eddy, his jaw just hung open.

"Doesn't he look pretty? Said Heather.

"Tyler? Is that really you?"

I felt a need to be funny here. "No dumb ass, it's your mom!"

"I'll leave you boys, er, you two to talk. I bet you are curious to know why Tyler is now a beautiful Amazon Goddess!"

Heather and Angela walked back into the kitchen, giggling as they walked away. Eddy finally spoke up, undoubtedly asking why I was dressed as I was. I told him the whole story. About how Angela caught me getting head from Jenny and now she wants me to wear SOME female clothing hypothesizing that I wouldn't cheat on her while dressed in such a way. Angela would come in during parts of the story to add her two cents and say that she went a little over board the past couples days and that she also just wanted to play dress up with me, saying that she never had a "girlfriend" like me before. Of course I didn't tell him what was on my dick and up my ass, AND my new sleeping arrangements. Eddy was blown away, but not freaked out as I had thought he would get. He began asking me a hundred questions, some of which Angela or Heather answered, cutting me off before I could reply to embarrass me more than I already was. He wanted to know what I was wearing underneath, if I liked it, why my hair, nails and ears were done as well. He also went as far as to grab one of my false breasts, asking what I was using for "tits." When he pulled on it, it hurt. It also didn't come off my skin. I looked at Angela, and she just smiled at me. She remarked, "Those are REALLY are there, right honey?" I got scared a little. I pulled her into the next room to be alone.

"Are these things really glued to me?"

"Yes, it was Heather's idea. She said you wouldn't cheat if a woman saw that you had bigger tits than she did." She laughed after that.

"Well how long am I suppose to have these things on?"

"Until I find a store that carries the solvent to removed them, or the glue wears off and they fall off."

"And how long does that glue last?

"At least a few months. It's surgical glue from the hospital. You could always ripped them off, but I think some skin would come off with them. Relax though baby (I could tell she was drunk), I'll found out where to buy the remover and we'll get them off surly before your vacation is over. Until then, just enjoy your breast baby and learn what it feels like for a woman on a day to day basis."

Without waiting for a response, she walked away. I quickly ran into the bathroom to see if what she said was true. I couldn't even pull the cups of my corset down enough to get to the breast, so I tried to just pull them out. It felt as though I was ripping my nipple off and all the skin around it. Oh yeah, they were on there good. With that, I began to get angry. I looked into the mirror at what my girlfriend had done to me. I wanted to get back at her, I wanted to end this. I began looking around for something I could do. I saw a plastic bag in the trash. Hoping to find a receipt or something I could use, I went in the trash. Luckily, I found one. I grabbed an eyeliner pencil and simply wrote on an old receipt "Help Me Please, Tell No ONE!" I calmed myself down. I went into the kitchen and refilled my glass of wine, hoping to calm my nerves a bit. I then walked back into the living room to Eddy. I sat next to him and began to catch up with him, as I had not seen him in a week or so. When I thought the coast was clear, I signaled to Eddy to not say anything, and to take the note I had written. I then pointed to them then the note. I continued small talk to hide my deception while Eddy read the note. He looked at me for confirmation. I nodded my head and then pointed to all I was wearing then pointed to the note again while mouthing the word "please." He shook his head yes and put his hand on my shoulder to confirm that he meant it. I let out a sigh of relief while a tear escaped my eye.

At that point, the girls came in the room and told us that the food was ready and we could eat. It was one of the first real meals that I had had since this whole thing started. It felt that they could even take food away from me. Making me feel even more helpless. We ate and drank, and drank and talked. In only a couple short hours, it was as though we were all a little tipsy. It was getting late and everyone was also tired. Eddy excused himself saying that he had to work in the morning. I thought he was "huggy" drunk. He gave me a hug good bye, only to whisper in my ear, "I'm going to get you out of this buddy, I swear." he let go, nodded at me and left. As soon as the door shut, Heather walked behind me and attached my collar, cock gag, and cuffed my hands behind me.

"Time for bed bitch, let's go!" Dragging me to the bedroom.

Angela began stripping me. Then un-cuffed me to remove the rest of my clothes. Leaving only my corset, panties and bondage gear on me, she put a black satin baby doll nighty on me. After which, pushing me down on the bed, covers already drawn. Then cuffed my hands to the top of the bed and my feet to the bottom, as I had slept the night before. Feeling a little drunk, I wasn't aware of what was really going on. Heather took off by cock gag, only to replace it with a double-sided one that was long on both sides and locked it in place. It was in my throat it was so longer than the previous one. Leaving it there, she walked out of the room and I finally heard her leave. Angela went into the bathroom only to return into the bedroom naked. She walked in and said nothing, but crawled on top of me and fixed her self just over the cock hanging from my mouth. Slowly she pushed it into herself until her pussy rested on my face. She slowly rid the enormous cock in and out of her, while the other end face fucked my throat and me. She would only make remarks like "oh yeah", "fuck yes" and "suck it you whore." Amongst a lot of other different renditions of the word "fuck." She picked up her pace after I finally stopped gagging on my end and began to fuck the hell out herself and my throat. When she came, she actually ejaculated on my face a little and all of her wetness leaked all over me. All I could do was smell her pussy, the thing I wanted the most at that moment. I was so turned on.

"That was amazing Tina. I hoped you like sucking that big dick while the other side fucked me. Get use to it."

And she rolled over and fell fast asleep. I tried my mumble to her, but she was not alive at that moment. I just lied there with the dick hanging in and out of my mouth, my face soaked, and my dick aching to get hard in it's prison. After a while, I finally fell asleep too.

When I awoke in the morning, I saw that it was about 2pm, and I was alone. Angela had gone to work and left me bound to the bed. I could see a note hanging from the cock that was protruding from my mouth. It read:

"Dear Tina,

Sorry I left you as you are but I was late for work and did not know what to do. Heather said that she would poke her head in to check on you. I have the keys, so she can't free you even if she wanted to. I'll be home after 5pm to release you, and then we will go out to eat after you clean up.



On the bottom of the same note in different had writing was another note from Heather. It read:

"Hey slut, when you wake up you'll find that I came by while you slept and added a few things to you. The first is a catheter, which you pee into since you can't get up to do that. Also, I gave you couple more shots to help you sleep. Two little ones in your chest and one in your ass. These are to help with your hangover that you would have had. We have to keep our girl in good health. See you later, and don't wonder off. Heather"

I wanted to kill her. I could feel the catheter inside my dick, and it hurt worse than the butt plug that was still in me. I could also feel where I had gotten the shots she spoke of. I wondered what she was pumping me up with. I also felt a pain in my arm. I looked up to find that I was hooked up to an IV drip. How long was I to be bound?

When Angela came home, I tried to scream for her as loud as I could. She came into the room to find me as I was. She remarked that the IV was to keep me hydrated and the catheter was to help with urination so that I wouldn't get an UTI. She asked me how I felt and said that those vitamins I had been shot up with helped me not be sick after a night of drinking. She also said that she wished she had had the same shots and that she didn't feel to great from all the drinking. She pulled out the catheter, IV, and cock gag. She then released my bounds and helped me out of bed. She then unlocked the corset, un-laced it, and took it off of me. Then telling me to take a shower while she changed the bed sheets. As soon as I got into the bathroom, I stripped off my panties, and pulled out the butt plug. It hurt to pull it out as I did, but I needed to use the toilet so bad. The weight of the butt plug attached to my chastity device hurt a little as well. After I relieved my self. Angela came into the bathroom.

"Good, you took out your plug; I was coming in here to tell you to do that. So now that you're done, and before you put it back in, I need you to do something. You need to use an enema about 4 times to really clean yourself out. I didn't even argue. I just took the enema from her hand and went into the shower. After reading the directions I inserted the enema in me and then rinsed, and repeated, only to find Angela watching me the entire time. She then told me not to shave and that after my shower; I could put on some comfortable clothes and relax. That night, no one came over, and Angela kind of pampered me. It seemed that she felt bad for leaving me as I was. I only dressed back into the corset, panties, and a woman's tracksuit to lounge in. It was not very girly like that clothes had been wearing, but with my body in the shape it was in, it was definitely female. We cooked a little meal and ate. Then went out to see a movie. It was nice to feel loved again and that she was finally forgiving me. I didn't even have to get dolled up to leave, although Angela said I should put on a little make-up to make it look like I wasn't so tired from sleeping all day. Still, with the wig, nails, make-up and everything else, no one gave me a look that would suggest I wasn't a woman. When we got home, we were both tired and went to bed. She didn't even lock me up, but she did leave the corset on me saying that I need to get use to it and that it will make me slimmer and sure beats exercise and eating less. As long as I took vitamins and kept the corset on and kept up with my swimming, I would loose weight in no time. Not that I was fat, but she wanted me slimmer. I wore a full red nightgown to sleep in, and Angela wore a similar one. We lied down for bed then began making out like we use to when we first got together. It was amazing. I could tell she was getting turned on, as was I. We were rubbing each other's bodies. It was all nice and hot till she reached for my dick and felt its prison and said,

"Oh yeah, almost forgot. Sorry baby. Maybe next time. Let's just go to sleep for now."

And with that, we held each other till we fell asleep in our satin bed. Things were looking up from there.

The next morning, I awoke to find my self still free and still in my clothes from the night before. I was alone and it was only 11am. I knew Ang was at work. On the end table next to the bed was another note.

"Hey baby, I hope you slept well and wake up before noon. I booked you an appointment at the salon for 1pm; just go in something causal like last night. I already paid them with my credit card, so you don't need to take any money. Also, I made a shake for you; it's in the fridge. They will take care of you. I will see you when I get home. Be good, and have fun.

Love, Angela

P.S. I left you some panties to wear today. I would love to see you wear them for me."

I found the panties she referred to on the dresser. They were pink, satin, lace, and Lycra with lace ruffles on the butt. I thought "whatever" and continued to do my normal routine. I found the shake and drank it down after I dressed. It tasted stronger that before, like Angela put too much of the vitamins in it or something.

It was weird to drive my car. I hadn't even sat in it since everything went down, also showing something else that can be taking away from me if I fuck up. It felt strange to open the door with the long nails and try to change the radio. I adjusted the mirrors. With the corset on, I sat straight up, so I sat differently in my car. I sat higher up with my chest sticking out. It was also strange to have to pull the seat belt over my new breast forms to drive. I drove quickly to my appointment, dodging traffic to try to make it on time. When I arrived, I was yet again given the full treatment. But this time was different. All my body hair was waxed, and my eyebrows shaped. Then the wig was removed. I was given a facial while another girl did my nails. She removed the long nails and only did my existing nails and painted them, along with my toes, a color I picked out. They were painted a pinkish skin tone color, that didn't stand out so much but had a bit of a sparkle to it; that I didn`t notice till I held them up in the light. The wig was not re-attached, but a new one was placed on my head and styled. I could take this one off! My make-up was redone to be casual but still feminine style and to not look so sluttish. I looked more like a professional girl and not so "done up." After which, I drove home to find Eddy waiting for me at my house. As soon as I pulled up and got out, he walked to my car.

"Hey, I tried to call your cell."

"I don't even know where my cell phone is anymore. What's up?"

"Well don't you just look precious?"

"Please don't add to the humiliation dude. Let's go inside."

Once inside the house, I asked Eddy, "So can you help me or not?"

"I've been thinking of what I could do. You will have to give me some proof of what's going on here. Like pictures, recorded conversations, any evidence you know."

"I will have to record a conversation, but you are free to take pictures. I'll show you of what."

I showed him my dresser and closet where my clothes had been removed and replaced with female ones. He began taking pictures with his digital camera. I then had him take pictures of me and all the things that had been changed to my appearance. I even bit my lip and pulled down my pants and panties and showed him that chastity device and butt plug, panties, waxed skin, corset with locks, and glued on fake breast. He took many pictures, commenting on things. Asking me how some things felt on me. He then began to try and cheer me up and told me to pose pretty for a couple shots. I humored him and he took several shots of me in different poses of me pretending to be sexy. Showing him my panties and the straps to my corset, rubbing my nipples to my false breast. We joked and laughed at this till I was in horror when I heard the toilet flush. Who was in my house?

Heather came walking out of the bathroom, grinning from ear to ear.

"So, did your boyfriend come over to take photos of your pretty lingerie? Sounds kind of slutty to me."

"We were just having some fun at my expense."

"Sounds like fun. That's a nice camera Eddy, may I see it?"

"Sure thing!" said Eddy.

Heather looked at the photos on the camera, replying how naughty they were. After a few minutes of flipping through the pictures on the camera, she handed it back and ask Eddy how long he was staying, as we were about to leave.

"Well I have to head out too, but I will talk to you later Tyler and I hope to see you later as well Heather."

Heather smiled and said, "I'm sure you will."

After Eddy left, Heather went and locked the door. We had two dead bolts, a regular one and one that requires a key on both sides that we normally never locked. She locked them all, and then stuck the key down her bra. She then threw something at me, something small, hitting me in the face. It was the memory card to Eddy's camera that held all the pictures we just took. The only proof to the outside world to get my life back.

"Thought you were pretty smart huh? Thought that you could get out of your punishment that easy did you?"

"Look. I asked him for help before my new found freedom today, before when things were bad."

"Well if you thought things were bad before, you will wish for those days after what I do to you now!"

She took the card from my hand and ran to the sink in the kitchen and stuck it down the garbage disposal. The whole time I was yelling at her, pleating to forgive me and that I didn't mean anything by it. But she didn't listen; she went to her purse and got something out, keeping it behind her back. She then walked up to me and grabbed my chastity device, and pulled me to my room by my dick. I screamed out in pain. She then picked up the speed, enough for me to get a little run, while she stopped and got behind me and pushed me to the bed, then jumped on my back holding me down. I felt a sharp pain in my ass, and I went to yell in pain, before everything went black and I passed out.

I awoke to find my self bound in a hog-tied position and in darkness but I could hear loud rock music playing, covering up all sound. Only this time, I could feel a vibrater up my ass and on full blast. My chest and ass hurt again where I felt as if I was given shots again. My corset and chastity device were still on me. I could feel the long cock gag in my mouth again. I also felt something holding the dildo in my ass, like a harness, and I could also feel a collar on my neck that made my neck stay in one place.

I felt a deep pain in my head as if someone just punched me. I then heard a few voices, but couldn't make out the words through the music. Then, the gag was detached and pulled out of my mouth, and as soon as it was out of my mouth it felt like it was pushed right back in. But it was different. It was warm and felt like real skin, the cock was buried deep down my throat till I felt hair on my face. It was pubic hair, and this was a real cock! Where was I? Who's cock was in my mouth? Who ever it was began face fucking me for real. I couldn't keep up. As he was going to town on my mouth, I felt someone mess with the harness on the dildo in my ass, and pull it out, only to replace it with another. This on was real too. Dear God no, I thought. I had a dick in my ass too. And this guy had to be huge; it was if he was splitting me in two like a log. The two guys finally got a rhythm going and fucked my face and ass while I just laid there and cried. Suddenly, the burst of hot cum filled my mouth. They continued to fuck me as my mouth filled with cum. The guy then plugged my nose, making me swallow all his cum so that I could breath from my mouth, which was hard to do due to the throbbing cock in my mouth. Moments later, the guy in my ass shot his load deep into me. Ass soon as I thought it was over, both dick were replaced with two more and the cycle continued again. It seemed as though this went on for hours and with several different men. All other either shooting their load in my ass, or in my mouth and making me swallow it. Due to the constant prostate stimulation, I came without orgasm on what ever I was laying on, stomach down. I felt someone cleaning me up down there, only to shove my own cum in my mouth after the cock which resided in it was removed. I then felt the cock gag shoved back into my mouth and locked into place, and the dildo shoved back in my ass and locked in with the harness, which was placed around my waist. The dildo was then turned on to vibrate, I felt someone slap my face, and a heard a door close. Leaving me there bound, and in the mess of many men, nothing but a shell of the man I use to be. I felt broken and weak. I had just been rapped by God knows who and left here, where ever, for God knows what next. I cried till I fell asleep.

I awoke at home, bound, with Heather sitting my chest. She told me how I had been out for a few days and how I had been reattached to the catheter and IV. I had pains that felt as though I was shot up again; the butt plug was back in place, only now feeling a bit bigger than before.

"I hope you learned your lesson. There are things worse than having to wear some girl's clothes and be like us. I can make you get fucked like us. And if you keep being a little bitch, I'll make sure you get fucked like that till you die or you kill yourself. YOU GOT THAT WHORE?"

I shook my head yes as I cried. Realizing that it was all real and not a dream, that it all had really happened to me, and because Heather had wished it so. She then stuck something else into my IV and said "goodnight bitch." Afterwards the room went black and I was only left to dream of freedom.

When I wake up, I found that I was soundly in bed, in pink flannel pajamas wearing pink panties. I wasn't hooked up to anything but I still had the corset, chastity device and butt plug. Without being told to do so, I got up, peed, showered, lotioned up, dressed in an a nice blue panties, blue skirt, white blouse, strappy heels, and my gold jewelry. Then did my make-up, fixed my wig, and after a few squirts of perfume, strutted my ass into the kitchen. In the fridge was another shake. After enjoying my breakfast, I went on to my chores. This life that I feared was a lot better then the faint dream like state of rape I had. To let me know it was real, I later found a few pictures of dicks in my mouth while I had a blindfold on. The dates on the pictures were only a few days sold. This scared me straight or more so into servitude, as I would do anything for my girlfriend, and ANYTHING to not be mouth and ass rapped again. I only wondered how long this would continue. I had to return to work soon, and I couldn't go dressed as I was. At least I hoped not.

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