Becoming Tylers

By Jasper Jones

Published on Jul 28, 2023


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Work was crazy busy the following week and we were also in the middle of a heat wave with temperatures up in the high 80s and 90s every day. Tyler and I texted every day and made plans to go to the beach that weekend, which sounded pretty good given the temps.

When I got home from work on Thursday, there was a package waiting for me from a store I'd never heard of. I ripped the package open and there was a note: "J - something for Saturday - T". Inside was the tiniest speedo I'd ever seen. It was white and basically see through. I didn't even know how I was going to get it over my junk let alone wear it. It wasn't even lined! I hoped Tyler was kidding but deep inside I know he probably wasn't.

Just then my phone buzzed with a text from Tyler? "Did you get it? Show me." I snapped a pic and sent it to him. "No, Joe, I want to see it on you."

I stripped off my suit and stepped into the speedo. It was obscene. You could see my pubes coming out over the top and the outline of my dick was clear. Because of my bubble ass, you could see some crack. There was no way I could go out in public like this.

"It's too small, Tyler, I can barely get it on."

"Pic Joe. Now"

Reluctantly I snapped a pic and sent it to him.

"It's perfect Joe, pic me up on Saturday just wearing the speedo and flip flops. Bring a bag with towels, sunscreen and an umbrella. I'll see you at 10:30."

Fuck. Of course. I decided to do a little manscaping on my bush so at least it didn't stick out so noticeably above the top. I went from excited about the beach to nervous about what the day was going to bring.

I picked up Tyler at 10:30. He looked amazing in board shorts and a tank which really hugged his slender frame. I had on only the bathing suit and he gave me a kiss and an appreciative look. "Wow Joe, you look so amazing. I can't wait until people see your hot jock body at the beach." I told him how exposed I felt and uncomfortable in this tiny speedo and he just took my hand and put it on his dick which was rock hard under the board shorts. "I know, Joe, but it really turns me on to put you on display and have everyone jealous of my hot jock boyfriend. It'll be fine. I heard there is a gay beach if you go to the left of the parking lot. We can hit that up. You'll probably feel better there and I know the guys will be insanely jealous." That did calm me down a little.

We got to the parking lot and it was packed. Tons of families crowding the beach. Unfortunately for me we had to walk through about 1/4 mile of families before we would get to the gay beach. I was completely self-conscious and I could feel the heat rising to my face which was turning bright red with shame. Tyler loved every minute of it and even reached up and took my hand. What it must have looked like I don't know. A 6'3" muscle jock in his 30s with an almost see-through tiny speedo holding the hand of a small slender boy who looked like he could be in high school. I must have looked like the biggest pervert on the planet.

I heard a few people call me "disgusting" and "shameful" as we passed by and one guy muttered "fucking faggot" under his breath. In addition to lots of disapproving stares. I was actually nervous that one of the guys was going to take a swing at me, but we got through without incident and Tyler was absolutely loving it. I could tell that all the attention I as getting was turning him on.

Tyler picked a spot on the gay beach right in the middle of a crowd or 30 or 40 guys and we set up our stuff and went for a swim. It was nice to be in the water after all the heat that week and we had a good time swimming and body surfing even if it did make my speedo even more see-through.

I was lying on my towel on my stomach and Tyler said "Let me put some sunscreen on you, Joe. You're going to burn up." He started at my shoulders basically giving me a massage as he rubbed sunscreen on my body. It felt so good, his hands were strong and I just melted into them. He worked his way down my back and then did my legs, sliding his hand up in between my legs and giving my junk a squeeze. It felt amazing. I felt his hands on my ass, massaging sunscreen onto my cheeks. It felt great.

I felt Tyler pull down the top of my suit and rub more sunscreen on my cheeks. My eyes shot open and I looked around and saw guys staring at us. Then I felt one finger slide into my hole. I tried to get up but Tyler used his free hand to hold me down. "No, Tyler, please, not in front of everyone."

"Shhh shhhh Joe, nobody's really watching and the ones who are, are completely turned on." He slid another finger in and then a third. Tyler was slowly finger-banging me in front of 30-40 guys. I just shut my eyes and hoped it would be over soon, but he kept going on for a really long time. My cock was rock hard and dripping into my bathing suit as Tyler's slender fingers kept banging against my prostate and I couldn't help it and let out a moan or two. "Oh fuck, Joe, your ass feels so good, I can't wait to get my cock inside you again and breed your hole. Look at your jock pussy, my jock pussy on display for everyone." He leaned up and whispered in my ear how proud he was that I was his boyfriend and then he licked my lobe, which always makes me crazy. Guys were glued to the scene with some of them clearly rubbing their hard-ons in their swim suits.

After a while, Tyler stopped finger fucking me and pulled up my speedo like nothing had happened. "C'mon Joe, let's go for a walk into the dunes. I really need to get off after that."

I barked. "No, Tyler, I can't get up. I am rock hard and there is pre-cum on the front of my suit. Please don't make me do this. Give me a second for my dick to go down and the pre-cum to dry."

"Sorry, Joe, I need to get off now, but if you want to stay here I'm sure I can find someone else in the dunes to help me out." He was clearly disappointed.

Tyler got up and started walking toward the dunes. I was broken. I got up, my raging hard-on tenting the fabric obscenely and followed Tyler. Guys were staring, I was beet red and couldn't believe how low I'd sunk. "You made the right decision, Joe, but I'm going to have to punish you for talking back to me. You know how I hate having to explain it to you over and over again." I apologized, but I knew it wasn't going to save me from whatever punishment Tyler had in mind.

We walked for a while and came upon three hot guys in the 20s with their dicks out stroking.

"Hey guys," Tyler called out, "do you mind if me and my boy join you?" The looked up kind of quizzically and just shrugged.

"No man, the more the merrier." Tyler pulled out his thick fuck meat and they all kind of gasped but nobody said anything and they kept stroking with Tyler joining in. I didn't really know what to do. Was I supposed to join in, suck Tyler, what?

Tyler said, "Hey guys, I was wondering if you could help me out. My boy here talked back to me earlier and I want to teach him a lesson. How would you all feel about nutting on his face?"

"Fuck yeah." "Totally hot, dude, yeah." "I'm down."

"Joe, get on your knees." I knew I had to. This was my punishment and there was no way I was going to talk back to Tyler again. I got down on my knees. The guys and Tyler all started concentrating on their stroking. Tyler told me to rub my cock through my speedo. I reached out to suck Tyler's cock but he batted my hand away. "You've got to earn it, Joe." That hurt more than almost anything.

One by one the guys pasted my face with their loads. I had jizz in my hair and running down my chin and face and on my chest. Tyler was last to nut and shot rope after rope all over my face. Tyler's load pushed me over and I came in my speedo leaving a big obvious mess. The 20-year olds left and it was just me and Tyler.

I started to reach to wipe the cum away but Tyler batted my hand away. "No, Joe, that wasn't your punishment. Your punishment is walking back to your towel just like that, with cum dripping off your face and your load clearly visible in your speedo." I just burst into tears. It was too much. I couldn't take all of this embarrassment and humiliation.

"I know, Joe. I know. But you have to learn and I promise you can rinse off before we head back to the car, ok?"

"Ok Tyler," I said through my sobs. I pulled myself together and we started the walk back to the towels.

As we got into sight, it seemed like the entire beach full of guys turned and stared and went quiet. As we got closer, someone started a slow clap that was eventually joined by everyone on the beach. There were 40 guys whistling and hooting and clapping. Some of them called me a "whore" and a "cheap cocksucker" and a "cum slut." I wanted literally to die. My red face was streaked with tears and cum, there was cum in my hair and a visible load in my swimsuit. It seemed like an eternity but I finally made it back to my towel and the noise quieted down. I lay there quietly sobbing. Eventually Tyler told me to head in for a swim to clean up and the water felt good on my cum soaked face and speedo.

We walked back to the car mostly in silence. I was still recovering from one of the hardest days of my life. I was completely broken. Tyler kissed me before he got out of the car and it felt like everything was going to be ok.

I spent Sunday at the gym and hanging out in my apartment catching up on Netflix and work. Tyler texted a few times and it seemed like everything was back to normal.

On Monday I got to work and there was a hand-written note on my desk. "I know what you did. 10 AM. Conference room 8." I went into a full blown panic. I just assumed this was about Tyler and I hated myself for being so careless in public. But maybe it was something else. I had some coffee an answered a few emails but my stomach was in knots.

I made my way to Conference room 8 and if the person was looking for privacy this was the perfect spot. The conference room was on an out-of-the-way floor and when the door was closed it was completely private. I got there at 9:55 and just sat and waited.

At 10 on the dot, Chris Bullard a first year associate walked in and locked the door. Chris was about 6'2" but only about 150 pounds soaking wet. He had a mop of brown hair, brown eyes and was the quintessential nerd. He wasn't ugly or anything, but he just wasn't hot or sexy at all. He was the victim of a lot of office pranks. I'd barely worked with him.

"Hey Joe, thanks for coming, I really appreciate it." He started off pretty friendly putting me at ease.

"Sure, Chris, what can I do for you?"

"I was at the beach on Saturday and saw what happened. I was hoping you could help me out?"

"I'm not sure what you mean, Chris."

"Well, Joe. Here's the thing. I'm gay and I need to get off 2-3 times a day at work. I don't mind jerking off in the unisex stall, but I was thinking how much better it would be if I had a personal cum slut in the office who could use his mouth and ass to get me off a few times a day. Maybe even try some fetishes I've always been curious about. I thought you might be gay, but I knew you were totally out of my league. I mean look at you. You're the perfect muscle jock - tall and handsome - and I'm kind of a pathetic nerd. But now after what I saw I think you may be able to help me out. What do you say, Joe?"

"Look Chris, I have no idea what you think happened at the beach, but I'm just going to forget this conversation happened and get back to work."

"Ok, Joe. Suit yourself. It would be a shame though if this ended up on the company intranet. I jerked off to it 10 times this weekend." Chris held up his phone and played a video of me and Tyler walking in from the dunes. My face was streaked with tears and cum, which was clearly visible in my hair and on my chest also. There was a pan down to my obscene cum-soaked speedo. If this got out, I'd be ruined.

I hung my head and whispered "Ok, Chris. You win, what do you want."

Chris stood up, lowered his pants and pulled out a really nice 7 inch cock.

"You can start by sucking my cock, Joe." I dropped to my knees and went to work on his cock. 5 minutes later I was rewarded with a healthy load shooting straight into my gut.

"Thanks, Joe. I have access to your schedule. I'll be in touch. I can't believe an alpha stud like you is going to be my bitch. Makes working here somewhat tolerable." He spit on my face, turned and walked out and I was left to consider my predicament.

That's it for Part IV. Thanks for reading and don't forget to support Nifty.

Next: Chapter 5

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